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twilio-chat-demo-android's Issues

onMemberDeleted Chat Android v2.0.8 Bug


I am using the chat android library of twilio and I faced a problem with v2.0.8 onMemberDeleted
It's never called .. I tried the version v2.0.7 and onMemberDeleted worked properly.
Can you please fix it.

Thank you.

onChannelJoined called with unsynchronized channel

I am using "com.twilio:chat-android:1.0.8" version.
Create channel by using below process:
Scenario A:
Step1-(Android App)User A make request to application server for creating a channel(Name is Hello) and server create channel(Name is Hello) by using below code:

Twilio.init(externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID_KEY), externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN_KEY));
ChannelCreator channelCreator = Channel.creator(externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_SERVICE_SID_KEY));
Channel channel = channelCreator.create();
return channel.getSid();

Step2-application server added user A into channel by using below code:

Twilio.init(externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID_KEY), externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN_KEY));
MemberCreator memberCreator = Member.creator(externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_SERVICE_SID_KEY), channelSId, memberId);
Member member = memberCreator.create();
return member.getSid();

Step3: Now user A received onChannelJoined(Channel channel) method. Some time found blank channel friendly and unique name. When I log friendly name and unique name both are blank.

08-03 16:53:13.269 5638-5638/com.xx.xxD/ChatClientManager: onChannelJoined =====
08-03 16:53:13.269 5638-5638/com.xx.xxD/ChatClientManager: Unique Name=
08-03 16:53:13.269 5638-5638/com.xx.xxD/ChatClientManager: getFriendlyName =

Even in iOS same steps we are following (void)chatClient:(TwilioChatClient )client channelAdded:(TCHChannel )channel get called with unique name and friendly name.

Scenario B:

Step1- User A make a request to application server for adding user B in Channel(Hello), server adding member by using below code:

Twilio.init(externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID_KEY), externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN_KEY));
MemberCreator memberCreator = Member.creator(externalCredential.getProperty(TwilioConstants.TWILIO_SERVICE_SID_KEY), channelSId, memberId);
Member member = memberCreator.create();
return member.getSid();

Step2: User B received callback onChannelJoined(Channel channel) some time found blank friendly and unique name.

In previous version It was working fine.
Programmable chat 0.12.1 version we were following same process at that time onChannelAdd(Channel channel) get called with all value.

Kindly look into that, is there any issues or I missed some thing.
Quick response would appreciable.


Deadlock in 2.0.8 causes ANR

Before filing an issue please check that the issue is not already addressed by the following:


[Description of the issue]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. User installs widget to app. Widgets needs application object also containing Twilio stack.
  2. User observes ANR between app and widget running in background

Code (optional)

Expected Behavior

no lock

Actual Behavior

lock, ANR

Reproduces how Often

seems to happens once a day on that users device


I have this stack trace from Google Play

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x761afea0 self=0x7632c96a00
  | sysTid=10981 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7636adda98
  | state=S schedstat=( 42154351301 10675283465 52491 ) utm=3670 stm=544 core=1 HZ=100
  | stack=0x7fc238f000-0x7fc2391000 stackSize=8MB
  | held mutexes=
  #00  pc 000000000001ad44  /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
  #01  pc 0000000000067e00  /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+96)
  #02  pc 000000000070b0a0  /data/app/ (???)
  #03  pc 00000000003a8e54  /data/app/ (Java_com_twilio_chat_ChatClient_nativeUpdateToken+472)
  #04  pc 00000000000478b0  /data/app/ (Java_com_twilio_chat_ChatClient_nativeUpdateToken__Ljava_lang_String_2JLcom_twilio_chat_StatusListener_2+188)
  at (
  at (
- locked <0x00e0e959> (a
  at (
  at com.twilio.accessmanager.AccessManager.updateToken (
  at$GetAccessTokenAsyncTask.onPostExecute$552c4e01 (
  or                     .onPostExecute (

Or attach it as a file.

Chat Android SDK


Android API


Android Device

Motorola Moto Z

No implementation found for

@marcoRS mistakenly open the issue in

implementation 'com.twilio:chat-android:0.12.2'
implementation 'com.twilio:accessmanager-android:0.1.0'

We are seeing the following error in our app:

Caused by java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
No implementation found for (tried Java_com_twilio_chat_Channel_getMessages and Java_com_twilio_chat_Channel_getMessages__) at

This seems to be a native error but we are unsure on how to proceed to fix this.

Connection Status

Hi people, I have a problem :(

I need to know if the web socket connection with twilio server is lost...

getUnconsumedMessagesCount not relevant data issue

Hi there! Seems like trying to acquire unconsumed messages count in onMessageAdded() callback results in not relevant data from time to time.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Get onMessageAdded() callback
  2. Request getUnconsumedMessagesCount() for channel in that callback

Code (optional)

    public void onMessageAdded(Message message) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onMessageAdded() called with: message = [" + message + "]");

Where fetchUnconsumedMessagesCount() delegates to:

    private void fetchUnconsumedMessagesCount(Channel channel) {
                new CallbackListener<Long>() {
                    public void onSuccess(Long aLong) {
                        deliverUnconsumedMessagesCount(channel, aLong);

Expected Behavior

Acquire relevant unconsumed messages count

Actual Behavior

Old, not relevant data from time to time

Chat Android SDK


Android API


Android Device

Nexus 5X
Pixel XL

Crash on android api 19

Hey guys,

I am using Twilio programmable chat SDK for android, it crashes on android 4.4 (API 19)

Same crash exists in the sample android app from Twilio website:

I am using latest twilio android SDK 2.0.8 (compile 'com.twilio:chat-android:2.0.8’)

Device: Genymotion emulator android API 19.

Below the log:

03-05 08:38:43.843 2439-2439/? D/dalvikvm: Late-enabling CheckJNI
03-05 08:38:43.859 2439-2445/? E/jdwp: Failed sending reply to debugger: Broken pipe
03-05 08:38:43.859 2439-2445/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
03-05 08:38:43.879 2439-2439/? I/System.out: Sending WAIT chunk
03-05 08:38:43.879 2439-2439/? W/ActivityThread: Application com.twilio.chatquickstart is waiting for the debugger on port 8100...
03-05 08:38:45.087 2439-2445/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Debugger is active
03-05 08:38:45.087 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: Debugger has connected
03-05 08:38:45.087 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:45.287 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:45.491 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:45.691 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:45.891 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:46.095 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:46.295 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
03-05 08:38:46.499 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/System.out: debugger has settled (1367)
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Landroid/view/SearchEvent;)
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.view.Window$Callback.onSearchRequested, referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve interface method 17135: Landroid/view/Window$Callback;.onSearchRequested (Landroid/view/SearchEvent;)Z
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x72 at 0x0002
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.view.Window$Callback.onWindowStartingActionMode, referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve interface method 17139: Landroid/view/Window$Callback;.onWindowStartingActionMode (Landroid/view/ActionMode$Callback;I)Landroid/view/ActionMode;
03-05 08:38:46.507 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x72 at 0x0002
03-05 08:38:46.523 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.getChangingConfigurations, referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.523 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 443: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.getChangingConfigurations ()I
03-05 08:38:46.523 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0002
03-05 08:38:46.523 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.getType, referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.523 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 465: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.getType (I)I
03-05 08:38:46.523 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0002
03-05 08:38:46.547 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable, referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.547 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 406: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawable (ILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
03-05 08:38:46.547 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0002
03-05 08:38:46.547 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawableForDensity, referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.547 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 408: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawableForDensity (IILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
03-05 08:38:46.547 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0002
03-05 08:38:46.559 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_ABIS
03-05 08:38:46.559 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve static field 101 (SUPPORTED_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
03-05 08:38:46.559 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0039
03-05 08:38:46.559 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_ABIS
03-05 08:38:46.559 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/dalvikvm: DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x0065 at 0x3e in Lcom/twilio/chat/internal/ReLinker;.unpackLibrary
03-05 08:38:46.563 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.twilio.chatquickstart-1/ 0xa4fc3ff0
03-05 08:38:46.567 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.twilio.chatquickstart-1/ 0xa4fc3ff0
03-05 08:38:46.571 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/ChatClient: Twilio Chat SDK version 2.0.8
03-05 08:38:46.571 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/ChatClient: Subscribed to ActivityLifecycleCallbacks
03-05 08:38:46.571 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/ChatClient: Subscribed to ComponentCallbacks2
03-05 08:38:46.583 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClient(native): -1217036224 | 03/05/08:38:46.585 | DEBUG | ChatClient(native) | Started ChatClient nativeCreate()
03-05 08:38:46.583 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd418 for method onMessageAdded(Lcom/twilio/chat/Message;)V
03-05 08:38:46.583 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd488 for method onMessageUpdated(Lcom/twilio/chat/Message;Lcom/twilio/chat/Message$UpdateReason;)V
03-05 08:38:46.583 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd450 for method onMessageDeleted(Lcom/twilio/chat/Message;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd370 for method onMemberAdded(Lcom/twilio/chat/Member;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd3e0 for method onMemberUpdated(Lcom/twilio/chat/Member;Lcom/twilio/chat/Member$UpdateReason;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd3a8 for method onMemberDeleted(Lcom/twilio/chat/Member;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd530 for method onTypingStarted(Lcom/twilio/chat/Member;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd4f8 for method onTypingEnded(Lcom/twilio/chat/Member;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e0cd4c0 for method onSynchronizationChanged(Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c580 for method onChannelJoined(Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c548 for method onChannelInvited(Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c4d8 for method onChannelAdded(Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c5f0 for method onChannelUpdated(Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel;Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel$UpdateReason;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c510 for method onChannelDeleted(Lcom/twilio/chat/Channel;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c6d0 for method onNotification(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c740 for method onNotificationSubscribed()V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c708 for method onNotificationFailed(Lcom/twilio/chat/ErrorInfo;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c7e8 for method onUserUpdated(Lcom/twilio/chat/User;Lcom/twilio/chat/User$UpdateReason;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c778 for method onUserSubscribed(Lcom/twilio/chat/User;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c7b0 for method onUserUnsubscribed(Lcom/twilio/chat/User;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c628 for method onClientSynchronization(Lcom/twilio/chat/ChatClient$SynchronizationStatus;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c660 for method onConnectionStateChange(Lcom/twilio/chat/ChatClient$ConnectionState;)V
03-05 08:38:46.587 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10c698 for method onError(Lcom/twilio/chat/ErrorInfo;)V
03-05 08:38:46.591 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart E/dalvikvm: Could not find class '', referenced from method
03-05 08:38:46.591 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 196 (Landroid/net/ProxyInfo;) in Lcom/twilio/chat/internal/ProxyInfoRequestor;
03-05 08:38:46.591 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x0031
03-05 08:38:46.595 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x9e10b100 for method (Landroid/content/Context;)V
03-05 08:38:46.599 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/ProxyInfoRequestor: Method ConnectivityManager.getDefaultProxy not found, not reading proxy config
03-05 08:38:46.603 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 308K, 13% free 3047K/3464K, paused 2ms, total 2ms
03-05 08:38:46.603 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC:: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.607 | DEBUG | | Using root certificate store: /data/data/com.twilio.chatquickstart/files/rootcert.pem
03-05 08:38:46.611 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClient(native): -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.612 | DEBUG | ChatClient(native) | Creating notification client observer
03-05 08:38:46.615 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IoService: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.618 | INFO | IoService | Creating 16 threads in the executor pool
03-05 08:38:46.615 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.620 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | client: version: 2.4.1, build id: 260, build branch: refs/heads/master, os: android, arch: x86
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Default thread pool: Available: 16; Capacity: 16
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | connectImpl >> Disconnected
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | connect
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNDisconnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | INFO | 2 | TNDisconnectedState | Leaving state: Disconnected
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Disconnected --> Transport connecting
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTransportConnectingState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | INFO | 5 | TNTransportConnectingState | Entering state: Transport connecting
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | startTransportConnectingTimer
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Connecting...
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Using proxy : except ()
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | initialising...
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:46.625 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Trying to establish connection to:
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.626 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | addObserverImpl >> Transport connecting
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.626 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | addObserver
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:46.626 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | twilsock is in disconnected state: Unknown reason
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.626 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | initialised
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.626 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | TCEmsClient
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native): -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.627 | DEBUG | ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native) | ChatContinuationTokenStorage::ChatContinuationTokenStorage(jni_mate::GlobalRef<_jobject*>)
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.627 | DEBUG | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | init
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.627 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | init
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.627 | DEBUG | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | setToken, eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiSnqJHLz2qxVjTuvxoCrDoMR8CRpsdZRioxW7BQ
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | scheduleSetToken
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | INFO | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | schedule new task
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | internal set token run...
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | setToken
03-05 08:38:46.623 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | runGenerateTokenTask
03-05 08:38:46.627 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native): -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native) | std::__1::string retrieveTokenFromStorage(std::__1::string, jni_mate::GlobalRef<_jobject*>)
03-05 08:38:46.627 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native): -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native) | virtual std::__1::string ChatContinuationTokenStorage::fetchContinuationToken(const string&) retrieved token {"continuation_token":"eyJjdHkiOiJ0d2lsaW8tZnBhO3Y9MSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJwb3N0bWFuX2FnZW50X2JhYnlfcHJlZ25lbnRAd2VidGViLmNvbSIsImNoYXQiOnsic2VydmljZV9zaWQiOiJJUzU0MWNmZDIyNjJkMDQ5NTZhMjI5ODZmZGE2NDM2ODM0IiwiZW5kcG9pbnRfaWQiOiJ0d2kxLTA3Mjk2MzZhN2YzNjRmNGViMzllYmE0MGI5YTE3MWEwIn19LCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiaXNzIjoiU0s0ODI4MjJiOTdmMmRjYzQ0OWFmMzkwMzVhZDdhMjAzOCIsImV4cCI6MTUyMDI1NjgzN30.ejJsSpFE0ASdJBh5NPwcD8MiBJ-4ddbN-pKu4fiAY5Q","version":"1"} under key default
03-05 08:38:46.627 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.628 | DEBUG | 9 | TCHttpObserver | client: version: 2.4.1, build id: 260, build branch: refs/heads/master, os: android, arch: x86
03-05 08:38:46.627 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.630 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:46.627 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:46.630 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | setToken - end
03-05 08:38:46.695 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/

                                                             [ 03-05 08:38:46.695  2439: 2439 D/         ]
                                                             HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb8e1f510, tid 2439

03-05 08:38:46.703 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
03-05 08:38:46.703 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
03-05 08:38:46.723 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/EGL_genymotion: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented
03-05 08:38:46.723 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart E/OpenGLRenderer: Getting MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE from GradienCache
03-05 08:38:46.723 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart E/OpenGLRenderer: MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 16384
03-05 08:38:46.735 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart E/OpenGLRenderer: Getting MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE from Caches::initConstraints()
03-05 08:38:46.735 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart E/OpenGLRenderer: MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 16384
03-05 08:38:46.735 2439-2439/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.438 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onTransportConnectedImpl >> Transport connecting
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.438 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendInit
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.440 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendInit, id = 332dd2df2d1f4821910615713dc7beffbeff
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTransportConnectingState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.440 | INFO | 5 | TNTransportConnectingState | Leaving state: Transport connecting
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.440 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | stopTransportConnectingTimer
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.440 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Transport connecting --> Initialising
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNInitialisingState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.440 | INFO | 10 | TNInitialisingState | Entering state: Initialising
03-05 08:38:47.435 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:47.440 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (641)
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.611 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 475 bytes
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.611 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (656)
{"method":"reply","id":"332dd2df2d1f4821910615713dc7beffbeff","payload_size":0,"status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"continuation_token":"eyJmb3JtYXQiOiJydGQtY3QtMSIsImVuZHBvaW50SWQiOiJ0d2kxLTU4MDg1Zjk1ZTU1MDRlMTY5ZDExNjIzODUxMzRhNjYyIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.r9sPyXACd95pZdMyu5JfOrSpRWzZPqto1lC3zKtX/NI","continuation_token_status":{"reissued":true,"reissue_reason":"MISSING","reissue_message":"Continuation token is not provided"}}
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.611 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 332dd2df2d1f4821910615713dc7beffbeff
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.611 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage 332dd2df2d1f4821910615713dc7beffbeff
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.612 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for '332dd2df2d1f4821910615713dc7beffbeff'
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.612 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessInitReply >> Initialising
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNInitialisingState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.612 | INFO | 10 | TNInitialisingState | Leaving state: Initialising
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.612 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Initialising --> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.612 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | notifyAboutConnected
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | twilsock is ready to send upstream messages
03-05 08:38:47.611 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtxs
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2476/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207392 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2476/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207392 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332, Host:, path: /v1/token
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2476/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193207392 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2476/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207392 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Connected RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.616 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.617 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332 - present
03-05 08:38:47.615 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:47.617 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1421)
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 1196 bytes
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (2340)
{"method":"reply","id":"RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332","payload_size":1897,"payload_type":"application/json;charset=utf-8","status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"http_headers":{"Server":"nginx","Date":"Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:38:47 GMT","Content-Type":"application/json;charset=utf-8","Content-Length":"1897","X-Shenanigans":"none","Strict-Transport-Security":"max-age=15768000"},"http_status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"}}
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332'
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 0 | TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult | requestId=RQ9652f1c175a0440b840aaa8451a86332, 173ms, onSuccess: 200 - OK
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 9 | TCHttpObserver | onResponse - begin
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | INFO | 9 | TCHttpObserver | Response has been received: 200 - OK
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | notifyAboutUpdatedToken
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | storeTwilioRtdToken
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | Store object: '{"continuation_token":"eyJjdHkiOiJ0d2lsaW8tZnBhO3Y9MSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJwb3N0bWFuX2FnZW50X2JhYnlfcHJlZ25lbnRAd2VidGViLmNvbSIsImNoYXQiOnsic2VydmljZV9zaWQiOiJJUzU0MWNmZDIyNjJkMDQ5NTZhMjI5ODZmZGE2NDM2ODM0IiwiZW5kcG9pbnRfaWQiOiJ0d2kxLTA3Mjk2MzZhN2YzNjRmNGViMzllYmE0MGI5YTE3MWEwIn19LCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiaXNzIjoiU0s0ODI4MjJiOTdmMmRjYzQ0OWFmMzkwMzVhZDdhMjAzOCIsImV4cCI6MTUyMDI1NzEyOH0.86FkqYGzf7tQ7rOMS-oOJuNIvYlFmRZRKgbvqpmoT1M","version":"1"}'
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native): -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.790 | DEBUG | ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native) | virtual void ChatContinuationTokenStorage::storeContinuationToken(const string&, const string&) storing token {"continuation_token":"eyJjdHkiOiJ0d2lsaW8tZnBhO3Y9MSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJwb3N0bWFuX2FnZW50X2JhYnlfcHJlZ25lbnRAd2VidGViLmNvbSIsImNoYXQiOnsic2VydmljZV9zaWQiOiJJUzU0MWNmZDIyNjJkMDQ5NTZhMjI5ODZmZGE2NDM2ODM0IiwiZW5kcG9pbnRfaWQiOiJ0d2kxLTA3Mjk2MzZhN2YzNjRmNGViMzllYmE0MGI5YTE3MWEwIn19LCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiaXNzIjoiU0s0ODI4MjJiOTdmMmRjYzQ0OWFmMzkwMzVhZDdhMjAzOCIsImV4cCI6MTUyMDI1NzEyOH0.86FkqYGzf7tQ7rOMS-oOJuNIvYlFmRZRKgbvqpmoT1M","version":"1"} under key default
03-05 08:38:47.787 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native): -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.791 | DEBUG | ChatContinuationTokenStorage(native) | void putTokenToStorage(std::__1::string, std::__1::string, jni_mate::GlobalRef<_jobject*>)
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | scheduleTokenUpdate
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 9 | TCHttpObserver | setPromise - 0
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | internal set token result: 0
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | backoff result: 0 - '', setToken result: 0
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 7 | TCBackoffEmsClient | scheduleSetToken
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClient(native): -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | ChatClient(native) | Creating notification client
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCEmsClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 8 | TCEmsClient | runGenerateTokenTask
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 9 | TCHttpObserver | onResponse - end
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Default thread pool: Available: 15; Capacity: 16
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 9 | TCHttpObserver | ~TCHttpObserver - begin
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Not enough free threads in the default pool. Available: 15; Capacity: 16. Increasing capacity on 20
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TCHttpObserver: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 9 | TCHttpObserver | ~TCHttpObserver - end
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | New capacity of default thread pool: 36
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClient(native): -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | ChatClient(native) | Creating the ChatClient. Endpoint platform is Android|2.0.8|Genymotion|Genymotion Custom Phone - 4.4.4 - API 19 - 768x1280|19
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IPM: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | IPM | client: version:, build id: 342, build branch: refs/heads/master, os: android, arch: x86, chat lib: , datasync lib:
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IPM: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | IPM | client: platform: Android|2.0.8|Genymotion|Genymotion Custom Phone - 4.4.4 - API 19 - 768x1280|19
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IPM: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | IPM | 4 concurrent threads are supported
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | 14 | SyncClient | initializing product: ip_messaging sdk: cpp/4.18.6 os: Linux/3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty platform: i686/4.18.6
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncClient: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | 14 | SyncClient | build #428 release: 4.18.6 branch: master
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCoreDataService: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | 17 | TSCoreDataService | constructed
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Registering for notification events
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | IPM | [P95PW] client: StateNotInitialized->StateInitializing
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.794 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Initializing...
03-05 08:38:47.791 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.796 | DEBUG | 13 | TNNotificationMgr | Starting...
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | IPM | session: start initialization
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 13 | TNNotificationMgr | Started
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | Starting...
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | IPM | [listener] on client sync 0
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | Started
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Inited!
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | addObserverImpl >> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | addObserver
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Starting registration..., id: internal twilsock address
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | Start
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.798 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | StartRegistration
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncList: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | INFO | 22 | SyncList | constructed
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | INFO | 23 | TSCollectionCreateActivity | constructed
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | INFO | 23 | TSCollectionCreateActivity | start 1
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncList: -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | INFO | 22 | SyncList | create action id: 1 name: 0 purpose: 1
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2463/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity: -1193284384 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | INFO | 23 | TSCollectionCreateActivity | query [0] /v3/Lists
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClient(native): -1193296224 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | DEBUG | ChatClient(native) | Completed ChatClient nativeCreate()
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2461/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2490/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClientListener(native): -1193190536 | 03/05/08:38:47.799 | DEBUG | ChatClientListener(native) | onClientSynchronization
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2490/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/ChatClientListenerForwarder: Client synchronization update - STARTED
03-05 08:38:47.795 2439-2490/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | addNotificationCtxImpl >> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | addNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 1
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2463/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193284384 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2463/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193284384 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2463/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193284384 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6, Host:, path: /v3/Lists
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2463/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193284384 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2463/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193284384 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart E/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | CRITICAL | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | Message type list is empty
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | WARNING | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | Could not operate with notification context in twilsock. Error 16
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart A/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | FATAL | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Fatal error while registering twilsock connection: 9: Message type list is empty, public error code: 0
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | notifyAboutError
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Connected RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6 - present
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:47.801 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (2874)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1615
{"http_request":{"headers":{"Content-Length":"1235","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6","Twilio-Sync-Client-Info":"{"os":"Linux","osVer":"3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty","pl":"i686","plVer":"4.18.6","sdk":"cpp","sdkVer":"4.18.6"}","X-Twilio-Product-Id":"ip_messaging","X-Twilio-Token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_Ei
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TransportStateObserver: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | TransportStateObserver | Transport is not working for channel type 3
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClientListener(native): -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | ChatClientListener(native) | onTransportStateChanged
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Transport state changed. Is enabled: 0
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt: com.twilio.rtd.cds.document, channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type: com.twilio.rtd.cds.document, for channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | UpdateRegistration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | updateNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 1
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.802 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.803 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = bcfadbf2ba844eac9b599c6a5201e11ce11c
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:47.803 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1409)
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.803 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt: com.twilio.rtd.cds.document
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.803 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type: com.twilio.rtd.cds.document
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.803 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt: com.twilio.rtd.cds.list, channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.803 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type: com.twilio.rtd.cds.list, for channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | UpdateRegistration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt: com.twilio.rtd.cds.list
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type: com.twilio.rtd.cds.list
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | UpdateRegistration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 0)
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 1)
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt:
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type:
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt: twilio.sync.event, channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type: twilio.sync.event, for channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | UpdateRegistration
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt: twilio.sync.event
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type: twilio.sync.event
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.799 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.804 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.805 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 2)
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to toasts:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to toasts:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to toasts:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: gcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: fcm
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to toasts:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt: twilio.ipmsg.typing_indicator, channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type: twilio.ipmsg.typing_indicator, for channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.806 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | UpdateRegistration
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt: twilio.ipmsg.typing_indicator
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to toasts: twilio.ipmsg.typing_indicator
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to twilio.ipmsg.typing_indicator
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Creating subscription..., mt:, channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegistrationMgr: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | 20 | TNRegistrationMgr | New message type:, for channel: apn
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Subscription is created, mt:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | IPM | subscribed to toasts:
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | IPM | subcribed to
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.807 | DEBUG | IPM | [listener] on subscribed
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.808 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.803 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.808 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 3)
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onTwilsockConnected
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 2, new state 0
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TransportStateObserver: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | DEBUG | TransportStateObserver | Transport is trying to connect and register or trying to recover for channel type 3
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClientListener(native): -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | DEBUG | ChatClientListener(native) | onTransportStateChanged
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2492/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClientListener(native): -1192773320 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | DEBUG | ChatClientListener(native) | onNotificationSubscribed
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Transport state changed. Is enabled: 0
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart W/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.810 | WARNING | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onTwilsockError: 0 - Message type list is empty
03-05 08:38:47.807 2439-2492/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/dalvikvm: threadid=16: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 139 bytes
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (158)
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = bcfadbf2ba844eac9b599c6a5201e11ce11c
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage bcfadbf2ba844eac9b599c6a5201e11ce11c
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'bcfadbf2ba844eac9b599c6a5201e11ce11c'
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be was successfully put
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 2
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Connected, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (3)
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.979 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | updateNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 1
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 0, new state 1
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TransportStateObserver: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | DEBUG | TransportStateObserver | Transport is working for channel type 3
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: ChatClientListener(native): -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | DEBUG | ChatClientListener(native) | onTransportStateChanged
03-05 08:38:47.975 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 16 | TSNotificationRouter | Transport state changed. Is enabled: 1
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:47.980 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.981 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 28cc5dcdf2964fc9b5d84208bbd2d022d022
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:47.981 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1435)
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.982 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (2)
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.982 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 0)
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.982 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (1)
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.982 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 1)
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.982 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (0)
03-05 08:38:47.979 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:47.982 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 2)
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 636 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (1598)
{"method":"reply","id":"RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6","payload_size":980,"payload_type":"application/json","status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"http_headers":{"Server":"nginx","Date":"Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:38:47 GMT","Content-Type":"application/json","Content-Length":"980","Location":"","ETag":"\"0\"","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6","X-Shenanigans":"none","Strict-Transport-Security":"max-age=15768000"},"http_status":{"code":201,"status":"Created"}}
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6'
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | DEBUG | 0 | TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult | requestId=RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6, 204ms, onSuccess: 201 - Created
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.005 | INFO | 23 | TSCollectionCreateActivity | response RQ25c47bc9187a406d902b92444a1a01b6 status 201 body 980 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TSSubscriptions: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.006 | DEBUG | 15 | TSSubscriptions | Added new subscription for SH0195b6216fb64e4592e877eab07f0192
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.006 | DEBUG | IPM | session: object bound SH0195b6216fb64e4592e877eab07f0192
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.006 | DEBUG | IPM | [qgcXn] commands: StateNotInitialized->StateProcessing
03-05 08:38:48.003 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.006 | INFO | 23 | TSCollectionCreateActivity | destructed
03-05 08:38:48.179 2439-2474/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TSSubscriptions: -1193208560 | 03/05/08:38:48.182 | DEBUG | 15 | TSSubscriptions | Sending subscription request for action: establish
03-05 08:38:48.179 2439-2474/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193208560 | 03/05/08:38:48.183 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2474/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193208560 | 03/05/08:38:48.184 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2474/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193208560 | 03/05/08:38:48.184 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588, Host:, path: /v4/Subscriptions
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 139 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (158)
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Update registration RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588 - present
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2474/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193208560 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 28cc5dcdf2964fc9b5d84208bbd2d022d022
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage 28cc5dcdf2964fc9b5d84208bbd2d022d022
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1865)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1621
{"http_request":{"headers":{"Content-Length":"220","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588","Twilio-Sync-Client-Info":"{"os":"Linux","osVer":"3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty","pl":"i686","plVer":"4.18.6","sdk":"cpp","sdkVer":"4.18.6"}","X-Twilio-Product-Id":"ip_messaging","X-Twilio-Token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiS
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for '28cc5dcdf2964fc9b5d84208bbd2d022d022'
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be was successfully put
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 2
03-05 08:38:48.183 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.185 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Connected, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (2)
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2474/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193208560 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.188 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | updateNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.189 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 1
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.189 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.189 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.189 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.189 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.189 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.190 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 893f195d1c404189ab2b0730ec5d18c118c1
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.190 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (1)
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.190 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 0)
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.190 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (0)
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.190 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 1)
03-05 08:38:48.187 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.190 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1460)
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.515 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 141 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (158)
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 893f195d1c404189ab2b0730ec5d18c118c1
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage 893f195d1c404189ab2b0730ec5d18c118c1
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for '893f195d1c404189ab2b0730ec5d18c118c1'
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be was successfully put
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 2
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Connected, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (1)
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | updateNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 1
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.516 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.517 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.519 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 4dad9c62c1724757ad1663061abbc1a1c1a1
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.519 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (0)
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.519 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1480)
03-05 08:38:48.515 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.519 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Update registration, save event for future performing: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (current size: 0)
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.533 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 322 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.533 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (528)
{"method":"reply","id":"RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588","payload_size":73,"payload_type":"application/json;charset=utf-8","status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"http_headers":{"Server":"nginx","Date":"Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:38:48 GMT","Content-Type":"application/json;charset=utf-8","Content-Length":"73","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588","X-Shenanigans":"none"},"http_status":{"code":202,"status":"Accepted"}}
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.533 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.533 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.534 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588'
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.534 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.534 | DEBUG | 0 | TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult | requestId=RQ03176fc2cfb14fba929c21160abfc588, 349ms, onSuccess: 202 - Accepted
03-05 08:38:48.531 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TSSubscriptions: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.534 | DEBUG | 15 | TSSubscriptions | Handling response from subscription server 1520257128182: {"estimated_delivery_in_ms":10000,"max_batch_size":1000,"ttl_in_s":86400}
03-05 08:38:48.551 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 1358 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.551 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (2473)
{"event_type":"list_context_updated","correlation_id":1520257128182,"event_protocol_version":3,"event":{"context_data":{"myChannels":"[email protected]","consumptionReportInterval":"PT1S","userInfosToSubscribe":100,"userInfo":"","type":"channelSession","endpointPlatform":"Android|2.0.8|Genymotion|Genymotion Custom Phone - 4.4.4 - API 19 - 768x1280|19","token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3J
03-05 08:38:48.551 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 4, id = TMe4d36b03f8884dc3842d2f417ee23b4e
03-05 08:38:48.551 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedNotificationMessage TMe4d36b03f8884dc3842d2f417ee23b4e
03-05 08:38:48.551 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationMgr: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 13 | TNNotificationMgr | virtual void rtd::TNNotificationMgr::ReceivedTargetedNotification(const rtd::TNBindingType&, const TNMessageType&, const ITNPayloadPtr&) type='twilsock', messageType='twilio.sync.event'
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2480/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: Notification queue worker: -1193201984 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 19 | Notification queue worker | void rtd::Worker::route(const rtd::TNBindingType&, const TNMessageType&, const ITNPayloadPtr&) 'twilio.sync.event', channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 286 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2480/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: Router: -1193201984 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | INFO | 0 | Router | Message with type 'twilio.sync.event, from channel: twilsock' is being routed to 1 targets
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (429)
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.556 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendSuccessReplyImpl >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 4, id = TM74fff2af5212424695825ccd4c73dc1f
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedNotificationMessage TM74fff2af5212424695825ccd4c73dc1f
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNNotificationMgr: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | DEBUG | 13 | TNNotificationMgr | virtual void rtd::TNNotificationMgr::ReceivedTargetedNotification(const rtd::TNBindingType&, const TNMessageType&, const ITNPayloadPtr&) type='twilsock', messageType='twilio.sync.event'
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendSuccessReply
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendSuccessReply, id = TMe4d36b03f8884dc3842d2f417ee23b4e
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendSuccessReplyImpl >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendSuccessReply
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendSuccessReply, id = TM74fff2af5212424695825ccd4c73dc1f
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (116)
03-05 08:38:48.555 2439-2480/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193201984 | 03/05/08:38:48.557 | DEBUG | IPM | [P95PW] client: StateInitializing->StateSessionInitialized
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2480/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: Notification queue worker: -1193201984 | 03/05/08:38:48.564 | DEBUG | 19 | Notification queue worker | void rtd::Worker::route(const rtd::TNBindingType&, const TNMessageType&, const ITNPayloadPtr&) 'twilio.sync.event', channel: twilsock
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2480/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: Router: -1193201984 | 03/05/08:38:48.565 | INFO | 0 | Router | Message with type 'twilio.sync.event, from channel: twilsock' is being routed to 1 targets
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.565 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (116)
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.565 | DEBUG | IPM | session: context updated, continuing init
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.566 | DEBUG | IPM | getSeconds: got 5
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.566 | DEBUG | IPM | users:
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.566 | DEBUG | IPM | public channels:
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.567 | DEBUG | IPM | user channels:
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.567 | DEBUG | IPM | sync list:
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.567 | DEBUG | IPM | typing:
03-05 08:38:48.563 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRawHttp: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.567 | DEBUG | 30 | TNRawHttp | client: version: 2.4.1, build id: 260, build branch: refs/heads/master, os: android, arch: x86
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TMD: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.569 | INFO | TMD | client: version: 0.1.6, build id: 62, build branch: release-0.1.6, os: android, arch: x86
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TMD: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.569 | INFO | TMD | client created with token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiSnqJHLz2qxVjTuvxoCrDoMR8CRpsdZRioxW7BQ.eyJjdHkiOiJ0d2lsaW8tZnBhO3Y9MSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJwb3N0bWFuX2FnZW50X2JhYnlfcHJlZ25lbnRAd2VidGViLmNvbSIsImNoYXQiOnsic2VydmljZV9zaWQiOiJJUzU0MWNmZDIyNjJkMDQ5NTZhMjI5ODZmZGE2NDM2ODM0IiwiZW5kcG9pbnRfaWQiOiJ0d2kxLTA3Mjk2MzZhN2YzNjRmNGViMzllYmE0MGI5YTE3MWEwIn19LCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiaXNzIjoiU0s0ODI4MjJiOTdm
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.569 | DEBUG | IPM | users: i am [email protected]
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.570 | DEBUG | IPM | users: queue 100
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.570 | DEBUG | IPM | getSeconds: got 1
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.570 | DEBUG | IPM | consumption: set interval: 1
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.571 | INFO | IPM | channels: starting initialization
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.571 | DEBUG | IPM | [P95PW] channels: StateNotInitialized->StateUserChannelsInitializing
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2505/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IPM: -1193069208 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | IPM | channels: initializing user channels: [email protected]
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2505/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncMap: -1193069208 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 31 | SyncMap | constructed
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2505/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193069208 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 32 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | constructed
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2505/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193069208 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 32 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | start 2
03-05 08:38:48.567 2439-2505/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncMap: -1193069208 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 31 | SyncMap | open action id: 2 id: [email protected]
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncMap: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 33 | SyncMap | constructed
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2475/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193207976 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 32 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | query [1] /v3/Maps/
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2475/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207976 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2475/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207976 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2475/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207976 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb, Host:, path: /v3/Maps/
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2475/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193207976 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2475/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193207976 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Update registration RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb - present
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1681)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1657
{"http_request":{"headers":{"Content-Length":"0","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb","Twilio-Sync-Client-Info":"{"os":"Linux","osVer":"3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty","pl":"i686","plVer":"4.18.6","sdk":"cpp","sdkVer":"4.18.6"}","X-Twilio-Product-Id":"ip_messaging","X-Twilio-Token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiSnq
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.572 | INFO | 34 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | constructed
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 34 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | start 3
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2498/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncMap: -1192788600 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 33 | SyncMap | open action id: 3 id:
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2468/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193212064 | 03/05/08:38:48.574 | INFO | 34 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | query [1] /v3/Maps/
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2468/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193212064 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2468/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193212064 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2468/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193212064 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0, Host:, path: /v3/Maps/
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2468/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193212064 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2468/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193212064 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Update registration RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:48.571 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0 - present
03-05 08:38:48.575 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.576 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1671)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1647
{"http_request":{"headers":{"Content-Length":"0","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0","Twilio-Sync-Client-Info":"{"os":"Linux","osVer":"3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty","pl":"i686","plVer":"4.18.6","sdk":"cpp","sdkVer":"4.18.6"}","X-Twilio-Product-Id":"ip_messaging","X-Twilio-Token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiSnq
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 139 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (158)
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 4dad9c62c1724757ad1663061abbc1a1c1a1
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage 4dad9c62c1724757ad1663061abbc1a1c1a1
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for '4dad9c62c1724757ad1663061abbc1a1c1a1'
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be was successfully put
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 2
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | State: Connected, post deferred event: N3rtd28TNUpdateNotificationCtxEventE (0)
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | updateNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 1
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
03-05 08:38:48.695 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.699 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
03-05 08:38:48.699 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.702 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 4eb675188a5d4ae48f8edba19ccf24242424
03-05 08:38:48.699 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.703 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1512)
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.752 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 644 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.752 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (1445)
{"method":"reply","id":"RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb","payload_size":934,"payload_type":"application/json","status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"http_headers":{"Server":"nginx","Date":"Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:38:48 GMT","Content-Type":"application/json","Content-Length":"934","ETag":""13"","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb","Vary":"Accept-Encoding","X-Shenanigans":"none","Strict-Transport-Security":"max-age=15768000"},"http_status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"}}
{"account_sid":"AC3934301a699d6fb2c70f6292bbe9242f","service_sid":"IS541cfd2262d04956a22986fda6436834","sid":"MPab4f116ab42d464fb3494df8844d3f58","unique_name":"[email protected]","revision":"13","last_event_id":18,"date_expires":null,"date_created":"2018-02-26T08:36:25.011Z","date_updated":"2018-03-05T13:37:51.374Z","created_by":"system","eventing":"reliable","type":"map","u
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb'
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | 0 | TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult | requestId=RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb, 179ms, onSuccess: 200 - OK
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | INFO | 32 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | response RQ96edbb22878b48e097b9f87cd79c5fcb status 200 body 934 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TSSubscriptions: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | 15 | TSSubscriptions | Added new subscription for MPab4f116ab42d464fb3494df8844d3f58
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | IPM | user channels: object bound MPab4f116ab42d464fb3494df8844d3f58
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | IPM | requesting sync list
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.753 | DEBUG | IPM | sending GET request for sync list, Zuy8LqrlHv
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | INFO | 32 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | destructed
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2471/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193210312 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2471/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193210312 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73, Host:, path: /v1/Instances/IS541cfd2262d04956a22986fda6436834/Users/USd21f5ac5028a4a4cab7bd1cf8fff55de/SyncList
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2471/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193210312 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2471/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193210312 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Update registration RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73 - present
03-05 08:38:48.751 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.754 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1377)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1355
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TSSubscriptions: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:48.766 | DEBUG | 15 | TSSubscriptions | Sending subscription request for action: establish
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6, Host:, path: /v4/Subscriptions
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2477/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206808 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Update registration RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6 - present
03-05 08:38:48.763 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.767 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1864)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1621
{"http_request":{"headers":{"Content-Length":"219","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQf475f49a3b0f41b48bb110385a167bf6","Twilio-Sync-Client-Info":"{"os":"Linux","osVer":"3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty","pl":"i686","plVer":"4.18.6","sdk":"cpp","sdkVer":"4.18.6"}","X-Twilio-Product-Id":"ip_messaging","X-Twilio-Token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiS
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 622 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (1434)
{"method":"reply","id":"RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0","payload_size":924,"payload_type":"application/json","status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"http_headers":{"Server":"nginx","Date":"Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:38:48 GMT","Content-Type":"application/json","Content-Length":"924","ETag":""2"","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0","Vary":"Accept-Encoding","X-Shenanigans":"none","Strict-Transport-Security":"max-age=15768000"},"http_status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"}}
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0'
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | 0 | TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult | requestId=RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0, 335ms, onSuccess: 200 - OK
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | INFO | 34 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | response RQe1c9d1b050794ca5ba6ca089b0045ca0 status 200 body 924 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TSSubscriptions: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | 15 | TSSubscriptions | Added new subscription for MP9e75e8036db3419eaaa76bbd633aba7c
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | DEBUG | IPM | [1] querying all items from MP9e75e8036db3419eaaa76bbd633aba7c
03-05 08:38:48.907 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: IoService: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.911 | INFO | IoService | Creating 16 threads in the executor pool
03-05 08:38:48.911 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionItemQueryActivity(3): -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.916 | INFO | 36 | TSCollectionItemQueryActivity(3) | constructed
03-05 08:38:48.911 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionItemQueryActivity(3): -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.916 | INFO | 36 | TSCollectionItemQueryActivity(3) | start 4
03-05 08:38:48.911 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: SyncMap: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.916 | INFO | 33 | SyncMap | query page id: 4
03-05 08:38:48.911 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionOpenActivity: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.916 | INFO | 34 | TSCollectionOpenActivity | destructed
03-05 08:38:48.911 2439-2465/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TSCollectionItemQueryActivity(3): -1193283216 | 03/05/08:38:48.916 | INFO | 36 | TSCollectionItemQueryActivity(3) | query [1] /v3/Services/IS541cfd2262d04956a22986fda6436834/Maps/MP9e75e8036db3419eaaa76bbd633aba7c/Items?Order=asc
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2465/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193283216 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f, enqueueing request to:
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2478/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206224 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | INFO | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f, sending request to:
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2478/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206224 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | param: Order - asc
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2478/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206224 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f, Host:, path: /v3/Services/IS541cfd2262d04956a22986fda6436834/Maps/MP9e75e8036db3419eaaa76bbd633aba7c/Items
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2478/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193206224 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendHttpMessage RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2478/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient: -1193206224 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | DEBUG | 6 | TNHttpTransportClient | dequeueing request: RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Update registration RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.918 | INFO | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f - present
03-05 08:38:48.915 2439-2481/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193199184 | 03/05/08:38:48.919 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Sending frame via websocket (1741)
TWILSOCK V3.0 1717
{"http_request":{"headers":{"Content-Length":"0","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Twilio-Request-Id":"RQd94efadb68ae41e7b6a2b67399bf557f","Twilio-Sync-Client-Info":"{"os":"Linux","osVer":"3.10.0-genymotion-g1d178ae-dirty","pl":"i686","plVer":"4.18.6","sdk":"cpp","sdkVer":"4.18.6"}","X-Twilio-Product-Id":"ip_messaging","X-Twilio-Token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMzAwMjcwLCJqdGkiOiJTS2I2Nzc5MjczM2IxZjViZGRhNGViYjI4MTE5YjA3YzkwLTE1MjAyNTcwNzAiLCJzdWIiOiJBQzM5MzQzMDFhNjk5ZDZmYjJjNzBmNjI5MmJiZTkyNDJmIiwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoicG9zdG1hbl9hZ2VudF9iYWJ5X3ByZWduZW50QHdlYnRlYi5jb20iLCJjaGF0Ijp7InNlcnZpY2Vfc2lkIjoiSVM1NDFjZmQyMjYyZDA0OTU2YTIyOTg2ZmRhNjQzNjgzNCIsImVuZHBvaW50X2lkIjoiMjEzMjEzNDMyNHFld3JkYXNmZHNmZHNhZmRhc2YifX19.lm_EiSnq
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 138 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (158)
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 4eb675188a5d4ae48f8edba19ccf24242424
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage 4eb675188a5d4ae48f8edba19ccf24242424
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for '4eb675188a5d4ae48f8edba19ccf24242424'
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be was successfully put
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | DEBUG | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | onStateChanged ctxId: 8e7d5bbd094b43c0904127daf9f790be - state: 2
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 25 | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNConnectedState: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 11 | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
03-05 08:38:48.931 2439-2486/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNNotificationClient: -1193189856 | 03/05/08:38:48.935 | INFO | 12 | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
03-05 08:38:48.971 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.976 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 534 bytes
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.976 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived (1189)
{"method":"reply","id":"RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73","payload_size":624,"payload_type":"application/json","status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"},"http_headers":{"Server":"nginx","Date":"Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:38:48 GMT","Content-Type":"application/json","Content-Length":"624","I-Twilio-Upstream-Request-Id":"RU44bd63557ea2419bb519e756a8778d5c","I-Twilio-Request-Id":"RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73","Vary":"Accept-Encoding","X-Shenanigans":"none","Strict-Transport-Security":"max-age=15768000"},"http_status":{"code":200,"status":"OK"}}
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.976 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:48.977 | DEBUG | 3 | TNTwilsockClientImpl | proceedReplyMessage RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.977 | DEBUG | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | Reply for 'RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73'
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.977 | INFO | 1 | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Connected
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.977 | DEBUG | 0 | TNHttpTwilsockMessageResult | requestId=RQd8ac2a558453413fbbdd5f8e72853f73, 222ms, onSuccess: 200 - OK
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: IPM: -1193285536 | 03/05/08:38:48.977 | DEBUG | IPM | sync list request done for Zuy8LqrlHv with 200 OK
03-05 08:38:48.975 2439-2462/com.twilio.chatquickstart A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=128), thread 2462 (.chatquickstart)
03-05 08:38:49.103 2439-2479/com.twilio.chatquickstart D/TWC: TNWebsocket: -1193202976 | 03/05/08:38:49.105 | DEBUG | 4 | TNWebsocket | Receive message 324 bytes

Update Policies


This is no software bug!

I am just a bit puzzled. I was hoping for some better 2.0.X. Now I see there a bug report for 3.0.0. Quick check reveals, API has changed, so move is a bit more than just switching dependencies. Are there docs about new APIs? Will there be a 2.0.9? Is 3.0.0 for production? Google search ends on 404, where are instructive changelogs? What are planned steps for both APIs and Apps using it?

Yea I know, this all requires work to be done, but it is really hard, to keep in touch without.
Thank you for your time!

Token generator problems (was: cannot build)

I get the error when i try to make build ...Error:Execution failed for task ':chat-demo-android:processDebugGoogleServices'. > No matching client found for package name ''

Error while setting token

Hi, I getting this issue while creating ChatClient "Operation has been canceled. Unable to set FPA token."

this is the token response I'm getting from my server.

Once I got token I'm initializing AccessManager & ChatClient as

private void createAccessManager() {
        if (accessManager != null) return;

        accessManager = new AccessManager(accessToken, new AccessManager.Listener() {
            public void onTokenWillExpire(AccessManager accessManager) {


            public void onTokenExpired(AccessManager accessManager) {

            public void onError(AccessManager accessManager, String errorMessage) {
                if (callback != null) callback.onError(errorMessage);

        accessManager.addTokenUpdateListener(token -> {
            if (chatClient == null) return;

            chatClient.updateToken(token, new StatusListener() {
                public void onSuccess() {
                    if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Token updated successfully.");

                public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
                    if (callback != null) callback.onError(errorInfo.getMessage());


private void createChatClient() {
        if (chatClient != null) return;

        ChatClient.Properties properties = new ChatClient.Properties.Builder()
        ChatClient.create(context, accessToken, properties, this);

This is the implementation for CallbackListener:

    public void onSuccess(ChatClient chatClient) {
        AppUtil.debugLog(TAG, "ChatClient initialized");
        this.chatClient = chatClient;
        if (callback != null) callback.onSuccess(null);

    public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
         if (callback != null) callback.onError(errorInfo.getMessage());

Please help. Thanks.

App crash on login

I'm getting an issue where app is getting crashed on clicking "LogIn" button.
After debugging, I found out that responseCode is 404 instead of 200 I don't know why.

As specified in docs, I followed steps in Building section.

I'm running this demo on Genymotion.

Please help, Thanks.

Xiaomi Redmi 4A crash

Crash on Xiaomi Redmi 4A, Android 6.0.1


12-14 15:47:23.903 com.brainagency.clevergig D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x7f69a526c0 for method <init>(J)V
12-14 15:47:23.905 com.brainagency.clevergig W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[11,tid=10270,Native,Thread*=0x559eb09d20,peer=0x130261c0,"evergig - 10109 - 10270"]
12-14 15:47:23.905 com.brainagency.clevergig D/TwilioClient: onMessageAdded:
12-14 15:47:23.906 com.brainagency.clevergig D/ChannelsPresenter: onChannelUpdated:
12-14 15:47:23.906 com.brainagency.clevergig D/ChannelsFragment: updateChannel:
12-14 15:47:24.058 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MyFirebaseMessagingService: From: 511841376674
12-14 15:47:24.059 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MyFirebaseMessagingService: Message data payload: {channel_id=CH4594bf5f2f79497cb95caff10b5d5665, message_id=IM0965f3b8dce34930a7b5d618ed74f962, [email protected], message_index=0, message_sid=IM0965f3b8dce34930a7b5d618ed74f962,, channel_sid=CH4594bf5f2f79497cb95caff10b5d5665, twi_message_id=RUa57396c86b93fb9ba8e5b889dbdca2ea, [email protected]: выап, [email protected]}
12-14 15:47:24.059 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MyFirebaseMessagingService: Message Notification Body: null
12-14 15:47:24.059 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MyFirebaseMessagingService: onMessageReceived: NEW_MESSAGE
12-14 15:47:24.060 com.brainagency.clevergig D/NotificationUtils: showNewMessageNotification: title=New message, [email protected]: выап
12-14 15:47:24.062 com.brainagency.clevergig D/NotificationUtils: sendTwilioNotification:  title=New message, [email protected]: выап, pendingIntent=PendingIntent{e740973: android.os.BinderProxy@2dbd2e8}
12-14 15:47:25.028 com.brainagency.clevergig D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x7128ca60 for method <init>(J)V
12-14 15:47:25.029 com.brainagency.clevergig W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[61,tid=10273,Native,Thread*=0x559f2ba500,peer=0x1342d0a0,"evergig - 10109 - 10273"]
12-14 15:47:25.030 com.brainagency.clevergig D/ShiftsFragment: onReceive: Intent { act=push_notification_action (has extras) }
12-14 15:47:25.030 com.brainagency.clevergig D/AgendaMonthViewFragment: onReceive: Intent { act=push_notification_action (has extras) }
12-14 15:47:25.030 com.brainagency.clevergig D/AgendaMonthViewFragment: onReceive: Intent { act=push_notification_action (has extras) }
12-14 15:47:25.030 com.brainagency.clevergig D/AgendaMonthViewFragment: onReceive: Intent { act=push_notification_action (has extras) }
12-14 15:47:25.161 com.brainagency.clevergig D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x7f69a51bb8 for method <init>(J)V
12-14 15:47:25.163 com.brainagency.clevergig W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[61,tid=10274,Native,Thread*=0x559f2ba500,peer=0x1342d100,"evergig - 10109 - 10274"]
12-14 15:47:25.163 com.brainagency.clevergig D/TwilioClient: onMemberUpdated:, updateReason=LAST_CONSUMED_MESSAGE_INDEX
12-14 15:47:25.661 com.brainagency.clevergig W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10275,Native,Thread*=0x559f4baae0,peer=0x134540a0,"evergig - 10109 - 10275"]
12-14 15:47:25.961 com.brainagency.clevergig D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x7f69a51bb8 for method <init>(J)V
12-14 15:47:25.962 com.brainagency.clevergig D/TwilioClient: onMemberUpdated:, updateReason=LAST_CONSUMED_MESSAGE_INDEX
12-14 15:47:25.962 com.brainagency.clevergig W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10278,Native,Thread*=0x559f4baae0,peer=0x13454100,"evergig - 10109 - 10278"]
12-14 15:47:26.042 com.brainagency.clevergig D/jni_mate: Got method ID 0x7128ca60 for method <init>(J)V
12-14 15:47:26.042 com.brainagency.clevergig E/jni_mate: #
                                                         # Fatal error in /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/chat-sdk-android/workspace/configuration/Release/label/master/sdk/build/prebuilt/jni-mate/include/ListenerWrapper.h, line 40
                                                         # Check failed: statusListener_ && (onSuccess_ || onSuccessBackup_)
                                                         # Invariant violated
12-14 15:47:26.042 com.brainagency.clevergig A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 10279 (evergig - 10109)

Chat Lib Issue

Hi, this is kind of wrong here, cause it is in the SDK, but I have had problems getting to a technician via
regular support last time. I am receiving this exception during shutdown sequence of my app:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: 
  at (
   at (
  or                     .shutdown (
  at$1.doInBackground (
  or                     .doInBackground$10299ca (
  at android.os.AsyncTask$ (
  at (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (
  at (

The basic NPE happens in Twilio code, not mine ....

ChannelListener is not working.


I am on the MessagesList screen, displaying Messages for the CurrentChannel. I have added ChannelListener to get updates on messages added, deleted etc. I observe the log after adding the listener but only onSynchronizationChanged gets called once with Status ALL.

Please let me know if I am missing something here.

 private void setupMessageValues() {

    if (getIntent() != null) {

        try {
            currentChannel = getIntent().getParcelableExtra(CHANNEL); //getting channel on click on the channel list
            currentChannel.addListener(this); //adding listener

            if (currentChannel.getMessages() != null) {
                channelMessages = currentChannel.getMessages();
                Log.d(TAG, "setupMessageValues: "+getIntent().getLongExtra(MESSAGES_COUNT, 0));
                channelMessages.getLastMessages(100, new CallbackListener<List<Message>>() {
                    public void onSuccess(List<Message> messages) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "messages: " + messages.size());
                        convertTwilioMessagesToUI(messages, currentChannel.getMembers());
            } else
                Toasty.error(this, "Messages null").show();
        } catch (Exception e) {

public void onMessageAdded(Message message) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMessageAdded: ");
    addMyMessage(message); //works fine.

public void onMessageUpdated(Message message, Message.UpdateReason updateReason) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMessageUpdated: ");

public void onMessageDeleted(Message message) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMessageDeleted: ");

public void onMemberAdded(Member member) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMemberAdded: ");

public void onMemberUpdated(Member member, Member.UpdateReason updateReason) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMemberUpdated: ");

public void onMemberDeleted(Member member) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMemberDeleted: ");

public void onTypingStarted(Channel channel, Member member) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onTypingStarted: ");

    member.getAndSubscribeUser(new CallbackListener<User>() {
        public void onSuccess(User user) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");
            typingIndicator.setText(user.getFriendlyName() + " is Typing...");

public void onTypingEnded(Channel channel, Member member) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onTypingEnded: ");


public void onSynchronizationChanged(Channel channel) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onSynchronizationChanged: " + channel.getSynchronizationStatus());
// Code that help reproduce the issue

Expected Behavior

I expect the listener methods to be called on each events but I don't get any result for that.

Actual Behavior

Thus I can not update messages, I have to re-enter the screen to get updated messages.

Reproduces how Often



Please collect logs as described here. Full unedited logs help reproduce and fix issues faster.

 D/ChatMessageList:: onSynchronizationChanged: ALL```

#### Chat Android SDK

[eg. 3.0.1]

#### Android API


#### Android Device

[Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, samsung Galaxy Neo 5]

Version 2.0.2 Channel callback bug

Hi there. I'm using Programmable Chat Android SDK for chat in my application. Today i saw that there is a new version of SDK version 2.0.2 (i was using 2.0.1). After updating version of the Twilio SDK, compiling my app and testing it for few minutes i noticed that no any messages appears in my chat list. After small research i understand that the problem is in ChannelListener. After adding few channel listeners to one channel, callbacks like onMessageAdded, onMessageDeleted only called in first added listener. I read all release notes and didn't found any changes connected with my problem.

Any comments?

react-native component

I was just wondering if Twilio is considering releasing an official React Native (iOS/Android) component for their chat feature.

We are currently using the react-native-twilio-ip-messaging but it's out of date and very buggy.

App crash on first message


App crashing every time user send the first message

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create channel
  2. Send a message to the channel
  3. App crash
    Open app again and send a message to the same channel, App works perfectly
    *App works perfectly if I place debug point everywhere. *

Code (optional)

private fun sendMessage(text: String) {
		val message = Message.options().withBody(text)
		channel?.messages?.sendMessage(message, object : CallbackListener<Message>() {
			override fun onSuccess(message: Message?) {
				//				Logger.debug("Message sent Id: ${message?.sid}, Message: ${message?.messageBody}")
			override fun onError(errorInfo: ErrorInfo?) {
				//				Logger.error("Twilio error : Error while sending message ${errorInfo.toString()}")

private fun readAllMessages() {
		channel?.messages?.setAllMessagesConsumedWithResult(object : CallbackListener<Long>() {
			override fun onSuccess(long: Long?) {
			override fun onError(errorInfo: ErrorInfo?) {

Expected Behavior

App should not crash on the first message

Actual Behavior

App is crashing when user send the first message

Reproduces how Often

Crashing every time when user send the first message, But app works as expected when user open the app again and send the second message


03-19 12:50:07.562 12756-13542/codal.demo E/jni_mate: #
# Fatal error in /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/chat-sdk-android/workspace/configuration/Release/label/master/sdk/build/prebuilt/jni-mate/include/ListenerWrapper.h, line 40
# Check failed: statusListener_ && (onSuccess_ || onSuccessBackup_)
# Invariant violated
03-19 12:50:07.562 12756-13542/codal.demo A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 13542 (iration - 12831)

                                                       [ 03-19 12:50:07.563  1257: 1257 W/         ]
                                                       debuggerd: handling request: pid=12756 uid=10094 gid=10094 tid=13542

03-19 12:50:07.632 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-19 12:50:07.632 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_google_phone_x86/generic_x86:7.1.1/NYC/4498512:userdebug/test-keys'
03-19 12:50:07.632 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: Revision: '0'
03-19 12:50:07.632 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: ABI: 'x86'
03-19 12:50:07.632 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: pid: 12756, tid: 13542, name: iration - 12831 >>> codal.demo <<<
03-19 12:50:07.632 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
03-19 12:50:07.634 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: Abort message: ' 2084755744 | 03/19/12:48:41.766 | FATAL | 12 | TNNotificationClient | Fatal error while registering twilsock connection: 9: Message type list is empty, public error code: 0'
03-19 12:50:07.634 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: eax 00000000 ebx 000031d4 ecx 000034e6 edx 00000006
03-19 12:50:07.634 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: esi 6ed7f978 edi 6ed7f920
03-19 12:50:07.634 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: xcs 00000073 xds 0000007b xes 0000007b xfs 0000003b xss 0000007b
03-19 12:50:07.634 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: eip a846f424 ebp 6ed7f438 esp 6ed7f3dc flags 00000296
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #00 pc ffffe424 [vdso:a846f000] (__kernel_vsyscall+16)
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #1 pc 0007a03c /system/lib/ (tgkill+28)
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #2 pc 00075885 /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+85)
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #3 pc 0002785a /system/lib/ (raise+42)
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #4 pc 0001ee36 /system/lib/ (abort+86)
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #5 pc 006e2679 /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (_ZN8jni_mate12FatalMessageD1Ev+393)
03-19 12:50:07.641 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #6 pc 00320265 /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (_ZZ20resultListenerLambdaIJxEENSt3__18functionIFvNS0_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEEDpT_EEE19ChatListenerWrapperPKcSC_ENKUlS5_xE_clES5_x+1445)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #7 pc 003203c7 /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZ20resultListenerLambdaIJxEENS_8functionIFvNS_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEEDpT_EEE19ChatListenerWrapperPKcSE_EUlS7_xE_NS_9allocatorISF_EEFvS7_xEEclEOS7_Ox+87)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #8 pc 0031b0a3 /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcINS_8functionIFvNS_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEExEEENS_9allocatorIS8_EEFvS6_iEEclEOS6_Oi+99)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #9 pc 0035d1f2 /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (_ZNSt3__120__packaged_task_funcINS_6__bindIRKNS_8functionIFvNS_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEEiEEEJNS3_INS4_8TMResultEEERiEEENS_9allocatorISE_EEFvvEEclEv+120)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #10 pc 00359ef6 /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (_ZNSt3__113packaged_taskIFvvEEclEv+174)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #11 pc 00359fde /data/app/codal.demo-2/lib/x86/ (ZNSt3__114__thread_proxyINS_5tupleIJNS_13packaged_taskIFvvEEEEEEEEPvS6+118)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #12 pc 00074fe2 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+210)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #13 pc 0002029e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+30)
03-19 12:50:07.642 13544-13544/? A/DEBUG: #14 pc 0001e076 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
03-19 12:50:08.334 1307-1307/? E/lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/12756/oom_score_adj; errno=22
03-19 12:50:08.400 1915-2462/system_process E/InputDispatcher: channel '34dfd8a codal.demo/codal.demo.ui.splash.SplashActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
03-19 12:50:08.406 1915-2462/system_process E/InputDispatcher: channel '6b129e1 codal.demo/codal.demo.ui.dashboard.HomeActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
03-19 12:50:08.709 1444-8276/? E/AudioFlinger: not enough memory for AudioTrack size=131296
03-19 12:50:08.709 1444-8276/? E/AudioFlinger: createRecordTrack_l() initCheck failed -12; no control block?
03-19 12:50:08.710 3195-10831/ E/AudioRecord: AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -12
03-19 12:50:08.739 3195-10831/ E/AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed with status -12.
03-19 12:50:08.739 3195-10831/ E/ Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.
03-19 12:50:08.746 3195-10831/ E/ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for

Chat Android SDK


Android API

compileSdkVersion 27
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 27

Android Device

Nexus 5 (23)
Android emulator : Pixel 2 (API 25)

Failed adding to JNI local ref table (has 512 entries)

Before filing an issue please check that the issue is not already addressed by the following:


I made a app used twilio chat library
When I review my chat records, and back to prev page , then app got crash.
I checked the logs , and found some question about JNI local ref table (has 512 entries)
Plz help me
thank you.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. into chatroom
  2. retrive messages (history), 50 records limit.
  3. back and shutdown the chatclient , then got crash

Expected Behavior

no crash

Actual Behavior


Reproduces how Often

every time,


05-11 11:15:24.667 24974-24974/xxx.yyy E/dalvikvm: JNI ERROR (app bug): local reference table overflow (max=512)
05-11 11:15:24.667 24974-24974/xxx.yyy W/dalvikvm: JNI local reference table (0x62a14d20) dump:
Last 10 entries (of 512):
511: 0x430213c8
510: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
509: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
508: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
507: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
506: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
505: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
504: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
503: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
502: 0x436700b0 java.lang.Class<>
506 of java.lang.Class (5 unique instances)
2 of java.lang.String (2 unique instances)
1 of java.lang.String[] (2 elements)
1 of
1 of
1 of
05-11 11:15:24.667 24974-24974/xxx.yyy E/dalvikvm: Failed adding to JNI local ref table (has 512 entries)
05-11 11:15:24.667 24974-24974/xxx.yyy I/dalvikvm: "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x416eee58 self=0x41606bd0
| sysTid=24974 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1074389332
| state=R schedstat=( 51876299746 4146432040 59892 ) utm=4814 stm=373 core=0
at Method)
at Method)
at Method)
at Method)
at Method)
at Method)
at xxx.BasicChatClient.shutdown(
at xxx.TwilioHistoryManager.reset(
at xxx.yyy.zzz.helpers.TwilioHistoryManager.reset(
at xxx.yyy.zzz.activities.ChatListActivity.onOptionsItemSelected(
at android.view.View.performClick(
05-11 11:15:24.677 24974-24974/xxx.yyy I/dalvikvm: at android.view.View$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
05-11 11:15:24.677 24974-24974/xxx.yyy E/dalvikvm: VM aborting
05-11 11:15:24.677 24974-24974/xxx.yyy A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x0000618e (code=-6), thread 24974 (xxx.yyy)


All relevant version information for issue.

Chat Android SDK


Android API

sdk 19 , 23

Android Device


App crash during shutdown

Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10325,Native,Thread*=0xb88d1920,peer=0x2334a100,"allenges - 8539 - 10325"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10343,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a160,"allenges - 8539 - 10343"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[64,tid=10349,Native,Thread*=0xb88d1920,peer=0x2334a1c0,"allenges - 8539 - 10349"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10355,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a220,"allenges - 8539 - 10355"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[64,tid=10358,Native,Thread*=0xb88d1920,peer=0x2334a280,"allenges - 8539 - 10358"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10360,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a2e0,"allenges - 8539 - 10360"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[64,tid=10361,Native,Thread*=0xb88d1920,peer=0x2334a340,"allenges - 8539 - 10361"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10369,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a3a0,"allenges - 8539 - 10369"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10377,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a400,"allenges - 8539 - 10377"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10391,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a460,"allenges - 8539 - 10391"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[64,tid=10394,Native,Thread*=0xb887e050,peer=0x2334a4c0,"allenges - 8539 - 10394"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10408,Native,Thread*=0xb84dd608,peer=0x23351100,"allenges - 8539 - 10408"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[65,tid=10412,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x2334a520,"allenges - 8539 - 10412"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[64,tid=10419,Native,Thread*=0xb84dd608,peer=0x23351160,"allenges - 8539 - 10419"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10415,Native,Thread*=0xb887e050,peer=0x2334a580,"allenges - 8539 - 10415"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[65,tid=10424,Native,Thread*=0xb890a4f0,peer=0x233511c0,"allenges - 8539 - 10424"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[62,tid=10425,Native,Thread*=0xb84dd608,peer=0x2334a5e0,"allenges - 8539 - 10425"]
Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[64,tid=10426,Native,Thread*=0xb887e050,peer=0x23351220,"allenges - 8539 - 10426"]

App crash on android O during shutdown

@berkus Sorry for late response. Here is the log.
11-14 10:41:32.463 5865-6215/ W/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession: 503378240752 | 11/14/10:41:32.463 | WARNING | 21 | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | Could not operate with notification context in twilsock. Error 9
11-14 10:41:32.467 5865-6234/ E/TWC: TNWebsocket: 503305639152 | 11/14/10:41:32.467 | CRITICAL | 7 | TNWebsocket | Received error while waiting for message: Net Exception
11-14 10:41:32.468 5865-6215/ A/libc: invalid pthread_t 0x752f3af4f0 passed to libc
11-14 10:41:32.473 5865-6215/ A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 6215 (d - 6214 - 6215)

Lib version 2.0.1
Google Pixel.
Android O

Black screen coming after pressed on login button

I have setup your ip messaging code in our Android Studio IDE after that created google-services.json file from google portal. When I am going to click on login button application going to stuck with black screen and found some log given below.

07-21 16:27:30.289 352-352/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug D/TwilioAccessManagerObserver(native): onTokenUpdated.
07-21 16:27:30.304 352-352/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug D/IPMessagingClient(native): Creating notification client
07-21 16:27:30.309 352-352/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug D/IPMessagingClient(native): Creating client with init strategy ChannelLists
07-21 16:27:30.329 352-658/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug D/IPMessagingClientListener(native): onClientSynchronization
07-21 16:27:30.334 352-665/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug D/IPMessagingClientListener(native): onToastSubscribed

07-21 16:27:30.359 352-658/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug E/BasicIPMessagingClient: Received onClientSynchronization callback with status STARTED
07-21 16:27:30.364 352-666/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug I/BasicIPMessagingClient: GCM registration successful
07-21 16:27:30.474 352-352/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug W/IPMessagingClient(native): Messaging lib not ready, retrying...

07-21 16:27:31.634 352-694/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug E/TwilioApplication: Received onError event. Error code: 8, text: Provided grant token is not authentic or has expired

07-21 16:27:31.644 352-695/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug E/ChannelActivity: Received onClientSynchronization callback FAILED
07-21 16:27:31.989 352-666/com.twilio.ipmessaging.demo.debug E/TwilioApplication: GCM registration not successful. Error code: 5, text: Notification exception during registration: TNException: Couldn't create registration

Please support us what is the problem behind that. You support more appreciable.


Native crash on google play beta app

Before filing an issue please check that the issue is not already addressed by the following:


The code basically opens one channel with only 2 participants (it opens one channel for every user to communicate with customer support). Everything seems to work on our apps and tests.

We published the app to gplay beta and started to get insane amount of these reports (log below):


OnePlus OnePlus3 (OnePlus3), 6144MB RAM, Android 8.0

  #00  pc 0000000000069e04  /system/lib64/ (tgkill+8)
  #01  pc 000000000001df20  /system/lib64/ (abort+88)
  #02  pc 0000000000025714  /system/lib64/ (__libc_fatal+116)
  #03  pc 0000000000066c84  /system/lib64/ (_Z23__pthread_internal_findl+164)
  #04  pc 0000000000066cbc  /system/lib64/ (pthread_join+52)
  #05  pc 0000000000c31a00  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco10ThreadImpl8joinImplEv+96)
  #06  pc 0000000000c3271c  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco6Thread4joinEv+16)
  #07  pc 0000000000c3a870  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco16ActiveDispatcher4stopEv+108)
  #08  pc 0000000000c3a4b0  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco16ActiveDispatcherD1Ev+36)
  #09  pc 0000000000a8807c  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd11TNWebsocketD2Ev+608)
  #10  pc 0000000000a880e4  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd11TNWebsocketD0Ev+16)
  #11  pc 0000000000a94f00  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__120__shared_ptr_pointerIPN3rtd11TNWebsocketENS_14default_deleteIS2_EENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE16__on_zero_sharedEv+136)
  #12  pc 0000000000ddbe98  /data/app/
  #13  pc 0000000000a18dd0  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__110shared_ptrIN3rtd20ITNTwilsockTransportEED1Ev+36)
  #14  pc 0000000000a174a4  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd16TNTwilsockClient5resetEv+396)
  #15  pc 0000000000a74fb8  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd22TNTwilsockSessionState5resetERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_16TNTwilsockClientEEE+32)
  #16  pc 0000000000a77688  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd19TNDisconnectedState5EnterERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_16TNTwilsockClientEEERKNS2_INS_15TNTwilsockEventEEE+128)
  #17  pc 0000000000a1692c  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd16TNTwilsockClient11changeStateEPNS_22TNTwilsockSessionStateERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_15TNTwilsockEventEEERKNS4_IS0_EE+424)
  #18  pc 0000000000a74eb8  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd22TNTwilsockSessionState11changeStateERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_16TNTwilsockClientEEEPS0_RKNS2_INS_15TNTwilsockEventEEE+52)
  #19  pc 0000000000a7a690  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd29TNTransportDisconnectingState12DisconnectedERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_16TNTwilsockClientEEERKNS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE+140)
  #20  pc 0000000000a15768  /data/app/ (_ZN3rtd16TNTwilsockClient18onDisconnectedImplERKNSt3__14pairINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS1_10shared_ptrIS0_EEEE+272)
  #21  pc 0000000000a27cf0  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco14ActiveRunnableIvNSt3__14pairINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS1_10shared_ptrIN3rtd16TNTwilsockClientEEEEESB_E3runEv+144)
  #22  pc 0000000000c3a700  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco16ActiveDispatcher3runEv+208)
  #23  pc 0000000000c32310  /data/app/
  #24  pc 0000000000c31f80  /data/app/ (_ZN10TwilioPoco10ThreadImpl13runnableEntryEPv+148)
  #25  pc 000000000006679c  /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
  #26  pc 000000000001f2b4  /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)

Chat Android SDK


Android API


Android Device

OnePlus OnePlus3 (OnePlus3), 6144MB RAM

sendMessage issue on reconnect

Hi there! We're currently integrating Twilio Programmable Chat solution on Android platform.
We're implementing capabilities to send messages in offline mode with further delivery & caching and here we're facing strange problem.
While trying to send delayed messages with onConnectionStateChange CONNECTED callback with next sequence:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Wait for onConnectionStateChange CONNECTED state
  2. Get needed channel via ChatClient.getChannels().getChannel() onSuccess callback
  3. Call Messages.sendMessage() for acquired channel

We're getting no callback of sendMessage() and no further attempts to send messages are working.


    public void onConnectionStateChange(ChatClient.ConnectionState connectionState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onConnectionStateChange() called with: connectionState = [" + connectionState + "]");

        switch (connectionState) {
            case CONNECTING: {
            case CONNECTED: {
            case DISCONNECTED: {
            case DENIED: {
            case FATAL_ERROR: {

Where sendLocalMessages() delegates to:

                        new CallbackListener<Channel>() {
                            public void onSuccess(Channel channel) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess() called with: channel = [" + channel + "]");
                                sendMessage(channel, localChatMessage);

                            public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "onError() called with: errorInfo = [" + errorInfo + "]");

Where sendMessage(channel, localChatMessage) delegates to:

                        new CallbackListener<Message>() {
                            public void onSuccess(Message message) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess() called with: message = [" + message + "]");

                            public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "onError() called with: errorInfo = [" + errorInfo + "]");

Actual Behavior

No current & further messages are sent

Reproduces how Often

No stable reproduction, fails in half of attempts to send message after reconnect


On send attempt:

03-26 10:51:59.693 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | IPM | client [api] get channels
03-26 10:51:59.693 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: EntityCache:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
03-26 10:51:59.693 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | IPM | channels: [api] get channel CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] got channel from cache CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | IPM | channels: got from cache CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169
03-26 10:51:59.693 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: EntityCache:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
03-26 10:51:59.693 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | IPM | client [api] get channels
03-26 10:51:59.693 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: EntityCache:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.693 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
03-26 10:51:59.694 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.694 | DEBUG    | IPM | channels: [api] get channel CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.694 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] got channel from cache CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.694 | DEBUG    | IPM | channels: got from cache CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169
03-26 10:51:59.694 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: EntityCache:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.694 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
03-26 10:51:59.694 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: Channel(native):       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.694 | DEBUG    | Channel(native) | getMessages for channel sid|CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169|
03-26 10:51:59.695 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] channel: [api] get messages
03-26 10:51:59.695 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: EntityCache:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
03-26 10:51:59.695 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] messages: [api] getLastMessages, count 1
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [215] querying last 1 items from ES70476ecf8d17466abd97cca4cf72a555
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [215] initiating pagination for ES70476ecf8d17466abd97cca4cf72a555
03-26 10:51:59.695 16429-16603/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       483337577712 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [215] query: got page for ES70476ecf8d17466abd97cca4cf72a555
          483337577712 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [215] query done ES70476ecf8d17466abd97cca4cf72a555
          483337577712 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] messages: query done, results count 1
          483337577712 | 03/26/10:51:59.695 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] messages: got query range 173:173
03-26 10:51:59.696 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: Channel(native):       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.696 | DEBUG    | Channel(native) | getMessages for channel sid|CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169|
03-26 10:51:59.696 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.696 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] channel: [api] get messages
03-26 10:51:59.696 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: EntityCache:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.696 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.696 | DEBUG    | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache
03-26 10:51:59.697 16429-16429/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.697 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] messages: [api] send
          486116788648 | 03/26/10:51:59.697 | DEBUG    | IPM | [90482040-30ca-11e8-89ef-000000000000] commands: sending sendMessage
03-26 10:51:59.698 16429-19076/com.example.application D/TWC: IPM:       483353687280 | 03/26/10:51:59.698 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] messages: [api] setLastConsumedMessageIndex, index 173
          483353687280 | 03/26/10:51:59.698 | DEBUG    | IPM | [zvW18] channel: set horizon index internally 173
          483353687280 | 03/26/10:51:59.698 | DEBUG    | IPM | consumption: adding CH26ff3d13a90d44b1aadae35d1f2a4169/173
          483353687280 | 03/26/10:51:59.698 | DEBUG    | IPM | [90484e44-30ca-11e8-a44c-000000000000] commands: sending consumptionReportV2

Chat Android SDK


Android API


Android Device

Nexus 5X
Pixel XL

Do you have any ideas of such behavior happening? Thank you!

What is the use of RegistrationIntentService?

In programmable android chat sdk we are using RegistrationIntentService even we are not using in Programmable voice android sdk.
I think without RegistrationIntentService we can get FCM access token.
Kindly confirm we should use or not?

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for java.lang.String


This is from crashlytics reports.

Expected Behavior

API call should work.

Actual Behavior

API call does not work.

Reproduces how Often

From the crashlytics numbers, the test user with the given Hardware is affected often.


D/bdg.globs eLog: ! Crashed Thread[main,5,main] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for java.lang.String (tried Java_com_twilio_chat_Channel_getSid and Java_com_twilio_chat_Channel_getSid__) at Method) at at at at at at at at Source:0) at$H.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at 

Or attach it as a file.

Chat Android SDK


Android API

8.1 in all cases so far

Android Device

Pixel XL in all cases so far

3.0.0 Native crash


Got new heisenbug on 3.0.0
Not sure if that stacktrace is useful but whatever posting it here:

2018-04-10 12:10:41.312 20710-20710/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
        #00 pc 00000000004bbbfc  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSEntityCache<long long>::getAdjacentInternal(long long const&, rtd::TSQueryOrder)+296)
        #01 pc 00000000004bbd4c  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSEntityCache<long long>::getFirstItem(rtd::TSQueryOrder)+280)
        #02 pc 00000000004b1394  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSList::resolveNextItem(rtd::TSItemId, rtd::TSQueryOrder, bool)+368)
        #03 pc 00000000004b18cc  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSList::queryPreviousItem(rtd::TSItemId, bool)+60)
        #04 pc 00000000004c1050  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSPaginator<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSListItem const>>::chainedPopulator(std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::future_impl::promise<rtd::TSOperationResult<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSPaginator<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSListItem const>>>>>>, std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::TSPaginator<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSListItem const>>>, rtd::TSItemId, bool)+172)
        #05 pc 00000000004c14a8  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSPaginator<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSListItem const>>::createAsyncInternal(rtd::TSQueryOrder, rtd::TSQueryOrder, rtd::TSItemOrder, rtd::TSItemId, unsigned long, std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSItemQueryProvider<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITSListItem const>>>, bool)+460)
        #06 pc 00000000004b3770  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TSList::queryItems(rtd::ITSQueryOptions<long long> const&) const+340)
        #07 pc 0000000000435cc4  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TMDataList::query(rtd::TSQueryOptions<long long>, rtd::TMDataListQueryType, int)+200)
        #08 pc 0000000000435fec  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TMDataList::queryLastItems(unsigned int, int)+204)
        #09 pc 000000000041efe8  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TMessages::getLastMessages(std::__1::function<void (std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITMResult>, std::__1::list<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITMessage>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITMessage>>>)>, unsigned int)+196)
        #10 pc 00000000003ce6cc  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/lib/arm64/ (Java_com_twilio_chat_Messages_nativeGetLastMessages+412)
        #11 pc 00000000000422a0  /data/app/com-g-d1X2uqtQ8tZPpxsZaltA==/oat/arm64/base.odex (offset 0x3c000)

Unfortunately no stable reproduction :(

Chat Android SDK


Android API


Android Device

Nexus 5X

Adding native library


I import the code and run at that time it will giving error something link that.

[2016-03-15 17:46:58 - ip-messaging-demo-android-gcm] The library 'twilio-ip-messaging-android.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device.
[2016-03-15 17:46:58 - ip-messaging-demo-android-gcm] Additionally some of those libraries will interfer with the installation of the application because of their location in lib/
[2016-03-15 17:46:58 - ip-messaging-demo-android-gcm] lib/ is reserved for NDK libraries.
[2016-03-15 17:46:58 - ip-messaging-demo-android-gcm] The following libraries were found:
[2016-03-15 17:46:58 - ip-messaging-demo-android-gcm] - lib/armeabi-v7a/

i also follow all the step you have written in that.
please help me to solve this issue.

FCM Notifications not work?

Hi there. I am trying to use FCM Notifications with Twilio SDK. The problem is that when my application connected to twilio i am receiving notification in onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) of my FirebaseMessagingService class, but when i close my application and send some messages to myself they don't appears as notifications in status bar and i see very strange logs, like my app starts and onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) called.

Chat client initializing and subscribing for FCM code:

public void initialize(ChatToken chatToken) {
        Log.d(TAG, "initialize: " + chatToken);

        if (chatToken == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "initialize: Chat token object is null");

        ChatClient.Properties props = new ChatClient.Properties.Builder().createProperties();
        ChatClient.create(ClevergigApp.getAppContext(), chatToken.getToken(), props, new CallbackListener<ChatClient>() {
            public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: Error creating chat client, " + errorInfo);

            public void onSuccess(final ChatClient client) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: Chat client created: " + client);
                mChatClient = client;
                mInitialized = true;


    private void registerFCMToken() {
        Log.d(TAG, "registerFCMToken: ");

        if (!mInitialized) {
            Log.e(TAG, "registerFCMToken: Chat client is not initialized");

        mChatClient.registerFCMToken(FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(), new StatusListener() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: FCM Token send successfully");

            public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: FCM Token send error: " + errorInfo);

Logs after app was killed, and new message was sent from web:

12-13 16:09:34.258 ? I/zygote64: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-13 16:09:34.447 com.brainagency.clevergig I/MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
12-13 16:09:34.447 com.brainagency.clevergig I/MultiDex: Installing application
12-13 16:09:34.447 com.brainagency.clevergig I/MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
12-13 16:09:34.460 com.brainagency.clevergig D/FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
12-13 16:09:34.477 com.brainagency.clevergig D/FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
12-13 16:09:34.516 com.brainagency.clevergig I/FA: App measurement is starting up, version: 11400
12-13 16:09:34.517 com.brainagency.clevergig I/FA: To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
12-13 16:09:34.532 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Collection enabled
12-13 16:09:34.533 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: App package, google app id: com.brainagency.clevergig, 1:511841376674:android:a33d9c6181f2ce71
12-13 16:09:34.534 com.brainagency.clevergig I/FA: To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
                                                     adb shell setprop com.brainagency.clevergig
12-13 16:09:34.534 com.brainagency.clevergig D/FA: Debug-level message logging enabled
12-13 16:09:34.539 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Cancelling job. JobID: 1246256322
12-13 16:09:34.541 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Registered activity lifecycle callback
12-13 16:09:34.542 com.brainagency.clevergig I/FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
12-13 16:09:34.545 com.brainagency.clevergig I/MultiDex: Installing application
12-13 16:09:34.545 com.brainagency.clevergig I/MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
12-13 16:09:34.598 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MyFirebaseMessagingService: From: 511841376674
12-13 16:09:34.602 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MyFirebaseMessagingService: Message data payload: {channel_id=CHc6e54fe6544e45a7906431607df6f22a, message_id=IM86074d7236c145219ce4325c9fa7c9e5, [email protected], message_index=159, message_sid=IM86074d7236c145219ce4325c9fa7c9e5,, channel_sid=CHc6e54fe6544e45a7906431607df6f22a, twi_message_id=RUb3c2e8e836316b09e1f4398eb365ad97, [email protected]: sdf, [email protected]}
12-13 16:09:34.604 com.brainagency.clevergig D/PushNotification: PushNotification: {type=null, shiftId=null, message=null messageCount=0}
12-13 16:09:34.619 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Using measurement service
12-13 16:09:34.622 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Connecting to remote service
12-13 16:09:34.660 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Using measurement service
12-13 16:09:34.660 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress
12-13 16:09:34.665 com.brainagency.clevergig D/FA: Connected to remote service
12-13 16:09:34.666 com.brainagency.clevergig V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 2

Maybe i am doing something wrong?

ChatClient shutdown() method crash

After calling ChatClient.shutdown(); in onDestroy() method of my activity i see this crash in logs:

12-13 16:13:56.414 com.brainagency.clevergig D/MainActivity: onDestroy: 
12-13 16:13:56.414 com.brainagency.clevergig D/TwilioClient: shutdown: 
12-13 16:13:56.414 com.brainagency.clevergig D/TwilioClient: shutdown: Start shutdown...
12-13 16:13:56.432 com.brainagency.clevergig W/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession:       495654655216 | 12/13/16:13:56.432 | WARNING  | 18     | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | Could not operate with notification context in twilsock. Error 9
12-13 16:13:56.434 com.brainagency.clevergig E/TWC: TNWebsocket:       495618815216 | 12/13/16:13:56.434 | CRITICAL | 5      | TNWebsocket | Received error while waiting for message: Net Exception
12-13 16:13:56.436 com.brainagency.clevergig A/libc: invalid pthread_t 0x73650f54f0 passed to libc
12-13 16:13:56.437 com.brainagency.clevergig A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 31626 (evergig - 31625), pid 31540 (gency.clevergig)
    protected void onDestroy() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy: ");
        Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy: After shutdown");
 public void shutdown() {
        Log.d(TAG, "shutdown: ");

        if (mChatClient != null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "shutdown: Start shutdown...");
            mChatClient = null;
            Log.d(TAG, "shutdown: Shutdown finished");

Random native crash

Hi there! Getting random native crashes from time to time:

16:26:39.159 A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
16:26:39.159 A/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'google/bullhead/bullhead:8.1.0/OPM4.171019.016.A1/4720815:user/release-keys'
16:26:39.159 A/DEBUG: Revision: 'rev_1.0'
16:26:39.159 A/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm64'
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG: pid: 5619, tid: 5790, name: a - 5771 - 5790  >>> com.example.application <<<
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x5
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG: Cause: null pointer dereference
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x0   0000007e4ae74ec0  x1   0000000000000000  x2   0000007e47b82cf8  x3   000000000000005c
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x4   da18400000000000  x5   0000007e46675d14  x6   00021812ffffffff  x7   ffffffffffffffff
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x8   ab9629f370ada6ce  x9   ab9629f370ada6ce  x10  0000000000000007  x11  00000000ffffffff
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x12  0000007e49ddb268  x13  ffffffff00000000  x14  0000000000000000  x15  0000000000000001
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x16  0000007ee7c73ca8  x17  0000007ee7c104b8  x18  0000000000000000  x19  0000007e4ae74ec0
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x20  0000007e46675c68  x21  0000000000000005  x22  0000007e46675ce0  x23  0000007e4ae74ec8
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x24  0000007e46675b08  x25  0000007e42636ed0  x26  0000007e46675d10  x27  0000007e42636ee8
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     x28  0000007e49d0fc20  x29  0000007e46675ab0  x30  0000007e47b82bcc
16:26:39.160 A/DEBUG:     sp   0000007e46675ab0  pc   0000007e47b82be4  pstate 0000000060000000
16:26:39.175 A/DEBUG: backtrace:
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #00 pc 000000000043dbe4  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (_ZN8nlohmann10basic_jsonINSt3__13mapENS1_6vectorENS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEblmdS7_NS_14adl_serializerEE6createINS2_IS9_SB_NS1_4lessIS9_EENS7_INS1_4pairIKS9_SB_EEEEEEJRKSJ_EEEPT_DpOT0_+60)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #01 pc 000000000043dcfc  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (nlohmann::basic_json<std::__1::map, std::__1::vector, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>, bool, long, unsigned long, double, std::__1::allocator, nlohmann::adl_serializer>::basic_json(nlohmann::basic_json<std::__1::map, std::__1::vector, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>, bool, long, unsigned
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #02 pc 0000000000436250  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TMJson::TMJson(nlohmann::basic_json<std::__1::map, std::__1::vector, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>, bool, long, unsigned long, double, std::__1::allocator, nlohmann::adl_serializer> const&)+40)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #03 pc 00000000004362e4  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TMJson::getObject(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&) const+112)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #04 pc 00000000003e20ac  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TMClient::onReceivedNotification(rtd::TNBindingType const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITNPayload> const&)+384)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #05 pc 00000000004f0d24  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::TNSimpleRouter::Route(rtd::TNBindingType const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITNPayload> const&)+400)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #06 pc 00000000004efaec  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::Worker::route(rtd::TNBindingType const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, std::__1::shared_ptr<rtd::ITNPayload> const&)+228)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #07 pc 00000000004f0330  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (rtd::Worker::run()+420)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #08 pc 00000000005e2b5c  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (TwilioPoco::PooledThread::run()+88)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #09 pc 00000000005dfd6c  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #10 pc 00000000005e17b4  /data/app/com.example.application-fah-1Ej2vT-mcGAyg9miXA==/lib/arm64/ (TwilioPoco::ThreadImpl::runnableEntry(void*)+148)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #11 pc 0000000000067d0c  /system/lib64/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
16:26:39.176 A/DEBUG:     #12 pc 000000000001eba4  /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
16:26:38.945 A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x5 in tid 5790 (a - 5771 - 5790), pid 5619 (m.example.application)

Chat Android SDK

Android Device
Nexus 5X

Android API

How to delete a message

I want to add functionality to delete a chat and but don't want to delete chat using REST API .

So can you tell, how can i do that ?

OOM Exception in Debug Builds on Certain Devices


I have no idea since when I have this problem. My app is very close to the demo one and the ChannelActivity is puzzling me lately. I have 3 pieces of hardware to test on and some emulators. Production builds run fine. Debug builds are slow to load the chat on some devices and actually hang on ONE (!) of my test devices (LENOVA Tablett with Android 6.0.1) when loading the keyboard. App ends in an ANR, I cannot type to chat any more. No problem with production builds so far.

Speculation: I just upgraded Android Studio. I did not observe it before. So it could be an artifact of new Android Studio builds?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install debug build. Open App, open chat overview, go in one of the channels.
  2. Touch text are to try start typing.
  3. Keyboard loads, but screen freezes before chat entry part gets shrunk to reduced screens.

Code (optional)

Similar to demo app.

Expected Behavior

Can type text.

Actual Behavior

Activity/App freezes. ANR and restart follows.

Reproduces how Often

Completely reproducible, happens all the time.


This is no log: The only significant log line I spot nearby and which fits to the observed behaviour is a OOM message.

04-08 22:14:18.389 3820-3915/ W/cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/ Reports does not exist or is not a directory
04-08 22:14:33.105 3820-3831/ I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 195142(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 64(1704KB) LOS objects, 31% free, 29MB/42MB, paused 3.054ms total 113.131ms
04-08 22:14:37.207 3820-4914/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4914,Native,Thread*=0xb7a30450,peer=0x12c522e0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4914"]
04-08 22:14:37.544 3820-4917/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4917,Native,Thread*=0xb792afb0,peer=0x12c523a0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4917"]
04-08 22:14:37.548 3820-4918/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4918,Native,Thread*=0xb7a44380,peer=0x12c52400,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4918"]
04-08 22:14:37.658 3820-4919/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4919,Native,Thread*=0xb7a44380,peer=0x12c524c0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4919"]
04-08 22:14:37.661 3820-4920/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4920,Native,Thread*=0xb7adb8f8,peer=0x12c52580,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4920"]
04-08 22:14:37.673 3820-4921/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4921,Native,Thread*=0xb7adb8f8,peer=0x12c52640,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4921"]
04-08 22:14:37.676 3820-4923/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[78,tid=4923,Native,Thread*=0xb7a44380,peer=0x12cb6a00,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4923"]
04-08 22:14:38.062 3820-4927/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4927,Native,Thread*=0xb7adb8f8,peer=0x12c52880,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4927"]
04-08 22:14:38.064 3820-4929/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4929,Native,Thread*=0xb7adb8f8,peer=0x12c52940,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4929"]
04-08 22:14:38.064 3820-4928/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[78,tid=4928,Native,Thread*=0xb7a44380,peer=0x12cb6a60,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4928"]
04-08 22:14:38.285 3820-4930/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4930,Native,Thread*=0xb7adb8f8,peer=0x12cb6ac0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4930"]
04-08 22:14:38.287 3820-4931/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4931,Native,Thread*=0xb7a44380,peer=0x12cb6b20,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4931"]
04-08 22:14:38.308 3820-4932/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[77,tid=4932,Native,Thread*=0xb7adb8f8,peer=0x12cb6b80,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 4932"]
04-08 22:15:18.561 3820-5107/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5107,Native,Thread*=0xb75d2750,peer=0x131b9520,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5107"]
04-08 22:15:18.616 3820-5109/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5109,Native,Thread*=0xb782e4c0,peer=0x131b9700,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5109"]
04-08 22:15:18.619 3820-5108/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[76,tid=5108,Native,Thread*=0xb7c4d150,peer=0x131b9820,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5108"]
04-08 22:15:18.703 3820-5111/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5111,Native,Thread*=0xb783cc78,peer=0x131b9880,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5111"]
04-08 22:15:18.705 3820-5110/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5110,Native,Thread*=0xb7bb8800,peer=0x131b98e0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5110"]
04-08 22:15:18.756 3820-5113/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5113,Native,Thread*=0xb75985a0,peer=0x131b9940,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5113"]
04-08 22:15:18.759 3820-5112/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5112,Native,Thread*=0xb783cc78,peer=0x131b99a0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5112"]
04-08 22:15:18.810 3820-5114/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5114,Native,Thread*=0xb7bb8800,peer=0x131b9a00,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5114"]
04-08 22:15:18.812 3820-5115/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5115,Native,Thread*=0xb75985a0,peer=0x131b9a60,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5115"]
04-08 22:15:18.863 3820-5117/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5117,Native,Thread*=0xb783cc78,peer=0x131b9ac0,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5117"]
04-08 22:15:18.867 3820-5116/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5116,Native,Thread*=0xb7bb8800,peer=0x131b9b20,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5116"]
04-08 22:15:18.871 3820-5119/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[69,tid=5119,Native,Thread*=0xb75985a0,peer=0x131b9b80,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5119"]
04-08 22:15:18.874 3820-5118/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[76,tid=5118,Native,Thread*=0xb783cc78,peer=0x131ee700,"g - 3934 - 3935 - 5118"]
04-08 22:15:59.806 3820-3831/ I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 82889(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(3MB) LOS objects, 0% free, 82MB/82MB, paused 2.886ms total 1.282s
04-08 22:15:59.974 3820-3831/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 93995(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(11MB) LOS objects, 18% free, 72MB/88MB, paused 2.414ms total 167.656ms
04-08 22:16:00.747 3820-3831/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 55206(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(23MB) LOS objects, 17% free, 74MB/90MB, paused 2.717ms total 170.458ms
04-08 22:16:01.117 3820-3831/ I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 125104(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 94MB/94MB, paused 7.523ms total 88.752ms
04-08 22:16:01.277 3820-3831/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 66096(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(12MB) LOS objects, 16% free, 81MB/97MB, paused 2.491ms total 159.689ms
04-08 22:16:02.084 3820-3831/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 60059(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(19MB) LOS objects, 15% free, 90MB/106MB, paused 2.983ms total 198.692ms
04-08 22:16:02.862 3820-3820/ I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:02.882 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19910(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.391ms total 19.138ms
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.027 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 50(3008B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.420ms total 145.178ms
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.176 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 85(3KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.389ms total 148.927ms
    Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 42MB allocation
04-08 22:16:03.176 3820-3829/ W/SQLiteConnectionPool: A SQLiteConnection object for database '/storage/emulated/0/osmdroid/tiles/cache.db' was leaked!  Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
04-08 22:16:03.177 3820-3820/ I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.325 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19(2880B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.248ms total 148.084ms
04-08 22:16:03.325 3820-3820/ W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 45035034 byte allocation with 16775984 free bytes and 38MB until OOM"
04-08 22:16:03.325 3820-3820/ I/art: Starting a blocking GC Alloc
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.339 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4(432B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.294ms total 13.736ms
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.477 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 53(2384B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.335ms total 137.009ms
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.629 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8(240B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.435ms total 151.733ms
    Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 42MB allocation
    Starting a blocking GC Alloc
04-08 22:16:03.776 3820-3820/ I/art: Alloc concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11(320B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 2.325ms total 146.600ms
    Starting a blocking GC HomogeneousSpaceCompact
04-08 22:16:04.351 3820-3820/ I/art: HomogeneousSpaceCompact marksweep + semispace GC freed 8(240B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 89MB/105MB, paused 575.016ms total 575.016ms
04-08 22:16:04.351 3820-3820/ W/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 45035034 byte allocation with 16773184 free bytes and 38MB until OOM"
04-08 22:16:04.369 3820-3831/? I/art: Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
04-08 22:16:04.372 3820-3827/? I/art: Debugger is no longer active


Chat Android SDK


Android API

Android 6.0.1

Android Device

Lenova Tab Yoga 3

Can not resolve symbol gcm_defaultSenderId

After building application in android studio found error. Please let me know what will be the actual value.
What will be the actual value Project Id or Project number.


3.0.0 crashes on sending message


My app is somewhat similar to the demo and I did the minimal changes to run on 3.0.0 instead of 2.0.8. However sending a message always crashes. Might be a duplicate of #42 .

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Send a message
  2. crash

Code (optional)

Can deliver some Java if this helps.

Expected Behavior

No crash

Actual Behavior


Reproduces how Often



On one emulator

04-25 20:46:43.296 21453-22862/ E/jni_mate: #
    # Fatal error in /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/chat-sdk-android/workspace/configuration/Release/label/master/sdk/build/prebuilt/jni-mate/include/ListenerWrapper.h, line 40
    # Check failed: statusListener_ && (onSuccess_ || onSuccessBackup_)
    # Invariant violated

On a different emulator

    ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
04-25 20:54:44.653 23085-25050/ A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 25050 (- 23661 - 23683)
04-25 20:54:44.728 25052-25052/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    Build fingerprint: 'Android/sdk_google_phone_x86_64/generic_x86_64:7.1.1/NYC/4660551:userdebug/test-keys'
    Revision: '0'
    ABI: 'x86_64'
    pid: 23085, tid: 25050, name: - 23661 - 23683  >>> <<<
    signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
04-25 20:54:44.729 25052-25052/? A/DEBUG: Abort message: '   129922686096464 | 04/25/20:54:24.328 | FATAL    | 12     | TNNotificationClient | Fatal error while registering twilsock connection: 9: Message type list is empty, public error code: 0'
        rax 0000000000000000  rbx 00007629f3afa4f8  rcx ffffffffffffffff  rdx 0000000000000006
        rsi 00000000000061da  rdi 0000000000005a2d
        r8  00000000000061da  r9  00007629f3afa450  r10 0000000000000008  r11 0000000000000206
        r12 00000000000061da  r13 0000000000000006  r14 000000000000000a  r15 0000000000000000
        cs  0000000000000033  ss  000000000000002b
        rip 0000762a28aaebe7  rbp 0000000000000000  rsp 00007629f3af9d88  eflags 0000000000000206
04-25 20:54:44.744 25052-25052/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
        #00 pc 000000000008dbe7  /system/lib64/ (tgkill+7)
        #01 pc 000000000008a681  /system/lib64/ (pthread_kill+65)
        #02 pc 00000000000302c1  /system/lib64/ (raise+17)
        #03 pc 00000000000287fd  /system/lib64/ (abort+77)
        #04 pc 0000000000733ac5  /data/app/ (_ZN8jni_mate12FatalMessageD1Ev+325)
        #05 pc 00000000003d6523  /data/app/ (_ZZ20resultListenerLambdaIJxEENSt3__18functionIFvNS0_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEEDpT_EEE19ChatListenerWrapperPKcSC_ENKUlS5_xE_clES5_x+803)
        #06 pc 00000000003d6787  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZ20resultListenerLambdaIJxEENS_8functionIFvNS_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEEDpT_EEE19ChatListenerWrapperPKcSE_EUlS7_xE_NS_9allocatorISF_EEFvS7_xEEclEOS7_Ox+55)
        #07 pc 00000000003d1ada  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcINS_8functionIFvNS_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEExEEENS_9allocatorIS8_EEFvS6_iEEclEOS6_Oi+74)
        #08 pc 000000000040c28b  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__120__packaged_task_funcINS_6__bindIRKNS_8functionIFvNS_10shared_ptrIN3rtd9ITMResultEEEiEEEJNS3_INS4_8TMResultEEERiEEENS_9allocatorISE_EEFvvEEclEv+115)
        #09 pc 0000000000409e08  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__113packaged_taskIFvvEEclEv+166)
        #10 pc 0000000000409ec8  /data/app/ (_ZNSt3__114__thread_proxyINS_5tupleIJNS_13packaged_taskIFvvEEEEEEEEPvS6_+89)
        #11 pc 00000000000897f1  /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+177)
        #12 pc 0000000000029a6b  /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
        #13 pc 000000000001cae5  /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)


Chat Android SDK


Android API & Android Device

8.1 & Pixel XL Emulator
7.1.1 & Nexus X Emulator

FCM token update problem


Users of my app claim app notification to be unreliable. As it turns out FCM notifications run fine, after app has run, but then disappears. There is a background FCM topen update problem. I have a corresponding listener in my app, that triggers both, forwarding the token to my apps FCM functions and to the Twilio stack. My own FCM stuff is working reliably. The Twilio code is a hardly modified copy of your (Java!) demo project.

After checking my (Java) and here (Kotlin) code, without having access to the native parts, it seems like your code makes strong assumption of both uninterrupted network connection and the lifecycle of TwilioApplication and BasicChatClient. Doesn't FCM need a path disregarding this?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start the app.
  2. Get notifications.
  3. End the app.
  4. Still get notifications for a while.
  5. Then, you do not get notifications any more.

Expected Behavior

Update FCM token, even when app is not running.

Actual Behavior

Update of FCM token seems to fail often.

Reproduces how Often

As there is timing and Android resource management involved and this is based on user reports I have no data. Some users seem to get notifications only a few minutes after app has run, some do not seem to have a problem.

Chat Android SDK

2.0.8 and 2.0.11 and many older.

Android API

Android 7.1.1 definitely has problems.

Android Device

various reports

Application crash when getting channels last messages

After few subsequent requests application freezes with black screen and crashes afterwards.
What I found in stacktrace: D/TWC: Messages(native): -1621898960 | 05/19/13:48:41.345 | DEBUG | Messages(native) | Messages loaded successfully D/TWC: EntityCache: -1621898960 | 05/19/13:48:41.346 | DEBUG | EntityCache | Returning Java object from cache D/TWC: EntityCache: -1621898960 | 05/19/13:48:41.346 | DEBUG | EntityCache | Creating new Java object W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[25,tid=29342,Native,Thread*=0x9f64fc00,peer=0x12c96880,"o.debug - 29093 - 29342"]

I think that it is some issue with SDKs native library implementation.

Meizu crash while initializing chat client


Phone: Meizu M5c
Model: M710H
Android Version: 6.0
Flyme version: Flyme

Chat sdk version

compile 'com.twilio:chat-android:2.0.0'

Code to reproduce

ChatClient.Properties props = new ChatClient.Properties.Builder().createProperties();
ChatClient.create(context, token, props, new CallbackListener<ChatClient>() {
                    public void onError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onError: Error creating chat client, " + errorInfo);

                    public void onSuccess(final ChatClient client) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: Chat client created, " + client);


10-06 22:14:33.707 7801-7919/ I/TWC: IoService:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:33.707 | INFO     | IoService | Creating 16 threads in the executor pool
10-06 22:14:33.710 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:33.710 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | connectImpl >> Disconnected
10-06 22:14:33.710 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:33.710 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | initialising...
10-06 22:14:33.711 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:33.710 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | initialised
10-06 22:14:33.712 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNDisconnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:33.712 | INFO     | 3      | TNDisconnectedState | Leaving state: Disconnected
10-06 22:14:33.712 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:33.712 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Disconnected --> Transport connecting
10-06 22:14:33.713 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:33.712 | INFO     | 6      | TCBackoffEmsClient | schedule new task
10-06 22:14:33.726 7801-7921/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548020028496 | 10/06/22:14:33.726 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ52acb8a90f4b49068e4d533d77ee3a93, enqueueing request to:
10-06 22:14:33.728 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTransportConnectingState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:33.712 | INFO     | 8      | TNTransportConnectingState | Entering state: Transport connecting
10-06 22:14:33.728 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:33.728 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | addObserverImpl >> Transport connecting
10-06 22:14:33.728 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:33.728 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | twilsock is in disconnected state: Unknown reason
10-06 22:14:34.245 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.244 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onTransportConnectedImpl >> Transport connecting
10-06 22:14:34.256 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.256 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendInit, id = 3c88034ce3564a96996eb43729f0d93bd93b
10-06 22:14:34.257 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTransportConnectingState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.257 | INFO     | 8      | TNTransportConnectingState | Leaving state: Transport connecting
10-06 22:14:34.258 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.258 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Transport connecting --> Initialising
10-06 22:14:34.258 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNInitialisingState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.258 | INFO     | 10     | TNInitialisingState | Entering state: Initialising
10-06 22:14:34.406 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:34.406 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 3c88034ce3564a96996eb43729f0d93bd93b
10-06 22:14:34.407 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.407 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessInitReply >> Initialising
10-06 22:14:34.408 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNInitialisingState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.407 | INFO     | 10     | TNInitialisingState | Leaving state: Initialising
10-06 22:14:34.408 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.408 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Initialising --> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.408 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.408 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:34.408 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.408 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | twilsock is ready to send upstream messages
10-06 22:14:34.409 7801-7924/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548016907344 | 10/06/22:14:34.409 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ52acb8a90f4b49068e4d533d77ee3a93, sending request to:
10-06 22:14:34.412 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.412 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Connected RQ52acb8a90f4b49068e4d533d77ee3a93
10-06 22:14:34.414 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.413 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ52acb8a90f4b49068e4d533d77ee3a93 - present
10-06 22:14:34.561 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:34.561 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ52acb8a90f4b49068e4d533d77ee3a93
10-06 22:14:34.562 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.561 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.562 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TCHttpObserver:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.562 | INFO     | 9      | TCHttpObserver | Response has been received: 200 - OK
10-06 22:14:34.586 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TCBackoffEmsClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.586 | INFO     | 6      | TCBackoffEmsClient | backoff result: 0 - '', setToken result: 0
10-06 22:14:34.587 7801-7919/ I/TWC: IPM:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.587 | INFO     | IPM | client: version: 10.2.2, build id: 178, build branch: release-10.2.2, os: android, arch: arm64-v8a, chat lib: 10.2.2, datasync lib: 4.17.0
10-06 22:14:34.587 7801-7919/ I/TWC: IPM:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.587 | INFO     | IPM | client: platform: Android|2.0.0|Meizu|Meizu M5c|23
10-06 22:14:34.588 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.588 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | addObserverImpl >> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.588 7801-7919/ I/TWC: IPM:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.588 | INFO     | IPM | 3 concurrent threads are supported
10-06 22:14:34.588 7801-7919/ I/TWC: SyncClient:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.588 | INFO     | 18     | SyncClient | initializing product: ip_messaging sdk: cpp/4.17.0 os: Linux/3.18.19+ platform: aarch64/4.17.0
10-06 22:14:34.588 7801-7919/ I/TWC: SyncClient:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.588 | INFO     | 18     | SyncClient | build #363 release: 4.17.0 branch: release-4.17.0
10-06 22:14:34.589 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TSCoreDataService:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.589 | INFO     | 21     | TSCoreDataService | constructed
10-06 22:14:34.589 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.589 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Registering for notification events
10-06 22:14:34.594 7801-7919/ I/TWC: SyncList:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.593 | INFO     | 22     | SyncList | constructed
10-06 22:14:34.594 7801-7957/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[16,tid=7957,Native,Thread*=0x7fd967e1f0,peer=0x12f460a0,"mo.debug - 7919 - 7957"]
10-06 22:14:34.594 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.594 | INFO     | 23     | TSCollectionCreateActivity | constructed
10-06 22:14:34.594 7801-7919/ I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.594 | INFO     | 23     | TSCollectionCreateActivity | start 1
10-06 22:14:34.595 7801-7922/ I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity:       548018988112 | 10/06/22:14:34.594 | INFO     | 23     | TSCollectionCreateActivity | query [0] /v3/Lists
10-06 22:14:34.599 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.598 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | addNotificationCtxImpl >> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.599 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.599 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
10-06 22:14:34.600 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.600 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.600 7801-7919/ I/TWC: SyncList:       548051924048 | 10/06/22:14:34.600 | INFO     | 22     | SyncList | create action id: 1 name: 0 purpose: 1
10-06 22:14:34.600 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.600 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.600 7801-7920/ E/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.600 | CRITICAL | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | Message type list is empty
10-06 22:14:34.600 7801-7920/ W/TWC: TNRegNotificationCtxSession:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.600 | WARNING  | 17     | TNRegNotificationCtxSession | Could not operate with notification context in twilsock. Error 16
10-06 22:14:34.600 7801-7920/ A/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.600 | FATAL    | 12     | TNNotificationClient | Fatal error while registering twilsock connection: 9: Message type list is empty, public error code: 0
10-06 22:14:34.601 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.601 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.601 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.601 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.601 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.601 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:34.602 7801-7919/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[13,tid=7919,Native,Thread*=0x7fd96728f0,peer=0x12f24160,"chat.demo.debug - 7919"]
10-06 22:14:34.607 7801-7922/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548018988112 | 10/06/22:14:34.607 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ540c0917328e4314a7dd564010f1ffc3, enqueueing request to:
10-06 22:14:34.608 7801-7929/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548011705424 | 10/06/22:14:34.607 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ540c0917328e4314a7dd564010f1ffc3, sending request to:
10-06 22:14:34.609 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.609 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Connected RQ540c0917328e4314a7dd564010f1ffc3
10-06 22:14:34.609 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.609 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onTwilsockConnected
10-06 22:14:34.609 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.609 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ540c0917328e4314a7dd564010f1ffc3 - present
10-06 22:14:34.609 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.609 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 2, new state 0
10-06 22:14:34.613 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.610 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Transport state changed. Is enabled: 0
10-06 22:14:34.614 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.614 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type: com.twilio.rtd.cds.document
10-06 22:14:34.614 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.614 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.614 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.614 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
10-06 22:14:34.615 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.614 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.615 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.615 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type: com.twilio.rtd.cds.list
10-06 22:14:34.615 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.615 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.616 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.616 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type:
10-06 22:14:34.617 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.617 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Successfully subscribed for notification message type: twilio.sync.event
10-06 22:14:34.617 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.617 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
10-06 22:14:34.618 7801-7953/ W/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.618 | WARNING  | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onTwilsockError: 0 - Message type list is empty
10-06 22:14:34.624 7801-7960/ W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[16,tid=7960,Native,Thread*=0x7fd9619830,peer=0x12f46160,"g - 7919 - 7953 - 7960"]
10-06 22:14:34.624 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.624 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 65ccfb6788c145bd9d1259916990964a964a
10-06 22:14:34.625 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.625 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.625 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.625 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.626 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.626 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.626 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.626 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | updateNotificationCtxImpl >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.830 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:34.830 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 65ccfb6788c145bd9d1259916990964a964a
10-06 22:14:34.834 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.833 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.834 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.834 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context c76b5605ad494ed9b9e2c57621d8e5ed was successfully put
10-06 22:14:34.837 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.836 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
10-06 22:14:34.837 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.837 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 0, new state 1
10-06 22:14:34.837 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TSNotificationRouter:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.837 | INFO     | 20     | TSNotificationRouter | Transport state changed. Is enabled: 1
10-06 22:14:34.846 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.845 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.847 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.846 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
10-06 22:14:34.847 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.847 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:34.851 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:34.851 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
10-06 22:14:34.853 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.853 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
10-06 22:14:34.853 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.853 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.853 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.853 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:34.864 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:34.864 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 91a51b4137644e568a189d3036138ee88ee8
10-06 22:14:35.020 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:35.020 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 91a51b4137644e568a189d3036138ee88ee8
10-06 22:14:35.021 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.021 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.021 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.021 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context c76b5605ad494ed9b9e2c57621d8e5ed was successfully put
10-06 22:14:35.021 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.021 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.022 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.021 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
10-06 22:14:35.022 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.022 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:35.022 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.022 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
10-06 22:14:35.022 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.022 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.022 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.022 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.026 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.026 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
10-06 22:14:35.026 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.026 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
10-06 22:14:35.026 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.026 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
10-06 22:14:35.036 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.036 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 085be2b645e24b9abb3067a0f94e258c258c
10-06 22:14:35.192 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:35.192 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 085be2b645e24b9abb3067a0f94e258c258c
10-06 22:14:35.193 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.193 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.193 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.193 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context c76b5605ad494ed9b9e2c57621d8e5ed was successfully put
10-06 22:14:35.193 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.193 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.193 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.193 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
10-06 22:14:35.193 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.193 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:35.194 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.194 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
10-06 22:14:35.194 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.194 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.194 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.194 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.199 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.199 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
10-06 22:14:35.199 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.199 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
10-06 22:14:35.199 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.199 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
10-06 22:14:35.208 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.208 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = 91c24cd00caf400487772f36d5546fe06fe0
10-06 22:14:35.375 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:35.375 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = 91c24cd00caf400487772f36d5546fe06fe0
10-06 22:14:35.375 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.375 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.375 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.375 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context c76b5605ad494ed9b9e2c57621d8e5ed was successfully put
10-06 22:14:35.376 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.376 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.376 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.376 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
10-06 22:14:35.376 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.376 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:35.376 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.376 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Leaving state: Connected
10-06 22:14:35.376 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.376 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Connected --> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.376 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.376 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Entering state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.380 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.380 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
10-06 22:14:35.380 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.380 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
10-06 22:14:35.380 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.380 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registering
10-06 22:14:35.388 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.388 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendPutNotificationCtx, id = fd03b9bde9e2466ab1eaeb31e8d2a39ea39e
10-06 22:14:35.553 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:35.552 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = fd03b9bde9e2466ab1eaeb31e8d2a39ea39e
10-06 22:14:35.558 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.557 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessPutNotificationCtxReply >> Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.558 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.558 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Notification context c76b5605ad494ed9b9e2c57621d8e5ed was successfully put
10-06 22:14:35.565 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.564 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | onRegStateChanged: twilsock: 'internal twilsock address', state: Registered
10-06 22:14:35.565 7801-7953/ I/TWC: TNNotificationClient:       547991602256 | 10/06/22:14:35.565 | INFO     | 12     | TNNotificationClient | updateAggregatedTransportState, old state: 1, new state 1
10-06 22:14:35.570 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNContextUpdateState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.569 | INFO     | 25     | TNContextUpdateState | Leaving state: Update registration
10-06 22:14:35.571 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.570 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | Change state: Update registration --> Connected
10-06 22:14:35.571 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNConnectedState:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:35.571 | INFO     | 11     | TNConnectedState | Entering state: Connected
10-06 22:14:36.363 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:36.363 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ540c0917328e4314a7dd564010f1ffc3
10-06 22:14:36.364 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:36.364 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Connected
10-06 22:14:36.365 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:36.365 | INFO     | 23     | TSCollectionCreateActivity | response RQ540c0917328e4314a7dd564010f1ffc3 status 201 body 918 bytes
10-06 22:14:36.368 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TSCollectionCreateActivity:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:36.366 | INFO     | 23     | TSCollectionCreateActivity | destructed
10-06 22:14:36.900 7801-7928/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548012745808 | 10/06/22:14:36.900 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ15353680718c481cb13330e6ce94a78e, enqueueing request to:
10-06 22:14:36.902 7801-7929/ I/TWC: TNHttpTransportClient:       548011705424 | 10/06/22:14:36.902 | INFO     | 4      | TNHttpTransportClient | requestId=RQ15353680718c481cb13330e6ce94a78e, sending request to:
10-06 22:14:36.903 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:36.903 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | sendMessageImpl >> Connected RQ15353680718c481cb13330e6ce94a78e
10-06 22:14:36.903 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:36.903 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendMessageMessage, id = RQ15353680718c481cb13330e6ce94a78e - present
10-06 22:14:37.108 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:37.108 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 8, id = RQ15353680718c481cb13330e6ce94a78e
10-06 22:14:37.109 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:37.109 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | ReceivedSuccessMessageReply >> Connected
10-06 22:14:37.132 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:37.132 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 4, id = TM4cd5ca144ea24484bc8aa6a99e7ac4f7
10-06 22:14:37.133 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:37.133 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | sendSuccessReplyImpl >> Connected
10-06 22:14:37.133 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:37.133 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendSuccessReply, id = TM4cd5ca144ea24484bc8aa6a99e7ac4f7
10-06 22:14:37.136 7801-7938/ I/TWC: Router:       548002341968 | 10/06/22:14:37.136 | INFO     | 0      | Router | Message with type 'twilio.sync.event, from channel: twilsock' is being routed to 1 targets
10-06 22:14:37.141 7801-7937/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548003382352 | 10/06/22:14:37.141 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | onMessageReceived, method = 4, id = TM2ea95c0fa18146b599932618e60840be
10-06 22:14:37.142 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClient:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:37.142 | INFO     | 1      | TNTwilsockClient | sendSuccessReplyImpl >> Connected
10-06 22:14:37.142 7801-7920/ I/TWC: TNTwilsockClientImpl:       548021068880 | 10/06/22:14:37.142 | INFO     | 2      | TNTwilsockClientImpl | sendSuccessReply, id = TM2ea95c0fa18146b599932618e60840be
10-06 22:14:37.146 7801-7938/ I/TWC: Router:       548002341968 | 10/06/22:14:37.146 | INFO     | 0      | Router | Message with type 'twilio.sync.event, from channel: twilsock' is being routed to 1 targets
10-06 22:14:37.159 7801-8000/ I/TWC: TMD:       547990561872 | 10/06/22:14:37.158 | INFO     | TMD | client: version: 0.1.0, build id: 46, build branch: release-0.1.0, os: android, arch: arm64-v8a
10-06 22:14:37.159 7801-8000/ I/TWC: TMD:       547990561872 | 10/06/22:14:37.159 | INFO     | TMD | client created with token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJqdGkiOiJTSzA2ZmM0ODI2NmFiMDkyNWM1OGQwZWEzMzkzZTYxMTFhLTE1MDcyOTc4NjUiLCJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJ2YXNmaS5lZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpcF9tZXNzYWdpbmciOnsic2VydmljZV9zaWQiOiJJU2Q2ZmEyZWRiMjM1MDRiNTI5Y2NhMzkzODEwMDgzYmYwIn19LCJpc3MiOiJTSzA2ZmM0ODI2NmFiMDkyNWM1OGQwZWEzMzkzZTYxMTFhIiwibmJmIjoxNTA3Mjk3ODY1LCJleHAiOjE1MDczODQyNjUsInN1YiI6IkFDOGJmMTI2ZmJlNWI5MmJlMDlkMzdkNThjMWRlODJkZmMifQ.NyiW8ksfj5XITXhlIWoVCwnh_MQesQ8ov-Gwt_4An54.eyJjdHkiOiJ0d2lsaW8tZnBhO3Y9MSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJ2YXNmaS5lZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpcF9tZXNzYWdpbmciOnsic2VydmljZV9zaWQiOiJJU2Q2ZmEyZWRiMjM1MDRiNTI5Y2NhMzkzODEwMDgzYmYwIiwiZW5kcG9pbnRfaWQiOiJ0d2kxLWEwYjA0MzUyYWEyNzRmZDM5NzUxNjA1MGUzOTlkYWFjIn19LCJzdWIiOiJBQzhiZjEyNmZiZTViOTJiZTA5ZDM3ZDU4YzFkZTgyZGZjIiwiaXNzIjoiU0tkYWRiYWQwYTdhNmFhNWVjMDQ4NWRmZTg1ODg1ZDg5NyIsImV4cCI6MTUwNzI5OTI3N30.aEUHBB_xKqGzWM
                                                                    --------- beginning of crash
10-06 22:14:37.159 7801-8000/ A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x30 in tid 8000 (mo.debug - 7919)

channel.getMessages returns null.

I saw the issue for the same on SO but the issue there was calling channel.getMessages() outside onSuccess() method but I am doing inside onSuccess() method and that also after checking getMembersCount(), getMessagesCount() and getUnconsumedMessagesCount() methods which all returns expected values.

Below is my code with step by step procedure from getting chatClient to channelDescriptor and then channel, please let me know what I am missing.

Expected Behavior
Get messages for the channel.

Actual Behavior
getMessages() method returns null even though there are messages.

Reproduces how Often

public void onSuccess(ChatClient chatClient) {
    ArrayList<ChannelModelJ> channelGroups = new ArrayList<>();

    chatClient.getChannels().getUserChannelsList(new CallbackListener<Paginator<ChannelDescriptor>>() {
        public void onSuccess(Paginator<ChannelDescriptor> paginator) {
            for (ChannelDescriptor cd : paginator.getItems()) {
                channels.put(cd.getSid(), new ChannelModelJ(cd));
                testMessageMethod(cd); // this is for observing the messages.

    private void testMessageMethod(ChannelDescriptor cd) {

    cd.getChannel(new CallbackListener<Channel>() {
        public void onSuccess(Channel channel) {

            Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: synchronizedStatus "+channel.getSynchronizationStatus());

            channel.getMembersCount(new CallbackListener<Long>() {
                public void onSuccess(Long aLong) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: channel:"+cd.getFriendlyName()+" members "+aLong);

            channel.getMessagesCount(new CallbackListener<Long>() {
                public void onSuccess(Long aLong) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: channel:"+cd.getFriendlyName()+" messages "+aLong);

            channel.getUnconsumedMessagesCount(new CallbackListener<Long>() {
                public void onSuccess(Long aLong) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: channel:"+cd.getFriendlyName()+" unConsumedMessages "+aLong);

            if(channel.getMessages() != null) {
               //test hard coded message.. 
                Messages messages = channel.getMessages();
                Message.Options options = Message.options().withBody("Hola from Android...");
                messages.sendMessage(options, new CallbackListener<Message>() {
                    public void onSuccess(Message message) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: Message Sent..........");
            } else
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: Messages null :(:(:(:(");

All relevant version information for issue.

Chat Android SDK


Android API

[Min Api 19]

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