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dkphotogallery's Introduction


Build Status Version Status Carthage compatible license MIT


  • AVPlayer
  • PDF
  • Image caching with SDWebImage
  • Original image download
  • Extract QR Code(Text、URL)
  • Incremental fetching items
  • Localization
  • 3D Touch


  • iOS 9.0+ (Drop support for iOS 8 in 0.0.15 or above)
  • ARC
  • Swift 4.2 & 5



DKPhotoGallery is available on CocoaPods. Simply add the following line to your podfile:

# For latest release in cocoapods
pod 'DKPhotoGallery'


github "zhangao0086/DKPhotoGallery"

If you use Carthage to build your dependencies, make sure you have added DKPhotoGallery.framework and SDWebImage.framework to the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section of your target, and have included them in your Carthage framework copying build phase.

Swift Package Manager


let gallery = DKPhotoGallery()
gallery.singleTapMode = .dismiss
gallery.items = self.items
gallery.presentingFromImageView = self.imageView
gallery.presentationIndex = 0

gallery.finishedBlock = { dismissIndex, dismissItem in
    if item == dismissItem {
        return imageView
    } else {
        return nil

self.present(photoGallery: gallery)


Create a DKPhotoGalleryItem with a UIImage or a URL or a PHAsset.

open class DKPhotoGalleryItem: NSObject {
    /// The image to be set initially, until the image request finishes.
    open var thumbnail: UIImage?
    open var image: UIImage?
    open var imageURL: URL?
    open var videoURL: URL?

    /// iOS 11 or higher required.
    @objc open var pdfURL: URL?
     DKPhotoGallery will automatically decide whether to create ImagePreview or PlayerPreview via the mediaType of the asset.
     See more: DKPhotoPreviewFactory.swift
    open var asset: PHAsset?
    open var assetLocalIdentifier: String?
     Used for some optional features.
     For ImagePreview, you can enable the original image download feature with a key named DKPhotoGalleryItemExtraInfoKeyRemoteImageOriginalURL.
    open var extraInfo: [String: Any]?

Extract QR Code

Enable the original image download

let item = DKPhotoGalleryItem(imageURL: URL(string:",m_lfit,h_512,w_512/quality,Q_80")!)
item.extraInfo = [
    DKPhotoGalleryItemExtraInfoKeyRemoteImageOriginalURL: URL(string:"")!


The default supported languages:

  • en.lproj
  • zh-Hans.lproj

You can also add a hook to return your own localized strings:

DKPhotoGalleryResource.customLocalizationBlock = { title in
    if title == "preview.image.longPress.cancel" {
        return "This is a test."
    } else {
        return nil


DKPhotoGallery is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

dkphotogallery's People


alexmorral avatar dneykov avatar hyouuu avatar intoxicated avatar minwonki avatar pei116 avatar zhangao0086 avatar zrn-ns avatar


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dkphotogallery's Issues

Failed to find newest available Simulator runtime

Hi! When I try to build my app it gives me this error:

    ** BUILD FAILED **

Xcode's output:

    /* */
    /Users/builder/clone/ios/Pods/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Resource/Resources/Images.xcassets: error: Failed to find newest available Simulator runtime
        Underlying Errors:
            Description: No available runtime found from: [
        watchOS 7.0 (7.0 - 18R382) - (unavailable, failed to open liblaunch_sim.dylib) ==> not available: Error Code=401 "The watchOS 7.0 simulator runtime is not available." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The watchOS 7.0 simulator runtime is not available., NSUnderlyingError=0x7f932d0cc350 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 "Software caused connection abort" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=XPC error talking to SimLaunchHostService: <error: 0x7fff8f03a9a0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
    	"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff8f03ab08> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
    }}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Unable to open liblaunch_sim.dylib.  Try reinstalling Xcode or the simulator runtime., NSLocalizedFailureReason=failed to open liblaunch_sim.dylib},
        tvOS 14.0 (14.0 - 18J383) - (unavailable, failed to open liblaunch_sim.dylib) ==> not available: Error Code=401 "The tvOS 14.0 simulator runtime is not available." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The tvOS 14.0 simulator runtime is not available., NSUnderlyingError=0x7f932d0d0ad0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 "Software caused connection abort" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=XPC error talking to SimLaunchHostService: <error: 0x7fff8f03a9a0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
    	"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff8f03ab08> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
    }}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Unable to open liblaunch_sim.dylib.  Try reinstalling Xcode or the simulator runtime., NSLocalizedFailureReason=failed to open liblaunch_sim.dylib},
        iOS 14.0 (14.0 - 18A372) - (unavailable, failed to open liblaunch_sim.dylib) ==> not available: Error Code=401 "The iOS 14.0 simulator runtime is not available." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The iOS 14.0 simulator runtime is not available., NSUnderlyingError=0x7f932d0dd020 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 "Software caused connection abort" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=XPC error talking to SimLaunchHostService: <error: 0x7fff8f03a9a0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
    	"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff8f03ab08> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
    }}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Unable to open liblaunch_sim.dylib.  Try reinstalling Xcode or the simulator runtime., NSLocalizedFailureReason=failed to open liblaunch_sim.dylib},
    ] when matching for <IBCocoaTouchPlatformToolDescription: 0x7f932d1f5e30> System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-fourteenAndLater <IBScaleFactorDeviceTypeDescription: 0x7f932d110ee0> scaleFactor=2x, renderMode.identifier=(null), idiom=<IBIPhoneIdiom: 0x7f932f0d8130> runtime=<IBCocoaTouchTargetRuntime: 0x7f932d16ef60>

edit: full error message

I am not entirely sure if this is related to DKPhotoGallery but I couldn't find any solutions elsewhere.

SDWebImage dependency still needed

This commit a420b68 removed the SDWebImage dependency from Carthage (by virtue of removing SDWebImageFLPlugin), but SDWebImage is still needed:


Building depending on DKPhotoGallry with Carthage yields:

/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:129:25: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
            var image = SDImageCache.shared.imageFromMemoryCache(forKey: key)
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:133:31: error: type 'NSData' has no member 'sd_imageFormat'
                    if NSData.sd_imageFormat(forImageData: data) == .GIF {
                       ~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:133:70: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'GIF'
                    if NSData.sd_imageFormat(forImageData: data) == .GIF {
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:134:25: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
              , imageData: data, forKey: key, toDisk: false, completion: nil)
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:137:61: error: type 'UIImage' has no member 'sd_image'
                    } else if let compressedImage = UIImage.sd_image(with: data) {
                                                    ~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:140:25: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
              , forKey: key, toDisk: false, completion: nil)
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:172:9: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
        SDImageCache.shared.queryCacheOperation(forKey: key, options: SDImageCacheOptions.scaleDownLargeImages.union(.queryMemoryData)) { (image, data, cacheType) in
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:172:71: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCacheOptions'
        SDImageCache.shared.queryCacheOperation(forKey: key, options: SDImageCacheOptions.scaleDownLargeImages.union(.queryMemoryData)) { (image, data, cacheType) in
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:239:17: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
                SDImageCache.shared.queryCacheOperation(forKey: originalURL.absoluteString,
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:267:17: error: use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
                SDImageCache.shared.queryCacheOperation(forKey: originalURL.absoluteString) { [weak self] (image, data, _) in
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:120:38: error: type 'NSData' has no member 'sd_imageFormat'
            let imageFormat = NSData.sd_imageFormat(forImageData: data)
                              ~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/me/projects/app/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageDownloader.swift:34:22: error: use of undeclared type 'SDWebImageDownloader'
    var _downloader: SDWebImageDownloader = {

Error installing DKPhotoGallery

[!] Error installing DKPhotoGallery
[!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/ls/blnwsz853jqcrjmvcnzpzp9w0000gn/T/d20201218-17008-sofudo --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 0.0.14

Cloning into '/var/folders/ls/blnwsz853jqcrjmvcnzpzp9w0000gn/T/d20201218-17008-sofudo'...
error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed

Still not compiling

Compiling for iOS 9.0, but module 'SwiftyGif' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 10.0: /Users/sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-bqkfvlambbuetjbspiblwaqybgcj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/SwiftyGif/SwiftyGif.framework/Modules/SwiftyGif.swiftmodule/armv7-apple-ios.swiftmodule



/Users/lulixue/Documents/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:129:25: Use of unresolved identifier 'SDImageCache'
/Users/lulixue/Documents/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:133:31: Type 'NSData' has no member 'sd_imageFormat'
/Users/lulixue/Documents/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageView.swift:15:30: Use of undeclared type 'FLAnimatedImageView'

XCode版本:Version 11.3.1 (11C504)
Mac OS: 10.15.3 (19D76)


Video autoplay

Hi guys, great library you made :) Im wondering if there is a possibility to autoplay video in gallery? On example, I load gallery with 5 images and 3 videos. When scrolling I would like video to autoplay when shown. Also when clicked on video and opened gallery can it autoplay without showing play button?

Crash when long press on Preview Photo on iPad

I found a crash on your library.

  • On iPad device, go to preview Image screen
  • Long press
    -> Crash.
    I found the reason that you show alert (type action sheet) but don't config start point for it. This crash only appear on iPad because action sheet show correctly on iPhone.

pod install error

It looks like when running 'pod install' it throws an EOF error:

[!] Error installing DKPhotoGallery
[!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/tj/pr2229k96fsby1b59lw61s080000gn/T/d20210225-64661-zwnci1 --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 0.0.17

Cloning into '/var/folders/tj/pr2229k96fsby1b59lw61s080000gn/T/d20210225-64661-zwnci1'...
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed

Not compiling with Xcode 12.2

Runnng carthage bootstrap --paltform iOS on Xcode 12.2 fails due to an issue in the DKPhotoGallery project. Can you please investigate to understand what could be causing this issue? I tried all other dependencies in the project including SwiftyGif but believe the issue is in this project.

Any help with this would be great as this is the only thing stopping us from moving to Xcode 12.2

fullscreen in MacCatalyst is incorrect

In a window sized 1026x797, the DKPhotoGalleryScrollView has dimensions 1026x797 however the DKPhotoImagePreviewVC is sized 960x540.

The presentation animation is correct, but when completed the DKPhotoImagePreviewVC is the wrong size.

Error Compipling

    error: compiling for iOS 9.0, but module 'SwiftyGif' has a minimum
    deployment target of iOS 10.0:

Can we update the framework pls

incorrect photo orientation

When a UIImage has an orientation other than UIImageOrientationUp, DKPhotoGallery displays the image incorrectly.

My simple UIImageView gallery shows the image correctly, but then opening it fullscreen it is displayed squashed, as if width and height were swapped. So a 90 degree rotated image which is tall and thin becomes distorted as wide and short.

(if I rotate manually with code like this it works, but somehow my UIImageView gallery does not need that adjustment to display correctly)

Carthage update failing

I use DKImagePickerController on my project using carthage.

When I run carthage update, DKPhotoGallery seems to fail while building.

Looking at the logs I found this:

Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code

And between the lines, the following that may be causing the build to fail (it is not the full log):

DKPhotoGallery.swift:445:11: warning: 'public' modifier is redundant for instance method declared in a public extension
    @objc public func present(photoGallery gallery: DKPhotoGallery, completion: (() -> Swift.Void)? = nil) {
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:129:44: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'SDImageCache'
            var image = SDImageCache.shared().imageFromMemoryCache(forKey: key)
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:134:44: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'SDImageCache'
                        SDImageCache.shared().store(nil, imageData: data, forKey: key, toDisk: false, completion: nil)
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:173:28: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'SDImageCache'
        SDImageCache.shared().queryCacheOperation(forKey: key, options: SDImageCacheOptions(rawValue: 1 << 2).union(.queryDataWhenInMemory)) { (image, data, cacheType) in
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:241:36: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'SDImageCache'
                SDImageCache.shared().queryCacheOperation(forKey: originalURL.absoluteString, options: SDImageCacheOptions(rawValue: 1 << 2)) { (image, data, _) in
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImagePreviewVC.swift:268:36: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'SDImageCache'
                SDImageCache.shared().queryCacheOperation(forKey: originalURL.absoluteString) { [weak self] (image, data, _) in
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageView.swift:17:21: error: initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass
    public override init(image: UIImage? = nil, highlightedImage: UIImage? = nil) {
           ~~~~~~~~ ^
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageView.swift:15:30: error: use of undeclared type 'FLAnimatedImageView'
open class DKPhotoImageView: FLAnimatedImageView {
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageView.swift:18:9: error: 'super' members cannot be referenced in a root class
        super.init(image: image, highlightedImage: highlightedImage)
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageView.swift:20:9: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'contentMode'
        self.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
        ^~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:24:50: warning: cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'DKPhotoImageView' always fails
        guard let contentView = self.contentView as? DKPhotoImageView else { return nil }
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:26:33: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
        guard let targetImage = contentView.image ?? contentView.animatedImage?.posterImage else {
                                ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:68:50: warning: cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'DKPhotoImageView' always fails
        guard let contentView = self.contentView as? DKPhotoImageView else { return }
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:74:44: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'animatedImage'
                    if let animatedImage = contentView.animatedImage {
                                           ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:82:43: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
                    } else if let image = contentView.image {
                                          ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:112:16: error: cannot convert return expression of type 'DKPhotoImageView' to return type 'UIView'
        return contentView
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:116:50: warning: cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'DKPhotoImageView' always fails
        guard let contentView = self.contentView as? DKPhotoImageView else { return }
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:121:45: error: use of unresolved identifier 'FLAnimatedImage'; did you mean 'SDAnimatedImage'?
                contentView.animatedImage = FLAnimatedImage(gifData: data)
SDWebImage.SDAnimatedImage:1:12: note: 'SDAnimatedImage' declared here
open class SDAnimatedImage : UIImage, SDAnimatedImageProtocol {
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:123:17: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
                contentView.image = UIImage(data: data)
                ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:126:13: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
            contentView.image = image
            ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:133:47: warning: cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'DKPhotoImageView' always fails
        if let contentView = self.contentView as? DKPhotoImageView {
                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:134:28: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
            if let image = contentView.image {
                           ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:136:23: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'animatedImage'
            } else if contentView.animatedImage != nil {
                      ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:137:24: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'currentFrame'
                return contentView.currentFrame
                       ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:149:50: warning: cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'DKPhotoImageView' always fails
        guard let contentView = self.contentView as? DKPhotoImageView else { return }
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:151:9: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
        contentView.image = DKPhotoGalleryResource.downloadFailedImage()
        ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:152:9: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'contentMode'
        contentView.contentMode = .center
        ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:160:50: warning: cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'DKPhotoImageView' always fails
        guard let contentView = self.contentView as? DKPhotoImageView else { return }
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:162:24: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'image'
        if let image = contentView.image {
                       ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoBaseImagePreviewVC.swift:164:39: error: value of type 'DKPhotoImageView' has no member 'animatedImage'
        } else if let animatedImage = contentView.animatedImage {
                                      ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/myuser/Desktop/test/Carthage/Checkouts/DKPhotoGallery/DKPhotoGallery/Preview/ImagePreview/DKPhotoImageDownloader.swift:36:9: error: value of type 'SDWebImageDownloader' has no member 'executionOrder'
        downloader.executionOrder = .lifoExecutionOrder

Update: Using Xcode 10.2 and Carthage 0.33

statusBar error

Hi, DKImage Picker is very good at using! and DKPhotoGallery thinks it's great too.
But now in iOS13 (Xcode 11.0) show following error.

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'App called -statusBar or -statusBarWindow on UIApplication: this code must be changed as there's no longer a status bar or status bar window. Use the statusBarManager object on the window scene instead.'

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