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profile's Issues

Validation of some fields is wrong

profile validation

all single line I can not type in something. When I save I do get the German information ``Bitte halten Sie sich an das vorgegebene Format" (please use the given format). There is no information what might be the corret format. Seems the validation is failing at all.

the profile version shipped with 1.4.2 gives error during installation

Oops! An Error Occurred
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Zikula\ProfileModule\ProfileModuleInstaller must implement ExtensionInstallerInterface

Translation instruction is wrong

profile 2.0.0 beta in zk 1.4.0

The translation instruction is wrong:

Copy all the files of the /modules/Profile/locale directory to /config/locale.

These paths are not valid in zk1.4.0

Migrate to 2.0 spec

  • Raise version to 2.1.0
  • CS fixes
  • Basic adaptions for core 1.4.3
    • Add Zikula manifest file
    • Use composer instead of old version class
    • Use link container
    • Use new installer class
  • Use $this->extensionApi->getModuleInstanceOrNull as a replacement for ModUtil::available
  • Users UI listener
  • Migrate to Twig
    • Reimplement Smarty plugins as Twig functions
  • New controller classes
    • Create dedicated config controller
    • Migrate Ajax, Form, User, Admin
    • Redistribute actions to topic controllers
  • Migrate JS to jQuery
  • Migrate blocks
  • Todo markers
  • Move queries into repository class
  • Testing

Placement of Form Validation Messages

All forms should have its validation messages placed under the relevant fields, not above the fields. For example, look at the installer form, which places the messages above the fields. It is a better user experience to place the messages below the field, in the event there are many messages associated with a particular field. Otherwise, the fields can potentially get pushed too far down. This should be consistent across all Zikula forms, to place the messages below the fields. If there is any existing "help" text, then the validation messages get placed underneath.


Zikula 1.4.0 build 452

Routes to Edit Profiles

Edit Profiles are now being routed to:


Instead of the desired:


Labels Incorrectly Move to the Right

When you view any profile page at a smaller window width, the labels incorrectly move from being left-aligned to right-aligned, when they should remain to the left of each value.

Add group filtering when showing members

When using groups for several communities sharing the same environment, it could be useful to filter showed members by group, for exemple in "viewmembers" and "membersonline" block.
It would be great to choose (checkboxes) in the existing list of groups, the members to show.
Thank you

Form Validation Needs Better Visualization at the Fields Themselves

When the user submits the registration form here:


if there are required fields that have not been filled out, then the form only displays this error at the top of the form:

"There was an error with one of the fields, below. Please review the message, and correct your entry."

However, the fields themselves are not displaying anything else visible to alert the user about the specific items that need to be addressed.

The Legal module has the same issue.

Display of dropdown list in the Profile module does not work if dud items are not translated

Already listed at: and

In the display of the profile of a user, all the fields are shown except the dropdown list if the drop-down items are not translated. Removing the translation string from "function.duditemdisplay.php" makes them show. Is there a way for the function to show both, translated and not translated items?:

} elseif ($itemprop_displaytype? == 4) {

$options = ModUtil::apiFunc('Profile', 'dud', 'getoptions', array('item' => $item));

process the user values and get the translated label

$uservalue = @unserialize($uservalue);

$output = array();
foreach ((array)$uservalue as $id) {

if (isset($options[$id])) {

$output[] = $options[$id];



Profile not functional

refs #44

ping @cmfcmf

I'm guessing the namespace is messed up somewhere, but the recent refactoring has made profile not functional. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

[1] InvalidArgumentException: Class "Zikula\Module\ProfileModule\Controller\UserController" does not exist.
at n/a
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/Zikula/Bundle/CoreBundle/Controller/ControllerResolver.php line 45

at Zikula\Bundle\CoreBundle\Controller\ControllerResolver->createController('Zikula\Module\ProfileModule\Controller\UserController::indexAction')
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Controller/ControllerResolver.php line 80

at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ControllerResolver->getController(object(Zikula_Request_Http))
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Controller/TraceableControllerResolver.php line 46

at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver->getController(object(Zikula_Request_Http))
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php line 133

at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1')
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php line 66

at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1', true)
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/DependencyInjection/ContainerAwareHttpKernel.php line 64

at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1', true)
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php line 185

at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Zikula_Request_Http))
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/index.php line 29

Inactive/Active Tag Not Correct

When you click the tag to make a field "inactive" or "active", it does get changed correctly in the back-end. However, the front-end does not change the text of the tag itself from "Inactive" to "Active".

Note: the text for "Activate" and "Deactivate" does get changed correctly.


Error in SQL when trying to sort registered users by DESC or ASC

Error in SQL when trying to sort registered users by DESC or ASC

"Error in DBUtil::executeSQL: SELECT DISTINCT(tbl.uid) FROM users AS tbl WHERE tbl.uid != 1 AND LOWER(tbl.uname) LIKE 'l%' AND tbl.activated = 1 ORDER BY tbl.DESC ASC,tbl.uname ASC LIMIT 20"

Example URI:


Adding Support for Webshim and Polyfill

The Zikula core supports Webshim, which is a polyfill library that enables you to reliably use HTML5 features across browsers, even if native support is lacking.

The module Profile should be updated to take advantage of its features.

Also, the module Profile can potentially add additional custom validations, by just attaching to the "blur" event on fields.

Refs. zikula/core#2377

online/offline status indicator

on the "Registered users list" an online user is indicated red, not green, but in the online list on the bottom of the page he`s registered as online.

Once Profile is installed admin-panel-menue stops working

During testing of Core issue 3236 & Content issue 176 I came across a Profile issue.

As soon as you install Profile module the admin-panel-menue stops working and on creating a new user the "set password now" tick does not bring up the 2 password form fields.

This is how to reproduce:

  • install build156
  • activate profile module
  • access: /zauth/admin/user/create in order to create a new user
  • click on admin-panel-menue link in header menu: nothing happens
  • tick: set password now: password entry form fields do NOT pop up
  • click in the admin menu items SysteM/Layout/Users/Uncategorized/etc: no submenue pop out

In Chrome developer toolbar I see 2 alerts:
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list ./theme/combined_asset/js/0084146b504dd81eedaf857f722cffcb1186400.js
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined(โ€ฆ) create:1007

All Profile Fields Display at Registration Form

Even though only specific fields are selected to display at the user registration form via the configuration page:


All fields are still being displayed;


creating a new User is not possible

see zikula/core#3253

It doesn't matter if a Guest try to create a new account or the admin tries to create a new user.

[1] Twig_Error_Runtime: Variable "itemlabel" does not exist in "@ZikulaProfileModule/UsersUi/profile_ui_edit.html.twig" at line 7.
    at n/a
        in /home/www/ line 483

    at Twig_Template->getContext(array('dudItems' => array('realname' => array('prop_id' => '1', 'prop_label' => '_UREALNAME', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '1', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'realname', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'publicemail' => array('prop_id' => '2', 'prop_label' => '_UFAKEMAIL', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '2', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'publicemail', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'url' => array('prop_id' => '3', 'prop_label' => '_YOURHOMEPAGE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '3', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'url', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'tzoffset' => array('prop_id' => '4', 'prop_label' => '_TIMEZONEOFFSET', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '4', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'tzoffset', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '2', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'avatar' => array('prop_id' => '5', 'prop_label' => '_YOURAVATAR', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '5', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'avatar', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'icq' => array('prop_id' => '6', 'prop_label' => '_YICQ', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '6', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'icq', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'aim' => array('prop_id' => '7', 'prop_label' => '_YAIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '7', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'aim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'yim' => array('prop_id' => '8', 'prop_label' => '_YYIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '8', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'yim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'msnm' => array('prop_id' => '9', 'prop_label' => '_YMSNM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '9', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'msnm', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'city' => array('prop_id' => '10', 'prop_label' => '_YLOCATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '10', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'city', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'occupation' => array('prop_id' => '11', 'prop_label' => '_YOCCUPATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '11', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'occupation', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'signature' => array('prop_id' => '12', 'prop_label' => '_SIGNATURE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '12', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'signature', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'extrainfo' => array('prop_id' => '13', 'prop_label' => '_EXTRAINFO', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '13', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'extrainfo', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'interests' => array('prop_id' => '14', 'prop_label' => '_YINTERESTS', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '14', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'interests', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information')), 'dudErrors' => array(), 'fieldSets' => array('User Information' => 'User Information'), 'userId' => '1', 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => object(LocaleApi), '_parent' => array('dudItems' => array('realname' => array('prop_id' => '1', 'prop_label' => '_UREALNAME', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '1', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'realname', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'publicemail' => array('prop_id' => '2', 'prop_label' => '_UFAKEMAIL', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '2', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'publicemail', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'url' => array('prop_id' => '3', 'prop_label' => '_YOURHOMEPAGE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '3', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'url', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'tzoffset' => array('prop_id' => '4', 'prop_label' => '_TIMEZONEOFFSET', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '4', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'tzoffset', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '2', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'avatar' => array('prop_id' => '5', 'prop_label' => '_YOURAVATAR', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '5', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'avatar', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'icq' => array('prop_id' => '6', 'prop_label' => '_YICQ', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '6', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'icq', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'aim' => array('prop_id' => '7', 'prop_label' => '_YAIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '7', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'aim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'yim' => array('prop_id' => '8', 'prop_label' => '_YYIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '8', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'yim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'msnm' => array('prop_id' => '9', 'prop_label' => '_YMSNM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '9', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'msnm', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'city' => array('prop_id' => '10', 'prop_label' => '_YLOCATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '10', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'city', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'occupation' => array('prop_id' => '11', 'prop_label' => '_YOCCUPATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '11', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'occupation', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'signature' => array('prop_id' => '12', 'prop_label' => '_SIGNATURE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '12', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'signature', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'extrainfo' => array('prop_id' => '13', 'prop_label' => '_EXTRAINFO', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '13', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'extrainfo', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'interests' => array('prop_id' => '14', 'prop_label' => '_YINTERESTS', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '14', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'interests', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information')), 'dudErrors' => array(), 'fieldSets' => array('User Information' => 'User Information'), 'userId' => '1', 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => object(LocaleApi), '_parent' => array('dudItems' => array('realname' => array('prop_id' => '1', 'prop_label' => '_UREALNAME', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '1', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'realname', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'publicemail' => array('prop_id' => '2', 'prop_label' => '_UFAKEMAIL', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '2', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'publicemail', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'url' => array('prop_id' => '3', 'prop_label' => '_YOURHOMEPAGE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '3', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'url', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'tzoffset' => array('prop_id' => '4', 'prop_label' => '_TIMEZONEOFFSET', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '4', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'tzoffset', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '2', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'avatar' => array('prop_id' => '5', 'prop_label' => '_YOURAVATAR', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '5', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'avatar', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'icq' => array('prop_id' => '6', 'prop_label' => '_YICQ', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '6', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'icq', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'aim' => array('prop_id' => '7', 'prop_label' => '_YAIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '7', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'aim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'yim' => array('prop_id' => '8', 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'occupation' => array('prop_id' => '11', 'prop_label' => '_YOCCUPATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '11', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'occupation', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'signature' => array('prop_id' => '12', 'prop_label' => '_SIGNATURE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '12', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'signature', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'extrainfo' => array('prop_id' => '13', 'prop_label' => '_EXTRAINFO', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '13', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'extrainfo', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' 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'0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'tzoffset' => array('prop_id' => '4', 'prop_label' => '_TIMEZONEOFFSET', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '4', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'tzoffset', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '2', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'avatar' => array('prop_id' => '5', 'prop_label' => '_YOURAVATAR', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '5', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'avatar', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'icq' => array('prop_id' => '6', 'prop_label' => '_YICQ', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '6', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'icq', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'aim' => array('prop_id' => '7', 'prop_label' => '_YAIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '7', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'aim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'yim' => array('prop_id' => '8', 'prop_label' => '_YYIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '8', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'yim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'msnm' => array('prop_id' => '9', 'prop_label' => '_YMSNM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '9', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'msnm', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'city' => array('prop_id' => '10', 'prop_label' => '_YLOCATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '10', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'city', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'occupation' => array('prop_id' => '11', 'prop_label' => '_YOCCUPATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '11', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'occupation', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'signature' => array('prop_id' => '12', 'prop_label' => '_SIGNATURE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '12', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'signature', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'extrainfo' => array('prop_id' => '13', 'prop_label' => '_EXTRAINFO', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '13', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'extrainfo', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'interests' => array('prop_id' => '14', 'prop_label' => '_YINTERESTS', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '14', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'interests', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information')), 'dudErrors' => array(), 'fieldSets' => array('User Information' => 'User Information'), 'userId' => '1'))
        in /home/www/ line 407

    at Twig_Template->render(array('dudItems' => array('realname' => array('prop_id' => '1', 'prop_label' => '_UREALNAME', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '1', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'realname', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'publicemail' => array('prop_id' => '2', 'prop_label' => '_UFAKEMAIL', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '2', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'publicemail', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'url' => array('prop_id' => '3', 'prop_label' => '_YOURHOMEPAGE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '3', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'url', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'tzoffset' => array('prop_id' => '4', 'prop_label' => '_TIMEZONEOFFSET', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '4', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'tzoffset', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '2', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'avatar' => array('prop_id' => '5', 'prop_label' => '_YOURAVATAR', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '5', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'avatar', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'icq' => array('prop_id' => '6', 'prop_label' => '_YICQ', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '6', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'icq', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'aim' => array('prop_id' => '7', 'prop_label' => '_YAIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '7', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'aim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'yim' => array('prop_id' => '8', 'prop_label' => '_YYIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '8', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'yim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'msnm' => array('prop_id' => '9', 'prop_label' => '_YMSNM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '9', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'msnm', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'city' => array('prop_id' => '10', 'prop_label' => '_YLOCATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '10', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'city', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'occupation' => array('prop_id' => '11', 'prop_label' => '_YOCCUPATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '11', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'occupation', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'signature' => array('prop_id' => '12', 'prop_label' => '_SIGNATURE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '12', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'signature', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'extrainfo' => array('prop_id' => '13', 'prop_label' => '_EXTRAINFO', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '13', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'extrainfo', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'interests' => array('prop_id' => '14', 'prop_label' => '_YINTERESTS', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '14', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'interests', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information')), 'dudErrors' => array(), 'fieldSets' => array('User Information' => 'User Information'), 'userId' => '1'))
        in /home/www/ line 362

    at Twig_Environment->render('@ZikulaProfileModule/UsersUi/profile_ui_edit.html.twig', array('dudItems' => array('realname' => array('prop_id' => '1', 'prop_label' => '_UREALNAME', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '1', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'realname', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'publicemail' => array('prop_id' => '2', 'prop_label' => '_UFAKEMAIL', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '2', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'publicemail', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'url' => array('prop_id' => '3', 'prop_label' => '_YOURHOMEPAGE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '3', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'url', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'tzoffset' => array('prop_id' => '4', 'prop_label' => '_TIMEZONEOFFSET', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '4', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'tzoffset', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '2', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'avatar' => array('prop_id' => '5', 'prop_label' => '_YOURAVATAR', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '5', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'avatar', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '4', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'icq' => array('prop_id' => '6', 'prop_label' => '_YICQ', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '6', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'icq', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'aim' => array('prop_id' => '7', 'prop_label' => '_YAIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '7', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'aim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'yim' => array('prop_id' => '8', 'prop_label' => '_YYIM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '8', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'yim', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'msnm' => array('prop_id' => '9', 'prop_label' => '_YMSNM', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '9', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'msnm', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'city' => array('prop_id' => '10', 'prop_label' => '_YLOCATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '10', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'city', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'occupation' => array('prop_id' => '11', 'prop_label' => '_YOCCUPATION', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '11', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'occupation', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '0', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'signature' => array('prop_id' => '12', 'prop_label' => '_SIGNATURE', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '12', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'signature', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'extrainfo' => array('prop_id' => '13', 'prop_label' => '_EXTRAINFO', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '13', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'extrainfo', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information'), 'interests' => array('prop_id' => '14', 'prop_label' => '_YINTERESTS', 'prop_dtype' => '1', 'prop_modname' => '', 'prop_weight' => '14', 'prop_attribute_name' => 'interests', 'prop_required' => '0', 'prop_viewby' => '0', 'prop_displaytype' => '1', 'prop_listoptions' => '', 'prop_note' => '', 'prop_pattern' => null, 'prop_fieldset' => 'User Information')), 'dudErrors' => array(), 'fieldSets' => array('User Information' => 'User Information'), 'userId' => '1'))
        in /home/www/ line 186

    at Zikula\ProfileModule\Listener\UsersUiListener->uiEdit(object(GenericEvent), 'module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
        in  line 

    at call_user_func(array(object(UsersUiListener), 'uiEdit'), object(GenericEvent), 'module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
        in /home/www/ line 61

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke(object(GenericEvent), 'module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(Zikula_EventManager))
        in  line 

    at call_user_func(object(WrappedListener), object(GenericEvent), 'module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(Zikula_EventManager))
        in /home/www/ line 184

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch(array(object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener)), 'module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(GenericEvent))
        in /home/www/ line 46

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch('module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(GenericEvent), null)
        in /home/www/ line 95

    at Zikula_EventManager->dispatch('module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(GenericEvent))
        in /home/www/ line 140

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch('module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user', object(GenericEvent))
        in /home/www/ line 41

    at Zikula\Bundle\CoreBundle\Twig\Extension\SimpleFunction\DispatchEventSimpleFunction->dispatchEvent('module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user')
        in  line 

    at call_user_func_array(array(object(DispatchEventSimpleFunction), 'dispatchEvent'), array('module.users.ui.form_edit.new_user'))
        in /home/www/ line 125

    at __TwigTemplate_7370f086c7b59a18053505b8b095fccf4cc394f870aa3356abc352a83f8bd4e5->doDisplay(array('form' => object(FormView), 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => object(LocaleApi)), array())
        in /home/www/ line 428

    at Twig_Template->displayWithErrorHandling(array('form' => object(FormView), 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => object(LocaleApi)), array())
        in /home/www/ line 396

    at Twig_Template->display(array('form' => object(FormView)))
        in /home/www/ line 407

    at Twig_Template->render(array('form' => object(FormView)))
        in /home/www/ line 49

    at Zikula\ThemeModule\Bridge\Twig\EventEnabledTwigEngine->render(object(TemplateReference), array('form' => object(FormView)))
        in /home/www/ line 97

    at Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigEngine->renderResponse(object(TemplateReference), array('form' => object(FormView)))
        in /home/www/ line 117

    at Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener->onKernelView(object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent), 'kernel.view', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
        in  line 

    at call_user_func(array(object(TemplateListener), 'onKernelView'), object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent), 'kernel.view', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
        in /home/www/ line 61

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke(object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent), 'kernel.view', object(Zikula_EventManager))
        in  line 

    at call_user_func(object(WrappedListener), object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent), 'kernel.view', object(Zikula_EventManager))
        in /home/www/ line 184

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch(array(object(WrappedListener)), 'kernel.view', object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent))
        in /home/www/ line 46

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.view', object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent), null)
        in /home/www/ line 95

    at Zikula_EventManager->dispatch('kernel.view', object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent))
        in /home/www/ line 140

    at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.view', object(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent))
        in /home/www/ line 149

    at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1')
        in /home/www/ line 64

    at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1', true)
        in /home/www/ line 69

    at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1', true)
        in /home/www/ line 185

    at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Zikula_Request_Http))
        in /home/www/ line 23

Profile template empty in new user registration


please take a look at new user registration. none of the profile fields are displayed. I did a little trouble shooting because I just converted the event handlers to Dependency Injection, and I can attest that everything up until this statement: $content = $this->getView()->fetch('profile_profile_ui_edit.tpl'); - here - is working as expected, but the template returns no data. Can you please take a look since this is related to the work you did with the fieldset changes.


Profile: 1.6.0

URL: /index.php?module=Profile&type=admin&func=modifyconfig

There are many warnings in the section: "Personal info items to include in user registration form"

WARN (4): E_WARNING: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /www/htdocs/host/ztemp/view_compiled/Profile/profile_admin_modifyconfig--t_Andreas08-l_de.php Zeile 86

[CLI] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Zikula\Module\ProfileModule\Listener\UsersUiListener' not found

When running a command via CLI, the following error is thrown:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'Zikula\Module\ProfileModule\Listener\UsersUiListener' not found in /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/ContainerAwareEventDispatcher.php on line 142
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() /src/app/console:0
PHP 2. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() /src/app/console:22
PHP 3. Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRun() /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php:121
PHP 4. Zikula_ServiceManager->get() /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Console/Application.php:86
PHP 5. Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder->get() /src/lib/legacy/Zikula/ServiceManager.php:117
PHP 6. Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get() /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/ContainerBuilder.php:464
PHP 7. appDevDebugProjectContainer->getDebug_EventDispatcherService() /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php:326
PHP 8. Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->addSubscriberService() /src/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php:608
PHP 9. Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->__call() /src/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php:608
PHP 10. call_user_func_array() /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php:188
PHP 11. Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->addSubscriberService() /src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php:188

Translations not working in Zikula 1.4.0

Profile and Legal modules are included in Zikula 1.4.0 distribution. For both modules translations are not working.
How to reproduce:

  1. Install Profile module.
  2. Prepare translation from modules/zikula/profile-module/Resources/locale/module_profile.pot. There is one already there for English, just prepare for other language.
  3. Translate all or some of strings ("User Information", "_UREALNAME")..
  4. Go to "New account registration" page in the frontend. Translations not working both for English and other language:
  5. In admin area translations also not working.

I guess it is core issue, because of special place for Profile and legal modules.

Unable to Create New Labels with Upper-Casing

When attempting to "Create new personal info item", the label is forced as lower-cased and filtered using the "shorturlsseparator" and "DataUtil::formatPermalink". However, when attempting to modify an existing item, the casing is not forced. There is a "todo" comment listed in the "modify" function regarding the removal forced casing, but a similar changes was not completed in the "create" function.

What was the reasoning behind such forced casing and filtering to begin with? Now that Zikula uses Gettext, I assume that this legacy code is not needed anymore? Can it be removed?

Anyone have any thoughts on the matter? What characters are now allowed in a label? I am not experiencing any issues when a label is not all lower-case.

Improve usability for administrator: Emailadress is automatically - but not completely - corrected during the user creation process and so creation fails and needs admin's input

When a new user is created by the admin and the email address is not only written completely lowercase the module corrects this by javascript.
The input field containing the repeated email address is not corrected manually.

The default handling should be

  • not to make any changes in lower or upper case email addresses
  • make the automatical handling for both input fields (email and repeat email...) (this is what I would prefer)

Otherwise it irritates a little bit

Cannot Install Profile!

After clicking install in the Extensions module for Profile, I get this error. This is with Core 1.3.6 and current pulls on both Core and Profile

Uncaught exception Class Profile_Listener_UsersUiHandler does not exist in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/legacy/Zikula/Core.php line, 350
#0 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/legacy/Zikula/Core.php(350): ReflectionClass->__construct('Profile_Listene...')
#1 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/util/EventUtil.php(138): Zikula_Core->attachEventHandler('Profile_Listene...')
#2 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/util/EventUtil.php(281): EventUtil::attachEventHandler('Profile_Listene...')
#3 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/EventHandlers/SystemListeners.php(271): EventUtil::loadPersistentEvents()
#4 [internal function]: SystemListeners->systemPlugins(Object(Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent))
#5 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(164): call_user_func(Array, Object(Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent))
#6 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(53): Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch(Array, 'core.init', Object(Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent))
#7 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/ContainerAwareEventDispatcher.php(167): Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch('core.init', Object(Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent))
#8 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/legacy/Zikula/EventManager.php(97): Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->dispatch('core.init', Object(Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent))
#9 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/lib/legacy/Zikula/Core.php(477): Zikula_EventManager->dispatch('core.init', Object(Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent))
#10 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/core.git/src/index.php(26): Zikula_Core->init()
#11 {main}

Unable to Install Profile Module

Zikula 1.3.7 build 718 throws this error, when trying to install the Profile module:

"ContextErrorException: Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Profile_Listener_UsersUiHandler::__construct() must be an instance of Zikula_EventManager, instance of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher given in /modules/Profile/Listener/UsersUiHandler.php line 65"

Syntax error or access violation: 1064

Viewing the members list throws the following error:


"SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1"

This is corrected via the Zikula core pull request here:


Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Zikula\ProfileModule\Controller\UserController

Error is thrown here:
Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Zikula\ProfileModule\Controller\UserController::viewAction() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request, array given
500 Internal Server Error - ContextErrorException

Stack Trace
in modules/zikula/profile-module/Controller/UserController.php at line 85   -
     * @throws AccessDeniedException on failed permission check
    public function viewAction(Request $request)
        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission($this->name.'::view', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
at ErrorHandler ->handleError ('4096', 'Argument 1 passed to Zikula\ProfileModule\Controller\UserController::viewAction() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request, array given', '/home/zwww/core/src/modules/zikula/profile-module/Controller/UserController.php', '85', array()) 
in modules/zikula/profile-module/Controller/UserController.php at line 85   +
at UserController ->viewAction (array('uid' => '106187'))
at call_user_func (array(object(UserController), 'viewAction'), array('uid' => '106187')) 
in lib/util/ModUtil.php at line 1175   +
at ModUtil ::exec ('ZikulaProfileModule', 'user', 'view', array('uid' => '106187'), false, null) 
in lib/util/ModUtil.php at line 1225   +
at ModUtil ::func ('ZikulaProfileModule', 'user', 'view', array('uid' => '106187')) 
in lib/Zikula/Bundle/CoreBundle/EventListener/LegacyRouteListener.php at line 107   +
at LegacyRouteListener ->onKernelRequest (object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
at call_user_func (array(object(LegacyRouteListener), 'onKernelRequest'), object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(TraceableEventDispatcher)) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php at line 61   +
at WrappedListener ->__invoke (object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(Zikula_EventManager))
at call_user_func (object(WrappedListener), object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(Zikula_EventManager)) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php at line 164   +
at EventDispatcher ->doDispatch (array(object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener)), 'kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php at line 53   +
at EventDispatcher ->dispatch ('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/ContainerAwareEventDispatcher.php at line 167   +
at ContainerAwareEventDispatcher ->dispatch ('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent), null) 
in lib/legacy/Zikula/EventManager.php at line 99   +
at Zikula_EventManager ->dispatch ('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php at line 112  +
at TraceableEventDispatcher ->dispatch ('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php at line 126   +
at HttpKernel ->handleRaw (object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1') 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php at line 66   +
at HttpKernel ->handle (object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1', true) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/DependencyInjection/ContainerAwareHttpKernel.php at line 64   +
at ContainerAwareHttpKernel ->handle (object(Zikula_Request_Http), '1', true) 
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php at line 186   +
at Kernel ->handle (object(Zikula_Request_Http)) 
in index.php at line 25   +

Change default values when admin creates user

the values

  • Terms of Use
  • Privacy
  • Minimum Age
    should be set to "accepted" by default. The admin knows what he does. Actually there are three clicks that have to be done for each manually created user that take the admin's time...

The textarea form field for "Content" does not get revealed

If Select2 is enabled at a site, using this example init code:

'allowClear': true,
'placeholderOption': 'first',
'width': 'copy'

Then, the textarea form field for "Content" does not get revealed when selecting "Type of control to display" as "Dropdown list" here:


So, it looks like there might be a JavaScript conflict occurring. Although, no error message is output in the JavaScript console.

Add user block

The user block has been removed from Core 1.4.3. It should be added to the Profile module instead.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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