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basis_universal's Introduction


Basis Universal Supercompressed GPU Texture Codec

Build status

Basis Universal is a "supercompressed" GPU texture data interchange system that supports two highly compressed intermediate file formats (.basis or the .KTX2 open standard from the Khronos Group) that can be quickly transcoded to a very wide variety of GPU compressed and uncompressed pixel formats: ASTC 4x4 L/LA/RGB/RGBA, PVRTC1 4bpp RGB/RGBA, PVRTC2 RGB/RGBA, BC7 mode 6 RGB, BC7 mode 5 RGB/RGBA, BC1-5 RGB/RGBA/X/XY, ETC1 RGB, ETC2 RGBA, ATC RGB/RGBA, ETC2 EAC R11 and RG11, FXT1 RGB, and uncompressed raster image formats 8888/565/4444.

The system now supports two modes: a high quality mode which is internally based off the UASTC compressed texture format, and the original lower quality mode which is based off a subset of ETC1 called "ETC1S". UASTC is for extremely high quality (similar to BC7 quality) textures, and ETC1S is for very small files. The ETC1S system includes built-in data compression, while the UASTC system includes an optional Rate Distortion Optimization (RDO) post-process stage that conditions the encoded UASTC texture data in the .basis file so it can be more effectively LZ compressed by the end user. More technical details about UASTC integration are here.

Basis files support non-uniform texture arrays, so cubemaps, volume textures, texture arrays, mipmap levels, video sequences, or arbitrary texture "tiles" can be stored in a single file. The compressor is able to exploit color and pattern correlations across the entire file, so multiple images with mipmaps can be stored very efficiently in a single file.

The system's bitrate depends on the quality setting and image content, but common usable ETC1S bitrates are .3-1.25 bits/texel. ETC1S .basis files are typically 10-25% smaller than using RDO texture compression of the internal texture data stored in the .basis file followed by LZMA. For UASTC files, the bitrate is fixed at 8bpp, but with RDO post-processing and user-provided LZ compression on the .basis file the effective bitrate can be as low as 2bpp for video or for individual textures approximately 4-6bpp.

The .basis and .KTX2 transcoders have been fuzz tested using zzuf.

So far, we've compiled the code using MSVC 2019, under Ubuntu 18.04 and 20 x64 using cmake with either clang 3.8 or gcc 5.4, and emscripten 1.35 to asm.js. (Be sure to use this version or later of emcc, as earlier versions fail with internal errors/exceptions during compilation.)

Basis Universal supports "skip blocks" in ETC1S compressed texture arrays, which makes it useful for basic compressed texture video applications. Note that Basis Universal is still at heart a GPU texture compression system, not a dedicated video codec, so bitrates will be larger than even MPEG1. 1/10/21 release notes:

For v1.13, we've added numerous ETC1S encoder optimizations designed to greatly speed up single threaded encoding time, as well as greatly reducing overall CPU utilization when multithreading is enabled. For benchmarking, we're using "-q 128 -no_multithreading -mip_fast". The encoder now uses approximately 1/3rd as much total CPU time for the same PSNR. The encoder can now optionally utilize SSE 4.1 - see the "-no_sse" command line option.

Release Notes

The first texture (and possibly image/video) compression codec developed without "Lena"

We retired Lena years ago. No testing is done with this image:

Quick Introduction

Probably the most important concept to understand about Basis Universal before using it: The system supports two very different universal texture modes: The original "ETC1S" mode is low/medium quality, but the resulting file sizes are very small because the system has built-in compression for ETC1S texture format files. This is the command line encoding tool's default mode. ETC1S textures work best on images, photos, map data, or albedo/specular/etc. textures, but don't work as well on normal maps.

There's the second "UASTC" mode, which is significantly higher quality (comparable to BC7 and highest quality LDR ASTC 4x4), and is usable on all texture types including complex normal maps. UASTC mode purposely does not have built-in file compression like ETC1S mode does, so the resulting files are quite large (8-bits/texel - same as BC7) compared to ETC1S mode. The UASTC encoder has an optional Rate Distortion Optimization (RDO) encoding mode (implemented as a post-process over the encoded UASTC texture data), which conditions the output texture data in a way that results in better lossless compression when UASTC .basis files are compressed with Deflate/Zstd, etc. In UASTC mode, you must losslessly compress .basis files yourself. .KTX2 files have built-in lossless compression support using Zstandard, which is used by default on UASTC textures.

Basis Universal is not an image compression codec, but a GPU texture compression codec. It can be used just like an image compression codec, but that's not the only use case. Here's a good intro to GPU texture compression. If you're looking to primarily use the system as an image compression codec on sRGB photographic content, use the default ETC1S mode, because it has built-in compression.

The "-q X" option controls the output quality in ETC1S mode. The default is quality level 128. "-q 255" will increase quality quite a bit. If you want even higher quality, try "-max_selectors 16128 -max_endpoints 16128" instead of -q. -q internally tries to set the codebook sizes (or the # of quantization intervals for endpoints/selectors) for you. You need to experiment with the quality level on your content.

For tangent space normal maps, you should separate X into RGB and Y into Alpha, and provide the compressor with 32-bit/pixel input images. Or use the "-separate_rg_to_color_alpha" command line option which does this for you. The internal texture format that Basis Universal uses (ETC1S) doesn't handle tangent space normal maps encoded into RGB well. You need to separate the channels and recover Z in the pixel shader using z=sqrt(1-x^2-y^2).

License and 3rd party code dependencies

Detailed legal, license, and IP information is here. Basis Universal itself uses the Apache 2.0 licenses, but it also utilizes some optional BSD code (Zstandard). The supported texture formats are open Khronos Group standards.

All C/C++ code dependencies are present inside the Basis Universal repo itself to simplify building.

The encoder optionally uses Zstandard's single source file compressor (in zstd/zstd.c) to support compressing supercompressed KTX2 files. The stand-alone transcoder (in the "transcoder" directory) is a single .cpp source file library which has no 3rd party code dependencies apart from zstd/zstddeclib.c, which is also technically optional. It's only used for decompressing UASTC KTX2 files that use Zstandard.

Command Line Compression Tool

The command line tool used to create, validate, and transcode/unpack .basis/.KTX2 files is named "basisu". Run basisu without any parameters for help.

The library and command line tool have no other 3rd party dependencies (that are not already in the repo), so it's pretty easy to build.

To build basisu (without SSE 4.1 support - the default):

cmake CMakeLists.txt

To build with SSE 4.1 support on x86/x64 systems (encoding is roughly 15-30% faster):

cmake -D SSE=TRUE CMakeLists.txt

For Visual Studio 2019, you can now either use the CMakeLists.txt file or the included basisu.sln file. Earlier versions of Visual Studio (particularly 2017) should work but aren't actively tested. We develop with the most up to date version of 2019.

To test the codec:

basisu -test

To test the codec in OpenCL mode (must have OpenCL libs/headers/drivers installed, and have compiled OpenCL support in by specifying cmake -D OPENCL=TRUE):

basisu -test -opencl

To compress a sRGB PNG/BMP/TGA/JPEG image to an ETC1S .KTX2 file:

basisu -ktx2 x.png

To compress a sRGB PNG/BMP/TGA/JPEG image to an UASTC .KTX2 file:

basisu -ktx2 -uastc x.png

To compress a sRGB PNG/BMP/TGA/JPEG image to an RDO UASTC .KTX2 file with mipmaps:

basisu -ktx2 -uastc -uastc_rdo_l 1.0 -mipmap x.png

To compress a sRGB PNG/BMP/TGA/JPEG image to an ETC1S .basis file:

basisu x.png

To compress a image to a higher quality UASTC .basis file:

basisu -uastc -uastc_level 2 x.png

To compress a image to a higher quality UASTC .basis file with RDO post processing, so the .basis file is more compressible:

basisu -uastc -uastc_level 2 -uastc_rdo_l .75 x.png

-uastc_level X ranges from 0-4 and controls the UASTC encoder's performance vs. quality tradeoff. Level 0 is very fast, but low quality, level 2 is the default quality, while level 3 is the highest practical quality. Level 4 is impractically slow, but highest quality.

-uastc_rdo_l X controls the rate distortion stage's quality setting. The lower this value, the higher the quality, but the larger the compressed file size. Good values to try are between .2-3.0. The default is 1.0. RDO post-processing is currently pretty slow, but we'll be optimizing it over time.

UASTC texture video is supported and has been tested. In RDO mode with 7zip LZMA, we've seen average bitrates between 1-2 bpp. ETC1S mode is recommended for texture video, which gets bitrates around .25-.3 bpp.

Note that basisu defaults to sRGB colorspace metrics. If the input is a normal map, or some other type of non-sRGB (non-photographic) texture content, be sure to use -linear to avoid extra unnecessary artifacts. (Note: Currently, UASTC mode always uses linear colorspace metrics. sRGB and angulate metrics are comming soon.)

To add automatically generated mipmaps to the .basis file, at a higher than default quality level (which ranges from [1,255]):

basisu -mipmap -q 190 x.png

There are several mipmap options that allow you to change the filter kernel, the filter colorspace for the RGB channels (linear vs. sRGB), the smallest mipmap dimension, etc. The tool also supports generating cubemap files, 2D/cubemap texture arrays, etc.

To create a slightly higher quality ETC1S .basis file (one with better codebooks) at the default quality level (128) - note this is much slower to encode:

basisu -comp_level 2 x.png

On some rare images (ones with blue sky gradients come to bind), you may need to increase the ETC1S -comp_level setting. This controls the amount of overall effort the encoder uses to optimize the ETC1S codebooks (palettes) and compressed data stream. Higher comp_level's are significantly slower, and shouldn't be used unless necessary:

basisu -ktx2 x.png -comp_level 5 -q 255

Or try: basisu -ktx2 x.png -comp_level 5 -max_endpoints 16128 -max_selectors 16128

Note -comp_level's 3-4 are almost as good as 5 and are a lot faster.

The compressor is multithreaded by default, but this can be disabled using the -no_multithreading command line option. The transcoder is currently single threaded although it supports multithreading decompression of multiple texture slices in parallel.

Unpacking .basis/.KTX2 files to .PNG/.KTX files

You can either use the command line tool or call the transcoder directly from JavaScript or C/C++ code to decompress .basis/.KTX2 files to GPU texture data or uncompressed images.

To use the command line tool to unpack a .basis or .KTX2 file to multiple .png/.ktx files:

basisu x.basis

Use the -no_ktx/-ktx_only and -etc1_only/-format_only options to unpack to less files. -info and -validate will just display file information and not output any files. The output .KTX1 files are currently in the KTX1 file format, not KTX2.

The mipmapped or cubemap .KTX files will be in a wide variety of compressed GPU texture formats (PVRTC1 4bpp, ETC1-2, BC1-5, BC7, etc.), and to my knowledge there is no single .KTX viewer tool that correctly and reliably supports every GPU texture format that we support. BC1-5 and BC7 files are viewable using AMD's Compressonator, ETC1/2 using Mali's Texture Compression Tool, and PVRTC1 using Imagination Tech's PVRTexTool. Links:

Mali Texture Compression Tool



After compression, the compressor transcodes all slices in the output .basis file to validate that the file decompresses correctly. It also validates all header, compressed data, and slice data CRC16's.

For best quality, you must supply basisu with original uncompressed source images. Any other type of lossy compression applied before basisu (including ETC1/BC1-5, BC7, JPEG, etc.) will cause multi-generational artifacts to appear in the final output textures.

For the maximum possible achievable ETC1S mode quality with the current format and encoder (completely ignoring encoding speed!), use:

basisu x.png -comp_level 5 -max_endpoints 16128 -max_selectors 16128 -no_selector_rdo -no_endpoint_rdo

Level 5 is extremely slow, so unless you have a very powerful machine, levels 1-4 are recommended.

Note that "-no_selector_rdo -no_endpoint_rdo" are optional. Using them hurts rate distortion performance, but increases quality. An alternative is to use -selector_rdo_thresh X and -endpoint_rdo_thresh, with X ranging from [1,2] (higher=lower quality/better compression - see the tool's help text).

To compress small video sequences, say using tools like ffmpeg and VirtualDub:

basisu -comp_level 2 -tex_type video -stats -debug -multifile_printf "pic%04u.png" -multifile_num 200 -multifile_first 1 -max_selectors 16128 -max_endpoints 16128 -endpoint_rdo_thresh 1.05 -selector_rdo_thresh 1.05

For video, the more cores your machine has, the better. Basis is intended for smaller videos of a few dozen seconds or so. If you are very patient and have a Threadripper or Xeon workstation, you should be able to encode up to a few thousand 720P frames. The "webgl_videotest" directory contains a very simple video viewer. For texture video, use -comp_level 2 or 3. The default is 1, which isn't quite good enough for texture video. Higher comp_level's result in reduced ETC1S artifacts.

The .basis file will contain multiple images (all using the same global codebooks), which you can retrieve using the transcoder's image API. The system now supports conditional replenisment (CR, or "skip blocks"). CR can reduce the bitrate of some videos (highly dependent on how dynamic the content is) by over 50%. For videos using CR, the images must be requested from the transcoder in sequence from first to last, and random access is only allowed to I-Frames.

If you are doing rate distortion comparisons vs. other similar systems, be sure to experiment with increasing the endpoint RDO threshold (-endpoint_rdo_thresh X). This setting controls how aggressively the compressor's backend will combine together nearby blocks so they use the same block endpoint codebook vectors, for better coding efficiency. X defaults to a modest 1.5, which means the backend is allowed to increase the overall color distance by 1.5x while searching for merge candidates. The higher this setting, the better the compression, with the tradeoff of more block artifacts. Settings up to ~2.25 can work well, and make the codec more competitive. "-endpoint_rdo_thresh 1.75" is a good setting on many textures.

For video, level 1 should result in decent results on most clips. For less banding, level 2 can make a big difference. This is still an active area of development, and quality/encoding perf. will improve over time.

To control the ETC1S encoder's quality vs. encoding speed tradeoff, see ETC1S Compression Effort Levels.

More Examples

basisu x.png
Compress sRGB image x.png to a ETC1S format x.basis file using default settings (multiple filenames OK). ETC1S format files are typically very small on disk (around .5-1.5 bits/texel).

basisu -uastc x.png
Compress image x.png to a UASTC format x.basis file using default settings (multiple filenames OK). UASTC files are the same size as BC7 on disk (8-bpp). Be sure to compress UASTC .basis files yourself using Deflate, zstd, etc. To increase .basis file compressibility (trading off quality for smaller compressed files) use the "-uastc_rdo_q X" command line parameter.

basisu -q 255 x.png
Compress sRGB image x.png to x.basis at max quality level achievable without manually setting the codebook sizes (multiple filenames OK)

basisu x.basis
Unpack x.basis to PNG/KTX files (multiple filenames OK)

basisu -validate -file x.basis
Validate x.basis (check header, check file CRC's, attempt to transcode all slices)

basisu -unpack -file x.basis
Validates, transcodes and unpacks x.basis to mipmapped .KTX and RGB/A .PNG files (transcodes to all supported GPU texture formats)

basisu -q 255 -file x.png -mipmap -debug -stats
Compress sRGB x.png to x.basis at quality level 255 with compressor debug output/statistics

basisu -linear -max_endpoints 16128 -max_selectors 16128 -file x.png
Compress non-sRGB x.png to x.basis using the largest supported manually specified codebook sizes

basisu -linear -global_sel_pal -no_hybrid_sel_cb -file x.png
Compress a non-sRGB image, use virtual selector codebooks for improved compression (but slower encoding)

basisu -linear -global_sel_pal -file x.png
Compress a non-sRGB image, use hybrid selector codebooks for slightly improved compression (but slower encoding)

basisu -tex_type video -comp_level 2 -framerate 20 -multifile_printf "x%02u.png" -multifile_first 1 -multifile_count 20 -selector_rdo_thresh 1.05 -endpoint_rdo_thresh 1.05
Compress a 20 sRGB source image video sequence (x01.png, x02.png, x03.png, etc.) to x01.basis

basisu -comp_level 2 -q 255 -file x.png -mipmap -y_flip
Compress a mipmapped x.basis file from an sRGB image named x.png, Y flip each source image, set encoder to level 2 for slightly higher quality (but slower encoding).

WebGL test

The "WebGL" directory contains three simple WebGL demos that use the transcoder and compressor compiled to wasm with emscripten. See more details here.

Screenshot of 'texture' example running in a browser. Screenshot of 'gltf' example running in a browser. Screenshot of 'encode_test' example running in a browser.

Installation using the vcpkg dependency manager

You can download and install Basis Universal using the vcpkg dependency manager:

git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
vcpkg install basisu

The Basis Universal port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.

WebAssembly Support Using Emscripten

Both the transcoder and now the compressor (as of 12/17/2020) may be compiled using emscripten to WebAssembly and used on the web. Currently, multithreading is not supported by the compressor when compiled with emscripten. A simple Web compression demo is in webgl/encode_test. All compressor features, including texture video, are supported and fully exposed.

To enable compression support compile the JavaScript wrappers in webgl/transcoding/basis_wrappers.cpp with BASISU_SUPPORT_ENCODING set to 1. See the webgl/encoding directory.

Low-level C++ encoder API

You can call the encoder directly, instead of using the command line tool. We'll be adding documentation and some examples by the end of the year. For now, some important notes:

First, ALWAYS call basisu::basisu_encoder_init() to initialize the library. Otherwise, you'll get undefined behavior or black textures.

Create a job pool, fill in the basis_compress_params struct, then call basisu::basis_compressor::init(), then basisu::basis_compressor::process(). Like this for UASTC:

bool test()

	image img;
	if (!load_image("test.png", img))
		printf("Can't load image\n");
		return false;

	basis_compressor_params basisCompressorParams;

	basisCompressorParams.m_perceptual = false;
	basisCompressorParams.m_mip_srgb = false;

	basisCompressorParams.m_write_output_basis_files = true;
	basisCompressorParams.m_out_filename = "test.basis";

	basisCompressorParams.m_uastc = true;
	basisCompressorParams.m_rdo_uastc_multithreading = false;
	basisCompressorParams.m_multithreading = false;
	basisCompressorParams.m_debug = true;
	basisCompressorParams.m_status_output = true;
	basisCompressorParams.m_compute_stats = true;
	basisu::job_pool jpool(1);
	basisCompressorParams.m_pJob_pool = &jpool;

	basisu::basis_compressor basisCompressor;

	bool ok = basisCompressor.init(basisCompressorParams);
	if (ok)
		basisu::basis_compressor::error_code result = basisCompressor.process();

		if (result == basisu::basis_compressor::cECSuccess)
			ok = false;
	return ok;

The command line tool uses this API too, so you can always look at that to see what it does given a set of command line options.

Repository Licensing with REUSE

The repository has been updated to be compliant with the REUSE licenese checking tool ( This was done by adding the complete text of all licenses used under the LICENSES/ directory and adding the .reuse/dep5 file which specifies licenses for files which don't contain them in a form which can be automatically parse by the reuse tool. REUSE does not alter copyrights or licenses, simply captures information about licensing to ensure the entire repository has explicit licensing information.

To ensure continued REUSE compliance, run reuse lint at the root of a clean, checked-out repository periodically, or run it during CI tests before any build artifacts have been created.

E-mail: info @ binomial dot info, or contact us on Twitter

Here's the Sponsors wiki page.

basis_universal's People


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basis_universal's Issues

Many warnings when building with clang 8

Lots of unsuppressed warnings that should be fixed in the source or explicitly suppressed in the CMakeLists.txt:

-Wc++98-compat -Wc++98-compat-pedantic
-Wfloat-conversion -Wdouble-promotion -Wfloat-equal
-Wsign-conversion -Wimplicit-int-conversion -Wshift-sign-overflow
-Wglobal-constructors -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-variable-declarations
-Wcovered-switch-default -Wswitch-enum
-Wreserved-id-macro -Wgnu-anonymous-struct -Wnested-anon-types
-Wshadow-field -Wunused-macros
-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant -Wold-style-cast -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align
-Wcomma -Wextra-semi -Wextra-semi-stmt
-Wunreachable-code-break -Wdeprecated -Wmissing-noreturn
-Wnewline-eof -Wnonportable-system-include-path

Also, it would be nice to replace the -std=c++11 switch with the following in CMakeLists.txt:


And lastly, the following switches generate -Wunknown-argument on clang for Windows 8:

fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fPIC

error on Android, Not a PKM file

//step1 init
if (!g_pGlobal_codebook)
    g_pGlobal_codebook = new basist::etc1_global_selector_codebook(g_global_selector_cb_size, g_global_selector_cb);
basisu_transcoder *m_transcoder = new basisu_transcoder(g_pGlobal_codebook);

//step2 get data from java
jbyte *bytedata = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL);
jsize oldsize = env->GetArrayLength(data);

//step3 transcoding
uint32_t bytes_per_block = basis_get_bytes_per_block(cTFETC1);
uint32_t orig_width, orig_height, total_blocks;
if (!m_transcoder->get_image_level_desc(bytedata, oldsize, 0, 0, orig_width, orig_height, total_blocks))
    return env->NewByteArray(0);
m_transcoder->start_transcoding(bytedata, oldsize);

//step4 output to java
uint32_t required_size = total_blocks * bytes_per_block;
jbyteArray jbarray = env->NewByteArray(required_size);
jbyte *outdata = env->GetByteArrayElements(jbarray, NULL);

//logcat : b == true
bool b = m_transcoder->transcode_image_level(bytedata, oldsize, 0, 0, outdata, required_size / bytes_per_block , cTFETC1);

return jbarray;

transcode_image_level return true, but error when i use this etc byte[] Not a PKM file.
W/System.err:     at android.opengl.ETC1Util.createTexture(
W/System.err:     at android.opengl.ETC1Util.loadTexture(

However when i use a normal ect file, everything ok

Polyfill for browsers without WASM support?

Is it possible to support browser without WASM support?

According to the wasm compatibility chart, there're still majority of devices doesn't support WASM yet (like Safari below iOS 11).

I think to be more "Universal", Basis should provide some kind of polyfill for browser without WASM support (I guess decoding could be slower, but slower is still better than none right?)

Integrating with OSS-Fuzz

Greetings basis_universal developers and contributors,

We’re reaching out because your project is an important part of the open source ecosystem, and we’d like to invite you to integrate with our fuzzing service, OSS-Fuzz. OSS-Fuzz is a free fuzzing infrastructure you can use to identify security vulnerabilities and stability bugs in your project. OSS-Fuzz will:

  • Continuously run all the fuzzers you write.
  • Alert you when it finds issues.
  • Automatically close issues after they’ve been fixed by a commit.

Many widely used open source projects like OpenSSL, FFmpeg, LibreOffice, and ImageMagick are fuzzing via OSS-Fuzz, which helps them find and remediate critical issues.

Even though typical integrations can be done in < 100 LoC, we have a reward program in place which aims to recognize folks who are not just contributing to open source, but are also working hard to make it more secure.

We want to stress that anyone who meets the eligibility criteria and integrates a project with OSS-Fuzz is eligible for a reward.

If you're not interested in integrating with OSS-Fuzz, it would be helpful for us to understand why—lack of interest, lack of time, or something else—so we can better support projects like yours in the future.

If we’ve missed your question in our FAQ, feel free to reply or reach out to us at [email protected].


OSS-Fuzz Team

Support KTX input files

I'd like to be able to convert existing (compressed or uncompressed) KTX files to basis files using this tool. However, it appears that the tool only accepts PNG as an input file type

Is Basis supported on all devices?

Can we ensure that Basis is supported on all devices (like jpeg, png)?

Or should I prepare fallback to jpeg, png in case some devices does not support any compressed texture formats (Is there any device like that?)

Can't you load with dracoloader?

I use dracoloader loading to appear

[.WebGL-0000023A9FD93560]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering.

add a -output option

Coudnt find this option, currently the .basis is create from where the command is call, it would be great to add this feature.

Create libraries for compressor and transcoder

For easier integration in existing pipelines it would be nice if the transcoder and the compressor were provided as libraries and the tool would link with the 2 libraries.
for this i propose to

  • create a compressor folder with the following structure
    • include // public headers
    • prj // location for generated projects
    • src // source file and private headers
  • For consistency the transponder folder should have the same structure
    Let me know if this would be interesting so I can provide a MR


CMake: Unable to build on VS2019 16.3.0

I used the Open Folder feature in VS2019 to open the CMake project. The build fails with:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error D8021 invalid numeric argument '/Wextra'

It would be nice if the project features CMakeSettings.json

Better options documentation

The example are great but it would be nice to include in the README the complete list of the options we can use with the basisu command.

imageSize set incorrectly for unpacked cubemaps

There's either a problem with my understanding and use of the tools or a problem with the KTX output by basis.

I am trying to use basis to convert six images into KTX files each containing a cubemap.
I have the six images (files from here converted into PNGs with imagemagick).

I run
basisu greenhouse_skybox-*.png -tex_type cubemap -output_file cubemap.basis

The output is:

Basis Universal GPU Texture Compressor Reference Encoder v1.07.00, Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Binomial LLC, All rights reserved
Processing 6 total files
Read source image "greenhouse_skybox-0.png", 1024x1024
Read source image "greenhouse_skybox-1.png", 1024x1024
Read source image "greenhouse_skybox-2.png", 1024x1024
Read source image "greenhouse_skybox-3.png", 1024x1024
Read source image "greenhouse_skybox-4.png", 1024x1024
Read source image "greenhouse_skybox-5.png", 1024x1024
Total basis file slices: 6
Slice: 0, alpha: 0, orig width/height: 1024x1024, width/height: 1024x1024, first_block: 0, image_index: 0, mip_level: 0
Slice: 1, alpha: 0, orig width/height: 1024x1024, width/height: 1024x1024, first_block: 65536, image_index: 1, mip_level: 0
Slice: 2, alpha: 0, orig width/height: 1024x1024, width/height: 1024x1024, first_block: 131072, image_index: 2, mip_level: 0
Slice: 3, alpha: 0, orig width/height: 1024x1024, width/height: 1024x1024, first_block: 196608, image_index: 3, mip_level: 0
Slice: 4, alpha: 0, orig width/height: 1024x1024, width/height: 1024x1024, first_block: 262144, image_index: 4, mip_level: 0
Slice: 5, alpha: 0, orig width/height: 1024x1024, width/height: 1024x1024, first_block: 327680, image_index: 5, mip_level: 0
Wrote output .basis file "cubemap.basis"
Compression succeeded to file "cubemap.basis" in 8.616 secs

I then run basis to unpack the file
basisu cubemap.basis


Basis Universal GPU Texture Compressor Reference Encoder v1.07.00, Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Binomial LLC, All rights reserved
Input file "cubemap.basis"
File version and CRC checks succeeded
File info:
  Version: 13
  Total header size: 215
  Total selectors: 2646
  Selector codebook size: 5055
  Total endpoints: 1359
  Endpoint codebook size: 2270
  Tables size: 1326
  Slices size: 473232
  Texture type: cubemap array
  us per frame: 0 (0.000000 fps)
  Total slices: 6
  Total images: 6
  Y Flipped: 0, Has alpha slices: 0
  userdata0: 0x0 userdata1: 0x0
  Per-image mipmap levels: 1 1 1 1 1 1 

Image info:
Image 0: MipLevels: 1 OrigDim: 1024x1024, BlockDim: 256x256, FirstSlice: 0, HasAlpha: 0
Image 1: MipLevels: 1 OrigDim: 1024x1024, BlockDim: 256x256, FirstSlice: 1, HasAlpha: 0
Image 2: MipLevels: 1 OrigDim: 1024x1024, BlockDim: 256x256, FirstSlice: 2, HasAlpha: 0
Image 3: MipLevels: 1 OrigDim: 1024x1024, BlockDim: 256x256, FirstSlice: 3, HasAlpha: 0
Image 4: MipLevels: 1 OrigDim: 1024x1024, BlockDim: 256x256, FirstSlice: 4, HasAlpha: 0
Image 5: MipLevels: 1 OrigDim: 1024x1024, BlockDim: 256x256, FirstSlice: 5, HasAlpha: 0

Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC4 succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC2 succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC3 succeeded
Transcode of image 0 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC5 succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC4 succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC2 succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC3 succeeded
Transcode of image 1 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC5 succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC4 succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC2 succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC3 succeeded
Transcode of image 2 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC5 succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC4 succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC2 succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC3 succeeded
Transcode of image 3 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC5 succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC4 succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC2 succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC3 succeeded
Transcode of image 4 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC5 succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC1 succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC4 succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format ETC2 succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC3 succeeded
Transcode of image 5 level 0 res 1024x1024 format BC5 succeeded
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_ETC1_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC1_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC1_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC1_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC1_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC1_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC1_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_BC1_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC1_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC1_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC1_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC1_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC1_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC1_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_BC4_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC4_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC4_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC4_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC4_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC4_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC4_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_PVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_ETC2_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC2_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_ETC2_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC2_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_ETC2_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC2_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_ETC2_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC2_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_ETC2_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC2_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_ETC2_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_ETC2_5_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_ETC2_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_BC3_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC3_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_BC3_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC3_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_BC3_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC3_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_BC3_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC3_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_BC3_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC3_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_BC3_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC3_5_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_a_BC3_5_0.png"
Wrote KTX file "cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_BC5_0.ktx"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC5_0_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC5_1_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC5_2_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC5_3_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC5_4_0.png"
Wrote PNG file "cubemap_unpacked_rgb_BC5_5_0.png"

However if I load one of the KTX files (e.g. cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_ETC2_0.ktx) using libktx, ktxTexture_CreateFromNamedFile with KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT, libktx returns KTX_FILE_UNEXPECTED_EOF.

On inspection it appears as if, despite “numFaces” being 6 in the KTX file, only a single face image is present in the file. Similar results are seen using ktxTexture_GLUpload.

I have tried adding -tex_type cubemap to the unpack call but that didn't change the output.

Output from a libktx-based tool run on cubemap_transcoded_cubemap_ETC2_0.ktx shows the following header data. dataSize does imply there’s just one face image in the KTX.

|         Field        |   Dec   |    Hex   |       Enum       |
| glFormat             |       0 |      0x0 | <unknown>        |
| glInternalformat     |   36196 |   0x8d64 | GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES |
| glBaseInternalformat |    6407 |   0x1907 | GL_RGB           |
| glType               |       0 |      0x0 | <unknown>        |
| isArray              |       0 |      0x0 |                  |
| isCubemap            |       1 |      0x1 |                  |
| isCompressed         |       1 |      0x1 |                  |
| generateMipmaps      |       0 |      0x0 |                  |
| baseWidth            |    1024 |    0x400 |                  |
| baseHeight           |    1024 |    0x400 |                  |
| baseDepth            |       1 |      0x1 |                  |
| numDimensions        |       2 |      0x2 |                  |
| numLevels            |       1 |      0x1 |                  |
| numLayers            |       1 |      0x1 |                  |
| numFaces             |       6 |      0x6 |                  |
| kvDataLen            |       0 |      0x0 |                  |
| dataSize             | 3145728 | 0x300000 |                  |

Could you either check my use of the tool, or comment on the suggestion there might be a problem with basisu generating KTX files with numFaces set to 6 but only one face image in the file.


Thread safety of low level transcoder

Hey Rich!

We're working on an integration for the Unity Engine. The WebGL sample creates an instance of basisu_transcoder per texture, but as far as I can tell we only need one basisu_transcoder in our entire dll.

We're also looking into multithreading, but we can't quite tell if a single basisu_transcoder for the entire library would be thread safe. Nearly all functions in basisu_transcoder seem to be pure functions. In the readme you've mentioned that transcode_image_level and transcode_slice are thread safe.

That leaves start_transcoding, which I can't tell right away if it's thread safe, because it interacts with the low level decoder.

More details of our investigation are here: atteneder/KtxUnity#1

ETC1 decoding doesn't seem to work on Android

I'm not sure what exactly is wrong but I can't seem to get ETC1 transcoding to work on device inside any demo programs.

This is using Moto E4, Android 7.1.

Here's how it looks like, using

Here's what the logs say:

I suspect the issue isn't with ETC1 transcoding per se and it's instead with loader/texture setup/etc. Curious, does this generally work on Android - is it just my device that's broken, or is it a more widespread issue?

Feature request: a standard field for containing some kind of hash of the source image

One thing my organization has done with it's use of KTX is ensure that each KTX uses the key/value area to store a hash of the original uncompressed image. This then ends up becoming the primary key into an in-memory runtime cache of KTX files. This way if a user is using some kind of asset with embedded images (like an FBX or GLB with inline PNG images), then we can recognize multiple instances of the same input image regardless of their source. It would be handy if this was a standard field in the binomial format, or the contents of a standard key if arbitrary key/value pairs are supported.

API documentation?

Hello. Where can I find API documentation or examples on how to use the library for importing and transcoding images? I need to do specifically 2 operations:

  • feed the raw bitmap (it's in memory, no need to open files, etc) and obtain the basis texture (also in memory)
  • feed the basis texture and obtain a gpu-specific texture (also in memory, to be fed to the gles api)


Feature request: Transcode to uncompressed RGB(A)

There's a few cases where it would be useful to have the transcoder output uncompressed data (similar to the output of the command line tool with -unpack). Specifically, on systems that don't support any alpha-enabled compressed formats (unfortunately common on the web) it may be less disruptive to the existing render pipeline to choose to transcode those images to uncompressed RGBA and use that instead of restructuring the shaders to sample a separate color and alpha image on some platforms.

Obviously that's not optimal from a memory/performance perspective, and you'd get higher quality by using an uncompressed image in the first place, but it would allow more applications to fully switch over to using Basis for ~all their textures without compatibility concerns. Doing so would yield immediate benefits in terms of asset size in almost all cases, and since opaque textures are very common only a small portion of textures would need to use this path.

In addition, it could be a useful debugging tool in some situations (such as if the application's compressed texture rendering path is not functioning as expected.)

Assertion failure in basisu_enc.h

When compressing the assertion at line 1070 in basisu_enc.h fires.

assert(node.m_var == var_heap.get_top_priority());

However if basisu is compiled without assertions the resulting file appears to be okay at least to casual inspection.

Note that the CMake build, even with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Debug does not appear to include assertions. I verified this by adding assert(false); just before line 1070. It doesn't fire. Only in my Xcode Debug build are asserts present.

Compilation and example usage

While the README is quite extensive, perhaps it should have near the top a section for the impatient which gives the steps for compiling and using it from the command line. Something like

Compilation & Example Usage

cmake CMakeLists.txt

bin/basisu samples/kodim20.png        # to convert to basis format
bin/basisu samples/kodim20.basis      # to extract images from basis

More detailed examples

  • basisu x.png
    Compress sRGB image x.png to x.basis using default settings (multiple filenames OK)
  • basisu x.basis
    Unpack x.basis to PNG/KTX files (multiple filenames OK)
  • basisu -file x.png -mipmap -y_flip
    Compress a mipmapped x.basis file from an sRGB image named x.png, Y flip each source image
  • basisu -validate -file x.basis
    Validate x.basis (check header, check file CRC's, attempt to transcode all slices)
  • basisu -unpack -file x.basis
    Validates, transcodes and unpacks x.basis to mipmapped .KTX and RGB/A .PNG files (transcodes to all supported GPU texture formats)
  • basisu -q 255 -file x.png -mipmap -debug -stats
    Compress sRGB x.png to x.basis at quality level 255 with compressor debug output/statistics
  • basisu -linear -max_endpoints 16128 -max_selectors 16128 -file x.png
    Compress non-sRGB x.png to x.basis using the largest supported manually specified codebook sizes
  • basisu -linear -global_sel_pal -no_hybrid_sel_cb -file x.png
    Compress a non-sRGB image, use virtual selector codebooks for improved compression (but slower encoding)
  • basisu -linear -global_sel_pal -file x.png
    Compress a non-sRGB image, use hybrid selector codebooks for slightly improved compression (but slower encoding)
  • basisu -tex_type video -framerate 20 -multifile_printf "x%02u.png" -multifile_first 1 -multifile_count 20
    Compress a 20 sRGB source image video sequence (x01.png, x02.png, x03.png, etc.) to x01.basis

P.S. Saw this on Stephanie Hurlburt's twitter and thought I'd take the future for a spin. Looks great so far!

Difference between -level & -q options

Whats the difference between -q & -level options ?

From the README they both increase the quality of the output but whats their exact function and are they compatibles ?


stdlib in transcoder

Would you accept a pull request that replaces <vector> with stripped down non-stdlib code? Needing to link in the C++ standard library to decode basis files is kind of unfortunate

Non-deterministic results on different platforms

In the generate_hierarchical_codebook_threaded function, an std::unordered_map is used for counting unique training vectors.


Lines 1598 to 1608 in 6002320

bool generate_hierarchical_codebook_threaded(Quantizer& q,
uint32_t max_codebook_size, uint32_t max_parent_codebook_size,
std::vector<uint_vec>& codebook,
std::vector<uint_vec>& parent_codebook,
uint32_t max_threads, job_pool *pJob_pool)
typedef bit_hasher<typename Quantizer::training_vec_type> training_vec_bit_hasher;
typedef std::unordered_map < typename Quantizer::training_vec_type, weighted_block_group,
training_vec_bit_hasher> group_hash;
group_hash unique_vecs;

Iteration over the unordered map is implementation-dependent, so this code builds group_quant differently on MSVC and GCC/Clang.


Lines 1634 to 1638 in 6002320

for (auto iter = unique_vecs.begin(); iter != unique_vecs.end(); ++iter)
group_quant.add_training_vec(iter->first, iter->second.m_total_weight);

As a result, the encoder produces different selectors and codebooks on different platforms.

After switching group_hash to be an ordered map, files produced on different platforms are the same (likely with some performance cost):

diff --git a/basisu_enc.h b/basisu_enc.h
index 7d42121..7946c76 100644
--- a/basisu_enc.h
+++ b/basisu_enc.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <condition_variable>
 #include <functional>
 #include <thread>
-#include <unordered_map>
+#include <map>
 #ifndef _WIN32
 #include <libgen.h>
@@ -1602,8 +1602,7 @@ namespace basisu
 		uint32_t max_threads, job_pool *pJob_pool)
 		typedef bit_hasher<typename Quantizer::training_vec_type> training_vec_bit_hasher;
-		typedef std::unordered_map < typename Quantizer::training_vec_type, weighted_block_group, 
-			training_vec_bit_hasher> group_hash;
+		typedef std::map < typename Quantizer::training_vec_type, weighted_block_group> group_hash;
 		group_hash unique_vecs;

Maybe, there is a better way to achieve deterministic results.

Are these printfs intentionally not debug_printfs?

There are 2 regular printfs in basisu_comp.cpp one at line 496 that prints "Total basis file slices" and one, a couple of lines later, that prints all the information about each slice. Is it intentional that these are NOT debug_printf?

In my use of the compressor from within a library, I'd prefer it did not print anything.

Potential dereference of null pointer

line 4934: calling function ucvector_init() to initialize 'data'


in function ucvector_init()
line 245, 'data' may be assigned as null pointer.

p->data = NULL;

line 4936: 'data' is used as argument while calling function ucvector_push_back()

for(i = 0; info->iccp_name[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)info->iccp_name[i]);

while calling function ucvector_push_back()
line 263: dereference 'p->data' without checking whether it is a null pointer.

p->data[p->size - 1] = c;

(Our tool also found that in line 220 there is a check for 'data' which is the return value of calling function 'lodepng_realloc()', and assume that the value (data) is null. Even if this case will hardly happen, it is better to add an 'assert(p->data)' as a better software engineering perspective)

Does each transcoder only work with one basis file ?

Hello everyone, I'm trying integrate Basis Universal to my app. My data has many basis files (each basis contains many images). My approach is use only one transcoder, then call transcoder->start_transcoding (...) each time I want to get the texturefrom different Basis file but the transcoder only work with the first Basis data which i set to it via start_transcoding method.
So the question is:

  1. Did the transcoder work as intented or i missing some steps ?
  2. If one transcoder work with only one basis, so create multi transcoder and code book each time a texture was called may impact to performance ? Especialy when i use one texture to one basis (compression multi textures to one basis is killing my pc).

Thank you for support.

The unpacked image quality is not same as original image

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to pack my texture to basis format with following option get best quality
basisu x.png -level 5 -max_endpoints 16128 -max_selectors 16128 -no_selector_rdo -no_endpoint_rdo
My original texture
Here is unpacked texture for ETC1 format
As you can see, there is big different on unpacked texture, the color pixel doesn't smooth as original texture.
Any suggestion to get better quanlity texture please?
Thank you.

sRGB and SNORM formats

AFAICT tell there no infomation about wether the texture is in sRGB space or SNORM (for BC4/BC5).

Essentially we have to keep that metadata in the file name or some where else.

Would be good to store that data in the basis file itself

Create small Web Worker harness for invoking WASM transcoder

With the nice contribution in #7 , the WASM version of the Basis Universal transcoder is now practical to deploy along with web apps and libraries. Performance measurements (thanks @austinEng) show that it's within about 50% of the performance of the native version if compiled directly into the Chrome browser.

It would be beneficial to the community if a small harness could be written which would instantiate a web worker, load the WASM module on it, and define an API on the calling thread (and associated messages back and forth to the worker) so that the transcoder can easily be invoked without blocking the main thread.

Another thing to consider is whether fetch functionality should be incorporated, so that the worker can both fetch a Basis file and transcode slices out of it on demand, without bouncing all of the Basis file's data back to the main thread. (Only the transcoded data would be, and it would be transferred.)

CC @shrekshao @jdashg @RafaelCintron @grorg @donmccurdy .

Building for Native Android/iOS Support

Low priority question, feel free to answer whenever, or point me to resources to help me answer the questions... 😀

Pretty much all the documentation discusses transcoder support using wasm for the web, which the browser then handles a lot of the heavy lifting with via wasm, the transcoder and webgl.

However, I have a possible different use case, and I could be completely wrong on this idea. Can this code be easily be used naively to decode images into the gpu w/o a browser/wasm. Using XCode & Android NDX to build the code on iOS & Android. Do I just have to setup a OpenGL 2.x+ session and then point the trancoder to it somehow? I assume we need the OpenGL session so that it has access to the GPU; correct?


Using Draco Loader is normal for Android. It can't be displayed in apple, it can't be parsed correctly

Some textures appear significantly lower quality than others

Understanding that all GPU compression formats are lossy, and so some quality reduction is always to be expected, it seems that certain textures get hit significantly harder than others, often if they heavily consist of a single color (such as red). For example, this flag from Quake 3 (live demo w/ Basis textures)

Original PNG:

Basis, unpacked as ETC1:

Encoding was done with the following command line to try and get maximum quality:

basisu banner_strgg.png -level 5 -max_endpoints 16128 -max_selectors 16128 -no_selector_rdo -no_endpoint_rdo

The encoding effects are best observed in the upper left of the image, especially along highlights. Is this within the expected error margin of the encoder? Obviously the source image is fairly small which undoubtedly has an effect on the perceived output quality, but I'm curious if the heavy use of a single color is also expected to have a detrimental effect here, and if there's steps that could be taken while encoding that would minimize the artifacts?

Comments about _ofs header fields wrong

Comments in basisu_file_headers.h about the _ofs fields being "file offset(s) relative to the header" are incorrect. Looking at transcoder.cpp they are obviously relative to the start of the file.

Memory-mapped basis file


Great to see this open source! I was just wondering (and maybe there is already support for this) but for very large .basis files, will there be support for the scenario of memory-mapping the .basis file and being able to transcode image slices to memory? I'm thinking about virtual texture scenarios here where each image is a tile/page to load into a physical texture, but you don't want all the compressed files in memory. Maybe it is as easy as passing in an mmap pointer, I haven't tried yet...


ETC2 RG support

It is a bit difficult to use BU in a workflow that expects portable RGTC cupport for normalmaps, which are supported fine by both BC5 on desktop and ETC2RG on mobile. If transcoding to EAC is supported, i don't get why this does not work.

Basisu for Godot Engine

Was interested into adding this for the Godot Engine.

How difficult is it to remove the OpenMP dependency and keep multithreading?

Thoughts on Basis for Godot Engine? Best uses?

[Edited] Currently Godot defaults to S3TC.
[Edited] Godot can't use OpenMP.

Improve documentation

The README is very long, dry and boring to read. I think we could use a chunked, HTML styled tutorial like docs with a TOC and hyperlinks too with some examples, so that relevant information could be searched easily.
It would be nice to see some statistics about what overhead could we expect when using the transcoding over native compression.
Also having some version number at the top of the README would be helpful to notify that a new milestone was released/something has changed.

Support for more input image types


It would be nice to add support for more input image types.
Adding stb_image.h would allow support for tga, hdr and more!


Alpha support

Hi there,

Thanks so much for trying to solve this problem, which everyone tries to fix in various way.
Apparently alpha support is currently missing, and I wonder if there's any sort of ETA on supporting this. Is that very hard to support ? What would be a good way to start contributing helping here ?

Thanks !

PVRTC buffer sizes are computed incorrectly

Per PVRTC extension spec

6) How is the imageSize argument calculated for the CompressedTexImage2D
  and CompressedTexSubImage2D functions. 

  Resolution: For PVRTC 4BPP formats the imageSize is calculated as:
     ( max(width, 8) * max(height, 8) * 4 + 7) / 8

Width and height are clamped to 8 before computing the imageSize. However, transcoder computes a smaller size - instead of 32 bytes for 4x4 image, it assumes it's just one 8-byte block and returns 8 - which leads to glCompressedTexImage2D generating an error on iOS:

INVALID_VALUE: compressedTexImage2D: length of ArrayBufferView is not correct for dimensions.

I'm not sure if this is just padding - that is, if the workaround of transcoding the first 8 bytes in a 32-byte buffer and passing the resulting buffer to GL is correct, or if the remaining bytes need to be filled with meaningful information.

See mrdoob/three.js#16524 (comment)

Best practice format (desktop) - BC5?

I'm a bit weak on compressed formats and how they are supported across various API's.. apologies in advance if I've missed the mark

What I think I know... (in OpenGL speak)..

What confuses me, is this part of the README:

Devices/API's supporting BC1-5, BC6H, BC7: Transcode to a single BC5 textures, which used to be called "ATI 3DC". It has two high quality BC4 blocks in there, so it'll look great. Once BC7 alpha support comes online that will be the better option.

I think maybe I have misunderstood the intent of the above.
From what I understand BC5 is a two-channel texture format. Is there some additional magic to make that work for RGBA? Rendering a BC5 transcode using GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2 shows major artefacts.

For now I'm using BC3 and getting good results for RGBA textures.

Incidentally - and probably off-topic... is there documentation that indicates a mapping between each of the available transcode formats and their corresponding format/enum usage in OpenGL / Vulkan / Metal / etc?

Language wrappers?

If I have a single-file C wrapper and a single-file C# binding for part of Basis, is that something you'd be open to having in this repo? Or would you rather just link to it wherever I have it?

Switch to an arbitrary frame in video

I've tried to add a slider to test if quick switching between video frames would work, unfortunately, this generates fatal error very quickly and some frames look damaged as well, probably the API is used incorrectly. Would it be possible to support this kind of fast switching between frames or what do I miss in the API? I'm trying to evaluate if basis can be used to keep videos with satellite images instead of webm, to have a faster way to inspect them. Or maybe at least encode webm>basis locally to support faster inspection and editing locally.

Here is a code snippet built on top of webgl_videotest:

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