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tr1d1um's Introduction


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An implementation of the WebPA API which enables communication with TR-181 data model devices connected to the XMiDT cloud as well as subscription capabilities to device events.

Table of Contents

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it are governed by the XMiDT Code Of Conduct. By participating, you agree to this Code.


The WebPA API operations can be divided into the following categories:

Device Statistics - /stat endpoint

Fetch the statistics (i.e. uptime) for a given device connected to the XMiDT cluster. This endpoint is a simple shadow of its counterpart on the XMiDT API. That is, Tr1d1um simply passes through the incoming request to XMiDT as it comes and returns whatever response XMiDT provided.

CRUD operations - /config endpoints

Tr1d1um validates the incoming request, injects it into the payload of a SimpleRequestResponse WRP message and sends it to XMiDT. It is worth mentioning that Tr1d1um encodes the outgoing WRP message in msgpack as it is the encoding XMiDT ultimately uses to communicate with devices.

Event listener registration - /hook(s) endpoints

Devices connected to the XMiDT Cluster generate events (i.e. going offline). The webhooks library used by Tr1d1um leverages AWS SNS to publish these events. These endpoints then allow API users to both setup listeners of desired events and fetch the current list of configured listeners in the system.



In order to build from source, you need a working 1.x Go environment. Find more information on the Go website.

Then, clone the repository and build using make:

git clone [email protected]:xmidt-org/tr1d1um.git
cd tr1d1um
make build


The Makefile has the following options you may find helpful:

  • make build: builds the Tr1d1um binary in the tr1d1um/src/tr1d1um folder
  • make docker: fetches all dependencies from source and builds a Tr1d1um docker image
  • make test: runs unit tests with coverage for Tr1d1um
  • make clean: deletes previously-built binaries and object files


First have a local clone of the source and go into the root directory of the repository. Then use rpkg to build the rpm:

rpkg srpm --spec <repo location>/<spec file location in repo>
rpkg -C <repo location>/.config/rpkg.conf sources --outdir <repo location>'


The docker image can be built either with the Makefile or by running a docker command. Either option requires first getting the source code.

See Makefile on specifics of how to build the image that way.

If you'd like to build it without make, follow these instructions based on your use case:

  • Local testing
docker build -t tr1d1um:local -f Dockerfile.local .  
# OR build for am arm64 architecture
docker build -t tr1d1um:local --build-arg arm64=true -f Dockerfile.local .  

This allows you to test local changes to a dependency. For example, you can build a tr1d1um image with the changes to an upcoming changes to webpa-common by using the replace directive in your go.mod file like so:

replace v1.10.2 => ../webpa-common

Note: if you omit go mod vendor, your build will fail as the path ../webpa-common does not exist on the builder container.

  • Building a specific version
git checkout v0.5.1
docker build -t tr1d1um:v0.5.1 -f Dockerfile.local .

Additional Info: If you'd like to stand up a XMiDT docker-compose cluster, read this.


If you'd like to stand up Tr1d1um and the XMiDT cluster on Docker for local testing, refer to the deploy README.

You can also run the standalone tr1d1um binary with the default tr1d1um.yaml config file:



A helm chart can be used to deploy tr1d1um to kubernetes

helm install xmidt-tr1d1um deploy/helm/tr1d1um


Refer to

tr1d1um's People


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tr1d1um's Issues

Server log's source address field contains the wrong data

The structured log field for the attribute "request.address" is actually logged as ":". This makes sorting/grouping by IP address difficult. If the source port is important (which IMO is not), it should be logged in a separate field.

Failing to add webhook to Registry

Hello folks!

I'm now messing around with the webpa stack and I'm having some trouble registering a hook listener to tr1d1um.
I'm currently using the latest tags from all webpa stack on my k8s cluster and they seem to communicate with each other just fine.

So I've port forwarded to tr1d1um and I'm attempting to post an hook with this body:

"config": {
"url": "https://my-own-ngrok-service-address/api/v1/events/hook_listener",
"content_type": "json"
"matcher": {
"device_id": [
"failure_url": "https://my-own-ngrok-service-address/api/v1/events/failure_listener",
"events": [

I've also checked this api doc and messed around with the body (adding secret, changed failure_url to address, added until (I've saw in webpa code that duration is deprecated so I didn't added it) and even added a secret under the config object, however I get Internal Server Error every time.

The error seems to be pretty self explanatory

"message": "failed to add webhook to registry: statusCode 400: argus rejected the request as invalid"

To see if argus is working I've also port forwarded to it and attempted all the methods and they work ok and they show up in YB DB.

Argus console logs shows no errors whatsoever and tr1d1um pretty much logs the same as the message above except the msg is "Argus responded with a non-successful status code for a PushItem request".

Sorry if this is an Argus issue (seems to be(?)) however, as I said above all the endpoints documented here seems to be working great.
Any tip on where might be my problem?

Thanks in advance

Remove `/iot` endpoint

/iot was a temporary endpoint added to support some internal API<->device calls

Today, we no longer need it and so we can get rid of the 'hack' we had to introduce!

Please remove all logic related to this endpoint from code, tests and config files when applicable.

OpenTelemetry Server Instrumentation


This is related to #198 but it instead focuses on the server-side of the picture.

Current approach

For server-side instrumentation, we currently have a middleware function that does two things:

  1. Start the main span for the trace going through this application.
  2. If this application is the first node in the trace path of applications, the span, and trace ID are both returned as part of the HTTP response headers.

Gorilla Mux Instrumentation Candidate ๐Ÿฆ

Instead of performing (1) ourselves, we can leverage this to instrument gorilla mux which we already use across most (if not all) of our services.

Here's some sample code on what the integration might look like:

The two main benefits over the current approach: (1) automatic creation of named spans based on the URL path that was matched (2) span attributes to distinguish different endpoints using the same route (i.e. HTTP request method GET /user/{id} vs PUT /user/{id}).

Side note on instrumenting the HTTP Handlers directly (not recommended)

This is also an option and it consists of instrumenting existing HTTP handlers and (non-gorilla) routes. Unlike the gorilla/mux setup which allows setting the instrumentation once through the root router, this approach requires wrapping each individual endpoint to get a similar behavior.

Change WRP Message Source

Currently, the source is set here on each outgoing WRP Message from tr1d1um:

wrpMsg.Source = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", w.WRPSource, wrpMsg.Source)

Since we now simply want the Source to be `dns:{{fqdn-of-server}}:

This aligns with our original specs:

Separate main.go

Separate main.go into at least two files:

  • main.go
  • primaryHandler.go

Functions specifically for http handlers and not starting the service can be put in the primaryHandler.go file.

Allowed to register url with spongebob protocol

The recent update allows you to register a url with an invalid protocol when httpsOnly is disabled. e.g.:

{"config": {"url": "spongebob://","content_type": "wrp","secret":"super_secret"},"matcher":{"device_id":[".*"]},"events": [ "XMiDT-test" ],"duration":300000}

Pre-0.6.n this was rejected with a 400. We should only allow http/https.

invalid mac addresses cause 500 error

Submitting an invalid mac address still causes a 500 error to be returned. Some simple examples are using and X instead of a 0-F or an 11 digit mac address.
e.g. submitting a request with mac:11223344556X returns a 500 as does submitting a request with mac: 11223344556
Also, adding a space, omitting the mac prefix result in 500's.

Allow requests that don't pass a check through, but log context

If a request's jwt doesn't pass the capabilities check, still allow the request. However, log a warning that the capabilities were wrong. Make sure to include the client id and the endpoint the request is for.

This should be configurable and exist in harmony with the capabilityCheck configuration.

Tr1d1um is not forwarding the TraceInformation to downstream services.

Hi Team,

we have upgraded all the xmidt components in our dev environment according to xmidt-org/xmidt#43, But we are getting new traceId every time when the request is transferred from one service to another service.

Root cause of the problem,

we are not forwarding the context which is having the trace information and at the end, it tries to start the span which will result in a new traceId to downstream services.

Here we are skipping the context forwarding to the new request,

r, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, strings.Replace(s.xmidtStatURL, "${device}", deviceID, 1), nil)

here it will start the new span because the context will not have the traceinformation.

A simpler solution to fix this is we need to forward the context like this

r = r.withContext(original request context ) 


sc:= trace.SpanFromContext(original request context)
ctx = trace.ContextWithSpan(r.contect(),sc)
r = r.withContext(ctx)

but we need to take care of this change in every microservice.

Note: It is working with Manual instrumentation which is

cc: @joe94 @schmidtw

tr1d1um allows you to "post" a webhook using DELETE

Version: tr1d1um-v0.5.0-1
A webhook can be "posted" using the following curl command:

curl -X "DELETE"
-H 'authorization: [snip]'
-d '{
"config": {
"url": "",
"content_type": "json",
"events": [ "XMiDT-test" ],

This works for other http verbs as well.
Return code 405 or 400.

Transition to uber fx

In general, we want to transition our applications over to the uber fx framework. Since tr1d1um is relatively small and straightforward, we want to start here. This is also a good opportunity to move away from the webpa-common library, which is slowly being deprecated. Below are some of the things we will need to transition:

  • Use arrange to help with configuration and other uber fx wiring.
  • Move to zap logging. Sallust will help with this.
  • Use basculehttp Provide functions for easier setup of bascule middleware.
  • Use touchstone for prometheus compatible metrics.
  • Set up http servers and clients with httpaux.
  • No longer import webpa-common directly into any tr1d1um package. After these other changes, the only package remaining should be device. We will need to either move the functionality to a new module (this is my preference) or put the functionality we need into tr1d1um directly.

metrics port configuration not honoured

It seems tr1d1um & scytale tries to bind to same metrics port (8082) although it's configured to run on different ports.
It causes tr1d1um repeatedly trying to bind hence causing higher CPU usage.

RPM used:



address: ":9082"
address: ":7082"

Console Error log:

#cat /var/log/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.log
{"bindAddress":":8082","caller":"webpa.go:73","error":"listen tcp :8082: bind: address already in use","level":"debug","msg":"restartable func making a loop","serverName":"tr1d1um.metrics","ts":"2019-07-04T10:03:29.578738795Z"}
{"bindAddress":":8082","caller":"webpa.go:73","error":"listen tcp :8082: bind: address already in use","level":"debug","msg":"restartable func making a loop","serverName":"tr1d1um.metrics","ts":"2019-07-04T10:03:29.579060981Z"}

netstat -plan|grep scytale

tcp6 0 0 :::8082 :::* LISTEN 4787/scytale

8080 & 8081 port conflicts with tr1d1um and talaria

When starting the tr1d1um service after talaria is in service, there is a an error message in the tr1d1um.log that indicates the following:

`ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.035982038Z caller=tr1d1um.go:89 level=info configurationFile=/etc/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.json

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036595832Z caller=sns.go:144 level=debug selfURL=https://:8080/api/v2/aws/sns/1511974710 protocol=https

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036637725Z caller=sns_handler.go:95 level=debug msg="handler not nil" urlPath=/api/v2/aws/sns/1511974710

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036682361Z caller=webpa.go:235 level=info msg="starting server" address=:8081

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036694028Z caller=health.go:118 level=debug msg="Health Monitor Started"
ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036712033Z caller=webpa.go:249 level=info msg="starting server" name=tr1d1um address=:8080

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036807806Z caller=webpa.go:51 level=error error="listen tcp :8080: bind: address already in use"

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.036847589Z caller=sns_handler.go:116 level=debug subscribeParams="{\n Endpoint: "https://:8080/api/v2/aws/sns/1511974710",\n Protocol: "https",\n TopicArn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:999999999999:fake"\n}"

ts=2017-11-29T16:58:30.037322711Z caller=webpa.go:51 level=error error="listen tcp :8081: bind: address already in use"`

tr1d1um is configured to use port 8095 and talaria uses port 8080. Need to understand why tr1d1um is still listening on port 8080 after restarting services. Please see attachments for config and logs.

tr1d1um returns unhelpful error to datatype mismatch

Tr1d1um returns the following error when the duration of a webhook is set to a string e.g. "duration":"5m" in a webhook registration:

"message": "json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []webhook.W"
A more directed error indicating which field and value.

CVE-2021-22878 (Medium) detected in - autoclosed

CVE-2021-22878 - Medium Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library -

HCL is the HashiCorp configuration language.

Dependency Hierarchy:

  • (Root Library)
          • โŒ (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: a859a3f0c97915f193b6d6aa37de1e52d5ce7ad8

Found in base branch: main

Vulnerability Details

Nextcloud Server prior to 20.0.6 is vulnerable to reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) due to lack of sanitization in

Publish Date: 2021-03-03

URL: CVE-2021-22878

CVSS 3 Score Details (5.3)

Base Score Metrics:

  • Exploitability Metrics:
    • Attack Vector: Network
    • Attack Complexity: High
    • Privileges Required: High
    • User Interaction: Required
    • Scope: Unchanged
  • Impact Metrics:
    • Confidentiality Impact: High
    • Integrity Impact: Low
    • Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2021-03-03

Fix Resolution: v20.0.6

Step up your Open Source Security Game with WhiteSource here

Rename master branch to main

Also have to change references to the branch in .travis.yml, README, and CONTRIBUTING. Double check any other markdown files as well - sometimes links have the branch name in them.

A way to troubleshoot error cases involving WRP messages

We recently ran into an error scenario in which it would have been helpful having access to the contents (especially metadata information) of a WRP message involved in a transaction.

Creating this ticket as a way to discuss the need and potential solutions.

curl to tr1d1um URL returns 404 Not Found error

We have scytale, talaria, and tr1d1um running on a single machine with the three services currently listening:

tcp 0 0 :::8096 :::* LISTEN 4180/tr1d1um
tcp 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 4157/talaria
tcp 0 0 :::6000 :::* LISTEN 4136/scytale
tcp 0 0 :::8081 :::* LISTEN 4157/talaria
tcp 0 0 :::6001 :::* LISTEN 4136/scytale
tcp 0 0 :::6002 :::* LISTEN 4136/scytale
tcp 0 0 :::8095 :::* LISTEN 4180/tr1d1um

If a curl command is sent to retrieve TR-181 parameters using this command

curl -i

The following is displayed:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2017 17:36:41 GMT
Content-Length: 19
404 page not found

Server does not honor stated content type coming from upstream responses for 404 responses

When making requests against Tr1d1um that results in 404 errors, the response is stated to be of type text/plain even when the payload is actually in JSON.

$ curl --include --header "Authorization: Bearer $SAT",Device.MoCA.Interface.1.Status
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
X-Scytale-Build: 0.1.1-120
X-Scytale-Flavor: coke
X-Scytale-Region: ch2h
X-Scytale-Start-Time: 06 Sep 18 05:11 UTC
X-Tr1d1um-Build: 0.1.1-297
X-Tr1d1um-Flavor: coke
X-Tr1d1um-Region: ch2h
X-Tr1d1um-Start-Time: 22 Aug 18 01:20 UTC
X-Webpa-Transaction-Id: JvB4hIZJcFG3bS5Y947k4A
X-Xmidt-Span: "","2018-09-10T20:45:05Z","15.552742ms"
X-Xmidt-Span: "","2018-09-10T20:45:05Z","68.692828ms"
X-Xmidt-Span: "","2018-09-10T20:45:05Z","124.900738ms"
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2018 20:45:05 GMT
Content-Length: 87
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

{"code": 404, "message": "Could not process device request: The device does not exist"}

CVE-2020-26160 (High) detected in - autoclosed

CVE-2020-26160 - High Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library -

Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Dependency Hierarchy:

  • (Root Library)
      • โŒ (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 995d1ed7a8357a12373101da06a7fdf00c958fbd

Found in base branch: main

Vulnerability Details

jwt-go before 4.0.0-preview1 allows attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in situations with []string{} for m["aud"] (which is allowed by the specification). Because the type assertion fails, "" is the value of aud. This is a security problem if the JWT token is presented to a service that lacks its own audience check.

Publish Date: 2020-09-30

URL: CVE-2020-26160

CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics:

  • Exploitability Metrics:
    • Attack Vector: Network
    • Attack Complexity: Low
    • Privileges Required: None
    • User Interaction: None
    • Scope: Unchanged
  • Impact Metrics:
    • Confidentiality Impact: High
    • Integrity Impact: None
    • Availability Impact: None

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Step up your Open Source Security Game with WhiteSource here

tr1d1um returns Content-Type:application/json header even when Content Length is 0

Right now Tr1d1um returns a Content-Type: application/Json header even when it returns an empty response (e.g. 404 + Content-Length: 0 header). Some automated systems are attempting to parse the body as json when the header is present.

Past solutions included passing the header as Content Type: Text/Plain, or omitting the Content Type header altogether (which could introduce other issues).

Deprecate webhook endpoints

Once Scytale starts owning XMiDT's webhook registry, suggested steps to deprecate the webhook endpoints include:

Phase 1

Have a flag for Tr1d1um to either (1) serve the request or (2) simply redirecting it to Scytale.

Handling request: In this mode, Tr1d1um will create a new request (must pay close attention to capability check configurations between Scytale and Tr1d1um) to Scytale and then return the response to the caller. Callers should notice no difference from the current behavior in this mode.
Redirection: Perform an HTTP redirect to the scytale endpoint. This would require Tr1d1um users to setup their services and credentials to follow redirects and ultimately update the endpoint they use for webhooks

Phase 2

Drop support for the flag and only support redirection.

Phase 3

Drop support of endpoints.

Create new token to communicate with scytale

Current state:

Once endpoint capability checks are enforced in Comcast's Scytale, Tr1d1um will no longer be able to forward its webpa JWT token credentials.

Desired state:

Tr1d1um should now create, cache and present a new xmidt JWT token to Scytale which includes:

  • All endpoint capabilities Tr1d1um needs to perform as it is today
  • PartnerIDs claims in the JWT: [*].
  • Make enabling this behavior configurable

Deployment dependencies:

#139 (WRP Message with populated fields)
xmidt-org/scytale#83 (Validation for wildcard partnerID *)

OpenTelemetry Client Instrumentation


What we're currently proposing in #197 will do the job and maybe that is all we need for a first release. It might still be worth spending a bit of time exploring the instrumentation packages OTEL already provides. The big possible advantages are that we wouldn't have to change so much code near our business logic and we wouldn't have to perform trace propagation ourselves.

HTTP Client instrumentation

Specifically, instead of manually propagating trace information like this:


We could instead use OTEL's instrumented Transport

The instrumentation would roughly look like this:

This is the more generic example they provide:

tr1d1um does not validate webhook registration fields

Version: tr1d1um-v0.5.0-1
Tr1d1um doesn't appear to validate any webhook fields, aside from requiring that they be present, if mandatory. Moving forward we want to verify these fields.
For example, the url for failover isn't verified. The server will allow you to register this failover url:
"failure_url" : "wss://https://http://saulgoodman:bettercallsaul"

Resulting in this (from /api/v2/hooks)
"config": {
"url": "[redacted]",
"content_type": "wrp",
"secret": "breakingbad"
"failure_url": "wss://https://http://saulgoodman:bettercallsaul",
"events": [
"matcher": {
"device_id": [
"duration": 300000000000,
"until": "2020-03-24T00:22:25.517636689Z",
"registered_from_address": "[redacted]"
failure_url would be validated.

Make tracing optional

Currently, this configuration is required for the tr1d1um application to start:


Lines 272 to 282 in 192a9c2

# tracing provides configuration for OpenTelemetry
# provider is the provider name. Currently, stdout, jaegar and zipkin are supported.
provider: "stdout"
# skipTraceExport only applies when provider is stdout. Set skipTraceExport to true
# so that trace information is not written to stdout.
skipTraceExport: true
# endpoint is where trace information should be routed. Applies to zipkin and jaegar.
# endpoint: "http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans"

Ideally, we would like tracing to be optional configuration. If no configuration is provided, the application should be able to successfully start and run without tracing functionality.

The two options I know of are:

  1. Implement a Discard/No-op TracerProvider (and subsequent Tracer). This would most likely be best to be implemented in candelight. Then, if tr1d1um isn't given a tracing.provider in configuration, it will fall back to creating a no-op tracer provider.
  2. If tr1d1um doesn't receive a tracing.provider in configuration, the application should not attempt to create a TracerProvider or add candlelight middleware.

Note: my proposals specifically ensure that the application checks that tracing.provider is an empty string. If tr1d1um receives a tracing provider in configuration, failing to set up what has been given should still result in an error on startup.

Add a configurable way to mask sensitive information

One of our community members reported in xmidt-org/xmidt#51 that it would be nice having a way to mask sensitive information such as device IDs (information that could be traced back to an individual customer) from log entries.

Some of the log field names that include sensitive data across our microservices are:

Suggested Approach
Compile a global regex to match device IDs from within a string and replace all characters with a * except the prefix. Ex: mac:1122334455 would become mac:**********


  # defaults to false meaning sensitive data is masked by default
  disableSensitiveDataMasking: false

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