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hugo-theme-zdoc's Introduction

📄 Documentation

Hugo Theme Zdoc

Zdoc is a documentation theme for Hugo. It looks simple and provide many shortcodes. Also, you can make a blog with it.

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💡 Features

  • Dark mode
  • Mobile menu
  • Search
  • Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
  • Multilingual (i18n)
  • Responsive design
  • Fast code highlighting
  • Blog support
  • Table Of Contents(toc)
  • Code Tab
  • Blog

Minimum Hugo version

Hugo version 0.65.0 or higher is required.


Hugo Theme Zdoc Screenshot

hugo-theme-zdoc's People


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hugo-theme-zdoc's Issues

code tabs [feature request]

It would be really nice to have support for code tabs to support projects with APIs for different programming languages.

I have tried the approach of While it works, the CSS starts to get broken as I need to include bootstrap to make the tabs working.

I can help developing the feature, with some guidance.

Error building site

Root directory start service


theme directory



title: "Rich Content"
date: 2019-12-19T12:00:06+09:00
description: "A brief description of Hugo Shortcodes"
draft: false
hideToc: false
enableToc: true
enableTocContent: false
author: Lee
authorEmoji: 👺
- shortcodes
- privacy
image: images/feature2/content.png

Hugo ships with several [Built-in Shortcodes]( for rich content, along with a [Privacy Config]( and a set of Simple Shortcodes that enable static and no-JS versions of various social media embeds.



## YouTube Privacy Enhanced Shortcode

{{< youtube ZJthWmvUzzc >}}



## Twitter Simple Shortcode

{{< twitter_simple 1085870671291310081 >}}



## Vimeo Simple Shortcode

{{< vimeo_simple 48912912 >}}

Build again success


Gitalk Not Work In Resume Page

I have been config my gitalk in params.toml ,gitalk work well in posts page , but when i want to leave a comment in my resume page. it show Error: Validation Failed.

Repeated file

Hi, I have realized the search is using a file called index.json, this file is pretty big since it contains every single file encoded.

The file is used in themes/zdoc/layouts/partials/head/scripts.html:387

        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', permalink + "index.json");
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');

I have realized this file is repeated for each page, I think there is no need to repeat this file since is pretty heavy and it could be reused for every html:




I think public folder would be much lighter with this enhancement, it could also run faster.

As a suggestion, another approach would be to store just the folder information on it so your searches would work only in this folder and subfolders and filter this way the search.

Regards and Congrats for such a beautifull theme.

ZgotmplZ redirection

First I would like to say I really like this theme, it looks very cool.

I have been playing with the theme and I figured out a cool POC to play with, it works well when I play with it using "hugo serve", but when I do "hugo" in order to build it and then serve the statics in public as stand-alone page it redirects to "whatever**/#ZgotmplZ**" for example


According to internet it is because there should be some kind of sanitation `

Is it happening to everyone or just me?


Tags in Doc site [Feature Request]

Is this planned for future releases? I've noticed if I add tags to the doc site they do show up in the blog site, but when you click they don't have the correct format (blog format)

It's possible I'm implementing it wrong as well. Thanks, I love this theme and your work.

Custom CSS not loading

I am following the steps here to add my own custom CSS.

I've added the following line to config/_default/params.toml:

custom_css = ["css/mystyles.css"]

I've created the file assets/css/mystyles.css and added these to it:

.navbar__logo--text {
    font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
    color: #f00;

#body {
    background-color: red !important;

No changes appear. The dev tools show that the only stylesheet being loaded is main.min.css.

Failed to get JSON resource

I trying to get zdoc theme and run the website just like this installation in your website:

But when i run the command hugo serve it's get me this error:

Built in 10073 ms
Error: Error building site: "/home/...../...../..../..../content/en/blog/": timed out initializing value. You may have a circular loop in a shortcode, or your site may have resources that take longer to build than the `timeout` limit in your Hugo config file.

so i increase the timeout variable in config.toml, but then i get another error like this:

Building sites … ERROR 2020/12/02 16:27:43 Failed to get JSON resource "": Get "": dial tcp --.--.--.--:---: i/o timeout
ERROR 2020/12/02 16:27:53 Failed to get JSON resource "": Get "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
ERROR 2020/12/02 16:28:23 Failed to get JSON resource "": Get "": dial tcp --.--.--.--:---: i/o timeout
ERROR 2020/12/02 16:28:33 Failed to get JSON resource "": Get "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Built in 80458 ms
Error: Error building site: logged 4 error(s)

My OS is Linux mint 20.

Can you help me to fix it?

This endpoint is deprecated. Please read to learn how to migrate your endpoint.

ERROR 2020/11/05 21:24:07 Failed to get JSON resource ";maxwidth=640&amp;omitscript=true": Failed to retrieve remote file: Bad Request
If you feel that this should not be logged as an ERROR, you can ignore it by adding this to your site config:
ignoreErrors = ["error-remote-getjson"]

add ignoreErrors = ["error-remote-getjson"],and the server work,but i still think i should report this issues.

i like this theme,thank you.

Can you support searching with hugo-lunr-zh?

I like this topic very much, but for documentation, search is so important. I tried to integrate hugo-lunr-zh myself, but it failed because I am not a web developer, and there is too little information on the Internet. Now my first resistance to using this theme is the Chinese search function. So, could you please support hugo-lunr-zh search? I will be very grateful! !!

Doc Pagination Link Order

Thanks for the great theme!

The bottom navigation links appear to be in reverse order even when "languagedir" setting is not rtl.
For example, on the example site configuration page I would expect "Basic Usage" to be on the left and "Installation" to be on the right.

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 11 25 05 AM

Long titles make sidebar text crowded

When the title is too long, for example:
title: "abc def abc def abc def abc def abc def abc def abc def"
The title shown in the sidebar overlaps with other titles, especially when there are multiple long titles on besides. Is there a good way to add some spaces between titles? Or an alternative shorten title can be set? Thanks!

search error when disabled

    searchElem.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
      if (window.innerWidth < 770) {
        return null;


(index):792 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

[Wishlist] Add "copy to clipboard" button to code blocks

I love this theme, but I'm totally failing to add a button to copy code blocks by myself. The theme code has includes to "copy-to-clipboard.min.js" scattered around, so you're probably already working on it, but something in the way the code block generation is set up breaks the positioning of the copy button for the single tutorial I found that can copy the block,
(all the others, like, fail on showing the button or on copying the code block contents)
I can get a copy button, and it copies the code block, but the button gets inserted in the "wrong" place, way up in the DOM instead of near the code block.

How to enable disqus comment?

In params.tom, I set the following parameters to enable Disqus but Disqus is not shown at the bottom of my pages.

enableComment = true
disqus_shortname = "xxxxxx"

Are there any other settings required?

Content on the landing page?

I've trying add content to the main/landing page. If I add markup to the bottom of exampleSite/content/en/ it doesn't show up anywhere. Is there a way to get content on the main/landing page? Thanks.

Can't build using new site

Start building sites … 
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "home" failed: "/github/workspace/themes/zdoc/layouts/_default/baseof.html:16:33": execute of template failed: template: index.html:16:33: executing "index.html" at <index $themeOptions 0>: error calling index: index of untyped nil
ERROR 2020/11/14 09:00:44 render of "taxonomy" failed: "/github/workspace/themes/zdoc/layouts/_default/baseof.html:16:33": execute of template failed: template: _default/taxonomy.html:16:33: executing "_default/taxonomy.html" at <index $themeOptions 0>: error calling index: index of untyped nil
ERROR 2020/11/14 09:00:44 render of "taxonomy" failed: "/github/workspace/themes/zdoc/layouts/_default/baseof.html:16:33": execute of template failed: template: _default/taxonomy.html:16:33: executing "_default/taxonomy.html" at <index $themeOptions 0>: error calling index: index of untyped nil
ERROR 2020/11/14 09:00:44 TOCSS: failed to transform "main_parsed.scss" (text/x-scss): SCSS processing failed: file "stdin", line 1, col 17: Invalid CSS after "$enable-navbar:": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "<no value>;"

I'm trying to use this theme while following the official Quick Start guide. Is there any additional configuration needed for this theme to work?

Hugo version: 0.78

Reproduction in Github actions

url edit: to a different page than the repo

Is it possible to add to the metadata of the document a field called

url: ... link to a page that is not related to github from params.toml ....

I use lots of external repos to manage different "chapters" or categories. Having that field would allow easier management of large documentations.

logic is

if url:
   use the url for edit this
   use the default way on how it works now


Using MathJax and other libraries


I really like this theme. I'm using it for documenting my project

I need to include MathJax for rendering some equations. I see that in there is a reference to MathJax, but not sure how to enable it.

I tried including the code below in my config/_default/params.toml but still the formulas do not render.

Libraries = ["mathjax"]

What's the correct way to include those libraries defined in single-script.html?

font seletcion

could config.toml contain a font parameter so we can change the font for headlines, or maybe provide an alternative css

Multi Level Navigation for side menu docs(Feature request)


Thank you for this theme , its most suited for needs off all the themes I have tried.
Any how It would be great if multilevel side menu navigation is possible . As my docs tree structure is as follows .
└── Linux
├── Guides
│   ├── Commands
│   │   ├── Archieving-Compression
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   ├── Environment
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └──

Add toggle button similar to your zzo hugo theme to

It would be great to utilise all the space on the screen for documentation. your zzo theme has good toggle button option or feature to disable and utilise the space, if possible add similar options for this theme too.

Alignment looks a bit strange.


Like the pic above, the distance between date/author line and and the navbar is too close. The date/author line should be placed in a better position.

long toc not scrolling properly

Hi! With long toc and hovering with pointer over it, then scrolling, toc is not scroller, but content is. Dunno if its issue or not existing feature. Anyway please fix it asap :D haha. Nah I'm kidding, but it would be nice if You would think about it.

Repeated items in list

Hi, I am having repeated items in a list.

I have created a fourth element in the top menu, it is called Protected, the value inside is:

title: "Protected"
description: "test protected index"
date: 2020-01-11T14:09:21+09:00
draft: false

When it renders it creates two elements for each element in the folder.
I did a test removing one of the elements and it removes both copies.

This issue doesn´t happen in the other folders.

You can see it running in here:

and the code here:

deprecation warning re !global assignments when build

I'm getting the deprecation warning

Start building sites … 
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 4 of /Users/andy/Devel/hugo_tests/quickstart/themes/zzo/assets/sass/abstracts/_mixins.scss:
!global assignments won't be able to declare new variables in future versions.
Consider adding `$theme-map: null` at the top level.

each time I serve or build with Hugo. Is there a fix for this?

two issues maybe

1. hugo-theme-zdoc/layouts/partials/comments/utterances.html

it can't change the utterances theme mode,if i change dark or light on navbar.


if i click a link on TOC,the main content will be cover the title of TOC by navbar.
such as
if i click, code-block-with-backticks will be cover by the top navbar.
i think it's a bug.

still learn english,Hope i express clearly,thank you.

[smartphone mode] The menu content of landing page is blank

First of all, I would like to thank all the maintainers of this awesome template. I really love it.

Recently, I find that when I browse my website using the smartphone, clicking the menu button (three parallel lines) on the top left shows the website's title only, which is meanless. However, if the user wants to access various sections, he/she has to click on the website's title (on the right of the menu button). This design can mislead many users that this website only has one page. I understand the menu button is there for the page structure for the document pages. Since there is no such structure on the landing page, I would like to suggest putting the section titles within the menu of the landing page, or simply removing the menu button on the landing page to avoid misunderstanding. Many thanks in advance.

Shortcode style and documentation


First of all, thank you for this nice and clean theme !

I'm a bit struggling to use it correctly though because of the missing documentation (landing, cards, blog ... ) do you plan to add it soon or later ?

I also see that you added shortcodes for notices that i would like to use but no css exists for the class "notices", is it a work in progress ?

Thank you !

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