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algorithm's Introduction


Analyze algorithms

reasons to analyze algorithms

  • predict performance
  • compare algorithms
  • provide guarantees
  • understand theoretical basic
  • avoid performance bugs -- primary reason

scientific methods applied to analysis of algorithms

  • scientific method
    • observe some features of the natural world
    • hypothesize a model that is consistent with the observations
    • predict events using the hypothesis
    • verify the predictions by making further observations
    • validate by repeating until the hypothesis and observations agree
  • principles
    • experiments must be reproducible
    • hypothesis must be falsifiable
  • feature of the natural world
    • computer itself

mathematical model

  • cost model: use some basic operation as a proxy for running time
  • tilde notation:
    • estimate running time (or memory) as a function of input size N
    • ignore lower order terms

order of growth

  • need linear of linearithmic algorithm to keep pace with Moore's law

theory of algorithms

  • best case: lower bound on cost
    • determined by "easiest" input
    • provide a goal for all inputs
  • worst case: upper bound on cost
    • determined by "most difficult" input
    • provide a guarantee for all inputs
  • average case: expected cost for random input
    • need a model for "random" input
    • provide a way to predict performance
  • goals
    • establish "difficulty" of a problem
    • develop "optimal" algorithms
  • approach
    • suppress details in Analysis
    • eliminate variability in input model by focusing on the worst case
  • optimal algorithm
    • performance guarantee for any input
    • no algorithm can provide a better performance guarantee
  • upper bound: a specific algorithm
  • lower bound: proof that no algorithm can do better
  • optimal algorithm: lower bound equals upper bound


elementary sorts

selection sort

at each turn, select the right element from rest, and put it in final position.

  • proposition
    • compares: $\sum_{0}^{N-1}(N-i-1) = \frac{N(N-1)}{2} \sim \frac{N^2}{2} = \Theta (N^2)$
    • exchanges: $N = \Theta (N)$
  • running time insensitive to input: quadratic time, even if input is sorted
  • data movement is minimal: linear time of exchanges

insertion sort

at each turn, select right element from "seen" elements, then move it from right to left, switching each "larger" element to its left

  • proposition
    • best case: $N-1$ compares, $0$ exchanges
    • worst case: $\sim \frac{N^2}{2}$ compares, $\sim \frac{N^2}{2}$ exchanges
    • average case: with random input, assume that each item goes half way. $\sim \frac{N^2}{4}$ compares, $\sim \frac{N^2}{4}$ exchanges
  • exchanges equal to inversions
  • excellent for partially sorted arrays whose inversions is $O(N)$ -- in linear time, for compares = exchanges + $N - 1$
  • fine to tiny arrays

shell sort

shell sort is an extension of insertion sort. partially sorted array is friendly to insertion sort.

  • h-sorted array: subarray that has strike h started anywhere is sorted

  • h-sort procedure doesn't spoil g-sorted array

  • Q: what kind of incremental sequence should we use?

  • powers of two: 1, 2, 4, ... -- not good

  • powers of two minus one: 1, 3, 7, ... -- maybe

  • $3x + 1$: 1, 4, 13, ... -- ok and easy to compute

  • Sedgewick: 1, 5, 18, 41, 109, 209: $$ \forall i \geq 0, s[i] = \left { \begin{array}{rcl} 9 \times (4^j - 2^j) + 1 & where & j = \lfloor \frac{i}{2} \rfloor & and & i = 2k \ 4^j - 3 \times 2^j + 1 & where & j = 2 + \lfloor \frac{i}{2} \rfloor & and & i = 2k + 1 \ \end{array} \right. \ $$

  • proposition:

    • worst case: $N ^ {\frac{3}{2}}$ (using $3x + 1$) compares

merge sort

  • basic plan
    • divide array into two halves
    • recursively sort each other
    • merge two halves
  • proposition
    • time: $\Theta(N \log{N})$
      • compares $C(N) \in [\frac{1}{2} N \log{N}, N \log{N}]$, also insensitive to input
      • access $A(N) = 6N \log{N}$, $2N$ for copy, $2N$ for move back, $2N$ for compares
    • auxiliary space: $\Theta(N)$
  • merge sort is optimal with respect to compares but not to memory
  • any compare-based algorithm has lower bound $\Theta(N \log{N} )$
  • lower bound may not hold when knowing more information about initial order, distribution or representation of keys

quick sort

  • basic plan
    • shuffle the array (guarantee performance)
    • partition so that, for some j
      • entry a[j] is in place
      • no larger entry to the left of a[j]
      • no smaller entry to the right of a[j]
    • sort each piece recursively


  • proposition
    • best case: compares $C_N \sim N \log{N}$
    • worst case: compares $C_N \sim \frac{1}{2}N^2$
    • average case:
      • for distinct keys, compares $C_n \sim 2N \log{N}$, exchanges $E_N \sim \frac{1}{3} N \log{N}$
    • in-place
    • not stable
  • practical improvements
    • insertion sort small sub-arrays
    • median of sample (median of arr[low], arr[mid] and arr[high])
    • entropy-optimal sorting: sub-arrays of equal keys often occur. from linearithmic to linear (see below)
  • three-way partion (much faster with large number of duplicate keys)



  • upper bound $\Theta (N)$ (theoretically proved, but not practical)
  • repeat partitioning on a sub-array until $k_{th}$ element found

heap sort

priority queue


  • heap sort is optimal with memory and time
  • proposition
    • heap construction uses $\leq 2N$ compares
    • heap sort uses $\leq 2N \log{N}$ compares and exchanges
  • bottom line
    • inner loop longer quick sort
    • makes poor use of memory
    • not stable

radix sort




binary search trees (balanced)


2-3 search tree

  • by maintaining two-nodes and three-nodes, each path from root to null link has same length
  • proposition
    • height
      • worst: all 2-nodes $\log_2 N$
      • best: all 3-nodes $\log_3 N$
    • guaranteed logarithmic performance for search and insert
  • cumbersome to implement

red-black BST

  • left-leaning red-black BSTs
  • use "internal" left-leaning links as glue for 3-nodes
    • red links "glue" nodes within a 3-node
    • black links connect 2-nodes and 3-nodes
    • $s.t.$
      • no node has two red links connected to it
      • every path from root to null link has the same number of black links (perfect black balance)
      • red links lean left




hash tables

  1. mapping
  2. collision-resolution: separate chaining and line probing

mapping -- hashing function

  • requirements

    1. efficient to compute

    2. consistent -- instance equality -> hash-code equality

    3. uniformly distribute the keys

  • different types should have different hash functions

  • positive integers: modular hashing $k % M$

    • however, values not disperse evenly
    • $M$ is often prime
  • floating-point numbers: modular hashing function on binary representations of them

  • string: treat as N-digit base-R integer hash = ((R * hash) + s[i]) % M

    • if computing hash-code is prohibitive, software caching it
  • compound keys: hash = (((day * R + month) % M) * R + year) % M, if R is small, cost of modular by M can be eliminated


  • separate chaining -- buckets + lists
  • linear probing -- only buckets, resize is necessary



  • when there is an edge connecting two vertices, the vertices are adjacent to one another and the edges is incident to them
  • the degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident to it
  • a subgraph is a subset of graph's edges and associated vertices that constitutes a graph
  • a path is a sequence of vertices connecting by edges
    • a simple path is one with no vertices
    • a cycle is one that starts and ends with the same vertex
    • a simple cycle is a cycle that has no repeated vertices
    • the length of a cycle or a path is its number of edges
  • a graph is connected if there is a path from everty vertex from everty vertex
    • a graph that is not connected consists a set of connected components, which are maximal of connected subgraphs
  • a acyclic graph is a graph with no cycles
    • a tree is an acyclic connected graph. equal conditions:
      • V - 1 edges and no cycles
      • V - 1 edges and connected
      • connected but remove any edge disconnects it
      • acyclic but add any edge creates a cycle
    • a forest is a disjoint set of trees
    • a spanning tree of a connected graph is a tree (connected and asyclic) that contains all vertices of that graph
  • density: if number of edges is within a small constant factor of V, sparse; otherwise, dense
  • bipartite graph
  • vertices v and w are strongly connected if there is both a directed path from v to w and a directed path from w to v
    • a strong component is a maximal subset of strongly-connected vertices
  • a cut in a graph is a partition of its vertices into two (nonempty) sets
  • a crossing edge connects a vertex in one set with a vertex in the other

order-of-growth performance for typical Graph implementations


undirected graph

  • DFS: time proportional to $V + E$
  • BFS: time proportional to $V + E$ in the worst case; if connected, $\sum_{i=1}^{n} d_i = 2E$
Problem Solution
single-source connetivity DFS
single-source paths DepthFirstPaths
single-source shortest paths BFS
connectivity ConnectedComponets/UnionFind
cycle detection Cycle
bipartiteness TwoColor

directed graph

Problem Solution
path (single-source reachability) DFS
shortest path BFS
topological sort DFS and reverse postorder
strong connectivity Kosaraju-Sharir (DFS twice)
transitive closure
page rank

cycle detection

  • recursive call stack represents a path
  • DFS method
    • if we find a edge v -> w which is already on the stack, we find a cycle

topological sort

  • precedence scheduling -- put the vertices in order such that all its directed edges point from a vertex earlier in the order to a vertex later order

  • proposition: DAG -- a digraph has a topological order if no directed cycle

    • detecting backward edge while DFS to detect possible cycles
  • reverse postorder of DFS (reversed order of vertices inserted immediately after DFS finished) in a DAG is a topological sort

    • in time proportional to $V + E$
    • any edge v -> w, when dfs(v) is called
      • dfs(w) is called and returned
      • dfs(w) is not called
      • dfs(w) is called but not returned (impossible)
      • such that w is added to the stack before v is added

strong connected components

  • strong connected: mutually reachable
  • Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm
    • reverse graph. strong components in $G$ are the same as in $G^R$
    • kernel DAG. contract each strong components into a single vertex
    • idea
      • compute topological order (reverse postorder) in kernel DAG
      • run DFS, considering vertices in reverse topological order
    • the second pass of DFS traverse the graph in topological order of $G^R$, and when calling dfs(v), all vertices met are in the same strongly connected components (no edge towards other strongly connect)
    • time proportional to $E + V$

minimum spanning tree

  • find a min weight spanning tree
  • simplifying assumptions
    • edge weights are unique
    • graph is connected
    • -> MST is unique
    • what if edge weights are not distinct? -- greedy algorithms still work
    • what if graph is not connected? -- minimum spanning forests
  • cut properties
    • a cut in a graph is a partition of its vertices into two (nonempty) sets
    • a crossing edge connects a vertex in one set with a vertex in the other
    • -> given any cut, the crossing edge of min weight is in the MST
    • we can prove but assume the contradictory
  • greedy algorithm
    • start with all gray edges
    • find cut with no black crossing edge, color its min weight to black
    • run until $V-1$ edges colored to black
    • implementations: -- choose cut and find min weight edge

Kruskal algorithm

  • considering edges in ascending order
  • add edges to tree unless that will create a circle
  • use union-find to test connectivity ($\log{V}$)
  • proportional to $E \log{E}$ in the worst case

Prim algorithm

  • start with vertex 0 and greedily grow tree T
  • add to T the min weight edge with exactly one endpoint in T
  • repeat until $V - 1$ edges
  • how to find min weight edge to add?
    • lazy version: use PQ to maintain the edges
      • proportion:
        • time: $E \log{E}$
        • extra space: $E$
    • eager version: maintain a PQ of vertices connected by an edge to T where the priority of a vertex is the weight of the shortest edge connecting it to the tree
      • delete min priority vertex v from PQ and add the edge to the tree
      • update PQ by considering all the edges v-w incident to v
        • if w is already in the tree, ignore
        • if w is not on the PQ, add it to the PQ
        • decrease its priority if v-w becomes the shortest edge

shortest path

  • variants

    • source sink: from one vertex to another
    • single source: from one vertex to every other
    • all pairs: between all pairs of vertices
  • restrictions on edges

    • nonnegative weights
    • arbitrary weights
    • euclidean weights
  • cycles?

    • no directed cycles
    • no negative cycles
  • simplifying assumptions: shortest paths from v to each other vertices exist

  • how to choose which edge to relax?

    • Dijkstra's (nonnegative weights)
    • Topological sort (no directed cycles)
    • Bellman-Ford's (no negative cycl)

nonnegative weights -- Dijkstra algorithm

  • consider vertices in increasing order of distance to s
  • add vertex to the tree and relax all the edges pointing to the vertex

acyclic shortest path -- topological sort

  • consider vertices in topological order
  • add vertex to the tree and relax all the edges pointing to the vertex

parallel job scheduling -- critical path


negative weights -- Bellman-Ford algorithm

  • negative cycles -- a cycle whose sum of weights is negative

  • proportion

    • a SPT (shortest path tree) exists if there is no negative cycles
  • set distance of s to 0 and others to $\infin$

  • repeat for V times: relax all E edges

  • time proportional to $O(V^2 + VE)$

  • in acyclic digraph -- linear time

    • topological sort first
    • relax edges in topological order
    • time proportional to $\Theta(V + E)$



maximum flow and minimum cut

$\textbf{mincut}$ problem

  • given a digraph with positive edge capacity, source $s$ and destination $t$
  • a $\textit{st}\text{-cut (cut)}$ is a partition of the vertices into two disjoint sets, with $s$ in one set $A$ and $t$ in other set $B$
  • its $\text{capacity}$ is the sum of capacities from $A$ to $B$
  • image-20231229201019475
  • $\text{mincut}$ problem -- find a cut of minimum capacity

$\textbf{maxflow}$ problem

  • the same input as $\text{mincut}$'s
  • a $\textit{st}\text{-flow (flow)}$ is an assignment of values to edges that:
    • capacity constraint: $0 \le \text{edge's flow} \le \text{edge's capacity}$
    • local equilibrium: $\text{inflow} = \text{outflow}$ at every vertex except for $s$ and $t$
  • the value of flow is the $\text{inflow}$ at $t$
  • $\text{maxflow}$ problem -- find a flow of maximum value

$\textbf{Ford-Fulkerson}$ algorithm

  • initialization -- start with $0$ flow
  • image-20231229203023569
  • idea -- increase flow along $\text{augmenting path}s$
    • $\text{augmenting path}$ -- find a undirected path from $s$ to $t$ such that:
      • can increase flow on forward edges (not full).
      • can decrease flow on backward edges (not empty).
      • image-20231229203730785
      • image-20231229203914512
  • termination -- no more augmenting paths
    • all paths from $s$ to $t$ are blocked by either a
      • full forward edge
      • empty backward edge

$\textbf{Maxflow-Mincut}$ Theorem

  • $\text{net flow across cut}(A, B) = \sum{(\text{flows from } A \text{ to } B)} - \sum{(\text{flows from } B \text{ to } A)}$
  • $\text{flow-value lemma}$
    • $f$ - any flow, $(A,B)$ - any cut
    • $\text{net flow across cut} (A,B) = \text{the value of } f$
    • image-20231229224428487
  • proof
    • induction
      • $B = {t}$
      • induction step: remains true by local equilibrium when moving any vertex from $A$ to $B$

$\textbf{maxflow}$ Application

  • bipartite matching problem
    • given a bipartite graph, find a perfect matching
    • network formulation of bipartite matching
  • baseball elimination
    • $\text{maxflow}$ formulation
    • image-20240201211838818


string sorts




substring search


brute force

  • worst case $\sim MN$, where $M$ is word length, and $N$ is string length

  • backup the last $M$ characters, but often no room or time to save text

    • linear time guarantee

Knuth-Morris-Pratt substring search (KMP)

  • deterministic finite state machine (DFA)
    • simulate on text: at most $N + M$ characters accessed
    • build DFA: $RM$ where $R$ is all possible characters
      • improved version constructs NFA in time and space proportional to $M$


  • intuition: skip when mismatched
  • pre-compute the right-most occurence
  • compares $\sim \frac{N}{M}$, worst $\sim MN$
    • can be improved to $\sim 3N$ by adding KMP-like rule to guard against repetitive patterns

Rabin-Karp fingerprint match

  • intuition: modular hashing
  • compute the hash of pattern
  • for each substring, compute its hash, and check for equality with pattern if hash matches
  • Horner's method to evaluate degree-M polynomial in linear-time
  • choose large prime Q to possibly avoid collision
  • Monte-Carlo version and Las-Vegas version




data compression

  • why do we need compression?
  • is there an algorithm to compress all bit strings?


  • for variable-length coding, how to avoid ambiguity?
    • ensure no codeword is a prefix of another
    • we need a prefix-free code
  • how to represent the prefix-free code
    • using a binary trie
    • chars in leaves
    • codeword is path from root to leaf
  • is it adequate to just dump encoded bit stream? -- no, built trie is also needed, and preorder traversal is needed
    • internal node: 0
    • leaf node: 1
    • char followed


  • a adaptive model: learn and update as text read; encoding starts from beginning.
    • static model, which is for all texts, is fast but not optimal because different texts have different statistical properties, e.g., ASCII, Morse code.
    • dynamic model, which is generated in a preliminary pass from given text, must be transmitted, e.g., Huffman code.
    • adaptive model is more accurate and produces better compression
  • LZW compression:
    • create a ST associating $W$-bit codewords with string keys (string key -> $W$-bit codeword)
    • initiate ST with single-char words
    • find the longest prefix $s$ in ST that is unscanned in the input
    • write codewords of $s$
    • add $s + c$ to ST, where $c$โ€‹ is the next char in the input
      • btw: a LZW compression code table ST can be represented as a trie
  • LZW expansion
    • create a ST associating string values with $W$-bit keys ($W$-bit key-> string value)
    • initiate ST with single-char words
    • read a $W$-bit key. the find and print its string value in ST
    • update ST
      • btw: a LZW expansion code table ST can be represented as a array of size $2^W$
  • both Huffman code and LZW code are lossless compression models.
    • Huffman code represents fixed-length symbols with variable-length codes.
    • LZW code represents variable-length symbols with fixed-length codes.


NP completeness

  • NP-complete problems: no polynomial solutions have been found for any one of them -- $P \neq NP$
  • classes
    • $P$ -- solvable in polynomial time
    • $NP$ -- verifiable in polynomial time when given a solution
      • $P \subseteq NP$
    • $NPC$ -- NP-complete, if it belongs to NP and is as hard as any problem in NP. If any problem in NP can be solved in polynomial time, then every problem in NP has a polynomial-time algorithm
      • to demonstrate how "hard" a problem is

key concepts to show a problem to be NPC

  • decision problems -- the answer is "yes" or "no". NPC applies directly not to optimization problems. optimization problem can be cast to related decision problem to which a bound of value to be optimized imposed (e.g., is there a shortest path from v to w -> is there a path from v to w with at least k edges?)
  • reductions
    • given a problem B, we can transform instance of problem A to problem B in polynomial time.
    • the answer of B is the answer of A
    • thus we can solve problem A in polynomial time by transforming its instance to that of another polynomial decision problem in polynomial time
    • image-20231124111238012
    • hardness proof: B is NPC if A is NPC and there is a transforming from instance of A to instance of B
    • $\text{total cost} = \text{cost of B} + \text{cost of reduction from instance of A to that of B}$
  • a first NPC problem
    • circuit-satisfactory-problem
  • procedure
    • conjecture: Q can be poly-reducted to Q' if and only if instance of Q can be poly-transformed to instance of Q', and any answer towards instance of Q' is also answer towards instance of Q.
    • conclusion: Q is at most as harder as Q'
    • how to prove Q is NPC? -- reduce a NPC problem to the given problem
      • prove Q is NP (poly-checked)
      • select a NPC problem Q'
      • give a alg to poly-transform instance of Q' to instance of Q
      • prove for each answer towards instance of Q', it is also answer (after transformed) towards instance of Q
    • then Q' is at most as harder as Q. Q is NPC

divide and conquer

  • substitution method
    • guess and prove
    • trick: avoid asymptotic notions in inductions and name them explicitly
  • recursion tree method
  • master method
    • for $T(n) = a T(\frac{n}{b}) + f(n), \epsilon \gt 0$

      • case 1 -- $f(n) = O(n ^{\log _b a - \epsilon})$

        • $T(n) = \Theta(n ^{\log _b a})$
      • case 2 -- $f(n) = \Theta(n ^{log _b a} \lg^k n), k \ge 0$

        • $T(n) = \Theta(n ^{log _b a} \lg ^{k + 1} n)$
      • case 3 -- $f(n) = \Omega(n ^{log _b a + \epsilon}), \epsilon \gt 0$ and $a f( \frac{n}{b}) \le cf(n), c \lt 1$

        • $T(n) = \Theta(f(n))$
    • just check if driving function f(n) grows polynomially (or approximately) faster than watershed function $n^{\log_b a}$

    • there is a gap between case 1 and case 2 when $f(n) = o(n^{log_b a})$ and also one between case 2 and case 3 when $f(n) = \omega(n^{log_b a})$

dynamic programming

  • unlike divide-and-conquer method, dynamic programming (a tabular way to avoid repeatedly calculating) solves overlapping subproblems
  • DP focuses on optimization problems
  • the time of DP is proportional to the out degrees of subproblem digraph

algorithm's People


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