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read/write a value in session

thanks for this package, I'm a bit confused how should I set the value (es. a reconnection counter) in the session? Should I use the "sessionStore" or the "session" from "connection", (err, socket, session) -> (this seems to be undefined inside the function)

console.log JSON.stringify sessionStore
{"sessions":{"gfFR572JqrZmCAWGwupdmFkD":"{"cookie": {"originalMaxAge":null,"expires":null,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/"}}"}}

You can't directly work with session when you're using connect-mongo store

ok, i setup and my socket is working. But working with session i got javascript object instead of mongo record. So i can't perform this code (as shown):

sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) { = 'bar';
  //at this point the value is not yet saved into the session;
  //now you can read from your express routes or connect middlewares

Becouse of you get unserialized record:

MongoStore.prototype.get = function(sid, callback) {
    var self = this;
    this._get_collection(function(collection) {    
      collection.findOne({_id: sid}, function(err, session) {
        try {
          if (err) {
            callback && callback(err, null);
          } else {      

            if (session) {
              if (!session.expires || new Date < session.expires) {
                callback(null, self._unserialize_session(session.session));

sessionStore not refreshed?

my code:

socket.on('disconnect', function(){ = '0';
io.sockets.emit('sendSessions', sessionStore);


after disconnect i set = 0

console.log(; // logs 0

console.log(sessionStore); //logs 1

how can that be?

Adding the in(room) method

As described here, supports Rooms. This is really handy when you need to partition your users.
Unfortunately does not support it, because it doesn't implement the in() method call.

Any chance that you'll add it in the next release?

I made a quick hack to make it work: = function(room) {

but I doubt it's the proper way, given your on() implementation.

Thanks for your great work.

sessionStore.of method

How can we use the namespace feature with the provided sessionStore?
It only has on method defined? Can you advice on how to extend it?

redis latency

What's the best way of dealing with latency from redis when using;

io.sockets.clients().forEach(function (socket) {
// so far we have access only to client sockets
sessionSockets.getSession(socket, function (err, session) {
// getSession gives you an error object or the session for a given socket

I'm trying to get a list of clients online in a room and fetch their username, however the the session information retrieval appears to happen asynchronously to the rest of the code?

Problems with example code in

When I copy the example code from, session is always undefined in sessionSockets.on('connection'
err is 'Error: could not look up session by key: connect.sid'

This is the same problem as in issue #2:

This line is what is causing issues:

app.use(express.session({ store: sessionStore }));

I need to change it to:

app.use(express.session({ secret: 'your secret sauce', store: sessionStore }));

To match the secret given to the cookie parser:

var cookieParser = express.cookieParser('your secret sauce')
, sessionStore = new connect.middleware.session.MemoryStore();

This solves the issue. If this is a general problem, perhaps the instructions in ought to be updated?

How to write to session?


sIO.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {
    session.cookie.test = '1';


app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  // undefined!!!



Hey, fancy putting this on npm?

Undefined error

This is a bit of a weird bug, which may be caused by my code below. Basically what I am trying to do is prevent the user from opening the chat in multiple tabs after they have logged in, as I only want them to be in one room at a time.

I am trying to keep track if the user opens a new window, by checking if they are already in the online users array, and if they are disconnect their previous connection.

Now the problem comes when I open a tab. Everything works as intended, but if I now refresh the page then I get the error [TypeError: Cannot read property '' of undefined]. I am not sure if it's a problem with my approach or not, thank you.

var onlineUsers = new Array();

sessionSockets.on('connection', function(err, socket, session){
if(err) console.log(err);
if(session.username in onlineUsers){
console.log("DISCONNECTED: " + onlineUsers[session.username]);
onlineUsers[session.username] =;
console.log("CONNECTED: " + onlineUsers[session.username]);
io.sockets.emit('getlobbyuserlist', Object.keys(onlineUsers));
socket.on('sendlobbymessage', function(message){
io.sockets.emit('addlobbymessage', { username: session.username, message: message });
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
//Remove the user from the lobby user list when they close the window
//io.sockets.emit('removeuserfromlist', session.username);
//This is only used when the client is forced to disconnect - ie they have multiple tabs open

Session not updating

I have everything set up like example-express4

sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {
    // 1: User not signed in

    // 2: Happens while the user is signed in
    socket.on('event', function(req){

1: log as expected:

Session {
  cookie: {...} 

2: the signed in user event from the front-end logs the same results as 1, but expecting:

Session {
  cookie: {...},
  passport: {user: '1234'}

If I refresh the browser, while signed in, I then see what I would expect.

Is there a way to keep these sessions in sync?

very slow


This module is slow.

In my testing, it seems more than 10 times slower compared to not using this module.
This is without variables such as network latencies etc.

I feel like this module can be faster, 10 times slower is too much.


This module is slow.

Using stubs, and not actually doing any real session loading, purely just testing the module it is more than 10 times slower compared to not using this module.

I feel like this module can be faster, 10 times slower is too much.

My results look something like this out of a run count of 10000000:

Without using this module

  • op/s: 10004360 | time: 0.99956419

With this module (but no real session loading, it's all stubbed) so this is purely testing the module's performance with no outside factors

  • op/s: 780283 | time: 12.815870532

your example fails in IE

THX for this great package (I have to say this first)


I got this handshake error when using IE (we only support >9, fails in all of them):
ERR Could not look up session by key: connect.sid

Sandbox Testing

So, we decided to run your example script, and oopz... it also fails in IE....


NOTE This is very urgent, I hope you can provide a solution for this, our projects need to run in this cruel browser too...

UPDATE In some IE's it seems to work... Now we've got to find out why... 32bit vs 64bit??

Better solution

Respect to wcamarao for developing this tool, which closes an important gap.
Unfortunately it didn't work for me as I could not get around this:

node_modules/, findCookie(socket.handshake), fun
TypeError: Cannot call method 'call' of undefined

I lost an hour or two googling for similar problems ... until I found:
which links to

Please forgive my boldness, but I can't help that this approach using the new io middleware is far easier and cleaner. (Despite my not fully understanding :) callback


I just found out a minute ago that if you save the session and nearly at the same time you refresh the browser it doesn't save the changes. Right now after saving I send a message to the client and wait 2 seconds before reloading the page, just to make sure it saves properly, but it would be nice to have a callback to know when it's okay to refresh.

Thanks in advance!

Compatibility with 1.0.6 ?


Since released a 1.0.6 version, do is compatible with this new version ? I need to migrate to this version and my previous code which contain
socket.handshake.getSession method is saying me that socket.handshake has no getSession method.

Is there a workaround or maybe the compatibility with 1.0.6 is plan soon ?

Thank you


[TypeError: Object # has no method 'getSession']

Since you're latest update to 0.1.5

getCookie returned more than just session id; had to trim to make it work

I was having issues getting to work, though after a bit of debugging, I've finally traced and put a bandaid on the issue - though my patch is a bit dirty, and I'm unsure if I've missed something that may be the origin of this issue.

So getCookie was returning something along the following (from handshake.cookies):
Wherein [sessionId] was the valid session id.

The sessionStore.load method is looking only for the session id, and thus it failed to get the session because of this issue. By using simple string manipulation, I was able to get the actual session id out of the cookie value, thus making the entire module work.

So I changed this line:
sessionStore.load(findCookie(socket.handshake), function (storeErr, session) {

to this:
sessionStore.load(findCookie(socket.handshake).substring(2).split('.')[0], function (storeErr, session) {

Here's a gist of test code that I've used to reproduce this issue:

It errors out without the change I've made. With the change I've made, upon loading for the second time, it shows that the session test var is 1, as expected.

FYI, I'm using the latest version (as of 04/08/2013) of all the modules required in the aforementioned test code.

Write to session store -- and persist it?


Great little library you've got here.

I use it in conjunction with a MongoStore, which also powers my Express HTTP sessions. Only thing is, when I (from inside a callback) modify the session exposed by this library, it only seems to persist in memory; when I restart the server, the changes are not reflected (and thus weren't saved in MongoDB).

Am I wrong in expecting the changes to be perserved in MongoDB? Or is the session only exposed as read-only through


I get TypeError: Cannot call method 'clients' of undefined
when trying to access namespace rooms, with sessionSockets.sockets.clients('room');
I glanced at the code see no room management functionality, is there a way to implement it?

Express 4 session null error

I am trying to use it with Express 4 and it is not working. I did just copy paste from Express 4 example code.

sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {
var likes = [];
console.log("session=",session); ---->>>>> HERE session is null & impossible to use it
socket.emit('session', session);

How to solve this problem?

Session with flashsocket

Hi Wagner,

Thank you very much for sharing this great little module!

I tried it with a JavaScript based socket client and it works like a charm but this is not the case for flashsocket. So, I was wandering if you could give me a tip about how I can get it working, if possible at all.

Thank you again,


get data out of sessionStore

i create a session variable named when ever a user with a valid session comes i will set = 1 and when he disconnects i will set = 0.

at the admin site i will get all users (sessions) with the = 1

i try to stringify and parse the json (storeSession) but i dont reach the active variable.

can you help me please?

Question about using the authorization setup

you commented here about why you didn't want to use set('authorization') of

senchalabs/connect#588 (comment)

"I see your point @kcaffrey, but I can't agree for a couple reasons: refusing a connection if the session is not found/valid and changing the socket object to add the session."

Could you clarify.

I'm not sure I understand why you wouldn't want to refuse a connection if a session id is invalid or missing.

Got deprecation warning with express 3.4.4

Just in case :

connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0
visit for alternatives
connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0

Thanks for your work

Broken when using Express 4.0 because of changed middleware for cookies

When using with Express 4.0 i need to use this hotfix:

function findCookie(handshakeInput) {
    // added fix for express 4.x (parse the cookie sid to extract the correct part)
    var handshake = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(handshakeInput)); // copy of object
    if(handshake.secureCookies && handshake.secureCookies[key]) handshake.secureCookies = handshake.secureCookies[key].match(/\:(.*)\./).pop();
    if(handshake.signedCookies && handshake.signedCookies[key]) handshake.signedCookies[key] = handshake.signedCookies[key].match(/\:(.*)\./).pop();
    if(handshake.cookies && handshake.cookies[key]) handshake.cookies[key] = handshake.cookies[key].match(/\:(.*)\./).pop();

    // original code
    return (handshake.secureCookies && handshake.secureCookies[key])
        || (handshake.signedCookies && handshake.signedCookies[key])
        || (handshake.cookies && handshake.cookies[key]);

I'm sure there's a much better way of solving thing in the long run. I just needed a quick fix for some prototyping :-)

Only a part of the session id is saved to the cookie it appears (hence the regex).

easyrtc 1.0.7

when i use in easyrtc 0.9, works very well
but when use in easyrtc 1.0.7, gives error.

namespace.on(event, function (socket) {
TypeError: Cannot call method 'on' of undefined
    at bind (/var/www/nodejs/easyrtc-master/node_modules/
    at on (/var/www/nodejs/easyrtc-master/node_modules/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/nodejs/easyrtc-master/server.js:103:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:902:3

Why doesn't resolve return an error object?

Can you tell me why, in the event of an error, resolve returns an object with an error key instead of an Error object?

Where has:

if (!storeErr && !session) return { error: 'could not look up session by key: '+key };

I would expect to see:

if (!storeErr && !session) return new Error('could not look up session by key: '+key);

This way, one could rethrow the error and get a meaningful stack trace.

Struggling to write a session

I am trying to write a session value but I am getting "TypeError: Cannot set property 'foo' of undefined"

var express = require('express'),
    app = express(),
    http = require('http'),
    connect = require('connect'),
    mysql = require('mysql'),
    queue = [],
    db = mysql.createConnection({
          host     : 'xxxxx',
          user     : 'xxxx,
          password : 'xxxx',
          database : 'xxxx'
    cookieParser = express.cookieParser('testingthis'),
    sessionStore = new connect.middleware.session.MemoryStore();

app.configure(function () {
    app.use(express.session({ store: sessionStore }));

var server = http.createServer(app),
    io = require('').listen(server),
    sessionSockets = require(''),
    sessionSockets = new sessionSockets(io, sessionStore, cookieParser);


sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) { = 'bar'; // errors here: TypeError: Cannot set property 'foo' of undefined;


When looping through sockets, how do I get the session data? (Solved)

I have everything set up so far that multiple users are connected to the server at a time. What I want is when one of them presses a button, a popup box will show up for every person telling them what their name is which is stored in their own session objects. So I am trying to break out your code so that I can get session data individually.

Here is what I have so far in my app.js

ssockets.on('connection', function(err, socket, session){
    socket.on('button' function(){
            _socket.emit('name', {name: ssockets.getSession(_socket).name});

And this is what I have added to

this.getSession = function(socket){
    cookieParser(socket.handshake, {}, function (){
        sessionStore.load(findCookie(socket.handshake), function(storeErr, session){
            return session;

The problem I am getting is ssockets.getSession(_socket).name: cannot read a property from an undefined object. But when I console.log(session) it shows me that it has the session data. So I'm guessing that it's actually being ran after the call. Is the only way I can emit the data is if I add a callback to the function? What do you suggest?


I ended up going with passing in a callback function. I forked the repository and made my changes here for anyone who is trying to do a similar thing:

Could not lookup session by key

I'm experiencing this issue with the latest 1.3.5 and express4.
I followed the express4 example, but i am using the connect-redis session store.


var _u = require('underscore')
  , http = require('http')
  , express = require('express')
  , url = require('url')
  , redis = require('redis')
  , mongoose = require('mongoose')
  , debug = require('debug')('signaling')
  , SocketIO = require('')
  , adapter = require('')
  , Turn = require('./lib/turn')
  , Events = require('./lib/events')
  , Rooms = require('./lib/model/rooms')
  , Users = require('./lib/model/users')
  , Clients = require('./lib/model/clients')
  , SignalingError = require('./lib/error')
  , safesocket = require('./lib/safesocket')
  , config = require('./config');

var app = express();
var session = require('express-session');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')(config.sessions.secret);
var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
var store = new RedisStore({
    client: require('redis-url').connect(process.env.REDIS_TURN_URL || 'redis://')

    secret: config.sessions.secret,
    store: store

var server = http.Server(app);
var io = new SocketIO(server);

var SessionSockets = require('');
var sessionSockets = new SessionSockets(io, store, cookieParser);

io.listen(process.env.LISTEN_PORT || 3000);

sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {

    debug('new client from ' + (socket.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || socket.client.conn.remoteAddress));




    <div id="stuns"></div>

    <script src=""></script>
        var socket = io('http://localhost:3000', {
            forceNew: true,
            path: '/websocket'
        socket.emit('stun', function (err, stuns) {
            if (err) console.log(err);
            document.getElementById('stuns').innerHTML = stuns.toString();



  "dependencies": {
    "connect-redis": "^2.2.0",
    "cookie-parser": "^1.3.4",
    "debug": "^2.1.2",
    "express": "^4.12.3",
    "express-session": "^1.10.4",
    "hiredis": "^0.2.0",
    "moment": "^2.9.0",
    "mongoose": "^3.8.25",
    "redis": "^0.12.1",
    "redis-url": "^1.1.0",
    "": "^0.2.0",
    "": "^1.3.5",
    "": "^0.1.4",
    "underscore": "^1.8.2"



(node) warning: Recursive process.nextTick detected. This will break in the next version of node. Please use setImmediate for recursive deferral.

Node v0.10.5, Windows 7,

I am using the following code:

var store = new MongoStore({
     collectionPrefix: '',
     streamCollection: 'stream',
     storageCollection: 'storage',
     nodeId: null,  // id that uniquely identifies this node
     size: 1000000, // max size in bytes for capped collection
     num: null,     // max number of documents inside of capped collection
     // url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdb',
     host: 'localhost',
     port: 27017,
     db: 'socketio'
 store.on('error', console.error);
 io.set('store', store);

The last line produces multiple warnings:
(node) warning: Recursive process.nextTick detected. This will break in the next version of node. Please use setImmediate for recursive deferral.

Any ideas? doesn't work

I using express 4 + passport with sessions.

I want to make private messages between users with

Before sending a message from the first user to a second user - I want to verify that the message is really from the first user. To exclude id spoofing in javascript files.

I try to using but it does not work and I can not understand why.

"console.log('connect!');" doesn't work. It seems that the function "sessionSockets.on('connection')"is not executed



var flash = require('connect-flash');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var express = require('express');
var http = require('http');
var path = require('path');
var favicon = require('serve-favicon');
var logger = require('morgan');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var passport = require('passport');

var routes = require('./routes');
var users = require('./routes/user');

var session = require('express-session');
var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(session);

var sessionStore = new MongoStore({db:mongoose.connection.db});

var app = express();

app.use(cookieParser('keyboard cat'));
app.use(favicon(__dirname + '/public/favicon.ico'));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

secret: 'keyboard cat',
cookie: {httpOnly: true, secure: true, maxAge: new Date( + 3600000)},
store: sessionStore

app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);

var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
// debug('Express server listening on port ' + server.address().port);

var io = require('').listen(server);
var SessionSockets = require('');
var sessionSockets = new SessionSockets(io, sessionStore, cookieParser);

sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {

socket.on('sendMessageToUser', function(data){
console.log('User is ' + req);
//now you can read from your express routes or connect middlewares

Please add 4th param "key" to

I just noticed, after a bunch of hair pulling over why I was getting ([Error: could not look up session by key: connect.sid]) that there is a 4th param that doesn't seem to be mentioned in the to set the key. It would be helpful to have this included since lots of us change the key name for security reasons.

could not look up session by key: connect.sid

I can't make it working.

The client connected but the session always is undefined with error:

could not look up session by key: connect.sid

Could you help please?


var http = require('http')
, connect = require('connect')
, express = require('express');

var app = express()
, cookieParser = express.cookieParser('key')
, sessionStore = new connect.middleware.session.MemoryStore();

app.configure(function () {
//hiding other express configuration
app.use(express.session({ store: sessionStore }));

var server = http.createServer(app)
, io = require('').listen(server);

var SessionSockets = require('')
, sessionSockets = new SessionSockets(io, sessionStore, cookieParser);


sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {
console.log('connection ERR ', err);
console.log('connection session ', session);


<script src='' ></script>
<script src='./node_modules/'></script>
var iosocket = null;
iosocket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080');
iosocket.on('error', function (reason){
console.error('Unable to connect Socket.IO', reason);
iosocket.on('connect', function () {
iosocket.on('disconnect', function() {




<div id='status'></div>


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