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eth-xgaze's Introduction

ETH-XGaze baseline

Official implementation of ETH-XGaze dataset baseline.

ETH-XGaze dataset

ETH-XGaze dataset is a gaze estimation dataset consisting of over one million high-resolution images of varying gaze under extreme head poses. We established a simple baseline test on our ETH-XGaze dataset and other datasets. This repository includes the code and pre-trained model. Please find more details about the dataset on our project page. Please note this repository is not responding to the dataset download, and I will not respond to any dataset download request in this repository. Thank you for your understanding.


The code is under the license of CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license


  • Python 3.5
  • Pytorch 1.1.0, torchvision
  • opencv-python

For model training

  • h5py to load the training data
  • configparser

For testing

  • dlib for face and facial landmark detection.


  • You need to download the ETH-XGaze dataset for training. After downloading the data, make sure it is the version of pre-processed 224*224 pixels face patch. Put the data under '\data\xgaze'
  • Run the python to train the model
  • The model will be saved under 'ckpt' folder.


The files show how to perform the gaze estimation from input image. The example image is already in 'example/input' folder.

  • First, you need to download the pre-trained model, and put it under "ckpt" folder.
  • And then, run the 'python' for test.

Data normalization

The '' gives the example of data normalization from the raw dataset to the normalized data.


If using this code-base and/or the ETH-XGaze dataset in your research, please cite the following publication:

  author    = {Xucong Zhang and Seonwook Park and Thabo Beeler and Derek Bradley and Siyu Tang and Otmar Hilliges},
  title     = {ETH-XGaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation},
  year      = {2020},
  booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}


Q: Where are the test set labels?
You can submit your test result to our leaderboard and get the results. Please do follow the registration first, otherwiese, your request will be ignored. Link to the leaderboard. Please do note the order of the subjects in the configuration file.

Q: What is the data normalization?
As we wrote in our paper, data normalization is a method to crop the face/eye image without head rotation around the roll axis. Please refer to the following paper for details: Revisiting Data Normalization for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation. We also provide code to convert Gaze360, MPIIFaceGaze and ETH-XGaze datasets into the normalized space in this repository.

Q: Why convert 3D gaze direction (vector) to 2D gaze direction (pitch and yaw)? How to convert between 3D and 2D gaze directions?
Essentially to say, 2D pitch and yaw is enough to describe the gaze direction in the head coordinate system, and using 2D instead of 3D could make the model training easier. There are code examples on how to convert between them in the "" file as pitchyaw_to_vector and vector_to_pitchyaw.

eth-xgaze's People


shreshthsaxena avatar xucong-zhang avatar


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eth-xgaze's Issues

Questions about the baseline structure

Hi Xucong,

Excellent work on the ETH XGaze! It really provides a diverse dataset of gaze estimation. I have a questions regarding the baseline structure. Why we don't compress the FC outputs through a tanh/sigmoid activation function to normalize the output a bit? Is there a intuition to use the original outputs?

Additionally, I suggest in the demo code a model.eval() could be added before running the forward pass.


Lines 158 to 164 in ca2d991

model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model_state'], strict=True)
input_var = img_normalized[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] # from BGR to RGB
input_var = trans(input_var)
input_var = torch.autograd.Variable(input_var.float().cuda())
input_var = input_var.view(1, input_var.size(0), input_var.size(1), input_var.size(2)) # the input must be 4-dimension
pred_gaze = model(input_var)
pred_gaze = pred_gaze[0] # here we assume there is only one face inside the image, then the first one is the prediction

Looking forward to your reply!


XML files for camera parameters


I noticed that in your code ,camera parameters are required (see below for details). However, I did not find the folder or the files in your code. Could you please let me know where can I download these parameters/xml files?

file_name = './calibration/cam_calibration/' + 'cam' + str(cam_id).zfill(2) + '.xml' (l.195 in

Your help is very much appreciated.


Few questions about the dataset (gaze, pose)

Hello, I am trying to understand the data structure of eth-xgaze dataset.
In 'OnePersonDataset', three values are returned when it is called, which are image, pose, and gaze.
It seems that gaze is combination of pitch and yaw which are in radians. (please correct me if i am wrong)
I am little confused about what pose does during training. If the pose represents 'what direction the face is pointing at', then how can the pose be defined with one number (unlike pitch and yaw)?

Questions about mirror_position.xml

Hello, thank you for providing such a good gaze estimation dataset, it is really a great job!

I have a few questions to ask:

1. What do the parameters pix2mm, screen_translation, and screen_rotation in mirror_position.xml mean, and how are they obtained? How to ensure the measurement accuracy?

2. How are the coordinate points in the screen coordinate system converted to the camera coordinate system? Do you use the matrix in mirror_position.xml? Can you provide code to show this calculation process?

3. How do you get the cam_translation and cam_rotation in the calibration parameters(camxx.xml) of different cameras? Are you using a ruler to measure the distance between different cameras? How to ensure the measurement accuracy?

4. How are the parameters in the face_model.txt file calculated? How to ensure accuracy?

Syntax Error in L23

Hey there,

I was trying to train the baseline model on dataset and noticed that there's a small syntax error.
In L23, there should be comma after is_shuffle=True or else it throws this error.

Data download request

i am a student from Tsinghua university of china and i want to download the data for some researching.
I submitted the registration form but haven't receive the download link.
Could you please send me a download link? My email is [email protected], the other information is in the registration form.
Sorry to bother you. I am just in a bit of a hurry.
Thanks a lot!

Datasets Request Download

Hi, I am a Master's degree student and I have made a request for the download service for this dataset 2 months ago. I have filled all the required information at that time but till now there is no response, can you please send me the download url of the dataset or some response to my mailbox, thank you very much.

about the normalized gaze

I find the normalized gaze is computed by gc_normalized =, gc_src) in Does it means that when I test model trained by ETH-Xgaze in MPIIFace, the normalized gaze of MPIIFace should be computed by the same way?? Because the normalized gaze is always computed by gc_normalized =, gc_src) in MPIIFace.

Question about training dataset

Hi, Zhang. Thanks for ur project! My issue is why did u use original normalized image in training loop? In other words, why didn't u use any image enhancement? like random gray, random color distortion ....
Looking forward for ur reply! :)

cam_id or solvePnPRansac issue

Hello, I caught this problem:

In if I use HeadPoseEstimator() instead of estimateHeadPose() this error occures:

--> 29     hr, ht, o_l, o_r, _ = head_pose_estimator(image, landmarks, camera_matrix[cam_id])
     30     ## the easy way to get head pose information, fast and simple
     31 #     facePts = face_model.reshape(6, 1, 3)

NameError: name 'cam_id' is not defined

If I replace camera_matrix[cam_id] with camera_matrix this problem occures:

error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-a4e70c1ea3f5> in <module>
     27     landmarks = landmarks.reshape(-1, 2)
     28     head_pose_estimator = HeadPoseEstimator()
---> 29     hr, ht, o_l, o_r, _ = head_pose_estimator(image, landmarks, camera_matrix)
     30     ## the easy way to get head pose information, fast and simple
     31 #     facePts = face_model.reshape(6, 1, 3)

~/ETH-XGaze/ in __call__(self, frame, landmarks, intrinsics, target_io_dist, visualize)
    136         # Do PnP-based head pose fitting
    137         rvec, tvec, reprojected_points, o_l, o_r, face_model = \
--> 138             self.head_pose_fit(landmarks, eos_mesh, intrinsics, scaling_factor)
    139         o_r_2D = cv.projectPoints(o_r, rvec, tvec, intrinsics, None)[0].reshape(2)
    140         o_l_2D = cv.projectPoints(o_l, rvec, tvec, intrinsics, None)[0].reshape(2)

~/ETH-XGaze/ in head_pose_fit(self, landmarks_2D, deformed_mesh, intrinsics, scaling_factor)
     95         # Initial fit
     96         camera_matrix = intrinsics
---> 97         success, rvec, tvec, inliers = cv.solvePnPRansac(
     98             sfm_points_ibug_subset, landmarks_2D, camera_matrix, None,
     99             flags=cv.SOLVEPNP_EPNP)

error: OpenCV(4.5.2) /tmp/pip-req-build-dccdjyga/opencv/modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp:241: error: (-215:Assertion failed) npoints >= 4 && npoints == std::max(ipoints.checkVector(2, CV_32F), ipoints.checkVector(2, CV_64F)) in function 'solvePnPRansac'

could you please help?

Estimated gaze without the normalization

I wolud like to ask, if there is any easy way to get the real gaze values. I understand from the code that the return values of gaze are calculated after normalization, but I need to get the real gaze values of origin image and I do not know what operation should I do with result gaze for getting the real estimation from original image position. I hope you understand what I mean. Thank you.

pitch and yaw (raw outputs of network) are not in HCS (head coordinates system)

Hi, thanks for this great paper and dataset and also all of your previous valuable works in the field of appearance-based gaze estimation.

I recently tried to use the raw output of the network, which is trained on the ETH-XGaze dataset, to estimate the PoG (Point of Gaze) in CCS (Camera Coordinates System). So I used your normalization method and find the normalizing rotation matrix to transform the normalized gaze vector which is in HCS, to the 3D gaze vector which is in CCS.

But it seems that pitch and yaw are not in HCS because when everything is unchanging, except the camera position, the network output changes. So if it is correct and pitch and yaw are not in HCS, we need an extra step further than a normalizing rotation matrix which compensates head pose. But I can't find this step and it is ambiguous for me.

about the pre-trained model

Hi Xucong,

Excellent work on the ETH XGaze! Now I have meet an issue about the pre-trained model. I have download the model,but it cant uncompress. I dont know whether there has something wrong with the source file.
Looking forward to your reply!


Is gc the coordinate of target or calulated vector

gc_normalized = gc - face_center # gaze vector
I am not sure whether gc is the coordinate of target based on camera coordinate system or already calculated based on head coordinate system? And why doing this step?
please explain this, thanks!

Data download issues

Sorry to bother you, I am a student from guangdong university of technology of china.
I want to download the dataset for researching and submitted the registration on the website according to the guidelines.
But i haven't received the download link.
My e-mail is [email protected], could you please send me the download link? I have submitted the application again.
Thanks for your great work and help!

Calibrating gaze vector to Screen point ?

I'm trying to map the pred_gaze_np output to the 2D screen point. Is this something already implemented ? If not can you please help me with what approach should be followed.
I tried a simple polynomial regression from the vector to screen points and the results are decent but I'm wondering if there's a better approach.

Inquiry on Gaze Coordinate System Definition in ETH Dataset Compared to Gaze360

Hello ETH Dataset Team,

Thank you for open-sourcing the ETH dataset and methods!

I am currently working with the Gaze360 dataset and noticed its specific definition of the gaze coordinate system. In Gaze360, the eye coordinate system is defined as a right-handed coordinate system with the y-axis pointing up and the origin at the center of the Ladybug camera system. The positive x-axis points to the left, positive y-axis points up, and positive z-axis points away from the camera. For example, a gaze vector of [-1,0,0] represents looking to the right, and [0,0,-1] represents looking straight into the camera.

Could you please provide details on how the gaze coordinate system is defined in the ETH dataset? Specifically, how are the x, y, and z axes oriented in your gaze coordinate system, and what is the origin point of this system?

Understanding these differences will greatly assist in integrating and comparing data from both sources accurately.

Best regards,

Data download issues

Sorry to bother you, I am a student from Guangzhou university of china.
I want to download the dataset for researching and submitted the registration on the website according to the guidelines.
But i haven't received the download link.
My e-mail is [email protected], could you please send me the download link? I have submitted the application again.
Thanks for your great work and help!

Request for Gaze Data Download Link


I hope this message finds you well. I am a graduate student at the UESTC(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), and I am currently conducting research that requires access to Gaze data. I have submitted the registration form as required, but I have not yet received the download link.

Could you please assist me by providing the download link at your earliest convenience? My registered email is [email protected], and all the necessary information has been provided in the registration form.

I apologize for any inconvenience, and I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Time is of the essence for my research, and I would be grateful for your assistance.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,
Hong Hu
UESTC, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
[email protected]

Person Specific Evaluation


How to perform a person-specific evaluation if the ground truth data for test_person_specific is not present in the dataset?

Best Regards

Data downloading issue

Sorry to bother you, I am a student from Jimei University of China.
I want to download the dataset for researching and submitted the registration on the website according to the guidelines.
But I haven't received the download link.I'm sorry to borther you but I am in urgent need of this dataset to conduct my research.
My e-mail is ([email protected]), could you please send me the download link? I have submitted the application again.
Thanks for your great work and help!

trying to use other images to test

Hello Xucong Zhang,

I am glad to read your paper and code. I am trying to verify whether I can user your pre-trained model on my own dataset. But one problem is I do not have camera information (xml file). I am wondering if that will influence the quality of output.

I am looking for your feedback.

How to crop eye in the pre-processed datasets

Hello, I downloaded the 224x224 pre-processed dataset but found that only normalized face images are provided. Is there any way to extract cropped eyes? Since I need eye patches for my model. Thanks!

Dataset structure

Hi Xucong,

Thank you so much for making this dataset, and code available. I wanted to ask, is there any way we can get the structure of the dataset? That's to say what each tar file contains, and so on, similar to what you did with MPIIFaceGaze. That was very helpful :)
I was able to download the 448 dataset, but it's missing the json file for train_test split, and the test set. You mentioned in #9 (comment) that it's possible to get a needed missing file from the raw data, could you please clarify how?

Many thanks :)

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