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mangosbot-bots's People


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mangosbot-bots's Issues

[Bug] Kicked from Bot Group upon relog


Whenever you logout you are kicked from the party. The bots still remain in the party with each other. I would seem that this happens even among players, so perhaps a core issue?

Expected behaviour:

You should remain in party with the rest of the bots indefinitely.
There is even an option in the mangosd.config, but no matter the value it doesn't seem to make any difference.
But from this config alone you would assume that players have to remain in party for some time before this config can even take effect, so what sense would it make to get kicked out?

If remaining in party is not possible because of how the core works, then the bots should also leave party whenever you logout. They already whisper you with "Good bye!" when you logout, so clearly they're aware of it.

#    Group.OfflineLeaderDelay
#        A grace period for an offline group leader to reconnect before tranfering leadership to a next suitable member of the group (in secs)
#        Default: 300 (5 minutes)
#                      0 (Do not transfer group leadership)

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Be in party with bots
  2. Relog

[AI Logic/Command/Strategy] Follow! command/strategy suggestion


The Follow command is one of the most important commands to use, and yet it has one major flaw: It is overridden in combat by the fighting strategies, making control of the bots during combat a complete hassle. E.g. if your bot rogue is engaged in melee against a boss who is about to cast a 10 yards wide aoe spell and you issue the follow command to your rogue, he will turn your way for a second then go back to meleeing. The result is that he will be hit by the aoe. Of course, you can always issue the flee command, which makes them passively follow you, but that's the issue right there: passively. With the flee command the healer bots won't do anything while running away. So, if you make the bots flee and you need to do it for an extended period of time, they will likely die from continued attacks of whichever kind.


What I want to suggest is adding a bit of extra functionality to the follow command that is not available in any other way.
Instead of being overridden by the attack functions, make the follow command override those instead. So when the rogue is meleeing the boss, a follow command would force him to follow you. ONLY in combat. The question is for how long? Well, there are 2 choices:

a) follow until you've reached 10 yards (or less) of the player, then go back to attacking
b) follow until you're given the attack command (which would also make the attack command more valuable)


In case I haven't explained what the difference between the current follow, flee and my suggested follow! is, I will leave an addendum.

FLEE = gives the bots the +passive,+follow strategies. The +follow strategy makes them come to your location and follow you. The +passive strategy turns off all their other routines. This combination effectively makes them moving ducks.

FOLLOW = gives the bots +follow and removes -passive and -stay. When outside of combat they will naturally just follow you. However, when in combat their +dps assist strategies will take priority and will supersede the follow strategy, which is perfectly fine, generally speaking. Of course you want bots to prioritize the combat strategy over the follow strategy.

What I'm suggesting isn't just a change in strategies but an actual disruptor strategy that says "Hey, now I want you to come over to my location and do your best to stay alive. Stop fighting, I'll tell you when to resume fighting."

FOLLOW!!! = let's call it the +just_shut_up_and_come_here_you_dummy strategy. It should supersede +dps assist or +tank aoe. Make the bots follow you in the same way as +follow does and use a rotation based on their instant cast abilities. Heals, defensive cooldowns, crowd control. And don't fight, just run, use instant casts and survive.

[Request] Hunter out of ammo notification


Unless you type "stats" regularly, chances are your hunter has run out of ammo and you don't even know it!
I would like a QoL feature for the hunters to say in chat when they're out of ammo for their ranged out. I can be like one of those red text errors "can't flee" or something.

[AI Formations] Priest Melee Formation causes her to flee


My priest has Melee Formation, just like everyone else in the group. But only she has this problem that's causing her to flee and go far away. In fact, it's more like she's staying at range than fleeing. Of course, no ranged, no flee strategies enabled, not even in the config. She doesn't have a ranged weapon equipped and it's regardless of her Healing or DPS roles.

Expected behavior:

She's supposed to stay in melee range just like everyone else. My mage also has melee formation and she's in melee all the time, even using her melee weapon.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Just have a priest with melee formation, I don't think any other setting affects her
  2. It's best that you remove all her -ranged,-flee strategies to confirm the problem


Setting her formation to near seems to solve this issue, but it causes another one. She won't release her spirit when killed. If you change her formation to melee when she's down on the ground she will release the spirit immediately.

Bots teleport while flying taxi

Bots try to teleport to master during taxi flight

  • Disable auto-teleport if bot is flying
  • Disable auto-teleport if master is flying

Picklocker ai

high lvl rogue randombot spawn in cities at bank randomly (x%) for some short time, offering picklock for 1-2 g

Implement auto cast for pets

Warlocks (and maybe Hunters) don't use auto cast pet abilities.
I saw hunter's Boar pet using charge, but I'm not sure it was activated by bot.

"cast Pet_spell_name" should activate auto cast for pets, but it's better to have some spells enabled by default, e.g. Imp's fireball

[AI Logic] Druid won't come out of Cat Form to buff


Druid, set on cat form dps, won't come out to rebuff when buffs have expired, no matter how much time passes out of combat. He seems to be glued to cat farm, haven't seen him come out at all. Even if I tell him manually to buff me or anyone, he says he can't do it; not even heal nor anything else.

Expected behavior:

Druid should check to see if the party needs buffs and reapply them when necessary.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Set druid to cat form and make sure you don't have mark of the wild. I have attached a screen with all my strategies.

[Crash] Mage Auto Talents can cause server crash


I've been experimenting with custom talents. I managed to setup successfully talents for paladin, rogue and priest, but for my mage they either don't apply at all, or they crash the server upon mage level up.


AiPlayerbot.PremadeSpecName.8.0 = Universal Mage
AiPlayerbot.PremadeSpecProb.8.0 = 100
AiPlayerbot.PremadeSpecLink.8.0.25 = 2552552312231531

This is what I used to crash the server. This basically puts all the points in arcane tree if you play with 3x talents by level 25.
There's an error in the console that shows up even for some of the premade specs, the same message. It could be connected.

Portal ai

high lvl mage randombot spawn in cities at bank randomly (x%) for some short time, offering portals for 1-2 g.
player need invite it ,trade the gold, and write in party chat how they want to go eg: /p Darnassus

Attunements for bots

Need to add auto-attunement for random bots

  • Molten Core
  • Onyxia Lair
  • Blackwing Lair
  • Naxxramas
  • Stratholme Key
  • Scholomance Key

AI healing(priest bot) don't want to heal "player"

AIbot healing class priests after some time don't want to heal they ignore "player" in group, they just buff "player" and they just focus other "bots" in group healing and keep ignoring even when "player" is tanking all mobs. Tested on 20+ priests bots and same thing they all ignore "player" if im alone with priestbot in group he just using "FADE" spell and spam shadow word plain or wand attack

Tried to change strategies/resetai and nothing helps even got mangosbot addon to easier changing things still same thing

playing right now VANILLA 1.12.1 SPP collection founded here

Shadowmourne and Raise Dead Bugged

For the WotLK section of SPP Classics I have found two bugs. I apologize if this is the wrong area but this is where it links to on the forum to post any discovered bugs.

Shadowmourne's special ability does not work. Soul shards do not gather in any capacity; further, it will start to play the initial animation of gathering souls, however since there are no soul shards to generate or dissipate the effect remains until logging out.

Raise Dead does not work in any capacity. Tried running server on two different computers and tried repairing the install but raise dead will never cast. It will turn dark as if it was cast, and when clicked on again will state "spell is not ready". This also remains until logging out.

[AI Formations] Formations: melee and far are bugged


The melee and far formations are causing the bots to try and mimic/adapt to my movements in combat. For example, if I strafe left and right they will too, even though it will obviously disrupt their fighting. This is most obvious on my mage, who needs to cast spells. The melee classes are affected too, but to a lesser extent because they have melee attacks and instant spells.

Additionally, it seems to also cause a strange bug where if one of the bots die they instantly release and revive themselves. I purposely took on a cave full of mobs to overwhelm them and my bots were dying very fast but also instantly reviving themselves. This may be fine if you like cheating, but it also destroys their gear.

With formations near, arrow, circle and chaos it seems to be fine, no apparent issues. The bots don't follow my movements and they don't release/revive cheat. Formation near seems to be the most consistent.

Expected behavior:

Formations melee and far should behave in the same way as formations near, arrow, circle and chaos, with only the positioning of the bots being different.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Set the bots to formation melee and after you engage in combat, strafe left and right. It's best if you have a mage bot because it's the most obvious.


For now, setting the bots to formation near, arrow, circle or chaos seems to work. By default they're set to formation melee, which may be problematic to players who aren't aware of this issue.
Also, formation circle is very good. It sets the melee classes in front and ranged classes in the back at a respectable range.

[AI Logic] Group Bots follow player when he's dead/ghost


When you die and go the graveyard the bots will teleport to you at the Spirit Healer. Once you start moving towards your corpse to revive yourself, the bots will follow you at matching speed through the world. This causes them to pull aggro of anything in their path. This can either lead to their deaths or to pull all the mobs nearby you when you revive.

Expected behaviour:

When you're dead, the bots should wait where they are. If they die themselves then they should wait at the Spirit Healer.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Die
  2. Wait for a moment for bots to teleport to you at the graveyard
    2.a) If the bots are in combat they will have to finish combat before teleporting to you
  3. Run to your corpse


When master is a ghost give the bots nc +stay.
Optionally, give bots nc +follow once the master is back alive.

if UnitIsGhost("player") and dead ~= 1 then
	nc +stay
	dead = 1
if not UnitIsGhost("player") and dead == 1 then
	nc +follow
	dead = 0

[AI Strategies] Group Bots seek targets on their own, outside the group, without permission


There are 3 strategies for target seeking: +dps assist, +tank aoe, +pvp
These strategies help bots determine which targets to attack in the following way:

a) +dps assist : go after the target with the highest threat held by someone else
b) +tank aoe : keep the highest threat on all enemies engaged in combat (or at least it should)
c) +pvp : prioritize enemy faction players/bots

Normally, +dps assist and +tank aoe only take into account the threat inside the party they're in, but currently they take into account everything going on around them, and they try to help players who are fighting outside of the group.

Bots inside human player groups with +pvp drop everything else and prioritize targeting enemy players.

Expected behaviour:

Group bots with +dps assist or +tank aoe should only seek targets that threaten the group internally, anyone else from outside the party should be ignored unless explicitly told to attack.

Bots who become part of a group with a human player controlling them, should automatically be taken away the nc -pvp strategy. This strategy is only useful for randombots so they can engage other players/bots in pvp.

The problem with how these strategies work right now is that it takes away the control of the bots from the human players, leading to chaos, where the bots inside the party seem to have a mind of their own. While it is ok for randombots to try and help or attack other players/bots on their own, the human player should always be able to decide whom to attack.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Have any of the 3 strategies applied to bots in your party: nc+dps assist,+tank aoe,+pvp
  2. Be around other bots who are fighting, or around enemy players (in case of +pvp)


For +dps assist and +tank aoe:
Limit the target seeking only to those who are engaged in combat with members of the bot's own group, unless solo.
For +pvp:
This should be the default strategy for bots, but the moment they are in group with a human player this should be removed, nc -pvp.

Herbs and Ore spawns

is there a reason why Herbs are all over the maps, i dont believe thats how it suppose to be. in westfall for instance, there are hundreds of herbs right next to each others including Earthroot where Earthroot are not suppose to be spawned there.

Min and Max level for bots

Hey this option in aiplayerbot.conf in vanilla doesn't work whenever i have bots in game new or old most of them are lvl 1 no matter what i do or change,i just got spammed with lvl 1 bots.

this is my confing and still lvl 60 are 5-10 bots, lvl 1 bots are 774 and some around 20-40
AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMinLevel = 55
AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMaxLevel = 60

[AI Logic] Healers casting revival spells twice


Healers cast revival spells twice, back to back. This causes them to waste mana, be locked into a secondary useless action for the duration of the second cast and just generally waste time.

Expected behavior:

They should wait a couple of seconds after their first cast to check if the target still needs to be revived.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Have someone in your party die
  2. This bug occurs with both paladins, priests and druids, so you need any of those


Some logic must stop them from casting it more than twice, so I imagine that adding a cooldown period between casts might solve this issue.

[AI Logic] Mage polymorph logic is busted


The Mage bot doesn't use Polymorph properly half the time.

My 5 man party was fighting 3 mobs. The 4 of us, except the mage, were focusing down 1 of them. The mage was casting Polymorph on the other 2, in turns, until she ran out of mana.

Example 2:
We were attacking multiple mobs and I was fighting one of the mobs that my tank and the rest of my party weren't attacking. My mage kept trying to polymorph the mob I was attacking.

Expected behavior:

To her defense, she's considering the assigned tank to be the leader of the party, not me. Which is a rather strange position to be in, but anyway. She's not checking to see if anyone other than the tank is currently attacking that target, or if there's already a polymorphed target.

When everybody is attacking the same target as the assigned tank in my group, she does polymorph one of the extra adds correctly. But like I said, sometimes she's confused and joggles through the extra targets with polymorphs until she's out of mana.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Pull at least 3 targets, but more is better. Make sure everyone else is attacking only 1 of them.; the tank is the only one who really matters, but just to be sure.


You might want to see if maybe the tank keeps changing targets which is confusing the mage. If the mage polymorphs based on whom the tank is attacking then that might be the issue. In all cases the tank was close to the polymorphed targets, even though from where I was standing it didn't seem like he was changing targets, may need further testing to confirm this.

Edit: I paid attention to what the bot tank was doing when the mage poly joggled between 2 mobs, and he was healing himself. I thought it may have had something to do with him switching targets, but he was targeting himself at that time. My mage poly joggled until she ran out of mana.

[AI Pathing] Group Bots teleport and fly through terrain


Group bots who are at a distance from the player, if being told to follow, will teleport to the player and immediately after, they will fly through terrain back those the targets they were attacking before they were given the follow command. Even when out of combat, the distance they prefer to use teleport instead of walking is far too short.

Expected behaviour:

The bots should try and run back to the player instead of teleporting, unless they are very far away (maybe >100 yards, outside of the minimap borders). They should also walk and use proper pathing instead of flying straight through terrain.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Ask your party bots to attack a target then move away from their location, the farther the better.
  2. Issue a follow command either using the mangosbot addon shortcuts or by typing "follow" in party chat.


The best example I can give is Trickerer's NpcBots who have exemplary pathing (probably thanks for the core as well. In the majority of situations, even if you jump off a cliff, the bots will try to find the correct pathing to get to you. They will take the road that goes behind the cliff, run to you and CC everything in their way if they can (freeze, snare, fear, stuns, whatever they can). They will not fight any mobs unless you also attack their pursuers; they're just interested in running, evading and making their way to you. BUT, if you jump off a cliff and there's just no path leading down the cliff to get to you, they will jump off the cliff too. And only when they are very far away, off the minimap, do they teleport. It's very elegant.

Guild/Arena charter sign

Add support for signing guild/arena charters to allow creating guilds/teams without any gm commands

[Request] Bots fall behind when running - movement speed boost

Bots can't keep up with the player when running long distances. Eventually they fall behind and get teleported. Giving them .mod speed 1.1 or 1.2 with gm commands helps them to run side by side with the player most of the time. This helps not only from an immersion perspective but also helps if you're going into combat. This movement increase should only affect bots in party with human player.

Bugs bots 1-7 lvl, crash server

So, what I got, I made it so that the bots increased their level with the help of mobs and quests, all from level 1, the configuration is almost untouched, the bots are 200-1000, the server x10 settings are minimal. Bottom line: we start all right, the bots come in, everything stops at reaching level 5-7, a lot of level 1 bots. Of the 100% bots, 87-95% are level 1-7, at least they leave the starting location from level 8-19 and everything also stops, there is no progress. The server worked for a maximum of 2-3 hours, red lines in cmd world, errors of achievements, I understand that the bots can not get them, errors of abilities, the server crashes, you need an auto-restart for this case. I will continue to test, let's see, I would like to see the transmogrifier, master portal, auto-login, I am still 19 lvl, before that everything in the world is normal in terms of settlement and quests. If that sorry for language, I Russian all Hi! ๐Ÿ˜…

Mages create indefinite food for rogues & warriors

Mage in group keep creating/giving food to warriors/rogues until they have their inventory filled.
Probably because warriors/rogues don't consider it "food" (e.g. they don't list conured food after "food" command)

Bots don't use Stones/Mana Oils

Bots in vanilla don't get appropriate Grinding/Sharpening stones.
Bots in vanilla don't use Mana Oils / Stones on their weapon.

[Bug] Bots not using Flight Master properly


Bots seem to be very inconsistent with taking the flight master. Surprisingly, they don't stop after 1 location anymore, they go the whole way. But after taking a few flights from SW to Menethil, I have noticed some issues.

First of all, even if all the bots are sitting properly in range of the Flight Master, some of them fail to take the flight. They give an error saying that there's no flight master to talk to, but in reality they were far too slow to talk to him and instead started flying/teleporting on the ground.

Picture 1: as you can see all bots sitting at the flight master

Picture 2: after taking the flight, 2 bots were in flight correctly, 1 bot was lagging on the Gryphon behind and eventually got dismounted and followed from the ground, and the last bot was on the ground

Picture 3: 4th bot was on the ground

It was clearer to see when flying from Menethil Harbor to SW. 2 bots were correct and 2 bots just started running on the ground saying there's no flight master. I did this a couple of times and it was the same.

I don't know if it's because of server lag, bots taking too long to make decisions, pathing logic that pulls them away too quickly on the ground, or whatever else, but it's definitely problematic outside of immersion too. Bots teleporting on the ground oftentimes die many times as we fly over dangerous areas or they take fall damage.

I also experienced a situation where, even though a couple of bots were flying correctly to begin with, they eventually got dismounted and started teleporting on the ground with the rest of them.

Expected behavior:

Either all 4 bots take the flight or none of them do. I don't mind if the bots stay at the flight master for the duration of the flight. It's not necessarily the most amazing thing for all of them to fly anyway, because they're usually stacked on top of each other. On V1, this used to work well enough that there was a little bit of a space between them, as they took the flight. But regardless, either all or none.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Fly from Menethil to SW, I think that's much easier to see the problem

[Request] Strategies saved permanently for alt bots

One of the biggest annoyances of playing with the bots for a prolonged period of time is having to redo their strategies so often.

I request a feature to definitively save the strategies for the bots in my party. These strategies should not be reset under any circumstances unless I explicitly do it myself using "reset ai". Or, have the option to save them somewhere externally, so that whenever they are reset I can just reload their saved strategies.

I could, of course, create macros for each individual bot, but the average player may not know how to do this, or be experienced/comfortable enough to add/remove strategies that often.

[Crash] Adding bots from a different account causes instant server crash

This issue is present from V1, but it's still relevant.
If you try to .bot add a bot from a different account than your current one, assuming that your current account is non GM, then the server will crash immediately.
Last time we talked about this, you said that this is to prevent normal accounts belonging to people causing harm to other people's accounts. That's fine, but the simple act of trying to add a bot from a different account shouldn't crash the server. It should throw some kind of error back at the user saying "not possible", instead.

Furthermore, it would be beneficial if there was a config allowing / denying access to bots from other accounts. On my own singleplayer server, I don't need to be concerned with this security measure. I would like to be able to invite bots using my non GM account from other accounts.

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