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VeChain Thor Devkit (SDK) in Java

Java (8+) library to assist a smoother development process on VeChainThor for all developers and hobbyists.

Public key, private key, address conversion.
Mnemonic Wallets.
HD Wallet.
Various Hashing functions.
Signing messages.
Verify signature of messages.
Bloom filter.
Transaction Assembling (Multi-task Transaction, MTT).
Fee Delegation Transaction (VIP-191).
Self-signed Certificate (VIP-192).
ABI decoding of "functions" and "events" in logs.

... and will always be updated with the newest features on VeChain.


  • Checkout the JAR file on the "release" page.
  • Or build locally with gradle build (higher security).

This SDK is build on top of gson, guava and other libraries. See "build.gradle" to include those dependencies manually in your project.


Private/Public Keys

import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Secp256k1;

byte[] priv = Secp256k1.newPrivateKey(); // byte[32].
byte[] pub = Secp256k1.derivePublicKey(priv, false); // byte[65].
byte[] addr = Address.publicKeyToAddressBytes(pub); // byte[20].

String address = "0x" + Utils.bytesToHex(addr);
// 0x63ad8a6d015ae579ad128e0c63040bb860cc5d34

String checksumAddress = Address.toChecksumAddress(address); // String.
// 0x63ad8A6D015aE579ad128e0c63040bB860Cc5D34

Sign & Verify Signatures

import java.util.Arrays;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Keccak;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Secp256k1;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Signature;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

byte[] priv = Utils.hexToBytes(
); // byte[32].

byte[] msgHash = Keccak.keccak256(
    Utils.AsciiToBytes("hello world")
); // byte[32].

// Sign the message hash.
byte[] sigBytes = Secp256k1.sign(msgHash, priv);// byte[65].

// Recover public key from given message hash and signature.
byte[] pub = Secp256k1.recover(
    new Signature(sigBytes).getECDSASignature(),
    new Signature(sigBytes).getV()
); // byte[65].

// Verify if the public key matches.
Arrays.equals(pub, Secp256k1.derivePublicKey(priv, false));// true.

Mnemonic Wallet

import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Mnemonic;

List<String> words = Mnemonic.generate(128);
// [carry, slow, attack, december, number, film, scale, faith, can, old, cage, expose]

boolean flag = Mnemonic.validate(words);
System.out.println(flag); // true.

// Quickly get a Bip32 master seed for HD wallets.
// How to use the seed? See "HD wallet" below.
byte[] seed = Mnemonic.derive_seed(words);

// Quickly get a private key at index 0.
// Need to generate more? See "HD wallet" below.
byte[] priv = Mnemonic.derive_private_key(words, 0);

HD Wallet

Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets. See bip-32 and bip-44.

import java.util.List;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Address;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.HDNode;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

String sentence = "ignore empty bird silly journey junior ripple have guard waste between tenant";
List<String> words = Splitter.on(" ").splitToList(sentence);

// Construct an HD node from words. (Recommended)
HDNode topMostNode = HDNode.fromMnemonic(words);

// Or, construct from seed. (Advanced)
String seed_hex = "28bc19620b4fbb1f8892b9607f6e406fcd8226a0d6dc167ff677d122a1a64ef936101a644e6b447fd495677f68215d8522c893100d9010668614a68b3c7bb49f";

HDNode topMostNode2 = HDNode.fromSeed(

// Access the HD node's properties.
byte[] priv = topMostNode.getPrivateKey();
byte[] pub = topMostNode.getPublicKey();
byte[] cc = topMostNode.getChainCode();

// Or, construct from a private key. (Advanced)
HDNode topMostNode3 = HDNode.fromPrivateKey(priv, cc);

// Or, construct from a public key. (Advanced)
// Notice: This HD node CANNOT derive child HD node contains "private key".
HDNode topMostNode4 = HDNode.fromPublicKey(pub, cc);

// Let it derive further child HD nodes.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    HDNode child = topMostNode.derive(i);
        "addr: " + Address.publicKeyToAddressString(child.getPublicKey())
        "priv: " + Utils.bytesToHex(child.getPrivateKey())
// addr: 0x339fb3c438606519e2c75bbf531fb43a0f449a70
// priv: 27196338e7d0b5e7bf1be1c0327c53a244a18ef0b102976980e341500f492425
// addr: 0x5677099d06bc72f9da1113afa5e022feec424c8e
// priv: cf44074ec3bf912d2a46b7c84fa6eb745652c9c74e674c3760dc7af07fc98b62
// addr: 0x86231b5cdcbfe751b9ddcd4bd981fc0a48afe921
// priv: 2ca054a50b53299ea3949f5362ee1d1cfe6252fbe30bea3651774790983e9348


import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Keystore;

// You need Java (15+) and up to use text blocks.
// Otherwise just use a StringBuilder.
String ks = """
    "version": 3,
    "id": "f437ebb1-5b0d-4780-ae9e-8640178ffd77",
    "address": "dc6fa3ec1f3fde763f4d59230ed303f854968d26",
        "kdf": "scrypt",
        "kdfparams": {
            "dklen": 32,
            "salt": "b57682e5468934be81217ad5b14ca74dab2b42c2476864592c9f3b370c09460a",
            "n": 262144,
            "r": 8,
            "p": 1
        "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
        "ciphertext": "88cb876f9c0355a89cad88ee7a17a2179700bc4306eaf78fa67320efbb4c7e31",
        "cipherparams": {
            "iv": "de5c0c09c882b3f679876b22b6c5af21"
        "mac": "8426e8a1e151b28f694849cb31f64cbc9ae3e278d02716cf5b61d7ddd3f6e728""

// Must be UTF_8 string.
String password = "123456";
// Decrypt from keystore to a private key.
byte[] priv = Keystore.decrypt(ks, password);
// Encrypt from a private key to a keystore.
String ks = Keystore.encrypt(priv, password, true);


import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Keccak;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Blake2b;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

String input = "hello world";
String[] inputs = {"hello", " ", "world"};

byte[] output1 = Keccak.keccak256(Utils.AsciiToBytes(input));
byte[] output2 = Keccak.keccak256(
); // output1 == outpu2

byte[] output3 = Blake2b.blake2b256(Utils.AsciiToBytes(input));
byte[] output4 = Blake2b.blake2b256(
); // output3 == outpu4

Bloom Filter

import org.vechain.devkit.Bloom;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

// Create a bloom filter that stores 100 items.
int k = Bloom.estimateK(100);
Bloom b = new Bloom(k);

// Add to it.
b.add(Utils.UTF8ToBytes("hello world"));

// Test if exists.
b.test(Utils.UTF8ToBytes("hello world")); // true.
b.test(Utils.UTF8ToBytes("bye bye blue bird")); // false.

Hex/Bytes/String Convert

import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

// hex -> byte[]
assert new byte[]{15,15} == Utils.hexToBytes("0F0F") // true

// byte[] -> hex
assert Utils.bytesToHex(new byte[]{15,15}) == "0f0f"; // true

// ascii -> byte[]
assert new byte[]{49,50,51} == Utils.AsciiToBytes("123") // true

ABI: Enode Function Calls.

import org.vechain.devkit.Function;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

// You need Java (15+) and up to use text blocks.
// Otherwise just use a StringBuilder.
String f1 = """
    "constant": false,
    "inputs": [
            "name": "a1",
            "type": "uint256"
            "name": "a2",
            "type": "string"
    "name": "f1",
    "outputs": [
            "name": "r1",
            "type": "address"
            "name": "r2",
            "type": "bytes"
    "payable": false,
    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
    "type": "function"
"""; // Function definition.

Function f = new Function(f1);

// Calculate the selector of the function.
assert f.selector() == Utils.hexToBytes("27fcbb2f");

// Encode a function call with params (1, "foo").
assert f.encodeToHex(true, BigInteger.valueOf(1), "foo") == "0x27fcbb2f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003666f6f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
// Alternatively,
// f.encodeToBytes() -> to byte[]
// f.encode() -> to ByteBuffer

ABI: Decode Function Return

import org.vechain.devkit.Function;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

// You need Java (15+) and up to use text blocks.
// Otherwise just use a StringBuilder.
String f1 = """
    "constant": false,
    "inputs": [
            "name": "a1",
            "type": "uint256"
            "name": "a2",
            "type": "string"
    "name": "f1",
    "outputs": [
            "name": "r1",
            "type": "address"
            "name": "r2",
            "type": "bytes"
    "payable": false,
    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
    "type": "function"
"""; // Function definition.

Function f = new Function(f1);

// The function call return value.
final byte[] data = Utils.hexToBytes("000000000000000000000000abc000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003666f6f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");

// Decode above data to JSON String. (ABI v1)
String decoded = f.decodeReturnV1Json(data, true, true);
String expected = """
    "index": 0,
    "name": "r1",
    "canonicalType": "address",
    "value": "0xabc0000000000000000000000000000000000001"
    "index": 1,
    "name": "r2",
    "canonicalType": "bytes",
    "value": "0x666f6f"
""" // decoded == expected

// Alternatively, f.decodeReturnV1() -> Get raw Java types.
List<V1ParamWrapper> result = f.decodeReturnV1(data, true);
result.get(0).name;  // "r1"
result.get(0).value; // "0xabc0000000000000000000000000000000000001"
result.get(1).name;  // "r2"
result.get(1).value; // "0x666f6f"

ABI: Decode Function Return (Cont.)

import org.vechain.devkit.Function;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

String f2 = """
    "inputs": [],
    "name": "getBigNumbers",
    "outputs": [
            "internalType": "uint256",
            "name": "a",
            "type": "uint256"
            "internalType": "int256",
            "name": "b",
            "type": "int256"
    "stateMutability": "pure",
    "type": "function"
Function f = new Function(f2);

// The function call return value in bytes.
byte[] data = Utils.hexToBytes("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e240fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe1dc0");

// For unit64 and larger number types (eg. int72, unit256, address),
// decode to BigInteger or to human-readable String.

// human=false
List<V1ParamWrapper> result = f.decodeReturnV1(data, false);
result.get(0).value; // BigInteger("123456");
result.get(1).value; // BigInteger("-123456");

// For bytes1 ~ bytes32 and bytes[],
// decode to byte[] or human-readable hex String.

// human=true
List<V1ParamWrapper> result = f.decodeReturnV1(data, true);
result.get(0).value;// "123456"
result.get(1).value;// "-123456"

ABI: Decode Event Log

import org.vechain.devkit.Event;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

String e1 = """
    "anonymous": false,
    "inputs": [
            "indexed": true,
            "name": "a1",
            "type": "uint256"
            "indexed": false,
            "name": "a2",
            "type": "string"
    "name": "E1",
    "type": "event"

Event e = new Event(e1);

// Calculate Signature
byte[] expected = Utils.hexToBytes("47b78f0ec63d97830ace2babb45e6271b15a678528e901a9651e45b65105e6c2");
assert e.calcEventSignature() == expected;

// Suppose we have topics coming from servers (indexed params)
List<byte[]> topics = new ArrayList<byte[]>();

// Decode the topics.
List<V1ParamWrapper> indexedParams = e.decodeTopics(topics, false);
indexedParams.size(); // 1
indexedParams.get(0).canonicalType; // "uint256"
indexedParams.get(0).name; // "a1"
indexedParams.get(0).value; // BigInteger("1")
// Alternatively,
// e.decodeTopicsJson() -> Decode to JSON String.

// Data (non-indexed params)
byte[] data = Utils.hexToBytes("00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003666f6f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");

// Deocde the data.
List<V1ParamWrapper> nonIndexedParams = e.decodeDataV1(data, true);
nonIndexedParams.size(); // 1
nonIndexedParams.get(0).name; // "a2"
nonIndexedParams.get(0).canonicalType; // "string"
nonIndexedParams.get(0).value; // "foo"
// Alternatively,
// e.decodeDataV1Json() -> Decode to JSON String.


// Transaction Structure:
// See:
import org.vechain.devkit.types.Clause;
import org.vechain.devkit.Transaction;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Blake2b;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Secp256k1;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

// Set up clauses.
Clause[] clauses = new Clause[]{
    new Clause(
        "0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed",   // to
        "10000",                                        // value
        "0x000000606060"                                // data
    new Clause(

// Create a tx.
Transaction tx = new Transaction(
    "1",                    // chainTag
    "0x00000000aabbccdd",   // blockRef
    "32",                   // expiration
    clauses,                // clauses
    "128",                  // gasPriceCoef
    "21000",                // gas
    null,                   // dependsOn
    "12345678",             // nonce
    null                    // reserved

// Sign the tx.
byte[] privateKey = Utils.hexToBytes("7582be841ca040aa940fff6c05773129e135623e41acce3e0b8ba520dc1ae26a");
byte[] h = Blake2b.blake2b256(
    tx.encode() // unsigned tx encoded.
byte[] sig = Secp256k1.sign(h, privateKey);

// Set signature on tx.

// Properties.
tx.getIntrinsicGas(); // 37432

// Signed tx encoded.
byte[] encodedTx = tx.encode();
// Then you can HTTP POST to send the encodedTx to VeChain...
// See the REST API details:
// testnet:
// mainnet:

Transaction (VIP-191)

import org.vechain.devkit.types.Clause;
import org.vechain.devkit.Transaction;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Address;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Blake2b;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Secp256k1;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

// Set up clauses.
Clause[] clauses = new Clause[]{
    new Clause(
        "0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed",   // to
        "10000",                                        // value
        "0x000000606060"                                // data
    new Clause(

// Reserved: VIP-191
Reserved reserved = new Reserved(1, null);

// Create a tx.
Transaction tx = new Transaction(
    "1",                    // chainTag
    "0x00000000aabbccdd",   // blockRef
    "32",                   // expiration
    clauses,                // clauses
    "128",                  // gasPriceCoef
    "21000",                // gas
    null,                   // dependsOn
    "12345678",             // nonce
    reserved                // <--- reserved (VIP-191)

// Sender
byte[] priv_1 = Utils.hexToBytes("58e444d4fe08b0f4d9d86ec42f26cf15072af3ddc29a78e33b0ceaaa292bcf6b");
byte[] addr_1 = Address.publicKeyToAddressBytes(Secp256k1.derivePublicKey(priv_1, false));

// Gas Payer
byte[] priv_2 = Utils.hexToBytes("0bfd6a863f347f4ef2cf2d09c3db7b343d84bb3e6fc8c201afee62de6381dc65");
byte[] addr_2 = Address.publicKeyToAddressBytes(Secp256k1.derivePublicKey(priv_2, false));

// Sender sign the message himself.
byte[] h = tx.getSigningHash(null);
byte[] senderHash = Secp256k1.sign(h, priv_1);

// Gas payer sign the hash for the sender.
byte[] dh = tx.getSigningHash("0x" + Utils.bytesToHex(addr_1));
byte[] payerHash = Secp256k1.sign(dh, priv_2);

// Assemble signature
byte[] sig = Bytes.concat(senderHash, payerHash); // 130 bytes

// Set the signature onto the tx.

tx.getOriginAsAddressBytes(); // Sender: addr_1
tx.getDeleagtorAsAddressBytes(); // Gas Payer: addr_2

// Signed tx encoded.
byte[] encodedTx = tx.encode();
// Then you can HTTP POST to send the encodedTx to VeChain...
// See the REST API details:
// testnet:
// mainnet:

Sign & Verify Certificate (VIP-192)

import org.vechain.devkit.Certificate;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Address;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Blake2b;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Secp256k1;
import org.vechain.devkit.cry.Utils;

/* For a Certificate looks like this:
  "purpose": "identification",
  "payload": {
    "type": "text",
    "content": "fyi"
  "domain": "localhost",
  "timestamp": 1545035330,
  "signer": "0xd989829d88b0ed1b06edf5c50174ecfa64f14a64"

byte[] priv = Utils.hexToBytes("7582be841ca040aa940fff6c05773129e135623e41acce3e0b8ba520dc1ae26a");
byte[] addr = Address.publicKeyToAddressBytes(Secp256k1.derivePublicKey(priv, false));

// Create a Certificate.
Map<String, String> payload = new TreeMap<String, String>();
payload.put("type", "text");
payload.put("content", "fyi");

Certificate c = new Certificate(
    "identification",               // purpose
    payload,                        // payload
    "localhost",                    // domian
    1545035330,                     // timestamp
    "0x" + Utils.bytesToHex(addr),  // signer
    null                            // signature

// Or create from some external json string.
Certificate c2 = Certificate.fromJsonString(...);

// Or create from some external Map<String, Object>.
Certificate c3 = Certificate.fromMap(...);

// Sign the cert.
// 1) Calculate signature.
String j = c.toJsonString();
byte[] signingHash = Blake2b.blake2b256(Utils.UTF8ToBytes(j));
byte[] sig = Secp256k1.sign(signingHash, priv);
// 2) Set signature on cert.
c.setSignature("0x" + Utils.bytesToHex(sig));
// 3) Verify. If signature matches this cert.

Tweak the code

── devkit
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gradle test


Name Bytes Description
private key 32 random number
public key 65 uncompressed, starts with "04"
address 20 derived from public key
keccak256 32 hash
blake2b256 32 hash
message hash 32 hash of a message
signature 65 signing result, last bit as recovery parameter
seed 64 used to derive bip32 master key's People


laalaguer avatar




 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues


Hi. I Purchased Vechain On A Reputable Exchange And Opoened A Vechainthor Wallet And It Was Doing The Thor Earning On My Iphone Asnd Was Loving The Whole Concept And Idea Of Vechain. Then one day i opened my iPhone VECHAINTHOR app and put passcode in and it says no wallets. Now i know i have done this on my device but have to many mnemonic seeds. I’m a complete fool as I’ve been collecting cryptos for over 6 years and usually so careful that I’m a nervous wreck. my organisation skills that time have left me disgusted and potentially I’m going to be ruined. Can anyone tell me what i need to look for ion my device so i can regain control of my assets. VET and VTHO. I just relied that for the time being that my iPhone Face ID and passcode would not lose my wallet. I have reward that the keys are always in my device. Look I’m so interested in learning about what I’m investing in but to be honest I’m pretty useless and learning at 52 years old . Are the steps i can make if i bought the vet on a exchange kyc and transferred them to my phone from a account under my name and have all details. I am happy to give a good percentage to charity of someone’s choice or even just to the wallet as my dumb ass mistake is going to do damage to my family. Really stuck here and also have xrp stuck on ellipse cold wallet app on my phone that wont let me access but that’s another story of complete rookie about 3 years ago. Still sitting there and the sad thing is I’ve stuffed up 3 times now. Hoping for some guidance and happy to pay a fine

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