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postfixadmin-cookbook's Introduction

PostfixAdmin Cookbook

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Installs and configures PostfixAdmin, a web based interface used to manage mailboxes, virtual domains and aliases.

Also creates the required MySQL or PostgreSQL database and tables.

Table of Contents


Please, if you want to upgrade the postfixadmin cookbook version from the 1.x branch, see the CHANGELOG.

Supported Platforms

This cookbook has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Amazon Linux
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Ubuntu

Please, let us know if you use it successfully on any other platform.

Required Cookbooks

Required Applications

  • Chef 12.5 or higher.
  • Ruby 2.2 or higher.

Only Postfix Admin version 3 or higher is supported by this cookbook. For older versions, use cookbook versions < 3.

Other Requirements

On RedHat based platforms, you need to disable or configure SELinux correctly to work with mysql cookbook. You can use the selinux::disabled recipe for that.

Generated Passwords

The first time it runs, automatically generates some passwords if not specified. Generated passwords are:

From the PostfixAdmin Default Recipe

  • postfixadmin/setup_password
  • postfixadmin/setup_password_salt
  • postfixadmin/setup_password_encrypted
  • postfixadmin/database/password

When MySQL Is Used

  • postfixadmin/mysql/server_root_password

When PostgreSQL Is Used

  • postgresql/password/postgres


Attribute Default Description
node['postfixadmin']['version'] '3.0.2' PostfixAdmin version
node['postfixadmin']['url'] calculated PostfixAdmin download URL
node['postfixadmin']['checksum'] calculated PostfixAdmin download file checksum
node['postfixadmin']['port'] calculated PostfixAdmin listen port
node['postfixadmin']['server_name'] calculated PostfixAdmin server name
node['postfixadmin']['server_aliases'] [] PostfixAdmin server aliases
node['postfixadmin']['headers'] {} PostfixAdmin HTTP headers to set as hash
node['postfixadmin']['ssl'] false enables HTTPS (with SSL)
node['postfixadmin']['encrypt_attributes'] false Whether to encrypt PostfixAdmin attributes containing credential secrets.
node['postfixadmin']['setup_password'] calculated PostfixAdmin Setup Password (required for chef-solo)
node['postfixadmin']['setup_password_salt'] calculated PostfixAdmin password salt (required for chef-solo)
node['postfixadmin']['web_server'] 'apache' Web server to use: 'apache', 'nginx' or false
node['postfixadmin']['setup_password_encrypted'] calculated PostfixAdmin encrypted Password
node['postfixadmin']['database']['manage'] calculated Whether to manage database creation.
node['postfixadmin']['database']['type'] 'mysql' PostfixAdmin database type. Possible values are: 'mysql', 'postgresql' (Please, see [below](#postgresql-support)<a></a>)
node['postfixadmin']['database']['name'] 'postfix' PostfixAdmin database name
node['postfixadmin']['database']['host'] '' PostfixAdmin database hostname or IP address
node['postfixadmin']['database']['user'] 'postfix' PostfixAdmin database login username
node['postfixadmin']['database']['password'] calculated PostfixAdmin database login password (requried for chef-solo)
node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['instance'] 'default' PostfixAdmin MySQL instance name to run by the mysql_service LWRP from the mysql cookbook
node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['data_dir'] calculated PostfixAdmin MySQL data files path
node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['port'] '3306' PostfixAdmin MySQL port
node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['run_group'] calculated PostfixAdmin MySQL system group
node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['run_user'] calculated PostfixAdmin MySQL system user
node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['version'] calculated PostfixAdmin database MySQL version to install
node['postfixadmin']['conf']['encrypt'] 'md5crypt' The way do you want the passwords to be crypted
node['postfixadmin']['conf']['domain_path'] 'YES' Whether you want to store the mailboxes per domain
node['postfixadmin']['conf']['domain_in_mailbox'] 'NO' Whether you want to have the domain in your mailbox
node['postfixadmin']['conf']['fetchmail'] 'NO' Whether you want fetchmail tab
node['postfixadmin']['packages']['requirements'] calculated PostfixAdmin required packages array
node['postfixadmin']['packages']['mysql'] calculated PostfixAdmin required packages array for MySQL support
node['postfixadmin']['packages']['postgresql'] calculated PostfixAdmin required packages array for PostgreSQL support
node['boxbilling']['mysql']['server_root_password'] calculated PostfixAdmin MySQL root password.
node['postfixadmin']['map_files']['path'] '/etc/postfix/tables' Path to generate map-files into
node['postfixadmin']['map_files']['mode'] 00640 Map-files file-mode bits
node['postfixadmin']['map_files']['owner'] 'root' Map-files files owner
node['postfixadmin']['map_files']['group'] 'postfix' Map-files files group
node['postfixadmin']['map_files']['list'] calculated An array with map file names to generate
node['postfixadmin']['php-fpm']['pool'] 'postfixadmin' PHP-FPM pool name to use with PostfixAdmin.

The HTTPS Certificate

This cookbook uses the ssl_certificate cookbook to create the HTTPS certificate. The namespace used is node['postfixadmin']. For example:

node.default['postfixadmin']['common_name'] = ''
include_recipe 'postfixadmin'

See the ssl_certificate namespace documentation for more information.

Encrypted Attributes

This cookbook can use the encrypted_attributes cookbook to encrypt the secrets generated during the Chef Run. This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled setting the node['postfixadmin']['encrypt_attributes'] attribute to true. For example:

include_recipe 'encrypted_attributes::users_data_bag'
node.default['postfixadmin']['encrypt_attributes'] = true
inclure_recipe 'postfixadmin'

This will create the following encrypted attributes:

  • node['postfixadmin']['setup_password']: PostfixAdmin setup.php setup password.
  • node['postfixadmin']['setup_password_encrypted']: PostfixAdmin setup.php setup password encrypted with a salt.
  • node['postfixadmin']['mysql']['server_root_password']: MySQL root user password.
  • node['postfixadmin']['database']['password']: MySQL PostfixAdmin user password.

Read the chef-encrypted-attributes gem documentation to learn how to read them.

Warning: When PostgreSQL is used, the database root password will still remain unencrypted in the node['postgresql']['password']['postgres'] attribute due to limitations of the postgresql cookbook.



Installs and configures PostfixAdmin.


Installs PostfixAdmin SQL map files to be used by Postfix.


Installs MySQL server for PostfixAdmin.


Installs PostgreSQL server for PostfixAdmin.



Create or delete a PostfixAdmin admin user.

This kind of user is used to create the domains and mailboxes, and must be used before any other resource from this cookbook.

postfixadmin_admin Actions

  • create: Create a PostfixAdmin admin user (default).
  • delete: Remove a PostfixAdmin admin user.

postfixadmin_admin Properties

Property Default Description
user name attribute Username
password required Password
setup_password calculated PostfixAdmin Setup Password
superadmin true Whether it has access to all domains
domains [] List of domains it has access to
active true Active status
login_username optional Admin user to use for its creation
login_password optional Admin password to use for its creation
ssl node['postfixadmin']['ssl'] Whether to use SSL on HTTP requests

If you don't provide login_username, it will use the setup.php to create the admin. Usually this is used only to create the first administrator.

postfixadmin_admin Example

postfixadmin_admin '[email protected]' do
  password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'
  action :create

postfixadmin_admin '[email protected]' do
  password '4n0th3r-p4ss'
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'


Create or delete a domain.

postfixadmin_domain Actions

  • create
  • delete

postfixadmin_domain Properties

Property Default Description
domain name attribute Domain name
description '' Domain description
aliases 10 Maximum number of aliases
mailboxes 10 Maximum number of mailboxes
active true Active status
default_aliases false Whether to include default aliases
login_username required Admin user to use
login_password required Admin password
ssl node['postfixadmin']['ssl'] Whether to use SSL on HTTP requests

postfixadmin_domain Example

# admin user copied from the previous example
postfixadmin_domain '' do
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'


Create or delete a mailbox.

postfixadmin_mailbox Actions

  • create
  • delete

postfixadmin_mailbox Properties

Property Default Description
mailbox name attribute Mailbox address to create
password required Mailbox password
name '' The name of the mailbox owner
active true Active status
mail false Whether to send a welcome email
login_username required Admin user to use
login_password required Admin password
ssl node['postfixadmin']['ssl'] Whether to use SSL on HTTP requests

postfixadmin_mailbox Example

# admin user copied from the previous example
postfixadmin_mailbox '[email protected]' do
  password 'alice'
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'


Create or delete a mailbox alias.

postfixadmin_alias Actions

  • create
  • delete

postfixadmin_alias Properties

Property Default Description
address name attribute Alias address
goto required Destination mailbox address
active true Active status
login_username required Admin user to use
login_password required Admin password
ssl node['postfixadmin']['ssl'] Whether to use SSL on HTTP requests

postfixadmin_alias Example

# admin user copied from the previous example
postfixadmin_alias '[email protected]' do
  goto '[email protected]'
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'


Create or remote a domain alias.

The domain name used as alias_domain must already exist: in other words, it needs to be created previously with postfixadmin_domain resource.

postfixadmin_alias_domain Actions

  • create
  • delete

postfixadmin_alias_domain Properties

Property Default Description
alias_domain name attribute Alias domain
target_domain required Target domain
active true Active status
login_username required Admin user to use
login_password required Admin password
ssl node['postfixadmin']['ssl'] Whether to use SSL on HTTP requests

postfixadmin_alias_domain Example

# admin user copied from the previous example
postfixadmin_alias_domain '' do
  target_domain ''
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'

Usage Example

Including in a Cookbook Recipe

A complete example:

include_recipe 'postfixadmin::default'
include_recipe 'postfixadmin::map_files'
# or include them in your run-list

postfixadmin_admin '[email protected]' do
  password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'
  action :create

postfixadmin_domain '' do
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'

postfixadmin_mailbox '[email protected]' do
  password 'alice'
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'

postfixadmin_alias '[email protected]' do
  goto '[email protected]'
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'

postfixadmin_domain '' do
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'

postfixadmin_alias_domain '' do
  target_domain ''
  login_username '[email protected]'
  login_password 'sup3r-s3cr3t-p4ss'

Don't forget to include the postfixadmin cookbook as a dependency in the metadata.

# metadata.rb
# [...]

depends 'postfixadmin'

Including in the Run List

Another alternative is to include the recipes in your Run List.

  "name": "",
  "[...]": "[...]"
  "run_list": [
    "[...]": "[...]",

PostgreSQL Support

PostfixAdmin with PostgreSQL may not work properly on some platforms: See for example postgresql cookbook issue #249. Any feedback you can provide regarding the PostgreSQL support will be greatly appreciated.

PostgreSQL Versions < 9.3

If you are using PostgreSQL version < 9.3, you may need to adjust the shmmax and shmall kernel parameters to configure the shared memory. You can see the example used for the integration tests.

Deploy with Docker

You can use the Dockerfile included in the cookbook source code to run the cookbook inside a container:

$ docker build -t chef-postfixadmin .
$ docker run -d -p 8080:80 chef-postfixadmin

The sample Dockerfile:

FROM zuazo/chef-local:debian-7

COPY . /tmp/postfixadmin
RUN berks vendor -b /tmp/postfixadmin/Berksfile $COOKBOOK_PATH
RUN chef-client -r "recipe[apt],recipe[postfixadmin]"

CMD ["apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]

See the chef-local container documentation for more examples.



ChefSpec Matchers


Helper method for locating a postfixadmin_admin resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.postfixadmin_admin(user)
expect(resource).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:reload)


Assert that the Chef Run creates a PostfixAdmin admin user.

expect(chef_run).to create_postfixadmin_admin(user)


Assert that the Chef Run deletes a PostfixAdmin admin user.

expect(chef_run).to delete_postfixadmin_admin(user)


Helper method for locating a postfixadmin_alias resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.postfixadmin_alias(address)
expect(resource).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:reload)


Assert that the Chef Run creates a PostfixAdmin alias.

expect(chef_run).to create_postfixadmin_alias(address)


Assert that the Chef Run deletes a PostfixAdmin alias.

expect(chef_run).to delete_postfixadmin_alias(address)


Helper method for locating a postfixadmin_alias_domain resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.postfixadmin_alias_domain(alias_domain)
expect(resource).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:reload)


Assert that the Chef Run creates a PostfixAdmin alias domain.

expect(chef_run).to create_postfixadmin_alias_domain(alias_domain)


Assert that the Chef Run deletes a PostfixAdmin alias domain.

expect(chef_run).to delete_postfixadmin_alias_domain(alias_domain)


Helper method for locating a postfixadmin_domain resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.postfixadmin_domain(domain)
expect(resource).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:reload)


Assert that the Chef Run creates a PostfixAdmin domain.

expect(chef_run).to create_postfixadmin_domain(domain)


Assert that the Chef Run deletes a PostfixAdmin domain.

expect(chef_run).to delete_postfixadmin_domain(domain)


Helper method for locating a postfixadmin_mailbox resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.postfixadmin_domain(mailbox)
expect(resource).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:reload)


Assert that the Chef Run creates a PostfixAdmin mailbox.

expect(chef_run).to create_postfixadmin_mailbox(mailbox)


Assert that the Chef Run deletes a PostfixAdmin mailbox.

expect(chef_run).to delete_postfixadmin_mailbox(mailbox)


Please do not hesitate to open an issue with any questions or problems.




License and Author

Author: Xabier de Zuazo ([email protected])
Contributor: chrludwig
Contributor: MATSUI Shinsuke (poppen)
Contributor: Brian Racer
Contributor: Bernhard Weisshuhn (a.k.a. bernhorst)
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2015, Xabier de Zuazo
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Onddo Labs, SL.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

postfixadmin-cookbook's People


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postfixadmin-cookbook's Issues

Missing name in package declaration (pkg_php_mbstring)


I want to set up Postfix & Dovecot in a Vagrant VM using chef-solo. The VM is based on an Ubuntu 12.04 image with the Chef Omnibus 11.10.4 package installed.

However, when I provision the VM, Chef fails with the following error:

cludwig$ vagrant provision
[default] Chef 11.10.4 Omnibus package is already installed.
[default] Running provisioner: chef_solo...
Generating chef JSON and uploading...
Running chef-solo...
stdin: is not a tty
[2014-03-09T15:18:51+01:00] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge...
[2014-03-09T15:18:51+01:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.10.4 ***                                                                                                                                                                                       
[2014-03-09T15:18:51+01:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 1793                                                                                                                                                                                      
[2014-03-09T15:18:52+01:00] INFO: Setting the run_list to ["recipe[bullinger::default]"] from JSON                                                                                                                                           
[2014-03-09T15:18:52+01:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[bullinger::default]]                                                                                                                                                                   
[2014-03-09T15:18:52+01:00] INFO: Run List expands to [bullinger::default]                                                                                                                                                                   
[2014-03-09T15:18:52+01:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for precise32                                                                                                                                                                            
[2014-03-09T15:18:52+01:00] INFO: Running start handlers                                                                                                                                                                                     
[2014-03-09T15:18:52+01:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.                                                                                                                                                                                   
[2014-03-09T15:18:54+01:00] INFO: Missing gem 'sequel'                                                                                                                                                                                       
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[postfix] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)                                                                                                                           
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Previous package[postfix]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfix-dovecot/recipes/postfix-full.rb:20:in `from_file'                                                                             
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Current  package[postfix]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfix-full/recipes/default.rb:22:in `from_file'                                                                                     
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for service[postfix] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)                                                                                                                           
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Previous service[postfix]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfix-full/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file'                                                                                     
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Current  service[postfix]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfix-full/recipes/default.rb:74:in `from_file'                                                                                     
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for service[apache2] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)                                                                                                                           
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Previous service[apache2]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file'                                                                                          
[2014-03-09T15:18:55+01:00] WARN: Current  service[apache2]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:210:in `from_file'                                                                                         
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for directory[/var/cache/local/preseeding] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)                                                                                                     
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] WARN: Previous directory[/var/cache/local/preseeding]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/apt/recipes/default.rb:75:in `block in from_file'                                                               
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] WARN: Current  directory[/var/cache/local/preseeding]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/_server_debian.rb:4:in `from_file'                                                                
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for directory[/var/lib/mysql] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)                                                                                                                  
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] WARN: Previous directory[/var/lib/mysql]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/_server_debian.rb:34:in `block in from_file'                                                                   
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] WARN: Current  directory[/var/lib/mysql]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/_server_debian.rb:78:in `from_file'

Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/bullinger/recipes/default.rb

You must supply a name when declaring a package resource

Cookbook Trace:
  /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfixadmin/recipes/default.rb:60:in `from_file'
  /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfix-dovecot/recipes/postfixadmin.rb:22:in `from_file'
  /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfix-dovecot/recipes/default.rb:23:in `from_file'
  /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/bullinger/recipes/_postfix-dovecot.rb:24:in `from_file'
  /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/bullinger/recipes/default.rb:16:in `from_file'

Relevant File Content:

 53:    action :install
 54:  end
 56:  package pkg_php_imap do
 57:    action :install
 58:  end
 60>> package pkg_php_mbstring do
 61:    not_if do pkg_php_mbstring.nil? end
 62:    action :install
 63:  end
 65:  chef_gem 'sequel'
 67:  mysql_connection_info = {
 68:    :host => node['postfixadmin']['database']['host'],
 69:    :username => 'root',

[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] ERROR: You must supply a name when declaring a package resource
[2014-03-09T15:18:56+01:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

Looking at the default postfixadmin recipe, I see pkg_php_mbstring is assigned nil on an Ubuntu system; the guard in line 61 seems to come too late, though.


Incompatible with 11.8.0

libraries / api.rb requires a chef file that no longer exists as of 11.8.0:
requires 'chef/rest/rest_request'

When running the cookbook under the latest chef, it produces the following error:

[2013-11-17T02:40:39+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2013-11-17T02:40:39+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2013-11-17T02:40:39+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2013-11-17T02:40:39+00:00] ERROR: cannot load such file -- chef/rest/rest_request

Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfixadmin/libraries/api.rb

cannot load such file -- chef/rest/rest_request                                                                                                                                                      [11/893]

Cookbook Trace:
  /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postfixadmin/libraries/api.rb:4:in `<top (required)>'

Relevant File Content:

  2:  require 'uri'
  3:  require 'net/http'
  4>> require 'chef/rest/rest_request'
  6:  module PostfixAdmin
  7:    module API
  8:      @@cookie = nil
  9:      @@authenticated = false
 11:      def self.request(method, path, body, ssl=false)
 12:        proto = ssl ? 'https' : 'http'
 13:        port = ssl ? 443 : 80

Can't run recipe because fails on postfixadmin/recipes/apache.rb

Chef complains about

27>>   return if node['apache']['listen_ports'].include?(port)

ERROR: undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass

I'm running the recipe included by postfix-dovecot cookbook and postfix-dovecot is included in another custom cookbook.

Make cookbook compatible with Chef 13

Cookbook Version


Chef Client Version


Platform Details



Running this cookbook with Chef 13

Steps to Reproduce

Run the cookbook with Chef 13

Expected Result

Cookbook executed successfully.

Actual Result

Failing because mysql2_chef_gem ~> 1.0 is not compatible with Chef 13

Add update to some LWRP - Feature Request

I see that adding remove to some of the LWRPs is on the todo list.

Supporting update, IMHO, would be more useful than remove.

Updating goto on aliases
Updating passwords on admins and mailboxes
Updating active status on aliases, admins, domains and mailboxes

Breaks with apache2 v3.2.2

In apache2 3.2.2 apache.listen_ports and apache.listen_addresses are depreciated and this cookbook fails to run.

Quick Hack in apache2 recipe almost fixes the problem:

 def update_listen_ports(port)                              
-  return if node['apache']['listen_ports'].include?(port)  
-  node.set['apache']['listen_ports'] =                     
-    node['apache']['listen_ports'] + [port]                
+  return if node['apache']['listen'].include?( "*:#{port}")
+  node.default['apache']['listen'] =                       
+    node['apache']['listen'] + ["*:#{port}"]               

I also had to manually edit the node to delete the listen_ports previously set by postfixadmin cookbook.

postfixadmin_admin does not seem to work properly

If the admin being created does not exist and encrypted attributes are enabled an exception is thrown.

In the admin LWRP the definition of password seems incorrect.

# providers/admin.rb
def password
  if encrypted_attributes_enabled?

The resource only allows a string yet the code wants different data depending on if encrypted attributes are enabled or not.

I think the check for encrypted attributes is not needed here, it should simply be:

def password

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