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lstm's Introduction

Long Short Term Memory Units

This is self-contained package to train a language model on word level Penn Tree Bank dataset. It achieves 115 perplexity for a small model in 1h, and 81 perplexity for a big model in a day. Model ensemble of 38 big models gives 69 perplexity. This code is derived from (the same author, but a different company).

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lstm's Issues

Illegal memory access error when running main.lua

I am trying to run this LSTM using the code from this repo.
Running ./th lstm/main.lua

[pavels@jones-6 pavels]$ warning: fbcunn not found. Falling back to cunn
Using 1-th gpu
Loading /local/pavels/lstm_zaremba/data/ptb.train.txt, size of data = 598835
Loading /local/pavels/lstm_zaremba/data/ptb.valid.txt, size of data = 54291
Loading /local/pavels/lstm_zaremba/data/ptb.test.txt, size of data = 53432
Network parameters:
  max_grad_norm : 5
  seq_length : 20
  batch_size : 20
  lr : 1
  max_max_epoch : 13
  rnn_size : 200
  init_weight : 0.1
  decay : 2
  dropout : 0
  layers : 2
  vocab_size : 10000
  max_epoch : 4
Creating a RNN LSTM network.
Starting training.
epoch = 0.007, train perp. = 0.000, wps = 3693, dw:norm() = 4.650, lr = 1.000, since beginning = 0 mins.
THCudaCheck FAIL file=/local/pavels/torch/extra/cutorch/init.c line=230 error=77 : an illegal memory access was encountered
/local/pavels/torch/install/bin/luajit: cuda runtime error (77) : an illegal memory access was encountered at /local/pavels/torch/extra/cutorch/lib/THC/generic/THCStorage.c:147

This happens on the fresh torch installation. I tried using different training data but the same error gets triggered.

In bp function, WE should set ds:fill(1) not set ds:zero()

I am confused with the backpropagation process. In the bp function, when i equals params.seq_length, the ds shouldn't equal 1 but not 0?(your reset_ds() set ds be 0) As we know, the outermost calculus should be 1 when calculus Composite function: dy = 1 * d(x^2)= 2x. using 0 will be dy=0 * d(x^2) = 0. Is this a bug?

  for i = params.seq_length, 1, -1 do
    state.pos = state.pos - 1
    local x =[state.pos]
    local y =[state.pos + 1]
    local s = model.s[i - 1]
    local derr = transfer_data(torch.ones(1))
    local tmp = model.rnns[i]:backward({x, y, s},
                                       {derr, model.ds})[3]
    g_replace_table(model.ds, tmp)

replicate(x_inp, batch_size)

I'm having trouble understanding replicate.

-- Stacks replicated, shifted versions of x_inp
-- into a single matrix of size x_inp:size(1) x batch_size.
local function replicate(x_inp, batch_size)
   local s = x_inp:size(1)
   local x = torch.zeros(torch.floor(s / batch_size), batch_size)
   for i = 1, batch_size do
     local start = torch.round((i - 1) * s / batch_size) + 1
     local finish = start + x:size(1) - 1
     x:sub(1, x:size(1), i, i):copy(x_inp:sub(start, finish))
   return x

Fom the comment I expected that the output would be a matrix of size number_of_words by batch_size

But the output is torch.floor(s / batch_size)by batch_size

If i load the first 5 lines from ptb.train.txt x is:

x:view(14, 8) -- change view for printing
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
 17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
 25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32
 33  34  35  36  37  38  39  28
 25  40  27  41  42  43  27  44
 33  45  46  47  25  48  27  28
 29  30  49  50  42  43  51  52
 53  54  55  56  36  37  38  43
 57  58  59  60  25  36  61  43
 62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69
 70  71  36  72  73  43  74  75
 76  36  47  43  77  78  65  79
 80  81  28  29  82  83  84  25
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 14x8]

And the output from from replicate is:

replicate(x, 20)
  1   7  12  18  23  29  35  28  43  46  29  51  56  58  61  66  36  75  78  28
  2   8  13  19  24  30  36  25  27  47  30  52  36  59  43  67  72  76  65  29
  3   9  14  20  25  31  37  40  44  25  49  53  37  60  62  68  73  36  79  82
  4  10  15  21  26  32  38  27  33  48  50  54  38  25  63  69  43  47  80  83
  5  11  16  22  27  33  39  41  45  27  42  55  43  36  64  70  74  43  81  84
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 5x20]

Why is every second column shifted one? e.g 5-7, 11-12, 16-18, 22-23 etc?

attempt to call field 'LogSoftMax_updateOutput' (a nil value)

Hello, Thanks for your code. but when I tried your code, it always shows the problem that :

/home/shi/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/LogSoftMax.lua:4: attempt to call field 'LogSoftMax_updateOutput' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/home/shi/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/LogSoftMax.lua:4: in function 'func'
/home/shi/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nngraph/gmodule.lua:252: in function 'neteval'
/home/shi/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nngraph/gmodule.lua:287: in function 'forward'
main.lua:165: in function 'fp'
main.lua:246: in function 'main'
main.lua:280: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'dofile'
.../shi/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:145: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x00406670

Any suggestion for that ? thanks!

Invalid device function dropout

I get the following error when running main.lua

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'copy'
...iavash/torch-distro/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Dropout.lua:16: in function 'func'
...h/torch-distro/install/share/lua/5.1/nngraph/gmodule.lua:169: in function 'neteval'
...h/torch-distro/install/share/lua/5.1/nngraph/gmodule.lua:199: in function 'forward'
main.lua:148: in function 'fp'
main.lua:224: in function 'main'
main.lua:259: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'f'
[string "local f = function() return dofile 'main.lua'..."]:1: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
...iavash/torch-distro/install/share/lua/5.1/trepl/init.lua:583: in function 'repl'
...rch-distro/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:185: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x00406170

Typo in your paper?


is there a typo in your paper on page 5? It currently reads,

"We train the model for 55 epochs with a learning rate of 1; after 14 epochs we start to reduce the learning rate by a factor of 1.15 after each epoch."

Should it be,

"We train the model for 55 epochs, initially with a learning rate of 1; after 14 epochs we start to reduce the learning rate by a factor of 1.15 after each epoch."

I think that's consistent with lines 259-260 and 32 and 36



Edit - I think there might be a similar typo for the medium model as well?

why reload the model, the perplexity became confused?

I want to save the trainned model after every epoch, I save the local model defined in this code and also extra data .i.e step....every time reload from the previous model, the perplexity became very lower(158) and start to increase(not decrease), the norm alwayes keep 0. it not act as saved before,what i MISS? what I changed is only the main function

local function main()
   --print('threads: ', torch.getnumthreads())
   state_train = {data=ptb.traindataset(params.batch_size)}
   state_valid = {data=ptb.validdataset(params.batch_size)}
   state_test  = {data=ptb.testdataset(params.batch_size)}
   params.vocab_size = ptb.vocab_size()
   print('Network parameters')
   local states = {state_train, state_valid, state_test}
   for _, state in pairs(states) do


   -- load saved model before train
   local saved_model
   local file =, "rb")
   if file then
      saved_model = torch.load(params.model_path)
      print('load from previous saved model')
   model = saved_model or model

   state_train.pos = model.state_train_pos or 1 = or
   local step = model.step or 0
   local epoch = model.epoch or 0
   local total_cases = model.total_cases or 0
   local tics = model.tics or 0
   local beginning_time = torch.tic() - tics
   local start_time = torch.tic() - tics
   print('Starting training')
   local words_per_step = params.seq_length * params.batch_size
   local epoch_size = torch.floor( / params.seq_length)
   local perps
   while epoch < params.max_max_epoch do
      local perp = fp(state_train)
      if perps == nil then
	 perps = torch.zeros(epoch_size):add(perp)
      perps[step % epoch_size + 1] = perp
      step = step + 1
      total_cases = total_cases + params.seq_length * params.batch_size
      epoch = step /epoch_size
      if step % torch.round(epoch_size / 10) == 10 then
	 local wps = torch.floor(total_cases / torch.toc(start_time))
	 local since_beginning = g_d(torch.toc(beginning_time)/60)
	 print('epoch = ' .. g_f3(epoch) ..
		  ', train perp. = ' .. g_f3(torch.exp(perps:mean()))..
		  ', wps = ' .. wps ..
		  ', dw:norm() = ' .. g_f3(model.norm_dw) ..
		  ', lr = ' .. g_f3( ..
		  ', since begining = '..since_beginning..' mins')

	 -- save model to model_path file
	 model.step = step
	 model.epoch = epoch
	 model.total_cases = total_cases
	 model.tics = torch.tic() - beginning_time
	 model.state_train_pos = state_train.pos =
	 --clear_state(), model)
      if step % epoch_size == 0 then
	 if epoch > params.max_epoch then = / params.decay
      if step % 33 == 0 then
   print('training is over.')

when train from scratch, it's good:
when train from the previous saved model, it's wrong:

why? anyone know the reason?


Why epoch are not integers? Isn't an epoch the training shots one performs?

epoch = 0.004
epoch = 0.104
epoch = 0.204
epoch = 0.304
epoch = 0.404
epoch = 0.504
epoch = 0.604
epoch = 0.703

LSTM length

I have a time series history data but the the length is only 28 readings taken over 6 months, can I use RNN(LSTM) to predict next 3 months readings?

if yes,how can I optimize the accuracy for this small data set?

questions about g_cloneManyTimes


I have some questions about the function:


I understand that this expand the LSTM unit through time
However, does the clone operation really needed?

i.e can I do something like this:
in function setup
model.rnns = core_core_network


in function fp
model.err[i], model.s[i] = unpack(model.rnns:forward({x, y, s}))


why split gates along dimension 2?

Hi, I can not understand why in the following code, the reshaped_gates is split along dimension 2 rather than 1, since output of reshaped_gates is a 4 x rnn_size matrix.

  -- Reshape to (batch_size, n_gates, hid_size)
  -- Then slize the n_gates dimension, i.e dimension 2
  local reshaped_gates =  nn.Reshape(4,params.rnn_size)(gates)
  local sliced_gates = nn.SplitTable(2)(reshaped_gates)

Could anybody explain it? Thx in advance!

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