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volt's Issues

Opal specs don't work

Where are run the specs the opal portion just hangs forever:

~/p/volt git:master ❯❯❯ bundle exec rake
Run specs in Opal
Thin web server (v1.6.3 codename Protein Powder)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'args[0]')

  /Users/bozhidar/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/opal-rspec-0.4.0/vendor/spec_runner.js:17 in global code

No idea where this type error originates from.

Ruby 2.1.5, OS X Yosemite, phantomjs 2.0

Error in dom_template when attempting to assign dynamically generated id to Bootstrap panel

Here is the code for my dynamically generated panels:

<div class="panel-group" id="post-panels">
    {{ page._posts.each do |post| }}
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading clearfix">
                <div class="pull-left">
                    <a class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#post-panels" href="#{{ index }}">{{ post._title }}</a>
                <div class="pull-right">
            <div id="{{ index }}" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">
                    Anim pariatur cliche...
    {{ end }}

Loading this in my browser results in no panels being displayed, and I find the error "Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': '#{{ index }}' is not a valid selector." in my Chrome console (full stack trace included at the bottom of this report).

I don't know if it is of any significance, but as soon as I remove the {{ index }} bit from the bottom div (with the panel-body div inside it), everything displays correctly. For reasons that are obvious, this results in panels which do not collapse or uncollapse.

I know Volt is in its childhood right now. I just wanted to know, am I doing something wrong here? Will I have to try and hunt this issue down myself, or does someone have an idea what might be the problem?

Full stack trace:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': '#{{ index }}' is not a valid selector. dom_template:48
def.$track_binding_anchors.$a._p.TMP_1 dom_template:48
Opal.$yield1 runtime.js?body=1:575
def.$each.TMP_4 hash:228
def.$track_binding_anchors dom_template:43
def.$initialize dom_template:25
def.$new.TMP_2 class:47
def.$set_content_to_template base_section:22
def.$initialize.TMP_1 template_renderer:12
def.$new.TMP_2 class:47
def.$item_added each_binding:100
def.$reload.$a._p.$a._p.TMP_7 each_binding:52
def.$upto.TMP_6 numeric:452
def.$reload.$a._p.TMP_3 each_binding:51
Opal.$yieldX runtime.js?body=1:602
$opal.defs.TMP_5 computation:88
def.$reload each_binding:30
def.$initialize.self.computation.$a._p.TMP_2 each_binding:16
def.$call.TMP_2 proc:22
def.$watch!.$a._p.TMP_6 computation:121
Opal.$yieldX runtime.js?body=1:602
def.$run_in.TMP_4 computation:79
def.$watch! computation:119
def.$initialize.TMP_1 each_binding:16
def.$new.TMP_2 class:47
$$add_template.$a._p.TMP_30 main.js:165
def.$call.TMP_2 proc:22
def.$initialize.$a._p.$a._p.TMP_3 template_renderer:16
Opal.$yield1 runtime.js?body=1:582
def.$each.TMP_6 array:648
def.$initialize.$a._p.TMP_2 template_renderer:15
Opal.$yield1 runtime.js?body=1:575
def.$each.TMP_4 hash:228
def.$initialize.TMP_1 template_renderer:14
def.$new.TMP_2 class:47
def.$render_template template_binding:195
def.$update.$a._p.TMP_5 template_binding:134
Opal.$yieldX runtime.js?body=1:602
$opal.defs.TMP_5 computation:88
def.$update template_binding:103
def.$initialize.self.computation.$a._p.TMP_2 template_binding:20
def.$call.TMP_2 proc:22
def.$watch!.$a._p.TMP_6 computation:121
Opal.$yieldX runtime.js?body=1:602
def.$run_in.TMP_4 computation:79
def.$watch! computation:119
def.$initialize.TMP_1 template_binding:22
def.$new.TMP_2 class:47
$$add_template.$a._p.TMP_32 main.js:171
def.$call.TMP_2 proc:22
def.$initialize.$a._p.$a._p.TMP_3 template_renderer:16
Opal.$yield1 runtime.js?body=1:582
def.$each.TMP_6 array:648
def.$initialize.$a._p.TMP_2 template_renderer:15
Opal.$yield1 runtime.js?body=1:575
def.$each.TMP_4 hash:228
def.$initialize.TMP_1 template_renderer:14
def.$new.TMP_2 class:47
def.$start page:175
$a._p.TMP_5 page:214
x.Callbacks.l jquery.min.js:5
x.Callbacks.c.fireWith jquery.min.js:5
x.extend.ready jquery.min.js:5

Documentation for managing DOM manually

This is just a tracking issue for the docs and changes to framework that make it simpler to manage the DOM manually in Volt. @ryanstout is already working on this. The changes (and documentation) will make it simpler to use things like external JS libraries that are not included in Opal/Volt by default (e.g. JQuery UI).

Deployment in Puma

Hi, I was trying to deploy volt in Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk with puma and nginx, but it seems like that the base assets from volt where missing.

Am I doing something wrong?


Customizng database info

Is there any way to change default db name ?
I want to use an existing mongo database with few collections.

Model initialize override issue / name conflict?

I'm a little confused on why this is happening... A very specific scenario is producing an error that can be avoided by renaming a model or collection, or removing a method.

Every time I click submit to save the model, I get this error:

[ERROR] wrong number of arguments (2 for 0) (ArgumentError)

The stack trace is pointing me at the initialize method in the tweet class:

class Tweet < Volt::Model
  field :from, String
  field :to, String

  def initialize
    self.from = '' = ''

If I get rid of the initialize method, everything saves correctly but in the view my Tweet attributes each show up as a Volt::Model. Here is the controller for reference:

class MainController < Volt::ModelController
  model :store

  def index

  def tweet

  def new_tweet
    page._tweet =

  def submit
    store._tweets << tweet

I'd love to know what I should be doing differently to properly make those attributes default to empty strings, and how to override initialize without issues, however that's not the issue I want to bring attention to.

The strangest part of this that doesn't make any sense to me is that if I rename store._tweets to store._tweats or store._items (really anything else). There are no errors - everything saves as expected even with initialize still in there. Alternatively, I can rename the Tweet model to Tweat and once again everything works.

If I remove the override to initialize OR rename either the model or collection name - there are no issues. What could be causing this deadly combination? Any idea what the connection is?

Could not find regin-0.3.8 in any of the sources

After cloning the todo demo app, bundle install gives this error message:

Could not find regin-0.3.8 in any of the sources

Regin is yanked, but older version of regin is still available from It's not a problem with jruby, only in MRI. I don't know which version.

If you skip bundle install and simply does gem install manually for all the gems in the Gemfile, you still get this error while running volt server:

Could not find websocket-driver-0.3.2 in any of the sources

#if _collection.any? around #each causes duplicate first item

{#if _collection.any?}{#each _collection as c}{}{/}{/} will cause the first item to be output twice, once at the beginning and once at the end. The same thing happens with .empty?, but does not happen with .size == 0.

You can test this by editing app/main/views/blog/edit.html in the todos3 app and wrapping the {#each _posts as post}{/} block with a {#if _posts.any?}{/} conditional.

Version 0.8.26 doesn't start

bundle exec volt server
Volt 0.8.26
Using rack adapter
/Users/ypcat/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3@volt/gems/volt-0.8.26/lib/volt/server/rack/asset_files.rb:38:in `component': Unable to find component 'rspec-builder.rb', make sure the gem is included in your Gemfile (RuntimeError)

.rb files included in config directory may not belong to volt

Gems like Capistrano and Whenever use the /config directory for their configuration files, but volt attempts to load those files at runtime. This can result in errors.

I looked at the rails code to see how they treat /config, and it appears that they only load the specific filenames associated with rails, ignoring the rest of the files in /config.

So far, it seems like /config/app.rb is the only file that needs to be loaded here:

Perhaps a hard-coded array of volt-specific config files could be fed into the .each method? I would be happy to submit a PR that fits your design decision.

Error when running "volt server" on Windows

I'm unable to start the volt server due to an error:

$ thin start
Using rack adapter
.rb:7:in `require': cannot load such file -- thin (LoadError)
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/volt-0.7.18/li
b/volt/server.rb:7:in `<top (required)>'
        from c:/Users/raino_000/Documents/Workspaces/Ruby/volttest/
n `require'
        from c:/Users/raino_000/Documents/Workspaces/Ruby/volttest/
n `block in <main>'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rack-1.5.2/lib
/rack/builder.rb:55:in `instance_eval'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rack-1.5.2/lib
/rack/builder.rb:55:in `initialize'
        from c:/Users/raino_000/Documents/Workspaces/Ruby/volttest/
n `new'
        from c:/Users/raino_000/Documents/Workspaces/Ruby/volttest/
n `<main>'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/rack/adapter/loader.rb:33:in `eval'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/rack/adapter/loader.rb:33:in `load'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/rack/adapter/loader.rb:42:in `for'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/thin/controllers/controller.rb:170:in `load_adapter'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/thin/controllers/controller.rb:74:in `start'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/thin/runner.rb:199:in `run_command'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/lib
/thin/runner.rb:155:in `run!'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.6.2/bin
/thin:6:in `<top (required)>'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/thin:23:in `load'
        from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/thin:23:in `<main>'


First off, awesome project!

Question.....seeming as you guys are using cutting edge stuff, have you checked out as an alternative to mongodb?

Calling #to_a on a store collection returns an empty array, unless that collection has already been loaded

Using ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-linux]

Here, store._foos.to_a works because we load store._foos on the line immediately before, when we push to it.

➜ bundle exec volt c
Volt 0.8.26
[1] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos
=> #<Volt::ArrayModel:12855100 []>
[2] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos << {bar: 'foo'}
=> #<Promise(12092500): nil>
[3] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos.to_a
=> [{:bar=>"foo", :_id=>"1b10518d779c8d912cb0140c"}]
[4] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos
=> #<Volt::ArrayModel:12855100 [<Volt::Model:12098340 {:bar=>"foo", :_id=>"1b10518d779c8d912cb0140c"}>]>
[5] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> exit

However, in this new console session, it returns an empty array until we call store._foos by itself for the first time.

➜ bundle exec volt c
Volt 0.8.26
[1] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos.to_a
=> []
[2] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos.to_a
=> []
[3] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos
=> #<Volt::ArrayModel:16145800 [<Volt::Model:14582000 {:_id=>"1b10518d779c8d912cb0140c", :bar=>"foo"}>]>
[4] volt(#<Volt::Page>)> store._foos.to_a
=> [{:_id=>"1b10518d779c8d912cb0140c", :bar=>"foo"}]

Force action to be handled on the server

(I'm not sure if there's already a way to do this but I didn't find anything in the docs or on stackoverflow)

Is there a way to force an action (or a part of it) to be handled on the server? Examples why this might be necessary include:

  • File system operations
  • Talking to a service
  • Using a gem that can not be compiled with opal

Specifically I'm writing a media player application that needs to audio files in a folder and send commands to the mplayer-ruby gem (which in turn talks to an mplayer process)

Bug when accessing collections

Code in view

<table class="table">
    {{ directories_to_scan.each do |dir| }}
        <tr><td>{{ dir }}</td></tr>
    {{ end }}

and in controller

def directories_to_scan
  [:_music_paths, :_new_music_paths].map do |collection_name|
    collection = self.model.send(collection_name)
    collection.count { |path| path._name }

Here I need to call .count on Volt's collections, otherwise method directories_to_scan returns an empty array.

<:user-templates:menu />

Where is this code located and how can I modify it? I want to be able to add login/logout links and access the current users username/email for use in my view files. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

New project generation throws error on Windows

Running on Windows 8.1:

> volt new volt_project
Volt 0.7.18
      create  volt_project
      create  volt_project/.gitignore
      create  volt_project/Gemfile
      create  volt_project/
      create  volt_project/app
      create  volt_project/app/main/assets/css
      create  volt_project/app/main/assets/js
      create  volt_project/app/main/config/dependencies.rb
      create  volt_project/app/main/config/routes.rb
      create  volt_project/app/main/controllers/main_controller.rb
      create  volt_project/app/main/models
      create  volt_project/app/main/views/main/about.html
      create  volt_project/app/main/views/main/index.html
      create  volt_project/app/main/views/main/main.html
      create  volt_project/
      create  volt_project/lib
      create  volt_project/public/index.html
      create  volt_project/spec/spec_helper.rb
Bundling Gems....
The system cannot find the path specified.

The use of underscores

I think the heavy use of an underscore prefix in Volt is problematic as the widely accepted use for it in the Ruby community is for unused variables/params. Every time I see something like page._todos I'm taken aback and I can imagine there will be cases when someone would wonder if _something is something unused or something from Volt. What's the rationale behind this naming scheme?

inotify watch limit Error

Breaking things when running bundle exec volt server
Can't the framework tweak this dependency without prompting? Sorry if I am wrong.

Nested hash model does not persist

If you are in volt console and you execute the following code from the docs:

    store._states << {name: 'Montana'}
    montana = store._states[0]
    montana._cities << {name: 'Helena'}
    montana._capital = montana._cities.last

_capital does not persist

A question on javascript

I think your framework is awesome, I love the idea of being able to use ruby on the front end and on the back end is amazing and will be a help to learning front end oriented frame works.

That said, I have to ask, how do you integrate things that need javascript, I.e google maps or a java script video player.

nested {#each} produces an error

{#each _posts as foo}{foo._title}{#each _posts as bar}{bar._title}{/}{/} in todos3 example causes this error: RuntimeError: template path already exists: main/blog/index/body/__template/1. I thought maybe this was related to #36.

voltrb tag doesn't exist on StackOverflow and you need 1500 reputation to create it

I tried asking the following question on StackOverflow with the voltrb tag, but like the title says, it needs to be created by someone with 1500 reputation. Could someone with enough rep create it or can you change the README to suggest some other tag?

Here's my question if you'd like to ask it as part of creating the tag (or feel free to answer it here):

I've got a use case where I'd like to POST some data to my Volt app, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do it. app/main/config/routes.rb doesn't recognize a post method like a Sinatra route.

I also tried a Volt-external class tied into the app via, and I can POST my data to the same Mongo collection that Volt is using. But that data is not reflected in the app until I refresh the page, which is less than ideal. I was hoping my reactive models would see the change in the DB and reflect that on the frontend.

I understand that Volt is in beta, so this feature may not be implemented yet (or even planned for the future). Is it possible to do this?

Order of routes affects pretty URLs

I've noticed that if you move the main "/" route to the top of the routes file, for example on leaving it like this,

# The main route
get '/'

get "/todos/{_index}", _action: 'todos'
get "/todos", _action: 'todos'
get "/meal_cost", _action: 'meal_cost'
get "/about", _action: 'about'
get "/collections/{_route}", _action: 'collections'
get "/collections", _action: 'collections'

get "/blog/{_id}/edit", _controller: 'blog', _action: 'edit'
get "/blog/{_id}", _controller: 'blog', _action: 'show'
get "/blog", _controller: 'blog', _action: 'index'
get "/blog/new", _controller: 'blog', _action: 'new'

it affects the URLs so, although the app still works, you get ugly URLs like:


instead of


Haml/Slim support

Volt looks amazing and I cannot wait to try it out, but there is at least one thing missing for me: One or more alternative template languages that are less verbose than html.

I know Haml is not for everyone and I would not expect it to be the default, but after 15+ years of web development, I really enjoy anything that saves me time writing my html templates.

It need not be Haml. Slim is nice as well. Or something else entirely that is in the spirit of the two.

At the very least it would be wonderful to have a well-defined interface to plug-in alternative templating engines.

Sorry if this has been asked before. And of course this not a big showstopper. Still, I would love to hear your thoughts about this.

not seeing sourcemap

Volt looks really awesome, but so far I've not been able to see the ruby code for my controller in chrome debugger. I ran the app with MAPS=true turned on and while I see an opal_source_maps that contains Opal stdlib source I don't see the sourcemaps for my volt controller, for example, just one big main.js file. Am I missing something? Are other people getting this to work?

`pry` dependency breaks `volt new` when user has Gemfile in `$HOME`

I keep track of ruby binaries I like to have on new machines by curating a Gemfile in $HOME. I use pry as an irb alternative, so I've specified it there.

As near as I can tell, the conservative requirement ~>0.9.12 for pry in volt is causing me headaches.

❯ ruby --version
ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin14.0]

❯ which gem

❯ gem which volt

❯ which volt

❯ volt new todo
WARN: Unresolved specs during Gem::Specification.reset:
      sprockets (~> 2.0)
      mime-types (>= 1.16)
WARN: Clearing out unresolved specs.
Please report a bug if this causes problems.
/Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/gems/bundler-1.7.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:34:in `block in setup': You have already activated pry, but your Gemfile requires pry 0.10.1. Prepending `bundle exec` to your command may solve this. (Gem::LoadError)
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/gems/bundler-1.7.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:19:in `setup'
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/gems/bundler-1.7.4/lib/bundler.rb:121:in `setup'
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/gems/bundler-1.7.4/lib/bundler/setup.rb:7:in `<top (required)>'
    from /Users/jeffh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:69:in `require'
    from /Users/jeffh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:69:in `require'
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/gems/volt-0.8.21/lib/volt/cli.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
    from /Users/jeffh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:69:in `require'
    from /Users/jeffh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:69:in `require'
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/gems/volt-0.8.21/bin/volt:4:in `<top (required)>'
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/bin/volt:23:in `load'
    from /Users/jeffh/.gem/ruby/2.1.2/bin/volt:23:in `<main>'

❯ bundle exec volt new todo
/Users/jeffh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.2/bin/ruby: invalid option -2  (-h will show valid options) (RuntimeError)

Volt nukes pid file from Thin

The Volt server command currently does not take a pid option. Thin, however, has a default pid file at tmp/pids/ This file gets destroyed when Volt rm-rf's the tmp dir on boot.

Volt needs to either ignore the tmp dir or take a pid option - or both.

Flower-Power - meta framework: a bridge between Lotus and Volt

Hello World

The problem is important in web development. This is my summary for more than 15 years of my experience on the web development: from ASP, PHP4, plain HTML, CSS without firebug, more than 5 years with Drupal, this is a great and complex CMS/Framework, now learning in Ruby and C.

This is not about blah-blah on pure JS and fresh RIA (from Flash), or generation a flat single-page of html application with super-smart JS tools, that be a very good in maintainable. Analogs all of this I had ten years ago, with opacity - oh this buzzwords :)

NEED modern the framework, that need for each Web Developer, in the Ruby Community.

I hope you have a minute to consider a idea, goals and problems:

This description draft, not structured. Meager English, with interpreter; (maybe later I will find time for study English grammar, forgive me)

plan in few days (weeks) add description, structure of goals and beautify with dummy examples of usage

I'm not want forking, pull two frameworks and do all in a solo, maybe have more better way?

any comments, critics, help, very welcome

Lotus issue: Flower-Power

Debug functionality

It's fantastic that puts statements in the controllers are converted to javascript and the output ends up in the browsers javascript console. But how do I debug this?

In rails and sinatra I use pry a lot, and in the browser I use the javascript console just as much. In meteor you have direct access to the server from the browsers javascript console.

The best solution would probably be a pry like shell running in the browser like in dev mode, where you could type in ruby statements. This feature would probably take just as much time to implement as the rest of volt combined, but it's hard to code without other tools than debug print.

ORM Documentation

I gave Volt a spin for the first time last night, and I really like what I see so far. I come from a Rails background and consider myself more of a "get it done" app developer with more experience on the front-end (which can be good and bad).

One thing I love about Rails is ActiveRecord. It's a thing of beauty. What's the ORM plan for Volt in handling relational models?

Heroku Support


I havent tried yet, but is it possible to host a volt application on heroku?

Is it the same process as pushing a ruby on rails app?


automatic model conversion

This no longer seems to work:

[2] volt(#<Page>)> user =
=> <Model:70334659638700 {}>
[3] volt(#<Page>)> user._name = 'Ryan'
=> "Ryan"
[4] volt(#<Page>)> user._profiles = {
[4] volt(#<Page>)*   twitter: '',
[4] volt(#<Page>)*   dribbble: ''
[4] volt(#<Page>)* }
=> {:twitter=>"",
[5] volt(#<Page>)> user._name
=> "Ryan"
[6] volt(#<Page>)> user._profiles._twitter
=> <Model:70334660046800 nil>

Nested Models do not persist

If you are in volt console and you execute the following code from the docs:

    store._states << {name: 'Montana'}
    montana = store._states[0]
    montana._cities << {name: 'Bozeman'}
    montana._cities << {name: 'Helena'}
    store._states << {name: 'Idaho'}
    idaho = store._states[1]
    idaho._cities << {name: 'Boise'}
    idaho._cities << {name: 'Twin Falls'}

_cities does not persist

DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting issue with reactive data binds


On the Volt homepage (, there is an example of "Attribute Bindings" ( that seems to place the contents of an input tag into a separate part of the page (that updates as the text in the field is changed). It appears that this functionality does not securely update the DOM when copying the value of the input tag into the thing it is bound to. At the bottom of however the update is implemented it is likely doing an assignment to the innerHTML of the bound element. Due to this, it is possible to inject HTML into the page by typing (/pasting/dragging/etc) text containing HTML into the field (or potentially anything using this type of functionality). This should be modified (if it is doing something simple like that) to instead assign to innerText so that the content gets escaped by the browser when set.

For example, the below text can be copied into such a field, and the page will inject the img tag and execute the content of the onerror attribute.

Hello<img src="fail" onerror="alert('Hello World!!')"/> World!

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