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zero-k-infrastructure's Issues

default ban message is too ugly

zkadmin logs about the issue:

[16:14] Sprung btw "you are ugly" is an ad-hominem and not a "real" reason which may probably give off a bad impression to people who see the ban but don't know the behind the scenes
[16:14] Sprung contributes to the "admins do whatever they want" feeling some people have which might be bad
[16:15] Rafal[ZK] i already saw one post where some troll complained how admin are bad, evil etc and on top of that call people ugly
[16:16] Sprung yeah when you see someone call another ugly without knowing the backstory you may antagonize the name-caller
[16:16] Sprung the fact that he is in a position of power over the ugly dude doesn't help either
[16:23] GoogleFrog well also the default message is bad
[16:25] Anarchid default message is supposedly "so that it's so crazy admin definitely notices it before pressing the ban button"
[16:25] Anarchid ^ is non functional
[16:27] Sprung problem with having a default is that default needs to be vague enough to be a default, but people cry admin abuse if it's too vague
[16:30] Sprung dunno how the penal system works but if it's some textbox on site then it could simply be empty and not accept the punishment until filled, this way an admin needs to put something in so he might as well input at least remotely useful info (like "anteep smurf")
[16:31] Sprung though OTOH a default reason helps speed up mass bans which could be important for the "9001 smurfs barge in and start voting" cases
[16:31] Anarchid ctrl+v can do that too, plus there's a mass-ban utility that works by regexes
[16:32] Anarchid e.g. "i want to ban every spr*ng because too ugly"
[16:34] GoogleFrog make default reason "smurf"

{up,down}vote removal defeats the purpose

+1's purpose is to prevent useless "+1" posts. removing it due to abysmal karma defeats this purpose (see princereaper who keeps spamming "i would +1 you if i could")

Missions can't be updated

Error message:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SpringVersion', table 'zero-k.dbo.ResourceSpringHash'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.

(Also, Mission Editor fails to get the mission descriptions in the publish menu, it just leaves the field blank)

Planetwars rooms should not persist after the battle

After a planetwars battle is complete the room continues to exist. This causes people to mill about with no idea what to do. The room seems to force the original players into the player slots. Some attempts were made to start this room but the vote did not pass, strange behaviour may occur if it does pass.

My suggestion is to close the room after the battle finishes. Perhaps it could move everyone to a new Small Teams room. This room would behave normally and let whoever joined in the meantime play a game if they want to.

ZKL: channel and PM tabs are treated the same, errors ensue

Tabs with #somechannel and a PM to a guy called somechannel are treated the same: closing one can actually close the other.

This can also lead to an error if letters' case for both is same:

  1. join #somechannel
  2. attempt to PM user with nick somechannel
  3. on clicking his PM tab, error happens and his PM tab gets cloned (can occur multiple times)

In case the order is reversed (PM tab brought up first and channel later) or case is mismatched, the other tab becomes inaccessible. ZKL address bar can also be wrong in those cases (even though it says chat/channel/somechannel it's actually at chat/user/somechannel), but the tab focus seems to be right (in that it doesn't actually switch to the channel despite the address changing).

Implement email password recovery

  1. Add email column to Account table DB
  2. Add email field in ZKL registration form
    • ZKL should send this email to uberserver as part of the registration action
  3. Add button to site with a password recovery form; generates a random password and sends email to user
    • Form should ask the user for username and email; only send if they match
    • Nightwatch sends uberserver the new password

Springie crashed with NPE

System Crash report:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: springie.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 53a43300
Problem Signature 04: Springie.all
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 53a43300
Problem Signature 07: 763
Problem Signature 08: 7
Problem Signature 09: System.NullReferenceException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1029
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Seemingly relevant stuff in springie_errors.log:

11.8.2014 18:44
Secondary thread unhandled exception
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at LobbyClient.TasClient.UpdateBattleInfo(Boolean lck, String mapname, Int32 checksum)
at Springie.autohost.AutoHost.ComMap(TasSayEventArgs e, String[] words)
at Springie.autohost.AutoHost.b__a5(Object sender, GetRecommendedMapCompletedEventArgs args)
at PlasmaShared.SpringieInterfaceReference.SpringieService.OnGetRecommendedMapOperationCompleted(Object arg)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

11.8.2014 18:44
Main thread unhandled exception
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at LobbyClient.TasClient.UpdateBattleInfo(Boolean lck, String mapname, Int32 checksum)
at Springie.autohost.AutoHost.ComMap(TasSayEventArgs e, String[] words)
at Springie.autohost.AutoHost.b__a5(Object sender, GetRecommendedMapCompletedEventArgs args)
at PlasmaShared.SpringieInterfaceReference.SpringieService.OnGetRecommendedMapOperationCompleted(Object arg)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

Fix Springiee balance in 2v1

Springiee should balance 2v1 situations with the best player fighting the worse players, instead of the middle player fighting the others. This may hinder elo calculations, but it would help gameplay balance, which matters more in my opinion. 2v3 and higher are much less of an issue, but could be considered as well, but I think they're fine as they are.

Improved forum post search

Basic capabilities: search for keywords, specific user, specific subforums, only look in first post

Advanced features: choose whether to display results as posts or topic; some other stuff I can't think of right now

Also there should be a link on profile page to find all posts by that user.

start button has no cooldown

or any button, for that matter.

this leads to:
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start
[15:25] ice2458 !start

Set size limit on Planetwars rooms

Planetwars knows exactly how many players are supposed to play a game so it could set the springie to limit game size to that many players. This would stop players from expecting a normal teamgame to occur after the current game is complete.

Tibanna doesn't know its game any more

[00:40:58] Tibanna (Springie running for 20:03:25
[00:40:58] players: 0/16
[00:40:58] mod:
[00:40:58] map: Seths_Ravine_V2
[00:40:58] game not running, last started 735392.23:40:42 ago

got broken because of switch to rapid/git, downloading swiw:test / swiw:stable locally works for me.

!spawn ... etc doesn't work. should be fixed because very likely zk will hit the same problem when switching to git.

Add info where player moves when leaving springie host

For example current message is user left or joined battle room. For leaving message it would be nice to see where he moves like:

user left teams room and moved on to small teams (+ (maybe) currently waiting x players)

"Report" button not in ZKL's RMB menu

Newbies have no idea they need to go to "Details" first to report and search for the Report button in the RMB menu directly. Report is a very important newbie self-protection tool!


Nightwatch should perform a purge of restricted channels on its own join (in addition to policing users on theirs)

Disbanded clans can't be overwritten or rejoined

I'm trying to remake specifically, but clicking "join this clan" gives this error message (it should probably be overridden by something else so that it's not a raw error message for other people anyway)
I had also tried making a new clan with the same name, but I am redirected to a page with only the line "Clan with this shortcut or name already exists"
I'd be fine with just being readded by an admin, but the error message should be cleaned up and some troll might make 1000 clans just so that the shortcuts are taken from future clans

wrong usage of OPENBATTLE

not 100% sure if this is springie, but very likely:

from uberserver log:
2014-08-20T09:32:53 Handler 0: OPENBATTLEFAILED: No game name specified.
2014-08-20T09:32:54 Handler 0: OPENBATTLEFAILED: No game name specified.

if i remember right, springie has problems with map names containing spaces, at googlecode a bug report about this with more detailed info alread exists.

Compilation Error when trying to access PlanetWars

Not only is it nasty and bad-looking, but also exposes information about server.

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS1513: } expected

Source Error:

Line 1360: }
Line 1361: }
Line 1362:}

Source File: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\39434381\77ea94b7\App_Web_galaxy.cshtml.678ea95a.fpary5ct.0.cs Line: 1362

Planetwars games can start with the wrong teams

Everyone is moved to the planetwars battle room but sometimes some are still spectators when the game starts. This causes 2v1 or 1v1 to occur. The players are found and force joined to the room, the problem is that they are spectators.

Apparently it is also possible for players to not make it into the game. In one case a 2v0 was created. This may have been due to players leaving the lobby. This game: should be hosted in a linux vm

maintaining on linux is much easier:

  • ssh vs gui (much easier to give permissions to other people)
  • migration of took 2 days, a year?!
  • linux uses less resources
  • smaller backup size
  • fewer reboots because of security updates
  • license costs

also we have much more good linux admins in community (imo).

i'm requesting this because some people asked "plutonium hosts evo-7.63 instead of evo-7.65" and nobody seems responsible/capable to fix it. having this on the linux side would simplify this.

.net mostly is opensource, so the gap mono vs .net should shrink over time. also monodevelop seems to be capable to load .csproj, so it shouldn't be hard to develop on linux/osx.

Compilation error when trying to access RSS

When trying to access RSS feed ( page)

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Encountered end tag "item" with no matching start tag. Are your start/end tags properly balanced?

Source Error:
Line 21: <enclosure url="@n.ImageRelativeUrl" length="@n.ImageLength" type="@n.ImageContentType" /> Line 22: } Line 23: </item> Line 24: } Line 25: </channel>
Source File: /Views/News/Index.cshtml Line: 23

Which is strange because opening tag already exists in specified file.

CRITICAL: Zero-k wont un-minimize

After update zkl starts minimized and clicking the icon does not make the lobby visible!! This cannot be fixed in any way and basically nukes entire game to players!!!!

!votemove can be used to move unwilling people

instead of moving everyone except those who voted !n, it could move only those who voted !y.
the threshold seems to only count players so you could have eg. an interesting duel series spectated by 20 people ruined by 2 dudes who vote !y before the others have a chance to vote !n

modify clan information

Clan intern informations, password, aso can't be changed anymore. If you click on submit a white screen tells you: "Clan with this shortcut or name already exists"
fix pls
thx :)

Offline singleplayer in ZKL

Basic implementation: have a screen that lists all currently downloaded missions (ZKL will need to keep track of these) and displays related stuff (image, author, description, etc.). If connected, also show missions on site with download option; compare with local copies to determine if versions match.

ZKL should consider automatically fetching and/or updating a selected set of missions (say all featured ones, or just the tutorials).

Basic implementation part 2: Skirmish mode with configurable game, map, bots, teams, modoptions, startboxes and such.

Later versions will also want a "load game" screen.

Campaign system will be left for a later project.

Wrong IRC colors in ZKL

ZKL seems to display wrong colors in responce to mIRC-style caret-notation formatting.

For instance, ^C04 becomes blueish, while it should be red or dark-red.

This is in particular significant in relation to Github IRC service messages, which lose a lot of readability this way.

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