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Alpha 9 translation updates

  • German
  • Spanish
  • French

The official German translation wasn't updated with the new missions, so we'll include a fan translation.

New strings

# Missions / Contracts

mission_recovered                       RECOVERED
mission_delivered                       DELIVERED
mission_collected                       COLLECTED
mission_showonmap                       SHOW ON MAP
mission_youarehere                      YOU ARE HERE
mission_courseplotted                   COURSE PLOTTED
mission_onroute                         ON ROUTE
mission_reward                          PAYMENT

mission_difficulty_short                DIFFICULTY *X

mission_show_completed                  SHOW COMPLETED

mission_delivery_location               Travel to the delivery system

mission_passengers_collection           Collect all passengers
mission_passengers_location             Transport the passengers to the destination

mission_rescue_location                 Travel to the stranded ship

mission_combat_objective                Locate and engage hostile forces

mission_industry_location               Travel to the asteroid belt

# =============================================================================
# Industry Tutorial
# =============================================================================

tutorial_docking_title                  DOCKING
tutorial_dockingstart                   We are now going to learn how to dock your ship to another ship.
tutorial_dockingcheckthrusters          In order to be able to dock successfully, your ship needs working THRUSTERS.\n\nUse a different ship, or purchase and install some at a nearby trading post.
tutorial_dockingswitchtotactical        To get started, switch to TACTICAL mode by clicking the button or pressing T.
tutorial_dockingapproachship_x          Use your main ship engines to get close to the *X.
tutorial_dockingzoomin                  Zoom in so that you can see the docking guides more clearly. They are RED diamonds extending from the docking ports.
tutorial_dockingopenmaneuver            Open the MANEUVERING THRUSTER controls.
tutorial_dockingmaneuverkeys            Use the Maneuvering controls to move the ship into position.\n\nYou can also use the keys I, J, K, L to move, and O and U to rotate the ship.
tutorial_dockingmaneuver                Use your THRUSTERS to maneuver your ship so that RED diamonds of your docking ports align with the docking port of the *X.\n\nWhen aligned correctly, they will both turn YELLOW.\n\nKeep the ships aligned until the docking bridge is fully extended.
tutorial_dockingsuccess                 Well done. You have docked successfully!

# =============================================================================
# Story Episodes 2024
# =============================================================================

episode_part1                           PART 1
episode_part2                           PART 2
episode_part3                           PART 3
episode_part4                           PART 4
episode_part5                           PART 5

# =============================================================================
# A wolf in sheeps clothing, Part 1
# =============================================================================

wolf_part1_title                        A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

wolf_character_harken                   Commander Harken
wolf_character_harken_short             CMDR HARKEN

wolf_part1_intro1                       My name is Commander Harken, and I'm the Chief of Private Security for the sector.
wolf_part1_intro2                       We are in the grip of a major crisis.  Commercial vessels laden with valuable cargo are being targeted and destroyed.  These vessels are under our protection - but often lack any serious defenses, and barely have a chance to send out a distress call before they are plundered.  This is a calculated assault on the free market trade and industry within this sector, and cannot be allowed to continue.
wolf_part1_intro3                       Time is of the essence Captain. We need you to investigate these lost vessels, find those responsible for these crimes, and bring them to justice.

wolf_part1_setupcall1                   Thank you for responding to our contract, Captain. We are in the grip of a major crisis.  Commercial vessels laden with valuable cargo are being targeted and destroyed.  These trade vessels were under our protection, and we must find those responsible.
wolf_part1_setupcall2                   I'm sending you the coordinates of three such vessels, pinpointing their last known locations before they went dark.  We need you to travel to the wreckage of each of these three ships, and collect whatever evidence you can.
wolf_part1_setupcall3                   The primary objective is the safe recovery of their Black Box Flight Recorders, which will contain a log of their final moments.
wolf_part1_setupcall4                   In order to collect the Flight Recorders you will need Drones, launched from a Drone Bay on your ship.  If you don't already have this equipment, you'll need to buy at least one DRONE BAY, and at least one LOGISTICS DRONE, from any colony or shipyard.
wolf_part1_setupcall4b                  Here are the co-ordinates of the three shipwrecks we need you to visit.
wolf_part1_setupcall5                   The fourth vessel to be targeted managed to send out a distress call. Local security forces responded too late, and found nothing but the destroyed fuselage with a presumed loss of all crew.
wolf_part1_setupcall5b                  This is the only image they managed to send, before their transmission went dead. 
wolf_part1_setupcall6                   The wreckage - which is the forensic evidence of their fate - was collected and taken back to System S*X, where it's currently sitting in storage.  We need you to send a ship to collect the wreckage, and bring it to us along with the recovered black box modules.
wolf_part1_setupcall7                   Bring all the recovered wreckage and the three black box flight recorders back to me for analysis on board my ship The Vanguard, to complete the contract.

wolf_part1_objective_drones             Install a Drone Bay and at least one Logistics Drone
wolf_part1_objective_recoverbox1        Recover Flight Recorder from UMC Interstellar Prospector
wolf_part1_objective_recoverbox2        Recover Flight Recorder from UMC Infinite Horizon
wolf_part1_objective_recoverbox3        Recover Flight Recorder from UMC Celestial Hauler
wolf_part1_objective_recoverwreckage    Collect the wreckage of UMC Stellar Horizon from System S*X [*Y/*Z]
wolf_part1_objective_returnrecorders    Return the Flight Recorders to Commander Harken [*Y/*Z]
wolf_part1_objective_returnwreckage     Return the Wreckage to Commander Harken [*Y/*Z]

wolf_part1_recoverwreckage              WRECKAGE

wolf_part1_wreckagecount                You've delivered *X/*Y of the Ship Wreckage
wolf_part1_flightrecordercount          You've delivered *X/*Y of the Flight Recorders

wolf_part1_action_payscavenger          Pay Scavenger $*X
wolf_part1_action_collectwreckage       Collect Wreckage

wolf_shipname_harken                    UMC Vanguard
wolf_shipname_wolf1                     Interstellar Prospector
wolf_shipname_wolf2                     Infinite Horizon
wolf_shipname_wolf3                     Celestial Hauler
wolf_shipname_scavenger                 Scavenger Wraith

object_FlightRecorder                   Flight Recorder
object_ShipWreckage                     Ship Wreckage

wolf_part1_scavenger1                   Got my hands on something you might be looking for.  A recording of the screams and static from the ship's final moments.  You want it, I know it.  Scavengers rights says it's mine.
wolf_part1_scavenger2                   Luckily for you, you can have your precious data, so long as I get my finders fee.  It'll cost you $*X for the secrets.  Cross me and it will be the last mistake you make.
wolf_part1_scavenger3                   Funds received. Pleasure doing business.
wolf_part1_scavenger4                   We'll drop your Flight Recorder out the cargo hold and be on our way.
wolf_part1_objective_scavenger          Recover the Flight Recorder from Scavenger Vessel

wolf_part1_sendingwreckage              They're sending the recovered wreckage to your ship The L*X now Captain. It will arrive soon by Shuttle. You'll need to store it somewhere onboard.
wolf_part1_firstwreckage                Once you've collected all the Ship Wreckage, bring it to me along with the three Flight Recorders. I'm onboard The Vanguard - sending our location now.
wolf_part1_firstrecorder                You've recovered one of the flight recorders! Bring them all to me, along with the recovered wreckage. I'm onboard The Vanguard - sending our location now.
wolf_part1_sendingshuttle               Standby while I dock my ship with yours Captain, to collect the items you've recovered so far. Thank you for your efforts.

wolf_part1_completion1                  We've analysed the black box recordings and the evidence is already pretty clear.  There's a pirate vessel out there somewhere, preying on high value commercial vessels.  They wait in silence, until the ship is alone, isolated, and defenseless.  They come out of nowhere and attack without warning, and before anybody can respond they've destroyed the ship and looted the cargo.
wolf_part1_completion2                  Most likely to be sold for vast profits to the Stargate Project - who don't seem keen to ask questions.
wolf_part1_completion3                  So far they haven't left a single living witness. But the sensor data tells the full story. We've manged to extract another sensor image of the attacker.
wolf_part1_completion4                  It's another grainy photograph, but it's all we have to go on.  This is without doubt the vessel responsible for all this death and destruction.
wolf_part1_completion5                  We need to find a way to track them down, and destroy them.  We will be in touch soon Captain.
wolf_part1_completion6                  In the mean time, we suggest you tend to your ships. If you've taken damage, you can repair the hull at any SHIPYARD. Use the funds we've sent to upgrade your defenses.

# =============================================================================
# A wolf in sheeps clothing, Part 2
# =============================================================================

wolf_part2_title                        A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Part 2

wolf_part2_intro1                       We're in a dire situation Captain.  The pirate vessel has struck again, targeting an unarmed commercial vessel. If we respond quickly enough, we may just be lucky and find a crew we can rescue.
wolf_part2_intro2                       We need your help to stage an urgent rescue mission, and evacuate the crew before it's too late.

wolf_character_ryker                    Captain Amelia Ryker
wolf_shipname_rescue                    Orion Sentinel
wolf_shipname_pirate                    Unidentified Pirate

wolf_part2_setup1                       We received a distress call just a few minutes ago from the Orion Sentinel.  It's a huge commercial haulage vessel, no weapons, no defenses, out in the middle of deep space.  It fits the pirate ship MO perfectly.
wolf_part2_setup2                       Listen to the distress call.
wolf_part2_setup3                       This is now an urgent humanitarian rescue situation.  All signs point to the pirate vessel being responsible. If we respond quickly enough, we may just be lucky and find a crew we can rescue.
wolf_part2_setup4                       You will need a set of Manoeuvering thrusters on your vessel Captain, if you are to have any hope of docking and rescuing the crew. You should be able to buy them at any trading post.
wolf_part2_setup5                       Time is running out.  Send a ship to the Orion Sentinel and provide whatever aid you can, before it's too late.

wolf_part2_distress1                    This is Captain Amelia Ryker of the UMC vessel Orion Sentinel.  We are under attack!  They appeared out of nowhere and fired on us without warning, and won't respond to any of my communications.
wolf_part2_distress2                    I'm trying to hold them off, but I need help.  My engines are damaged.  Ships systems have failed.  Please hurry, I have 40 crew onboard!

wolf_part2_objective_thrusters          Fit four manoeuvering thrusters to your vessel [*X/4]
wolf_part2_objective_rescue             Rescue the crew of the UMC Orion Sentinel [*X/40]

wolf_part2_inperson_distress1           Captain, thank goodness you're here! Help us!
wolf_part2_inperson_distress2           We won't last much longer.

wolf_part2_inperson_distress3           It looks like they turned and ran when they saw you arrive, Captain.  But my ship is on the brink. The Reactor won't hold out much longer.
wolf_part2_inperson_distress4           To rescue my crew you'll need to get close and initiate docking procedures. Use your manoeuvering thrusters to align your docking port with ours, in TACTICAL mode.
wolf_part2_inperson_distress5           I'll get the crew ready to evacuate. Please hurry!

wolf_part2_objective_dock               Dock with the UMC Orion Sentinel

wolf_part2_inperson_distress6           The Reactor is reaching critical levels Captain.  I can't stop it from overloading.
wolf_part2_inperson_distress7           I'll try and buy you a few more seconds, but it's going to go critical any moment.  Get to a safe distance as soon as you can, Captain.  Save my crew!

wolf_part2_objective_escape             Get to a safe distance before the Orion Sentinel explodes

wolf_part2_dropoff1                     Well done Captain.  Your intervention prevented a further loss of life.  And now we know the pirate vessel is crewed by cowards, a fact that we intend to use to our advantage.
wolf_part2_dropoff2                     In the mean time, take the survivors to the nearest shipyard or colony and drop them off there to close the contract.

wolf_part2_objective_dropoff            Drop off the survivors at any shipyard or colony [*X/*Y]

wolf_part2_debrief1                     I appreciate your speed in rescuing the crew of the Orion Sentinel Captain.
wolf_part2_debrief2                     Regrettably I must inform you Captain Ryker does not appear to be among the survivors.  Her sacrifice will be remembered.
wolf_part2_debrief3                     We don't know when or where the pirate vessel will strike again. But we must be prepared.  The more we analyse their attacks, the more obvious the pattern becomes.
wolf_part2_debrief4                     Thank you Captain.  Protect your fleet, and wait for our call.

wolf_part2_rescued                      Rescued *X/*Y crew

Deleted strings

mission_flightready_power_done          [DONE] A Reactor, generating power
mission_flightready_engines_done        [DONE] Engines capable of propulsion
mission_flightready_movement_done       [DONE] Test the engines from the TACTICAL screen
mission_flightready_lifesupport_done    [DONE] Life support to make the interior habitable
mission_flightready_ftl_done            [DONE] An FTL Drive capable of Hyperspace jumps
mission_flightready_ftljump_done        [DONE] Jump to the marked destination

Modified strings

tutorial_tutorialend                    [End of tutorial - Alpha 9]

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