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ai-as-an-api's Introduction

Workshop: IRT AI / ML

Learn to build your own NLP text classifier and expose it as an API using the following technologies:

  • AI-based text analysis with Tensorflow/Keras;
  • Astra DB, a Database-as-a-Service built on Apache Cassandra®;
  • FastAPI, the high-performance Python framework for creating APIs;
  • Many useful Python libraries and packages including pandas, pydantic, dotenv, sklearn, uvicorn, and more.

During this hands-on workshop, you will:

  • prepare the labeled dataset for model training;
  • train the model to classify any input text;
  • export the trained model and test it interactively;
  • create your free NoSQL database for data storage;
  • set up and start an API exposing the classifier as a reusable class;
  • learn how to speed up the API with DB-based caching;
  • inspect how a streaming response is handled in the API.


  • Familiarity with Python.
  • A GitHub account.

    If you do not have a GitHub account, create a free account at GitHub.


To start with you will initialise a GitPod environment as described in Step 1 below.
The remainder of the workshop continues from within the GitPod environment.

Step 1: Gitpod

Gitpod is an IDE in the cloud (modeled after VSCode). It comes with a full "virtual machine" (actually a Kubernetes-managed container), which you will use as if it were your own computer (e.g. downloading files, executing programs and scripts, training the model and eventually starting the API from it).

The button below will:

  • spawn your own Gitpod container;
  • clone this repository in it and open it in the IDE;
  • preinstall the required dependencies.

Click on the Gitpod button:

Start the Interactive Lab on Gitpod

Note: you may have to authorise GitPod to sign in with your GitHub account.

Note: For Choose an Editor, select VS Code • 1.x.x • Browser.

In a few minutes, a full IDE will be ready in the browser, with a file explorer on the left, a file editor on the top (with this very README open for convenience), and a console (bash) below it. Actually three consoles will be spawned for later convenience:

  • work-shell (where the main work is done including running the API)
  • curl-shell (to later issue curl commands to the API)
  • notebook-shell (where Jupyter will keep running)

Note: If you want to work on your laptop, make sure you install all Python dependencies listed in requirements.txt (doing so in a Python virtual environment is strongly suggested) and add the main repo root to the PYTHONPATH. (You might see "errors" related to mismatching versions between the tensorflow package and others, notably numpy: you should be able to ignore them and just go ahead.) If you are on Python 3.6, you will additionally need to install the dataclasses package (i.e. pip install dataclasses). Also, please note that the model training phase may take much longer than ten minutes, depending on your processing power.

Show me a map of the Gitpod starting layout
  1. File explorer
  2. Editor
  3. Panel for console(s)
  4. Console switcher There are many more other features, probably familiar to those who have experience with VSCode. Feel free to play around a bit!

Note: make sure you locate the "console switcher" on the bottom right; all commands, unless specified otherwise, are to be launched in the "work-shell" console.

Step 2: Create a database in Astra DB

We have created a database in AWS Sydney. You will create a keyspace in it (a keyspace can contain tables). The API needs a couple of tables for persistent storage: they will be created programmatically on startup if they don't exist, so there's no need to worry too much about them.

We will provide you with a token, that is, a set of credentials to connect to it in a secure and authenticated way.

Configure Astra CLI

Astra CLI provides a command line interface in a terminal to operate DataStax Astra. The goal is to offer access to any feature without accessing the user interface.

Use the work-shell for these commands.

First, configure the Astra CLI so that it knows the "token" part of your DB Admin Token (i.e. the string starting with AstraCS:...):

astra setup

Note: If you get a "command not found" error, please install Astra CLI manually with curl -Ls "" | bash and retry the above commands after running source ~/.bashrc.

Show me the setup step

You can test that everything works by inspecting the database:

astra db get workshopsaws
Show me a typical output

Create a keyspace in Astra DB

A keyspace is a logical grouping for tables, typically to group related tables together. For example, all tables for a particular application could be contained within a single keyspace.

Use the work-shell for these commands.

  1. Compose a keyspace name for this project made up of your name. Example: ks_hilton_rosenfeld

  2. Create the keyspace using the Astra CLI

    astra db create-keyspace -k <YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME> workshopsaws

Configure Astra connection .env file

Now you need to prepare a configuration file with all required parameters to connect to the database. Fortunately, the Astra CLI has you covered and will automate most of it for you: all you need is to run a couple of commands which will prepare a .env file with all required connection information (keyspace name, access token, location of the secure connect bundle which it downloads automatically) available as environment variables.

Use the work-shell for these commands.

astra db create-dotenv -k <YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME> workshopsaws

Let us add to this file a couple of settings specific to our API:

cat .app-env.sample >> .env

At this point, the .env file should be OK. If you are curious, have a look at what's in it: there will be keyspace name, connection secrets, API settings and so on.

Show me what the dot-env file might look like

Note: If you don't have (or don't want to use) the actual trained model at hand, you can switch to a lightweight mock by setting MOCK_MODEL_CLASS="1" in this dot-env file. The API part of the practice would "not even notice the change".

Step 3. Inspect the Dataset

Open the file training/dataset/spam-dataset.csv and have a look at the lines there.

Tip: you can open a file in Gitpod by locating it with the "File Explorer" on your left, but if you like using the keyboard you may simply issue the command gp open training/dataset/spam-dataset.csv from the bash Console at the bottom.

This is a CSV file with three columns (separated by commas):

  • whether the line is spam or "ham" (i.e. the opposite of spam),
  • a short piece of text (a "message"),
  • the tag identifying the source of this datapoint (this will be ignored by the scripts).

The third column betrays the mixed origin of the data. To create our labeled dataset of 7,500 messages, two sets made available by the UCI Machine Learning Repository have been merged:

Luckily, the (not always fun) task of cleaning, validating and normalizing the heterogeneous (and usually imperfect) data has been already done for you -- something that is seldom the case, alas, in a real-world task.

Look at line 352 of this file for example. Is that message spam or ham?

Tip: hit Ctrl-G in the Gitpod editor to jump to a specific line number.

Show me that line in Gitpod's editor

Step 4. Train the Model in Jupyter

In the Gitpod environment, we started Jupyter for you (it is running in the notebook-shell console). To open it, run the following command, which will open a browser to the notebook server listening:

Use the work-shell console

gp preview --external $(gp url 8888)/notebooks/notebook/machineLearning.ipynb

Note: The password to unlock the notebook is spamclassifier.

How to run the Jupyter Notebook

A notebook is made of "cells". Select a cell by clicking on it and execute it with Shift+Enter. Run all code cells in the notebook from the first to the last.

Note: there are cells with the sole purpose of inspecting the contents of some variables. Take your time, use them to better understand what's going on.

When you have completed the Jupyter Notebook, come back to this document and continue with Step 5.

Step 5. Expose the Model as an API

Now your model is trained and saved to disk, ready to be used, it is time to expose it with FastAPI in the form of easy-to-use HTTP requests.

You'll first look at a minimal version of the API, just to get a taste of how FastAPI works, and then turn to a full-fledged version, with more endpoints and a database-backed caching layer.

A Minimal API

Now that the trained model is there, the .env file is ready and the secure bundle is in place, you can start a minimal form of the API with:

Use the work-shell console

uvicorn api.minimain:miniapp --reload

Note: In this command, you are telling uvicorn (an ASGI server capable of running asynchronous Python APIs) to launch the miniapp API found in the minimain module; you also ask it to keep a watch on all involved files and auto-reload on any file change.

After some (rather verbose) output from Tensorflow, you should see the INFO: Application startup complete. The API has loaded the classifier and is ready to accept requests (on localhost and port 8000, as per defaults). You will first fire some requests and then have a quick look at how the code is structured.

Note: This code is purposefully kept very simple: besides not implementing all the features, it also refrains from using some of the facilities provided by FastAPI to better focus on the basics. Look at the full API below for a more comprehensive usage of the framework.

Query the minimal API

You'll use the command-line tool curl to issue simple HTTP requests at your running API (but, of course, any tool capable of doing GETs and POSTs would do).

Use the curl-shell console:

curl -s http://localhost:8000 | python -mjson.tool

This issues a GET request to the "/" API endpoint. The result is a small summary, in JSON form, of some of the API parameters inherited through the .env file.

The logic to retrieve these settings and make them available to the API is in the module and relies on the pydantic package, that excels at data validation while allowing for surprisingly short and clean code. pydantic pairs very well with FastAPI (documentation).

Note: If you are feeling adventurous, try stopping the API (Ctrl-C in the API shell) and re-starting as API_NAME="Fire Dragon!" uvicorn api.minimain:miniapp --reload. Try again the above curl command to see the redefined environment variable API_NAME taking precedence over the dot-env file.

This minimal API already accomplishes the basic task for today: namely, it makes the spam classifier available as an API.

Let's try with some POST requests (curl-shell console):

Run a single-text endpoint

curl -s -XPOST \
  localhost:8000/prediction \
  -d '{"text": "Click TO WIN a FREE CAR"}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | python -mjson.tool

Run multiple-texts endpoint

curl -s -XPOST \
  localhost:8000/predictions \
  -d '{"texts": ["Click TO WIN a FREE CAR", "I like this endpoint"]}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | python -mjson.tool

That's it: the API correctly receives requests, uses the model to get predictions (i.e. spam/ham scores for each message), and returns them back to the caller.

Show me what the output could look like Since training is a randomized process, the actual numbers you will obtain will not necessarily match what you see here. But you can expect a broad agreement, with the first text being seen as "spam" with at least 80% confidence and the second one being labeled "ham" at least as clearly.

Inspect the minimal API code

What is running now is a basic API architecture, which makes use of just the fundamental features of FastAPI. You will shortly launch a more sophisticated one. But first we want to make some observations on the code structure:

The main object is the FastAPI instance called miniapp. This exposes a decorator that can be used to attach a Python function to an API endpoint (see e.g. the @miniapp.get('/') preceding the function definition). FastAPI will try to match the function arguments with the request parameters.

To make this matching more effective, and gain input validation "for free" with that, the code defines "models" in the pydantic sense and specifies them as the types for the endpoint functions. Try to invoke the API as follows and see what happens. Note the empty body. (curl-shell console):

curl -v -s -XPOST \
  localhost:8000/prediction -d '{}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | python -mjson.tool

The core of the API, the classifier model, is conveniently wrapped into a separate class, AIModel, that takes care of loading from files and predicting; it also performs the necessary conversions to offer a friendlier interface to the caller. The model is instantiated within a special @miniapp.on_event("startup") utility decorator offered by FastAPI which is used to "register" some operations, effectively scheduling them for execution as soon as the rest of the API is loaded. Then, the model will live as a global variable accessible from the various endpoint functions.

Note: have a look at the class in There is nothing specific to spam classification there. Indeed, this is a widely reusable class, that can load and expose any text classifier based on a similar tokenizer-then-predict structure as it is.

You can now stop the minimal API (Ctrl-C in the work-shell console).

The Full API

This is your "production-ready" result and, as such, has many more nice features that we will now list (just giving pointers for those interested in knowing more):

Tell me about the nice features of this API

Database and Caching

In general, running a classifier on some input can be expensive in terms of CPU and time. It makes sense to introduce a caching mechanism, whereby texts that were already processed and cached are not computed again. You happen to have a database, our Astra DB instance, and you'll use it to store all predictions for later querying and retrieval.

To do so, you need:

  • a table, containing processed text data;
  • a connection to the database, that will be kept alive throughout the life of the API; and
  • methods to write, and read, entries in that table.

Technically, you will use the Cassandra Python drivers, and in particular the Object Mapper facility they offer. Look into api/database/*.py. There is a module that sets up the connection, using the secrets found in the .env, and another where the models are defined - in particular the SpamCacheItem model, representing an entry in the cache. The database initialization will go together with the spam-model loading into the API "startup" hook. Note that there is no need to explicitly create the table. This is handled automatically by the sync_table calls in the onStartup() method.

This table is a Cassandra table. We have modeled it according to the query it needs to support. In this case that means that "model version" and "input text" form the primary key (also partition key), and the prediction outputs are additional data columns. (Note: using the object mapper, the structure of the table is implied in the attributes given to the fields in the corresponding model).

At this point, the endpoint functions can use the cachePrediction and readCachedPrediction functions to look for entries in the cache and store them. Note that caching introduces a nontrivial possibility in the multi-input endpoint that only some of the input texts may be cached. As a demonstration, and assuming the cost of computation is way higher than the cost of development/maintenance (which in many cases is true, especially with ML!), the code goes to great lengths to ensure this is handled sparingly and transparently to the caller. See the logic in multiple_text_predictions for the details.

Documentation and typed response

We all love well-documented APIs. And FastAPI makes it pretty easy to do so:

  • When instantiating the main FastAPI object, all sorts of properties (version number, grouping of endpoints, API title and so on) can be passed to it;
  • Docstrings in the endpoint functions, and even the function names themselves, are known to FastAPI;
  • Additional annotations can be passed to the endpoint decorators, such as the expected structure of the response JSON (for this reason, we took the extra care of defining pydantic models for the responses as well, for instance PredictionResult).

This is all used by FastAPI to automatically expose a Swagger UI that makes it easy to experiment with the running API and test it (you'll later see how this makes developers' lives easier). Also a machine-readable description of the API conforming to the OpenAPI specifications is produced and made available.

Call logging and StreamingResponse

Caching is not the only use you'll make of a database: also all text classification requests are logged to a table, keeping track of the time, the text that was requested and the identity of the caller.

This may be useful, for instance, to implement rate limiting; in this API you simply expose the datum back to the caller, who is able to issue a request such as curl -s http://localhost:8000/recent_log | python -mjson.tool and examine their own recent calls.

The problem is, in principle this may be a huge list, and you do not want to have it all in memory on the API side before sending out a giant response to the caller. Especially considering the data from the database will be paginated (in a way that is handled automatically for us by the Cassandra drivers' object models). So what do you do here? It would be nice to start streaming out the API response as the first chunk of data arrives from the database ... and that is exactly what we do, with the StreamingResponse construct provided by FastAPI.

The idea is very simple: you wrap something like a generator with StreamingResponse and FastAPI handles the rest. In this case, however, you want the full response to also be a valid JSON, so you do some tricks to ensure that (taking care of the opening/closing square brackets, to avoid a trailing comma at end of list, etc). In practice the full JSON response is crafted semi-manually (see function formatCallerLogJSON for the gory details). For a look at the structure and contents of the database table with the call log data, and a short account on the reason for that choice, see below (section "Inspect the database").

Support for a GET endpoint

For illustrative purposes, the API also has a GET endpoint for requesting (single-)text classification. A useful feature is that the pydantic models declared as endpoint dependencies will be filled also using query parameters, if they are available and the names match. In this way, the GET endpoint will work, and will internally be able to use a SingleTextQuery, even when invoked as follows (try it! Use the curl-shell console)

curl -s \
  "localhost:8000/prediction?text=This+is+a+nice+day&skip_cache=true&echo_input=1" \
  | python -mjson.tool

(The way to have this mechanism working goes through the topic of dependency injection in FastAPI and in particular the "classes as dependencies" part. See here for more details on this).

Launch the full API

Without further ado, it is time to start the full-fledged API.

Switch to the work-shell console.

Hit Ctrl-C in the work-shell console (if you didn't already stop the "minimal API") and launch the following command this time (you're now closer to "production", so you do not want the --reload flag any more):

uvicorn api.main:app

The full API is starting (and again, after a somewhat lengthy output you will see something like Uvicorn running on being printed).

Note: If the API cannot start and you see an error such as urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable while connecting to the DB, most likely your Astra DB instance is currently hibernated. In that case, just open the CQL Console on the Astra UI to bring your DB back to operation.

Quickly launch a couple of requests with curl on the bash console (the same requests already sent to the minimal API earlier) and check the output:

Switch to the curl-shell console.

Get basic API info

curl -s http://localhost:8000 | python -mjson.tool

This output has been enriched with the "ID of the caller" (actually the IP the call comes from). To access this piece of information from within the route, you make use of the very flexible dependency system offered by FastAPI, simply declaring the endpoint function as having a parameter of type Request: you will be then able to read its client member to access the caller IP address.

Now for an actual request to process some text (curl-shell console):

Run a single-text endpoint

curl -s -XPOST \
  localhost:8000/prediction \
  -d '{"text": "Click TO WIN a FREE CAR"}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | python -mjson.tool

Also this output is somewhat richer: there is an "input" field (not filled by default) and, most important, a "from_cache" field - presumably false. But, if you re-launch the very same curl command (try it!), the response will have "from_cache" set to true. This is the caching mechanism at work.

You could play a bit more with the API, but to do so, let us move to a friendlier interface, offered for free by FastAPI: the Swagger UI.

Step 6: Use the API

Open the Swagger UI

Use the curl-shell console.

To open the UI, run:

SWAGGER_URL=`gp url 8000`/docs ; 
echo $SWAGGER_URL ; 
gp preview --external $SWAGGER_URL

You will see the Swagger UI. You can now browse the API documentation and even try the endpoints out.

Note: If you are running locally, the SWagger UI is at

Show me the Swagger UI main page

Take a moment to look around. Look at the details for an endpoint and notice that schema description are provided for both the payload and the responses.

Fun with caching

Let's have some fun with the caching mechanism and the multiple-text endpoint. For this experiment you will borrow a few lines from a famous poem by T. S. Eliot.

First locate the /predictions endpoint, expand it and click "Try it out" to access the interactive form. Edit the "Request Body" field pasting the following:

  "texts": [
    "I have seen them riding seaward on the waves",
    "When the wind blows the water white and black."

Click the big "Execute" blue button and look for the "Response body" below. You will see that both lines are new to the classifier, indeed their from_cache returns false.

Now add a third line and re-issue the request, with body

  "texts": [
    "I have seen them riding seaward on the waves",
    "When the wind blows the water white and black.",
    "By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown"

and check the response this time. The from_cache will have a true-true-false pattern this time.

Finally, reinstate all lines of the stanza (so far only the odd ones were passed!):

  "texts": [
    "I have seen them riding seaward on the waves",
    "Combing the white hair of the waves blown back",
    "When the wind blows the water white and black.",
    "We have lingered in the chambers of the sea",
    "By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown",
    "Till human voices wake us, and we drown."

How do the values of from_cache look like now? (well, no surprises here).

Take a look at the cache-reading logic in the multiple_text_predictions function code in Sometimes it pays off to carefully avoid wasting CPU cycles.

API Call log

The recent_log endpoint provides a (time-ordered) listing of all the classification requests you issued recently.

As you saw earlier, behind the scenes this is a StreamingResponse and, instead of relying on FastAPI to package your response as JSON, you manually construct its pieces as the data arrives from the database.

First, try the /recent_log endpoint in Swagger and check the output matches your previous experiments.

Second, go back to the curl-shell console, and check the result of (in the curl-shell console) :

curl -s localhost:8000/recent_log | python -mjson.tool

Surprise! Most likely you are not seeing your Eliot lines being listed, at least not on Gitpod (but you may see the calls you issued earlier with curl). The reason is that requests coming from the Swagger UI pass through Gitpod's port and domain mappings and appear to come from a different IP than those from "the local localhost".

You may want to verify this by comparing the caller_id returned by the Swagger invocation of the / endpoint and the result of curl -s localhost:8000 | python -mjson.tool.

Step 7: Inspect the database

You can also directly look at the contents of the tables on Astra DB.

Use the curl-shell console.

To do so, invoke the Astra CLI to open a cqlsh console connected to the database and set to work in the desired keyspace:

astra db cqlsh workshopsaws -k <YOUR_KEYSPACE_NAME>

Note: Commands entered in the CQL Console are terminated with a semicolon (;) and can span multiple lines. Run them with the Enter key. If you want to interrupt the command you are entering, hit Ctrl-C to be brought back to the prompt. To leave cqlsh, use the EXIT command. See the CQL Language Reference for more commands.

Start by checking which tables are there?


List some sample records from the cache table:

  model_version, input, result, confidence, DATEOF(stored_at)
FROM spam_cache_items
  LIMIT 10;

And, similarly, look at the recent call log for the "localhost" caller:

SELECT * FROM spam_calls_per_caller
  WHERE caller_id = ''
  AND called_hour='2023-07-12 07:00:00.000Z';

Note: For the above to show results, you have to take care of adapting the date and (whole) hour to the results of previous query; also, possibly the caller_id may have to be edited to reflect what you see from the Swagger "/" response.

The reason why the call log is partitioned in hourly chunks (and not only by caller_id) has to do with the way the Cassandra database, on which Astra DB is built, works: in short we do not want our partitions to grow indefinitely. Unfortunately a thorough discussion of this topic would lead us too far away. If you are curious, we strongly recommend you start from the exercises Data modeling by example and [What is Cassandra?}( You will embark on a long and exciting journey!

ai-as-an-api's People


hiltonrosenfeld avatar

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