Install angular-tree-component
npm install @circlon/angular-tree-component
Import TreeModule
import { TreeModule } from '@circlon/angular-tree-component';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [TreeModule],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Add css to styles.scss
or include in angular.json
@import '~@circlon/angular-tree-component/css/angular-tree-component.css';
We are redoing the documentation. You can find the new documentation here:
The API Reference is still in our old documentation for now:
angular-tree-component supports angular 2 and above, and AoT compilation.
Run npm run build
(npm run build:win
for windows users) to build. Run npm start:example-app
and open localhost:4200 to test your code before submitting a pull request.
To run tests locally - make sure port 4200 is available and run:
$ npm run build # build:win for windows; wait until build finished
$ npm run start:example-app # Wait until webpack finishes and http://localhost:4200 is available
$ npm run test:dev
Please check the issues / project before starting to work on a feature / bug to make sure it's not already in progress.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
angular-tree-component's People
hajoxx isaacplmann abhaypsingh bertvh tunnelduck stephenlujan kilianssl dvose sheff146 romanchak undefined-solutions afogli loveywjung ofadown sclausen ysw505 krzysztofsaja ck110 gemiinisystems jomarquez ddlpdev er-lim zzx88991 awallat dennyx samuelbeliveau vororrich szrekawek xbilanska subhani1249 123rajneesh schmuli popojargo fredrik-macrobond bryongwang vsavkin kuldeepkeshwar esugoi sunyuanonly achimha dellax gerasimovpk jskrzypek gabrielrosset romanovma judequinn ids9 petercmuc 1ik soarc nikolasleblanc justmelnyc yoyoma214 leiyuxin albrechta typ1993 web-es6 hidetarou2013 yparenteau snackypete jvandemo fjghc alexey3 sergeypaladi dojchek huangzhenhong 12kb edmondchuihw yuvarajmuthu gilad1987 shigi gitsupportio jonathanohayon mkomar82 neighbor21 ghybs andrewaurea vikram-raj edwardyangxin mintl nasirkhan07 erasethis ee08b397 pronebel mjsgreen01 nagyistge galtalmor rajeshadl groussac rainstormza jewettcitysoftwarecorporation bjfr abrissirba pennaliu thenephalim lesliesu myfirstgit559 jlclove tcxq42aa 4dtechnologiesangular-tree-component's Issues
Reliability, and `toggle() is deprecated, please use toggleExpanded()`
I notice the expansion of nodes can be rather unreliable (sometimes clicking does nothing), and this warning pops up in the console when it actually does expand:
toggle() is deprecated, please use toggleExpanded()
Your demo does not have the reliability issue, but does still throw that warning up in the console.
I am using System.js if that makes a difference for this issue.
isExpanded = true does not expand
As the title says, I have some nodes with isExpanded: true
, but the treeview is collapsed on startup.
var nodes =
name: 'a',
isExpanded: true,
children: [
name: 'b',
isExpanded: true,
children: [
{ name: c', }
name: 'b',
isExpanded: true,
children: [
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'c' },
No errors are displayed.
Angular 2 RC4, angular-cli and system-js
SystemJS & Lodash
Currently we must load lodash manually into the project when using systemJS.
This should be solved.
I suspect it's got something to do with lodash being defined as ambient dependency.
Tempalate Url
I've two questions
Can I give tree custom template ?
is it compatible with angular rc 3 ?
Issue with event.preventDefault
In my case I have a form inside a tree node and I want to use the SPACE key but preventDefault() is preventing me of adding white spaces in my input fields. Can you give me a suggestion how can I resolve that or maybe you plan to refactor that in the future?
The package.json is still referencing RC7. Can you update it to use 2.0.0 instead ?
drag & drop not update view or model on drag end
drag & drop not update view or model on drag end
fails to install unless typings is installed globally
I'm not using Typescript so I don't have nor use typings
. It fails to install in the postinstall step as a result. I saw that the path is node_modules/.bin/typings install
- you should just be able to say typings install
and it should install based on the depended-on install of typings - no need to specify the full path.
drag & drop behaviour in the tree
drag & drop behaviour in the tree
1.2.0 version not in npmjs
npm install 1.2.0 version ,I got error:
`npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600
npm ERR! argv "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install"
npm ERR! node v6.3.1
npm ERR! npm v3.10.3
npm ERR! No compatible version found: angular2-tree-component@^1.2.0
npm ERR! Valid install targets:
npm ERR! 1.1.18, 1.1.17, 1.1.16, 1.1.14, 1.1.13, 1.1.12, 1.1.11, 1.1.10, 1.1.9, 1.1.8, 1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.4-dev3, 1.1.4-dev2, 1.1.4-dev
, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0
npm ERR!
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! d:\frontEnd\angular2\npm-debug.log `
Update to angular 2 rc.6
Can you please update the tree component to the last angular rc ?
Is its possible to focus multiple nodes
I'd like to filter the nodes, and focus all the nodes that satisfy the filter. Is that possible to do?
Rebuilding a tree after changing of some nodes
Suppose I have the following model which I pass to the tree component:
nodes = [{
name: 'test',
children: [{
name: 'test-child'
Now, if I do the following
nodes[0].name = 'test changed';
the displaying text will be changed.
But, if I perform this code
nodes[0].children.push({name: 'test-child-2'});
or even this one,
nodes[0].children = [{name: 'test-child-2'}];
nothing will be changed in the tree. It will display only the "test-child" node.
Is there any way to track these changes and rebuild the corresponding part of the tree? If no, is it possible to implement it?
Ability to configure keyboard navigation keys
In the current implementation of the tree it is possible to select/deselect a node with keyboard, pressing on enter/space. I have a requirement to implement tree node template with text input that allows spaces. Default behavior of enter/space is prevented, so it is impossible to use space inside node template.
I suggest to allow configuration of keyboard navigation keys through options object.
Tree doesn't expand on loading when expanded is true
Any idea why the tree doesn't expand on page loading? Below is my configuration:
In the view inside the Tree element:
[nodes]="tree" [focused]="true" [options] = "treeOptions"
In the component:
treeOptions = {
isExpanded: 'expanded',
treeNodeTemplate: MyTreeNodeTemplate,
loadingComponent: MyTreeLoadingTemplate,
context: this
Json returned from the server contains "expanded":true
[{"id":"8365a4e2-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"Tom Swift","expanded":true,"children":[{"id":"836da3e3-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[G] User","expanded":true,"children":[{"id":"838d876a-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[S] Launch_Default","expanded":true,"children":[{"id":"83ae0fec-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Put","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"83adf800-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Post","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"83addc0c-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Get","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"83ae25ec-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Delete","expanded":true,"children":[]}]}]},{"id":"836d72ed-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[G] Admin","expanded":true,"children":[{"id":"838c74c5-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[S] IDP_Default","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"838d708a-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[S] Gateway_Default","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"838d876a-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[S] Launch_Default","expanded":true,"children":[{"id":"83ae0fec-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Put","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"83adf800-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Post","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"83addc0c-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Get","expanded":true,"children":[]},{"id":"83ae25ec-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[P] Launch.refcodes.Delete","expanded":true,"children":[]}]},{"id":"838d5849-698e-11e6-b73e-0242ac12000e","name":"[S] OAuth2_Default","expanded":true,"children":[{"id":"ca4e7d44-2a47-4136-a796-04b660299f21","name":"[P] OAuth2.ui.Get","expanded":true,"children":[]}]}]}]}]
Feature - allow meta-level configuration
Allow to configure the tree's:
- viewEncapsulation
- changeDetectionStrategy
- selector
Using custom template, how can i call function that the tree component is on?
I have a tree that displays nodes. On each node i have a custom template, which offers the options Edit, Copy and Delete. When one of these options is pressed, i would like to open a modal window (using ng2-bootstrap) and ask the user to confirm their action.
Now i can do this, if I create a modal window in the custom template, but that seems like a lot of HTML to repeat for each node, so instead i would like to have my ModalComponent on the same component as my tree, and somehow raise an event when a button in a template is pressed....
How can i do this? Here is what i have so far
<Tree #tree [nodes]="nodes" [options]="options"></Tree>
<div *ngIf="tree.activeNode">
<!-- got modal here instead of within each node template!! //-->
<page-copy-modal #copyModal="copyModal" [page]=""></page-copy-modal>
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { TreeComponent } from 'angular2-tree-component';
import { PagesTreeNodeComponent } from './pages-tree-node.component';
import { PageCopyModalComponent } from './page-copy-modal.component';
selector: 'pages',
templateUrl: 'app/admin/page/pages.component.html',
directives: [ TreeComponent, RouterLink, PageCopyModalComponent ]
export class PagesComponent implements OnInit {
nodes: Page[];
options: Object = {
treeNodeTemplate: PagesTreeNodeComponent
ngOnInit() {
// nodes loaded here
// need these functions to be called from pages-tree-node-component.ts
onEdit () { }
onCopy () { }
onDelete () { }
{{ node.displayField }}
<div class="pull-sm-right options">
<a (click)="onEdit()">Edit</a> |
<a (click)="onCopy()">Copy</a> |
<a (click)="onDelete()">Delete</a>
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router-deprecated';
import { TreeNode } from 'angular2-tree-component';
selector: 'pages-tree-node',
templateUrl: 'app/admin/page/pages-tree-node.component.html'
export class PagesTreeNodeComponent {
node: TreeNode;
// on editing a page
onEdit() {
// call event on PagesComponent for edit??
onCopy() {
// call event on PagesComponent for copy??
onDelete() {
// call event on PagesComponent for delete??
<div bsModal #lgModal="bs-modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myLargeModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title">Copy page</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
Are you sure you want to copy this page, all its contents and all of it's child pages?
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary" (click)="onCopy()" aria-label="Copy">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" (click)="lgModal.hide()" aria-label="Cancel">
import { Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'
import { CORE_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/common'
import { MODAL_DIRECTIVES } from 'ng2-bootstrap/components/modal';
import { ComponentsHelper } from 'ng2-bootstrap/components/utils/components-helper.service';
selector: 'page-copy-modal',
viewProviders: [ ComponentsHelper ],
templateUrl: 'app/admin/page/page-copy-modal.component.html',
exportAs: 'copyModal'
export class PageCopyModalComponent {
@Input: any
onCopy() {
Clicking on Parent node does not change the icon to down arrow
I am using angular2-tree-component with webpack and all the functionality works just fine. The only issue I see is that if I click on a parent node that has one or more children, the icon of the parent node does not change to the down arrow when the parent node is in expanded state.
From what I can see I dont need to add any CSS files, it should just work. What am I missing?
UI looks and acts wrong
I just installed the component using angular rc3 and I have a bunch of loading element showing and when I click on a node every node expands. See gif below for an example.
Hi. I wanna display more than 1 field. Is it possible to display more than 1 field?
Internet Explorer
Test on IE
Update for rc5 - NgModules
Any plans on when is this component going to be updated to support rc5 and ngModules?
Remove shift / ctrl from action mappings
The user can use check using the $event
active async load
how to active async load??
Whats the best approach to styling?
Whats the best approach to styling the tree?
Title is displayed twice
onDeactivate event doesn't fire when another node is activated
If you activate a node and then activate a different node without multiselect, there is no onDeactivate event fired for the first node. This basically forces you to maintain your own list of selected nodes instead of relying on the tree to handle it for you.
I'd submit a PR, but I want to wait until you decide what to do with #43.
Js files?
The npm package does not contain the js file(s) of this component. This means the component can't be loaded with system.js. Do you have any plans to fix this (or am I missing something here)?
Remove the lodash dependency
Since this is a library, forcing the user to use lodash
is a problem.
In here there is a direct import of the whole lodash
It should be either removed and functionality should be manually written,.
Or, only required functions from lodash
should be imported.
Activate node using ngOnInit
I have the tree in a component, but want to activate the first node in the tree by default.
How can this be done?
option for auto-expanding a field
It would be nice to be able to say "this is expanded by default" - perhaps by doing expanded: true on the object. I don't want my tree to always be collapsed by default.
1.2.0 published to npm
Can you publish it to npm please..... Ta
TreeNodes with children not aligned with childless TreeNodes
TreeNodes with children are 4px to the right of TreeNodes with no children. You can fix this by setting the left padding of .toggle-children-wrapper
to 1px
instead of 5px
I'd submit a PR, but I want to wait until you decide what to do with #43.
Upgraded to 1.2.1 still can't bind
I still get this:
Can't bind to 'nodes' since it isn't a known property of 'Tree'. ("
<Tree #tree
[ERROR ->][nodes]="nodes"
<page-header [title]="'Coaching Planner'">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">User Selection</div>
<div class="panel-body tree-container" style="overflow-y:auto;">
<Tree #tree
<button (click)="tree.treeModel.filterNodes('Derek');">next node</button>
<div class="form-group" id="select-preset">
<div class="col-md-9">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">Pre-defined Reports</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="form-group" id="select-preset">
Select Preset Reports (optional)
<select class="form-control" id="selectpreset">
<option value="" disabled selected>Select your report preset</option>
<option aria-label="All Stars">All Stars</option>
<option>Business By Section</option>
<option>Business By Product</option>
<option>Advisor Pass or Fail</option>
<option>Staff Listing</option>
import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { TreeComponent } from 'angular2-tree-component';
selector: 'coaching-planner',
templateUrl: 'app/coaching-planner/coaching-planner.component.html',
styleUrls: ['app/coaching-planner/coaching-planner.component.css']
imports: [TreeComponent]
export class CoachingPlannerComponent{
data = "[{"name":"Jared Gould","...............
nodes: any = [];
constructor(private router: Router) {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.nodes = JSON.parse(;
myFilterNodes(): void {
gotoDetail(): void {
Feature - allow configuring indentation
Need to support these options:
- children padding - default
- allow to supply a method that returns the children padding for each node
- per node padding
- calculated by default as X * node.level
- allow to override X
- allow to supply a method that returns the padding for each node
Don't require @angular/router* and @angular/upgrade as peerDependencies
RC.2 Support
Please update dependencies to support Angular 2 RC.2.
Unexpected value 'TreeModule' imported by the module 'X'
I have downloaded the code from the master branch, built the code and tried to then use it in my application....
Now for some reason i get the error above?
In my module, i am doing this
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';
import { TreeModule } from 'angular2-tree-component/dist/angular2-tree-component';
import { PageComponent } from './page.component';
import { routing } from './page.routing';
imports: [ CommonModule, FormsModule, routing, SharedModule, TreeModule ],
declarations: [ PageComponent ]
export class PageModule {
I dont see anything wrong with what i have done?? Can someone help at all.
I have tried this with angular rc6 and rc7
How to filter tree?
how to filter on tree model?
Move from "typings" to "@types/XXX"
The current setup will error when the local system does not have the typings
global module.
There is a post install script that runs typings
Since typings
is fading away and @types
is the de facto solution for type definition, maintained by MS I suggest moving to it.
Template parse errors in RC6
With RC6 all components and pipes must now be declared via an NgModule. Unfortunately the following error message pops up since updating:
Can't bind to 'node' since it isn't a known property of 'TreeNode'. ("
*ngFor="let node of treeModel.roots"
[ERROR ->][node]="node">
"): TreeComponent@4:8
Any clue on this?
RC.3 Support
Please update dependencies to support RC.3.
Drag and drop?
Any plans to add drag and drop?
Possibility to select one node from the id.
Would be good to have the possibility to select an node by the id. I did not find this possibility in the API. In this case should fire an event informing that the node has been selected.
One great tree component that i use is the jsTree ( but it has the disadvantage of use jquery.
Follow my suggestion:
<Tree #tree [nodes]="nodes"></Tree>
<button (click)="tree.treeModel.selectNode(2)">next node</button>
nodes = [
id: 1,
name: 'root1',
isExpanded: true,
children: [
id: 2,
name: 'child1'
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'child2'
tree ready
How to event tree ready?
@ViewChild('treeProcessi') private tree:TreeComponent;
onInizialized tree is undefined.
ngAfterViewChecked is called many times for tree variable.
Documentation incorrect
Under configuration, the new context option, this part includes an option called template, which should actually be treeNodeTemplate
MyComponent {
treeOptions = {
template: '{{ }} <button ng-click="context.doSomething()">Go!</button>'
context: this
doSomething() {
should be
MyComponent {
treeOptions = {
treeNodeTemplate: '{{ }} <button ng-click="context.doSomething()">Go!</button>'
context: this
doSomething() {
Internet Explorer error - works in chrome / firefox
I am getting this in the console of IE when I try and use angular2-tree-component.
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
Error: XHR error (404 Not Found) loading http://localhost:64766/angular2-tree-component
Error loading http://localhost:64766/angular2-tree-component as "angular2-tree-component" from http://localhost:64766/app/coaching-planner/coaching-planner.component.js
Chrome and Firefox are not throwing errors.
Change icons
I'm using Material Icons all over my app and was wondering if I could use them on the tree-component, too?
I'm talking about chevron left+right, and expand less+more
Upgraded to Angular 2.0.0, binding problems now
I'm getting this error after upgrading to Angular 2.0.0.
[email protected]?main=browser:344 Unhandled Promise rejection: Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'nodes' since it isn't a known property of 'Tree'. ("<Tree #tree
[ERROR ->][nodes]="nodes"
[options]="o"): CoachingPlannerComponent@9:26
This used to work before I upgrade, and I haven't changed anything else.
This is my template code.
<Tree #tree [nodes]="nodes" [focused]="true" [options]="options"> </Tree>
`import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { TreeComponent } from 'angular2-tree-component';
selector: 'coaching-planner',
templateUrl: 'app/coaching-planner/coaching-planner.component.html',
styleUrls: ['app/coaching-planner/coaching-planner.component.css']
declarations: [TreeComponent]
export class CoachingPlannerComponent{
nodes: any = [];
constructor(private router: Router) {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.nodes = JSON.parse(;
myFilterNodes(): void {
gotoDetail(): void {
tree.treeModel.roots returns []
I want to collapse, expand roots after initialization.
I have initialized a tree with 1 root, which has several children.
I have defined the tree as a ViewChild, and after console.logging the tree
I can see in the console, that roots in treeModel is an array of length 1. But after console.logging tree.treeModel.roots
I get empty array.
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