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datascript's Introduction

What if creating a database would be as cheap as creating a Hashmap?

An immutable in-memory database and Datalog query engine in Clojure and ClojureScript.

DataScript is meant to run inside the browser. It is cheap to create, quick to query and ephemeral. You create a database on page load, put some data in it, track changes, do queries and forget about it when the user closes the page.

DataScript databases are immutable and based on persistent data structures. In fact, they’re more like data structures than databases (think Hashmap). Unlike querying a real SQL DB, when you query DataScript, it all comes down to a Hashmap lookup. Or series of lookups. Or array iteration. There’s no particular overhead to it. You put a little data in it, it’s fast. You put in a lot of data, well, at least it has indexes. That should do better than you filtering an array by hand anyway. The thing is really lightweight.

The intention with DataScript is to be a basic building block in client-side applications that needs to track a lot of state during their lifetime. There’s a lot of benefits:

  • Central, uniform approach to manage all application state. Clients working with state become decoupled and independent: rendering, server sync, undo/redo do not interfere with each other.
  • Immutability simplifies things even in a single-threaded browser environment. Keep track of app state evolution, rewind to any point in time, always render consistent state, sync in background without locking anybody.
  • Datalog query engine to answer non-trivial questions about current app state.
  • Structured format to track data coming in and out of DB. Datalog queries can be run against it too.

Latest version Build Status

;; lein
[datascript "1.7.2"]
;; deps.edn
datascript/datascript {:mvn/version "1.7.2"}

Important! If you are using shadow-cljs, add

:compiler-options {:externs ["datascript/externs.js"]}

to your build (see #432 #298 #216)

Support us







  • “Frontend with Joy” talk (FPConf, August 2015): video in Russian
  • “Programming Web UI with Database in a Browser” talk (PolyConf, July 2015): slides, video
  • “DataScript for Web Development” talk (Clojure eXchange, Dec 2014): slides, video
  • “Building ToDo list with DataScript” webinar (ClojureScript NYC, Dec 2014): video, app
  • DataScript hangout (May 2014, in Russian): video

Projects using DataScript:

Related projects:

  • DataScript-Transit, transit serialization for database and datoms
  • DataScript SQL Storages, durable storage implementations for popular SQL databases
  • Posh, lib that lets you use a single DataScript db to store Reagent app state
  • re-posh, use re-frame with DataScript storage
  • DataScript-mori, DataScript & Mori wrapper for use from JS
  • DatSync, Datomic ↔︎ DataScript syncing/replication utilities
  • Intension, lib to convert associative structures to in-memory databases for querying them
  • Datamaps, lib designed to leverage datalog queries to query arbitrary maps.

Demo applications:

Usage examples

For more examples, see our acceptance test suite.

(require '[datascript.core :as d])

;; Implicit join, multi-valued attribute

(let [schema {:aka {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}}
      conn   (d/create-conn schema)]
  (d/transact! conn [ { :db/id -1
                        :name  "Maksim"
                        :age   45
                        :aka   ["Max Otto von Stierlitz", "Jack Ryan"] } ])
  (d/q '[ :find  ?n ?a
          :where [?e :aka "Max Otto von Stierlitz"]
                 [?e :name ?n]
                 [?e :age  ?a] ]

;; => #{ ["Maksim" 45] }

;; Destructuring, function call, predicate call, query over collection

(d/q '[ :find  ?k ?x
        :in    [[?k [?min ?max]] ...] ?range
        :where [(?range ?min ?max) [?x ...]]
               [(even? ?x)] ]
      { :a [1 7], :b [2 4] }

;; => #{ [:a 2] [:a 4] [:a 6] [:b 2] }

;; Recursive rule

(d/q '[ :find  ?u1 ?u2
        :in    $ %
        :where (follows ?u1 ?u2) ]
      [ [1 :follows 2]
        [2 :follows 3]
        [3 :follows 4] ]
     '[ [(follows ?e1 ?e2)
         [?e1 :follows ?e2]]
        [(follows ?e1 ?e2)
         [?e1 :follows ?t]
         (follows ?t ?e2)] ])

;; => #{ [1 2] [1 3] [1 4]
;;       [2 3] [2 4]
;;       [3 4] }

;; Aggregates

(d/q '[ :find ?color (max ?amount ?x) (min ?amount ?x)
        :in   [[?color ?x]] ?amount ]
     [[:red 10]  [:red 20] [:red 30] [:red 40] [:red 50]
      [:blue 7] [:blue 8]]

;; => [[:red  [30 40 50] [10 20 30]]
;;     [:blue [7 8] [7 8]]]

Using from vanilla JS

DataScript can be used from any JS engine without additional dependencies:

<script src=""></script>

or as a CommonJS module (npm page):

npm install datascript
var ds = require('datascript');

or as a RequireJS module:

require(['datascript'], function(ds) { ... });


  • Query and rules should be EDN passed as strings
  • Results of q are returned as regular JS arrays


  • Entities returned by entity call are lazy as in Clojure
  • Use e.get("prop"), e.get(":db/id"), e.db to access entity properties
  • Entities implement ECMAScript 6 Map interface (has/get/keys/...)


  • Use strings such as ":db/id", ":db/add", etc. instead of db-namespaced keywords
  • Use regular JS arrays and objects to pass data to transact and db_with

Transaction reports:

  • report.tempids has string keys ("-1" for entity tempid -1), use resolve_tempid to set up a correspondence

Check out test/js/tests.js for usage examples.

Project status

Stable. Most of the features done, expecting non-breaking API additions and performance optimizations. No docs at the moment, use examples & Datomic documentation.

The following features are supported:

  • Database as a value: each DB is an immutable value. New DBs are created on top of old ones, but old ones stay perfectly valid too
  • Triple store model
  • EAVT, AEVT and AVET indexes
  • Multi-valued attributes via :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many
  • Lazy entities and :db/valueType :db.type/ref auto-expansion
  • Database “mutations” via transact!
  • Callback-based analogue to txReportQueue via listen!
  • Direct index lookup and iteration via datoms and seek-datoms
  • Filtered databases via filter
  • Lookup refs
  • Unique constraints, upsert
  • Pull API (thx David Thomas Hume)

Query engine features:

  • Implicit joins
  • Query over DB or regular collections
  • Parameterized queries via :in clause
  • Tuple, collection, relation binding forms in :in clause
  • Query over multiple DB/collections
  • Predicates and user functions in query
  • Negation and disjunction
  • Rules, recursive rules
  • Aggregates
  • Find specifications

Interface differences:

  • Conn is just an atom storing last DB value, use @conn instead of (d/db conn)
  • Instead of #db/id[:db.part/user -100] just use -100 in place of :db/id or entity id
  • Transactor functions can be called as [:db.fn/call f args] where f is a function reference and will take db as first argument (thx @thegeez)
  • In ClojureScript, custom query functions and aggregates should be passed as source instead of being referenced by symbol (due to lack of resolve in CLJS)
  • Custom aggregate functions are called via aggregate keyword: :find (aggregate ?myfn ?e) :in $ ?myfn
  • Additional :db.fn/retractAttribute shortcut
  • Transactions are not annotated by default with :db/txInstant
  • When “transaction function” is called, the db that this function receive is a “partial db” relative to it's position in transaction.

Differences from Datomic

  • DataScript is built totally from scratch and is not related by any means to the popular Clojure database Datomic
  • Runs in a browser and/or in a JVM
  • Simplified schema, not queryable
  • Attributes do not have to be declared in advance. Put them to schema only when you need special behaviour from them
  • Any type can be used for values
  • No :db/ident for attributes, keywords are literally attribute values, no integer id behind them
  • No schema migrations
  • No full-text search, no partitions
  • No external dependencies

Aimed at interactive, long-living browser applications, DataScript DBs operate in constant space. If you do not add new entities, just update existing ones, or clean up database from time to time, memory consumption will be limited. This is unlike Datomic which keeps history of all changes, thus grows monotonically. DataScript does not track history by default, but you can do it via your own code if needed.

Some of the features are omitted intentionally. Different apps have different needs in storing/transfering/keeping track of DB state. DataScript is a foundation to build exactly the right storage solution for your needs without selling too much “vision”.




npm install ws

Running the tests

clj -M:test -m kaocha.runner

Watching tests:


Benchmarking and Datomic compatibility

datomic-free is a dependency not available on Clojars or Maven Central.

  1. Download datomic-free from
  2. Unzip it
  3. Inside the unzipped folder run ./bin/maven-install

Run compatibility checks:

clj -M:datomic


cd bench


Copyright © 2014–2024 Nikita Prokopov

Licensed under Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE).

datascript's People


abrooks avatar benfleis avatar boxed avatar brandonbloom avatar bsless avatar cjsauer avatar claj avatar darkleaf avatar dthume avatar filipesilva avatar fversnel avatar galdre avatar iamdrowsy avatar izirku avatar joodie avatar kennyjwilli avatar lynaghk avatar mattsenior avatar montyxcantsin avatar petterik avatar refset avatar robert-stuttaford avatar rutledgepaulv avatar teodorlu avatar the-alchemist avatar thegeez avatar thheller avatar timothypratley avatar tonsky avatar zoren avatar


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datascript's Issues

Rules and predicates don't mix

This works:

(let [regex (js/RegExp. search-term "i")
      search-fn (comp boolean (partial re-find regex))]
  (d/q '[:find ?category :in $ ?search-fn :where
         [?link :link/category ?category]
         [?link :link/title ?title]
         [(?search-fn ?title)]]
       db search-fn))

But this doesn't:

(let [regex (js/RegExp. search-term "i")
      search-fn (comp boolean (partial re-find regex))]
  (d/q '[:find ?category :in $ % ?search-fn :where
         [?link :link/category ?category]
         (search ?search-fn ?link)]
       '[[(search ?search-fn ?link)
          [?link :link/title ?title]
          [(?search-fn ?title)]]]

The predicate isn't making it through the rule bindings, because I get this error when trying to apply the predicate function.

"Cannot read property 'cljs$lang$maxFixedArity' of null"

Can't figure out how to empty database with listeners

Can't figure out how to "clean" database with listeners attached.
I don't want to go through retract/add on entities, just clean it, and make all listeners jingle.
That's seems not very idiomatic, but how would one practically reset database?
PS great lib, thanks, fills a huge gap for me.

Uncaught Error: compare on non-nil objects of different types

I'm getting this error occasionally when calling transact!. The only pattern I could find possibly has something to do with the underscores in the following example...

This always throws an error:

(d/transact! conn [{:db/id -1 :test/foo "foo" :test/_bar {:baz "qux"}}])

But these always work fine:

(d/transact! conn [{:db/id -1 :test/foo "foo" :test/bar {:baz "qux"}}])
(d/transact! conn [{:db/id -1 :test/_bar {:baz "qux"}}])
(d/transact! conn [{:db/id -1 :test/foo "foo" :test/_bar 123}])

Here's the JavaScript stack trace:

compare (core.cljs:1521)
cmp (core.cljs:44)
cmp_datoms_eavt (core.cljs:48)
binary_search_l (btset.cljs:33)
_seek (btset.cljs:382)
_slice (btset.cljs:404)
datascript.btset.slice.slice__3 (btset.cljs:414)
datascript.btset.slice.slice (btset.cljs:412)
datascript.btset.slice.slice__2 (btset.cljs:411)
datascript.btset.slice.slice (btset.cljs:412)
datascript.core.DB.datascript$core$ISearch$_search$arity$2 (core.cljs:80)
_search (core.cljs:31)
transact_add (core.cljs:192)
transact_tx_data (core.cljs:249)
with$ (datascript.cljs:37)
(anonymous function) (datascript.cljs:45)
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.swap_BANG___2 (core.cljs:3348)
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.swap_BANG_ (core.cljs:3358)
_transact_BANG_ (datascript.cljs:44)
transact_BANG_ (datascript.cljs:51)

Any ideas?

Entity equality check only includes type and id

If I'm reading the code correctly, only type and entity id are being checked when testing entity equality.

The problem with this approach is you can have the same entity from different db's which has different attributes, yet those entities test as equal.

Per the Datomic documentation:

Two entities are equal if they have the same id and their databases have the same id

I think that's reasonable as long as the db check is fairly cheap. It keeps you from having to realize all attributes to do the check, yet still lets you know that the entities aren't guaranteed to have equal attributes.

Simple example?

I'm just getting into clojurescript (long time React enthusiast), and I'd love to see a simple example of using datascript with react - maybe a TodoMVC something? Or a comparison to the Flux architecture?
If I figure things out on my own, I'll be sure to post here with examples.

Error after retracting data


I have an error while querying a database with retracted data.

Here is the code I am executing with datascript 0.1.4:

(let [db (-> (ds/empty-db {:aka {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}})
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]])
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :name "Petr"]])
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :aka "Devil"]])
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :aka "Tupen"]]))]
    (ds/entity db 1))

=> {:db/id 1, :aka ("Devil" "Tupen"), :name "Petr"}

(let [db (-> (ds/empty-db {:aka {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}})
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]])
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :name "Petr"]])
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :aka "Devil"]])
               (ds/with [[:db/add 1 :aka "Tupen"]]))]
    (let [db (-> db
                 (ds/with [[:db/retract 1 :name "Petr"]])
                 (ds/with [[:db/retract 1 :aka "Devil"]]))]
      (ds/entity db 1)))

=> TypeError: Cannot read property 'v' of null

Fully realize an entity for serialization

I want to pull an entity out of a Datascript db and send it to the server for processing. Currently, (entity db id) returns a datatype that cannot be serialized over the wire because it contains an atom of datascript/DB. Is there an easy way of converting the result of (entity db id) into a tree of maps - reference attributes are converted into maps?

Mori-like Browser Build

I was playing with an experiment recently (angling for a more functional front-end framework that uses React for the view) and I seriously considered building a model that looked datomic-like. I was using Mori for the data (which had good and bad aspects to it). It's nice to see this built in ClojureScript. As a JS programmer, I'd love to see a Mori-like build designed to be used from plain old JS.

Must throw exception if eid's are too big

I was experimenting with external ids by using the second approach suggested by @tonsky at #31 (comment) and found an undocumented max entity-id limit exists at 0x1FFFFFFF but surpassing it gets unnoticed. Check the following code and his output:

(doseq [base-id [800 0x1FFFFFFF (inc 0x1FFFFFFF) 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]]
  (let [db                (data/create-conn {})
        {:keys [tempids]} (data/transact! db [{:db/id base-id
                                               :name "Foo"}
                                              {:db/id -1  
                                              :name "Bar"}
                                              {:db/id -2
                                               :name "Baz"}
    (println "Using base-id = " base-id)
    (println "  =>  tempids = " tempids)
    (println "  =>  entity  = " (-> @db (data/entity base-id) data/touch))
    (println "  => :max-eid = " (:max-eid @db))


 Using base-id =  800
   =>  tempids =  {-1 801, -2 802, :db/current-tx 536870913}
   =>  entity  =  {:name Foo, :db/id 800}
   => :max-eid =  802

 Using base-id =  536870911
   =>  tempids =  {-1 536870912, -2 536870912, :db/current-tx 536870913}
   =>  entity  =  {:name Foo, :db/id 536870911}
   => :max-eid =  536870911

 Using base-id =  536870912
   =>  tempids =  {-1 1, -2 2, :db/current-tx 536870913}
   =>  entity  =  {:name Foo, :db/id 536870912}
   => :max-eid =  2

 Using base-id =  18446744073709552000
   =>  tempids =  {-1 1, -2 2, :db/current-tx 536870913}
   =>  entity  =  {:name Foo, :db/id 18446744073709552000}
   => :max-eid =  2

Notes and questions:

1- When using base-id = 536870911 (0x1FFFFFFF) datascript can't assign new temporal ids for the next entities, they all get 536870912 (0x1FFFFFFF + 1). I think an exception must be raised.

2- When using base-id >= (0x1FFFFFFF + 1) the database :max-eid is not updated, but you can sucesfully retrieve the created entity with the big id. Is ok and safe to use big ids greater than 0x1FFFFFFF + 1?

Can't query entity using :db/id attribute


(let [db                (d/create-conn {})
      {:keys [tempids]} (d/transact! db [{:db/id -1
                                          :name "Mazinger"}])
      new-id            (get tempids -1)]
  (println :entity  (-> @db (d/entity new-id) d/touch))
  (println :by-id   (d/q `[:find ?e
                           :where [?e :db/id ~new-id]]   @db))
  (println :by-name (d/q `[:find ?e
                           :where [?e :name "Mazinger"]] @db)))

;; Output:
:entity {:name Mazinger, :db/id 1}
:by-id #{}  ;; <-- why?
:by-name #{[1]}

Entity is not returned when querying using :db/id. Is this a limitation by design or a bug?

publish as CommonJS module

Can you publish datascript as a CommonJS module?
I would like to use it with browserify/webpack in plain JS.

Use Datalog implementation with external data and indexes?

At a glance, it looks like it may be possible to separate out the query.cljs portion of DataScript for use with other storage mechanisms, like IndexedDB, if one makes sure to have the proper EAVT, AVET, and AEVT indexes available. Does that seem reasonable? Or does your implementation depend on more than just having those indexes available?

I'm a noob to all of ClojureScript and Datalog, not to mention DataScript, so what I'm asking may not even make sense—feel free to tell me if so. Thanks!

pull api: wildcard is not compatible with reverse refs

If we have wildcard and something else in a pull spec, something else should be merged on top of wildcard pull:

(deftest test-pull-wildcard
  (is (= {:db/id 2 :name "David" :_child [{:db/id 1}]}
         (d/pull test-db '[* :_child] 2))))
FAIL in (datascript.test.pull-api/test-pull-wildcard) (:)
expected: (= {:db/id 2, :name "David", :_child [{:db/id 1}]} (d/pull test-db (quote [* :_child]) 2))
  actual: (not (= {:db/id 2, :name "David", :_child [{:db/id 1}]} {:db/id 2, :name "David"}))

Is Entity Equality Correct?

Playing around with datascript, I'm surprised by the entity equality rules. When I run this minimal test case:

(deftest test-equality
  (let [db (d/create-conn {})]
    (d/transact! db [[:db/add 1 :name "Petr"]
                     [:db/add 1 :age 44]])
    (let [before (d/touch (d/entity @db 1))]
      (d/transact! db [[:db/add 1 :height 172]])
      (let [after (d/touch (d/entity @db 1))]
        (is (not= before after))))))

...I would expect it to pass. An attribute (height) has been added to Petr, but before and after are both equal. Is that right? Or have I mis-understood entities?

(I'm hoping it's a bug, and can be fixed, because I'm trying to render an entity with Om, and even though the data has changed, a re-render isn't triggered because the entity appears to be equal to its previous state...)

Issue using d.listen

It looks like there may be a possible race condition in d.listen - or that I am misunderstanding how to use it (quite possible).

I have one function A which transacts data to a db using data from a websocket connection:

function listener(args, kwargs) {
console.log('** Listener called', kwargs[':tx-data']);
d.transact(conn, kwargs[':tx-data']);
db1 = d.db(conn);

I have a separate reporter function B which generates an event for react js to trigger a re-render.

d.listen(conn, function(report) {
console.log('**Reporter heard and declaring showtime here is my report', report);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('SHOWTIME'));

Re-rendering triggers a query from React and isn't always working - it turns out the problem is the data which the reporter thinks should be in the DB (from the the report tx_data) isn't always - so as if the listener trigger isn't when the transaction actually finishes.

Confusing is that moving the 'showtime' event dispatch to the end of A works.
This would make sense if d.transact was blocking, but if that was the true then I wouldn't expect d.listen to run until the transaction was finished.
If d.transact is non-blocking then I would expect to see the same issue with the event dispatch in either place - and I don't.

Any thoughts / suggestions appreciated.

Infinite loop when using pull API on circular component reference

In DataScript 0.9.0, as far as I can tell, the pull function may lock the program in an infinite loop if it is used on an entity whose component attribute refers to itself, in a circular reference.

A demonstration script is at
Line 24 needs to be uncommented to freeze the program.

This especially may happen when creating components in the same transaction as their parents, due to current behavior in the generation of component entities’ IDs; see #59.

DataScript is amazing; thank you for creating it.

entity caching

A simple rolling cache for entities would be a significant performance enhancement without adding too much complexity.

ground fn

This is the missing built-in. On the surface could this just be mapped to identity? But it seems it should instead somehow be utilized for query optimization?

Persistence example

Would be helpful to sneak this into the tutorials as an persistence (even if it's just for the life-time of the browser) example:

(cljs.reader/register-tag-parser! "datascript/DB" d/db-from-reader)
(->> conn d/db str (aset js/sessionStorage "last-state"))
(->> "last-state" (aget js/sessionStorage) cljs.reader/read-string atom)

Entity-ID generation when creating new component entities within transaction

Component entities can be implicitly created by nesting maps in a transaction. However, in DataScript 0.9.0, as far as I can tell:

  • If explicit :db/id vals are omitted from within the nested maps,
  • And if other non-component entities are also created elsewhere in the same transaction,
  • Then :db/id vals may be generated that unexpectedly refer to both the new component entities and the non-component entities.

This can create circular references: if a new entity is created simultaneously with its component entity, then they may end up sharing the same ID. (This also currently can thus result in an infinite loop when using the Pull API; see #58.)

Including an explicit temporary ID (e.g., -1) in the components' parent entity is enough to correct the problem and to cause the other components to receive disjunct IDs, but I'm assuming that implicit temporary IDs are intended to be supported, as per DataScript Chat’s code.

A demonstration script of this behavior is at

DataScript is amazing; thank you for creating it.

cannot read property 1 of null

When I pass in a rule with a function to match a regex, I can call the function multiple times with different inputs so long as the attribute exists in all datoms. I can call the function once even when the attribute does not exist in all datoms. I get a long obscure error if I call the function multiple times when the attribute does not exist in all datoms. My test attribute here is :photo/does_not_exist.

(def test-schema {})
(def test-conn (d/create-conn schema))
(defn matcher-func [input to-match]
(re-find (re-pattern (.toLowerCase (clj->js input))) (.toLowerCase (clj->js to-match))))

(let [tx (d/transact! test-conn [{:db/id 1 :photo/thumb "foo.jpg" :photo/name "AAA" :photo/caption "BBB"}
                               {:db/id 2 :photo/thumb "bar.jpg" :photo/name "DDD" :photo/caption "AAA"}])]

;calling the function once with missing attributes
(d/q '{:find [?p]
       :in [$ % ?match-func]
       [[?p :photo/thumb _]
        (findall ?match-func ?p "a")]}
     '[[(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/name ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]
       [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/caption ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]
       [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/does_not_exist ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]]

{[2] [1]}

  ;calling the function twice without missing attributes
  (d/q '{:find [?p]
       :in [$ % ?match-func]
       [[?p :photo/thumb _]
        (findall ?match-func ?p "a")
        (findall ?match-func ?p "b")]}
     '[[(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/name ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]
       [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/caption ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]]


;calling the function twice with missing attributes
(d/q '{:find [?p]
       :in [$ % ?match-func]
       [[?p :photo/thumb _]
        (findall ?match-func ?p "a")
        (findall ?match-func ?p "b")]}
     '[[(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/name ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]
       [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/caption ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]
       [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/does_not_exist ?pn][(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]]

"Error evaluating:" (d/q (quote {:find [?p], :in [$ % ?match-func], :where [[?p :photo/thumb ](findall ?match-func ?p) (findall ?match-func ?p "b")]}) (clojure.core/deref test-conn) (quote [[(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/name ?pn] [(?match-func ?input ?pn)]] [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/caption ?pn] [(?match-func ?input ?pn)]] [(findall ?match-func ?p ?input) [?p :photo/does_not_exist ?pn] [(?match-func ?input ?pn)]]]) matcher-func) :as ",new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 3, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"find","find",496279456),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null)], null),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"in","in",-1531184865),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"$","$",-1580747756,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"%","%",-950237169,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?ma
tch-func","?match-func",2022652070,null)], null),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"where","where",-2044795965),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Keyword("photo","thumb","photo/thumb",1624132066),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"
","_",-1201019570,null)], null),cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"findall","findall",1888933708,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),"a"),cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"findall","findall",1888933708,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),"b")], null)], null),,blakbox.api.test_conn),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.cor
e.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"findall","findall",1888933708,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?input","?input",-405387186,null)),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Keyword("photo","name","photo/name",1599012447),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?pn","?pn",704318294,null)], null),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?input","?input",-405387186,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?pn","?pn",704318294,null))], null)], null),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, c
ljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"findall","findall",1888933708,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?input","?input",-405387186,null)),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Keyword("photo","caption","photo/caption",-978411948),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?pn","?pn",704318294,null)], null),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?input","?input",-405387186,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?pn","?pn",704318294,null))], null)], null),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Sy
mbol(null,"findall","findall",1888933708,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?input","?input",-405387186,null)),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 3, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?p","?p",-10896580,null),new cljs.core.Keyword("photo","does_not_exist","photo/does_not_exist",-133167301),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?pn","?pn",704318294,null)], null),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.list(new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?match-func","?match-func",2022652070,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?input","?input",-405387186,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"?pn","?pn",704318294,null))], null)], null)], null),blakbox.api.matcher_func);\n"

<TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null>

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
at context_resolve_val (http://localhost:8080/js/out/datascript/query.js:1097:127)
at http://localhost:8080/js/out/datascript/query.js:1142:45
at filter_by_pred (http://localhost:8080/js/out/datascript/query.js:1144:3)
at _resolve_clause (http://localhost:8080/js/out/datascript/query.js:1514:40)
at cljs.core.seq_reduce.seq_reduce__3 (http://localhost:8080/js/out/cljs/core.js:6463:14)
at cljs.core.seq_reduce.seq_reduce (http://localhost:8080/js/out/cljs/core.js:6484:22)
at cljs.core.LazySeq.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 (http://localhost:8080/js/out/cljs/core.js:9200:29)
at cljs.core._reduce._reduce__3 (http://localhost:8080/js/out/cljs/core.js:1805:13)
at cljs.core._reduce._reduce (http://localhost:8080/js/out/cljs/core.js:1827:19)
at cljs.core.reduce.reduce__3 (http://localhost:8080/js/out/cljs/core.js:6559:26)

filter whole entities with d/filter

I open this issue since i can not find a documentation/test on how to accomplish this.

How can i filter an entity based on one attribute value?

For example, i would like to set a filter that will return entities where :name=="Ivan"

[{:db/id 1
 :name  "Petr"
 :email "[email protected]"
 :aka   ["I" "Great"]
 :password "<SECRET>"}
 {:db/id 2
  :name  "Ivan"
  :aka   ["Terrible" "IV"]
  :password "<PROTECTED>"}]

(defn only-evans [udb datom] .....)

(d/filter db only-evans) 

will only return
[[{:db/id 1
:name "Petr"
:email "[email protected]"
:aka ["I" "Great"]
:password ""}]

Changing single-segment namespace (datascript to datascript.core)?

In Clojure, single-segment namespace names such as datascript are discouraged versus multi-segment names such as datascript.core, both as a matter of style and as a matter of being on the JVM (Stack Overflow thread; Google Group thread).

In ClojureScript, single-segment namespaces are similarly discouraged as a matter of style, but they also have problems with Google Closure—the latest version of ClojureScript (0.0-2814) has a new warning against single-segment namespaces for that reason.

[David Nolen] Compiler support for single segment namespaces has always been spotty and there's no intention to improve it. There are fundamental semantic issues - for example if you have a DOM element with a CSS id and you haven't supplied a namespace but you goog.require one with that name it will return the DOM element. Good luck debugging that.

Single segment namespaces are nearly alway representative of a problem waiting to manifest. If you want to use them then you can suppress the warning in your build options.

(See also: conversation between David Nolen and Luke VanderHart.)

It would be a breaking change, but it might be best for the future before version 1.0 to change the datascript namespace to something like datascript.core, and switch the current datascript.core to something like datascript.impl or whatever, in order to avoid the new ClojureScript compiler warning, and especially in case a Clojure-for-JVM version ever is created (#54).

Thank you so much for DataScript. It is absolutely amazing.

squuids do not pad with leading zeros


The squiid function can return squuids without the leading zeros in the text:


This means that they are not = to each other after a round trip to the server and back.

Any hint about the roadmap?


I'm very excited about Datascript, so much so that I'm postponing the developpement of an open source web app for which it would be particularly suited: I'm waiting for it to mature from "Alpha quality" (as stated in the Readme).

@tonsky: could you tell us if you will be able to dedicate time to Datascript in the next weeks or if other people have expressed an interest in helping you develop it?

I think Datascript could get a lot of traction as people get more and more familiar with the concepts and their usefulness. As far as I know, there's no equivalent in the browser and it looks nothing short of revolutionary as compared to most existing state management solutions for SPAs (in js and cljs frameworks).

Many thanks for the code and the tutorials!

(English is not my first language)

Issue with datalog under advanced compilation

I built Radiant, a Datascript sandbox, recently. In it, I have found an issue with Datalog under advanced compilation.

This page hosts the :optimizations :none version of Radiant:

As you can see, the datalog query runs and produces a result table.

This page hosts the :optimizations :advanced version of Radiant:

You can see that I have printed out the parsed query, the full database, and the raw result from the datalog query above the result table.

The results do not match that of the first link. Looking at the results, for some reason, all the e and v values are missing.

You can visit the "Datoms" section to see that the datoms function is working as expected.

How do I go about debugging this?

I have already ruled out the possibility of externs not being used. They are.

Thank you for your time :-)

transact as a pure function

It may sound a little bit bold to ask, but: What if transact acted as a pure function?

I don't see much utility in TxReport and transact could simply return the :db-after and let the user care about swapping the content of an atom if he/she really cares. That would eliminate the incidental complexity of listening to atom changes and allow the creation of temporary db states that we may not want to save in the application state (thus triggering something like om render etc..)

This will turn datascript into a purely functional data structure that supports complex queries, and that I think should be the main focus of the library. State management is really easy to add on top of that if somebody wants.

validate :db/id keys to ensure only integers are used

(def db (atom (d/empty-db)))

(def data
 [ {:city/name           "New York City"
    :city/location       "New York"
    :city/image          "/img/home/NewYorkCity.jpg" }
   {:city/name           "Rio de Janerio"
    :city/location       "Brazil"
    :city/image          "/img/home/RioDeJaneiro.jpg" }
   {:city/name           "Auckland"
    :city/location       "New Zealand"
    :city/image          "/img/home/Auckland.jpg" }
   {:city/name           "Berlin"
    :city/location       "Germany"
    :city/image          "/img/home/Berlin.jpg" }
   {:city/name           "Amsterdam"
    :city/location       "Netherlands"
    :city/image          "/img/home/Amsterdam.jpg" }
   {:city/name           "Paris"
    :city/location       "France"
    :city/image          "/img/home/Paris.jpg" }])

(swap! db d/db-with data)

 (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :city/name]] @db)
;; #{[2]}

however, when the namespace is removed, it returns the correct number.

Clojure support.

I know this might sound a bit silly at first, because of datomic, but I think it would be quite useful if datascript were clojure compatible as well.

Datomic is simply too heavy for some applications, and it would be nice to have something as lightweight as datascript.

Here are a few things this would be nice for:

  • one could build a more lightweight version of
  • complex configuration files could be managed more easily.
  • some complex data structures that are on the boundary between representable by maps and requiring a whole datomic database could be better accommodated
  • an awesome document serialisation format, just spit and slurp the database instead of some huge xml/json/edn
  • an even smoother intro to datomic

Any thoughts on this?

Transaction metadata

Datomic let us annotate transactions with custom attributes. Of course, datascript does not keep the database history so the exact same feature does not make sense. However, I think a way to provide information about a transaction would be useful. The data associated with a transaction could be added to the transaction report without being stored in the database.
Any opinion on this?

Negation and Disjunction from datomic

Hello! Thanks for a very good project. Got rid of lots of pain at client-side.

There is blogpost about new enchancements in queries, for example disunction (or) without using rules and negation, via the new not and not-join clauses.

I found it very useful and seems it's not too hard to achieve this in datascript.

What do you think about adding this functionality to datascript?

v0.10.0: Circular reference when generating ID of new component entity within transaction

Related to #59. In DataScript 0.10.0, creating component entities by nesting maps in a transaction can still cause circular references, under certain circumstances when the new parent entity has an explicit ID but its first component entity has an implicit ID.

A demonstration script with two ways to produce the circular-reference behavior is at

Thanks a ton again for DataScript.

:in argument works with nothing other than $

  (d/q '[:find ?a
         :in $
         :where [?a :foo 1]]
       [[1 :foo 1]])
  ;; => #{[1]}
  (d/q '[:find ?a
         :in $x
         :where [?a :foo 1]]
       [[1 :foo 1]])
  ;; => #{}

datascript.parser/parse-src-var works as expected. I'm not sure where the problem is.

d.init_db with schema from Javascript


I'm struggling to use d.init_db and create a schema at the same time like so:

d.init_db([[1, "name", "Ivan"],[1, "age", 17],[2, "name", "Igor"],[2, "age", 35][1, "friend", 2]], [{"friend": {":db/valueType": ":db.type/ref"}}]);

Error: nth not supported on this type function Object() { [native code] }

What am I doing wrong?


Referencing other entities

I apologise if it's just me, but by reading the docs it's not very clear how to reference other entities inside datascript.

 {:db/id -10
  :name "C1"
  :value "foo"} 
 {:db/id -11
  :name "C2"
  :value "bar"}      
 {:db/id -1
  :name  "E"
  :components [-10, -11]}

How do I reference the generated ids 10 and 11 inside the components vector?

Add :db/ref support

datascript/entity cannot pull in related entities because DataScript does not support :db/valueType of :db.type/ref in the schema.

Clojure version?

I have a special use case where I (probably) don't want to use the in-memory Datomic version [1], but I do want all the Datomic features available in an in-memory fashion, just like Datascript. So a few questions:

  • Would you like to have a Clojure version too? Does it make sense to you?
  • Do you think it would require a lot of changes to the current codebase?

[1] It has unnecessary dependencies (when running in-memory). And I'm not sure about the properties of the in-memory version for long running processes and I can not easily find out due to the unknowns about the internals of Datomic.

Lookup ref as literal in query fails

This query works:

(d/q '[:find ?e :in $ ?et :where [?e :entity/type ?et]] db [:db/ident :entity.type/survey])

This one returns an empty result:

(d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :entity/type [:db/ident :entity.type/survey]]] db)

Upsert with tx-data in list format

It looks like upserts are only resolved for tx-data in the map format. Here's an example that demonstrates the problem:

(let [db (d/db-with (d/empty-db {:name  { :db/unique :db.unique/identity }})
                    [{:db/id 1 :name "Ivan"}])]
  (d/with db [[:db/add -1 :age 35]
              [:db/add -1 :name "Ivan"]]))

=> throws {:error :transact/unique, :attribute :name, :datom #datascript/Datom [2 :name Ivan 536870914 true]}

Added a test on my fork, which also fails in CI.

non-Datomic persisted backend

I'm very interested in using DataScript but wondering what your thoughts are when you are populating it with data from a backend database such as Mongo where the attributes are named without a prefix (i.e name vs room/name), is there a performant or idiomatic way of handling this without having to a) changing the naming convention in your backend db or b) convert names as you sync data which can be a performance hit.

Would love to hear thoughts on this matter if anyone has tackled this.


I'm so excited that you added lookup refs and upsert support! Trying them out right now.

I noticed in the changelog you also added entid support - so does that mean I can now specify :db/ident for entities?

evicting data

Could anyone recommend how I might approach evicting data, perhaps in an LRU style? I display a lot of time series data that I assume will eventually blow up if I store it all. Thanks for datascript, tonksy!

Case of infinite ref recursion in Pull API

This hangs:

(deftest test-recursion
  (let [empty (d/empty-db {:part { :db/valueType :db.type/ref }
                           :spec { :db/valueType :db.type/ref }})]
    (let [db (d/db-with empty [[:db/add 1 :part 2]
                               [:db/add 2 :part 3]
                               [:db/add 3 :part 1]
                               [:db/add 1 :spec 2]
                               [:db/add 2 :spec 1]])]
      (is (= (d/pull db '[:db/id {:part ...} {:spec ...}] 1)
             {:db/id 1,
              :spec {:db/id 2
                     :spec {:db/id 1, :spec {:db/id 2}, :part {:db/id 2}}
                     :part {:db/id 3, :part {:db/id 1, :spec {:db/id 2}, :part {:db/id 2}}}}
              :part {:db/id 2
                     :spec {:db/id 1, :spec {:db/id 2}, :part {:db/id 2}}
                     :part {:db/id 3, :part {:db/id 1, :spec {:db/id 2}, :part {:db/id 2}}}}}))))

I believe it’s related to the way how different recursion branches are handled. When inside single branch, they should share “seen” set, so sequence of unwraps like :part → :spec → :part → :spec will eventually end on a seen entity no matter what actual path to it was.

Also when writing this I noticed that recursion is handled a little bit different than in Datomic:

(let [db (d/db-with empty [[:db/add 1 :part 1]])]
  (is (= (d/pull db '[:db/id {:part ...}] 1)
         {:db/id 1, :part {:db/id 1, :part {:db/id 1}}})))

From what I can tell, in Datomic, initial entity from where recursion starts is not considered as seen, that’s because when we see :part {:db/id 1} first time we try to expand that. When we see it second time, it’s now seen, and second expansion does not happen.

@dthume hope you don’t mind me assigning you to this?

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