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bids-validator's Introduction

Node Tests Python tests bids-examples tests CircleCI Codecov DOI



  1. Web version:
    1. Open Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (currently the only supported browsers)
    2. Go to and select a folder with your BIDS dataset. If the validator seems to be working longer than couple of minutes please open developer tools and report the error at
  2. Command line version:
    1. Install Node.js (at least version 18.0.0)
    2. Update npm to be at least version 7 (npm install --global npm@^7)
    3. From a terminal run npm install -g bids-validator
    4. Run bids-validator to start validating datasets.
  3. Docker
    1. Install Docker
    2. From a terminal run docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/data:/data:ro bids/validator /data but replace the /path/to/data part of the command with your own path on your machine.
  4. Python Library:
    1. Install Python
    2. Install Pip package manager for Python, if not already installed.
    3. From a terminal run pip install bids_validator to acquire the BIDS Validator PyPI package or conda install bids-validator for the Conda package.
    4. Open a Python terminal and type: python
    5. Import the BIDS Validator package from bids_validator import BIDSValidator
    6. Check if a file is BIDS compatible BIDSValidator().is_bids('/relative/path/to/a/bids/file')
    7. Note, the file path must be relative to the root of the BIDS dataset, and a leading forward slash / must be added to the file path.


The BIDS Validator is designed to work in both the browser and in Node.js. We target support for the latest long term stable (LTS) release of Node.js and the latest version of Chrome.

There is also a library of helper functions written in Python, for use with BIDS compliant applications written in this language.

Please report any issues you experience while using these support targets via the GitHub issue tracker. If you experience issues outside of these supported environments and believe we should extend our targeted support feel free to open a new issue describing the issue, your support target and why you require extended support and we will address these issues on a case by case basis.

Maintainers and Contributors

All Contributors

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

The project is maintained by @rwblair with the help of many contributors listed below. (The emoji key is indicating the kind of contribution)

Please also see Acknowledgments.

Adam Li

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ““ πŸ›

Adam Thomas


Alexander Jones

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ€”

Ben Beasley


Chris Gorgolewski

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”£ πŸ“– πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸš‡ 🚧 πŸ§‘β€πŸ« πŸ’¬ πŸ‘€ ⚠️ βœ… πŸ“’ πŸ““

Chris Holdgraf


Chris Markiewicz

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ€” πŸ› πŸ’¬ πŸ”§ 🚧

David Nishikawa

πŸ’» ⚠️

Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos


Duncan Macleod


Franklin Feingold


Gregory noack

πŸ’» ⚠️

Horea Christian


Jakub Kaczmarzyk


Joke Durnez


Mainak Jas

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ€” πŸ‘€ πŸ““

Marco Castellaro

πŸ’» ⚠️


πŸ’» πŸ›

Michael Hanke


Mikael Naveau


Nell Hardcastle

πŸ’» πŸ€” πŸš‡ πŸ’¬ πŸ‘€

Nicolas Traut


Parul Sethi

πŸ’» ⚠️

Patricia Clement


Remi Gau

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ““

Richard HΓΆchenberger

πŸ’» πŸ““ ⚠️ πŸ›

Robert Oostenveld

πŸ’» πŸ€” πŸ› ⚠️

Rohan Goyal


Ross Blair

🚧 πŸ€” πŸ’» πŸ› πŸš‡ πŸ“† πŸ’¬ πŸ‘€ πŸ”§ ⚠️

Russ Poldrack

πŸ’» πŸ’΅ πŸ”

Soichi Hayashi


Stefan Appelhoff

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”£ πŸ“– πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸš‡ 🚧 πŸ§‘β€πŸ« πŸ’¬ πŸ‘€ ⚠️ βœ… πŸ“’ πŸ““



Taylor Salo


Teal Hobson-Lowther

πŸ’» ⚠️

Travis Riddle



πŸ€” πŸ’»

Wazeer Zulfikar


Yaroslav Halchenko

πŸ€” πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ““


πŸ’» ⚠️






πŸ’» ⚠️



The BIDS Validator has one primary method that takes a directory as either a path to the directory (node) or the object given by selecting a directory with a file input (browser), an options object, and a callback.

Available options include:

  • ignoreWarnings - (boolean - defaults to false)
  • ignoreNiftiHeaders - (boolean - defaults to false)

For example:

validate.BIDS(directory, {ignoreWarnings: true}, function (issues, summary) {console.log(issues.errors, issues.warnings);});

If you would like to test individual files you can use the file specific checks that we expose.

  • validate.BIDS()
  • validate.JSON()
  • validate.TSV()
  • validate.NIFTI()

Additionally you can reformat stored errors against a new config using validate.reformat()


Optionally one can include a .bidsignore file in the root of the dataset. This file lists patterns (compatible with the .gitignore syntax) defining files that should be ignored by the validator. This option is useful when the validated dataset includes file types not yet supported by BIDS specification.



You can configure the severity of errors by passing a json configuration file with a -c or --config flag to the command line interface or by defining a config object on the options object passed during javascript usage.

If no path is specified a default path of .bids-validator-config.json will be used. You can add this file to your dataset to share dataset specific validation configuration. To disable this behavior use --no-config and the default configuration will be used.

The basic configuration format is outlined below. All configuration is optional.

	"ignore": [],
	"warn": [],
	"error": [],
	"ignoredFiles": []

ignoredFiles takes a list of file paths or glob patterns you'd like to ignore. Lets say we want to ignore all files and sub-directory under /derivatives/. This is not the same syntax as used in the .bidsignore file

	"ignoredFiles": ["/derivatives/**"]

Note that adding two stars ** in path makes validator recognize all files and sub-dir to be ignored.

ignore, warn, and error take lists of issue codes or issue keys and change the severity of those issues so they are either ignored or reported as warnings or errors. You can find a list of all available issues at utils/issues/list.

Some issues may be ignored by default, but can be elevated to warnings or errors. These provide a way to check for common things that are more specific than BIDS compatibility. An example is a check for the presence of a T1w modality. The following would raise an error if no T1W image was found in a dataset.

	"error": ["NO_T1W"]

In addition to issue codes and keys these lists can also contain objects with and "and" or "or" properties set to arrays of codes or keys. These allow some level of conditional logic when configuring issues. For example:

	"ignore": [
			"and": [

In the above example the two issues will only be ignored if both of them are triggered during validation.

	"ignore": [
			"and": [
					"or": [

And in this example the listed issues will only be ignored if ECHO_TIME_GREATER_THAN, ECHO_TIME_NOT_DEFINED and either ECHO_TIME1-2_NOT_DEFINED or ECHO_TIME_MUST_DEFINE are triggered during validation.

"or" arrays are not supported at the lowest level because it wouldn't add any functionality. For example the following is not supported.

	"ignore": [
			"or": [

because it would be functionally the same as this:

	"ignore": [

For passing a configuration while using the bids-validator on the command line, you can use the following style to for example ignore empty file errors (99) and files that cannot be read (44):

bids-validator --config.ignore=99 --config.ignore=44 path/to/bids/dir

This style of use puts limits on what configuration you can require, so for complex scenarios, we advise users to create a dedicated configuration file with contents as described above.

In the Browser

The BIDS Validator currently works in the browser with browserify or webpack. You can add it to a project by cloning the validator and requiring it with browserify syntax const validate = require('bids-validator'); or an ES2015 webpack import import validate from 'bids-validator'.

On the Server

The BIDS validator works like most npm packages. You can install it by running npm install bids-validator.

Through Command Line

If you install the bids validator globally by using npm install -g bids-validator you will be able to use it as a command line tool. Once installed you should be able to run bids-validator /path/to/your/bids/directory and see any validation issues logged to the terminal. Run bids-validator without a directory path to see available options.

Docker image

Docker Image Version (latest by date)

To use bids validator with docker, you simply need to install docker on your system.

And then from a terminal run:

  • docker run -ti --rm bids/validator --version to print the version of the docker image
  • docker run -ti --rm bids/validator --help to print the help
  • docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/data:/data:ro bids/validator /data to validate the dataset /path/to/data on your host machine

See here for a brief explanation of the commands:

  • docker run is the command to tell docker to run a certain docker image, usually taking the form docker run <IMAGENAME> <COMMAND>
  • the -ti flag means the inputs are accepted and outputs are printed to the terminal
  • the --rm flag means that the state of the docker container is not saved after it has run
  • the -v flag is adding your local data to the docker container (bind-mounts). Importantly, the input after the -v flag consists of three fields separated colons: :
    • the first field is the path to the directory on the host machine: /path/to/data
    • the second field is the path where the directory is mounted in the container
    • the third field is optional. In our case, we use ro to specify that the mounted data is read only

Python Library

PyPI version Conda version

There are is a limited library of helper functions written in Python. The main function determines if a file extension is compliant with the BIDS specification. You can find the available functions in the library, as well as their descriptions, here. To install, run pip install -U bids_validator (requires python and pip) or conda install bids-validator (requires a Conda environment).


from bids_validator import BIDSValidator
validator = BIDSValidator()
filepaths = ["/sub-01/anat/sub-01_rec-CSD_T1w.nii.gz", "/sub-01/anat/sub-01_acq-23_rec-CSD_T1w.exe"]
for filepath in filepaths:
    print(validator.is_bids(filepath))  # will print True, and then False

Note, the file path must be relative to the root of the BIDS dataset, and a leading forward slash / must be added to the file path.


To develop locally, clone the project and run npm install from the project root. This will install external dependencies. If you wish to install bids-validator globally (so that you can run it in other folders), use the following command to install it globally: cd bids-validator && npm install -g (for windows users, if in a different drive add /d, e.g. cd /d F:\bids-validator && npm install -g)

Please see the for additional details.


bids-validator is bundled with esbuild. While developing, the script bids-validator/bin/bids-validator will automatically bundle the project each time it is run. To test a build without publishing it npm -w bids-validator run build. This will generate a bids-validator/dist directory containing the local build and bids-validator/bin/bids-validator will use this build. To return to automatic bundling on each run, remove the dist directory.

Running Locally in a Browser

A note about OS X, the dependencies for the browser require a npm package called node-gyp which needs xcode to be installed in order to be compiled.

  1. The browser version of bids-validator lives in the repo subdirectory /bids-validator-web. It is a React.js application that uses the next.js framework.
  2. To develop bids-validator and see how it will act in the browser, simply run npm run web-dev in the project root and navigate to localhost:3000.
  3. In development mode, changes to the codebase will trigger rebuilds of the application automatically.
  4. Changes to the /bids-validator in the codebase will also be reflected in the web application.
  5. Tests use the Jest testing library and should be developed in /bids-validator-web/tests. We can always use more tests, so please feel free to contribute a test that reduces the chance of any bugs you fix!
  6. To ensure that the web application compiles successfully in production, run npm run web-export


If it's your first time running tests, first use the command git submodule update --init --depth 1 to pull the test example data. This repo contains the bids-examples github repository as a submodule.

To start the test suite run npm run test from the project root. npm run test -- --watch is useful to run tests while making changes. A coverage report is available with npm run coverage.

To run the linter which checks code conventions run npm run lint.

Install globally from a development branch

Global installs are not recommended for development because of the possibility of package conflicts with other Node.js projects. If you do need to test with a global install from a development tree, follow these steps to generate the NPM package without publishing it and install the package locally.

  1. npm -w bids-validator run build
  2. npm -w bids-validator pack
  3. npm install -g bids-validator-*.tgz


Publishing is done with Lerna. Use the command npx lerna publish and follow instructions to set a new version.

Using lerna publish will create a git commit with updated version information and create a version number tag for it, push the tag to GitHub, then publish to NPM and PyPI. The GitHub release is manual following that.


Many contributions to the bids-validator were done by members of the BIDS community. See the list of contributors.

A large part of the development of bids-validator is currently done by Squishymedia, who are in turn financed through different grants offered for the general development of BIDS. See the list below.

Development and contributions were supported through the following federally funded projects/grants:

bids-validator's People


adam2392 avatar choldgraf avatar chrisgorgo avatar david-nishi avatar dependabot[bot] avatar depfu[bot] avatar dimitripapadopoulos avatar effigies avatar etiennebergeron avatar exbotanical avatar happy5214 avatar hoechenberger avatar jasmainak avatar konantian avatar marcocastellaro avatar mariehbourget avatar maxvandenboom avatar mnoergaard avatar naveau avatar nellh avatar oesteban avatar patsycle avatar remi-gau avatar rob-luke avatar robertoostenveld avatar rwblair avatar sappelhoff avatar setcodestofire avatar sjeung avatar suyashdb avatar


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bids-validator's Issues

Tests are out of data

$ npm test

> [email protected] test /Users/filo/drive/workspace/bids-validator-1
> mocha tests/

    1) should verify that NifTi files are compressed using gzip.

    2) should catch missing closing brackets
    3) should have key/value pair for "repetition_time"

    βœ“ should not allow contiguous spaces
    βœ“ should not allow different length rows
    βœ“ should not allow headers to begin with numbers

  3 passing (24ms)
  3 failing

  1) BIDS should verify that NifTi files are compressed using gzip.:
     TypeError: path must be a string
      at TypeError (native)
      at Object.fs.readdirSync (fs.js:813:18)
      at getFiles (utils.js:85:20)
      at Object.readDir (utils.js:66:17)
      at Object.module.exports [as BIDS] (validators/bids.js:211:11)
      at Context.<anonymous> (tests/bids.spec.js:18:18)

  2) JSON should catch missing closing brackets:
     TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null
      at repetitionTime (validators/json.js:64:21)
      at Object.module.exports [as JSON] (validators/json.js:27:13)
      at Context.<anonymous> (tests/json.spec.js:7:12)

  3) JSON should have key/value pair for "repetition_time":
     TypeError: callback is not a function
      at Object.module.exports [as JSON] (validators/json.js:31:9)
      at Context.<anonymous> (tests/json.spec.js:14:12)

npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

It seems that the tests are out of date - for example the .nii.gz tests calls the validator with a dictionary of files instead of a dir name.

Error in 0.16.1

Recently I upgraded the BIDS validator to 0.16.1 on one of our servers. When I tried to point it to a directory, I got the following error:

all_files = new Set(subject_files);
ReferenceError: Set is not defined
at missingSessionFiles (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/validators/session.js:50:21)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/validators/bids.js:187:50
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:52:16
at done (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:246:17)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:44:16
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/validators/bids.js:180:33
at NIFTI (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/validators/nii.js:220:5)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/validators/bids.js:178:29
at Gunzip. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bids-validator/utils/files.js:126:21)
at Gunzip.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)

Any idea what might be going on? Does your code left-pad at any point?

Support Policy (browser & node)

Now that there are more of us contributing to the validator and it's starting to be tested/used more broadly we should figure out what versions of node and browsers we want to officially support. Outside of those we can decide on a case by case basis whether it's worth it to add support.


This seems relatively straightforward. We can continue targeting the most recent LTS version of node. Right now that is v4.4.1. We can regularly update the version of node in Circle CI to match this to get day to day test coverage on this version.

Potential Conflicts
  • Users who are unable to update their system to the latest LTS version of node due to policies or access limitations where they're working.


This may also be straightforward. The web validator currently only supports chrome. This is because chrome is the only browser to support selecting a full directory into a file select input. If we only target support for Chrome there should only be a handful of language features node supports, but Chrome doesn't (block scoping, etc.). We can also be relatively sure users have an updated version because Chrome auto updates.

Potential Conflicts
  • People making applications that reconstruct a dataset in the browser from a database and then run validation on it.
  • People not using the the core BIDS validation function and instead using the validations that can run on single files such as testing an individual .tsv file.


It seems like we can go with latest LTS version in Node and the latest Chrome. Let me know if any of the above conflicts are serious enough to consider or if I'm missing other reasons to broaden support.

_defacemask for BOLD

Here is the file in question:


It contains motion estimates as part of a scanner-side distortion correction (corrected BOLD data is stored as "rec-dico"). AFAICS this should be valid. But the validator thinks otherwise.

Test consistency of scanning parameters

Several basic scanning parameters should be read from data and checked for consistency across subjects:

  • data dimensionality (x, y, z and time when applicable - _bold and _dwi)
  • resolution (in mm for the first three dimensions and seconds for the last one when applicable - _bold and _dwi)

Those parameters can be read from NIFTI headers (see here for details:

The consistency of those parameters should be checked across subjects (not necessarily across sessions). For each parameter and scan, a value expressed by the majority of subjects should be found and subjects deviating from this value should be reported in a warning.

This check is similar to nipreps/mriqc#29

choking on big dataset

I have tried to run the validator on a large dataset (>100 subjects) and it seems to go forever without spitting out any output. I'm happy to provide access to the TACC system if you want to try it out there directly.

[idea] error and warning codes

Right now a dataset that is very close to being BIDS compatible can generate a lot of errors and warnings (imaging RepetitionTime was missing - it takes one line on the top level to fix it but validator will show as many errors as there are bold files). This can be ver off-putting and overwhelming from the user perspective. One solution would be to group errors and warnings of the same type in the UI. To allow that we can add error/warning codes (as one more field in the error class).

Let me know what do you think.

Hangs with dangling symlink

If the validator hits a symlink that points straight to Valhalla it hangs forever and eventually exists with an exception -- without producing any other output. I guess it should simply report a dangling symlink as such. Those can be present of one uses git-annex for data management.

Move CircleCI config details to circle.yml

Currently some of the CircleCI build commands are stored in CircleCI servers (in Settings) rather than circle.yml. We should keep everything (apart from NPM passwords) in circle.yml.

Code 38: Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme.

When I run the BIDS validator on some data with multiple visits I get the following error:

3: Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of > files with the same naming scheme. (code: 38)

This is then followed by many, many lines stating that a number of files should exist according to the validator, but don't. The problem I'm having is that in our study, for some visits/sessions some acquisitions are acquired that aren't acquired for other visits/sessions, so pretty much all of these hypothetical missing files are for acquisitions that wouldn't be taken in a given visit. Is this something that BIDS mandates or is this more meant as a warning for studies where multiple sessions should have the same number/type of acquisitions?

Error reading some .nii.gz files

I'm getting errors reading this file (actually all nifti files from this dataset - ds109):

On commandline:

orange:bids-validator filo$ node nameOfFile.js /Volumes/Samsung_T1/bids_examples/symlinked/ds109/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz
{ error: 'Unable to read /Volumes/Samsung_T1/bids_examples/symlinked/ds109/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz' }

With the online version when I try to validate full version of ds109 I get an JS error:

r   @   app.min.js:24606
i.onloadend @   app.min.js:30419

(which is also concerning - why would I get a different error on command line and online?)

BTW the file is not corrupted:

orange:bids-validator filo$ fslinfo /Volumes/Samsung_T1/bids_examples/symlinked/ds109/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz
data_type      INT16
dim1           144
dim2           192
dim3           192
dim4           1
datatype       4
pixdim1        1.200000
pixdim2        1.197917
pixdim3        1.197917
pixdim4        2.200000
cal_max        0.0000
cal_min        0.0000
file_type      NIFTI-1+

ReptitionTime Rounding in NifTIs

Another thing I've noticed when running the validator is that very often I'll get warnings like the following:

1: Repetition time did not match between the scan's header and the associated JSON metadata file.
(code: 12)
Repetition time defined in the JSON (2.0 sec.) did not match the one defined in the NIFT
I header (2.01 sec.)

When I inspect the NifTI headers with 3dinfo, I do indeed get 2.01 seconds. However, when I open up the original DICOM headers I get 2000 ms. My guess is that there is some sort of rounding error when the NifTI headers are created (we've been using mcverter). Would it be possible to make the validator more robust to this sort of scenario (maybe using something similar to numpy's isclose method?).

hardcoded paths and a test that should be failing

I recently noticed that a path in one of the tests is hardcoded to a value that works only on @constellates workstation. Despite that fact the tests are still passing (both on my machine and on CircleCI) even though they should fail, because the file does not exists. Maybe for some reason the callback with the assert was not called?

gulp build is currently broken

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
at new JS_Parse_Error (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :1526:18)
at js_error (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :1534:11)
at croak (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2026:9)
at token_error (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2034:9)
at expect_token (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2047:9)
at expect (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2050:36)
at regular_for (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2280:9)
at for_ (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2276:16)
at eval (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2158:24)
at eval (eval at (/home/ubuntu/bids-validator/node_modules/gulp-uglify/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:22:1), :2073:24)

gulp build returned exit code 1

Ignores suggested meta data location

         You have to define 'RepetitionTime' for this file. It can be included one of the following locations: /sub-04/ses-r08/func/sub-04_ses-r08_task-orientation_rec-dico_run-01_bold.json, /sub-04/ses-r08/sub-04_ses-r08_task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json, /sub-04/sub-04_task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json, /task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json


% grep RepetitionTime task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json
  "RepetitionTime": 2.0,

maybe an issue with "rec-dico"?

Inheritance principle does not seem to apply for a single, real fieldmap image (case 3) JSON

I have a fieldmap JSON at the root of a BIDS directory. This JSON contains a "Units" field to be inherited by nested NifTIs with the optional "IntendedFor" field omitted. I've tried two file names for the fieldmap JSON, neither of which seem to work: ses-NFB3_fieldmap.json and fieldmap.json.

   1: You have to define 'Units' for this file. (code: 17)

   1: This file is not part of the BIDS specification, make sure it isn't included in the dataset by accident. >Data derivatives (processed data) should be placed in /derivatives folder. (code: 1)
                   Evidence: ses-NFB3_fieldmap.json

Please add continuous integration testing

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with a github account with admin rights to Squishymedia/bids-validator
  3. Add (plus sign on the left hand side menu) the Squishymedia/bids-validator repo
  4. You are done! circleCI will automatically recognise this as node.js project with mocha testing, install all of the dependencies and run tests. This is how the end result will look like:

This way test will be run for each commit and each PR making sure nothing is getting broken. I would've done this myself, but I don't have admin rights to this repo.

Considers suggest metadata filename invalid

        You should define 'EchoTime' for this file. If you don't provide this information field map correction will not be possible. It can be included one of the following locations: /sub-04/ses-r08/func/sub-04_ses-r08_task-orientation_rec-dico_run-01_bold.json, /sub-04/ses-r08/sub-04_ses-r08_task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json, /sub-04/sub-04_task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json, /task-orientation_rec-dico_bold.json

but at the same time

        This file is not part of the BIDS specification, make sure it isn't included in the dataset by accident. Data derivatives (processed data) should be placed in /derivatives folder.

Error reading NIFTI file

Im getting this error when validating this file (on the command line):

    throw new Error("The buffer is not even large enough to contain the minimal header I would expect from a NIfTI file!")

Error: The buffer is not even large enough to contain the minimal header I would expect from a NIfTI file!
    at Object.parseNIfTIHeader (/Users/filo/drive/workspace/bids-validator/node_modules/nifti-js/nifti.js:25:11)
    at /Users/filo/drive/workspace/bids-validator/utils/files.js:125:36
    at Gunzip.onEnd (zlib.js:227:5)
    at emitNone (events.js:72:20)
    at Gunzip.emit (events.js:166:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:903:12)
    at doNTCallback2 (node.js:439:9)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:353:17)
orange:bids-validator filo$ open /tmp/AA//sub-S2529LVY1263171/func/sub-S2529LVY1263171_task-rest_acq-RL_run-2_sbref.nii.gz

Validation of .bvec/.bval files

Each _dwi.nii[.gz] file need to have .bvec .bval defined (at any level of the hierarchy - similarly to _events.tsv). Those files need to meet the following specification

Things to check:

  • .bvec has as 3 rows
  • .bval has one row
  • number of columns in .bvec file, number of values (columns) in .bval file and number or volumes in the corresponding _dwi file all have to be the same

Acknowledge version control

The validator complains about a present .git directory. It would be useful to have it ignore Git or SVN (etc.) files and directories. Reporting each of those files can easily yield several thousand reports and clutter the output.

Deploy web version of the validator in github gh-pages

If we deploy (in an automated way through circleCI) the web version of the BIDS validator be able to quickly test it outside of other projects (for example CRN). This way we will be also able to provide validation service to people who do not (yet!) intend to share their data.

The user interface can be very basic since the main goal is to expose/test the underlying JS library.

Too strict for beginners

It seems that if the validator encounters anything that it doesn't know in quickTest it calls it a day, screams "this is not a BIDS dataset" and goes home crying ;-)

It would be nice to have it 1) be more verbose about the reason for rejection, and 2) be more tolerant for extra directories that are present, but do not interfere with stuff that is declared in BIDS. It only acknowledges derivatives and leaves it alone. I think a warning about unknown content is more appropriate than a flat out rejection.

Trying to work around this, but my javascript foo is not worth the label.


Not validating top-level JSONs that are inherited by scans in multiple session configuration

The validator says that I need to define 'Repetition Time' for the following NifTI (the directory structure is configured to accommodate multiple visits using 'ses-'):


This, however is defined in the following top-level JSON file:


Ditto for other fields ('EchoTime', etc). I don't get any errors, it just isn't pairing the top-level file with the nested NifTIs.

Slice encoding direction was only partially removed.

I can't tell if #83 was intended to only remove the check that SliceEncodingDirection is correctly defined, that it is defined at all or both.

It removed the check to see if SliceEncodingDirection is defined (throws issue 14)
but removed the issue definition for issue 35.

There's still a check that throws issue 35
and an issue definition for 14

It's a quick fix, but I'm not sure which check the original merge was meant to remove or if it was meant to remove both.

Run gulp build as a smoke test

To improve code quality we should incorporate gulp build (generation of the web version of the validator) as a smoke test (run it even if we are not pushing to gh-pages). This would let us catch errors such as #112 before merging.

Report warnings for inconsistent or missing sessions

A common problem with experimental data are missing scans for one or two subjects. We should give warning in such situations. I propose the following procedure:

  • For session label session_id
    • For every subject calculate a set of file names for session session_id, remove subject identifiers from those file names.
    • Calculate a union of those sets across all subjects.
    • Report those files from the union that are not preset for all subjects. List which subjects are missing particular file in the warning message

command line client silently fails to read .nii.gz files

When I use the command line client on a dataset it exits with 0 and no output (not even saying that the dataset is valid). I did some investigations and found that this callback is never called I looked a bit more and found that this is the first commit introduces this bug: INCF/bids-validator@3507444. I have seen this on both node4 and node5.

The fact that this error is silent is really troubling...

Make uncaught exceptions visible on the online validator

We had a few instances when users tried to validate a datasets and waited hours for the spinning wheel to go away not aware that the validator crashed (for example #107). It would be a better user experience if uncaught validator exceptions were displayed on the page. This most likely applies to the use of the validator on CRN.

Validity of JSON files should be tested before meta-data availability

At present, meta-data checks (e.g. RepetitionTime specification) run before JSON validity checks. In case of a typo in the JSON (it happended to me once!) this leads to countless "false-positives". If nothing speaks against it, switching the order of these checks could help people retain more hair ;-)

See #94 for an example of me being misguided.

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