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ring-mqtt's Issues

Support for alarm status?


First off, awesome job!
Nice to be able to integrate the ring alarm with HA.
Any plan to report the status? Meaning I want to be able to trigger stuff in HA is the alarm is ringing or somebody pressed the panic button...



Issues with Initial Install

I am having issues installing this. I followed all the steps carefully and when I try to start the service it creates a few symlinks and then I get
Failed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links
I tried everything to fix that and couldn't figure it out, so then I went the docker route and I keep getting this error

> [email protected] start /srv
> node ring-alarm-mqtt.js

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] start: `node ring-alarm-mqtt.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /root/.npm/_logs/2020-01-30T04_53_36_721Z-debug.log

New to all this so trying to troubleshoot for hours and I just can't figure it out!

Logo Proposal

Hello! I was just reading this project and found it really great, but I also realized you don't have any logo so I was wondering if you'd want me to design one. I would love to contribute to your project, so if you'd want that, please let me know which specific things you'd like to be visually represented in the logo :)

Set to true? for retain messages

I just noticed this as someone pointed out in a home-assistant thread, if i were to set this to True, would home-assistant keep mqtt messages after a reboot?

  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'online'
    qos: 0
    retain: false

2FA refresh token expiring too quickly

Did Ring change the expiration period on the 2FA tokens? It seems like I have to get a new token every time I restart the add-on now.

Is there any way to integrate the web service that runs on port 55123 with a notification to allow for entering credentials in the UI?

Error when camera set to true

Hi! First of all, thanks a lot for your amazing work! I just trying to configure ring mqtt but I have this error trying to start it:

(node:17007) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'publish' of undefined
at Camera.publishCapability (/data/ring/ring-mqtt/devices/camera.js:164:25)
at Camera.init (/data/ring/ring-mqtt/devices/camera.js:60:14)
at (/data/ring/ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt.js:203:23)
at Array.forEach ()
at publishCameras (/data/ring/ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt.js:195:13)
at publishLocation (/data/ring/ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt.js:123:17)
at locations.forEach (/data/ring/ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt.js:82:17)
(node:17007) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)

I follow all your steps but I can´t catch the problem. I installed a few hours ago, so I have the last version.

Could you please assist?


Support form modes without alarm

Recently Ring introduced modes to control the behavior of your Cameras, even without having a Ring Alarm.

Does this component support the modes without having an alarm? And if not , are there plans to support that scenario?

Add-on Setup

First, let me say what an awesome job you have done with your Ring Integrations. I am running 105.5 and can't for the life of me get it to connect to the mosquitto broker. The broker logs show socket error on client and the add-on shows "Unable to connect to MQTT broker. Connection refused: Not authorized" I am guessing this is something I forgot to input or have missed on the setup. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!

Add-on install Failed

I have been using the ring-mqtt docker version for some time now with no problems. I just recently switched from docker home-assistant (core) to the more official home-assistant (old hassio) on a VM. I have everything working except for ring-mqtt. I added the add-on repository for and also and both are giving me the same problem. When I click install, it fails with the only feedback:

Failed to install addon, Unknown Error, see logs

I checked the home-assitant logs and only saw this:

2020-05-16 03:38:00 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.webhook] Received message for unregistered webhook cd2681ae024947e41f98ef8b0650c546b0bb864368c5528d0f3fd0a2da1f73b7

I can't tell if this has anything to do with installing ring-mqqt-hassio-addon but I assume so since that is all I was doing. Are there other logs I should check?
Thanks for all your work on this project and thanks in advance for your help.

CloudMqtt Integration errors/setup issues

I am using CLOUDMQTT:
On startup i am getting these errors.
My config is:
{ "host": "<name>", "port": 16653, "ring_topic": "ring", "hass_topic": "hass/status", "mqtt_user": "ringuser", "mqtt_pass": "<PASSWORD>", "ring_user": "<ring_emailID>, "ring_pass": "<ring_pass>" }
I believe its getting the data from RING, but not able to publish to the broker. I even created new users in cloudMQTT according to the above instructions. Any suggestions for this issue?
payload_not_available: 'offline', state_topic: 'ring/alarm/UUID-3de78/alarm_control_panel/UUID-2/state', json_attributes_topic: 'ring/alarm/UUID-3de78/alarm_control_panel/UUID-2/attributes', command_topic: 'ring/alarm/UUID-3de78/alarm_control_panel/UUID-2/command' } 2019-05-30T08:00:07.214Z ring-alarm-mqtt HASS config topic: homeassistant/binary_sensor/UUID-3de78/UUID-2/config 2019-05-30T08:00:07.216Z ring-alarm-mqtt { name: 'Ring Contact Sensor 58750', unique_id: 'UUID-3de78', availability_topic: 'ring/alarm/UUID-3de78/status', payload_available: 'online', payload_not_available: 'offline',

Please add Doorbell

I've been trying for days now to integrate my doorbell into node-red.
Unfortunately it seems that with the change of the ring API none of the available nodes work anymore. After some research I found the repository of @davglass. Awesome approach! Some more research and I found your project - a perfect fit - I thought.
After setting everything up the only thing I got was status: "offline". And only later I red that the Doorbell was not supported.

Hence the request: Please include the doorbell in this project. It would be a perfect fit.

Happy new year and thank you very much!

Potential issue with discovery

I'm using Mosquitto and the auto-discovery for home assistant. It looks like the entities are picked up, but on the integrations page, when selecting "MQTT", I see a page that says "Entities without devices" that lists all my ring sensors. Is that correct or is there an extra step I need to take to associate them to a device?


Error running docker run

I've followed the instructions and have the files for the bridge stored in /opt/ring-alarm-mqtt.

However, whenever I run this command, I get the following error.

sudo docker run -e "MQTTHOST={host name}" -e "MQTTPORT={host port}" -e "MQTTRINGTOPIC={host ring topic}" -e "MQTTHASSTOPIC={host hass topic}" -e "MQTTUSER={mqtt user}" -e "MQTTPASSWORD={mqtt pw}" -e "RINGUSER={ring user}" -e "RINGPASS={ring pq}" ring-alarm-mqtt/ring-alarm-mqtt

npm ERR! missing script: start

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /root/.npm/_logs/2019-07-16T06_37_26_415Z-debug.log

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ESP8266 contact sensor

Would it possible to trigger Ring alarm using an esp8266 device with a contact switch, through either HA integration or mqtt?

Script exiting with refrence error

The script runs for me, successfully listing out devices with the printouts of "HASS config topic:" but then outputs this, and exits.

2019-03-17T14:27:17.752Z ring-alarm-mqtt Exit code: ReferenceError: error is not defined
2019-03-17T14:27:18.388Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/alarm_control_panel/2179a162-f20a-42e2-a0aa-81c8c9197827/state disarmed
2019-03-17T14:27:18.392Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/f1a321ba-98f1-4440-9eb2-1a92d794c0ba/state OFF
2019-03-17T14:27:18.393Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/d2d0ad2a-1671-4588-9159-8aca6fcecdc1/state ON
2019-03-17T14:27:18.395Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/8ead3ef2-996a-4ac9-a9c2-f4b59abded8e/state OFF
2019-03-17T14:27:18.396Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/f4cb288b-4b1e-4437-abf9-c0c6018592f1/state OFF
2019-03-17T14:27:18.398Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/fa2f9f6d-0c84-4590-8851-aada9bca6f9c/state ON
2019-03-17T14:27:18.399Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/6324671c-c7fd-42d9-94c4-088df407e7f3/state OFF
2019-03-17T14:27:18.403Z ring-alarm-mqtt ring/alarm/dphgg4-306bo-0/binary_sensor/4ab90997-baa3-4d68-9d23-9c6d977d1e03/state OFF
2019-03-17T14:27:18.756Z ring-alarm-mqtt Exit code: 0

Start failure

I believe I have followed instructions correctly but Start produced the following log:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
ifelse: fatal: unable to exec / Exec format error
[cmd] / exited 126
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.

Any ideas?

how do you start it?

you say here, "Now you should just be able to run the script" do i need to create a service? how do you run the script?

[not an issue] Trigger siren remotely?

I'm trying to think how we can trigger the alarm remotely. Let's say I'm not home and noticed something on the outside. How can I trigger the siren to scare off the intruder?

The only way I think of is to broadcast a mqtt with one of the contact sensors opened. Then the alarm will think someone opened the door and trigger it. Thoughts?

Ring is blocking me?

I suspect that every time I try to use the script RIng is blocking me. After launching it I'm unable to access my ring account from my phone or online. This time I got:

" error Couldn't create the API instance. This could be because changed their API again"

Docker Hub Container

Would you consider having this pushed to Docker Hub so that end users can just install it rather than having to build the docker container from the source? A build server of some sort would be needed if you wanted it to be automated. I may be able to assist there.

Now showing in Homekit

I finally got this up and running and its showing in HA and the alarm panel is working. However its not translating into Homekit. I only have excludes and no includes on the config. Any idea what is holding it up from loading into Homekit?

Support for Ring Lighting

I noticed that @dgreif has added support for the Ring lighting hub and products. Any chance you could add support for that in this?

Docker Script Error

Ever since the new implementation I have not been able to use the script/container. I tried using MFA and generated my code but still receive the following

[email protected] start /srv
node ring-mqtt.js

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] start: node ring-mqtt.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1

npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2020-02-22T15_36_47_417Z-debug.log

I have tried multiple docker container images as well as tried building my own.

I tried filling int he user/pass variables as well as leaving them blank since I am using a token now.

Last note, I have been using this for a few months before this without issue, great app!

Change the slug to use underscore

So, I've seen on this closed & unresolved issue (home-assistant/core#12563) that the hassio_addon* services doesn't recognise the slug name a98c085d_ring-mqtt, so it can't be restarted/started/stopped via automation.

I wanted to do this because after a power outage, this addon loads faster than the mqtt addon.

Please Add Location Environment Variable

Hi there,

Thanks for creating this!

Would you mind adding an environment variable to specify which ring locations are monitored for those of us using docker?


Thank you!

I didn't know where else I can contact you. So, I figured opening an issue might work. I just wanted to say thank you for making this add-on for HA. This was a game changer for me. I had my Ring Home Alarm first and started looking for an automation platform that would support it. It was hard to find one that supported anything other than the Ring cameras, until I came across your add-on.

I've worked in IT (infrastructure) for 20+ years now and I know how hard it is to build, maintain and support an effort like this one in your spare time. If you don't hear it enough, Thank you! Your work really makes a difference to all of us Ring Alarm owners.

Keep up the good work!

Auth failure after update to 3.1.1

After updating, my ring auth is no longer working, reset the token and tried to setup again but I am getting this error:

Running ring-mqtt...
2020-08-07T02:24:25.613Z ring-mqtt Using configuration file: /data/options.json
2020-08-07T02:24:25.614Z ring-mqtt Reading latest saved refresh token from file: /data/ring-state.json
2020-08-07T02:24:25.614Z ring-mqtt No newer refresh token found, will use token from config file.
2020-08-07T02:24:25.620Z ring-mqtt No refresh token found, go to http://<ip_address>:55123/ to generate a valid token.
(node:6) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to fetch oauth token from Ring. Verify that your email and password are correct. (error: access_denied)
at RingRestClient. (/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:166:23)
at Generator.throw ()
at rejected (/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:25:65)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
(node:6) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1)
(node:6) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Delayed start is needed for Ring Alarm entities to show in HomeKit

For those of us wanting Ring Alarm entities to show not just in HA, but also through to HomeKit (via the HA HomeKit capabilities), it seems that a delayed start of HomeKit is needed.

This isn’t a bug in this Ring Alarm project. But I think it would be helpful if this issue was mentioned in the documentation here.

A delayed start being needed for Z-wave is covered in the HA HomeKit documentation. And I’ve suggested some mention being added there of this being an issue with MQTT entities, too. But even with that it wouldn’t be clear this Ring Alarm customization needs it. (I’m only assuming MQTT needs it, but it may be particular to the Ring Alarm functionality.)

I was able to get it working with a 10 second delay. But there might be a more elegant way using ‘somethingsomething.network_ready‘

Door lock always reports "unlocked" status

Running Hassio 0.104.3 with 0.52 of this component. I believe this just started happening within the last day or two. Basically, HA always thinks the door lock is unlocked, regardless of whether it is or not. This is happening on two Schlage locks that I currently own.

Setup Issue

I'm at a loss. I get that my ring token is invalid every time I try to install. The ring token comes in every time, and is always different. I simply copy and paste it into the docker script and get an error. Any help would be amazing! Thanks.

Successfully logged in to Ring. Please add the following to your config:

2020-07-07T20:57:40.700Z ring-mqtt Configuration file read from: ./config
2020-07-07T20:57:40.701Z ring-mqtt Configuration file not found, try environment variables!
2020-07-07T20:57:40.919Z ring-mqtt Error: Refresh token is not valid. Unable to authenticate with Ring servers.
at RingRestClient.getGrantData (/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:85:15)
at RingRestClient. (/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:89:36)
at ()
at /ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:8:71
at new Promise ()
at __awaiter (/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:4:12)
at RingRestClient.getAuth (/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/api/rest-client.js:88:16)

Script I run:
docker run --rm -e "MQTTHOST={}" -e "MQTTPORT={1883}" -e "MQTTRINGTOPIC={ring}" -e "MQTTHASSTOPIC={hass/status}" -e "MQTTUSER={mosquitto}" -e "MQTTPASSWORD={...}" -e "RINGTOKEN={...}" -e "ENABLECAMERAS={true}" -e "RINGLOCATIONIDS={...}" -e "DEBUG=ring-mqtt" tsightler/ring-mqtt

Support for siren state

I noticed in the raw JSON output from the security panel device of my ring alarm there is an attribute named "siren" with a normal value of "off" - I have yet to test if this changes to "on" when the alarm is sounding but if so it would be really great if you could add this to ring-mqtt so we can create custom rules based on the alarm siren sounding (e.g. to set off external ring camera sirens, or send custom alerts)

Support for Ring Retro Kit

At the moment the sensors aren't picked up by this solution even though it's not a 3rd party device. Hopefully support can be added.

Cannot start: Invalid unit name "ring-alarm-mqtt/" was escaped as "ring-alarm-mqtt-"


I installed ring-alarm-mqtt. During "npm install", I received the following warnings:

root@ringmqtt:/home/myuser/ring-alarm-mqtt# npm install
npm WARN npm npm does not support Node.js v10.15.2
npm WARN npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
npm WARN npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
npm WARN npm Supported releases of Node.js are the latest release of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
npm WARN npm You can find the latest version at
added 121 packages from 89 contributors in 10.448s

I just installed npm, so it is up to date.

I followed directions and, in the end, I copied ring-alarm-mqtt.service file to /lib/systemd/system directory and enabled the service.

root@ringmqtt:/home/myuser/ring-alarm-mqtt# cp ring-alarm-mqtt.service /lib/systemd/system/ring-alarm-mqtt.service
root@ringmqtt:/home/myuser/ring-alarm-mqtt# systemctl enable ring-alarm-mqtt.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ring-alarm-mqtt.service → /lib/systemd/system/ring-alarm-mqtt.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/ring-alarm-mqtt.service.

When I try to start the service, I have the following error:

root@ringmqtt:/home/myuser/ring-alarm-mqtt# systemctl start ring-alarm-mqtt/
Invalid unit name "ring-alarm-mqtt/" was escaped as "ring-alarm-mqtt-" (maybe you should use systemd-escape?)
Failed to start ring-alarm-mqtt-.service: Unit ring-alarm-mqtt-.service not found.

Any ideas how to fix it?
Please help.
Thank you.

Support for “Modes” feature

The ring-client-api has been updated to support location mode switch as off version 7.1.0. Is it possible to update the ring-mqtt script and the new addon to support this switch and as a result be able to control the Ring Modes from Home Assistant?

Ring 2FA Docker Link Not Working

Re-installing on a new pc. When I try to use the docker link to get my token, I get the following error:

docker run -it --rm ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt node_modules/ring-client-api/ring-auth-cli.js
Unable to find image 'ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for ring-mqtt/ring-mqtt, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested acces s to the resource is denied.

Lock not showing proper state in 0.104

I'm running 0.104.0b5 and it looks like some changes have been made to MQTT regarding lock states. My two Schlage locks through Ring are now always showing unlocked even though they are locked. I usually wouldn't bring something like this up, but it looks like they are making a permanent change in MQTT integration.

Add keypad battery level

First, let me say NICE JOB 👍! I was wondering if it were possible to add the keypad component, if only to monitor the battery level. Thanks.

Third party sensor

I added a third party door contact sensor to my ring, it shows up just fine in the app but doesn't show up in HA. Any idea how to fix it?

Smart Lighting motion sensors not working

Stand-alone ring motion sensors or motion sensors part of the ring lights that are a part of the ring light suit are not triggering.

Expected functionality:
Receive an update to the state of the device in home assistant.

Perceived functionality:
Ring motion sensor appears to registers two binary sensors in home assistant for a single motion sensor. Neither appear to update their states when motion is found on the device. Ring's mobile application shows a history of motion yet home assistant does not.

Location keeps disconnecting - component restarts

On regular intervals (every 4 hours), I will get a message in my ring addon container log (using HASSIO) about the location being disconnected and reconnected:

2020-03-05T16:30:26.517Z ring-mqtt Location ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284 is disconnected

2020-03-05T16:30:28.286Z ring-mqtt Location ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284 is connected

Right after, it seems the component restarts as it will cycle through the discovery for every component and I will receive notifications (I have Node Red setup to notify when a door/window is open/closed) for each, resulting in a notification flood every time this happens.

Auto Restart When Ring Alarm Determined To Be Unavailable

Hi there! Thank you so much for making this integration. This is a god send, as my wife and I are terrible with arming the Ring security system. Being able to leverage the automation capability of Home Assistant will make this process much easier. That said, I've noticed when I restart Home Assistant (I use Home Assistant Supervised with Ring HASS.IO addon), Ring will register as "unavailable". I simply restart the addon - and all is well. I was hoping you could build in the functionality for the addon to restart on it's own (attempt 2 or 3 times) so it is in sync with Home Assistant.

Thanks and keep up the fantastic work.

Stuck in "Attempting to reconnect MQTT Broker..." loop

I'm setting up ring-mqtt for the first time with my HA install. Everything runs inside their own Docker container. For the MQTT Broker, I'm using the "eclipse-mosquitto" docker image and configured it with a user/password. I tested by running the following commands:

mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "test" -u "<username>" -P "<password>"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "test" -m "Hello World" -u "<username>" -P "<password>"

The client was able to receive the "Hello World" message just fine.

I followed the instructions for setting up the "ring-mqtt" docker image and got it up and running. After adding the mqtt component to HA and restarting, I didn't see any of my Ring alarm sensors. I added the DEBUG option, started the "ring-mqtt" container, and then ran "docker-compse logs
ring-mqtt" and saw that the script was attempting to reconnect to the broker every second:

ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:11.716Z ring-mqtt Configuration file read from: ./config
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:11.717Z ring-mqtt Configuration file not found, try environment variables!
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:13.293Z ring-mqtt Connection to Ring API successful
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:13.293Z ring-mqtt Starting connection to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:14.400Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:15.404Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:16.407Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:17.411Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:18.414Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:19.417Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:20.420Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:21.422Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:30:22.424Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:32:15.373Z ring-mqtt Exit code: SIGTERM
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:32:15.728Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
ring-mqtt            | 2020-02-29T07:32:16.374Z ring-mqtt Exit code: 0

The last line is me stopping the container. Here is my docker compose entry:

  image: tsightler/ring-mqtt
  container_name: ring-mqtt
    - DEBUG=ring-mqtt
    - PUID=1000
    - GUID=1000
    - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
    - MQTTHOST=localhost
    - MQTTPORT=1883
    - MQTTHASSTOPIC=hass/status
    - MQTTUSER=<mqtt username>
    - MQTTPASSWORD=<mqtt password>
    - RINGTOKEN=<ring token>

Any ideas on what's going on? Thanks!

Sorry Newb Command not found npm

Get works,
cd ring...
npm fails
Node red installed as well as mosquitoe mqtt
wandered around google just can't find it

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