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profile-command's Issues

Can `wp profile` be run as a logged in user?

It would be useful for my use-cases if I could run wp profile as a logged in user, as a lot of new functionality is triggered for logged in users.

Could I request this feature? (I'm not sure if it exists already.)

Create a better summary view for initial use

Our current summary view doesn't immediately point out glaring issues:

$ wp profile
| stage      | time    | query_time | query_count | cache_ratio | cache_hits | cache_misses | hook_time | hook_count | request_time | request_count |
| bootstrap  | 2.0408s | 0.0365s    | 15          | 93.21%      | 412        | 30           | 0.9299s   | 3097       | 0s           | 0             |
| main_query | 0.0123s | 0.0004s    | 3           | 94.29%      | 33         | 2            | 0.0098s   | 79         | 0s           | 0             |
| template   | 0.305s  | 0.0175s    | 179         | 91.02%      | 2636       | 260          | 0.1125s   | 7777       | 0s           | 0             |
| total      | 2.3582s | 0.0544s    | 197         | 92.84%      | 3081       | 292          | 1.0522s   | 10953      | 0s           | 0             |

It would be nice if we had a summary view that made it more immediately obvious where the problem areas are.

Related #61


Will we be able to generate an AJAX request and profile it?

Move command over to new v2 structure

The following changes need to be made to move the command over to the v2 structure:

  • Make sure the correct framework is required:
    composer require wp-cli/wp-cli:^2
  • Require the testing framework as a dev dependency:
    composer require --dev wp-cli/wp-cli-tests:^2
  • Use the .travis.yml file from wp-cli/wp-cli:
  • Add the default script configuration to Composer file:
      "scripts": {
          "lint": "run-linter-tests",
          "phpcs": "run-phpcs-tests",
          "phpunit": "run-php-unit-tests",
          "behat": "run-behat-tests",
          "prepare-tests": "install-package-tests",
          "test": [
  • Remove scaffolded binary files:
    git rm bin/
    git rm bin/
  • Remove scaffolded Behat setup:
    git rm features/bootstrap/*
    git rm features/extra/*
    git rm features/steps/*
  • Remove scaffolded Behat tags util script:
    git rm utils/behat-tags.php
  • Add command packages that are needed for Behat tests as --dev dependencies.
    The following commands are already available, anything else needs to be explicitly required:
    • cli *
    • config *
    • core *
    • eval
    • eval-file
    • help
  • Update all dependencies:
    composer update
  • Optional - Add PHPCS rule set to enable CS & compatibility sniffing:
  • Run and adapt tests to make sure they all pass:
    composer test

Profile command returns homepage source code

Any reason why "wp profile stages --all" would return source code of the homepage?

We got v2.1.0 with PHP 7.2.14.

Same thing happens with "doctor" command. Regular commands seem to work fine.

Installation error: Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages

Bug Report

Describe the current, buggy behavior

Installation is failing with error: Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Describe how other contributors can replicate this bug

Describe what you would expect as the correct outcome

Installation of package should be successful, as similar way to install other packages is working fine.

Let us know what environment you are running this on

OS:     Linux 5.4.0-71-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24 10:56:57 UTC 2021 x86_64
Shell:  /bin/bash
PHP binary:     /usr/bin/php7.4
PHP version:    7.4.16
php.ini used:   /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini
WP-CLI root dir:        phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli
WP-CLI vendor dir:      phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor
WP_CLI phar path:       /home/user
WP-CLI packages dir:    /home/user/.wp-cli/packages/
WP-CLI global config:
WP-CLI project config:
WP-CLI version: 2.4.0

Provide additional context/Screenshots

Error screenshot with details as shown below:


Update installation steps with docs on how to require file

Recommended Installation Steps:

  1. Download the package from the URL in the purchase email.
  2. Extract the package files to a wp-cli-packages folder your desired WordPress install.
  3. Create a wp-cli.local.yml file in your WordPress install directory (see: Always require a specific file when running WP-CLI)
  4. Run wp profile to execute the profiler.



Put names to the intermediate stages for `--stage=<stage>`

The empty cells are confusing in this chart:

salty-wordpress ➜  plugins  wp profile --stage=bootstrap --fields=hook,time
| hook              | time    |
|                   | 0.3213s |
| muplugins_loaded  | 0.0002s |
|                   | 0.0206s |
| plugins_loaded    | 0.0358s |
|                   | 0.0004s |
| setup_theme       | 0s      |
|                   | 0.0159s |
| after_setup_theme | 0.0085s |
|                   | 0.0002s |
| init              | 0.0099s |
|                   | 0s      |
| wp_loaded         | 0.0001s |
| total             | 0.4129s |

Skipping Fatal errors possible?

I am loving wp profile, I have encountered some issues with some sites where the theme or some plugin triggers a fatal error. When this happens all I get is a fatal error and the stack trace (truncated) and no beautiful table at all.

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_value() on null in /www/game24hs_309/public/wp-content/themes/flatsome/inc/woocommerce/structure-wc-product-box.php on line 23

Is it possible to somehow suppress these warnings or make it so the table still loads? Ideally what I'd like to do is redirect these errors to a separate file for logging but still be able to see the table.

I tried redirecting STDERR to a separate file (2> /tmp/profile-errors) but it doesn't seem to make a difference

Introduce `wp profile cache`

We can overload the $wp_object_cache global with our own object in order to monitor which cache keys are being fetched and written.

We could also introduce a --cache flag or similar to wp profile eval-file for the user to see all of the cache keys being hit in a given profile. In this example, it would be helpful to know why the cache usage is so high.

Adopt and enforce new `WP_CLI_CS` standard

We have a new PHPCS standard for WP-CLI called WP_CLI_CS (props @jrfnl). It is part of the wp-cli/wp-cli-tests package starting with version v2.1.0.

To adopt & enforce this new standard, the following actions need to be taken for this repository:

  • Create a PR that adds a custom ruleset phpcs.xml.dist to the repository

    • Add phpcs.xml.dist file
    • Adapt .distignore to ignore phpcs.xml.dist & phpunit.xml.dist
    • Adapt .gitignore to ignore phpunit.xml, phpcs.xml & .phpcs.xml
    • Require version ^2.1 of the wp-cli/wp-cli-tests as a dev dependency
  • Make any required changes to the code that fail the checks from the above ruleset in separate PRs

  • Merge the ruleset once all required changes have been processed and merged

A sample PR for a simple repository can be seen here:

Related wp-cli/wp-cli#5201

Use multi-line headings

We'd save ourselves some horizontal space if we could collapse these into multi-line headings:


Update the readme for initial release

At the very least, we'll need:

  • Compelling description of how the command works
  • Installation instructions
  • Communication of support / feature requests.

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable inc/class-logger.php on line 65

Bug Report

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/domain/.wp-cli/packages/vendor/wp-cli/profile-command/inc/class-logger.php on line 65

With this command: wp profile hook --all -spotlight --url=https://www.domain.tld

Use `--focus=<focus>` to focus profiling on a named focus area

Given this example:

$ wp profile --verbose
| Field          | Value            |
| hook_count     | 10737            |
| hook_time      | 0.19295263290405 |
| execution_time | 2.438s           |
| memory_usage   | 49.5mb           |
| query_count    | 192              |
| query_time     | 0.021s           |

For any of these named overview fields, I should be able to --focus=<field> to focus the profiling on a specific area. For instance, --focus=hook_count would give me a list of the common hooks.

Search by specific callback names

Ability to search by specific callback names. For example: show all FacetWP-related callbacks by searching for FWP().*

Among other things, it'd give a better picture of a plugin's impact on the site.

Total row missing when --format=csv is used

I noticed today the wp profile hook --all --spotlight command is showing different output

wp profile hook --all --spotlight


| function(){}                                              | /home/master/.wp-cli/packages/vendor/wp-cli/profile-command/inc | 0.0003s | 0s         | 0           | 50%         | 1          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
|                                                           | /class-profiler.php:78                                          |         |            |             |             |            |              |              |               |
| wp_maybe_load_widgets()                                   | wp-includes/functions.php:3673                                  | 0.0145s | 0s         | 0           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| underDEV\AdvancedCronManager\Server\Processor->block_cron | advanced-cron-manager/inc/Server/Processor.php:30               | 0.0009s | 0.0006s    | 1           | 66.67%      | 2          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| _executions()                                             |                                                                 |         |            |             |             |            |              |              |               |
| wpcf7()                                                   | contact-form-7/settings.php:88                                  | 0.0121s | 0s         | 0           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| wppb_plugin_init()                                        | profile-builder-pro/index.php:28                                | 0.04s   | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 30         | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| RevSliderFront::createDBTables()                          | revslider/public/revslider-front.class.php:211                  | 0.0046s | 0.0032s    | 3           | 90.91%      | 10         | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| SimpleLoginLog->update_db_check()                         | simple-login-log/simple-login-log.php:290                       | 0.0001s | 0s         | 0           | 66.67%      | 2          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| UpdraftPlus_Addons_Migrator_RemoteSend->plugins_loaded()  | updraftplus/addons/migrator.php:1482                            | 0.0005s | 0.0002s    | 1           | 66.67%      | 2          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| UpdraftPlus->plugins_loaded()                             | updraftplus/class-updraftplus.php:499                           | 0.0029s | 0.0002s    | 1           | 66.67%      | 2          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_Min_Max_Quantities::get_instance()                     | woocommerce-min-max-quantities/woocommerce-min-max-quantities.p | 0.0022s | 0.0008s    | 4           | 66.67%      | 8          | 4            | 0s           | 0             |
|                                                           | hp:52                                                           |         |            |             |             |            |              |              |               |
| SV_WC_Framework_Bootstrap->load_framework_plugins()       | woocommerce-product-documents/lib/skyverge/woocommerce/class-sv | 0.0165s | 0s         | 0           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
|                                                           | -wc-framework-bootstrap.php:112                                 |         |            |             |             |            |              |              |               |
| wpseo_load_textdomain()                                   | wordpress-seo-premium/wp-seo-main.php:234                       | 0.0111s | 0s         | 0           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WpSecurityAuditLog->Load()                                | wp-security-audit-log/wp-security-audit-log.php:252             | 0.0249s | 0.0065s    | 9           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| wpseo_init()                                              | wordpress-seo-premium/wp-seo-main.php:252                       | 0.02s   | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 32         | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| wpseo_premium_init()                                      | wordpress-seo-premium/wp-seo-premium.php:96                     | 0.0103s | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 2          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WooCommerce->init()                                       | woocommerce/woocommerce.php:416                                 | 0.034s  | 0.0006s    | 2           | 84.62%      | 11         | 2            | 0s           | 0             |
| wp_widgets_init()                                         | wp-includes/widgets.php:1438                                    | 0.013s  | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 125        | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| acf->init()                                               | woocommerce-shipping-tracking/classes/acf/acf.php:203           | 0.032s  | 0s         | 0           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_Post_types::register_taxonomies()                      | woocommerce/includes/class-wc-post-types.php:38                 | 0.0177s | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 94         | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_Post_types::register_post_types()                      | woocommerce/includes/class-wc-post-types.php:244                | 0.0054s | 0.0007s    | 1           | 93.33%      | 14         | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| Vc_Manager->init()                                        | js_composer/js_composer.php:244                                 | 0.0904s | 0.0057s    | 6           | 18.6%       | 16         | 70           | 0s           | 0             |
| jckWooDeliverySlots->initiate()                           | jck_woo_deliveryslots/jck_woo_deliveryslots.php:139             | 0.0035s | 0.0005s    | 1           | 87.5%       | 7          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| TI_WooCommerce_WishList_Extra_Fields::init()              | ti-woocommerce-wishlist-extra-fields/ti-woocommerce-wishlist-ex | 0.0013s | 0.0011s    | 1           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
|                                                           | tra-fields.php:132                                              |         |            |             |             |            |              |              |               |
| WC_SA->init()                                             | woocommerce-status-actions/includes/class-wc-sa.php:239         | 0.0014s | 0.0009s    | 1           | 100%        | 3          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_Emails::init_transactional_emails()                    | woocommerce/includes/class-wc-emails.php:68                     | 0.0009s | 0.0005s    | 1           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WpSecurityAuditLog->Init()                                | wp-security-audit-log/wp-security-audit-log.php:175             | 0.0045s | 0.0023s    | 4           | 100%        | 2          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| wppb_manage_fields_submenu()                              | profile-builder-pro/admin/manage-fields.php:9                   | 0.006s  | 0s         | 0           | 88.24%      | 15         | 2            | 0s           | 0             |
| wppb_manage_ul_cpt()                                      | profile-builder-pro/modules/user-listing/userlisting.php:2208   | 0.0015s | 0s         | 0           | 80%         | 4          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| wppb_prepopulate_fields()                                 | profile-builder-pro/admin/manage-fields.php:199                 | 0.0005s | 0s         | 0           | 83.33%      | 5          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_Tab_Manager->init()                                    | woocommerce-tab-manager/woocommerce-tab-manager.php:190         | 0.0136s | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 4          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| Alg_WC_Checkout_Fees_Settings_Gateways->add_gateway_fees_ | checkout-fees-for-woocommerce/includes/admin/class-wc-checkout- | 0.0243s | 0.0038s    | 7           | 87.72%      | 50         | 7            | 0s           | 0             |
| settings_hook()                                           | fees-settings-gateways.php:42                                   |         |            |             |             |            |              |              |               |
| WP_Rewrite->flush_rules()                                 | wp-includes/class-wp-rewrite.php:1802                           | 0.0165s | 0.0066s    | 2           | 100%        | 200        | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| pmxi_wp_loaded_99()                                       | wp-all-import-pro/actions/wp_loaded_99.php:3                    | 0.0007s | 0.0005s    | 1           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_API->register_rest_routes()                            | woocommerce/includes/class-wc-api.php:210                       | 0.2086s | 0.0179s    | 35          | 93.67%      | 355        | 24           | 0s           | 0             |
| create_initial_rest_routes()                              | wp-includes/rest-api.php:182                                    | 0.0582s | 0s         | 0           | 76.42%      | 162        | 50           | 0s           | 0             |
| WC_SA->add_order_statuses()                               | woocommerce-status-actions/includes/class-wc-sa.php:337         | 0.0045s | 0.0032s    | 4           | 100%        | 2          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| _wp_admin_bar_init()                                      | wp-includes/admin-bar.php:23                                    | 0.0009s | 0.0003s    | 1           | 80%         | 4          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| Vc_Base->frontCss()                                       | js_composer/include/classes/core/class-vc-base.php:505          | 0.0017s | 0.0004s    | 1           | 66.67%      | 2          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| wp_enqueue_scripts()                                      | wp-includes/script-loader.php:1294                              | 0.0224s | 0.0025s    | 5           | 95.04%      | 115        | 6            | 0s           | 0             |
| wp_print_head_scripts()                                   | wp-includes/script-loader.php:1248                              | 0.0069s | 0.001s     | 2           | 90.7%       | 39         | 4            | 0s           | 0             |
| Vc_Base->bodyClass()                                      | js_composer/include/classes/core/class-vc-base.php:684          | 0.0005s | 0.0003s    | 1           | 66.67%      | 2          | 1            | 0s           | 0             |
| wptexturize()                                             | wp-includes/formatting.php:41                                   | 0.0272s | 0s         | 0           |             | 0          | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| porto_add_custom_nav_fields()                             | porto/inc/menu/menu.php:16                                      | 0.0438s | 0s         | 0           | 100%        | 20         | 0            | 0s           | 0             |
| total (43)                                                |                                                                 | 0.8025s | 0.0603s    | 95          | 83.84%      | 1342       | 182          | 0s           | 0             |

With format=csv the bottom total column is gone

wp profile hook --all --spotlight --format=csv



Warning during installation: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

wp package install [email protected]:wp-cli/profile-command.git --allow-root

php -v
PHP 7.4.4 (cli) (built: Mar 20 2020 13:47:17) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.4.4, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v2.9.3, Copyright (c) 2002-2020, by Derick Rethans

Bug Report

PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/package-command/src/Package_Command.php on line 1244 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /usr/local/bin/wp:0 PHP 2. include() /usr/local/bin/wp:4 PHP 3. include() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/php/boot-phar.php:11 PHP 4. WP_CLI\bootstrap() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/wp-cli.php:27 PHP 5. WP_CLI\Bootstrap\LaunchRunner->process() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/bootstrap.php:74 PHP 6. WP_CLI\Runner->start() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Bootstrap/LaunchRunner.php:23 PHP 7. WP_CLI\Runner->do_early_invoke() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php:1102 PHP 8. WP_CLI\Runner->run_command_and_exit() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php:87 PHP 9. Package_Command->{closure:phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/package-command/src/Package_Command.php:1226-1247}() phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/package-command/src/Package_Command.php:0

Invalid field: callback_count with --format=json and --fields not specified

Running wp_profile on any stage or --all with JSON or CSV output format results in the following error:

Error: Invalid field: callback_count

Other output formats like 'table' or 'yaml' work just fine. Specifying individual fields with --fields= also works, unless the problematic 'callback_count' field is requested.

PHP version: 5.6.38
WP-CLI version: 2.0.1

Can't install

Can't install via terminal

Same problem as the doctor command.
Could this be a local problem?

Installing package wp-cli/profile-command (dev-master)
Updating /Users/ralfhortt/.wp-cli/packages/composer.json to require the package...
Using Composer to install the package...
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies through SAT
Dependency resolution completed in 0.345 seconds
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
    - The requested package runcommand/profile could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

Potential causes:
 - A typo in the package name
 - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
   see for more details.

Read for further common problems.
Error: Package installation failed (Composer return code 2). Reverted composer.json```

Profiling an intermediate hook is sometimes empty

When profiling an intermediate hook (e.g. wp profile hook plugins_loaded:before), some environments don't log any results:


In debugging this initial report, the callback hooked into register_tick_function() is only fired once.

Broken docs for --format argument

The list of available formats is at the bottom of the docblock for each of the four commands in the Command class. It should immediately follow the [--format=<format>] section in each docblock.

The section in question is:

  default: table
  - table
  - json
  - yaml
  - csv

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size on install package

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 86 bytes) in phar:///var/www/vhosts/*******.com/wp-cli.phar/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php on line 588
Reverted composer.json.
WP-CLI ran out of memory. Please see for further help.
[root@servidor]# env PATH="/opt/plesk/php/7.2/bin/:$PATH" ./wp-cli.phar package install [email protected]:wp-cli/profile-command.git



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GitHub issues are meant for enhancement requests and specific, reproducible bugs, not for general support questions. For support options, please review

The easiest way to get support is to join us in the #cli channel on the Make WordPress Slack Team.

Focus on outliers

If you don't want all of the verbosity, but only the outliers, it would be nice to have a flag for it.

coreymaass [8:19 AM] @daniel using profile on a messy site, I definitely want an arg for showing me the top 1 or few culprits
[8:19] It’s a pain to have to scan this.
[8:20] Show me the top two worst ones with wp profile --hook=init —winners=2 or something.

Related #10

Integrate with persistent object caches

For the persistent object caches that track additional debug information (e.g. redis_calls), it would be helpful to expose it.

To start with:

  • WP Redis
  • WP LCache

Introduce `wp profile queries`

It would be helpful to be able to see all queries and how much time they're taking.

Also make it possible to show actual queries for (a) a specific callback or (b) all queries within a specific hook

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