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anansnake's Issues

error of ggplot2


I have being facing this error for many times with different data.

There is a log file under deseq2 folder:

Error: packageggplot2could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
packageggplot2was built under R version 4.2.3 
Execution halted

I am not sure which environment it refers to because I have installed ggplot2 in the anansanke evn of conda.

Here is the message from command console.

Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/ce7d794d0661510a0c65df6077b773c0_
[Fri Mar 24 20:34:59 2023]
Error in rule deseq2:
    jobid: 9
    input: /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/samplefile.tsv, /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/RNA_Counts.tsv
    output: /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/deseq2/hg38-anansesnake_CD4-Naive_average.diffexp.tsv
    log: /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/deseq2/log_anansesnake_CD4-Naive_average.txt (check log file(s) for error details)

        outdir=$(dirname /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/deseq2/hg38-anansesnake_CD4-Naive_average.diffexp.tsv)

        # for the log
        mkdir -p $outdir

        deseq2science         anansesnake_CD4-Naive_average         /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/samplefile.tsv         /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/RNA_Counts.tsv         $outdir         --assembly hg38         > /mnt/d/32_publication_scANANSE/scANANSE/analysis/deseq2/log_anansesnake_CD4-Naive_average.txt 2>&1

        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Problem with running the example file

@siebrenf @JGASmits
I'm encountering problems with running the example file.
The error reads as follows:

could not find 'rna_samples' in /Users/pediatrics/Desktop/R_projects/scANANSE/example/rna_samples.tsv
SystemExit in line 29 of /Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/rules/configuration.smk:
File "/Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/Snakefile", line 4, in
File "/Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/rules/configuration.smk", line 29, in

Can either of you help me get past this problem.

run gets stuck in binding step (anansesnake)

i submit a job based on the anansesnake and doent seem like it's progressing. This is the log file of the job after 120 hours on 6 cores. Similar was after 40 hours using 40 cores.

rna_samples            : /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/samplefile.tsv
rna_tpms               : /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/TPM.tsv
rna_counts             : /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/RNA_Counts.tsv
atac_samples           : /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/samplefile.tsv
atac_counts            : /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/Peak_Counts.tsv
genome                 : hg38
result_dir             : /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6
contrasts              : ['anansesnake_B-cells_average', 'anansesnake_agg-type_average', 'anansesnake_NK-cells_average', 'anansesnake_Myeloid-cells_average']
database               : gimme.vertebrate.v5.0
jaccard                : 0.1
edges                  : 500000
padj                   : 0.05
plot_type              : png
tmp_dir                : None

mem_mb                 : 60000
_cores                 : 6
deseq2                 : 1

B-cells                :
  RNA-seq samples:  ['B-cells']
  ATAC-seq samples: ['B-cells']
average                :
  RNA-seq samples:  ['average']
  ATAC-seq samples: ['average']
agg-type               :
  RNA-seq samples:  ['agg-type']
  ATAC-seq samples: ['agg-type']
NK-cells               :
  RNA-seq samples:  ['NK-cells']
  ATAC-seq samples: ['NK-cells']
Myeloid-cells          :
  RNA-seq samples:  ['Myeloid-cells']
  ATAC-seq samples: ['Myeloid-cells']

Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /usr/bin/bash
Provided cores: 6
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Provided resources: mem_mb=60000, deseq2=1
Job stats:
job              count    min threads    max threads
-------------  -------  -------------  -------------
all                  1              1              1
binding              5              1              1
influence            4              1              1
maelstrom            1              6              6
motif2factors        1              6              6
network              5              1              1
pfmscorefile         1              6              6
plot                 4              1              1
total               22              1              6

Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Mar 25 18:18:31 2024]
rule motif2factors:
    input: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/genomes/hg38
    output: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
    log: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/log_hg38_m2f.txt
    jobid: 5
    reason: Missing output files: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
    threads: 6
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp

Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/b43fe9c7085f26662cb0116147fff2a2_
Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/b43fe9c7085f26662cb0116147fff2a2_
[Mon Mar 25 18:18:44 2024]
Finished job 5.
1 of 22 steps (5%) done
Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Mar 25 18:18:45 2024]
rule maelstrom:
    input: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/Peak_Counts.tsv, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/genomes/hg38
    output: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38-maelstrom
    log: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/log_hg38_maelstrom.txt
    jobid: 25
    reason: Missing output files: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38-maelstrom; Input files updated by another job: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
    threads: 6
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp, mem_mb=40000

Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/b43fe9c7085f26662cb0116147fff2a2_
Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/b43fe9c7085f26662cb0116147fff2a2_
[Mon Mar 25 19:20:17 2024]
Finished job 25.
2 of 22 steps (9%) done
Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Mar 25 19:20:17 2024]
rule pfmscorefile:
    input: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/Peak_Counts.tsv, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/genomes/hg38
    output: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/pfmscorefile.tsv
    log: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/log_hg38_pfmscorefile.txt
    jobid: 6
    reason: Missing output files: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/pfmscorefile.tsv; Input files updated by another job: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
    threads: 6
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp

Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/b43fe9c7085f26662cb0116147fff2a2_
[Mon Mar 25 19:56:53 2024]
Finished job 6.
3 of 22 steps (14%) done
Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Mar 25 19:56:53 2024]
rule binding:
    input: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/Peak_Counts.tsv, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/pfmscorefile.tsv, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/genomes/hg38
    output: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/binding/Myeloid-cells.h5
    log: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/binding/log_Myeloid-cells.txt
    jobid: 23
    benchmark: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/benchmarks/binding_Myeloid-cells.txt
    reason: Missing output files: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/binding/Myeloid-cells.h5; Input files updated by another job: /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/pfmscorefile.tsv, /beegfs/desy/user/nourisaj/op_multiomics_grn/output/infer/ananse6/gimme/hg38.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
    wildcards: condition=Myeloid-cells
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp, mem_mb=40000

Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/d744163a4690c04ba52f3bf00737fc7a_
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 6311320 ON max-wn050 CANCELLED AT 2024-03-30T18:18:31 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***```

Why does anansnake need to create a new env every time it runs?

Thanks for the work.

I am running the example provided. But I have one question: Can't it create .snakemake folder?

I checked the folder, and there are conda envs inside. The Downloading and installing remote packages process can take more than 1 hour. And then it is most likely that it will throw an error, saying something like one R package is missing.

This has made me very blue because I do not which packages are going to be used.



Installation issues


Is it absolutely essential to use mamba for this purpose?

I was trying to incorporate anansnake to run scANANSE but ran into the following error:

Error in rule maelstrom:
jobid: 40
input: /Users/pediatrics/Desktop/R_projects/scANANSE/analysis/Peak_Counts.tsv, /Users/pediatrics/Desktop/R_projects/scANANSE/analysis/gimme/mm10.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm, /Users/pediatrics/Desktop/R_projects/scANANSE/data/mm10
output: /Users/pediatrics/Desktop/R_projects/scANANSE/analysis/gimme/mm10-maelstrom
log: /Users/pediatrics/Desktop/R_projects/scANANSE/analysis/gimme/log_mm10_maelstrom.txt (check log file(s) for error message)
conda-env: /Users/pediatrics/.snakemake/conda/52b8cb6f4a78ac804c0afe54b1ecb2c2_

CalledProcessError in line 80 of /Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/rules/gimme.smk:
Command 'source /Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/bin/activate '/Users/pediatrics/.snakemake/conda/52b8cb6f4a78ac804c0afe54b1ecb2c2_'; set -euo pipefail; python /Users/pediatrics/.snakemake/scripts/' returned non-zero exit status 1.
File "/Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/rules/gimme.smk", line 80, in __rule_maelstrom
File "/Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-08-23T152751.937220.snakemake.log

Can you help me understand where the problem lies?

Thank you!

Errors with the real run of the example provided

Hello @JGASmits,

Although the dry run appears to have worked the real one did not.
Here is the log file:

(anansnake) iMac-Pro:anansnake pediatrics$ less Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-08-31T143302.657342.snakemake.log
Complete: No such file or directory
log:: No such file or directory
Press RETURN to continue

plot_type : png

mem_mb : 48000
_cores : 12
deseq2 : 1

group2 :
RNA-seq samples: ['1k-cell-1', '1k-cell-2', 'GSM1483740']
ATAC-seq samples: ['GSM3756606', 'GSM3756607', 'GSM3756608']
group1 :
RNA-seq samples: ['128-cell-1', '128-cell-2', 'GSM1483739']
ATAC-seq samples: ['GSM3756599', 'GSM3756600']

Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /bin/bash
Provided cores: 12
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Provided resources: mem_mb=48000, deseq2=1
Job stats:
job count min threads max threads

all 1 1 1
binding 2 1 1
deseq2 2 1 1
influence 2 1 1
maelstrom 1 12 12
motif2factors 1 12 12
network 2 1 1
pfmscorefile 1 12 12
plot 2 1 1
total 14 1 12

Select jobs to execute...

[Thu Aug 31 14:33:05 2023]
rule motif2factors:
input: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/GRCz11
output: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/example/outdir/gimme/GRCz11.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
log: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/example/outdir/gimme/log_GRCz11_m2f.txt
jobid: 5
reason: Missing output files: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/example/outdir/gimme/GRCz11.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
threads: 12
resources: tmpdir=/var/folders/2c/zzjsgs_53vqflzjl28hf1x7r0000gn/T

Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/3f88efe941f72bcdb4d5867b0d6db92f_
Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/3f88efe941f72bcdb4d5867b0d6db92f_
[Thu Aug 31 14:33:36 2023]
Error in rule motif2factors:
jobid: 5
input: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/GRCz11
output: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/example/outdir/gimme/GRCz11.gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm
log: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/example/outdir/gimme/log_GRCz11_m2f.txt (check log file(s) for error message)
conda-env: /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/.snakemake/conda/3f88efe941f72bcdb4d5867b0d6db92f_

CalledProcessError in line 24 of /Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/rules/gimme.smk:
Command 'source /Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/bin/activate '/Users/pediatrics/anansnake/.snakemake/conda/3f88efe941f72bcdb4d5867b0d6db92f_'; set -euo pipefail; python /Users/pediatrics/anansnake/.snakemake/scripts/' returned non-zero exit status 1.
File "/Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anansnake/rules/gimme.smk", line 24, in __rule_motif2factors
File "/Users/pediatrics/anaconda3/envs/anansnake/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-08-31T143302.657342.snakemake.log

Your input would be much appreciated!

Thank you!

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