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python_project_nick_sokolov_1aqi's Introduction



Nikolay Sokolov 7:05 AM Домашка к уроку 2. Представим, что мы разрабатываем игру и нам нужно создать несколько типов персонажей: лучник, медик и пехотинец. Каждый обладает уникальными свойствами, первый умеет поражать цели на дистанции, второй восстанавливать здоровье свое и других персонажей, третий может сражаться только в ближнем бою. Разумеется всех троих объединяют некоторые параметры, все имеют объем здоровья, умеют перемещаться(достаточно просто выводить сообщение об этом), терять и прибавлять здоровье. Задача, реализовать описание выше в ООП код на python.

Deploying the virtual environment of Django. Commands. Установка вирт среды и установка джанго. Команды.

python -m venv les3env # folder with the local environment


pip install django

django-admin startproject core . # . dot is here to do not create excessive folder/s

Go to UI and make active python.exe from C:\Everything\IT\Testing\Automation_08_09_2019\Python_project_Nick_Sokolov\Lesson_4_1\les4_1env\Scripts

python startapp landing # opens the app "landing"

python runserver

Call help and commands


python startapp landing

python runserver # port rendering on itself, local machine, loopback.

Admin panel works with database db.sqlite3-created when we start server first time

python createsuperuser

Username (leave blank to use 'rapid'): lupusludens

Email address: [email protected]

Password: MyUSA2020!@

python changepassword user_name # change password

Model describes the structure of database

python makemigrations # creates instructions for migration, correlates with the folder "migrations"

python migrate # creates tables for administrative panel which works with the database

Add column names/s into landing/, correlates with the admin web-app dashboard(synchronize with

Work with the GitHub using UI, Git/GitHub/Share Project on GitHub

Postman # Swagger



id pk int login varchar(25) password varchar(35)


id pk int user_id int FK - name varchar(40) age int b_day datetime salary decimal


id pk int first_name varchar(50) last_name varchar(50)


id pk int user_id int FK >- contacts_id int FK >-


id pk int contact_id int FK >- phone int time_update datetime

1: Action 0:12:35: INSTALL. 1: 1: MySQL Server 8.0 2: {3476AEF8-4E53-40FE-90C4-5179DF0DFA3F} 1: Action 0:12:35: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications 1: Action 0:12:35: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications 1: Action 0:12:35: DwordToNumber. 1: Action 0:12:35: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions 1: Action 0:12:35: ValidateProductID. 1: Action 0:12:35: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements 1: Action 0:12:35: FileCost. Computing space requirements 1: Action 0:12:35: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements 1: Action 0:12:35: MigrateFeatureStates. Migrating feature states from related applications 1: Action 0:12:35: InstallValidate. Validating install 1: Action 0:12:36: SaveTargetDir. 1: Action 0:12:36: InstallInitialize. 1: Action 0:12:36: SetQtRemoveService. 1: Action 0:12:36: RemoveExistingProducts. Removing applications 1: Action 0:12:36: ProcessComponents. Updating component registration 1: Action 0:12:37: GenerateScript. Generating script operations for action: 1: Updating component registration 1: Action 0:12:37: UnpublishFeatures. Unpublishing Product Features 1: Action 0:12:37: RemoveRegistryValues. Removing system registry values 1: Action 0:12:37: RemoveShortcuts. Removing shortcuts 1: Action 0:12:37: RemoveFiles. Removing files 1: Action 0:12:37: InstallFiles. Copying new files 1: File: Copying new files, Directory: , Size: 1: Action 0:12:39: CreateShortcuts. Creating shortcuts 1: Shortcut: Creating shortcuts 1: Action 0:12:39: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values 1: Key: Writing system registry values, Name: , Value: 1: Action 0:12:39: RegisterUser. Registering user 1: Action 0:12:39: RegisterProduct. Registering product 1: Registering product 1: Action 0:12:39: PublishFeatures. Publishing Product Features 1: Feature: Publishing Product Features 1: Action 0:12:39: PublishProduct. Publishing product information 1: Action 0:12:39: InstallFinalize. 1: Action 0:12:39: ProcessComponents. Updating component registration 1: Action 0:12:40: InstallFiles. Copying new files 1: File: harness-library.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 659456 1: File: ibd2sdi.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6379624 1: File: innochecksum.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6366840 1: File: libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 3422720 1: File: libmecab.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 1839616 1: File: libprotobuf.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 2832896 1: File: libprotobuf.lib, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 4179030 1: File: libprotobuf-debug.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6872064 1: File: libprotobuf-lite.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 553472 1: File: libprotobuf-lite.lib, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 898420 1: File: libprotobuf-lite-debug.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 1358336 1: File: libssl-1_1-x64.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 686592 1: File: lz4_decompress.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6311544 1: File: my_print_defaults.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6251648 1: File: myisam_ftdump.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6508664 1: File: myisamchk.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6633584 1: File: myisamlog.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6477936 1: File: myisampack.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6531696 1: File: mysql.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6948968 1: File: mysql_config_editor.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6266496 1: File: mysql_secure_installation.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6834320 1: File: mysql_ssl_rsa_setup.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6293120 1: File: mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6207104 1: File: mysql_upgrade.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, Size: 6925432 1: File: mysqladmin.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\M


Домашка: Создать ER-диаграму интернет магазина. Основные сущности:

  1. Товар
  2. Категория
  3. Корзина
  4. Заказ
  5. Покупатель Поля на ваше усмотрение, здесь главное потренироваться строить структуру и связи. Послушать про нормализацию:



id pk int upc int name varchar(35) model varchar(25) price float status varchar(3)



id pk int category_id int FK -< name varchar(35) description varchar(40)



id pk int FK -< good varchar(35)



id pk int FK -< order_number int date datetime good varchar(35) quantity_of_units int



id pk int FK - first_name varchar(25) last_name varchar(25) date_of_birth datetime gender varchar(5) phone int login varchar(25) password varchar(25)


#1 contact

id int PK first_name char(60) last_name char(60) middle_name char(60) prefix char(10) company_name char(80) contact_type char(60) address char(200) city char(40) state char(40) country char(40) postal_code char(5) phone varchar(60) email varchar(30) create_time datatime(10)

#2 supplier

id int PK contact_id int FK -< contract_no varchar(45) contract_title varchar(50) suplier_type char(40) contr_eff_date datetime(10) contr_exp_date datetime(10) logo image

#3 client

id int PK contact_id int FK -< date_entered datetime(10) password varchar(25) birthday datetime(10) client_type varchar(40)

#4 shipper

id int PK contact_id int FK -< contract_no varchar(45) contract_title varchar(50) shipper_type char(40) contr_eff_date datetime(10) contr_exp_date datetime(10) logo image

#5 products

id int PK suplier_id int FK >- product_name varchar(50) product_brand varchar(40) year_of_manufacture int color char(25) description text quantity_per_unit int unit_price money product_image image size varchar(30) weight decimal(7,3)

#6 categories

id int PK category varchar(30) description text

#7 products_catecories

id int PK product_id int FK >- category_id int FK >-

#8 rating

id int PK client_id int FK >- product_id int FK >- date_posted datetime(10) rating decimal(2,1) comment text

#9 order

id int PK client_id int FK >- shipper_id int FK >- order_date datetime payment_method char(20) delivery_method char(30) delivery_date datetime total_price money sale_tax money discount decimal(3,2) total_discount money paid money transaction_status varchar(20)

#10 cart

id int PK order_id int FK >- product_id int FK >- date datetime item_price money product_quantity int sub_total money sale_tax money discount decimal(3,2) total_discount money

HW_3_dt_22_dec_2020 From the model to the conversion of that into data base

and visualization of that in the admin dashboard

  1. Create for example Lesson_5_1: cd C:\Everything\IT\Testing\Automation_08_09_2019\Python_project_Nick_Sokolov mkdir Lesson_5_1 cd Lesson_5_1

  2. Create virtual environment: python --version (ставить желаемую версию питона: virtualenv venv --python=python2.7, virtualenv venv --python=/usr/local/bin/python, Просто используйте параметр --python (или короткий -p) при создании экземпляра virtualenv, чтобы указать исполняемый файл Python, который вы хотите использовать, например: virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 <path/to/new/virtualenv/>) python -m venv les5_1env cd Lesson_5_1 # ....\ two levels up cd les5_1env cd Scripts activate.bat

  3. Install django pip install django

  4. Create folder for project mkdir online_store5_1 django-admin startproject core . # . dot is here to do not create excessive folder/s dir python startapp products5_1 # opens the app "products5_1"

  5. Run PyCharm, tune(open File/New Project, Pure Python, choose online_store5_1) And in Previously configured interpreter we choose C:\Everything\IT\Testing\Automation_08_09_2019\Python_project_Nick_Sokolov\Lesson_5_1\les5_1env\Scripts\python.exe Create from existing sources This window/New window

  6. Open MsSQL WorkBench, root password: MyUSA2016!@ Create a new schema in the connected server Choose Charset: utf8mb4; Collation: utf8_general_ci; Apply+Apply+Finish; Go to Administration/Users and Privileges Login name: online_store_user5 Authentication type: Standard Limit to host matching: localhost Password: MyUSA2016!@ Apply Go to Schema Privileges/Add Entry/Selected Schema(radio buton): les_5_1_online_store Choose all privileges

  7. Go/open to PyCharm, go to C:\Everything\IT\Testing\Automation_08_09_2019\Python_project_Nick_Sokolov\Lesson_5_1\mysql.cnf create mysql.cnf and insert code: [client] database = les_5_1_online_store user = online_store_user5_1 password = MyUSA2016!@ default-character-set = utf8

  8. Go to C:\Everything\IT\Testing\Automation_08_09_2019\Python_project_Nick_Sokolov\Lesson_5_1\online_store5_1\core\ insert code: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'OPTIONS': { 'read_default_file': 'C:\Everything\IT\Testing\Automation_08_09_2019\Python_project_Nick_Sokolov\Lesson_5_1\mysql.cnf', }, } }

  9. Make migrations: python migrate # We do not do here: python makemigrations, because default models are created in Django pip install mysqlclient python migrate # Find file in CMD: dir sql_workspaces.* /s (c:\Users\rapid\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench) work with tabs of MySQL Workbench: View/Panels; Navigator/Schemas

  10. go to products5_1/ write code: class Product(models.Model): class Meta: db_table = 'products' verbose_name = 'Good' verbose_name_plural = 'Goods'

    title = models.CharField(blank=False, null=False, max_length=200, verbose_name='Title') price = models.FloatField(blank=False, null=False, verbose_name='Price')

python makemigrations got to and insert to INSTALLED_APPS: 'products5_1' N.B. For Clients and for Orders create separate apps

########## Домашка. 24 jan 2021 Часть 1: Самостоятельно ознакомиться с механизмом работы JWT,

Часть 2: Строим ER диаграму для CRM системы автосалона. Основные сущности:

  1. Менеджер автосалона (user)
  2. Клиент автосалона
  3. Каталог авто
  4. Покупки клиентов
  5. ToDo list для менеджеров Это минимум, проявите фантазию, некоторые сущности можно расширить.


Если кириллица впереди: -- coding: utf-8 --

######### Work woth REST API from PyCharm pip install requests "" "{symbol}"




id int PK title varchar(50) description varchar(250) time_create datetime time_update datetime d_of_b date



id int PK user_id int FK >- blog_id int FK >- title varchar(50) post_body text time_create datetime time_update datetime



id int PK title varchar(150) description varchar(250) time_create datetime time_update datetime



id int PK title varchar(150) description varchar(250) time_create datetime time_update datetime category_img_url varchar(200)



id int PK post_id int FK >- categories_id int FK -< time_create datetime time_update datetime



id int PK reference_comment_id int FK >- user_id int FK >- posts_id int FK >- comment_txt varchar(150) time_create datetime time_update datetime



id int PK title varchar(150) description varchar(250) time_create datetime time_update datetime category_img_url varchar(200)



id int PK post_id int FK >- tags_id int FK >-

Git commands for GitHub and GitLab

copy NUL .gitconfig git config --list --global

git clone name_of_the GitHubOrGitLab_repo git status

cat file_name.extension

git log

git log --author name_of_author

git show 1fafe868f2d74df796befd864521ae7b90e2987a

git blame file_name.extension

git diff

git reset HEAD~1

git merge --abort

git checkout file_name.extension // cancel last commit

git restore --staged ..." to unstage // cancel last commit

git stash // adding changes to limbo

git stash pop // checking changes in limbo

git stash clear // cancel changes in limbo

git push -u name_of_branch // connect local repository with remote

git add --all/git add . git status git commit -m "name_of_commit" git status git push git status git pull/git diff/check GitLab/GitHub yourself

merge request after code review

git branch name_of_new_branch // create new branch of old one git branch // screen out branches git checkout name_of_new_branch // turn on to branch git checkout -B name_of_new_branch // create new branch in CLI/Unix/Bash/Shell git checkout name_of_new_branch // select specific the branch git push --set-upstream origin "name_of_the_repo_on_client_side"

#Linux/Unix/CLI echo "new_line" >> // create ew file with new line cat // check changes in the ew file

python_project_nick_sokolov_1aqi's People


lupusludensest avatar trellixvulnteam avatar

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