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dankdomain's Introduction

🏰 Ɗaɳƙ Ɗoɱaiɳ :: the return of Hack & Slash


Player's Manual

Read the Manual to play the online game

Ɗaɳƙ Ɗoɱaiɳ is the re-imagined classic Amiga bulletin board, Hack & Slash, built around a medieval role-playing atmosphere. Your character kills, steals, brawls, and jousts other PCs, NPCs, and BOTs to gain levels and fortune. Successful ventures into the deep dank dungeon are key to immortality.

Original Commodore Amiga Hack & Slash enthusiasts can visit Absinthe BBS by Anachronist.

[theflyingape@ddgame ~]$ sudo systemctl status dankdomain-portal
● dankdomain-portal.service - 🏰 Ɗaɳƙ Ɗoɱaiɳ portal service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dankdomain-portal.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-07-08 08:30:20 EDT; 25min ago
 Main PID: 1029 (DDnet)
    Tasks: 11 (limit: 200)
   Memory: 71.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/dankdomain-portal.service
           └─1029 DDnet

Jul 08 08:41:18 ddgame DDnet[1029]: Startup BOT #1 (IMA) from Old Timer's Tap → session 5668
Jul 08 08:41:18 ddgame DDnet[1029]: Classic Gate knock from remote host → session 5666
Jul 08 08:52:26 ddgame DDnet[1029]: City Gates knocked from remote host: (

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
  direction TB
  Local : 👤 Local Player
  Local --> main : npm run play
  Remote : 🌐 Remote Players
  Remote --> Firewall : telnet
  Remote --> Apache : https
  Firewall : 🛡️ Firewall
  Firewall --> tty : 1986
  state "🕸️ Apache (optional)" as Apache {
    state "SSL Proxy (localhost:1939)" as proxy {
      state "🖧 Ɗaɳƙ Ɗoɱaiɳ portal service (DDnet)" as DDnet {
        app --> tty : telnet-socket
        app --> bot : timer
        app --> websocket : http/ws
        app --> rest : express
        app --> static : express
        fork: node-pty
        tty --> fork
        bot --> fork
        websocket --> fork
        fork --> main : fork
      state static {
        state bundle.js {
          client --> animate.css
          client --> xterm.js

  state "🏰 Ɗaɳƙ Ɗoɱaiɳ (DDplay)" as DDplay {
    main --> lib
    lib --> items
    lib --> runtime
    lib --> xvt
    main --> sys
    main --> init
    init --> db
    init --> pc
    init --> npc
    init --> player
    state login <<choice>>
    init --> login : login id?
    login --> taxman : bot or user
    login --> newuser
    state newuser {
      email --> nodemailer
      nodemailer --> 📧
    state taxman {
      state "💰" as taxes
      taxes --> battle : refuse
      taxes --> menu : paid
      menu --> library
      menu --> sysop
      menu --> arena
      menu --> dungeon
      menu --> naval
      menu --> party
      menu --> tavern
      menu --> casino
      menu --> square
      arena --> battle
      dungeon --> battle
      naval --> battle
      party --> battle
      tavern --> battle
      casino --> taxes
      square --> taxes
      tavern --> taxes
      state "🏦" as bank
      casino --> bank : atm
      square --> bank : bank


Code Preview ... or just press dot (.) on your keyboard

npm version dependency status for latest release GitHub milestones


Project development on Chrome OS and Linux with the Node.js runtime. To run a local game copy, click the VS Code icon above or manually install:

# fetch this package source:
$ git clone
# ... or via Node.js
$ npm install dankdomain

# cd into package source folder:
$ npm install

# 1) play it as standalone:
$ npm run play

# modify for your server networking preferences:
$ cp etc/network.json_inet etc/network.json
$ vim etc/network.json

# 2) run it as a local multiuser server:
$ npm run net &
$ npm run term
$ npm stop

# 3) other ways to play online:
$ npm run mame
$ npm run term
$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
PC emulation enabled
            ...........|\...................../|................. Welcome to
             ........./  \..|\__  __/|......./  \............... Dank Domain
            ........./ /  \.\ _ \/ _ /....../    \.............
      _  .........../ / /  \.(-)\/(-)....../  / \ \.............
     (_)  ..........| | | / \\/(oo)\/...../  // |\ \.............
          ..........| | | |  \|v--v|\..../  / | || \|...........
        ............| | | | / \_^^_/ \../  / || || ||.............
           ......../ / /  | |   \/    \/  /| || || ||/\../\....
            /\..../ / /  / /  |______/   /| \ \ || ||  \/  \    /\        /\
 /\      /\/  \../ / /  / /  /\_____/  |/ /__\ \ \ \ \ /    \  /  \  /\  /  \
/  \/\  / /    \.| | | / /  /\______/    \   \__| \ \ \      \/    \/  \/    \
    \ \/        \| | | | | |\______       \_    \__|_| \     /      \  /
     \/          | | ____ /\______ ____     \_       \  |   /         /
      \          | |/    /\_____  /    \      \__     \ |
       \         |/ |   |\______ |      |        \___  \|
                    |   |\______ |      |            \_
            _   ___/|   |\______ |      |          /\  \   ___
           / \_/     \   \________\_    _\____/   /  \__\_|   \
       ___/ __     __/   /       __/   /__    \__/      __     \__
     _/    /  \   /  ___/       /  ___/   \            /  \       |__
    |     |      |/|/          |/|/        \__    \        \         |

Who dares to enter my dank domain <or NEW>?

NOTE: my "public" access packages are published on GitHub and it requires your Personal Access Token authentication to fetch/install them from this alternative npm registry. Read GitHub's Working with the npm registry to learn more details.

# setup local Node.js package
$ npm config set @theflyingape:registry
$ npm login --scope=@theflyingape
$ npm install @theflyingape/dankdomain

... or use Docker (convenient and uses the latest commits):

$ docker pull theflyingape/dankdomain
$ docker run --rm -it -p 1939:1939/tcp -p 1986:1986/tcp theflyingape/dankdomain

Dank Domain (DDnet) started on linux #661
cwd /usr/games/dankdomain/game → /usr/games/dankdomain/game/portal
initializing Deeds
initializing Online
initializing Rings (unique)
 + adding ⚛️ Atomic
 + adding ✝️ Faith
 + adding ♾️ Infinity
 + adding 🐍 Medusa's
 + adding 🕳️ Mystic Portal
 + adding 👹 Ogre
 + adding 🖤 Undying
 + adding ⚪ White Wizard
initializing Players
initializing Gangs
 + adding AB Original with BOT+NPC members
 + adding (the) Monster Mash
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/games/dankdomain/game/etc/network.json'
→ listening on telnet
→ listening on
↔ WebSocket endpoints enabled

Supports running as a BBS door (as Amiga-only BBSes did for Hack & Slash in 1994) by allowing a passed user numeric ID paired with a compatible Mystic door.sys file format launched from its BBS node startup directory. Here is how to freshly unit-test that app startup mode:

[~/dankdomain]$ npm run clean
[~/dankdomain]$ cd game
[~/dankdomain/game]$ cp door-example.sys door.sys
[~/dankdomain/game]$ node main 0

For example, configure to call-out to a script with two (2) parameters: userId and the path with filename to door.sys

pwd; [ -s "$2" ] || exit 1
cp "$2" /usr/local/games/dankdomain/door.sys
node /usr/local/games/dankdomain/main "$1"


  • What does etc/sysop.json do? How do you assign sysop privileges?

This file simply regulates some of the game features loaded at runtime. The first Player (non-NPC) to register is automatically entitled as the Ruler off the last object entry in files/items/title.json which is packaged here as either the (M) King or (F) Queen access role. The Ruler alone is granted with minor "favor" over their domain, but aligned with the game play & spirit if not abused. Other roles can have sysop: true enabled to gain access to "@" and some overlapping favor with the Ruler as you'd expect from a minion.

NOTE: in users folder, edit a hidden (dot) export file to carefully modify any Player's record and save as save.json whereas a running DDnet app.js portal service (npm run net) will automatically consume and apply it to the dankdomain.sql Players table.

  • What's the best way to modify Player time limits and timeouts throughout the game?

Refer to files/items/title.json for player runtime values based on their access role -- assigned or achieved by reaching the next promote level. There are no soft-coded values for the timeouts assigned to the various prompts. Those have been specially tweaked to keep turn-play moving along -- appropriately. That said, try modifying vt.defaultTimeout seconds in main.js to your liking.

Files directory structure

For the Portal, consider downloading media packs: 📷 images and 🔉 sounds into the appropriate game/portal/static folder:

$ pwd
.vscode           Visual Studio Code: settings & debug profiles
  etc             sysop support files
  files           game, menu & player support files: ANSI and/or text formats
    arena         ASCII art & menu files
    casino        menu files
    dungeon       ASCII art
    items         game artifacts
    library       deeds & menu files
    main          about system & menu files
    naval         ASCII art & menu files
    party         instruction & menu files
    player        ASCII art
    square        menu files
    tavern        all player events logged for the day
    user          each player’s events logged since last visit
  pcs             user object type templates for BOTs, NPCs, and PCs
  play            game modules for each main menu item
    battle.js     support module for player engagements
    init.js       support module for initial login
    runtime.json  game play runtime values
    sysop.js      support module for the system operator - main menu "@" command
    static        UI html/css/js using bundle.js: client.js & xterm.js
      assets      app install, fonts, etc.
      images      visual media for artifacts, creatures, and players
      sounds      audio media for event notifications
    app.js        DDnet for optional web and/or telnet services to run DDplay remotely
  users           player runtime database & current game files
  db.js           net & play module for player runtime database & files
  email.js        support module for (optional) dispatching email notifications
  interfaces.js   TypeScript object types
  items.js        support module for loading item artifacts & coin
  lib.js          support module for common I/O functions
  main.js         DDplay client node
  npc.js          support classes for BOTs & NPCs with arena, dungeon, and naval denizens
  pc.js           support classes for PCs with Deeds
  player.js       support module for common PC functions
  runtime.js      global runtime variables to govern play
  sys.js          support module with discrete functions to dependencies
  telnet.js       telnet client using websocket and XT emulator handling
  types.js        TypeScript template literals
mame              player - MAME VT240 terminal + socat startup script
node_modules      Node.js support libraries
package.json      Node.js manifest

🇺🇸 ©️1991 - 2024 Robert Hurst


Node.js dependency tree

DDnet portal


  • chokidar, dns, express, fs, http, https, net, node-pty, ws
  • sys: fs, got, path, romanize, sprintf-js, title-case
  • items: sys
  • db: better-sqlite3, items, sys
  • network service options
    • telnet: net-keepalive, telnet-socket
    • web: url


  • animate.css, browserify, xterm, xterm-addon-fit, xterm-addon-unicode11, xterm-addon-web-links, xterm-addon-webgl

DDplay game


  • sys: country-flag-emoji, fs, fast-geoip got, path, romanize, sprintf-js, title-case
  • lib: items, runtime, sys, xvt
    • items: sys
    • runtime: sys
  • init: db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
    • db: better-sqlite3, items, sys
    • pc: db, items, lib, runtime, sys
    • npc: db, items, lib, pc, runtime, sys
    • player: db, items, lib, npc, pc, runtime, sys
    • email: db, items, lib, nodemailer, nodemailer-smtp-transport, pc, runtime, sys
    • newuser: db, email, init, items, lib, pc, runtime, sys
    • taxman: db, items, lib, pc, player, runtime, sys
      • battle: db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
      • menu: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • arena: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • casino: db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • dungeon: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • library: db, items, lib, npc, pc, runtime, sys
        • naval: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • party: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • square: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • sysop: battle, db, dungeon, email, lib, pc, player, runtime, sys
        • tavern: battle, db, items, lib, npc, pc, player, runtime, sys, taxman

dankdomain's People


theflyingape avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

dankdomain's Issues

Entering as a door doesn't init user properly

When entering DD as a door, the user doesn't get initialized properly, sending straight to the main menu with 5 minutes remaining, nearly no menu options function, re-roll doesn't do anything, and hitting option Y for your statistics causes a crash:

i = 30 -[profile.user.access][sex].length;
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
at _pc.status (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/pc.js:640:68)
at Object.choice [as cb] (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/play/menu.js:445:29)
at _xvt._read (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/lib/xvt.js:518:11)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

lib_1.vt.tty is being set as 'door' appropriately in main.js

But I suspect something is running afoul in init.js, I haven't yet understood what.

npm install failing on dependency @theflyingape/xvt@^1.4.6


On a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 with node v16.2.0, npm v7.14.0, with a fresh clone of this repo, I can't run '' since it clearly depends on fedora, but attempting a manual install currently fails as well. 'npm install' in the root of the project results in the following error:

npm ERR! code E401
npm ERR! Incorrect or missing password.
npm ERR! If you were trying to login, change your password, create an
npm ERR! authentication token or enable two-factor authentication then
npm ERR! that means you likely typed your password in incorrectly.
npm ERR! Please try again, or recover your password at:
npm ERR!
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you were doing some other operation then your saved credentials are
npm ERR! probably out of date. To correct this please try logging in again with:
npm ERR!     npm login

According to logs, it looks like package @theflyingape/xvt is either private or requires some sort of authentication to install. Can you please advise? Thanks!


Introduce automated RPCs identified with access 'Elemental'.
Created two bot JSON files upon startup creation and game board reset. Eligible now for other players to engage.

Build issues

Can't install fxvt (401 error)

The docker pull command isn't working for me either.

SqliteError: UNIQUE constraint failed: Players.handle

I grabbed the current source (git clone) and ran 'npm install'. When running 'npm run play' and entering the new user information, I get:

Your user ID (BLI) was saved, pilgrim.
Your password: "local"
 ? unexpected error: SqliteError: UNIQUE constraint failed: Players.handle
        SQL defect: INSERT INTO Players
            ( id, handle, name, email, password
            , dob, sex, joined, expires, lastdate
            , lasttime, calls, today, expert, emulation
            , rows, access, remote, pc, gender
            , novice, level, xp, xplevel, status
            , blessed, cursed, coward, bounty, who
            , gang, keyseq, keyhints, melee, backstab
            , poison, magic, heal, blast, steal
            , hp, sp
            , str, maxstr, int, maxint, dex
            , maxdex, cha, maxcha, coin, bank
            , loan, weapon, toWC, armor, toAC
            , spells, poisons, realestate, rings, security
            , hull, cannon, ram, wins, immortal
            , plays, jl, jw, killed, kills
            , retreats, steals, tl, tw
            ) VALUES
            ('BLI', 'Blinky', 'No Way', 'email@address', ?
            , 720887, 'M', 717884, 0, 717884
            , 1234, 1, 0, 1, 'PC'
            , 49, 'Stranger', '', 'Spirit', 'M'
            , 1, 1, 0, 1, ''
            ,'', '', 0, '0c', ''
            ,'', 'GSPC', ',,,,,,,,,,,', 0, 0
            , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            , 15, 0
            , 50, 50, 50, 50, 50
            , 50, 50, 50, '1c', '10c'
            , '0c', '0', 0, '0', 0
            ,'', '', 'Alley', ?, 'Whiskey bottle'
            , 50, 0, 0, 0, 0
            , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            , 0, 0, 0, 0

I've tried two users now and they dump out at this point.

I've just tried 'npm run game' again and I can login with the userID 'BLI' and the password 'local' as given, and it seems to continue on OK.

But, I was wondering if I've discovered a bug or if something is off on my system.

Failing to find smtp.json

On a new install, after the initial run of while creating my first user, I'm presented with the dialog during user creation to enter an email address. This is required for user email validation. After entering the email address twice, I receive the following error:

for Ryan <[email protected]> (node:1004) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot find module './etc/smtp.json'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:547:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:474:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:596:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
    at /usr/local/games/dankdomain/email.js:125:31
    at (<anonymous>)
    at /usr/local/games/dankdomain/email.js:11:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (/usr/local/games/dankdomain/email.js:7:12)
    at Message (/usr/local/games/dankdomain/email.js:124:16)
(node:1004) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 3)
(node:1004) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

It would probably be good to fix this, but optionally is there a way to disable email verification completely? Thanks!

Won't parse a door.sys file appropriately if EOLs aren't \r\n

On my system, linux-based, I was struggling to figure out why I couldn't get values from user[] in main.js. I guess the array wasn't being built properly because lib.js was looking for \r\n in the split.

I modified line 141 to:

$.door = sys_1.fs.readFileSync(user).toString().split('\n');

And that helped, at least parsing the initial arguments it was looking for (comparing userID, GR for graphics mode, etc.). So I suspect there's something missing that helps DD figure out what sort of envionment it's in and how to split up the door.sys file.

Is it because I'm an awesome Titan?

+------------------=:)) Mcmlxxix ((:=------------------+
(node:102335) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Character.stats (/usr/local/games/dankdomain/common.js:203:67)
at Object.cb (/usr/local/games/dankdomain/tty/main.js:397:34)
at session. (/usr/local/games/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/xvt.js:229:19)
at ()
at fulfilled (/usr/local/games/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/xvt.js:5:58)
(node:102335) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1)
(node:102335) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
WebSocket close

Bank depositing bug

When visiting the bank and using 'D' to deposit money, if you just hit "enter" and fail to specify a deposit amount, nothing gets deposited and all money on hand is lost.

refactor UI from using iframes

It's time to converge main index with info frame into a single app, but also move the disparate support code in each HTML file into client.ts -- the browser needs only a single bundle.

Questions about game management

Howdy, Robert! Figured I'd ask here if you don't mind:

  1. Is sysop.json just meant to be defined as the user you'd like to have sysop privileges? ie - change the 'name' to an actual user's name and it will match that user?

  2. What's the best way to modify the time limits in the game for users? There's actually a few things I'd like to do here - a) Remove (or increase greatly) the timeout on the prompts so the game isn't interested in booting one off so quickly if they've gone afk for a minute, b) Increase the number of plays per day, and c) Increase the amount of time a user is allowed to spend in the game.

I guess on Question 2 there's a bunch of hard coded items around?

DD starts as a door but seems to crash with an unhandled promise rejection

Right after seeing the Auto Message, DD gives me this:

node: (node:25000) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: /home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/play/menu.js:78
node: if (mainmenu[choice]?.description) {
node: ^
node: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
node: at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:915:16)
node: at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:963:27)
node: at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)
node: at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32)
node: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14)
node: at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19)
node: at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
node: at Object.cityguards (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/play/taxman.js:142:9)
node: at Object.cb (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/play/init.js:429:41)
node: at _xvt._read (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/lib/xvt.js:518:11)
node: (node:25000) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 4)
node: (node:25000) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

As a door, need to be able to specify a path to the drop file

Hi there,

If this is to be setup as a door, and multiple players play, I'm confused as to how DD is going to look a hard-coded path for door.sys (or door32.sys) when it should be able to accept the path on the command line to the drop file.

It seems like it would continually look at the same file when each instance is going to need to be able to look for a different file that the BBS software generates.

Code refactoring

In order to move forward not only with the new goals assigned for the next milestone release but also for coding sustainability issues caused by sprawl and other programming inefficiencies, this code base requires a major overhaul by separating out and regrouping classes and functions and also reducing circular dependencies. This will incur much more regression testing. failing with SqliteError: no such table: Rings


I'm trying to host dankdomain myself but am running into issues. I should mention I'm on 64 bit debian sid. I followed all the steps in and got the service to run with systemd. Everything appears to be fine. However, when I try to telnet in, launching the script, I get the following errors:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
?Unexpected SQL error: SqliteError: no such table: Rings -- retrying

?Unexpected SQL error: SqliteError: no such table: Rings -- retrying

?Unexpected SQL error: SqliteError: no such table: Rings
?FATAL SQL operation: UPDATE Rings set bearer = "" WHERE name = "Atomic"Connection closed by foreign host.

Do I need to manually create this table somewhere? And how do I do so?


Odd issue when trying to run as a door from Synchronet

I am trying to get DD to run from Synchronet, and when launching from it, there's an issue with setEncoding, as per:

node: /home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/lib/xvt.js:109
node: process.stdout.setEncoding(this.encoding);
node: ^
node: TypeError: process.stdout.setEncoding is not a function
node: at _xvt.set emulation [as emulation] (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/lib/xvt.js:109:24)
node: at new xvt (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/node_modules/xvt/lib/xvt.js:96:24)
node: at new _xvt (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/lib.js:288:13)
node: at /home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/lib.js:341:14
node: at Object.<anonymous> (/home/sbbs/sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/lib.js:342:3)
node: at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:999:30)
node: at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)
node: at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32)
node: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14)
node: at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19)

Over at pouchdb-community/pouchdb-dump-cli#12 I see a comment that says: "process.stdout.setEncoding exists when process.stdout is of type 'tty', but not when it is of type 'fs'." I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing going on here or not...

DD is being fired up with the following:
Start-up Directory is ../xtrn/dankdomain (fairly common setup in Synchronet - doors are generally in subfolders of it's 'xtrn' folder)
Command line is: node /sbbs/xtrn/dankdomain/game/main %1
(I put in the full path to try and be sure node was doing the right thing)
And there is the Mystic-style door32.sys being generated - I have altered door.sys to door32.sys in main.js

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