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yql-tables's Issues and balancesheet tables YQL queries are not working

These calls were working earlier but now they have stopped working. Any idea when this could be fixed?*

INcome Statement :*

Sample output:-

In short, the data is missing in the above calls. Can this be fixed please? A lot of people are looking for help on the yahoo finance table issues. feed unreliable

As I understand, the currency data is supposed to be update every minute based.
I have been monitoring the data over the past few days. The feed rates seem to flit between the same 2 or 3 values throughout the day.
Out of interest - is this data still being maintained?

Google Calendar

The community would be very grateful if there was an Open Table for Google Calendar. is broken with xml error

How can this XML code be tested? I would be willing to help fix this.

"Exception: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup., url:",

Full error:
"query": {
"count": 0,
"created": "2014-08-27T05:08:33Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"diagnostics": {
"url": [
"execution-start-time": "0",
"execution-stop-time": "1",
"execution-time": "1",
"content": ""
"error": "Exception while converting tidy sanitized html to Dom",
"execution-start-time": "4",
"execution-stop-time": "127",
"execution-time": "123",
"http-status-code": "200",
"http-status-message": "OK",
"content": ""
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"javascript": [
"Exception: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup., url:",
"execution-start-time": "3",
"execution-stop-time": "127",
"execution-time": "123",
"instructions-used": "2000",
"table-name": ""
"user-time": "127",
"service-time": "109",
"build-version": "0.2.2666"
"results": null

Yahoo finance.keystats is broken just returns the symbol. The old xpath is:

var keystatsquery = y.xpath(
"//table[@Class='yfnc_datamodoutline1']/tr/td/table/tr" +
"/td[@Class='yfnc_tabledata1' or @Class='yfnc_tablehead1']"

I think it needs to be changed to:
var keystatsquery = y.xpath(
"//table[@Class='yfnc_datamodoutline1']/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr" +
"/td[@Class='yfnc_tabledata1' or @Class='yfnc_tablehead1']"

it looks like there are tbody tags that are throwing it off. i haven't contributed to this project yet, and so i'm a little hesitant to make the change myself. can someone comment as to whether they agree with this? index components isn't fully implemented

Hi there,

I would like to amend the code around here so we can retrieve the full set of symbols that would be components of an index. For instance the ^FTAS has 662 components as of today but you can only get 51 back via YQL, if someone could give me some pointers on how to fix and test this I will make the changes and commit it back into the main repo.

Bad Request when using access_token

I got a bad request error when using the following query:

SELECT * FROM facebook.graph WHERE id='myeventid' and access_token='12xxxxxx74|a8a9d7ecxxxxxxx9464086|gN_mxxxxxxxxKXc81g.&offset=0&limit=10'

it looks like the problem is that pipe chars '|' in the access_token sent to facebook has been replaced by '%7c'.

"query": {
"count": "0",
"created": "2010-08-07T10:18:02Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"diagnostics": {
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"url": [
"execution-time": "3",
"proxy": "DEFAULT",
"content": ""
"execution-time": "389",
"http-status-code": "400",
"http-status-message": "Bad Request",
"proxy": "DEFAULT",
"content": ""

Use of old twitter api should be replaced to use the new twitter api

One reason for this is that using the old api returns less than 40 records for some reason, but works perfectly fine. Also the documentation for the old twitter api is hard to find now (you have to look through the history of hard to find pages), and there are minor differences between that old api documentation and the available documentation for the new api.* is broken

I'm trying to get an options chain but it looks like Yahoo Finance has changed the markup on their page which has broken these calls.

It looks like these are the two errors:

Exception while converting tidy sanitized html to Dom

The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup., url:

I was previously using in an old project and it did indeed used to work (early this year is the last time I had tested it).

Direct Link to Broken Query

Anyone know how I can fix this?

Delete the outdated ygroups + yahoovoices tables

I notice they can be accessed in the yql console. YGroups is definitely outdates, the yahoo voices has some that are functioning, but as the author of those tables I must admit, a lack of maintenance, so the best thing would be to delete them. In the end, it isnt a big issue but I figure it needed to be said. I know some authors dont go back to address their old tables. So I figured I would.

The unit parameter does not work in the weather.woeid table

When using the weather.woeid table, the unit parameter is ignored. The diagnostics show that the URL providing the woeid and the unit is not correct. For example, if the query is
select * from weather.woeid where w=2151330 and u="c"
the result will give the temperature in Fahrenheit (not in Celsius as asked). The diagnostics show the following URL:
h ttp://

There are two "w=" and two "c=". I guess it is the source of the problem. gives columns mismatch

gives a columns mismatch (see output). This url works fine from the command line, but sometimes it fails for a couple of hours from my application. I think it has something to do with the & in column 'Change&PercentChange'

<csv>Column mismatch: [Ask, AverageDailyVolume, Bid, AskRealtime, BidRealtime, BookValue, Change</csv>
<query>select * from csv where url=@url and columns='Ask,AverageDailyVolume,Bid,AskRealtime,BidRealtime,BookValue,Change&PercentChange,Change,Commission,Currency,ChangeRealtime,AfterHoursChangeRealtime,DividendShare,LastTradeDate,TradeDate,EarningsShare,ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid,EPSEstimateCurrentYear,EPSEstimateNextYear,EPSEstimateNextQuarter,DaysLow,DaysHigh,YearLow,YearHigh,HoldingsGainPercent,AnnualizedGain,HoldingsGain,HoldingsGainPercentRealtime,HoldingsGainRealtime,MoreInfo,OrderBookRealtime,MarketCapitalization,MarketCapRealtime,EBITDA,ChangeFromYearLow,PercentChangeFromYearLow,LastTradeRealtimeWithTime,ChangePercentRealtime,ChangeFromYearHigh,PercebtChangeFromYearHigh,LastTradeWithTime,LastTradePriceOnly,HighLimit,LowLimit,DaysRange,DaysRangeRealtime,FiftydayMovingAverage,TwoHundreddayMovingAverage,ChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage,PercentChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage,ChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage,PercentChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage,Name,Notes,Open,PreviousClose,PricePaid,ChangeinPercent,PriceSales,PriceBook,ExDividendDate,PERatio,DividendPayDate,PERatioRealtime,PEGRatio,PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear,PriceEPSEstimateNextYear,Symbol,SharesOwned,ShortRatio,LastTradeTime,TickerTrend,OneyrTargetPrice,Volume,HoldingsValue,HoldingsValueRealtime,YearRange,DaysValueChange,DaysValueChangeRealtime,StockExchange,DividendYield'</query><javascript></javascript><user-time>9</user-time><service-time>6</service-time><build-version>0.2.395</build-version></diagnostics><results></results></query>

options volume and open interest data

When you query, the volume and open interest fields are not correct for occasions when the amount is above 1000. There is a comma in the number for these instances and the code is just pulling the numbers up to the column. If you look at Google, you will be able to see this.

ReadabilitySAX - Exception: TypeError: Cannot find function onopentag in object [object Object].

data.headers.xml: mobile UA string not working for Amazon

I just tried the query below using an iPhone UA string, but the returned HTML content was still for the desktop version.

select * from {table} where url="" and ua="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1"

The interesting thing is it worked (I got the mobile version) if I changed url to Maybe some sites like Amazon is looking for another HTTP header that needs to be set in order for it to be identified as a mobile device?

Forbidden error for table.

I'm testing table at YQL Console and below are my results.

Testing Sample Query:

select * from where location="sfbay" and type="sss" and query="schwinn mountain bike"

It generates Forbidden (403), as well as for other queries.
Robot file seems ok and direct link works as expected.

Is the table broken, or it's some temporary glitch?

All data is a day old

Strange issue - data is a day old. Last trade date is a day old, open is from yesterday, current prices all wrong. It's like it is replaying yesterday play for play. A leap-year issue? not giving useful data

I am trying to get analyst estimation data using the YQL query:
select * from where symbol='YHOO'


but the only thing returning is
{ "query": { "count": 1, "created": "2016-04-17T16:49:48Z", "lang": "de-DE", "results": { "results": { "symbol": "YHOO" } } }

I would expect some data about target price etc. Any help is really appreciated. There are also two open questions regarding this on stackoverflow, but noone seems to be able to answer this. endDate no longer working

select * from where symbol = "KO" and startDate = "1962-01-01" and endDate = "2013-12-31"

Even using the example code results in an error. Running this query results in data after the endDate. URL needs fixed

I had originally posted this under the fix, but it appears that issue is closed and I wanted to ensure this issue is open. Apologies for the crosspost.

It appears is broken. It's trying to pull on the below URL, which currently returns a 404.

Correct URL should be (example given for AAPL):


I suspect CashFlow and IncomeStatement are also broken now too. If this gets fixed, I'll post on those respective files.

Would love a fix for this!

iplocation table is not working

it seams that ip.location table is not working as has changed their api.

Now they request a key for the request, I'm not sure how to fix it, as if I added the key as a required parameter, I think it will break some of the implementations (which are already now borken), so if anybody can help with that

Problem with 301 redirecting and query parameters

Go to and enter the query

use "" as sparql;
select * from sparql where query="PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT $nick $name FROM <> WHERE { $x a foaf:Person . $x foaf:nick $nick . $x foaf:name $name }"
  and service=""

and get back a 500 error

The URL it fetches is

Server Log: - - [24/Jan/2010:20:43:47 -0800] "GET /sparql?query=PREFIX%20foaf%3A%20%3Chttp%3A// HTTP/1.0" 200 487 "-" "Yahoo Pipes 2.0"

which despite the apache log saying 200, it actually returns a 301 (permanent) redirect to:

Server Log: - - [24/Jan/2010:20:43:48 -0800] "GET /sparql/ HTTP/1.0" 404 2454 "-" "Yahoo Pipes 2.0"

Notice "Yahoo Pipes 2.0" makes request

and interprets the 301 response as:


YQL against not working for some symbols


I hope this is the right place to create an issue (the developer forum seems dead, and said it was read-only).

I can issue the following query against
select * from where symbol in ("ABBY.L")

I get an error when I issue this query:
select * from where symbol in ("VMED.L")

You can get individual quotes from Yahoo for each of these symbols:

Here's the links to see the results in the YQL console:**

Is this a bug in the table definition? Or am I doing something wrong?

Spanish markets are not working

Hi. I've noticed that Spanish market quotes are not accesible. While US quotes (i.e. AAPL) or German quotes (i.e. DBK.DE) are OK, Spanish quotes such as SAN.MC (Santander) is not working. It always returns N/A data. Any idea about why this happens??? Thanks not returning any data

When running* it shows that the generated URL is incorrect, I think you need to modify each of the script to force

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query xmlns:yahoo="" yahoo:count="0" yahoo:created="2013-10-08T01:24:37Z" yahoo:lang="en-US"><diagnostics><url execution-start-time="1" execution-stop-time="1" execution-time="0"><![CDATA[]]></url><publiclyCallable>true</publiclyCallable><url execution-start-time="5" execution-stop-time="10" execution-time="5" http-status-code="404" http-status-message="Not Found"><![CDATA[]]></url><javascript execution-start-time="4" execution-stop-time="11" execution-time="6" instructions-used="5056" table-name=""></javascript><user-time>11</user-time><service-time>2</service-time><build-version>0.2.1867</build-version></diagnostics><results/></query><!-- total: 11 -->
<!-- --> is broken

I originally posted a good version of Then somehow an older corrupt version got merged in.

Now that I have more experience with the strange way that yql-tables is managed, I think what happened is:

  1. I forked yql-tables and issued a pull request that unfortunately had a bad in it.
  2. Someone else forked that bad version.
  3. Meanwhile, I was still editing away on and managed to get my changes pulled.
  4. Then, sometime later, the person from step 2 finished whatever changes they were doing on their COMPLETELY different section, and this ended up clobbering my new changes.

(Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that I made my own readme and then later noticed this also got pulled back to the master. I notified someone, and this got fixed, but maybe in fixing that they somehow also got my earlier bad version of

Whatever. So about 4 years ago, I noticed all this and tried to get it fixed to no avail. At that point I was frustrated with yql-tables maintenance and gave up. Somewhat later, sh1mmer (who I don't know) managed to post my good code (you can see my name still in the metadata) as (note the extra s).

Strangely(?) doesn't appear in ??? If it did, I presume I could fork the current repo, delete it myself, and send in a pull request?

Back to the present. The other day I noticed this:

Some of the answers refer to my Yahoo Finance Open Data Tables. And one showed a technique I wasn't aware of that seems to avoid having to use oauth (which I asked a question about 4 years ago but never got an answer to) Sooo... I've become motivated to look at YQL again and see if it can solve the problem of getting all Yahoo Stock tickers.

  • Anyway, I am now requesting that you delete

I am in the process of updating all my finance Open Data Tables (and perhaps making new ones). Once I am done, I will fork the current tree, delete, add my new fixed instead, and issue a pull request. Presumably doing that all within a few minutes will avoid the problem I had earlier (wherein I waited a week or two between forking and issuing a pull request)?

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