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mpri-fun-prog-proj's Introduction

Generating well-typed random terms using constraint-based type inference


The goal of this programming project is to reuse a constraint-based type inference engine (for a simple lamda-calculus) to implement a random generator of well-typed term.

Contact: [email protected] .


Random generation of well-typed term has been studied as a research problem: if you want to apply random fuzzing testing techniques on the implementation of a programming language, you need to generate a lot of programs in this language. Generating programs that parse correctly is not too hard, but generating well-typed programs can be hard -- and generating ill-typed program does not test the rest of the implementation very well.

To generate well-typed terms, a common approach is to write a random generator that "inverts" the rules of the type-system, from the root of the typing derivation to the leaves. If the generator wants to generate a term at a given type, it can list the typing rule that may produce this output type, decide to apply one of them, which corresponds to choosing the head term-former of the generated program, and in turn requires generating subterms whose types are given by the chosen typing rule. For example, if you want to generate the program (? : A -> B), choosing the typing rule for lambda-abstraction refines it into (lambda (x : A). (? : B)) with a smaller missing hole. If a type in the derivation cannot be

An example of this brand of work is the following:

Michał H. Pałka, Koen Claessen, Alejandro Russo, and John Hughes Testing an Optimising Compiler by Generating Random Lambda Terms 2012

This approach (which basically corresponds to a Prolog-style proof search) is easy for simple type systems, and rapidly becomes difficult for advanced type systems -- for example, dealing with polymorphism is either unsatisfying or very complex. It is frustrating to spend a lot of effort writing a complex generator, because we (language implementers) are already spending a lot of effort writing complex type-checkers, and it feels like a duplication of work on similar problems.

Is it possible to write a type-checker once, and reuse it for random generation of well-typed programs?

The project

In this project, you will implement a simple constraint-based type inference engine, basically a miniature version of Inferno ( , ) for a small simply-typed lambda-calculus (no ML-style polymorphism), and then turn it into a random generator of well-typed programs.

We provide you with a skeleton for the project, with most of the boring stuff already implemented, so that you can focus on the interesting parts. We also provide code to help you test your code.


The project will be evaluated by:

  • checking that the code you provided is correct, by reviewing the code and your testsuite results

  • evaluating the quality of the code (clarity, documentation, etc.)

  • evaluating the coverage of the "mandatory" tasks suggested by the provided skeleton

  • evaluating the difficulty and originality of the extensions you implemented, if any

We would like you to write a short file at the root of the project, which details what you did and explains any non-obvious point, with pointers to relevant source files. There is no length requirement for this file, just include the information that you think is valuable and useful -- please, no boring intro or ChatGPT prose.

Code reuse and plagiarism

Reusing third-party code is allowed, as long as (1) the code license allows this form of reuse, and (2) you carefully indicate which parts of the code are not yours -- mark it clearly in the code itself, and mention it explicitly in your file.

In particular, please feel free to introduce dependencies on third-party (free software) packages as long as they are explicit in the packaging metadata of your project -- so that I can still build the project.

Including code that comes from someone else without proper credit to the authors is plagiarism.

OCaml development setup

Install Opam, the OCaml package manager, on your system.

If you have never used Opam before, you need to initialize it (otherwise, skip this step):

$ opam init

For convenience, we setup a local Opam distribution, using the following commands:

$ opam switch create . --deps-only --with-doc --with-test
$ eval $(opam env)

To configure your favorite text editor, see the Real World OCaml setup.

Tip on GADTs in OCaml

The type of constraints is a GADT, a Generalized (or Guarded) Algebraic Datatype. Writing functions that operate on these datatypes requires a bit more ceremony than everyday OCaml code, due to their inherent use of polymorphic recursion.

If you are unfamiliar with function declarations that look like

let rec foo : type a e . (a, e) t -> ...

then you should read the GADT chapter of the OCaml manual:

Using a different language

We wrote useful support code in OCaml, so it is going to be much easier to implement the project in OCaml. If you insist, you are of course free to implement the project in a different programming language -- any language, as long as I can install a free software implementation of it on my Linux machine to test your code.

You would still need to read OCaml code to understand the key ingredients of the projet -- type inference constraints with elaboration, and random generation -- and transpose them in your chosen implementation language.

Note: we do not expect you to reimplement the full project skeleton as-is (see more details on what we provide in the "Code organization" section below). Feel free to provide the minimum amount of support code to demonstrate/test the interesting bits of the project -- constraint generation with elaboration to an explicitly-typed representation, constraint solving, and then random generation of well-typed terms.

High-level description

This project contains a simple type inference engine in the spirit of Inferno, with a type Untyped.term of untyped terms, a type STLC.term of explicitly-typed terms, a type ('a, 'e) Constraint.t of constraints that produce elaboration witnesses of type 'a.

Type inference a la inferno

The general idea is to implement a constraint generator of type

Untyped.term -> (STLC.term, type_error) Constraint.t

and a constraint solving function of type

val eval : ('a, 'e) Constraint.t -> ('a, 'e) result

which extracts a result (success or failure) from a normal form constraint.

By composing these functions together, you have a type-checker for the untyped language, that produces a "witness of well-typedness" in the form of an explicitly-typed term -- presumably an annotation of the original program.

(To keep the project difficulty manageable, our "simple type inference engine" does not handle ML-style polymorphism, or in fact any sort of polymorphism. We are implementing type inference for the simply-typed lambda-calculus.)

Abstracting over an effect

But then there is a twist: we add to the language of untyped terms and to the language of constraint a Do constructor that represents a term (or constraint) produced by an "arbitrary effect", where the notion of effect is given by an arbitrary functor (a parametrized type with a map function). This is implemented by writing all the code in OCaml modules Make(T : Utils.Functor) parametrized over T.

The constraint-generation function is unchanged.

Untyped.term -> (STLC.term, type_error) Constraint.t

For constraint solving, however, new terms of the form Do (p : (a, e) Constraint.t T.t) now have to be evaluated. We propose to extend the eval function to a richer type

val eval : ('a, 'e) Constraint.t -> ('a, 'e) normal_constraint

where a normal constraint is either a success, a failure, or an effectful constraint computation ('a, 'e) Constraint.t T.t.

We propose an evaluation rule of the form

eval E[Do p] = NDo E[p]

where E is an evalution context for constraints, p has type ('a, 'e) Constraint.t T.t (it is a computation in T that returns constraints), and E[p] is defined by lifting the context-surrounding function E[_] : ('a, 'e) Constraint.t -> ('b, 'f) Constraint.t through the T functor.

Two or three effect instances

An obvious instantion of this T : Functor parameter is to use the functor Id.Empty of empty (parametrized) types with no inhabitant. This corresponds to the case where the Do constructor cannot be used, the terms and constraint are pure. In this case eval will simply evaluate the constraint to a result. This is what the minihell test program uses.

The other case of interest for this is when the parameter T : Utils.Functor is in fact a search monad M : Utils.MonadPlus. Then it is possible to define a function

val gen : depth:int -> ('a, 'e) constraint -> ('a, 'e) result M.t

on top of eval, that returns all the results that can be reached by expanding Do nodes using M.bind, recursively, exactly depth times. (Another natural choice would be to generate all the terms that can be reached by expanding Do nodes at most depth times, but this typically gives a worse generator.)

Finally, to get an actual program generator, you need to instantiate this machinery with a certain choice of M : MonadPlus structure. We ask you to implement two natural variants:

  • MSeq, which simply enumerates the finite lists of possible results.

  • MRand, which returns random solutions -- an infinite stream of independent randomly-sampled solutions.

Implementation tasks

In short: implement the missing pieces to get the code working, following the high-level description above. Then (optionally) think about extending the project further -- we give some ideas in the "Extensions" section later on.

In more details, we recommend the following progression (but you do as you prefer).

  1. Creating a version-controlled repository for your project, for example by running git init in the root directory of the project. Even if you program all alone, version control is a must-have for any moderately complex project. Whenever you have achieved progress, save/commit the current state. Whenever you are able to backtrack, erase your last hour of work and try to something different, save/commit the current state before throwing it away. You are welcome.

  2. Look at the simply-typed lambda-calculus used as a toy programming language, implemented in (the before-type-inference form without types everywhere) and (the explicitly-checked version produced by our type inference engine). These are fairly standard.

  3. Look at the datatype of constraints used for type inference, defined in

  4. Read the testsuite in tests.t/run.t to have an idea of the sort of behaviors expected once the project is complete.

    Reading the testsuite will also give you ideas on how to run your own tests during your work. Feel free to edit the run.t file, or add more test files.

    You might want to save the run.t file somewhere for future reference. Then we recommend "promoting" the current output (where nothing works because nothing is implemented yet) by running dune runtest (at the root of the project) and then dune promote. As you implement more features you should regularly run dune runtest again, and dune promote to save the current testsuite output. This will help you track your progress and notice behavior changes (improvements or regressions).

    Note: the testsuite outputs are descriptive, not prescriptive. If you implement the project differently, you may get different outputs that are also correct. You have to read the test output to tell if they make sense.

  5. Implement a constraint generator in

    You should be able to test your constraint generator by running commands such as:

    dune exec -- minihell --show-constraint tests/id_poly.test

    (Please of course feel free to write your own test files, and consider adding them to the testsuite in tests/run.t.)

  6. Implement a constraint solver in (There is also a missing function, Structure.merge, that you will have to implement to get unification working.)

    You should be able to test your constraint solver by running commands such as

    dune exec -- minihell --show-constraint --log-solver tests/id_poly.test

    At this point you have a complete type-checker for the simply-typed lambda-calculus. Congratulations!

  7. Implement search monads in and They should obey the MonadPlus interface defined in The intention is that:

    • MSeq should simply generate the finite sequence of all terms of a given size (the order does not matter), while
    • MRand should return an infinite sequence, each element being a random choice of term of the given size (we do not expect the distribution to be uniform: typically, for each syntactic node, each term constructor can be picked with a fixed probability).

    You can implement just one of them before going to the next step, or both. You only need one to test your code at first.

  8. Implement a term generator in

    You can test the generator instantiated with MRand by running, for example:

    dune exec -- minigen --depth 5 --count 3

    You can test the generator instantiated with MSeq: example:

    dune exec -- minigen --exhaustive --depth 5 --count 20

    (On my implementation this only generates 10 terms, as the generator only produces 10 different terms at this depth.)

  9. At this point you are basically done with the "mandatory" part of this project. Please ensure that your code is clean and readable, we will take this into account when grading.

    You should now think of implementing extensions of your choice. (See the "Extensions" section below for some potential ideas.)

Skeleton code organization

  • tests.t: the testsuite. See tests.t/run.t for details. This is important.

  • bin/: two small executable programs that are used to test the main logic in src/:

    • minihell: a toy type-checker

    • minigen: a toy generator of well-typed terms

    You should feel free to modify these programs if you wish, but you do not need to.

  • src/: the bulk of the code, that place where we expect you to work. src/*.{ml,mli} are the more important modules that you will have to modify or use directly. src/support/*.{ml,mli} has the less interesting support code. (Again, feel free to modify the support code, but you do not need to.)

    •,mli: the random term generator (you only need to look at this late in the project, feel free to skip it at first)

    •,mli: the type-inference engine, that generates constraints with elaboration

    •,mli: the random-sampling monad

    •,mli: the list-all-solutions monad

    •,mli: the constraint solver

    • the syntax of types and well-typed terms

    • the definition of type-formers in the type system. This is used in, but also in constraints that manipulate types containing inference variables.

    •,mli: the unification engine. This is fully implemented. You will need to understand its interface (Unif.mli) to solve equality constraints in

    • the syntax of untyped terms.

    • useful bits and pieces. Feel free to add your stuff there.

    • support/: the boring modules that help for debugging and testing, but you probably do not need to use or touch them directly. (Feel free to modify stuff there if you want.)

      •,mli: a pretty-printer for constraints

      •,mli: a "simplifier" for constraints, that is used to implement the --log-solver option of minihell.

      •,mli: reconstructs user-facing types from the current state of the unification engine.

      • support code for all pretty-printers.

      • "satisfiable constraints" are constraints that do not produce an output (no elaboration to well-typed terms). This simpler type (no GADTs in sight) is used under the hood for simplification and pretty-printing.

    •,mli: a pretty-printer for explicitly-typed terms.

    • UntypedLexer.mll: an ocamllex lexer for the untyped language.

    • UntypedParser.mly: a menhir grammar for the untyped language.

    •,mli: a pretty-printer for the untyped language.

    (Again: if you decide to take risks and implement the project in a different language, you do not need to reimplement any of that, but then you are on your own for testing and debugging.)


After you are done with the core/mandatory part of the project, we expect you to implement extensions of your choosing. Surprise us!

In case it can serve as inspiration, here are a few ideas for extensions.

  • You could add some extra features to the programming language supported. For example:

    • Base types such as integers and booleans

    • Recursive function definitions.

    • Lists, with a built-in shallow pattern-matching construction

       match .. with
       | [] -> ...
       | x :: xs -> ...
    • n-ary tuples: this sounds easy but it is in fact quite tricky, because the strongly-typed GADT of constraints does not make it easy to generate a "dynamic" number of existential quantifiers. This is a difficult exercise in strongly-typed programming.

      (We in fact wrote a short paper on how we approached this problem in the context of Inferno, and the difficulties are the same. Feel free to reuse our approach if you want.)

    • Patterns and pattern-matching. You get into the same difficulties as n-ary tuples, so working on n-ary tuples first is probably a good idea.

    • You could implement ML-style parametric polymorphism, with generalization during type inference. This is the hardest of the extensions mentioned here by far: we have not tried this, and we do not know how the interaction between enumeration/generation and generalization will work out. (One might need to change the term generation to stop going 'in and out' of sub-constraints, or at least to be careful in the implementation of ML-style generalization to use a (semi-)persistent data structure, a tree of generalization regions instead of a stack.)

  • You could use the term generator for property-based testing of something: implement a procedure that manipulates explicitly-typed terms -- for example, a semantics-preserving program transformation, or a compilation to the programming language of your choice, etc -- and test the property using random generator.

    (You could probably do some greybox fuzzing by providing an alternative search monad using Crowbar: )

  • You could improve the random-generation strategy by thinking about the shape of terms that you want to generate, tweaking the distribution, providing options to generate terms using only a subset of the rules, etc.

    An important improvement in practice would be to provide some form of shrinking.

  • You could look at existing work on testing of language implementations by random generation, and see if they can be integrated in the present framework. For example,

    performs random generation of programs with a custom effect system, that determines if a given sub-expression performs an observable side-effect or not -- to only generate terms with a deterministic evaluation order. Could one extend the inference engine to also check that the program is deterministic in this sense, and thus replace the custom-built program generator used in this work?

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