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comp123-lab13's Introduction

The Atom class

This exercise you will be persisting data by writing text to file and serialization to and deserialization using json.

You must follow the specifications exactly (To demo to instructor beginning of next class)

This is the front end of the application. There are 12 members.




+ «c# property, set» Name : string

+ «c# property, set» Symbol : string

+ «c# property, set» Proton : int

+ «c# property, set» Neutron : int

+ «c# property, set» Weight : double


+ «c# constructor» Atom()

+ «c# constructor» Atom(
string name,
int proton,
int neutron,
double weight,
string symbol)

$+ Parse(string objectData) : Atom

$+ GetAtoms() : List<Atom>

+ ToString() : double

Description of class members


There are no fields in this class.


All the properties have public get and set

Name – this is a string representing the name of this atom. Both the getter and setter are public.

Symbol – this is a two-letter string representing the name of this atom that is used in chemistry. Both the getter and setter are public.

Proton – this is an int representing the number of protons in the nucleus of this atom. Both the getter and setter are public.

Neutron – this is a int representing the number of neutrons in the nucleus of this atom. Both the getter and setter are public.

Weight – this is a double representing the atomic weight of this atom. Both the getter and setter are public.


There are two constructors for this class: a default one and a user defined one

public Atom() – This is a default constructor that is necessary for serialization. This is an empty constructor that does not do anything.

public Atom(string name, int proton, int neutron, double weight, string symbol) – This constructor assigns the arguments to the appropriate fields.


public static Atom Parse(string line) – This is a public class method that takes a string and returns an Atom object. The argument is one string that is comprised of the five fields of this object. It does the following:

  • It uses the Split() method to parse the argument into five parts.

If you do not have five parts, the correct thing to do is throw an exception.

  • If the argument does not yield five parts then throw an exception.

  • Otherwise create an Atom object and initialize the fields with the appropriate parts.

  • Return the above object

You will need to examine the arguments to decide what part will be assign to which field.

public override string ToString() – This is a public method overrides the corresponding method in the object class to return a stringify form of the object.

Test Harness

Insert the following code statements in your Program.cs file:

Write create two methods that will be called from Main. The first method will serialize a collection of atoms to a file and the second will deserialized the contents of a file to a list of atom.

static void WriteJson(List<Atom> atoms, string filename) – This void class method that takes the list of atoms and a filename. You will write the necessary code to serialize the first argument to the specified file.

static void ReadJson(string filename) – This void class method that takes a filename. You will write the necessary code to deserialize the file contents to a List<Atom> and then display all atoms.


Code for the GetAtoms method of the Atom class

public static List<Atom> GetAtoms()
  List< Atom > elements = new List< Atom >();
  elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Hydrogen 1 0 1.0079 H"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Helium 2 2 4.0026 He")); ;
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Lithium 3 4 6.941 Li")); ;
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Beryllium 4 5 9.0122 Be"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Boron 5 6 10.811 B"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Carbon 6 6 12.0107 C"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Nitrogen 7 7 14.0067 N"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Oxygen 8 8 15.9994 O"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Fluorine 9 10 18.9984 F"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Neon 10 10 20.1797 Ne"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Sodium 11 12 22.9897 Na"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Magnesium 12 12 24.305 Mg"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Aluminum 13 14 26.9815 Al"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Silicon 14 14 28.0855 Si"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Phosphorus 15 16 30.9738 P"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Sulfur 16 16 32.065 S"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Chlorine 17 18 35.453 Cl"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Potassium 19 20 39.0983 K"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Argon 18 22 39.948 Ar"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Calcium 20 20 40.078 Ca"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Scandium 21 24 44.9559 Sc"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Titanium 22 26 47.867 Ti"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Vanadium 23 28 50.9415 V"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Chromium 24 28 51.9961 Cr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Manganese 25 30 54.938 Mn"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Iron 26 30 55.845 Fe"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Nickel 28 31 58.6934 Ni"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Cobalt 27 32 58.9332 Co"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Copper 29 35 63.546 Cu"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Zinc 30 35 65.39 Zn"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Gallium 31 39 69.723 Ga"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Germanium 32 41 72.64 Ge"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Arsenic 33 42 74.9216 As"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Selenium 34 45 78.96 Se"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Bromine 35 45 79.904 Br"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Krypton 36 48 83.8 Kr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Rubidium 37 48 85.4678 Rb"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Strontium 38 50 87.62 Sr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Yttrium 39 50 88.9059 Y"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Zirconium 40 51 91.224 Zr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Niobium 41 52 92.9064 Nb"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Molybdenum 42 54 95.94 Mo"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Technetium 43 55 98 Tc"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Ruthenium 44 57 101.07 Ru"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Rhodium 45 58 102.9055 Rh"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Palladium 46 60 106.42 Pd"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Silver 47 61 107.8682 Ag"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Cadmium 48 64 112.411 Cd"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Indium 49 66 114.818 In"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Tin 50 69 118.71 Sn"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Antimony 51 71 121.76 Sb"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Iodine 53 74 126.9045 I"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Tellurium 52 76 127.6 Te"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Xenon 54 77 131.293 Xe"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Cesium 55 78 132.9055 Cs"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Barium 56 81 137.327 Ba"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Lanthanum 57 82 138.9055 La"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Cerium 58 82 140.116 Ce"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Praseodymium 59 82 140.9077 Pr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Neodymium 60 84 144.24 Nd"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Promethium 61 84 145 Pm"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Samarium 62 88 150.36 Sm"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Europium 63 89 151.964 Eu"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Gadolinium 64 93 157.25 Gd"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Terbium 65 94 158.9253 Tb"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Dysprosium 66 97 162.5 Dy"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Holmium 67 98 164.9303 Ho"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Erbium 68 99 167.259 Er"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Thulium 69 100 168.9342 Tm"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Ytterbium 70 103 173.04 Yb"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Lutetium 71 104 174.967 Lu"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Hafnium 72 106 178.49 Hf"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Tantalum 73 108 180.9479 Ta"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Tungsten 74 110 183.84 W"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Rhenium 75 111 186.207 Re"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Osmium 76 114 190.23 Os"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Iridium 77 115 192.217 Ir"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Platinum 78 117 195.078 Pt"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Gold 79 118 196.9665 Au"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Mercury 80 121 200.59 Hg"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Thallium 81 123 204.3833 Tl"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Lead 82 125 207.2 Pb"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Bismuth 83 126 208.9804 Bi"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Polonium 84 125 209 Po"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Astatine 85 125 210 At"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Radon 86 136 222 Rn"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Francium 87 136 223 Fr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Radium 88 138 226 Ra"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Actinium 89 138 227 Ac"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Protactinium 91 140 231.0359 Pa"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Thorium 90 142 232.0381 Th"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Neptunium 93 144 237 Np"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Uranium 92 146 238.0289 U"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Americium 95 148 243 Am"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Plutonium 94 150 244 Pu"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Curium 96 151 247 Cm"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Berkelium 97 150 247 Bk"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Californium 98 153 251 Cf"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Einsteinium 99 153 252 Es"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Fermium 100 157 257 Fm"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Mendelevium 101 157 258 Md"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Nobelium 102 157 259 No"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Rutherfordium 104 157 261 Rf"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Lawrencium 103 159 262 Lr"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Dubnium 105 157 262 Db"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Bohrium 107 157 264 Bh"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Seaborgium 106 160 266 Sg"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Meitnerium 109 159 268 Mt"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Roentgenium 111 161 272 Rg"));
elements.Add(Atom.Parse("Hassium 108 169 277 Hs"));
  return elements;

Create static methods that does the following and then called them from your main

//Create class methods to do the following:
//1 - Display all the items in the collection elements

//2 - Serialize the first item using xml format and save to a suitable file

//3 - Read the above file and display the item

//4 - Serialize the entire collection using xml format and save to a suitable file 

//5 - Read the above file and display the all the items

//6 - Serialize the first item using json format and save to a suitable file

//7 - Read the above file and display the item

//8 - Serialize the entire collection using json format and save to a suitable file 

//9 - Read the above file and display all the items

Reminder: To simplify access to the XmlSerializer class, you must add a using statement.

Reminder: To gain access to the JavaScriptSerializer class, you must add a reference to the System.Web.Extension.dll library and to simplify access you need to insert a using statement.

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