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8os's Introduction


The action of every agent
into the world
from their physical selves.

This section is comprised of the
and implementation sequences
based on ∞OS operating system
to render one
fully prepared
to intra∼act
with the Other,
with oneself,
with each and every one,
and with the totality.

We start from the right pre∼sets
// bodymind dynamic form,
followed by techniques
of encounter and adaptation.

Initiation starts with oneself
and then proceeds
to the social level.

[0] Initial Set∼up
A special agent understands,
that it is impossible to live
without getting affected or hit.
// in one way or another
Any disturbance within a medium –
stress, attack, punch, accident
may affect the agent.
If there are no procedures
to release the tensions
that are obtained over time,
the agent accumulates those tensions
in the bodymind
// traumas, complexes, unfulfilled gestalts, sankaras
which then transform the psyche, the body, the intellect,
accumulating mutations along the way.
The agents do not want to be mutants.
The agents just want to be
closer to themselves,
but their experience of themselves
is ready for trans∼formations
and trance∼formations.
it is important to know
how to receive the external shock
and how to deal with it,
maintaining a certain degree of
relaxation, // tension only where it is needed
state∼form con∼dition
// condicere ‘agree upon’, agreement between parts
attentivity // at∼tention
sensitivity, resilience,
fluency, flexibility // fluidity

[1] Neutralization Pre∼set
In order to be fully
open and sensitive
and to increase the adaptive capacities
of the body,
it’s necessary to neutralize
all the existing tensions
within bodymind:
set all the faders and all the toggles
to their central position

any habitual tensions that exist within your body/mind should be set to minimum
and even better to zero.
// symmetry of the bodymind state∼form con∼dition
there is only here, now, and the force of gravity. everything else is non∼existent.
#con∼dition #sensitivity #align∼ment
// sensation of hanging from upside down
any habitual patterns, expressions,
tensions, compensations, complexes
are disposed of as they are not needed.

The state is achieved through
continuous scan of the body
from top to bottom, from bottom to top,
aligning each part of the body
along the vertical axis of gravity / spine.

[2] Metastability Pre∼set
Metastable state [M] – ∞ –
dynamic non-equilibrium stability:
stability is maintained
while dis∼turbances are relatively small.
/* unstable transitionary state [T] – stability is disrupted
even when the dis∼turbances are relatively small –
nervousness, fear, aggression, exciteability
stable state [S] – stability is maintained
even when the dis∼turbances are relatively big –
stubbornness, laziness, rigidity, comfort /
To increase adaptative capacities,
it is recommended to set the system
into Metastable state [M]

// in order to be prepared
Special agents do not patiently suffer,
nor do they live in their comfort zone [S].
Special agent can only rest,
observing whatever it is that is happening [M];
Special agents are prepared for changes,
to move along a more or less constant,
and yet changing trajectory:
strange attractor,
metastable chaotic behavior.

but not constant movement towards somewhere [T]
perpetual transitionary state, Transnomia;
a symptom called liquid modernity, brought with
the neoliberal state of things; constant search
for the new, easy excitement, constant anxiety,
superficiality */

more on this subject – the book called
Liquid Modernity
by agent Bauman

#fluidity #fluency #relaxation #connectedness
In order to achieve metastable state∼form,
and maximize their adaptive capacities
the agents should establish
several interacting rhythm∼loops
in their body/form
Those parallel processes
will keep each other in check
and can bring the system back
to the state of non-equilibrium stablity
when one of the processes goes astray.

we can relate this to the notion of homeostasis – small deviations from stability are regulated through various substances released to bring it to the stable state. if the deviations are too big, the organism shifts to a new state.

The following preset combination is recommended
to achieve metastable state:
set your attention to the area of your nutro 2 cm below navel
set your breathing to a stable constant rhythm, inhaling into the area designated above, activating the gut neurons
let every inhalation spread to the whole [body sphere] for full activation of all body parts and the immediate surrounding.
imagine a wave that is spreading through the whole body: starting from nutro towards the top then bottom, following a closed trajectory (nutro – spine – head)
connect the breathing rhythm to internal count and movement (for example, steps or heartbeat) for internal phase∼beat synchronization

set internal rotation following ∞ trajectory (horizontal 8), in the area of nutro (visible or invisible). sync the rotation with breathing.
(part of trajectory inhale, part – exhale)
/* for example: right forward, right backwards,
left forward, left backwards, right forward, etc. /

pendulum breathing and movement:
phases of movement are in sync with the phases of breathing (the breathing rhythm is leading the movement)
breathing in motion – in order to increase elasticity of breathing and nervous system: inhale on 1 step, exhale on 1 step (inhaling through nose, exhaling through mouth). inhale on 2 steps, exhaling on 2 steps... and so on until 10, then “de-escalate” down to 1.
further – continue walking but counting inside (not with the steps), moving the speed and velocity of your movement, stopping sometimes, making sure the breathing rate stays the same (2-3 counts inhale, 2-3 counts exhale)

[3] Assimilation, En∼gagement and In∼filtration
After the initial pre∼set routine for the internal
con∼dition has been completed,
the agent moves on to active intra∼action
with the environment, medium, and external impulses.
#intra∼action #multiplicity #adaptation
Any inter∼action is perceived as
an intra∼action – something that is in between,
creating a new system entity // rather than 2 parts
When dealing with an external entity
there is always another element
however, together you form a unity
common structure;
the resulting assemblage is
what the agent is working with.
// not “you” and “me” but “us together”

The in∼tention and at∼tention are directed
to the common mass∼center of the structure.
The strategy of en∼gagement, demonstrated below,
shows what has to be done
when there’s an already existing flow
coming from an external entity.

[3.1] En∼gaging into an Existing Flow
The first action that needs to be performed
in order to start intra∼action – en∼gagement
// en – in, gage – pledge oneself (to do something’)
En∼gagement implies the existence of an external flow
that one can integrate into.
// Surfing

Two strategies of engagement are recommended
when there’s an external impulse,
which cannot be avoided
to minimize the impact and to return the system to its initial state
to follow the impulse and to use its force to bring the system to a new state
In order to choose the right strategy, it is necessary to estimate the incoming force
using experiential approach.
// in order to gauge its intensity
That means that any incoming impulse
is always em∼braced,
without any opposing tension,
the first seconds of acceleration
are in∼corporated
// that can also be used in business and politics
in order to estimate the force
of incoming impulse.

[3.1.A] Weak Impulse => In∼corporation & In∼filtration
If the incoming impulse is not considered
threatening for the structure,
it is possible to in∼corporate it
// let it enter into the bodymind
and to em∼brace it,
using the following sequence:
non∼tension towards incoming tension
there is no use in responding to force with a force that is opposing /
accepting direction of the incoming impulse
ad∼justing the bodymind form∼structure
to the incoming impulse
for instance: creating the same momentum as the speed of incoming movement /
acceptance, em∼brace, and absorption
letting it pass through
// without leaving any tension within
taking it with you
As a result of the action performed above
agent’s bodymind∼form will be slightly affected
temporarily adjusting its current state
but only
to later embed itself
into the common form∼unity
taking control of the mass-center.
the agents stand opposite of each other,
one pushes the other into different parts of the bodymind structure
the one who is being pushed is in∼corporating the incoming impulses into their bodymind structure (eyes can be closed to improve experiential estimation),
they do so by temporarily ad∼justing their body structure to accommodate the incoming impulse, and then coming back to the original state.
re∼ceive, re∼adjust, re∼direct, respond
change roles, let your partner win and lose
play with the dynamics of transferring control
see what happens when you resist or push stronger. test the limits.

[3.1.A.1] Step 1: Redirection Sequence
This sequence uses the already existing
impulses, surfaces,
and slides across them, rather than against them,
to redirect the incoming flow.
The following sequence can be used to activate
this methodology:
Move around a spac and use objects around for sudden trajectory change
Same work on the floor: using the gravity and the floor contact points to create vectors of movement
contemporary dance, butoh, noguchi taiso, gymnastica natural */
Working with a partner: the agents are walking and breathing, pushing each other occasioally. Every impulse is used by every agent to redirect their movement and is transferred further to other agents.
Variation: two agents are sitting:
one is pushing the other, the other is adapting their bodyform, to make the pusher “fall” into their movement and desire:

  1. catch the incoming impulse momentum
  2. in∼corporate this impulse
  3. accelerate the flow
    // similar to how it’s done in surfing.

This is how it is possible to capture
the body of the agent
and to control it.
Seduction // from se- aside, ducere- lead
A moment of passing control of the center
// tango, wrestling, body manipulation
Saying “yes, and” instead of “no, but”
To agree to everything, and to then open up new spaces for weaving the thought-threads:

Continue the common movement
to find a new bodyformstructure
Take your partner by their wrist and
start controlling their motion;
change roles;
constantly change roles,
take over and give up control.

[3.1.A.2] Step 2: Dissipation Sequence
Dissipation sequence can be initiated
if re∼direction control-shift dynamics
has to be completed.
In order to prevent the dynamics
from escalating further
to bring the movement within a system
towards an end:
Apply consequential contra∼dictory impulses
(2, 3 and more)
to various points of tension
in bodyform structure.
// post-truth, fake news
Section [3.2] of the manual describes how to identify the points of tension that should be affected. Further sequences are provided in section [4] of the manual.

[3.1.B] Mid-Force Impact: Re∼configuration Response
Sometimes it happens that somebody says something that you simply cannot answer directly and yet it’s impossible to simply ignore it (in accordance with [3.1.A]) – maybe because we don’t like it, maybe because we cannot agree with it, but don’t want to argue.
That the type of cases where sequence
[3.1.B] Re∼configuration can be activated:
estrangement, breaking the distance
when an impulse enters the control zone,
leave the position,

free up the space

move sideways backwards
to enable oneself
to enter into the newly formed structure.
it is also possible to fully change context
/* run away, pretend to have epilepsy attack, to fall on one’s knees in front of a horse and to go crazy */
Ejsksl kdsfalk asdf dasf kdfsalka d sd sd sddoi.
Zioiap ioi oi dsfdsf i fdsioiasdf daffdas oisdf,
fiooi adsffda ioi fdaioi a oidfas ioooam,
qpwoonz oiiozi oioi 121 iozczio
Asdf gh jkl; qwerty uiop zcvx bn you.
You. I love you. I love you very much.


In the context of physical contact
re∼configuration is implemented
using the following procedure:
Quick jump sideways backwards
Head roll
To see a bunch of drunk Russian army guys walking at you and to start walking towards them even faster, arms wide open, to meet them, to not drink with them, to talk, to make selfies and to exchange contacts.
To slow everything down 2x
To start shaking uncontrollably
To transform into your totem animal
From predator into prey
To do something not expected.

[3.1.C] Strong Impact: Regeneration
It may happen that the incoming impact is so strong,
that it is impossible to assimilate it into one’s structure
without breaking it.
In this case, if the impact has already happened,
regeneration has to be performed in order to fix things.
The easiest way is to send ripple-waves
through the whole structure,
regenerating it with the newly found rhythms
in the emptiness that ensues.
// laughter
To dissipate tension across the
bodymind formstructure,
breaking it into little particles
// playing Tetris with tension
Specific sequences of intialization:
Fast burst breathing:
inhale (through the nose, into the stomach)
exhale (through the mouth)
throw down all tension,
send ripple waves
through the whole bodymind form∼structure
Take a pushup position,
lower oneself to the floor,
keeping the body∼form, shift tension
around different parts of the body
+ burst breathing
During a difficult conversation,
find an object
and start moving your hand
along the object
following chaotic-itinerancy patterns
Leave the room
Be the first one to punch
Run away
/* there’s a scene in Alejandro Jodorowski’s film where his parents appear to tell him that his childhood house has burned down. they seem to be angry and sad. after they leave to a hotel, Alejandro turns to his friends and tells them: “my house has burned down! que maravilloso!” (how wonderful). everyone starts to laugh */
To play Tetris
moving the tension
around the body
To change occupation

[3.2] Creating the Flow: Initiation of En∼gagement
Integration into an already existing structure
has been loaded into memory through function [3.1]:
to support a conversation,
to catch a wave,
to make money on a trend,
to follow the direction of an incoming impulse
and to redirect it.
However (yes, and), sometimes there are situations
when there are no perturbations in the environment
no in∼fluences, no pro∼vocations,
and, therefore, no waves
so then they should be created.
// creativity, inventing new stuff
In this case, initiate the following procedure:

[3.2.A] Identification of Tension Knots
/* from Latin provocare ‘challenge’, from pro- ‘forth’ + vocare ‘to call’ */
This is done through im∼planting a light im∼pulse,
in order to excite the external body∼structure
for it to reveal the tension knots
that are used to maintain its original shape.
This initial impulse is made to pro∼voke.
The external structure reveals
its strong parts and weak parts
crossroads of meaning,
important junctions and nodes,
tensions knots
// usually linked to fears - fear of in∼stability
possibilities for further interactions.
After the pattern is identified, initiate the next procedure
[3.2.B] Progressive Manipulation of Tension Knots
Two agents meet. One is pulling the other by the hand. The one who is pulled gives in to the movement and lets his body change the form, revealing the points of tension that emerge.
To say something pleasantly-unpleasant
/* called “neg” in the “game”:
“you look not as tired today as usual” */
Put low frequencies to the maximum
To create a need, to generate a lack

[3.2.B] Progressive Manipulation of Tension Knots
Performed through applying a series of impulses,
destined to shift the center of body∼structure
affecting it in a subsequential way
using the points of tension identified earlier.
// the structure may reconfigure itself continuously.
[4] Contextual Redirection of the Flow Intentionality
An agent has two objectives:
1. To be at ease with oneself –
// com∼fort – from Latin “fortis” for “strong”
so that others can be at ease as well.
2. To explore the new states –
so that it’s interesting for the others
// self-development, evolution, self-realization
As shown above, the flow can be redirected within a dynamic intra∼active system, which operates in a symmetric or complimentary feedback loop [3.1.A].
The feedback loop may destroy itself, if its tendecy towards escalation is allowed take hold.
Constantly shifting the roles, controlling dynamics the agent minimizes the risks and maintains stability. (remaining within the square of the context).
If there is a need to change the direction of the flow,
to enter a new state
then it is necessary to affect the current state
by way of a certain intentionality
a clear direction, through successive impulses
which prompt the system to leave the comfort zone and to find a new one.

In order to shift a system to a new state, the current balance has to be disturbed, so that it’s easier for the system to go through changes.
The current feedback loop that maintains stability can be accelerated in order to overload the system and induce a shift to a new state.
Start from studing the dynamics of interaction: the agents are activating each other and transfer impulses back and forth.
The resulting dybamics will be a mix of symmetric and complimentary schismogenesis. To maintain stability the agents need to respond in the way that is opposite from expected [see 3.1.A page 40).
/* a feedback loop is reinforcing itself
with behavior that is expected,
leading to its imminent collapse */
E.g. In case of a symmetric loop – when an incoming impulse increases its force, do not respond with even more force (expected response), but weaken the impact to provoke the system towards de-escalation (unexpected) // losing [L]
In case of a complimentary loop – when the incoming force increases, do not weaken the response, but respond with even more force // winning [W],
Chaotic itinerancy is activated: LLWLWLLLWLWLLWWLLWWW. It helps the system of intra∼action to keep its self-destructive tendencies in check. Deescalation.
The procedures above help keep the system stable. In order to shift to a new stable state, short circuit can be created.
Rapid shift of coordinates
// unexpected, assimetric response
Increase current tendencies in order to bring the system towards controlled departure beyond its limits, provoking it to shift to a new state.
/* accelerationism, exceed expectations,
involvement into a symmetric relation
and rapid shift to another level.
increasing the break.
punch in response to intention */

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