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What is gqlgen?

gqlgen is a Go library for building GraphQL servers without any fuss.

  • gqlgen is based on a Schema first approach — You get to Define your API using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language.
  • gqlgen prioritizes Type safety — You should never see map[string]interface{} here.
  • gqlgen enables Codegen — We generate the boring bits, so you can focus on building your app quickly.

Still not convinced enough to use gqlgen? Compare gqlgen with other Go graphql implementations

Quick start

  1. Initialise a new go module

    mkdir example
    cd example
    go mod init example
  2. Add to your project's tools.go

    printf '//go:build tools\npackage tools\nimport (_ ""\n _ "")' | gofmt > tools.go
    go mod tidy
  3. Initialise gqlgen config and generate models

    go run init
    go mod tidy
  4. Start the graphql server

    go run server.go

More help to get started:

Reporting Issues

If you think you've found a bug, or something isn't behaving the way you think it should, please raise an issue on GitHub.


We welcome contributions, Read our Contribution Guidelines to learn more about contributing to gqlgen

Frequently asked questions

How do I prevent fetching child objects that might not be used?

When you have nested or recursive schema like this:

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [User!]!

You need to tell gqlgen that it should only fetch friends if the user requested it. There are two ways to do this;

  • Using Custom Models

Write a custom model that omits the friends field:

type User struct {
  ID int
  Name string

And reference the model in gqlgen.yml:

# gqlgen.yml
    model: # go import path to the User struct above
  • Using Explicit Resolvers

If you want to keep using the generated model, mark the field as requiring a resolver explicitly in gqlgen.yml like this:

# gqlgen.yml
        resolver: true # force a resolver to be generated

After doing either of the above and running generate we will need to provide a resolver for friends:

func (r *userResolver) Friends(ctx context.Context, obj *User) ([]*User, error) {
  // select * from user where friendid = obj.ID
  return friends,  nil

You can also use inline config with directives to achieve the same result

directive @goModel(model: String, models: [String!]) on OBJECT
    | SCALAR
    | ENUM
    | UNION

directive @goField(forceResolver: Boolean, name: String, omittable: Boolean) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

type User @goModel(model: "") {
    id: ID!         @goField(name: "todoId")
    friends: [User!]!   @goField(forceResolver: true)

Can I change the type of the ID from type String to Type Int?

Yes! You can by remapping it in config as seen below:

  ID: # The GraphQL type ID is backed by
      - # a go integer
      - # or a go string
      - # or a go uint

This means gqlgen will be able to automatically bind to strings or ints for models you have written yourself, but the first model in this list is used as the default type and it will always be used when:

  • Generating models based on schema
  • As arguments in resolvers

There isn't any way around this, gqlgen has no way to know what you want in a given context.

Why do my interfaces have getters? Can I disable these?

These were added in v0.17.14 to allow accessing common interface fields without casting to a concrete type. However, certain fields, like Relay-style Connections, cannot be implemented with simple getters.

If you'd prefer to not have getters generated in your interfaces, you can add the following in your gqlgen.yml:

# gqlgen.yml
omit_getters: true

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gqlgen's People


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gqlgen's Issues

Allow OPTIONS request for CORS-enabled servers

Hello @vektah, firstly I have to say that this library is awesome!

I've run into an issue with CORS enabled server using gqlgen. All OPTIONS requests from client fails (Bad request -{“data”:null,“errors”:[{“message”:“json body could not be decoded: EOF”}]}), because currently only GET and POST requests are supported.

		if r.Method == "GET" {
		} else {

// Assumes that this is POST request

			if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&reqParams); err != nil {
				sendErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json body could not be decoded: "+err.Error())

Can you please add OPTIONS request support?
Thank you very much in advance!

Embedding support for generator

I tried to define structs using embedding to make the definition DRY.

This can be compiled to run server.
But unfortunately, there are error messages when I use gqlgen.
Can I use gqlgen without any error?

unable to bind to anything, has no suitable fields or methods
unable to bind to anything, has no suitable fields or methods
unable to bind Droid.appearsIn to anything, has no suitable fields or methods
unable to bind to anything, has no suitable fields or methods
unable to bind to anything, has no suitable fields or methods
unable to bind Human.appearsIn to anything, has no suitable fields or methods

Here is an example to repro.


OK: go run ./server/server.go
NG: gqlgen -out generated.go -package starwars -typemap types.json

type CharacterFields struct {
	ID        string
	Name      string
	FriendIds []string
	AppearsIn []string

type Human struct {
	StarshipIds  []string
	heightMeters float64
	Mass         float64

type Droid struct {
	PrimaryFunction string

Import resolver bugs.

When attempting to generate code from a schema, a panic is thrown in import_build.go when attempting to resolve imports. The import path for my all of my types matches the name of one of the core imports the generated code relies on. i.e: my package: /path/to/package/introspection which conflicts with internal package: (As they have the same base-name). I think this is down to line 40 in import_build.go:

for imp := imports.findByName(localName); imp != nil && imp.Package != t.Package; localName = filepath.Base(t.Package) + strconv.Itoa(i) { ... }

As for the example above: for the first iteration it will find match for the first iteration with the package:, but will fail the imp != nil && imp.Package != t.Package condition. On any subsequent iteration however, the new name (i.e introspection1, ...2, ..3) will never match a package thus causing the panic('too many collisions') error.

Default Variables in Inputs aren't generated.

Expected Behaviour

Default variables are generated and used when declaring an input.

Actual Behavior

Default variables aren't generated and are ignored.

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

schema {
    query: Query

type Query {
    Test(input: DateFilter): Boolean


input DateFilter {
    value: String!
    timezone: String = "UTC"

snippet of model generated

type DateFilter struct {
	Value    string
	Timezone *string

Generated model represents subfield ID as int

gqlgen generates following model from your Getting Started example schema:
// This file was generated by, DO NOT EDIT

package gql

type Todo struct {
ID string
Text string
Done bool
UserID int
type User struct {
ID string
Name string

UserID is an int while the ID field ind User is a string. This seems to be a regression since your Getting Started example code needs to be modified to compile. Even if not, I question if it is a good idea to represent an automtically generated ID as an integer.

Override type mismatch

Not really a bug.. but more an annoyance for working with the database/sql Scanner/Valuer interfaces.

I am working with a custom type that is defined in graphql as

type Thing {
  listOfEnums: [FooEnum]!
enum FooEnum {
   bin, bar, baz

the type generated in go is

type FooEnum string
type Thing struct{
  ListOfEnums: []FooEnum

the trouble i am running into is this. The value for ListOfEnums is stored in a database as a string bin,bar,baz

for the Valuer interface i can't use []FooEnum as the type but need to define a list type like:

type ListFooEnum []FooEnum
func (f ListFooEnum) Value() (driver.Value, error) {/* logic to convert the list to a string... */}
func (f *ListFooEnum) Scan(value interface{}) (error) {/* logic to convert the string into struct... */}

Currently how i am working around this is by changing the type on the model file to the []FooEnum when running gqlgen and then changing it back to ListFooEnum after.

I understand i could probably use an intermediary step of scanning to the ListFooEnum and casting to the []FooEnum. I am wondering there would be a possibility of having an annotation in the future to set the generated model value to the List version over the [] version.


Can not return interface

schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation
interface Node {
    id: ID!

type Query {
    node(id: ID!): Node
    nodes(ids: [ID!]!): [Node]!

type Mutation {

type City implements Node {
    id: ID!
    name: String!


	Query_node(ctx context.Context, id string) (, error)
	Query_nodes(ctx context.Context, ids []string) ([], error)

No return type.

Add support for generating enums

Generating a model for enums would be great, it probably only needs to be a set of string constants:

type State string

const (
	StateOk = "OK"
        StateFailed = "FAILED"
        StateUnknown = "UNKNOWN"

maybe a few utility methods too:

  • Valid?
  • Scan?
  • (Un)?MarshalJson
  • Is(Ok,Failed,Unknown)?

Reusing models, is it savvy?

This is not strictly an issue, just a question about usage.

I saw in the doc you can point, through types.json, to a model struct and define it yourself.

I was wondering if it's a good idea to point it, and hence use, to the same models structs we're already using for the domain logic.

The app already has a REST interface and we want to add a separate GraphQL interface to it, so it would be very handy not to have to duplicate the domain objects across the two layers.

Do you see any reasons not to?


Suggestion: Generate resolver for fields missing from go model

When we first started using gqlgen, if your go model did not have a field publicly accessible that was specified on your schema, the generator would generate a resolver for you to manually handle it.

// schema.graphql
schema {
	query: Query

type Query {
	cars: [Car]!

type Car {
	name: String
	model: String
	new: Boolean
// model.go
package model

type Car struct {
	Name    string    `db:"name"`
	Model   string    `db:"model"`
	Created time.Time `db:"created"`
// types.json
    "Car": "path/to/model.Car"
// generated.go
type Resolvers interface {
	Query_cars(ctx context.Context) ([]model.Car, error)
	Field_car_new(ctx context.Context, car model.Car) (bool, error) // This is missing

Unfortunately, this functionality disappeared when you introduced the model generator.
This was really nice feature if you have any fields on your graphql model that are generated by business logic. For the example above, something like:

// resolver.go
func (r *QueryResolver) Field_car_new(ctx context.Context, car model.Car) (bool, error) {
	weekAgo := time.Now().AddDate(0, -7, 0)
	return car.Created.After(weekAgo)

I can understand the answer is probably to separate db go models from graphql go models, but for an example like this where most of the fields are duplicated, I don't see it worth it for the added overhead and complexity.

ResolverError field in QueryError not set and public errors in general

I see that the ResolverError field on QueryError is not set. What is the plan for this? The Builder for errors currently only takes the error message and creates a QueryError from that.

I was a bit surprised to see that by default the generated execution context drops the original error and exposes the raw message error in the GraphQL response. What are your thoughts for this?

I can imagine one wants to be able to control how errors thrown from the resolvers are rendered. I'm using a custom written HTTP handler and would like to be able to log the original errors. Do you think it's better to do logging etc. of the errors inside the resolvers and return a custom 'public' error?

Thanks for the awesome lib! Please let us know if there are any areas where you could use some help!

Support for string literals as description

As of version 0.12.3 the default style of describing a type or field is to add a string literal instead of a comment.

Expected Behaviour

Parsing a schema with string literals as descriptions and generating the Golang files.

Actual Behavior

Crashing due to invalid syntax.

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

"This is a description."
schema {
    query: Query

Results in unable to parse schema: graphql: syntax error: unexpected "\"This is a comment.\"", expecting Ident (line 1, column 1)

Resolverless objects

Is there a good way to handle objects which are plain old Go objects that do not require a Resolver func?

For example, my schema has some objects like this:

type Widget {
  foo: String!
  bar: String!
  children: [Tuple!]!

type Tuple {
  frob: String!
  noz: Int

On my backend, the real computation work is for producing a Widget... and it comes complete with all the Tuples. I want the Tuple fields to be all listed out in my graphql schema and queries so that I'm taking advantage of all the type checking... but there's nothing interesting to put in for "resolver" logic -- the Widget resolver already did all the work.

So, ideally, I'd like gqlgen's model generation to make a Widget type in Go that contains the whole thing at once:

type Widget struct {
  Foo string
  Bar string
  Children []Tuple

Correspondingly, my Resolver interface need not have a Widget_children() method; gqlgen should be able to generate an executionContext._Widget_children method that does all the remaining recursion itself.

I'm not sure if this relates to custom scalars. My intuition is "no" because I don't really consider these things scalars -- it is still desirable for the GQL query to specify fields inside these objects. This specification of types for trees of fields is most of the reason we're using graphQL schemas, after all! The example I gave here with just one nested struct and a few primitives is a simple one; I have this effect for objects around 4~5 layers deep.

Supporting this kind of superscalar/resolverless object would cover... honestly, a lot of the objects in the graphql schemas I'm working with. It would drastically reduce the number of methods on my Resolver interface (and thus drastically reduce desires for resolver generators like described in #9 , for example).

Is there any feature like this in gqlgen I haven't seen yet? Do you think it sounds possible to add codegen that has this kind of behavior? (Or am I just using graphql "wrong"?)

uint32 causes type mismatch

Expected Behaviour

I would expect that having a model defined as:

type Model struct {
 Interval uint32

and a schema

type Model {
    interval: Int!

and running:

gqlgen -typemap types.json -schema schema.graphql                                                                                                                                                         
type mismatch on Model.interval, expected int got uint32

would not result in that error.

Actual Behavior

It seems that the generator doesn't support unsigned integers but maybe I'm missing something.

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

See above

Arg unpacking issue

Hi @vektah as requested here is a sample schema for the issue I saw. It is an input with a recursive type of itself.

input CatalogFilter {
    OR: [CatalogFilter!]
    AND: [CatalogFilter!]

    id: IntFilter

I pasted the code generated in the other issue, I think the issue is somewhere in the unmarshal func on line 84 in type.go

migrate to graph-gophers/graphql-go

migrate to graph-gophers/graphql-go

Hi @vektah , great job on making the code generator.
I wonder if you have plan to migrate you code to the new repo graph-gophers/graphql-go?
neelance/graphql-go (@neelance ) has been transferred to graph-gophers/graphql-go and @tonyghita is actively working on and maintaining it.

Query caching and whitelisting

hashing incoming queries and caching the document would improve parse times for large queries.

It would also serve as a great point to whitelist allowed queries.

Open question: how should the whitelist be specified?

Perhaps Persisted Queries?

string ID types?

Would it be possible to generate code using string as the underlying type of GQL ID? Currently it is generated as int, which is more cumbersome for my databases.

With dgraph

I wonder if this helps when working with dgraph ?

Issue with a vendor folder and a type mismatch

Expected Behaviour

no type mismatch

Actual Behavior

type mismatch on, expected got my/repo/path/vendor/

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

input SomeInput {
  id: ID!
// generated type
type SomeInput struct {
	ID bson.ObjectId
type ID = bson.ObjectId

func MarshalID(id bson.ObjectId) graphql.Marshaler {
	return graphql.WriterFunc(func(w io.Writer) {

func UnmarshalID(v interface{}) (bson.ObjectId, error) {
	str, ok := v.(string)
	if !ok {
		return bson.NewObjectId(), fmt.Errorf("ids must be strings")
	if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(str) {
		return bson.NewObjectId(), fmt.Errorf("ids must be valid")
	id := bson.ObjectIdHex(str)
	return id, nil
    "ID": ""

Validate enums in variables

validation isn't firing when posting an enum value in a variable:

query = mutation setState($state: State!) {
    setState(state: $state) { id }

variables = {"state": "INVALID_STATE"}

results in

"errors": []

should be something like

   errors: [
      "message": "Argument \"state\" has invalid value {state: INVALID_STATE}.\nIn field \"state\": Expected type \"State\", found INVALID_STATE.",
      "locations": [
          "line": 14,
          "column": 22

Generates enum that is listed in types.json

I added a custom enum type to types.json and use it in my graphql spec.

Expected Behaviour

gqlgen would use the custom type instead of generating enum into models_gen.go

Actual Behavior

enum code is generated into models_gen.go and a mismatch error is reported

type mismatch on Foo.state, expected <package>/foo.FooState got <package>/foo/custom.FooState

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce


type Query {
    foo(): Foo!

type Foo {
    state: FooState!

enum FooState {


  "FooState": "<package>/foo/custom.FooState"


package custom

import (

type FooState string

const (
	FooStateBin FooState = "BIN"
	FooStateBar FooState = "BAR"
	FooStateBaz FooState = "BAZ"

func (e FooState) IsValid() bool {
	switch e {
	case FooStateBin, FooStateBar, FooStateBaz:
		return true
	return false

func (e FooState) String() string {
	return string(e)

func (e *FooState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
	str, ok := v.(string)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")

	*e = FooState(str)
	if !e.IsValid() {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FooState", str)
	return nil

func (e FooState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
	fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))

More time formats

Hey, thanks for getting custom types in so quickly!
I was wondering if you could extend your built-in Time scalar to support more formats similar to the one in neelance's library.

Not sure if there was a particular reason or not you didn't want to do this. If your ok with this I can open an MR for it.

From neelance/graphql-go

func (t *Time) UnmarshalGraphQL(input interface{}) error {
	switch input := input.(type) {
	case time.Time:
		t.Time = input
		return nil
	case string:
		var err error
		t.Time, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, input)
		return err
	case int:
		t.Time = time.Unix(int64(input), 0)
		return nil
	case float64:
		t.Time = time.Unix(int64(input), 0)
		return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("wrong type")

panic from generate

gqlgen -out generated.go -package graphql
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x121635f]

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc420140bd0, 0xc424bb6280, 0x3b, 0x1, 0xc4230de660, 0xb)
	/Users/buchanae/src/ +0x45f
	/Users/buchanae/src/ +0x3d6


scalar Time

type Workflow {
  id: ID!
  inputs: [WorkflowInput!]!
  outputs: [WorkflowOutput!]!
  steps: [Step!]!
  runs: [WorkflowRun!]!

type WorkflowInput {
  id :ID!

type WorkflowOutput {
  id :ID!

type Step {
  id :ID!
  name: String!
  inputs: [StepInput!]!
  outputs: [StepOutput!]!
  order: Int!
  workflow: Workflow!

type StepInput {
  id :ID!

type StepOutput {
  id :ID!

enum RunState {

type WorkflowRun {
  id :ID!
  total: Int!
  idle: Int!
  running: Int!
  error: Int!
  complete: Int!

  state: RunState!
  done: Boolean!

  startTime: Time
  endTime: Time

  workflow: Workflow!
  stepRuns: [StepRun!]!

type StepRun {
  id :ID!

  state: RunState!
  task: Task!
  step: Step!

enum TaskState {

type Task {
  id :ID!
  state: TaskState!

Custom scalars


I am trying to figure out how to use custom scalars with this library, I added it to types.json and I'm still getting a "panic: unknown scalar". Looking at the code it wasn't immediately apparent how to do this.


[feature] - resolve complex field in type

type FieldA {
   id : Int!
   name: String!

type ComplexField {

will be parse to

type ComplexField struct {
	ItemsID int
type FieldA struct {
	ID   int
	Name string

if FieldA is related to another model,its fine. but its not good when FieldA just is a Field of ComplexField(In Mysql 5.7 support JSON data type), i want we has a way to generate it to

type ComplexField struct {
	Items []FieldA

type FieldA struct {
	ID   int
	Name string

Cannot map Go interface type to schema interface/union type

I am hitting an issue where I cannot get the gqlgen generated code to build when I map a schema interface type to a Go interface.

Below is an example of what I'm talking about. Full code and detailed instructions to reproduce are at

Suppose I have this schema:

schema {
    query: Query

type Query {
    shapes(): [Shape]

interface Shape {
    area(): Float

type Circle implements Shape {
    radius: Float
    area() : Float

type Rectangle implements Shape {
    length: Float
    width: Float
    area(): Float

And suppose I have the following corresponding Go types:

package shapes

import "math"

type Shape interface {
	Area() float64

type Circle struct {
	Radius float64

func (c *Circle) Area() float64 {
	return c.Radius * math.Pi * math.Pi

type Rectangle struct {
	Length, Width float64

func (r *Rectangle) Area() float64 {
	return r.Length * r.Width

So let's map our types as follows:

    "Shape": "",
    "Circle": "",
    "Rectangle": ""

NOTE: ^^ This uses the path to my repository given above as if I'd obtained it via go get.

So from this we can now create our generated.go as follows:

$ gqlgen -out generated.go -package shapes -typemap types.json schema.graphql

... and that works fine. We now implement the needed resolver:

package shapes

import "context"

type ShapeResolver struct{}

func (r *ShapeResolver) Query_shapes(ctx context.Context) ([]Shape, error) {
	return []Shape{
		&Circle{Radius: 10.0},
		&Rectangle{Length: 1.0, Width: 10.0},
		&Rectangle{Length: 10.0, Width: 10.0},
	}, nil

... And I confirmed that the code generated for Shape.area() looks correct- it just calls the Area() Go method on the Go type.

So now let's say that inside shapes/server we place a simple Playground server:

package main

import (


func main() {
	http.Handle("/", handler.Playground("Shapes", "/query"))
	http.Handle("/query", handler.GraphQL(shapes.MakeExecutableSchema(new(shapes.ShapeResolver))))

	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9090", nil))

If I try to build that via go install I get a compile error in the generated code:

$ go install
shapes/generated.go:711:2: impossible type switch case: *obj (type Shape) cannot have dynamic type Circle (Area method has pointer receiver)
shapes/generated.go:716:2: impossible type switch case: *obj (type Shape) cannot have dynamic type Rectangle (Area method has pointer receiver)

If we go have a look at that part of the generated code, we have:

func (ec *executionContext) _Shape(sel []query.Selection, obj *Shape) graphql.Marshaler {
	switch obj := (*obj).(type) {
	case nil:
		return graphql.Null
	case Circle:
		return ec._Circle(sel, &obj)

	case *Circle:
		return ec._Circle(sel, obj)
	case Rectangle:
		return ec._Rectangle(sel, &obj)

	case *Rectangle:
		return ec._Rectangle(sel, obj)
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", obj))

Of course, the case Circle and case Rectangle are not valid when type-switching on the Shape type, as those types do not implement the Shape interface (the pointers to those types do).

I could work around this by commenting out the case Circle and case Rectangle sections, and then everything works fine.

I investigated why this code was generated, and I found that in the template for the interface type, it just blindly writes out a case for both the Go type and its pointer:

{{- $interface := . }}

func (ec *executionContext) _{{$interface.GQLType}}(sel []query.Selection, obj *{{$interface.FullName}}) graphql.Marshaler {
	switch obj := (*obj).(type) {
	case nil:
		return graphql.Null
	{{- range $implementor := $interface.Implementors }}
	case {{$implementor.FullName}}:
		return ec._{{$implementor.GQLType}}(sel, &obj)

	case *{{$implementor.FullName}}:
		return ec._{{$implementor.GQLType}}(sel, obj)

	{{- end }}
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", obj))

This generated will only ever work if:

  • The matching Go interface type is the empty interface (interface{})
  • Both the type and its pointer implement the matching Go interface

... which doesn't sound right if you're going to allow the interface type to be matched to your own type.

I'm not immediately sure what the best way to fix this might be. One way might be to look into whether the Go type system can tell you which are all the implementing types of an interface (I haven't really investigated that rabbit hole).

Another approach might be to allow us to tell you the implementing types in the types.json file. Of course, that will further complicate the format of that JSON file, but it seems otherwise robust at first glance.

Thanks for taking a look.

is this expected to gen?


type TestCase {
  id: ID!
  name: String

type TestCycle {
  cases: [TestCase]

models_gen.go will be like this

type TestCase struct {
	ID   string
	Name *string
type TestCycle struct {
	CasesID int

Struct generation issue

So sometimes when I'm running the generation I get this error,

expected Address to be a named struct, instead found string

and the interface will generate all the fields, but sometimes the generate runs successfully with no errors and its using the type I put in types.json.

I have been trying to figure out why this is happening, any clues?


Implementation could be as simple as a channel on the result:

func (r *Resolvers) Subscription_messageAdded(ctx context.Context, chatroomId int) (chan Message, error) {
	result := make(chan Message)
	go func() {
		// keep emitting Message events until ctx.Done()
	return result, nil

Default Args not implemented.


Thanks again for this library. It seems that default arguments in the graph schema isn't implemented?

blockchain(limit: Int = 10): BlockchainConnection!

Generates code that has limit as *int but I would expect it to be an int that sets it to 10 or the passed in value.

Schema Stitching & Client generation

It would be neat if you could take a schema and generate a strictly typed client from it:

type Schema {
   getUser(id: Int) User

type User {
generate-client schema.graphql -package myclient

It would generate a client allowing easy querying of schemas, carrying selection set information forward in context:

func (r *Resolver) Profile_user(ctx context.Context, parent *Profile) (myclient.User, error) {
	return r.myclient.GetUser(ctx, parent.UserID)

Under the hood the client would generate the query based on the selection set (does it need any type information to generate the query?) and unmarshal the result, looking at __typename where appropriate to create the correct concrete types.

What about
It relies heavily on reflection to generate the query from the struct, but the shape isn't known until runtime so there is nothing to reflect.

Question: Access selected fields in resolver

Hello, first thank you for a great project! Great job!

I have a question, say i am using postgres as my datasource for resolvers and i want to take advantage of the fact that graphql allows us to select subset of fields. So i want to just query fields i need to optimize the query.

Now how would i go about that when implementing resolvers for example:

query findTodos {
  todos {
func (r *TodoResolver) Query_todos(ctx context.Context) ([]Todo, error) {
    // how do i access which of the fields were selected in the query here
    rows, err := r.db.Query("SELECT text, done FROM todos")

Thank you for any pointers :) Keep up the great job!

Skeleton generation

It would be convenient if there was a command to generate the resolver skeleton and server writing for you from schema.

Combined with Model Generation you could have a working server pretty quickly.

Can it also update the existing resolver signatures if the schema has changed?

Model generation

Automatic generation of models from the schema would make getting started much easier. Mapping onto user types is only convenient when you already have them.

generate wrong code for array parameter


schema {
	query: Query
	mutation: Mutation
type Query {
  project(id: ID!): Project
type Mutation {
  updateProject(name: String!, metadata: [String]): Project
type Project {
  id: ID
  name: String
  metadata: [String]

When I invoke command gqlgen -out generated.go with empty types.json {}
I will get the result:

var arg1 []string
if tmp, ok := field.Args["metadata"]; ok {
   tmp2, err := coerceString(tmp)
   if err != nil {
   arg1 = tmp2  //this is wrong

The full code is here

// This file was generated by, DO NOT EDIT

package graphql1

import (
	context "context"
	fmt "fmt"
	io "io"
	reflect "reflect"
	strconv "strconv"
	strings "strings"
	sync "sync"
	time "time"

	mapstructure ""
	jsonw ""
	errors ""
	introspection ""
	query ""
	schema ""
	validation ""

type Resolvers interface {
	Mutation_updateProject(ctx context.Context, name string, metadata []string) (*interface{}, error)
	Project_id(ctx context.Context, it *interface{}) (*string, error)
	Project_name(ctx context.Context, it *interface{}) (*string, error)
	Project_metadata(ctx context.Context, it *interface{}) ([]string, error)
	Query_project(ctx context.Context, id string) (*interface{}, error)

func NewExecutor(resolvers Resolvers) func(context.Context, string, string, map[string]interface{}, io.Writer) []*errors.QueryError {
	return func(ctx context.Context, document string, operationName string, variables map[string]interface{}, w io.Writer) []*errors.QueryError {
		doc, qErr := query.Parse(document)
		if qErr != nil {
			return []*errors.QueryError{qErr}

		errs := validation.Validate(parsedSchema, doc)
		if len(errs) != 0 {
			return errs

		op, err := doc.GetOperation(operationName)
		if err != nil {
			return []*errors.QueryError{errors.Errorf("%s", err)}

		c := executionContext{
			resolvers: resolvers,
			variables: variables,
			doc:       doc,
			ctx:       ctx,

		var data jsonw.Writer
		if op.Type == query.Query {
			data = c._query(op.Selections, nil)
		} else if op.Type == query.Mutation {
			data = c._mutation(op.Selections, nil)
		} else {
			return []*errors.QueryError{errors.Errorf("unsupported operation type")}


		result := &jsonw.OrderedMap{}
		result.Add("data", data)

		if len(c.Errors) > 0 {
			result.Add("errors", errors.ErrorWriter(c.Errors))

		return nil

type executionContext struct {
	resolvers Resolvers
	variables map[string]interface{}
	doc       *query.Document
	ctx       context.Context
	wg        sync.WaitGroup

var mutationImplementors = []string{"Mutation"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) _mutation(sel []query.Selection, it *interface{}) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, mutationImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "updateProject":
			var arg0 string
			if tmp, ok := field.Args["name"]; ok {
				tmp2, err := coerceString(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				arg0 = tmp2
			var arg1 []string
			if tmp, ok := field.Args["metadata"]; ok {
				tmp2, err := coerceString(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				arg1 = tmp2
			res, err := ec.resolvers.Mutation_updateProject(ec.ctx, arg0, arg1)
			if err != nil {

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec._project(field.Selections, res)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var projectImplementors = []string{"Project"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) _project(sel []query.Selection, it *interface{}) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, projectImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "id":
			go func(i int, field collectedField) {
				defer ec.wg.Done()
				res, err := ec.resolvers.Project_id(ec.ctx, it)
				if err != nil {

				if res == nil {
					out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
			}(i, field)
		case "name":
			go func(i int, field collectedField) {
				defer ec.wg.Done()
				res, err := ec.resolvers.Project_name(ec.ctx, it)
				if err != nil {

				if res == nil {
					out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
			}(i, field)
		case "metadata":
			go func(i int, field collectedField) {
				defer ec.wg.Done()
				res, err := ec.resolvers.Project_metadata(ec.ctx, it)
				if err != nil {

				arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
				for idx1 := range res {
					var tmp1 jsonw.Writer
					tmp1 = jsonw.String(res[idx1])
					arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
				out.Values[i] = arr1
			}(i, field)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var queryImplementors = []string{"Query"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) _query(sel []query.Selection, it *interface{}) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, queryImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "project":
			var arg0 string
			if tmp, ok := field.Args["id"]; ok {
				tmp2, err := coerceString(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				arg0 = tmp2
			go func(i int, field collectedField) {
				defer ec.wg.Done()
				res, err := ec.resolvers.Query_project(ec.ctx, arg0)
				if err != nil {

				if res == nil {
					out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					out.Values[i] = ec._project(field.Selections, res)
			}(i, field)
		case "__schema":
			res := ec.introspectSchema()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Schema(field.Selections, res)
		case "__type":
			var arg0 string
			if tmp, ok := field.Args["name"]; ok {
				tmp2, err := coerceString(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				arg0 = tmp2
			res := ec.introspectType(arg0)

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var __DirectiveImplementors = []string{"__Directive"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) ___Directive(sel []query.Selection, it *introspection.Directive) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, __DirectiveImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "name":
			res := it.Name()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(res)
		case "description":
			res := it.Description()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
		case "locations":
			res := it.Locations()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer
				tmp1 = jsonw.String(res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "args":
			res := it.Args()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___InputValue(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var __EnumValueImplementors = []string{"__EnumValue"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) ___EnumValue(sel []query.Selection, it *introspection.EnumValue) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, __EnumValueImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "name":
			res := it.Name()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(res)
		case "description":
			res := it.Description()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
		case "isDeprecated":
			res := it.IsDeprecated()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.Bool(res)
		case "deprecationReason":
			res := it.DeprecationReason()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var __FieldImplementors = []string{"__Field"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field(sel []query.Selection, it *introspection.Field) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, __FieldImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "name":
			res := it.Name()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(res)
		case "description":
			res := it.Description()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
		case "args":
			res := it.Args()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___InputValue(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "type":
			res := it.Type()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
		case "isDeprecated":
			res := it.IsDeprecated()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.Bool(res)
		case "deprecationReason":
			res := it.DeprecationReason()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var __InputValueImplementors = []string{"__InputValue"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) ___InputValue(sel []query.Selection, it *introspection.InputValue) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, __InputValueImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "name":
			res := it.Name()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(res)
		case "description":
			res := it.Description()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
		case "type":
			res := it.Type()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
		case "defaultValue":
			res := it.DefaultValue()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var __SchemaImplementors = []string{"__Schema"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema(sel []query.Selection, it *introspection.Schema) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, __SchemaImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "types":
			res := it.Types()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "queryType":
			res := it.QueryType()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
		case "mutationType":
			res := it.MutationType()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
		case "subscriptionType":
			res := it.SubscriptionType()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
		case "directives":
			res := it.Directives()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___Directive(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var __TypeImplementors = []string{"__Type"}

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type(sel []query.Selection, it *introspection.Type) jsonw.Writer {
	fields := ec.collectFields(sel, __TypeImplementors, map[string]bool{})
	out := jsonw.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "kind":
			res := it.Kind()

			out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(res)
		case "name":
			res := it.Name()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
		case "description":
			res := it.Description()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.String(*res)
		case "fields":
			var arg0 bool
			if tmp, ok := field.Args["includeDeprecated"]; ok {
				tmp2, err := coerceBool(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				arg0 = tmp2
			res := it.Fields(arg0)

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___Field(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "interfaces":
			res := it.Interfaces()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "possibleTypes":
			res := it.PossibleTypes()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "enumValues":
			var arg0 bool
			if tmp, ok := field.Args["includeDeprecated"]; ok {
				tmp2, err := coerceBool(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				arg0 = tmp2
			res := it.EnumValues(arg0)

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___EnumValue(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "inputFields":
			res := it.InputFields()

			arr1 := jsonw.Array{}
			for idx1 := range res {
				var tmp1 jsonw.Writer

				if res[idx1] == nil {
					tmp1 = jsonw.Null
				} else {
					tmp1 = ec.___InputValue(field.Selections, res[idx1])
				arr1 = append(arr1, tmp1)
			out.Values[i] = arr1
		case "ofType":
			res := it.OfType()

			if res == nil {
				out.Values[i] = jsonw.Null
			} else {
				out.Values[i] = ec.___Type(field.Selections, res)
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

var parsedSchema = schema.MustParse("schema {\n\tquery: Query\n\tmutation: Mutation\n}\n\n\ntype Query {\n  project(id: ID!): Project\n}\n\ntype Mutation {\n  updateProject(name: String!, metadata: [String]): Project\n}\n\n\ntype Project {\n  id: ID\n  name: String\n  metadata: [String]\n}\n\n")

func (ec *executionContext) introspectSchema() *introspection.Schema {
	return introspection.WrapSchema(parsedSchema)

func (ec *executionContext) introspectType(name string) *introspection.Type {
	t := parsedSchema.Resolve(name)
	if t == nil {
		return nil
	return introspection.WrapType(t)

func instanceOf(val string, satisfies []string) bool {
	for _, s := range satisfies {
		if val == s {
			return true
	return false

func (ec *executionContext) collectFields(selSet []query.Selection, satisfies []string, visited map[string]bool) []collectedField {
	var groupedFields []collectedField

	for _, sel := range selSet {
		switch sel := sel.(type) {
		case *query.Field:
			f := getOrCreateField(&groupedFields, sel.Name.Name, func() collectedField {
				f := collectedField{
					Alias: sel.Alias.Name,
					Name:  sel.Name.Name,
				if len(sel.Arguments) > 0 {
					f.Args = map[string]interface{}{}
					for _, arg := range sel.Arguments {
						f.Args[arg.Name.Name] = arg.Value.Value(ec.variables)
				return f

			f.Selections = append(f.Selections, sel.Selections...)
		case *query.InlineFragment:
			if !instanceOf(sel.On.Ident.Name, satisfies) {

			for _, childField := range ec.collectFields(sel.Selections, satisfies, visited) {
				f := getOrCreateField(&groupedFields, childField.Name, func() collectedField { return childField })
				f.Selections = append(f.Selections, childField.Selections...)

		case *query.FragmentSpread:
			fragmentName := sel.Name.Name
			if _, seen := visited[fragmentName]; seen {
			visited[fragmentName] = true

			fragment := ec.doc.Fragments.Get(fragmentName)
			if fragment == nil {
				ec.Errorf("missing fragment %s", fragmentName)

			if !instanceOf(fragment.On.Ident.Name, satisfies) {

			for _, childField := range ec.collectFields(fragment.Selections, satisfies, visited) {
				f := getOrCreateField(&groupedFields, childField.Name, func() collectedField { return childField })
				f.Selections = append(f.Selections, childField.Selections...)

			panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported %T", sel))

	return groupedFields

type collectedField struct {
	Alias      string
	Name       string
	Args       map[string]interface{}
	Selections []query.Selection

func decodeHook(sourceType reflect.Type, destType reflect.Type, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	if destType.PkgPath() == "time" && destType.Name() == "Time" {
		if dateStr, ok := value.(string); ok {
			return time.Parse(time.RFC3339, dateStr)
		return nil, errors.Errorf("time should be an RFC3339 formatted string")
	return value, nil

// nolint: deadcode, megacheck
func unpackComplexArg(result interface{}, data interface{}) error {
	decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
		TagName:     "graphql",
		ErrorUnused: true,
		Result:      result,
		DecodeHook:  decodeHook,
	if err != nil {

	return decoder.Decode(data)

func getOrCreateField(c *[]collectedField, name string, creator func() collectedField) *collectedField {
	for i, cf := range *c {
		if cf.Alias == name {
			return &(*c)[i]

	f := creator()

	*c = append(*c, f)
	return &(*c)[len(*c)-1]

// nolint: deadcode, megacheck
func coerceString(v interface{}) (string, error) {
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case string:
		return v, nil
	case int:
		return strconv.Itoa(v), nil
	case float64:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%f", v), nil
	case bool:
		if v {
			return "true", nil
		} else {
			return "false", nil
	case nil:
		return "null", nil
		return "", fmt.Errorf("%T is not a string", v)

// nolint: deadcode, megacheck
func coerceBool(v interface{}) (bool, error) {
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case string:
		return "true" == strings.ToLower(v), nil
	case int:
		return v != 0, nil
	case bool:
		return v, nil
		return false, fmt.Errorf("%T is not a bool", v)

// nolint: deadcode, megacheck
func coerceInt(v interface{}) (int, error) {
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case string:
		return strconv.Atoi(v)
	case int:
		return v, nil
	case float64:
		return int(v), nil
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("%T is not an int", v)

// nolint: deadcode, megacheck
func coercefloat64(v interface{}) (float64, error) {
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case string:
		return strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
	case int:
		return float64(v), nil
	case float64:
		return v, nil
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("%T is not an float", v)

aliased fields are omitted if non-alias field is defined in query

If non-alias field and alias fields are defined in a query, alias fields are unexpectedly omitted.

Here is a starwars example to reproduce.

  reviews(episode: EMPIRE) {
  jediReviews: reviews(episode: JEDI) {

Expected Behaviour

  "data": {
    "reviews": [],
    "jediReviews": []

Actual Behavior

  "data": {
    "reviews": []

In addition to that, resolver for field jediReviews is never invoked.

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

Optional Query Arguments Question

If a string argument to a query is declared optional its a Pointer type. But it looks like if its not passed in, the generated code marshals it into a string with the value of "null" so the pointer is never actually nil. I was doing nil checks to see if a string was sent but this seems to break this as its always set to "null".

Mutation with variables not working

Expected Behaviour

I would expect the following mutation to be working:

  "query": "mutation createApp($app: AppInput!) {\\n  createApp(app: $app) {\\n}\\n}\\n",
  "variables": {
    "appID": "foobar"

This is the body of the JSON mutation sent to gqlgen.

Unfortunately the actual "model" in the resolver has that field empty.

If the mutation is sent as:

mutation createApp {
  createApp(app: {appID: "foobar"}) {

then it works.

I debugged a bit and I noticed that in the first case the variables are in the context of the mutation:

func (r *Resolver) Mutation_createApp(ctx context.Context, app models.App) (*models.App, error) { // nolint: golint
	reqContext := graphql.GetRequestContext(ctx)

       # .....

this prints all the variables I sent using the client but the actual model struct is empty. With the second method there are no variables and the model struct is filled with the values.

Am I doing something wrong?

Actual Behavior

I would expect the mutation to receive the struct filled with the variables sent on the wire. In the meantime I'm filling the model struct manually from the request context.

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

type Mutation {
    createApp(app: AppInput!): App

type App {
    appID: ID!

input AppInput {
    appID: ID!

and the model:

type App struct {
	AppID                     string    `sql:",notnull" json:"appID"`

check for IsZero when binding

Minimal graphql.schema and models to reproduce

type Foo {
when Time

Expected Behaviour

when = null if zeroed

Actual Behavior

when = 0000/00/00 00:00:00:00

[feature]/event hook - Schema Directives

how to make authorzation layer when i generated a graphql server.
i think we need a event call before call each query/mutation.


  1. authorization layer (Before* event)
  2. access log (After* event)
  3. common control logic

its like:

type Event interface{
  BeforeQuery(ctx context.Context)
  BeforeEachQuery(ctx context.Context,opName string,opParams map[string]interface{})
  BeforeEachMutation(ctx context.Context,opName string,opParams map[string]interface{})
  AfterQuery(ctx context.Context)
  AfterEachQuery(ctx context.Context,opName string,opParams map[string]interface{},output interface{})
  AfterEachMutation(ctx context.Context,opName string,opParams map[string]interface{},output interface{})

Generated code doesn't compile due to missing type conversions

I'm getting a compiler error when gqlgen creates resolvers based on a field that has a wrapped builtin type. For example:


schema {
    query: Query

type Query {
    foo: Foo

type Foo {
    id: String!


package tmp

type Identifier string

type Foo struct {
	ID Identifier


    "Foo": "tmp.Foo"
$ gqlgen -out gen.go
$ go build
# tmp
./gen.go:84:41: cannot use res (type Identifier) as type string in argument to graphql.MarshalString

Because the generated function uses MarshalString(res) instead of MarshalString(string(res)):

// nolint: gocyclo, errcheck, gas, goconst
func (ec *executionContext) _foo(sel []query.Selection, it *Foo) graphql.Marshaler {
	fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.doc, sel, fooImplementors, ec.variables)
	out := graphql.NewOrderedMap(len(fields))
	for i, field := range fields {
		out.Keys[i] = field.Alias
		out.Values[i] = graphql.Null

		switch field.Name {
		case "__typename":
			out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("Foo")
		case "id":
			badArgs := false
			if badArgs {
			res := it.ID

			out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString(res) // <-- invalid call
			panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))

	return out

Question: Why not hard fork an existing library?


Thank you for your great work; this library has a lot of potential. Sorry, I am not sure where else to ask this question. I am curious to know why did you decide to create a new library. Why not just hard fork neelance's go library?

At my work, we are using neelance's go library and even wrote our own code generator. We are also looking at its internal code and has hard forked it to experiment changes (i.e., make internal code exportable, use fields as resolver instead of methods, access to requested fields, add missing security features etc)

[new feature]/generate model tag

if i has this graphql define

type User{
 id : Int!  #user id
 name:String #user name
login_count:Int! #user login count

its will be generated a golang struct

type User struct {
 ID int 
Name *string 
Login_count int 

i want generated to

type User struct {
 ID int   `gql:"id,desc:'user id'`
Name *string `gql:"name,desc:'user name'"`
Login_count int `gql:"login_count,desc:'user login count'"`

and attach more info to field tag.

we can return desc tag of field when request __schema.

[feature]/support recursive type of type.

in codegen/models_build.go:69

why not support recursive type define?

we need support it .

input is work.

input R {

type dont work.

type R {

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