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Markdown plugin for Sublime Text. Provides a decent Markdown color scheme (light and dark) with more robust syntax highlighting and useful Markdown editing features for Sublime Text. 3 flavors are supported: Standard Markdown, GitHub flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown.


Dark and Yellow and ArcDark theme available, plus thirdparty themes. See configuration section to learn how to change the theme.



You can install MarkdownEditing either from Package Control (recommended) or manually. Package Control automatically download the package and keeps it up-to-date. Manual installation is required if you need to tweak the code.

If you are using Sublime Text 2, you have to disable the native package manually. To do that, add Markdown to your ignored_packages list in ST user settings:

"ignored_packages": [..., "Markdown"],

Getting "Error loading syntax file..."? See this.

Package Control

The preferred method of installation is via Sublime Package Control.

  1. Install Sublime Package Control
  2. From inside Sublime Text, open Package Control's Command Pallet: CTRL SHIFT P (Windows, Linux) or CMD SHIFT P on Mac.
  3. Type install package and hit Return. A list of available packages will be displayed.
  4. Type MarkdownEditing and hit Return. The package will be downloaded to the appropriate directory.
  5. Restart Sublime Text to complete installation. Open a Markdown file and this custom theme. The features listed below should now be available.

Manual Installation

  1. In Sublime Text, open the menu "Preferences" -> "Browse Packages...". This is the Sublime Text Packages directory.
  2. Download and unzip or clone this repository to a directory MarkdownEditing in the Sublime Text Packages directory.
  3. The folder structure should look like .../Sublime Text 3/Packages/MarkdownEditing/[files].
  4. Restart Sublime Text to complete installation. Open a Markdown file. The features listed below should now be available.


You can access most features through Command Palette. You can launch it from Tools -> Command Palette.... MarkdownEditing commands start with MarkdownEditing:. And they are only visible when a markdown file is open and active.

Markdown features

  • Pairing
    • Asterisks and underscores are autopaired and will wrap selected text.
    • If you start an empty pair and hit backspace, both elements are deleted.
    • If you start an empty pair and hit space, the right element is deleted.
    • Backticks are paired. So entering ` will expand to `(cursor here)`.
  • List
    • At the end of a list item, pressing Enter will automatically insert the new list item bullet.
    • Pressing Tab on the blank list item will indent it and switch the list bullet to another one (Order is *, -, + in a cycle).
    • Pressing Shift Tab on the blank list item will unindent it in the same way as above.
    • Sequential Tab s or Shift Tab s are supported.
    • You can disable automatic bullet switching or choose which bullets to be used, in your settings file (mde.list_indent_bullets).
    • If a list item contains a GFM task, pressing Enter at the end of the line will continue with a new blank task.
  • Blockquote
    • At the end of a blockquote line, pressing Enter will automatically extend blockquote.
    • Selecting some text and pressing > will convert it to blockquote. The first and the last line don't have to be fully selected; partial select works, too.
  • Link
    • Left bracket pairing is modified to eliminate the selection and leave the cursor at a point where you can insert a [] or () pair for a link.
    • If you leave the cursor on a link, you can right click and jump between reference and url.
  • Navigation
    • Displays Markdown headers in the Project Symbol List (Goto -> Goto Symbol in Project...). They will start with #, so you will know they belong to markdown files at a glance. Also they will be on top of the list because of the precedence of #.
    • Headers also appear in Document Symbol List (Goto -> Goto Symbol...)
    • You can fold current section with Ctrl Tab
    • You can navigate between adjacent headers with Find Next(Previous) Heading command.
  • Strikethrough
    • ~ wraps selected text with ~~ (strikethrough). When you for instance select the word "foo" and hit ~, the result will be ~~foo~~.
  • Header
    • Typing # when there's a selection will surround it with # to make it a headline. Multiple presses add additional hashes, increasing the level of the header. Once you hit 6 hashes, it will reset to 0 on the next press. The mde.match_header_hashes will determine if the # are mirrored on both sides or just at the beginning of the line.
    • Typing return at the end of a line that begins with hashmarks will insert closing hashmarks on the headline. They're not required for Markdown, it's just aesthetics, and you can change the mde.match_header_hashes option in your settings to enable (disabled by default).
    • Setext-style headers can be completed with Tab. That is, typing Tab on a line containing only = or - characters will add or remove enough characters to it to match the length of the line above.
    • New documents will be named automatically based on the first header.

Wiki features

Wiki links are defined by surrounding a (wiki) word with double square brackets, for example:


The user can open wiki page using a sublime command. This will search the current open file's directory (and sub-directories) for a file with a matching name and a markdown extension. For example, opening the previous wiki link
will look for and open a file named:

Note that, if the wiki page does not yet exist, if will be created with a header matching the page name. However the file will only actually be created on the file system, when it is saved by the user.

The user can list back links and of course to open them. Back links are pages that reference the current page. This allows pages to be tied together into a personal wiki. A common technique is to define tag wiki pages and to list any tags for a page as references to the tag pages at the bottom of the page, for example:

[[TagSyntax]] [[TagDev]] [[TagPython]]

This allows the user to list all pages with a specific tag, by opening the tag page and list all back links.

Journal wiki pages are also supported. A journal page is just a wiki page with a name matching the current date.

Lastly the command to open the home page is provided, where the home page is just a wiki page named HomePage.

Key Bindings

OS X Windows/Linux Description
V CtrlAltV Creates or pastes the contents of the clipboard as an inline link on selected text.
R CtrlAltR Creates or pastes the contents of the clipboard as a reference link.
K ShiftWinK Creates or pastes the contents of the clipboard as an inline image on selected text.
B I AltB AltI These are bound to bold and italic. They work both with and without selections. If there is no selection, they will just transform the word under the cursor. These keybindings will unbold/unitalicize selection if it is already bold/italic.
^1...6 Ctrl1...6 These will add the corresponding number of hashmarks for headlines. Works on blank lines and selected text in tandem with the above headline tools. If you select an entire existing headline, the current hashmarks will be removed and replaced with the header level you requested. This command respects the mde.match_header_hashes preference setting.
6 AltShift6 Inserts a footnote.
Tab ShiftTab Fold/Unfold current section.
^Tab CtrlShiftTab Fold all sections under headings of a certain level.
PageUp PageDown CtrlAltShiftPageUp CtrlAltShiftPageDown Go to the previous/next heading of the same or higher level
PageUp PageDown CtrlShiftPageUp CtrlShiftPageDown Go to the previous/next heading
H CtrlShiftH Open home page
D CtrlShiftD Open wiki page under the cursor
J CtrlShiftJ Open journal page for today
B CtrlShiftB List back links

GFM Specific Features

GFM means GitHub Flavored Markdown is the dialect of Markdown that is currently supported for user content on and GitHub Enterprise. It has some unique features:

Underscores in words doesn't mess with bold or italic style:


Fenced code blocks gets syntax highlighting inside:


Keyboard shortcuts gets highlighted like in GitHub:


Strikethrough is supported:


Commands for Command Palette

You can launch Command Palette from Tools -> Command Palette.... MarkdownEditing commands start with MarkdownEditing:. And they are only visible when a markdown file is open and active.

General Commands

  • Fix Underlined Headers
    Adjusts every setext-style header to add or remove = or - characters as needed to match the lengths of their header text.
  • Convert Underlined Headers to ATX
    Converts every setext-style header into an ATX style header. If something is selected only the headers in the selections will be converted, otherwise the conversion will be applied to the whole view.
  • Markdown Lint
    Performs lint on current Markdown file using a local linter. See lint rules. Some of the linting rules are customizable via user settings file.
  • Run markdownlint
    Run mdl command from markdownlint package. You need to install it by yourself.
  • Change color scheme...
    Lists built-in Markdown color schemes for you to preview and use.
  • Switch List Bullet Type
    Switches the highlighted list between numbered and bulleted style.

Links, References and Footnotes

  • Add Missing Link Labels
    Scans document for referenced link usages ([some link][some_ref] and [some link][]) and checks if they are all defined. If there are undefined link references, command will automatically create their definition snippet at the bottom of the file.
  • Magic Footnotes Command
    Adds a footnote after the word under cursor. If cursor is already on a footnote, jumps to its definition or reference.
  • Gather Missing Footnotes
    Add definition stubs (if there is none) for all footnotes references.
  • Jump Reference
    Jumps cursor between definitions and references.
  • New Reference
    Adds a new link under cursor.
  • New Inline Link
    Adds a new inline link under cursor.
  • New Inline Image
    Adds a new inline image under cursor.
  • New Image
    Adds a new image under cursor.
  • New Footnote
    Adds a footnote under cursor.
  • Delete Reference
    Deletes the definition and references of a link.
  • Organize References
    Sorts and gives a report on current link references usage.

Folding and Navigation

Remeber you can Ctrl R (in document) and Ctrl Shift R (project-wise) for quick navigation for all headers.

  • Toggle Folding Current Section
    Folds/unfolds current section.
  • Fold Level 1-4 Sections
    Fold all sections under headers of specific level.
  • Fold/Unfold All Sections
    Self explanatory.
  • Find Next/Previous Heading
    You have option to find just same or higher level or any level


The plugin contains 3 different Markdown flavors: Standard Markdown, GitHub flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown. Default is GitHub flavored Markdown. If you want to set another one as default, open a Markdown file and select your flavor from the menu: View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as. You're done.

You may want to have a look at the default settings files. They are located at:

Packages/MarkdownEditing/Markdown.sublime-settings         [GitHub flavored Markdown]
Packages/MarkdownEditing/Markdown (Standard).sublime-settings

If you want to override any of the default settings, you can open the appropriate user settings file using the Preferences > Package Settings > Markdown Editing menu. Each flavor has a different settings file.

Bold and italic markers are configurable through ST shell variables. You can use Preferences > Package Settings > Markdown Editing menu to see the default settings file. In order to override it, copy & paste its content into the user settings file (Packages/User/Bold and Italic Markers.tmPreferences) from the menu and make your edits. It is pretty straightforward.

In order to activate the dark or the yellow theme, put one of these lines to your user settings file of the flavor (Packages/User/[flavor].sublime-settings):

"color_scheme": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor-Dark.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor-Yellow.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor-ArcDark.tmTheme",

If you want to go with your already existing theme, you can reenable it with the same method as above. Keep in mind that, that theme may not cover all the parts of the Markdown syntax that this plugin defines.

Additional color themes:

By default, when you install the plugin, files with these extensions will be assigned to Markdown syntax: "md", "txt", "mdown", "markdown", "markdn". If you want to prevent any of these extensions to be opened as Markdown, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the language menu at bottom right
  2. Select "Open all with current extension as"
  3. Choose your preferred syntax for that extension


We are maintaining a tips section in our Wiki. Jump there to learn from others or share your experiences with others.


Sublime can be configured into a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor with two other plugins:

  1. Markdown Preview (
  2. Livereload (

Install them if you haven't. Then

  1. Open Palette
  2. LiveReload: Enable/Disable Plugins
  3. Enable Simple Reload.

Now open palette and choose "Preview in Browser" and you will get a WYSIWYG editor.


Error loading syntax file...

Are you getting this error after installation: Error loading syntax file "Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage": Unable to open Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage?

This is caused by open markdown files at the install time. You have to manually change their syntax to your newly installed Markdown syntax. Read the below paragraph for more details on this.

Note: Sublime text has a native tiny package for Markdown. However, when MarkdownEditing is enabled, native package causes some conflicts. For this reason, MarkdownEditing will automatically disable it. Since it doesn't bring anything new over MarkdownEditing, this is not a loss. But remember, when you disable MarkdownEditing, you have to reenable the native one manually (if you want).

Roll back to an older version

When you notice any undesired behavior introduced by the latest update, your feedback is always welcome in our issue page. However before it's fixed, you can rollback to an earlier version. Find the desired version and download the zip file, then follow manual installation guide

Related Plugins

Known Bugs

  • Setext-style headers (=== and ---) do not show up in the symbol list. This is due to a Sublime Text limitation (see #158). However, we are able to put a placeholder to indicate the existence of the header. We encourage you to use Atx-style headers (#).

  • Installing for the first time while having markdown files opened may cause MarkdownEditing to behave unexpectedly on those files. Close and reopen those files to fix it.


See file.


MarkdownEditing was originally created by Brett Terpstra and has become a community project with the goal of consolidating the best features from the varied collection of Markdown packages for Sublime Text. Current development is headed up by Ali Ayas and Felix Hao.

Related blog posts from Brett:

This plugin contains portions of code from Knockdown.

Footnote commands were submitted by J. Nicholas Geist and originated at geekabouttown.


You can support contributors of this project individually. Every contributor is welcomed to add his/her line below with any content. Ordering shall be alphabetically by GitHub username.


MarkdownEditing is released under the MIT License.



  1. 政治

    • 马克思主义哲学
      • 哲学的基本问题是思维与存在的关系问题
      • 思维和存在何者为第一性的问题是划分唯物主义和唯心主义的唯一标准
      • 思维和存在有没有同一性的问题是划分可知论和不可知论的标准
      • 近代形而上学唯物主义是用孤立的、静止的、片面的眼光看世界
      • 辩证唯物主义是马恩批判地吸收德国古典哲学——黑格尔的辩证法。用运动、联系、发展的观点看世界
      • 否定之否定辩证法:揭示了事物发展的全过程和总趋势,揭示了事物发展道路是前进性和曲折性的统一
      • 辩证法三大规律:
        • 量变与质变规律:有量变才有质变
        • 否定之否定:前进和曲折是正常的
        • 对立统一:一分为二,任何事情都有两面性
    • 马克思主义**化的理论成果
      • 什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义?
        • 社会主义发展道路:走自己的路,建设有**特色的社会主义
        • 社会主义的本质:解放生产力,发展生产力;消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕
        • 社会主义初级阶段:是我国最大的国情
        • 基本路线:一个中心,两个基本点:领导和团结全国各族人民,以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,自力更生,艰苦创业,为把我国建设成为富强、**、文明的社会主义现代化国家而奋斗(**十七大做了补充:由原来的“富强、**、文明”变为“富强、**、文明、和谐”;**十九大提出“为把我国建设成为富强**文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国而奋斗”)
        • 社会主义的发展动力:“改革是**的第二次革命”,进行社会主义经济体制改革和政治体制改革
        • 一国两制
        • 外部环境:和平与发展是当今世界的两大主题
        • 党的建设
        • 精髓:解放**,实事求是
      • 建设什么样的党、怎样建设党
        • 内容:**共产党始终代表**先进生产力的发展要求,代表**先进文化的前进方向,代表**最广人民的根本利益
        • 地位:始终做到三个代表,是我们党的立党之本,执政之基,力量之源
        • 贯彻要求:关键在坚持与时俱进,核心在坚持党的先进性,本质在坚持执政为民
        • 写入党章的时间:党的十六大
      • ***新时代**特色社会主义**的理论特色和实践要求
        • 理论特色:
          • 坚守真理、传承文明的继承性
          • 与时俱进、引领未来的创新性
          • 不忘初心、践行宗旨的人民性
          • 实事求是、把我规律的科学性
    • **党史
      • **一大:1921.7 上海浙江嘉兴
      • **二大:1922.7 上海 最高纲领和最低纲领
      • **三大:1923.6 广州 **革命的统一战线
      • 国共第一次合作:1924.1
      • **五大:1925.4 汉口 批评了陈独秀的右倾错误
      • 古田会议:1929.12 福建 人民军队建设的基本原则
      • 遵义会议:1935.1
      • 瓦窑堡会议:1935.12 抗日民族统一战线
      • 洛川会议:1937.8 工作重心在敌后
      • **七大:1945.4 延安 三大作风,*****为党的指导**
      • 七届二中全会:1949.3 西柏坡 农村转移城市,两个务必。谦虚,艰苦
      • **八大:1956.9 北京 指出我国国内的主要矛盾
      • 十一届三中全会:1978.12 北京 重新确立了解放**、实事求是的原则,提出改革开放
      • **十二大:1982.9 北京 **特色社会主义**的正式确立
      • **十三大:1987.19 北京 系统阐述了关于社会主义初级阶段的理论
      • ***南巡:1992 社会主义的本质
      • **十四大:1992.10 北京 建立社会主义市场经济体制
      • **十五大:1997.9 北京 ***理论确定为党的指导**
      • **十六大:2002 北京 全面建设小康社会
      • 十九届一中全会:2017.10 ***再次当选最高领导人
      • 十九届二中全会:2018.1 修改宪法
  2. 经济

    • 基本经济常识

      • GNP:一国居民在一定时期内生产的产品和服务价值的总和
      • PPI:生产者物价指数
  3. 法律

  4. 科技

  5. 人文

  6. 国情地理


  1. 逻辑填空
  2. 片段阅读
  3. 语言表达
  4. 文章阅读



  1. 图形推理
  2. 定义判断
  3. 类比推理
  4. 逻辑判断


  1. 统计术语
  2. 必会速算技巧
  3. 材料类型






  1. 中间人(委托人认识的熟人、朋友。中间人是关键角色,需要承担给委托人牵线搭桥的任务)

    • 己方中间人(称为A
    • 对方中间人(称为B
  2. 委托人(有想通过中间人认识新的朋友需求的个体)

    • 委托人本人(称为a
    • 对方委托人,或者称为想要认识的人(称为b
  3. 平台(给中间人发布委托人信息,寻找合适匹配的平台)



  1. 如果在A自己认识的人中,就有满足a要求的人,则可以直接介绍双方认识。
+-----+   +-----+   +-----+
|     |   |     |   |     |
|  a  +--->  A  +--->  a  |
|     |   |     |   |     |
+-----+   +-----+   +-----+
  1. 如果在A自己认识的人中,没有满足a要求的人,则可以通过平台,找到发布了满足a要求的,另一个中间人B(发布了b信息的中间人)。并通过B,介绍ab双方互相认识。
+-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+
|     |   |     |   |     |   |     |
|  a  +--->  A  <--->  B  <---+  b  |
|     |   |     |   |     |   |     |
+-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+


  1. 中间人

    • 获得报酬


      1. 找到周围有交友需求的人(a),并了解a们的诉求
      2. a们的基本信息,按照一定规则(年龄,性别,年收入等等),发布到平台
      3. 在平台中寻找满足a要求的b,并联系b内容的发布者B,是否可以让ab相互认识(当然B需要问一下b的意见)。在自己也咨询了a,并获得同意之后。进入相互认识流程。
      4. 此时需要让ba支付平台金币(介绍费)(双方都支付完成才算达成交易,只有一方支付的,时间超时,支付的金额会退回)(为了让大家都信守承诺,进入支付环节的时候,无法取消,如果不想交易,只能等待1天后,才会超时取消交易。期间a无法做任何操作)。
      5. 双方都支付平台金币后,50%的金币会返还给中间人。进入相互介绍和了解环节。
      6. 此时,A可以加B为微信好友,双方各自把ab拉进群里。并开场白,给各自的委托人,一个详细的介绍。由此可以让ab自己加微信好友,开始聊天。
      7. 7天之内,如果委托人中,有任意一个以上的人决定不聊了。那交易结束。
      8. 7天之后,如果交易还继续,中间人需要在4人群里面确认,是否还要继续。如果确认继续,则交易算成功。在确认之后,平台会提示ab分别给自己的中间人发一个微信大红包。委托人和中间人在平台都确认之后,ab才能继续其他的操作。
      9. 最后,ab需要对对方的中间人(即BA)进行信息准确性评价。



      1. 在上面第d步(第4步)中,a需要使用金币支付介绍费。金币从哪里来?a可以在平台中自己购买,当然,也可以由A卖给a(价格由A自己定)。
      2. 在上面第e步(第5步)中,双方都支付了之后,50%的金币会返还给A(和B)。这是A的金币来源。
      3. 交易成功之后,平台会提示委托人,发一个红包给中间人(因为双方认识,红包大小自己协商好,平台可以给一个推荐的大小。双方转微信红包即可)。
      4. 中间人在邀请了委托人或者介绍了其他中间人之后,会获得金币奖励。

      这样一来,只要搭上线,不管成不成,中间人都可以获得一定收益。 如果成功了,中奖人可能会获得更大的感谢红包收益!

    • 积攒人脉

  2. 委托人

    • 认识新的朋友



  1. 发布委托人信息(Publish)

  2. 寻找合适的匹配(Search)

  3. 委托人支付介绍费(Pay)

  4. 建微信群,相互加好友交流(Connect)

  5. 交易成功(Success)

  6. 发感谢红包(ThankGift)

  7. 交易结束(Finish)

                     +-------------+            +-------------------------------------------------+
                     |    Fail     |            |                   Cancel                        |
                     v             |            |                                                 v
+---------+     +----+---+     +---+-+     +----+----+     +---------+     +-----------+     +----+---+
|         |     |        |     |     |     |         |     |         |     |           |     |        |
| Publish +---->+ Search +---->+ Pay +---->+ Connect +---->+ Success +---->+ ThankGift +---->+ Finish |
|         |     |        |     |     |     |         |     |         |     |           |     |        |
+---------+     +--------+     +-----+     +---------+     +---------+     +-----------+     +--------+


  1. 注册认证

  2. 拉新&静态说明页

    • 招揽潜在中间人页:广告页,强调既能足不出户帮助他人,又能赚钱
    • 规则说明页:中间人发给潜在委托人,把整个规则用浅显易懂的方式说清楚,并且让潜在委托人知道这个是需要付费的。
  3. 发布委托人信息(Publish)

    • 发布委托信息页

      • 不能上传照片,只能选择一些卡通图片作为头像。
      • 可以设置最多3个字昵称(防黄防暴)
      • 可以设置个性化的文字介绍,在双方确认交易(支付之前)露出
      • 各个维度选择委托人属性:年龄、颜值、学历、专业、语言、行业、收入、职位、职级、出生、位置、房车、身高、爱好、内涵等。根据所选维度,给出估值。有一个上限值。
      • 最多能选择5种意向属性
    • 委托人详情页

      • 大体上就是委托信息页的陈列
      • 能看到A的信息,和A发布内容的准确性评价分
      • 能看到数据:访问次数,最近访问时间等
      • 根据不同状态,显示不同内容:
        • a:等待匹配、多个b意向匹配中、待支付、支付完成交流中(1天后可以选择终止,7天后,可以选择继续)、交易完成确认给感谢红包、交易完成评价B发布的内容准确性。还能看到自己拥有的金币数和意向列表(双向)。
        • ba目前有多少人存在意向、我是否有意向(每个人同时可以发起5次意向匹配,7天不操作,自动失效。只要有一个场景,双方都有意向之后,其他的意向消失)、b默认无法看到个性化文字,支付金币之后可以看到
        • Aa目前的存在意向列表、a的意向列表(最多5个)、意向匹配完成等待支付、双方支付完成显示B微信号、7天后如果没有终止,确认后可以发起完成操作、收到感谢红包之后,确认结束交易
        • Ba目前有多少人存在意向,可以手动操作,选择某个委托人加入意向
    • 中间人个人主页

      • 中间人可以看到当前委托者列表(如果是其他的中间人进来,看到的是静态的页面)
      • 列表中可以直观地看到当前委托者的信息,有多少人对a存在意向,a对多少人存在意向,a当前的状态
      • 中间人可以看到自己的金币数目,并且可以转让
      • 中间人可以看到当前有谁对成为委托人有意向
      • 中间人可以自己低价购买金币
  4. 寻找合适的匹配(Search)

    • 搜索页:可以根据属性,筛选中间人发布的信息。点击找到的内容,进入委托人详情页
  5. 委托人支付介绍费(Pay)

    • 委托人购买金币页
  6. 建微信群,相互加好友交流(Connect)

  7. 交易成功(Success)

  8. 发感谢红包(ThankGift)

  9. 交易结束(Finish)


  1. 招揽潜在中间人页(3)
  2. 规则说明页(招揽潜在委托人)(3)
  3. 中间人注册页(1)
  4. 委托人注册页(1)
  5. 中间人发布委托信息页(5)
  6. 委托人详情页(多状态)(10)
  7. 中间人个人主页(2)
  8. 搜索页(1)
  9. 委托人购买金币页(需要退款流程)(5)
  10. 中间人转让自己的金币页(1)
  11. 玩法传播页(个人身价估值等)(5)








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