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fracas_team2's Introduction

FRACAS_team2 - Peter Tanner, Haoyuan Wang, Harsha Mane, Igor Pavkov, Insan Basrewan, Nicolas Baxter


Visit frontend/FRACAS Pages &

How To Deploy will get you fully running on a production machine. including background running, start on boot and self managing SSL certificates.

Deployment script have only been tested on Ubuntu. (Might not work on other platforms or require modification)

  1. Log in or SSH into your Ubuntu machine
  2. git clone this repository
git clone
  1. cd into the fracas_team2
cd fracas_team2
  1. Give permissions
sudo chmod +x ./
  1. Run the script and follow any given instructions
sudo ./
  1. Go to your provided domain with [email protected] and the password you provided during setup

Alternatively, you may wish to run the application manually.

How to Run Manually

Download a copy of the repository, onto your local machine.

Flask (API):

You must have Python installed on your system.

  1. 'cd' into 'backend' folder in this repository, in your local machine
  2. Setup a Python virtual environment (venv)
python3 -m venv venv
# For Mac/Linux
source venv/bin/activate
# For Windows
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. If app.db is not present, you'll have to initialise a database
export ADMIN_PASSWORD="Your-password-for-admin-access"
flask quickstart
  1. Launch the backend
flask run --debug


  1. Install dependencies from yarn.lock lockfile.
yarn install
  1. Start the frontend server.
yarn dev
  1. Access via http://localhost:3000 with "[email protected]" and the password you created earlier

Running Tests

Follow steps 1-3 from the Flask API running instructions to set up a Python virtual environment and install dependencies.

Test cases are run by executing 'pytest' in the terminal, and flags can be added to filter which test cases are run. A few examples are shown below:

# Run all test cases

# Only run test cases in the file
pytest functional/ 

# Only run test cases in the file that have 'secure' in their names
pytest unit/ -k "secure" 

Selenium Tests

Before running selenium tests, both the React frontend and Flask backend must be running. The frontend should be run according to the above instructions for React. The backend instructions should be followed for steps 1-4. After this, the following python file should be run. This file sets the environment variable for flask to use the test database URL then executes 'flask run':


Test Design

All test cases are performed on the database under backend/tests/test.db. This database is set up and torn down between each test to ensure that test cases are isolated and do not interfere with each other.


FRACAS for UWA Motorsport

The University of Western Australia Motorsport club (UWAM) is a student-led club that competes annually in the FSAE-Australasia student design competition. This competition involves designing, building and racing a formula-style racecar. UWAM is inefficient at transferring experience and technical knowledge from competent members such as current Team Leads to new members.

This project aims to build and test a Failure, Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) for UWAM.

This system will serve as an element of a greater knowledge management and transfer system, allowing current and future members to see records of past failures and how they were dealt with. Our intention is that this knowledge capture system can improve UWAM's scheduling, budgeting, management, vehicle testing, and the focus of future design efforts.

A requirements documents has been developed as part of a BPhil 2nd year project. The clients are Erwin Bauernschmitt from UWAM and Prof Melinda Hodkiewicz

fracas_team2's People


cryptographer3 avatar harshawardhan3 avatar igor-pavkov avatar insanbas avatar mhodki avatar nickbaxterr avatar peter-tanner avatar



fracas_team2's Issues

Pagination for APIs

The following APIs list all which match the criteria instead of paginating. For this MVP, not an issue but would be a nice future enhancement for scaling up.

  • Get all Users
  • Get all Teams
  • Get all Users that are members of a team

Export report as PDF through print.

On view report

  • Button which calls CTRL+P to print to PDF
  • Remove some elements from the printing, search hide from print css or mui on google.
@media print
        display: none !important;

Team List [AD2]

Dashboard Admin List(Admin)

  • Backend API Routes
  • Frontend API Data Processing
  • Secure API (Check admin/logged in etc.)
  • Add/Remove/Rename Team
  • Change Member Roles (Team Leader, Admin)
  • Reassign Team Leader

Disable form until data is received in editreport page

A user can enter data into the edit report page while the data is being loaded
Solution: Disable form while data is being loaded and enable once data is populated in the form, also put a spinner or something to show it is loading

Login page [GM1, GM2, GM3]

  • remove flask-login from packages list
  • check if flask-wtf is still needed
  • remove all legacy stuff from backend
  • add error highlight to login page when no email/password is input
  • logout page + endpoint
  • protect registration endpoints with superuser required
  • integrate registration with the admin-dashboard branch
  • convert make-superuser command to a secure API endpoint and integrate with admin-dashboard
  • create interface for admin to resend signup request email
  • password recovery with email
  • password recovery interface
  • password request email spam protection/exp backoff (maybe for the MVP assume good actors). Alternatively, have the password request be an admin only feature

Login and signup tests

Create automated tests for the following cases:

  • Login
    • User with no JWT token cannot access a secure page (http://localhost:3000/access).
    • Login with user not present in db => {"err": "invalid_credentials","msg": "Bad email or password, or user does not exist",}
    • Login with wrong password => {"err": "invalid_credentials","msg": "Bad email or password, or user does not exist",}
    • Login with correct user and pass => Get JWT token and refresh token
    • Test JWT and refresh token can login to a secure page (http://localhost:3000/access).
    • ~~~Test JWT token expiry / refresh token works~~~ Feature not implemented yet
  • User signup requests
    • Call API with no email => jsonify({"err": "bad_request", "msg": "email is required"}), 400
    • Call API with a long-ass email => jsonify({"err": "long_email", "msg": "email is too long"}), 400
    • Call API with a reasonable email => Check database row for user is created with registered flag as FALSE AND email sent to target address
      • Check email is received ** optional due to difficulty, unless you'd like to create a gmail acc to automate this test
  • User signup
    • No token => jsonify({"err": "bad_request", "msg": "token is required"}), 400
    • No password => jsonify({"err": "bad_request", "msg": "password is required"}), 400
    • BS token => ... "err": "invalid_token",...
    • Already registered in database => ..."err": "user_already_registered",...
    • Good token and password => Check user is set to registered and can login, and password is set. Test login cases again with this newly signed up user.
    • ** TODO investigate if there's a test needed for this codepath which triggers ..."err": "user_already_registered",...

Make autofilled fields in the CreateReport page distinct

yellow background like for autofilled form text boxes

The year and time of failure boxes will be automatically filled to the current time

Try see if yup has a "field touched" feature like formik you can use to clear this autofill status

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  autofilled: {
    '&:-webkit-autofill': {
      '-webkit-box-shadow': '0 0 0px 1000px white inset',
      '-webkit-text-fill-color': 'inherit',
    '&:-moz-placeholder': {
      color: 'inherit',
      opacity: 1,

Database validation [TM1]

Record View (Edit Mode)

Validation section, editable to only TL:

  • Record Checkmark
  • Analysis Checkmark
  • CAP Checkmark
  • Reviewed Checkmark

Client meeting 2023-09-29


Meeting started: 13:25
Meeting ended: 13:45

Present: Peter, Insan, Haoyuan (Online), Igor, Nick, Harsha

Apologies: Erwin

Key takeaways from the meeting

Melinda: Alternative signup page (security...) good, append only comment good.

Melinda: Don't do reset password from admin page.

Melinda: Put agreed requirements in a document for the submission to have a record about.


  • Discuss features to cut
  • Notification feature, alternative
  • Learning assignments

Good stuff

Harsha: Currently focusing on frontend.

Melinda: Start with positives, don't start with negatives (what I can't deliver to you)

Harsha: We took frontend and backend together, but integration is needed

Melinda: be specific - write notes ahead of the meeting

: start with good news, then mediocre news then finish with good news. Starting with bad news sets the tone

Harsha: We have the option to implement the features later.

Melinda: I want more certainty. If it removes a pain point and allows it to finish, happy to remove it. Need to write a report with features for future work, with the client's acceptance

Melinda: Good job on the checklist.

Harsha: <Demonstrating the checklist>

Harsha: We decided that the signup page

Peter: <Talking about action items>

Melinda: Alternative signup page (security...) good, append only comment good.

Melinda: Don't do reset password from admin page.


Harsha: Notify user by email as a compromise

Learning assignments


Mobile friendliness

Insan: We need to add parameters to make the page mobile friendly.

Nick: I've started on mobile responsiveness. I want to ask for the record list pages (tables), is it okay if the table has less important columns omitted from mobile? To prevent scrolling

Melinda: yeah that's okay. I don't want scrolling.

Harsha: We have issues as to why alignment might not work so easily.

Harsha: <Demo>

Melinda: Yeah you need to make it work.

Harsha: We propose the tables are small size but with a slider. So the unimportant cols are available but you need to scroll over.

Melinda: Think about mobile friendliness in the figma earlier on.

Action items

  • Put sprint 3 goals/stories in teams.
  • Igor to do talk next week
  • Following week Melinda may not be here - set up a different time.

Add GNU GPL-3.0 license header to start of each source file

Add this to the start of each source file

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) 2023  <name of author>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Add this to the logs when the server starts:

    Better FRACAS Copyright (C) 2023 Better FRACAS team
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

Enforce string lengths

We're using sqlalchemy and sqlite, so the database does not enforce the string lengths. Need to add guards for these checks manually

Dashboard page [Sprint 2]

  • Create APIs for
    • retrieving a user's own reports
    • retrieve types of reports GROUP BY team
  • Integrate APIs into frontend

The pin functionality will be disabled for sprint 2.


  • Save submit and discard button (Save and submit does the same thing LMAO, discard just goes back) record creation
  • Save submit and discard button (Save and submit does the same thing LMAO, discard just goes back) record creation
  • #58
  • Demo
  • Install guide video
  • Filtered searching (low priority)
  • Stop admin deescalating themselves
  • #33
  • Help documentation on github

record view [VIEW1, VIEW4]

  • VIEW1 UI layout to for record viewing GM MVP
  • VIEW4 Edit Button (Fields will change state to accept input and become editable edited) GM MVP

Ignore VIEW2 and VIEW5 for MPV

Backend API

  • Check new models entry are working (autogenerated)
  • Team apis
  • UserTeam apis
  • Failure apis
  • Comment apis
    • create comment
    • edit comment
  • Notification apis
  • Bookmark apis
  • LearningAssignment apis

Migrate to poetry

Right now we're using just bare virtualenvs, would be nice to use poetry

Weekly meeting 2023-09-27


Attendees: Insan, Haoyuan, Igor, Harsha, Peter, Nicholas
Scribe: Peter

Started: 2023-08-11 13:04 +0800
Ended: 2023-08-11 14:04 +0800


  • Sprint 3 timelines
  • Prep client

Sprint 3 timelines

Insan: if it's 100% done goes to testing no more features

Insan: Only encountered bad password, something wrong.

Peter: Do we need to make it human readable

Insan: Only CORS issues

Peter: Let's label it as complete

  • #36
    Signup page.

Peter: We haven't tested it too much. User already exist, weak passwords are not handled

Insan: How much to commit

Peter: 30 mins or something, pretty low priority honestly.

Peter: Do you want an admin link?

Insan: When deploying to client, have one admin for the client.

Peter: I would put it in one day but at the end

  • #37
    Insan: have you worked on database over weekend?

Peter: No

Peter: I would provision 2 days to be safe.

Insan: I'll get it done by monday.

Peter: The validation you want only team leaders to do it right? yes you'll need to add more checks.

Insan: Validation bool already in.

Insan: When a record is created, owner needs to be set by default. Frontend fields to reassign owner. Haoyuan can you do this?

Haoyuan: sure I can do that.

Insan: You might want to use some of my code for selecting subsystem and copy paste that for selecting users.

Insan: Haoyuan hasn't touched the report section. Let's say it takes another 2 days. 4 days.

Haoyuan: I can give an answer tonight on how long that will take.

Insan: Let's say by friday have a look at everything. Whole thing next wednesday, review friday

Insan: delete functionality not in the gui

Peter: I'd be happy to work on that. Monday I can get this done.

Insan: You need to merge to the frontend.

Harsha: Page element - change div to pages. In typescript, no classnames.

Peter: Do you want it for the demo

Insan: Yes.

Insan: Hours to take

Nick: On the dashboard, there's the larger table (reports you have made or owned), the other table is assigned tasks but we aren't doing it anymore.

Insan: That table needs to be cut or repurposed. Can you get this done by friday

Peter: Yes but I will cannot work on the other features

Nick: Can we repurpose it for bookmarked reports?

Insan,Peter: LGTM

Insan: Multi search should be good but I havent tested it

Igor: Do you suggest going through admin for that.

Peter: I want to change flow so that the admin requests a link

Peter: If we rehash the registration it could be quicker. I'd say 6 hours

Peter: There's nothing here.

Nick: There's frontend for the bookmark buttons.

Insan: explanation of bookmarks - see story

Insan: Let's say 5 hours. I'll handle the bookmarks

Insan: I have error messages and handlers, but to put in all pages?

Peter: Can't you edit the base page and put the error in every page?

Insan: sounds possible but needs to be looked at.

Insan: Not sure if we can get hours on that until other pages sorted

Insan: Not sure if we can get hours on that until other pages sorted

Insan: Someone needs to look at that for our current pages. Which one?

Nick: I can do it.

Harsha: Both until

Insan: Both look at it separately. Try to split tasks?

Insan: Do we work on Peter's branch?

Peter: Do it on your branch

Insan: Igor, figure out what needs to be on there. Description of app, how to run it, set up templates

Peter: Try running the app from the documentation, if you can't then it doesn't have utility. User manual needs to happen for end users.

Insan: Make a table of contents, for each section assign an estimate for each section

Igor: 3 hours for now to make TOC

Insan: Start to work by next week. Not confident working on it final week [12 hours]

Peter: I have docker containers, not sure how they work with networking. Domain, port forwarding, etc.

Insan: You need a web proxy to redirect, etc.

Insan: 12 hours of work

Insan: That's it for now.

Peter: Prep client meeting.

Insan: No need for full demo, but need to show what we've done. and for proposing changes.

Who wants to run the client meeting this week?

Harsha: I can do that

Insan: Merge off my MVP branch.

Action items Responsible Due
Merge new frontend Peter Friday
Harsha run meeting Harsha Friday
Look at getting deletion working, review Haoyuan Friday
Igor look at making a TOC and estimate for docs Igor Friday
Insan bookmarks Insan Monday

Members List [AD1]

Dashboard Member List(Admin)

  • Backend API Routes
  • Frontend API Data Processing
  • Secure API (Check admin/logged in etc.)
  • Add/Remove Member
  • Change Member Roles (Team Leader, Admin)
  • Reassign Team
  • Link to signup flow

Basic comments

Implement the minimum features proposed to the client

  • A user can write text in a text box, press "Comment" and the text will be added to a list of comments with a timestamp and user name ("[2023-10-04 11:46] Hello")
  • A user can open a report and see all the previous comments they and other users made on it as a big text field. They cannot edit their or other's previous comments

Record creation [REC1, REC2, REC3, REC5]

  • REC1 Record Creation Button on sidebar, on every page. GM MVP
  • REC2 Fields shall be set according to client provided example record (see 5.2 Object Models) GM MVP
  • REC3
    Auto filled fields:
  • Creation Date (time when pressed submit)
  • Team (by default, member’s assigned team, but
    can be changed to other teams
  • Car year (current year)
  • Creator name & email (prefilled with current
    user’s name and email)
    GM MVP
  • REC5 Buttons to save & close (incomplete), discard and
    publish. GM MVP

Ignore REC4 for MVP

LIST – Record List

  • LIST1 An ordered list of all available reports GM MVP
  • LIST4 Item extra options (Bookmark, Open) GM MVP


Prevent resubmit when user spams buttons

If a user loads a previous state of the page (back button or something) it resends the data, causing a "double submission/edit".

  • On the client side, disable the submit button while a transaction is occurring and we don't know if it failed or is successful
  • If it is successful, disable the button
    Alternatively, a more robust solution
  • Use a server-generated idempotency token for each transaction and invalidate it on submit to prevent resubmit,,

Notably this happens on the create page where spamming the button results in multiple entries in the database

2023-09-29 Meeting

Started: 14:00
Ended: 15:10

Present: Peter, Insan, Haoyuan (Online), Igor, Nick, Harsha

Last meeting's Action item

Action Responsible Due
Propose alternative signup page (security advantages)
Propose append-only comment section
Propose reset password only from admin page (to prevent DDOS)
Put sprint 3 goals/stories in teams Harsha


Insan: Tick off stuff in the reqs doc.

Insan: have you done the README?

Igor: No, I'll have done in the weekend

Sprint 3 goals

  • If a user logs in and is unsuccessful, display a human-readable error in a popup
  • If a user signs in and is unsuccessful, display a human-readable error in a popup
  • If a user forgets their password, they can ask an admin to request a password reset link which is emailed and when they click the link they go to a reset page where they can input a new password
  • Users can see validation status and leaders can validate records which checks the validation checkmark
    • Insan: Validation checkmark is done clientside, need to copy code from view report
  • A leader can edit a report and click a dropdown to change the owner of a report, which is displayed in the report information
    • Insan: Not sure where Haoyuan is with that
  • An leader can click a delete button on the report list view and the report will be marked as deleted in the database and hidden from view (but the data is still present in the database, just hidden)
  • A user can see the reports they own on their dashboard
  • A user can see a breakdown of open reports on their dashboard
  • A user can parametrically search the list of reports on the list report view page
    • Insan: Worked on adding car year to search.
  • A user can click a bookmark button for a report on the list report view page, which will make the report bookmarked for the user only.
  • [~] A user can see their bookmarked reports on their dashboard.
    • Nick: Not connected to backend but changed layout.
    • Insan: I haven't touched bookmarks yet but can do monday.
  • If a user submits a report and is unsuccessful, display a human-readable error in a popup
  • If a user edits a report and is unsuccessful, display a human-readable error in a popup
  • [~] If a user views the website from a mobile device, the page will be mobile-friendly and adjust to make the best use of screen space
    • Nick: I've modified the dashboard so it stacks the boxes on mobile.
  • If a user needs help, they can consult the GitHub for documentation
  • An admin can deploy the site on an AWS instance.

Rest of meeting - Reviewing requirements document - see updated one with percentages

Action items

DASH1 - change to only open reports pie chart. Let clients we changed it
Catch up on email notifications requirement next meeting - see if we need to omit it
Can we remove database backup to gdrive

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  • Machine learning

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