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nigoapi's Introduction

Go API client for nifi

The Rest Api provides programmatic access to command and control a NiFi instance in real time. Start and stop processors, monitor queues, query provenance data, and more. Each endpoint below includes a description, definitions of the expected input and output, potential response codes, and the authorizations required to invoke each service.


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.11.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./nifi"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost/nifi-api

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessApi CreateAccessToken Post /access/token Creates a token for accessing the REST API via username/password
AccessApi CreateAccessTokenFromTicket Post /access/kerberos Creates a token for accessing the REST API via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation
AccessApi CreateDownloadToken Post /access/download-token Creates a single use access token for downloading FlowFile content.
AccessApi CreateUiExtensionToken Post /access/ui-extension-token Creates a single use access token for accessing a NiFi UI extension.
AccessApi GetAccessStatus Get /access Gets the status the client's access
AccessApi GetLoginConfig Get /access/config Retrieves the access configuration for this NiFi
AccessApi KnoxCallback Get /access/knox/callback Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the Apache Knox login sequence.
AccessApi KnoxLogout Get /access/knox/logout Performs a logout in the Apache Knox.
AccessApi KnoxRequest Get /access/knox/request Initiates a request to authenticate through Apache Knox.
AccessApi LogOut Delete /access/logout Performs a logout for other providers that have been issued a JWT.
AccessApi OidcCallback Get /access/oidc/callback Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the OpenId Connect login sequence.
AccessApi OidcExchange Post /access/oidc/exchange Retrieves a JWT following a successful login sequence using the configured OpenId Connect provider.
AccessApi OidcLogout Get /access/oidc/logout Performs a logout in the OpenId Provider.
AccessApi OidcRequest Get /access/oidc/request Initiates a request to authenticate through the configured OpenId Connect provider.
ConnectionsApi DeleteConnection Delete /connections/{id} Deletes a connection
ConnectionsApi GetConnection Get /connections/{id} Gets a connection
ConnectionsApi UpdateConnection Put /connections/{id} Updates a connection
ControllerApi CreateBulletin Post /controller/bulletin Creates a new bulletin
ControllerApi CreateControllerService Post /controller/controller-services Creates a new controller service
ControllerApi CreateRegistryClient Post /controller/registry-clients Creates a new registry client
ControllerApi CreateReportingTask Post /controller/reporting-tasks Creates a new reporting task
ControllerApi DeleteHistory Delete /controller/history Purges history
ControllerApi DeleteNode Delete /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} Removes a node from the cluster
ControllerApi DeleteRegistryClient Delete /controller/registry-clients/{id} Deletes a registry client
ControllerApi GetCluster Get /controller/cluster Gets the contents of the cluster
ControllerApi GetControllerConfig Get /controller/config Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi Controller
ControllerApi GetNode Get /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} Gets a node in the cluster
ControllerApi GetRegistryClient Get /controller/registry-clients/{id} Gets a registry client
ControllerApi GetRegistryClients Get /controller/registry-clients Gets the listing of available registry clients
ControllerApi UpdateControllerConfig Put /controller/config Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi
ControllerApi UpdateNode Put /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} Updates a node in the cluster
ControllerApi UpdateRegistryClient Put /controller/registry-clients/{id} Updates a registry client
ControllerServicesApi ClearState Post /controller-services/{id}/state/clear-requests Clears the state for a controller service
ControllerServicesApi GetControllerService Get /controller-services/{id} Gets a controller service
ControllerServicesApi GetControllerServiceReferences Get /controller-services/{id}/references Gets a controller service
ControllerServicesApi GetPropertyDescriptor Get /controller-services/{id}/descriptors Gets a controller service property descriptor
ControllerServicesApi GetState Get /controller-services/{id}/state Gets the state for a controller service
ControllerServicesApi RemoveControllerService Delete /controller-services/{id} Deletes a controller service
ControllerServicesApi UpdateControllerService Put /controller-services/{id} Updates a controller service
ControllerServicesApi UpdateControllerServiceReferences Put /controller-services/{id}/references Updates a controller services references
ControllerServicesApi UpdateRunStatus Put /controller-services/{id}/run-status Updates run status of a controller service
CountersApi GetCounters Get /counters Gets the current counters for this NiFi
CountersApi UpdateCounter Put /counters/{id} Updates the specified counter. This will reset the counter value to 0
DataTransferApi CommitInputPortTransaction Delete /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} Commit or cancel the specified transaction
DataTransferApi CommitOutputPortTransaction Delete /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} Commit or cancel the specified transaction
DataTransferApi CreatePortTransaction Post /data-transfer/{portType}/{portId}/transactions Create a transaction to the specified output port or input port
DataTransferApi ExtendInputPortTransactionTTL Put /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} Extend transaction TTL
DataTransferApi ExtendOutputPortTransactionTTL Put /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} Extend transaction TTL
DataTransferApi ReceiveFlowFiles Post /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId}/flow-files Transfer flow files to the input port
DataTransferApi TransferFlowFiles Get /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId}/flow-files Transfer flow files from the output port
FlowApi ActivateControllerServices Put /flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services Enable or disable Controller Services in the specified Process Group.
FlowApi GenerateClientId Get /flow/client-id Generates a client id.
FlowApi GetAboutInfo Get /flow/about Retrieves details about this NiFi to put in the About dialog
FlowApi GetAction Get /flow/history/{id} Gets an action
FlowApi GetBanners Get /flow/banners Retrieves the banners for this NiFi
FlowApi GetBuckets Get /flow/registries/{id}/buckets Gets the buckets from the specified registry for the current user
FlowApi GetBulletinBoard Get /flow/bulletin-board Gets current bulletins
FlowApi GetBulletins Get /flow/controller/bulletins Retrieves Controller level bulletins
FlowApi GetClusterSummary Get /flow/cluster/summary The cluster summary for this NiFi
FlowApi GetComponentHistory Get /flow/history/components/{componentId} Gets configuration history for a component
FlowApi GetConnectionStatistics Get /flow/connections/{id}/statistics Gets statistics for a connection
FlowApi GetConnectionStatus Get /flow/connections/{id}/status Gets status for a connection
FlowApi GetConnectionStatusHistory Get /flow/connections/{id}/status/history Gets the status history for a connection
FlowApi GetControllerServiceTypes Get /flow/controller-service-types Retrieves the types of controller services that this NiFi supports
FlowApi GetControllerServicesFromController Get /flow/controller/controller-services Gets controller services for reporting tasks
FlowApi GetControllerServicesFromGroup Get /flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services Gets all controller services
FlowApi GetControllerStatus Get /flow/status Gets the current status of this NiFi
FlowApi GetCurrentUser Get /flow/current-user Retrieves the user identity of the user making the request
FlowApi GetFlow Get /flow/process-groups/{id} Gets a process group
FlowApi GetFlowConfig Get /flow/config Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi flow
FlowApi GetFlows Get /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows Gets the flows from the specified registry and bucket for the current user
FlowApi GetInputPortStatus Get /flow/input-ports/{id}/status Gets status for an input port
FlowApi GetOutputPortStatus Get /flow/output-ports/{id}/status Gets status for an output port
FlowApi GetParameterContexts Get /flow/parameter-contexts Gets all Parameter Contexts
FlowApi GetPrioritizers Get /flow/prioritizers Retrieves the types of prioritizers that this NiFi supports
FlowApi GetProcessGroupStatus Get /flow/process-groups/{id}/status Gets the status for a process group
FlowApi GetProcessGroupStatusHistory Get /flow/process-groups/{id}/status/history Gets status history for a remote process group
FlowApi GetProcessorStatus Get /flow/processors/{id}/status Gets status for a processor
FlowApi GetProcessorStatusHistory Get /flow/processors/{id}/status/history Gets status history for a processor
FlowApi GetProcessorTypes Get /flow/processor-types Retrieves the types of processors that this NiFi supports
FlowApi GetRegistries Get /flow/registries Gets the listing of available registries
FlowApi GetRemoteProcessGroupStatus Get /flow/remote-process-groups/{id}/status Gets status for a remote process group
FlowApi GetRemoteProcessGroupStatusHistory Get /flow/remote-process-groups/{id}/status/history Gets the status history
FlowApi GetReportingTaskTypes Get /flow/reporting-task-types Retrieves the types of reporting tasks that this NiFi supports
FlowApi GetReportingTasks Get /flow/reporting-tasks Gets all reporting tasks
FlowApi GetTemplates Get /flow/templates Gets all templates
FlowApi GetVersions Get /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows/{flow-id}/versions Gets the flow versions from the specified registry and bucket for the specified flow for the current user
FlowApi QueryHistory Get /flow/history Gets configuration history
FlowApi ScheduleComponents Put /flow/process-groups/{id} Schedule or unschedule components in the specified Process Group.
FlowApi SearchCluster Get /flow/cluster/search-results Searches the cluster for a node with the specified address
FlowApi SearchFlow Get /flow/search-results Performs a search against this NiFi using the specified search term
FlowfileQueuesApi CreateDropRequest Post /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests Creates a request to drop the contents of the queue in this connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi CreateFlowFileListing Post /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests Lists the contents of the queue in this connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi DeleteListingRequest Delete /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests/{listing-request-id} Cancels and/or removes a request to list the contents of this connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi DownloadFlowFileContent Get /flowfile-queues/{id}/flowfiles/{flowfile-uuid}/content Gets the content for a FlowFile in a Connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi GetDropRequest Get /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests/{drop-request-id} Gets the current status of a drop request for the specified connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi GetFlowFile Get /flowfile-queues/{id}/flowfiles/{flowfile-uuid} Gets a FlowFile from a Connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi GetListingRequest Get /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests/{listing-request-id} Gets the current status of a listing request for the specified connection.
FlowfileQueuesApi RemoveDropRequest Delete /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests/{drop-request-id} Cancels and/or removes a request to drop the contents of this connection.
FunnelApi GetFunnel Get /funnels/{id} Gets a funnel
FunnelApi RemoveFunnel Delete /funnels/{id} Deletes a funnel
FunnelApi UpdateFunnel Put /funnels/{id} Updates a funnel
InputPortsApi GetInputPort Get /input-ports/{id} Gets an input port
InputPortsApi RemoveInputPort Delete /input-ports/{id} Deletes an input port
InputPortsApi UpdateInputPort Put /input-ports/{id} Updates an input port
InputPortsApi UpdateRunStatus Put /input-ports/{id}/run-status Updates run status of an input-port
LabelsApi GetLabel Get /labels/{id} Gets a label
LabelsApi RemoveLabel Delete /labels/{id} Deletes a label
LabelsApi UpdateLabel Put /labels/{id} Updates a label
OutputPortsApi GetOutputPort Get /output-ports/{id} Gets an output port
OutputPortsApi RemoveOutputPort Delete /output-ports/{id} Deletes an output port
OutputPortsApi UpdateOutputPort Put /output-ports/{id} Updates an output port
OutputPortsApi UpdateRunStatus Put /output-ports/{id}/run-status Updates run status of an output-port
ParameterContextsApi CreateParameterContext Post /parameter-contexts Create a Parameter Context
ParameterContextsApi DeleteParameterContext Delete /parameter-contexts/{id} Deletes the Parameter Context with the given ID
ParameterContextsApi DeleteUpdateRequest Delete /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests/{requestId} Deletes the Update Request with the given ID
ParameterContextsApi DeleteValidationRequest Delete /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests/{id} Deletes the Validation Request with the given ID
ParameterContextsApi GetParameterContext Get /parameter-contexts/{id} Returns the Parameter Context with the given ID
ParameterContextsApi GetParameterContextUpdate Get /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests/{requestId} Returns the Update Request with the given ID
ParameterContextsApi GetValidationRequest Get /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests/{id} Returns the Validation Request with the given ID
ParameterContextsApi SubmitParameterContextUpdate Post /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests Initiate the Update Request of a Parameter Context
ParameterContextsApi SubmitValidationRequest Post /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests Initiate a Validation Request to determine how the validity of components will change if a Parameter Context were to be updated
ParameterContextsApi UpdateParameterContext Put /parameter-contexts/{id} Modifies a Parameter Context
PoliciesApi CreateAccessPolicy Post /policies Creates an access policy
PoliciesApi GetAccessPolicy Get /policies/{id} Gets an access policy
PoliciesApi GetAccessPolicyForResource Get /policies/{action}/{resource} Gets an access policy for the specified action and resource
PoliciesApi RemoveAccessPolicy Delete /policies/{id} Deletes an access policy
PoliciesApi UpdateAccessPolicy Put /policies/{id} Updates a access policy
ProcessGroupsApi CopySnippet Post /process-groups/{id}/snippet-instance Copies a snippet and discards it.
ProcessGroupsApi CreateConnection Post /process-groups/{id}/connections Creates a connection
ProcessGroupsApi CreateControllerService Post /process-groups/{id}/controller-services Creates a new controller service
ProcessGroupsApi CreateFunnel Post /process-groups/{id}/funnels Creates a funnel
ProcessGroupsApi CreateInputPort Post /process-groups/{id}/input-ports Creates an input port
ProcessGroupsApi CreateLabel Post /process-groups/{id}/labels Creates a label
ProcessGroupsApi CreateOutputPort Post /process-groups/{id}/output-ports Creates an output port
ProcessGroupsApi CreateProcessGroup Post /process-groups/{id}/process-groups Creates a process group
ProcessGroupsApi CreateProcessor Post /process-groups/{id}/processors Creates a new processor
ProcessGroupsApi CreateRemoteProcessGroup Post /process-groups/{id}/remote-process-groups Creates a new process group
ProcessGroupsApi CreateTemplate Post /process-groups/{id}/templates Creates a template and discards the specified snippet.
ProcessGroupsApi DeleteVariableRegistryUpdateRequest Delete /process-groups/{groupId}/variable-registry/update-requests/{updateId} Deletes an update request for a process group's variable registry. If the request is not yet complete, it will automatically be cancelled.
ProcessGroupsApi ExportProcessGroup Get /process-groups/{id}/download Gets a process group for download
ProcessGroupsApi GetConnections Get /process-groups/{id}/connections Gets all connections
ProcessGroupsApi GetFunnels Get /process-groups/{id}/funnels Gets all funnels
ProcessGroupsApi GetInputPorts Get /process-groups/{id}/input-ports Gets all input ports
ProcessGroupsApi GetLabels Get /process-groups/{id}/labels Gets all labels
ProcessGroupsApi GetLocalModifications Get /process-groups/{id}/local-modifications Gets a list of local modifications to the Process Group since it was last synchronized with the Flow Registry
ProcessGroupsApi GetOutputPorts Get /process-groups/{id}/output-ports Gets all output ports
ProcessGroupsApi GetProcessGroup Get /process-groups/{id} Gets a process group
ProcessGroupsApi GetProcessGroups Get /process-groups/{id}/process-groups Gets all process groups
ProcessGroupsApi GetProcessors Get /process-groups/{id}/processors Gets all processors
ProcessGroupsApi GetRemoteProcessGroups Get /process-groups/{id}/remote-process-groups Gets all remote process groups
ProcessGroupsApi GetVariableRegistry Get /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry Gets a process group's variable registry
ProcessGroupsApi GetVariableRegistryUpdateRequest Get /process-groups/{groupId}/variable-registry/update-requests/{updateId} Gets a process group's variable registry
ProcessGroupsApi ImportTemplate Post /process-groups/{id}/templates/import Imports a template
ProcessGroupsApi InstantiateTemplate Post /process-groups/{id}/template-instance Instantiates a template
ProcessGroupsApi RemoveProcessGroup Delete /process-groups/{id} Deletes a process group
ProcessGroupsApi SubmitUpdateVariableRegistryRequest Post /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry/update-requests Submits a request to update a process group's variable registry
ProcessGroupsApi UpdateProcessGroup Put /process-groups/{id} Updates a process group
ProcessGroupsApi UpdateVariableRegistry Put /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry Updates the contents of a Process Group's variable Registry
ProcessGroupsApi UploadTemplate Post /process-groups/{id}/templates/upload Uploads a template
ProcessorsApi ClearState Post /processors/{id}/state/clear-requests Clears the state for a processor
ProcessorsApi DeleteProcessor Delete /processors/{id} Deletes a processor
ProcessorsApi GetProcessor Get /processors/{id} Gets a processor
ProcessorsApi GetProcessorDiagnostics Get /processors/{id}/diagnostics Gets diagnostics information about a processor
ProcessorsApi GetPropertyDescriptor Get /processors/{id}/descriptors Gets the descriptor for a processor property
ProcessorsApi GetState Get /processors/{id}/state Gets the state for a processor
ProcessorsApi TerminateProcessor Delete /processors/{id}/threads Terminates a processor, essentially "deleting" its threads and any active tasks
ProcessorsApi UpdateProcessor Put /processors/{id} Updates a processor
ProcessorsApi UpdateRunStatus Put /processors/{id}/run-status Updates run status of a processor
ProvenanceApi DeleteLineage Delete /provenance/lineage/{id} Deletes a lineage query
ProvenanceApi DeleteProvenance Delete /provenance/{id} Deletes a provenance query
ProvenanceApi GetLineage Get /provenance/lineage/{id} Gets a lineage query
ProvenanceApi GetProvenance Get /provenance/{id} Gets a provenance query
ProvenanceApi GetSearchOptions Get /provenance/search-options Gets the searchable attributes for provenance events
ProvenanceApi SubmitLineageRequest Post /provenance/lineage Submits a lineage query
ProvenanceApi SubmitProvenanceRequest Post /provenance Submits a provenance query
ProvenanceEventsApi GetInputContent Get /provenance-events/{id}/content/input Gets the input content for a provenance event
ProvenanceEventsApi GetOutputContent Get /provenance-events/{id}/content/output Gets the output content for a provenance event
ProvenanceEventsApi GetProvenanceEvent Get /provenance-events/{id} Gets a provenance event
ProvenanceEventsApi SubmitReplay Post /provenance-events/replays Replays content from a provenance event
RemoteProcessGroupsApi GetRemoteProcessGroup Get /remote-process-groups/{id} Gets a remote process group
RemoteProcessGroupsApi GetState Get /remote-process-groups/{id}/state Gets the state for a RemoteProcessGroup
RemoteProcessGroupsApi RemoveRemoteProcessGroup Delete /remote-process-groups/{id} Deletes a remote process group
RemoteProcessGroupsApi UpdateRemoteProcessGroup Put /remote-process-groups/{id} Updates a remote process group
RemoteProcessGroupsApi UpdateRemoteProcessGroupInputPort Put /remote-process-groups/{id}/input-ports/{port-id} Updates a remote port
RemoteProcessGroupsApi UpdateRemoteProcessGroupInputPortRunStatus Put /remote-process-groups/{id}/input-ports/{port-id}/run-status Updates run status of a remote port
RemoteProcessGroupsApi UpdateRemoteProcessGroupOutputPort Put /remote-process-groups/{id}/output-ports/{port-id} Updates a remote port
RemoteProcessGroupsApi UpdateRemoteProcessGroupOutputPortRunStatus Put /remote-process-groups/{id}/output-ports/{port-id}/run-status Updates run status of a remote port
RemoteProcessGroupsApi UpdateRemoteProcessGroupRunStatus Put /remote-process-groups/{id}/run-status Updates run status of a remote process group
ReportingTasksApi ClearState Post /reporting-tasks/{id}/state/clear-requests Clears the state for a reporting task
ReportingTasksApi GetPropertyDescriptor Get /reporting-tasks/{id}/descriptors Gets a reporting task property descriptor
ReportingTasksApi GetReportingTask Get /reporting-tasks/{id} Gets a reporting task
ReportingTasksApi GetState Get /reporting-tasks/{id}/state Gets the state for a reporting task
ReportingTasksApi RemoveReportingTask Delete /reporting-tasks/{id} Deletes a reporting task
ReportingTasksApi UpdateReportingTask Put /reporting-tasks/{id} Updates a reporting task
ReportingTasksApi UpdateRunStatus Put /reporting-tasks/{id}/run-status Updates run status of a reporting task
ResourcesApi GetResources Get /resources Gets the available resources that support access/authorization policies
SiteToSiteApi GetPeers Get /site-to-site/peers Returns the available Peers and its status of this NiFi
SiteToSiteApi GetSiteToSiteDetails Get /site-to-site Returns the details about this NiFi necessary to communicate via site to site
SnippetsApi CreateSnippet Post /snippets Creates a snippet. The snippet will be automatically discarded if not used in a subsequent request after 1 minute.
SnippetsApi DeleteSnippet Delete /snippets/{id} Deletes the components in a snippet and discards the snippet
SnippetsApi UpdateSnippet Put /snippets/{id} Move's the components in this Snippet into a new Process Group and discards the snippet
SystemDiagnosticsApi GetSystemDiagnostics Get /system-diagnostics Gets the diagnostics for the system NiFi is running on
TemplatesApi ExportTemplate Get /templates/{id}/download Exports a template
TemplatesApi RemoveTemplate Delete /templates/{id} Deletes a template
TenantsApi CreateUser Post /tenants/users Creates a user
TenantsApi CreateUserGroup Post /tenants/user-groups Creates a user group
TenantsApi GetUser Get /tenants/users/{id} Gets a user
TenantsApi GetUserGroup Get /tenants/user-groups/{id} Gets a user group
TenantsApi GetUserGroups Get /tenants/user-groups Gets all user groups
TenantsApi GetUsers Get /tenants/users Gets all users
TenantsApi RemoveUser Delete /tenants/users/{id} Deletes a user
TenantsApi RemoveUserGroup Delete /tenants/user-groups/{id} Deletes a user group
TenantsApi SearchTenants Get /tenants/search-results Searches for a tenant with the specified identity
TenantsApi UpdateUser Put /tenants/users/{id} Updates a user
TenantsApi UpdateUserGroup Put /tenants/user-groups/{id} Updates a user group
VersionsApi CreateVersionControlRequest Post /versions/active-requests Create a version control request
VersionsApi DeleteRevertRequest Delete /versions/revert-requests/{id} Deletes the Revert Request with the given ID
VersionsApi DeleteUpdateRequest Delete /versions/update-requests/{id} Deletes the Update Request with the given ID
VersionsApi DeleteVersionControlRequest Delete /versions/active-requests/{id} Deletes the version control request with the given ID
VersionsApi ExportFlowVersion Get /versions/process-groups/{id}/download Gets the latest version of a Process Group for download
VersionsApi GetRevertRequest Get /versions/revert-requests/{id} Returns the Revert Request with the given ID
VersionsApi GetUpdateRequest Get /versions/update-requests/{id} Returns the Update Request with the given ID
VersionsApi GetVersionInformation Get /versions/process-groups/{id} Gets the Version Control information for a process group
VersionsApi InitiateRevertFlowVersion Post /versions/revert-requests/process-groups/{id} Initiate the Revert Request of a Process Group with the given ID
VersionsApi InitiateVersionControlUpdate Post /versions/update-requests/process-groups/{id} Initiate the Update Request of a Process Group with the given ID
VersionsApi SaveToFlowRegistry Post /versions/process-groups/{id} Save the Process Group with the given ID
VersionsApi StopVersionControl Delete /versions/process-groups/{id} Stops version controlling the Process Group with the given ID
VersionsApi UpdateFlowVersion Put /versions/process-groups/{id} Update the version of a Process Group with the given ID
VersionsApi UpdateVersionControlRequest Put /versions/active-requests/{id} Updates the request with the given ID

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.


[email protected]

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