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sassbeautify's Issues

Error when I try to format

Sass 3.2.18 (Media Mark)
ruby 2.0.0p247

I just installed the package and get this error. Any help would be appreciated.

usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency.rb:247:in to_specs': Could not find sass (>= 0) amongst [] (Gem::LoadError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency.rb:256:into_spec'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1231:in `gem'
from /usr/local/bin/sass-convert:22

Command for converting files to SCSS/SASS

Implement new commands:

  • "SassBeautify: Convert to Scss" - to convert a CSS, SCSS or Sass file to SCSS.
  • "SassBeautify: Convert to Sass" - to convert a CSS, SCSS, or Sass file to Sass.

ERROR: invalid option: --indent


When ever I try to run SassBeautify in ST2 or ST3 I receive the following error:

There was an error beautifying your Sass:
invalid option: --indent

Ay help would be greatly appreciated.

Sass Converter - no such file

Hi, Trying to use the plugin and I get this error:

"There was an error beautifying your Sass:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'sass-convert'"

Probably something with my configuration rather than the plugin but thought I would log it just in case. Will look into the issue when I have more time. Vince

Use threading to prevent editor lockup

On slower machines, the sass complication can take a bit of time and the sub-process will freeze the editor. We should use threading to prevent the editor from locking up.

Sublime Beta 3

Hello Sir

Really cool tool, but any chance it will work in Sublime Beta 3 in the future?

Inline SASS / SCSS comments

Hi !
There is a problem with the comments when I use SassBeautify.

My SCSS code :

@mixin opacity($opacity) {
    filter: alpha(opacity=#{$opacity}); // IE 5-9+
    opacity: $opacity * 0.01;

$color1: #FF0000; // Red
$color2: #FFBF00; // Orange
$color3: #FFFF00; // Yellow

When I use SassBeautify, here is the result :

@mixin opacity($opacity) {
    filter: alpha(opacity=#{$opacity});
    // IE 5-9+
    opacity: $opacity * 0.01;

$color1: red;

// Red
$color2: #ffbf00;

// Orange
$color3: yellow;

// Yellow

I hope you will find a solution to this issue. :(

Your extension is almost perfect ! (I'd also like SassBeautify usable with CSS files. And by the way, an option to choose if we want, or not, a space between two declarations blocks or before comments ! Maybe some future features ? :p)

Thanks a lot for your attention !

Sorting option?

Could there be an option for sort (ex. alphabetically)? Or is there a sort applied already?

Sublime Text quits when I try to use SassBeautify

Just tried to use SassBeautify with ST2 (both on newest versions) on OSX. Since I use rbenv, I did a "which sass-convert" to get the path where sass-convert is location and added that into the SassBeautify path setting.

When I run the beautify command from the console, sublime text quits immediately without any warning. Any ideas?

Error on using sass beautify

There was an error beautifying your Sass:

/Users/pratikbothra/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:298:in to_specs': Could not find 'sass' (>= 0) among 14 total gem(s) (Gem::LoadError) from /Users/pratikbothra/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:309:into_spec' .......

I have updated to the latest sass version, and used the path as mentioned in the readme echo $path (Yes, I've read the README (multiple times))

carpe-diem (mentions) λ sass --version
Sass 3.3.10 (Maptastic Maple)
carpe-diem (mentions) λ sass-convert --version
Sass 3.3.10 (Maptastic Maple)

Any suggestions on where I could have gone wrong? I don't think Sass is installed incorrectly, as the sass files build correctly. Certain the error is due to RVM, and path issues because it works perfectly on my friend's laptop.

  "indent": 2,
  "dasherize": false,
  "old": false,
  "path": "/Users/pratikbothra/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/bin:/Users/pratikbothra/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global/bin:/Users/pratikbothra/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin:/Users/pratikbothra/.nvm/v0.10.29/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/pratikbothra/bin:/usr/local/Cellar/sbt/0.12.0/bin:/Users/pratikbothra/pear/bin:/Users/pratikbothra/.rvm/bin",
  "beautifyOnSave": true

Any suggestions are welcome?

Right click in side-bar

Add a SassBeautify option to the context menu when right clicking on Sass files in the sidebar.

Can I ignore converting css values below zero?

Can I ignore converting values below zero?

Why did you decided that it will be better 0.2 than .2 ?

padding-top: .3em;
converts to
padding-top: 0.3em;

How can I prevent this feature?

I expect it staying .3em

Threading breaks usefulness of sublime_plugin.EventListener in ST3

I've been trying to add an option to this plugin to run SassBeautify on the save of a sass/scss file. I tried adding a sublime_plugin.EventListener class to SassBeautify to call the "sass_beautify" command in the on_pre_save() method ( I had to do a little fiddling to stop an infinite loop of the save calling beautify calling save calling beautify calling...

The next issue I ran into was that the on_pre_save() method actually completes before the "sass_beautify" command runs. In fact, on_post_save() completes before the "sass_beautify" command can run. I'm pretty sure it is because "sass_beautify" runs things on a background thread thus allowing on_pre_save() to complete. I put a print statement in on_pre_save(), on_post_save(), and in right inside the try statement. The print statement in was the last one to print in the console.

What this means is that I can have it beautify when I save the file, but the changes are technically made after ST3 completes the save, thus the file is left in a modified state.

Given that ST3 runs all plugins in a separate process, is there any plan to create an ST3 version of SassBeautify without the threading?

Doesn't play nicely with RVM


Internally, it's trying to execute sass-convert, but on my machine this doesn't work. I'm sure this is because I have multiple ruby gems installed.

To fix this, you need to let users override the environment path via the settings file.

Error during Convert from SCSS to SASS file


I try to convert SCSS file to current type (SASS) but I have an error :

There was an error beautifying your Sass:

[Errno 2] Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

I have removed and reinstall SassBeautify without success

Option to leave comments on current line

When code is currently beautified, any comments are sent to a new line below their original place. It would be nice to have an option to leave them where they are.

Space after a semicolon?

Is there a way for the SassBeautify to eliminate all the spaces after a ":" for example:


  background: $c_body;
  color: $c-white;
  text-align: left;

After it runs the cmd:


Is this doable?

Thanks :)

Issue with accents

Hi there,
I have an issue with accents.
(Yep, sorry, i'm french.) :p

Here is a comment before using SassBeautify

// à é ç è ù

Here is the same after using SassBeautify :

// ├á ├® ├º ├¿ ├╣

(And the same after again, just for fun)

// Ôö£├í Ôö£┬« Ôö£┬║ Ôö£┬┐ Ôö£Ôòú

I'm using Sublime Text 2.0.2 and SassBeautify 2013.

Thanks !

Issue with comments

Hi !

Sorry, I found another issue. :)

// Lorem ipsum Nisi aute velit quis.

When I use SassBeautify, the first /* becomes //

// Lorem ipsum Nisi aute velit quis.

I can't comment code that has inline comments...
That's all ! :)

Thanks a lot,

SassBeautify doesn't work...

Hi !
Sorry to borrow you with my issues !

I have a new PC at work, Windows 8 64 bits.
I wanted to test your example from your comment (from my feature request), and I noticed that it did not work at all for all my .scss files.

What I did, from the start to the bug :

  • Download SublimeText 2.0.2 Portable here :
  • Unzip and launch it
  • Open Console (View > Show Console)
  • Install Package Control following instructions for Sublime Text 2 :
  • Restart
  • Use Package Control to install SassBeautify
  • Restart
  • Open a file test.scss with this content :
    .i-have-a-problem{color:blue; &.yes-me-too{color:red;} }
  • Execute SassBeautify (I can see this message : "Beautifying your sass..." )
  • Nothing happens. :(

Did I missed something ?
Is my computer the problem ? As a Freelance (anymore since the last week) I used SassBeautify on my Laptop with Windows 7 64 bits.

Thank you for your help.

Separate lines if > 1

For example:

html {
background-color: #444;
font-size: 62.5%; /* Base 10 */

body {background-color: #eeeeee;}

Update specific (e.g. only highlighted) syntax


Firstly, great package

As title really. Often I don't want to format the entire file, just a specific piece. This extra functionality would save me the hassle of copy/pasting code elsewhere to format.

Yours hopefully,

Allow user to use SassBeautify anywhere

Hi !

This is not an issue, but a feature request. :)

  • If I use only CSS on my .scss file, it works. Why can't we use it on a .css file ?
  • Sometimes, I have to copy/paste some code in a blank file, and I want to clean it with SassBeautify : but I have to save the file first in an .scss file...

Maybe you could just put an option (in the settings file) allowing us to use it wherever and whenever we want to ?

Thank you !

Use sass-convert from installation of program like Prepros or NetBeans?

Hi, I'm trying to get this working on ST3 and I'm getting the following error:
'sass-convert' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I assume this is because my Path setting is wrong:
"path": "C:\Users\AccountName\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\7.3\sass-3.1.20\bin" <- using double forward slashes on all slashes here

I'm trying to use the sass-convert that was already installed on my Windows 8 PC by Prepros or Netbeans; is it possible?


Path setting giving error

I'm on Ubuntu 14 and using RVM

and my $echo path is /home/jitendra/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327/bin:/home/jitendra/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327@global/bin:/home/jitendra/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p327/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/jitendra/.rvm/bin

When I paste this as a path value I get this error

Error trying to parse settings: Expected value in Packages/User/SassBeautify.sublime-settings:5:13

My setting file

Strips needed paretheses

If you want to use the opposite of a variable, you'd do something like:
margin: 0 (-$pad) 20px (-$pad);
but SassBeautify turns it into:
margin: 0 -$pad 20px -$pad;
which doesn't work the same.

question: should i be able to install in st3

i'm a new st user, trying to install in st3/3059, but saasbeautify isn't showing up in the package list cmd-shift-p...? am i missing something? do i need to clone git repo an place in some st3 folder or something?


blanklineBetweenSelectors has a failing case

When I run SassBeautify with blanklineBetweenSelectors set to true, the following:

.class-three {
    background-color: $aaa;



.class-three {
    background-color: $aaa;

I found the regex code that deals with this

        # Insert a blank line between selectors. (Issue #30)
        if self.get_type() == 'scss' and self.settings.get('blanklineBetweenSelectors', False):
            output = re.sub(r'\n\n\n', '\n\n', re.sub(r'(.*)\{', r'\n\1{', output).strip())

This obviously requires the code to search back previous lines of scss until it finds the first one in the list. I'll keep thinking to see if I can come up with a solution. Might be easier to do this while the file is split up by line (where you're making sure the file uses unix-style newline characters).

By the way, I ran into this while trying to use SassBeautify in conjunction with SublimeLinter-contrib-scss-lint. It has a rule for a single selector per line. I'm finding that sass-convert isn't very compatible with scss-lint.

selectors' properties - make single-line

I like my properties to be single-line. I've been writing them like this for 9 years.
For Example:

ul{ height:100px; width:50px; list-style:none; }

I would really like such a setting

blanklineBetweenSelectors separates comments from code

Thanks for this useful tool.

Beautifying a .scss file will expand

.test1 {
    display: block;

// Comment
.test2 {
    display: block;


.test1 {
    display: block;

// Comment

.test2 {
    display: block;

This separation of comment and associated code block is probably not intended behaviour.

Possible Dasherize issue

The variable, $max-width, becomes $max_width regardless of settings in my config for SassBeauty. The entire line looks like this:

@include dropdown-container( $content: content, $triangle: false, $max-width: 100% );

Apart from that no classes are affected and no other variables are altered. I'm reluctant to post this issue as it'll turn out to be my own derp, but I'll update if that's the case.

preserve newlines

I am using scsslint (requiring a newline after a rule declaration)

preserving newlines should be an option.
SassBeautify collapses all newlines which forces the user to set the linter to use this as a coding style.

Since the coding style should not be affected by a beautifier it would be nice if this could be added

No such file or directory


There was an error beautifying your Sass:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory

Does 'sass-convert' exist in PATH?'

sass-convert is OK. Sass 3.2.10 (Media Mark) on OSX 10.8.4

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