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ltx's Issues

Removal of toJSON should be a major version upgrade?

I did a new install of our project this morning and discovered our test failing at toJSON.

Looks like this was caused by changes in PR #91 to remove the toJSON method. Shouldn't any removals should made in an backwards incompatible manner be a bump in major version?

@sonnyp if you want I can create a PR to put this back. Thanks!

Root elements gets closed at the end of a line

Lets see the example provided in README:

el = new ltx.Element('root').
    el.c('child', { age: 5 }).t('Hello').up()
      .c('child', { age: 7 }).t('Hello').up()
      .c('child', { age: 99 }).t('Hello').up()
    console.log("Serialized document:", el.root().toString());

Output of the above code is:

Serialized document: <root><children><child age="5">Hello</child><child age="7">Hello</child><child age="99">Hello</child></children></root>

But if we change the code to:

el = new ltx.Element('root');
    el.c('children', { xmlns: NS_PRIVACY })
        .c('child', { age: 5 }).t('Hello').up()
    el.c('child', { age: 7 }).t('Hello').up()
        .c('child', { age: 99 }).t('Hello').up();
    console.log("Serialized document:", el.root().toString());

Output changes to:

Serialized document: <root><children><child age="5">Hello</child></children><child age="7">Hello</child><child age="99">Hello</child></root>

This might be a desired behaviour.
But what if I don't know all my children beforehand and want to include every child one by one in loop. Code would look like:

el = new ltx.Element('root');
    el.c('children', { xmlns: NS_PRIVACY });
foreach children as child do
        .c('child', { age: child[age] }).t('Hello').up()
console.log("Serialized document:", el.root().toString());

This will give the output:

Serialized document: <root><children /><child age="5">Hello</child><child age="7">Hello</child><child age="99">Hello</child></root>

How should I deal with this?

Uglify Js error on version 2.7.2

Hi, im using a library that depends on ltx. When updated to 2.7.2 i started to get an error with gulp-uglify:

    message: "Unexpected character '`'",
    stack: "Error at new JS_Parse_Error (eval at <anonymous>

The line where apparently contains the error its 39 on ltx/lib/escape.js:

    throw new Error(`Illegal XML character 0x${num.toString(16)}`)

The use of es6 string template in the latest changes.

Hope you can help me. For now i downgrade ltx to 2.7.1 and works perfectly.


getText() fails if the text is a number


If you create an element and add a number as text, getText() will not return the expected value:

> new ltx.Element("max").t(1000).getText();
> new ltx.Element("max").t('1000').getText();

I guess checking if a child is a string is a little too restrictive. Could you please allow for numbers too?

Thanks in advance.

(Edit: removed silly comment: I noticed this bug because of something stupid in my code, not in anyone else's. But this is still a little annoying :))

stricter LtxParser


should fail, currently extra data is ignored

IE8 could not run Object.defineProperty function

Currently, I am working on an XMPP project. This project should be supported in IE8. But I found IE8 could not support Object.defineProperty. So some codes in DOMElement.js will break the project.
I have tried to use es5-sham.js and es5-shim.js to solve this question, but I found Object.defineProperty implemented in es5-sham.js was via defineGetter and defineSetter. These two functions are still not implemented in IE8. Who could help me? Thank you in advance.

version 3.0.0

  • extract/remove toJSON
  • extract DOMElement
  • remove bundle.js in favor of dist/ltx.js
  • method to get ltx without parser
  • remove/extract clone(maybe), nameEquals, attrsEquals, childrenEquals, equals on Element
  • es2015 + babel?
  • use ' rather than " for attributes
  • xmlns getter/setter ?
  • remove Element.tree (alias element.root)
  • remove is?

Element instanceof Fails

The instanceof operator was working for Element class proper to upgrade from 0.3.X to 0.4. It is now returning false.

ltx = require("ltx")

el = new ltx.Element('root').
el.c('child', { age: 5 }).t('Hello').up()
  .c('child', { age: 7 }).t('Hello').up()
  .c('child', { age: 99 }).t('Hello').up()
console.log (el instanceof ltx.Element)

Windows: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'expat.h'

The output details are below... suggestion for windows, since binary compatibility is pretty much ensured... Have the install/post-install script simply download a prebuilt binary of ltx (x86, or x64, not sure if WinRT (arm) is supported with Node.js).

C:\Users\michaelr>npm -g install ltx
npm http GET
npm http 304
npm http GET
npm http GET
npm http 304
npm http 304

> [email protected] install C:\Users\michaelr\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ltx\node_modules\node-expat
> node-gyp rebuild

C:\Users\michaelr\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ltx\node_modules\node-expat>node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
..\ fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'expat.h': No such file or directory [C:\Users\michaelr\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ltx\node_modules\node-expat\build\node_expa
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:219:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:91:17)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process._handle.onexit (child_process.js:678:10)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
gyp ERR! command "node" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\michaelr\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ltx\node_modules\node-expat
gyp ERR! node -v v0.8.9
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v0.6.8
gyp ERR! not ok
npm ERR! [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
npm ERR! `cmd "/c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the node-expat package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     node-gyp rebuild
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls node-expat
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "-g" "install" "ltx"
npm ERR! cwd C:\Users\michaelr
npm ERR! node -v v0.8.9
npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.61
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\michaelr\npm-debug.log
npm ERR! not ok code 0

new Element(name, attrs, text)

A third attribute could be accepted as child text node for the new element.
While building XML I often find myself thinking it would come handy.
What do you think?


The repro case:

const parseXml = require('ltx/lib/parse');
const tree = parseXml('<a><b><![CDATA[]]></b><b><![CDATA[--><c>&d;]]></b></a>');
console.log('Done:', !!tree);


  throw new Error('Illegal XML entity ' + match)

Error: Illegal XML entity &d;
    at unescapeXMLReplace (.../node_modules/ltx/lib/escape.js:44:9)
    at unescapeXML (.../node_modules/ltx/lib/escape.js:59:7)
    at SaxLtx.write (.../node_modules/ltx/lib/parsers/ltx.js:94:33)
    at Parser.write (.../node_modules/ltx/lib/Parser.js:56:15)
    at parse (.../node_modules/ltx/lib/parse.js:23:5)
    at Object.<anonymous> (.../scripts/bug.js:2:14)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:945:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:962:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:798:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:711:12)

object properties inconsistent after clone()

I am using node-xmpp and it uses ltx. I recently had occasion to need to .clone() an element and I found some trouble. I normally was accessing top-level element properties (attributes) via...


rather than

This worked fine on the original Element. However, after the following...

var newstanza = stanza.clone();

I find that....
newstanza.from is null while newstanza.attrs.from still works just fine.

So it seems the top-level property accessors are not cloned during the clone operation.

possible linguistic error

Recent commit contained this change (and more):

-* `getChild(name, xmlns?)`: find one children
+* `getChild(name, xmlns?)`: find first children

Old string was clearly linguistically wrong: children is plural, a single one is a child.

New string is correct if it result is (potentially) plural, else it should be "find first child".

...and similarly for getChildByAttr() and possibly other places.

`ltx.stringify` should escape XML specific chars correctly

The raw xml string:


Turn it into parsed result object:

const result = ltx.parse(rawXml);

when use ltx.stringify(result) against the parsed result object, it gives out the following incorrect output:


I checked the source codes and the unit tests, it seems that the result.toString() gives out the correct string because it do escape, but ltx.stringify does not.

Performance improvement

Hi! While working on the entity expansion, I found that the actual entity replacement is done using a regular expression. I know it's a micro-optimization, but I was able to shave 20% off parsing a typical (15-kilobyteish) document by replacing the regular expression with an indexOf loop.

I can open a PR with the code changes if this is interesting:

$ git diff --staged 
diff --git a/lib/escape.js b/lib/escape.js
index 5fd682e..dbf023f 100644
--- a/lib/escape.js
+++ b/lib/escape.js
@@ -46,7 +46,22 @@ exports.escapeXML = function escapeXML (s) {
 exports.unescapeXML = function unescapeXML (s) {
-  return s.replace(/&(amp|lt|gt|quot|apos|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+|#[0-9]+);/g, unescapeXMLReplace)
+  var result = ''
+  var start = -1
+  var end = -1
+  var previous = 0
+  while ((start = s.indexOf('&', previous)) !== -1 && (end = s.indexOf(';', start + 1))) {
+    // if (previous != start)
+    result = result +
+      s.substring(previous, start) +
+      unescapeXMLReplace(s.substring(start, end + 1))
+    previous = end + 1
+  }
+  // push the remaining characters
+  result = result + s.substring(previous)
+  return result
 exports.escapeXMLText = function escapeXMLText (s) {

I do understand that it increases complexity; but this code, if anything in an XML parser is "hot" code and needs to run fast.

doesn't parse correctly if whitespaces exist

ltx.parse("<x> </x>").children.length is 1 and correct (as long as whitespace characters where threated as children)
ltx.parse("<x> <y> </y> </x>").children.length is 3 and NOT correct; it should be 1

The children and the text of an element are treated the same way. Maybe we should explicitly separate them? So an element has either some children (el.children) or content (el.content) but not both.

Missing `end` event, ltx parser.

Disclaimer: I may have just missed something.

When using the ltx/lib/parsers/ltx parser and processing a stream, there doesn't appear to be an end event (or similar) that I can listen for to confirm that parsing has completed. Any chance of one being added or is it for us to derive?


How to send HTML formatted message?


I am using node-xmpp-client module and want to send HTML messages to client.
Below is my code snippet which doesn't work due to obvious reasons.

Can you suggest how to send HTML messages?


if ('message') && stanza.attrs.type === 'chat' ) {

    var reply = new xmpp.Client.Stanza('message', {
        to: stanza.attrs.from,
        type: 'chat'
    reply.c('body').t("<a href=''>Google</a>);

    if (firstMessage)
        firstMessage = false
        firstMessage = true;

PR #126 should have been in 3.0

This relates to really old versions of nodejs , specifically 0.12.x. Basically the work in #126 destroys anyone using older versions of node-xmpp-server on 0.12.x because of the use of CONST. The issue is the fact that for instance node-xmpp-core has a dep of ltx ^2.2.0 which means that npm will select 2.8.0 which blows up if you are using 0.12.x.

I understand the need to use new ES6 code but priority should be taken to not blow up older versions. This is why it should have been in 3.0.

2018-10-16 13:27 -04:00: lets-chat/node_modules/node-xmpp-server/node_modules/node-xmpp-core/node_modules/ltx/lib/parsers/ltx.js:68
        const lt = data.indexOf('<', pos)
SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode.

Unexpected token '>' when running uglifyJS


I'm using a library which depends on lxt ( and when I run UglifyJS through webpack on my build I get:

ERROR in 3-chunk41c1d9e763e90e289c4a.js from UglifyJs

SyntaxError: Unexpected token: operator (>) [./~/ltx/lib/stringify.js:9,0][3-chunk41c1d9e763e90e289c4a.js:44960,37]

This worked well until yesterday and I was able to build just fine. Do you think it has something to do with the latest changes?


toString() function encodes XML escape characters by default

LTx parser writes the DOM with HTML encoding by default.

<tag name="NodeName" websiteName="ValueOfWebsiteName" connectionStrinng="{name: 'myconnection'}" />
gets replaced to
<tag name="NodeName" websiteName="ValueOfWebsiteName" connectionStrinng="{name: &apos;myconnection&apos;}"/>

When looking at the code,it is found that encoding is made by default. Should it be made optional ?

My XML file has other tags with HTML encoded strings. So, I am unable to use unescapeXML function while converting to string.

<compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+" />

vows regression tests fails

running "vows --spec" emits the following:

    ✗ simple document
    TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'addListener'
    at new  (/srv/data/jonas-src/GITauth/alioth/pkg-javascript/ltx/lib/parse.js:17:17)
    at Object.parse (/srv/data/jonas-src/GITauth/alioth/pkg-javascript/ltx/lib/parse.js:67:13)
    at Object. (/srv/data/jonas-src/GITauth/alioth/pkg-javascript/ltx/test/parse-test.js:8:26)
    at runTest (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows.js:132:26)
    at EventEmitter. (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows.js:78:9)
    at EventEmitter. (events.js:81:20)
    at EventEmitter.emit (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows.js:236:24)
    at Array.0 (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows/suite.js:162:45)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)
    ✗ text with commas
    TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'addListener'
    at new  (/srv/data/jonas-src/GITauth/alioth/pkg-javascript/ltx/lib/parse.js:17:17)
    at Object.parse (/srv/data/jonas-src/GITauth/alioth/pkg-javascript/ltx/lib/parse.js:67:13)
    at Object. (/srv/data/jonas-src/GITauth/alioth/pkg-javascript/ltx/test/parse-test.js:13:19)
    at runTest (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows.js:132:26)
    at EventEmitter. (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows.js:78:9)
    at EventEmitter. (events.js:81:20)
    at EventEmitter.emit (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows.js:236:24)
    at Array.0 (/usr/lib/nodejs/vows/suite.js:162:45)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)
    ✓ erroneous document raises error
    ✓ incomplete document raises error

Add existing element as child

Is there a safe way to add an existing element as the child of another?

Overloading the 'c' method may be nice. If the value is another element then simply clone the element and append.

var someExistingElement = new Element('bar', {'a':'b'});

new Element('foo')
   .c('bling').t('some text').up()

Would result in:

  <bling>some text</bling>
  <bar a='b' />

Inconsistency with prefixed elements

The getChild, getChildren and getChildText methods behave inconsistently on prefixed elements.


el = ltx.parse('<root><x:foo>bar</x:foo></root>');

// result: 'bar'

// result: null

// result: null -> can't try getText :-)

// result: 'bar'

getChildText uses to find the child while getChildren, and thus getChild, uses this.getName(). However, this behavior should be consistent to avoid confusion and bugs.

Accesing namespaced attributes broke


We've been using ltx for some time and loved it!
Now, when updating the deps we noticed that something changed and broke our code.

For example, if you the following element:
<person name="julien" job:title="hacker" /> where the job namespace has been previously defined, you'd use element.attrs['job:title'] to access it. In the latest version of the code, we found that the namespaces are rewritten in the form of ns1, ns2... etc.

Even though this is probably correct this certainly breaks the code of our app, and I don't think we're the only one. The right behavior would be to find the righ nsX based on the namespace's url and then get the attribute's value thru element.attrs['nsK:title'], which is quite cumbersome.

I'm thinking having a getAttr(name, url) method would be an elegant way. I'm preparing a PR with that if you don't mind. Let me know what tou think!

Tags and npm update

Hi !

The version on npm and github tags are stuck on 0.1.2. Could you include the adds from @flosse, especially commit b42c7db in the tags and on npm ?

Thank you !

[Feature request] Element#getChildElements()

Related to the discussion in #37. Currently if you want all child elements you need to do el.getChildrenByFilter(function(c) { return c instanceof ltx.Element }) to get all child elements while excluding text nodes.

I suggested a new getChildElements() method that does the filter.

Another option would be to change getChildren(name,xmlns) to return all elements if both name and xmlns are null. Currently getChildren will always return an empty list when name is null.

I will submit a PR.

new Element('name', 'namespace')

An idea, if the second argument passed is a string instead of an object then it should be interpreted as
{xmlns: arguments[1]}
What do you think?

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