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connect-auth's Issues

logging out

Hi, noticing some issues with the logging out example. After logging out, I still seem to be logged in. Steps to recreate:

goto /, see message 'unauthenticated'
goto /auth/basic, see login prompt, login, see authenticated message
goto /, see message 'authenticated'
goto /logout, get redirected to /, see unauthenticated message
goto /auth/basic, see authenticated message
goto /, see authenticated message


success method doesn't set authenticated property to true

shouldn't the success method in authExecutionScope.js set the authenticated property to true?

AuthExecutionScope.prototype.success= function(user, callback) {
this.executionResult.user= user;

How does one access the authenticated property?

Cant get the app.js to work with facebook

I could get the facebook, yahoo and twitter auth stuff working but cant seem to get facebook working.

I get the following error

TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getAuthorizeUrl'
at [object Object]. (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/connect-auth/0.1.3/package/lib/auth.strategies/facebook.js:59:35)
at next (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/connect-auth/0.1.3/package/lib/strategyExecutor.js:49:37)
at [object Object].authenticate (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/connect-auth/0.1.3/package/lib/strategyExecutor.js:55:10)
at IncomingMessage.authenticate (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/connect-auth/0.1.3/package/lib/auth.js:91:31)
at Object. (/home/sanjib/raptive/trunk/raptive/tests/unit/app.js:50:9)
at pass (/home/poushali/.node_libraries/connect/middleware/router.js:65:27)
at Object.router as handle
at next (/home/poushali/.node_libraries/connect/index.js:241:23)
at next (/home/poushali/.node_libraries/connect/index.js:188:17)
at pass (/home/poushali/.node_libraries/connect/middleware/router.js:78:17)

Did any of you find the same issue with facebook?

In oauth provider, "Can't use mutable header APIs after sent"

I'm getting this error a lot when oauth validation fails for one reason or another. I think it's due to an upgrade in Express. I can fix this myself, but wondering if anyone knows when/why it started happening, and how to fix it idiomatically wrt the rest of this package?

connect-auth breaks the architecture of connect

What do you think about these comments from:

"… [connect-auth breaks] the very powerful and easy to read onion-ring architecture of connect. A no-go - my opinion :). …
It must use next() because thats the idea behind connect. Connect has a layer-architecture / form of code structure. And every layer has the power to stop the request execution by not calling next(). If we are talking about authentication: An authentication layer will check if the user has the correct permissions. If everything is fine the layer calls next(). If not this auth-layer generates an error and will not call next()


Strong words and I am just really interested to find out if you had any defense/reason as to why this is the case, or plans to refactor?

Thanks heaps :D

Multiple Auth methods?

Should the additions to the session be partitioned by some kind of service identifier? For instance, if I authenticate against both Twitter and Facebook, won't the user data in the session be overwritten?

Previous request token checking in oauth strategy doesn't work

Right now the code looks like this:

self.provider.previousRequestToken(requestParameters['oauth_consumer_key'], function(err, result) {

But previousRequestToken in the example provider looks like this:

OAuthDataProvider.prototype.previousRequestToken = function(token, callback) {
  for(var key in this.oauth_previous_users_request_tokens) {
    if( this.oauth_previous_users_request_tokens[key] && this.oauth_previous_users_request_tokens[key].token == token ) {
      callback(new Error("Previously used token"));
  callback(null, token);

It's checking the value of token, which definitely is not the oauth_consumer_key, it's the oauth_token. The code on line 89 of _oauthservices.js needs to use oauth_token otherwise people could resubmit request tokens for access token generation.


It would be cool if there was a module like this for node, which makes using bcrypt really easy:

Developers* who use express would be very happy if this were built in somehow.



Module license

I could not find current License for this module anywhere?

is it MIT license like all other node modules seem to be?

Can't use with two different strategies

I'm trying to use connect-auth for Facebook and Twitter auth:

.use(c_auth({strategies:[ c_auth.Twitter({consumerKey: keys.twitterConsumerKey, consumerSecret: keys.twitterConsumerSecret}),
    c_auth.Facebook({appId : keys.fbId, appSecret: keys.fbSecret, scope: "email", callback: keys.fbCallbackAddress})],
    trace: true,
    logoutHandler: require('../node_modules/connect-auth/lib/events').redirectOnLogout("/"),
    firstLoginHandler: firstLoginHandler

The problem is, if user authenticates with one strategy (say, FB) and then tries to authenticate with another (Twitter) - connect-auth returns true for the second strategy even if user not even logged in into the service.

It doesn't matter which strategy is first, the second one always breaks after the first one.

I'm using the authentication middleware from one of your examples:

exports.auth_middleware= function auth_middleware(){
  return function(req, res, next) {
    var urlp= url.parse(req.url, true)
    if( urlp.query.login_with ) {
      req.authenticate([urlp.query.login_with], function(error, authenticated) {
        if( error ) {
          // Something has gone awry, behave as you wish.
          console.log( error );
        } else {
          if( authenticated === undefined ) {
            // The authentication strategy requires some more browser interaction, suggest you do nothing here!
          else {
            // We've either failed to authenticate, or succeeded (req.isAuthenticated() will confirm, as will the value of the received argument)
            console.log('from auth:', req.isAuthenticated(), authenticated);
    } else {

How do I fix this?

please publish new package -- [email protected] fails to install on [email protected]/[email protected]

commit 1e99df6 appears to have fixed the install error but unfortunately connect-auth hasn't published an updated package for npm to fetch. installing from source works, but npm could really use an updated version for general consumption.

% npm install connect-auth
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using [email protected]
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm WARN not supported on [email protected] connect-auth
npm WARN connect-auth supported engines: undefined
npm ERR! Error: [email protected] not compatible with your version of node
npm ERR! Requires: node@
npm ERR! You have: [email protected]
npm ERR! at /usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/install.js:173:32
npm ERR! at c (/usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/cache.js:47:12)
npm ERR! at /usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/cache.js:54:5
npm ERR! at /usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/utils/read-json.js:148:11
npm ERR! at /usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/utils/read-json.js:58:32
npm ERR! at P (/usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/utils/read-json.js:40:40)
npm ERR! at cb (/usr/local/Cellar/npm/0.2.3/libexec/lib/utils/graceful-fs.js:28:9)
npm ERR! at fs:84:13
npm ERR! at node.js:768:9
npm ERR! npm install
npm ERR! npm install
npm ERR! npm install
npm ERR! npm install
npm ERR! npm install @
npm ERR! npm install @
npm ERR! npm install @
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Can specify one or more: npm install ./foo.tgz bar@stable /some/folder
npm ERR! Installs '.' if no argument supplied
npm ERR! try running: 'npm help install'
npm ERR! Report this entire log at
npm ERR! or email it to [email protected]
npm not ok

Problem with ndistro

There is a problem when I'm using express and connect-auth and install both of them with ndistro. connect-auth overrides express' original link in the lib/node folder, so that express cannot be found anymore:

Using connect-auth in combination with connect-mongodb to store sessions ...

I'm currently trying to get connect-auth to work together nicely with connect-mongodb to store the sessions. I'm working with a dual facebook/custom login system. Connect-auth works wonderfully for both when the sessions are stored in the default memory store.

However when I switch over to connect-mongodb as the session store the facebook auth strategy works fine however my custom form based strategy fails. Is there any known reason for this?

FB Authentication is not working for me!

Hi, the fallowing code doesnt work, (response from FB doesnt authenticate), when I go to (I have it configured like this in my hosts file) and I get redirected to facebook asking for login, I enter my information and then it returns me to /auth/facebook but req.isAuthenticated() keep returning FALSE.

I do have the correct fbId and secret key. Inf fact its working with mongoose-auth but I really want to get connect-auth working for me.

Thank you in advance for any help!

var fbId= "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var fbSecret= "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var fbCallbackAddress= ""

var cookieSecret = "node";     // enter a random hash for security

var express= require('express');
var auth = require('connect-auth')
var app = express.createServer();

    app.use(express.session({secret: cookieSecret}));
            appId : fbId, 
            appSecret: fbSecret, 
            callback: fbCallbackAddress, 
            scope: 'email'

// Method to handle a sign-in with a specified method type, and a url to go back to ...
app.get('/', function(req,res, params) {

  req.authenticate(['facebook'], function(error, authenticated) { 
    console.log('STATUS: ' + authenticated);
    if (authenticated ) {
    else {      
     console.log('NOT AUTHENTICATED');

app.get('/auth/facebook', function(req,res) {

No method 'authenticate'?

I can't seem to get connect-auth to work at all. It just spits out an error saying, "Object # has no method 'authenticate'".

Using [email protected] and [email protected] from npm. Is there any known issues with those versions?

Here's the code;

express = require('express');
auth = require('connect-auth');
fb = require('./fb_creds.js');
app = express.createServer();

            appId :
            , appSecret: fb.secret
            , scope : 'email'
            , callback: fb.callback

app.get('*', function(req,res) {
    req.authenticate(['facebook'], function(error, authenticated) {
        console.log('It isn\'t even getting this far... :(');


Twitter: Latest permission level problems

Twitter just changed the way they do permissions and in the app settings you have to specifically authorize access for "direct messages". Normally you don't have to change anything to your app's code, but there is an issue where the new DM permissions are not authorized when the old authorization URL is called:

This gets fixed when the newer "" is being called. I recommend we make this change to the twitter auth strategy too. (Line 65, auth.strategies/twitter.js)

req.authenticate calls callback when redirecting

the following code fails with Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.

app.get '/auth', (req, res) ->
  req.authenticate ['github'], (error, authenticated) ->
    if authenticated
      res.render 'auth/accepted', user: req.getAuthDetails().user
      res.render 'auth/denied'

this is because the req.authenticate callback gets called even if connect-auth has already decided to do a redirect (and end()-ed the output stream). thus, the subsequent render in the callback causes issues

personally, i would not expect the callback to be called if connect-auth is doing a redirect

infinite redirect with 0.3.7 and github

So, i get redirected to github which redirects back to my auth callback which redirects to the page the user wanted. yay. but then this page redirects back to gh =( i dont understand why that would happen. the same code runs on 0.2.5 / 0.2.6 without issue.

Allow 2-Legged OAuth to work as an OAuth provider

The _oauthstrategies.js is a bit too strict.
requestToken method expects oauth_callback to be set and fails if it is not.
accessToken method expects oauth_verifier to be set and fails if it is not.
2-Legged OAuth and 3-Legged OAuth work if this requirement is removed.

HTTP Digest auth fails if using connect.router

connect.router modifies req.url, so when the digest auth strategy does var href=req.url and then uses href in constructing HA2 it is using a different url path than the client used, resulting auth always failing.

this is particularly the case if you do server.use('/api', connect.router(routes)); and then attempt to use digest auth in the routes.

a solution would be to use the uri component of the authorization header, which reflects what the client used.

error: socket hang up

Hi. First, thanks for the module. I upgrade to node v0.4.2 and when I run the example I get an error that says :

throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: socket hang up
at Client. (http.js:1502:26)
at Client.emit (events.js:42:17)
at Array. (net.js:800:12)
at EvenEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:108:26)

It also happen in my app. Is there a solution?

Express Twitter example

The example does not seem to be working.

res.send('Hello World: ' + JSON.stringify( req.session.auth.user ) );

This line returns a null session.

[Basic auth] Autologin after logout.


I've got issue with basic strategy. After req.logout() calling req.authenticate() automatically logs mi in (without prompting for password). This happens for me in my project and also in example connect-auth provides. I have node 0.4.11 and latest version of connect-auth.


connect-auth doesn't declare any dependencies (ie oauth, connect) in its package.json

it seems to work for me, but I'm not sure how... it doesn't work for my buddy (same version of node 0.4.7 and npm 1.0.6)

Facebook example produce error: Can't set headers after they are sent

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
    at ServerResponse.<anonymous> (http.js:526:11)
    at ServerResponse.setHeader (/home/alexey/node_modules/connect/lib/patch.js:44:20)
    at next (/home/alexey/node_modules/connect/lib/http.js:168:13)
    at next (/home/alexey/node_modules/connect/lib/http.js:213:9)
    at /home/alexey/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/session.js:296:9
    at /home/alexey/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/session.js:311:9
    at Array.<anonymous> (/home/alexey/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/session/memory.js:57:7)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26

Twitter access using Connect-Auth

I can authenticate resources within my app with FB/Twitter using Connect-Auth, but now how do I access my feeds post authentication ? Do i use the node-auth library separately to do this?

A couple of questions around this :

  1. How do I get hold of the access tokens for twitter/FB post authentication?
  2. When placing a normal http.request will the authenticated header get appended on to the request or do I need to use the node-auth api to place a request to fetch data? If so, where do I get a handle of the access tokens (see 1)?


Any plans to add openid support? I'll help if I can, but I'm busy for the next few weeks!


Will Google be added to the list anytime soon?
or has somebody got this working with Google authentication?

Cannot find module 'connect'

I am getting this error trying to start up my server.js.

It seems like we need to declare connect as dependency in package.json so that npm can install connect-auth correctly

Connect-auth doesn't play well with Express

When using Express, connect-auth only works by doing:

var app = express.createServer(
  auth( [
    auth.Twitter({consumerKey: TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, consumerSecret: TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET})        

But not when using the Express app.use thingies:

  app.use(auth( [
    auth.Twitter({consumerKey: TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, consumerSecret: TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET})        

Error when trying to run the test_oauth_client.js


When I try to run node test_oauth_client.js, everyhting starts up fine.
$ node test_oauth_client.js

24 Oct 23:08:04 - oauth : { _requestUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/request_token'
, _accessUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/access_token'
, _consumerKey: 'JiYmll7CX3AXDgasnnIDeg'
, _consumerSecret: 'mWPBRK5kG2Tkthuf5zRV1jYWOEwnjI6xs3QVRqOOg'
, _version: '1.0A'
, _authorize_callback: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback'
, _signatureMethod: 'HMAC-SHA1'
, nonceSize: 32
, headers:
{ Accept: '
, Connection: 'close'
, 'User-Agent': 'Node authentication'

But when I try to access it thro URL, it gives me this in the URL value

And I see in my logs
{ lastAccess: 1287958084173
, oauth_token_secret: undefined

What am I missing here? I am trying to be an oauth provider for my site.


Plain Text Authentication for login form

Is it a good idea to add a simple plain text strategy? So all login method can use the same middleware. Or I have to use another auth module to login local users and mimic the interface of connect-auth.
SSL redirect option maybe needed for this strategy. :)


Facebook Documentation

"Express Facebook example (with additional cunning sign in page redirect logic)"

Needs ?method=facebook added to var fbCallbackAddress= "" comment.

Presently, it reads:
// this could point to your /signin page

Should read:
// this could point to your /signin?method=facebook page

In the signin route, it will always fail, because Facebook isn't returning the "method" URL variable.

npm upgrade (currently a few months out of date)

I am unable to connect using facebook using the example in the wiki (it sends me through the facebook connect path but ends on "Facebook authentication failed :(").

I would log this as a bug, but after checking npm, it looks like it was last updated in march (almost 3 mths ago). Perhaps it is time to push an updated version out to npm (if things are mostly stable?) ?


express 2 not working

using the example twitter app, and express 2.0.0 and connect-auth 0.2.2

var twitterConsumerKey= 'MYKEY';
var twitterConsumerSecret= 'MYSECRET';
var express= require('express');
var connect= require('connect');
var auth= require('connect-auth');
var app = express.createServer();
app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'foobar' }));
app.use(auth( [
 auth.Twitter({consumerKey: twitterConsumerKey, consumerSecret:    twitterConsumerSecret})]) );
app.get('/', function(req, res){
    req.authenticate(['twitter'], function(error, authenticated) {
        res.send('Hello World: ' + JSON.stringify( req.session.auth.user ) );

I'm getting the following from node 0.4.2:

    throw new Error("Can't use mutable header APIs after sent.");
Error: Can't use mutable header APIs after sent.
    at ServerResponse.getHeader (http.js:521:11)
    at ServerResponse.header  /home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/express/2.0.0/package/lib/response.js:226:17)
    at ServerResponse.send  (/home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/express/2.0.0/package/lib/response.js:65:17)
    at /tmp/app2.js:16:9
    at /home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/connect-auth/0.2.2/package/lib/index.js:95:41
    at next (/home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/connect- auth/0.2.2/package/lib/strategyExecutor.js:45:39)
    at [object Object].pass (/home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/connect-auth/0.2.2/package/lib/authExecutionScope.js:18:3)
    at [object Object].halt (/home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/connect-auth/0.2.2/package/lib/authExecutionScope.js:15:8)
    at [object Object].redirect (/home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/connect-auth/0.2.2/package/lib/authExecutionScope.js:23:8)
    at /home/vince/.node_libraries/.npm/connect-auth/0.2.2/package/lib/auth.strategies/twitter.js:65:16

not working example and make

Hi there,

I've got node v0.4.10 and npm 1.0.13 and I've got it installed thru npm - npm install -g connect-auth.
Got into /usr/local/lib/node_modules/connect-auth

When I try make I get:
connect-auth (master) $ make /bin/sh: ./support/expresso/bin/expresso: No such file or directory make: *** [test] Error 127

Turns out that npm doesn't install any support dir.
So I cloned it from git, but expresso is empty... as well as oauth.

Then I tried the example:
connect-auth (master) $ node examples/app.js Caught exception: Error: EACCES, Permission denied at HTTPServer._doListen (net.js:1100:5) at net.js:1071:14 at Object.lookup (dns.js:153:45) at HTTPServer.listen (net.js:1065:20) at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/connect-auth/examples/app.js:122:8) at Module._compile (module.js:402:26) at Object..js (module.js:408:10) at Module.load (module.js:334:31) at Function._load (module.js:293:12) at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:421:10)

Please, let me know what I can check, install do?
npm ls shows I've got all dependancies.

pls rename lib/auth.js to lib/index.js

pls rename lib/auth.js to lib/index.js

I see that package.json specifies lib/auth.js as the main file but this breaks when using connect-auth without a package manager

Google2 doesn't work

I've modified a little bit Express Facebook example to work with Google2, but it doesn't work and returns no error. To be precise, the code below returns: {"scopedUsers":{}} null

            express.session({ secret: 'session secret' }),
                auth.Google2({appId : "appId", appSecret: "appsecret", scope: "email", callback: "https://domain/users"})
api.get('/users', function(req, res){
    req.authenticate([req.param('method')], function(error, authenticated) {
    if(authenticated) {
      res.end("<html><h1>Hello Google user:" + JSON.stringify( req.getAuthDetails() ) + ".</h1></html>")
    else {
      res.end(JSON.stringify(req.getAuthDetails())+' '+JSON.stringify(error));
api.get('/somepage', function(req, res){
  var sign_in_link= "/users?method=google2&redirectUrl=" + escape(req.url);
  if( req.isAuthenticated() ) {
    res.end('<html><body><h1>Signed in with Google</h1></body></html>')
  else {
    res.end('<html><body><a href="'+ sign_in_link + '">Sign in with Google</a></body></html>')

I've also tried modifications from here: #70 but it doesn't work either.

Configure Callback url for twitter


How do you configure the callback url for twitter authentication when using connect-auth? For Facebook connect there is a parameter which you specify when creating the auth strategy object. However, I don't see anything similar for twitter authentication.

~ Baradas

In oauth provider, "Can't use mutable header APIs after sent"

I'm getting this error a lot when oauth validation fails for one reason or another. I think it's due to an upgrade in Express. I can fix this myself, but wondering if anyone knows when/why it started happening, and how to fix it idiomatically wrt the rest of this package?

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