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alpha-beta's Introduction


Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application, rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity.1 It can be a form of utility computing.

Serverless computing can simplify the process of deploying code into production. Scaling, capacity planning and maintenance operations may be hidden from the developer or operator. Serverless code can be used in conjunction with code deployed in traditional styles, such as microservices. Alternatively, applications can be written to be purely serverless and use no provisioned servers at all.2

Serverless runtimes

In 2008, Google released Google App Engine, which featured metered billing for applications that used a custom Python framework, but could not execute arbitrary code.4

AWS Lambda, introduced by Amazon in 2014,6 was the first public cloud infrastructure vendor with an abstract serverless computing offering. It is supported by a number of additional AWS serverless tools such as AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) Amazon CloudWatch, and others.

Google Cloud Platform offers Google Cloud Functions since 2016.7

Microsoft Azure offers Azure Functions, offered both in the Azure public cloud or on-premises via Azure Stack.9

Serverless databases

Several serverless databases have emerged in the last few years. These systems extend the serverless execution model to the RDBMS, eliminating the need to provision or scale virtualized or physical database hardware.

Amazon Aurora offers a serverless version of its databases, based on MySQL and PostgreSQL, providing on-demand, auto-scaling configurations. [10]

Azure Data Lake is a highly scalable data storage and analytics service. The service is hosted in Azure, Microsoft's public cloud. Azure Data Lake Analytics provides a distributed infrastructure that can dynamically allocate or de-allocate resources so customers pay for only the services they use.

Google Cloud Datastore is an eventually-consistent document store. It offers the database component of Google App Engine as a standalone service. Firebase, also owned by Google,[11] includes a hierarchical database and is available via fixed and pay-as-you-go plans.[12]



Serverless can be more cost-effective than renting or purchasing a fixed quantity of servers,[13] which generally involves significant periods of underutilization or idle time.[1] It can even be more cost-efficient than provisioning an autoscaling group, due to more efficient bin-packing of the underlying machine resources.

This can be described as pay-as-you-go computing[13] or bare-code[13] as you are charged based solely upon the time and memory allocated to run your code; without associated fees for idle time.[13]

Immediate cost benefits are related to the lack of operating systems costs, including: licences, installation, dependencies, maintenance, support, and patching.[13]

Elasticity versus scalability

In addition, a serverless architecture means that developers and operators do not need to spend time setting up and tuning autoscaling policies or systems; the cloud provider is responsible for scaling the capacity to the demand.[1][9][13]. As Google puts it: ‘from prototype to production to planet-scale.’[13]

As cloud native systems inherently scale down as well as up, these systems are known as elastic rather than scalable.

Small teams of developers are able to run code themselves without the dependence upon teams of infrastructure and support engineers; more developers are becoming DevOps skilled and distinctions between being a software developer or hardware engineer are blurring.[13]


With function as a service, the units of code exposed to the outside world are simple event driven functions. This means that typically, the programmer does not have to worry about multithreading or directly handling HTTP requests in their code, simplifying the task of back-end software development.



Infrequently-used serverless code may suffer from greater response latency than code that is continuously running on a dedicated server, virtual machine, or container. This is because, unlike with autoscaling, the cloud provider typically "spins down" the serverless code completely when not in use. This means that if the runtime (for example, the Java runtime) requires a significant amount of time to start up, it will create additional latency.

Resource limits

Serverless computing is not suited to some computing workloads, such as high-performance computing, because of the resource limits imposed by cloud providers, and also because it would likely be cheaper to bulk-provision the number of servers believed to be required at any given point in time.

Monitoring and debugging

Diagnosing performance or excessive resource usage problems with serverless code may be more difficult than with traditional server code, because although entire functions can be timed,[2] there is typically no ability to dig into more detail by attaching profilers, debuggers or APM tools. Furthermore, the environment in which the code runs is typically not open source, so its performance characteristics cannot be precisely replicated in a local environment.


Serverless is sometimes mistakenly considered as more secure than traditional architectures. While this is true to some extent because OS vulnerabilities are taken care of by the cloud provider, the total attack surface is significantly larger as there are many more components to the application compared to traditional architectures and each component is an entry point to the serverless application. Moreover, the security solutions customers used to have to protect their cloud workloads become irrelevant as customers cannot control and install anything on the endpoint and network level such as an intrusion detection/prevention system (IDS/IPS). [14]

This is intensified by the mono-culture properties of the entire server network. (A single flaw can be applied globally.) According to protego, the "solution to secure serverless apps is close partnership between developers, DevOps, and AppSec, also known as DevSecOps. Find the balance where developers don’t own security, but they aren’t absolved from responsibility either. Take steps to make it everyone’s problem. Create cross-functional teams and work towards tight integration between security specialists and development teams. Collaborate so your organization can resolve security risks at the speed of serverless."[15]


Many serverless function environments are based on proprietary public cloud environments. Here, some privacy implications have to be considered, such as shared resources and access by external employees. However, serverless computing can also be done on private cloud environment or even on-premises, using for example the Kubernetes platform. This gives companies full control over privacy mechanisms, just as with hosting in traditional server setups. Standards

Serverless computing is covered by International Data Center Authority (IDCA) in their Framework AE360. However, the part related to portability can be an issue when moving business logic from one public cloud to another for which the Docker solution was created. Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is also working on developing a specification with Oracle.[16]

Vendor lock-in

Serverless computing is provided as a third-party service. Applications and software that run in the serverless environment are by default locked to a specific cloud vendor.[17] Therefore, serverless can cause multiple issues during migration.18

a overview

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Google Cloud Functions,Google App Engine



Azure Data Lake Analytics提供类似Serverless的动态分配资源功能



Azure Security

By clicking the function URL and the GitHub Secret, we can collect the information needed to configure the WebHook in GitHub. As it is, the function is triggered by an action, to be decided, that is coming from our GitHub account. I am using my personal GitHub account to trigger this function

open source

开源FaaS的最初领导者之一是IBM(使用OpenWhisk,现在是一个Apache项目)。Microsoft,它开源了很多Azure功能平台。许多其他自托管FaaS实现使用底层容器平台,通常是Kubernetes,在这个领域,值得探索Galactic Fog,Fission和OpenFaaS等项目。在未来的博客中,我会重点关注OpenFaas项目,该项目目前有超过10k+的Star。

start delay and cold start

FaaS平台在每个事件之前初始化函数实例需要一些时间。不同的函数,他的启动延迟也可能显着变化,从几毫秒到几秒的都有可能,取决于许多因素,具体一点以AWS Lambda为例。






  • 和Paas平台相比




  • 和容器相比

另一种流行的服务抽象是容器,Docker是这种技术最明显的例子。Kubernetes之类的容器托管系统越来越受欢迎,它们从操作系统级部署中抽象出各个应用程序。在这条道路上,我们看到像Amazon ECS和EKS这样的云托管容器平台(这里推荐下,灵雀云的AKS发行版),以及Google Container Engine(Alauda Container Engine,AKE),它们像Serverless/FaaS一样,团队完全无需管理自己的服务器主机。鉴于容器发展的势头,还是值得考虑无服务器FaaS吗?

  • 运维


  • 和存储过程的对比


  • 降低运营成本

无服务器是最简单的外包解决方案。你可以向云服务商付费以管理服务器,数据库甚至应用程序。基于规模经济效应:你为托管数据库支付的费用较少,因为一个供应商运行着数千个非常相似的数据库。 降低的成本来源于两方面,首先是纯粹来自与其他人共享基础设施(例如,硬件,网络)的基础设施成本。第二个是人工运维成本。

  • 扩容成本 但在基础设施方面,最大的好处是您只需支付所需的计算费用,在AWS Lambda的情况下,AWS 为开发人员提供每月 100万的请求和 400,000 GB 的计算时间 ——无需任何费用,省去的可是真金白银!
    • 示例:低频的请求 假设正在运行仅每分钟处理一个请求的服务器应用程序,处理每个请求需要50毫秒,并且您在一小时内的平均CPU使用率为0.1%。如果将此应用程序部署到其自己的专用主机,那么这非常低效。这个机器你明明可以运行一千个类似的应用程序,共享在这台机器。 FaaS把降低的成本交给了你。使用上面的示例应用程序,每分钟只需支付50毫秒的计算费用。
    • 示例:不规律的流量洪峰 让我们看另一个例子。 假设你的服务收到的基准流量是每秒20个请求,但是每隔5分钟每秒会收到200个请求(通常数量的10倍),持续10秒。你当然不希望在流量峰值阶段减少响应时间。 你是如何解决这个问题的?

在传统环境中,你可能需要将总硬件数量增加10倍,仅仅为了处理峰值的情况,即使峰值的总持续时间不到总机器正常运行时间的4%。 ==自动扩展可能不是一个好的选择,因为新的实例启动时,服务器需要多长时间才能启动,峰值阶段将结束。==

TODO: 难道Serverless computing就不是自动扩展的吗?

就像下图中的处理一样: 使用FaaS这就不会成为一个问题,只需在峰值阶段支付额外的计算费用就好。显然,这是一个Serverless/FaaS可以节省大量成本的示例,但重点是从扩展的角度来看。

  • 优化是成本节约的根本 还有一个有趣的方面:对代码进行的任何性能优化不仅会提高应用程序的速度,而且还可以直接关系到运营成本的降低。例如你的FaaS函数,之前的相应需要100ms,进过优化后减少到50ms,那么恭喜,成本降低了一半,就是这么直接,不需要改任何基础架构。


扩容带来的便利 这个前文提到过多次,FaaS的扩展功能不仅降低了计算成本,而且还减少了操作管理,因为扩展是自动的。

在最好的情况下,如果扩展是手动的,那么运维人员需要明确地向一组服务器添加和删除实例 - 使用FaaS,忘记这一点并让FaaS供应商扩展你的应用程序。即使您已经在非FaaS架构中使用自动扩展,仍然需要设置和维护。 FaaS不再需要这项工作。


与部署整个服务器相比,打包和部署FaaS功能非常简单。 你所做的就是将所有代码打包到一个zip文件中,然后上传它,也没有决定是否在计算机上部署一个或多个容器。 如果您刚开始使用,甚至不需要打包任何东西 - 您可以在供应商控制台本身编写代码。OpenFaaS好玩了,它允许你直接拉取Github的源码,一个配置好CI参数后,一个Commit就会让你的函数更新掉。






  • “绿色”计算?



Typical servers in business and enterprise data centers deliver between 5 and 15 percent of their maximum computing output on average over the course of the year. – Forbes



无论我们使用自托管服务器,IaaS还是PaaS基础架构解决方案,我们仍然会手动制定关于我们的应用程序的容量决策,这些决策通常会持续数月或数年。通常,我们对管理容量持谨慎态度,因此我们过度配置,导致刚才描述的效率低下。使用无服务器方法,我们不再自己做出这样的容量决策 - 我们让FaaS供应商为我们的实时需求提供足够的计算容量。然后,供应商可以在其客户中汇总制定自己的容量决策,就像集中供暖,而不是你自己在北方的家里烧锅炉。

———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「xialingming」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:

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