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jve's Introduction

Json Value Extractor

Cmd line Linux and Windows utility that accepts json via standard in (piping) and extracts values from json fields.

Author: Brian Kellogg
License: MIT
Purpose: Extract json fields and values in various ways.

JVE - Json Value Extractor

This program accepts piping line delimited json input via output from some previous command.

    cat logs.json | jve --delimiter ',' --fields 'filename,hashes.md5,hashes.ssdeep'
        - comma seperated output
    cat logs.json | jve -d '\\n' -f 'filename,hashes.md5,hashes.ssdeep'
        - output to a new line for each field
    cat logs.json | jve -d '\\t' -f 'filename,hashes.md5,hashes.ssdeep'
        - tab seperated output
    cat logs.json | jve -d ',' -f 'filename,hashes.md5' --key 'path'
        - comma seperated list of all fields only where the key named 'path' exists
    cat logs.json | jve -d ',' -f 'filename,hashes.md5' -k 'path' --string '/home/evil'
        - comma seperated list of all fields only where the key named 'path' exists
          and the 'path' key's value contains the string '/home/evil'
    cat logs.json | jve --unique
        - Collect and print a uniqued list of all key names found in all logs
        - Nested key names will be dot delimited
    cat logs.json | jve --unique --key 'key_name'
        - Collect and print a uniqued list of all key names found in logs with 
          the specified 'key_name'
    cat logs.json | jve --unique --values --key 'key_name'
        - print a uniqued list of all values found in the key 'key_name' across all logs
    cat logs.json | jve --unique --values --key 'key_name' -z
        - print a uniqued list of all values found in the key 'key_name' across all logs 
          and sort by the values, not the count of each unique value

    -d, --delimiter ','             Value to use to seperate key value output
                                    - when using a new line delimiter, array values
                                      will be comma seperated
    -f, --fields 'a.b.c.d,a.b.e'    Comma seperated list of keys in dot notation
    -k, --key 'name_of_key'         Only examine logs where the specified key exists
    -s, --string 'string'           Only examine logs where the specified key's value
                                    contains the specified string
                                    - must be used with '--key'
                                    - case insensitive match
    -u, --unique                    Get uniqued entries for: 
                                    - if used by itself, all field names across 
                                      all logs and their data types
                                    - if the field is an array: array[data_type]
                                      empty array: array
                                    - if more than one data type is listed for a field
                                      then there are at least two logs with the same
                                      field name but containing differing value
                                    - unique key names of logs wherein the given 
                                      key exists
                                    - if '--values' is also specified, list all the
                                      unique values of the specified key '--key'
                                    - Nested key names will be dot delimited
    -v, --values                    Must be used along with '--unique' and '--key'
                                    - print the unique values of the specified key
    -z, --valuesort                 Sort unique values by value instead of count

NOTE:   If a key is an array or the key name occurs in an array, 
        this program will concatenate all array key values into a 
        delimited quoted string across all array elements.

To Compile on Linux for static linking

sudo apt install musl-tools
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release

Compile on Linux for Windows

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

Example output

fmd.exe .\fmd.exe | jve -d "," -f "filename,hashes.md5,entropy,,binary.sections.sections.entropy,binary.imports.imports.lib,binary.imports.imports.count"


Example output parsing unique values from a common field across all JSON logs

  • Includes the count of number of times that value was found in that field across all logs
cat .\files.json | .\jve --unique --values --key "hashes.md5"
"6d997c9924190b741f87a9e8eb7675c9": 8
"e81ec39ff5c22e69749306e27f5ebb90": 8
"11227b11f565de042c48654a241e9d1c": 9
"4a25c48c20aa7e2f463fdd58e4eb125c": 9
"e8d4207ac2dae00b3cd990b0e3c30ddf": 9
"fb249730b63d1a73dd9abe0301f70994": 9
"7a6e4442304d884a1c1683ab50a8dd0d": 9
"26551cada6ebb5308a98d0226331da5c": 10
"320d3b6dfd3d1ff4bae44c3c56310233": 11
"898adc592b6c054b7adfeb4b3b15b628": 12
"73e29491b7e1afdb91dbe22ab82f6bc4": 13
"8e00541603aaee4a6d115d40754abe08": 14
"a0a7c3fff21f2aea3cfa1d0316dd816c": 14
"0f07815c9a65417671700f5266ef0eaa": 15
"b60e0c41efefaff09aad48e3362ea9a5": 15
"7cd4a31205ec80d2e21b36ed05872545": 15
"f393656ca7d03c11b861b4398a5730b6": 27
"e04679e5f3dcf6950ad5749798d48f4c": 36
"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e": 227

Example output using new line as a delimiter recursing through sub directories

fmd.exe c:\ -d 2 | jve -d "\n" --fields "filename,hashes.md5,entropy,,binary.sections.sections.entropy,,ads.bytes,ads.first_256_bytes,binary.imports.imports.lib,binary.imports.imports.names"

[*] hashes.md5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
[*] entropy: 0.0
[*] ""
[*] binary.sections.sections.entropy: ""
[*] """"
[*] ads.bytes: "0"
[*] ads.first_256_bytes: """"
[*] binary.imports.imports.lib: ""
[*] binary.imports.imports.names: ""

[*] filename: "desktop.ini"
[*] hashes.md5: "6383522c180badc4e1d5c30a5c4f4913"
[*] entropy: 3.5208218
[*] ""
[*] binary.sections.sections.entropy: ""
[*] """"
[*] ads.bytes: "174"
[*] ads.first_256_bytes: ""??????\r.\n.[...S.h.e.l.l.C.l.a.s.s.I.n.f.o.].\r.\n.L.o.c.a.l.i.z.e.d.R.e.s.o.u.r.c.e.N.a.m.e.=.@.%.S.y.s.t.e.m.R.o.o.t.%.\\.s.y.s.t.e.m.3.2.\\.s.h.e.l.l.3.2...d.l.l.,.-.\r.\n.""
[*] binary.imports.imports.lib: ""
[*] binary.imports.imports.names: ""

[*] filename: "desktop.ini"
[*] hashes.md5: "5b8a2ba3138573583ff9e0158096ec48"
[*] entropy: 3.5208218
[*] ""
[*] binary.sections.sections.entropy: ""
[*] """"
[*] ads.bytes: "174"
[*] ads.first_256_bytes: ""??????\r.\n.[...S.h.e.l.l.C.l.a.s.s.I.n.f.o.].\r.\n.L.o.c.a.l.i.z.e.d.R.e.s.o.u.r.c.e.N.a.m.e.=.@.%.S.y.s.t.e.m.R.o.o.t.%.\\.s.y.s.t.e.m.3.2.\\.s.h.e.l.l.3.2...d.l.l.,.-.\r.\n.""
[*] binary.imports.imports.lib: ""
[*] binary.imports.imports.names: ""

[*] filename: "RunAsService.exe"
[*] hashes.md5: "4b92bd03d0c1e1f793ed1b499534211b"
[*] entropy: 4.623817
[*] "".text"\n".rsrc"\n".reloc""
[*] binary.sections.sections.entropy: "4.7316236\n4.3263397\n0.081539415"
[*] """\n"evil"\n"SmartScreen"\n"Zone.Identifier""
[*] ads.bytes: "23552\n34\n7\n123"
[*] ads.first_256_bytes: ""MZ???.\u0003...\u0004...??????..???.......@...................................???...\u000e\u001f???\u000e.???\t???!???\u0001L???!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r\r\n$.......PE..L\u0001\u0003.B??????Y........???.\u0002\u0001\u000b\u00010..P...\n......???o... ...???....@.. ...\u0002..\u0004.......\u0004........???...\u0002......\u0003.@???..\u0010..\u0010....\u0010..\u0010......\u0010.........."\n"\"this is hiding info in an ADS\" \r\n"\n"Anaheim"\n"[ZoneTransfer]\r\nZoneId=3\r\nReferrerUrl=\r\nHostUrl=\r\n""
[*] binary.imports.imports.lib: ""mscoree.dll""
[*] binary.imports.imports.names: "["_CorExeMain"]"

Print a dot delimited list of all key names and all value types for each seen across all logs.

cat .\res.txt | .\jve --unique
ads: array
binary.entry_point: string
binary.exports.count: number
binary.exports.hashes.md5: string
binary.exports.hashes.ssdeep: string
binary.exports.names: array
binary.imports.func_count: number
binary.imports.hashes.md5: string
binary.imports.hashes.md5_sorted: string
binary.imports.hashes.ssdeep: string
binary.imports.hashes.ssdeep_sorted: string
binary.imports.imports: array[object]
binary.imports.imports.count: number
binary.imports.imports.lib: string
binary.imports.imports.names: array[object] string
binary.imports.imports.names.more_interesting: boolean string
binary.imports.lib_count: number
binary.is_64: boolean
binary.is_dotnet: boolean
binary.is_lib: boolean
binary.linker.major_version: number
binary.linker.minor_version: number
binary.pe_info.company_name: string
binary.pe_info.file_description: string
binary.pe_info.file_version: string
binary.pe_info.internal_name: string
binary.pe_info.legal_copyright: string
binary.pe_info.original_filename: string
binary.pe_info.product_name: string
binary.pe_info.product_version: string
binary.sections.sections: array[object]
binary.sections.sections.entropy: number
binary.sections.sections.md5: string string
binary.sections.sections.raw_size: number
binary.sections.sections.ssdeep: string
binary.sections.sections.virt_address: string
binary.sections.sections.virt_size: number
binary.sections.total_raw_bytes: number
binary.sections.total_sections: number
binary.sections.total_virt_bytes: number
binary.timestamps.compile: string
binary.timestamps.debug: string
bytes: number
directory: string
entropy: number
extension: string
filename: string
hashes.md5: string
hashes.sha1: string
hashes.sha256: string
hashes.ssdeep: string
is_hidden: boolean, string
is_link: boolean
link.abs_path: string
link.arguments: string
link.comment: string
link.drive_serial_number: string
link.drive_type: string
link.flags: string
link.hotkey: string
link.icon_location: string
link.rel_path: string
link.show_command: string
link.volume_label: string
link.working_dir: string
mime_type: string
path: string
runtime_env.device_type: string
runtime_env.run_as_admin: boolean
runtime_env.timestamp: string
strings: array
timestamps.access_fn: string
timestamps.access_si: string
timestamps.create_fn: string
timestamps.create_si: string
timestamps.mft_record: string
timestamps.modify_fn: string
timestamps.modify_si: string

Example log parsed by JVE -> using the File Meta Data tool

  "runtime_env": {
    "timestamp": "2023-05-02T00:42:56.293126300+00:00",
    "device_type": "Windows 10.0.22621 (Workstation)",
    "run_as_admin": false
  "path": "C:\\Users\\thefl\\code\\jve\\target\\release\\fmd.exe",
  "directory": "C:\\Users\\thefl\\code\\jve\\target\\release",
  "filename": "fmd.exe",
  "extension": "exe",
  "bytes": 912384,
  "mime_type": "application/x-executable",
  "is_hidden": false,
  "is_link": false,
  "link": {
    "rel_path": "",
    "abs_path": "",
    "arguments": "",
    "working_dir": "",
    "icon_location": "",
    "hotkey": "",
    "comment": "",
    "show_command": "",
    "flags": "",
    "drive_type": "",
    "drive_serial_number": "",
    "volume_label": ""
  "timestamps": {
    "access_fn": "",
    "access_si": "2023-05-02T00:42:56.251",
    "create_fn": "",
    "create_si": "2023-04-21T20:45:02.519",
    "modify_fn": "",
    "modify_si": "2023-05-01T21:43:31.397",
    "mft_record": ""
  "entropy": 6.361143,
  "hashes": {
    "md5": "2ecfb9be3cbe6cd13ef8c277a5b820ce",
    "sha1": "d9803b3e61857c87f76901429e1c142afb98b9ac",
    "sha256": "2085fc3f76dea5d4841bf32850abb9d5146494b93b3fbf6bdc5012170165f022",
    "ssdeep": "12288:fD2qMN6ONCPoXU53OsbaROCOZEHmj2igLQ71cJtps:fD0NCUW3OsiCZamjN97uJtu"
  "ads": [],
  "binary": {
    "is_64": true,
    "is_dotnet": false,
    "is_lib": false,
    "entry_point": "0x8783c",
    "pe_info": {
      "product_version": "",
      "original_filename": "",
      "file_description": "",
      "file_version": "",
      "product_name": "",
      "company_name": "",
      "internal_name": "",
      "legal_copyright": ""
    "timestamps": {
      "compile": "2023-05-01T21:43:31",
      "debug": "2023-05-01T21:43:31"
    "linker": {
      "major_version": 14,
      "minor_version": 35
    "sections": {
      "total_sections": 6,
      "total_raw_bytes": 911360,
      "total_virt_bytes": 914764,
      "sections": [
          "name": ".text",
          "entropy": 6.26124,
          "md5": "81375221719cb4d50742bcd1f973c2ca",
          "ssdeep": "12288:yD2qMN6ONCPoXU53OsbaROCOZEHmj2igLQ71cJt:yD0NCUW3OsiCZamjN97uJt",
          "virt_address": "0x1000",
          "raw_size": 629760,
          "virt_size": 629584
          "name": ".rdata",
          "entropy": 5.6207933,
          "md5": "2c0e17c0685a0e6656adcd4a74349126",
          "ssdeep": "3072:4t6vBqobiVcZaYM+qVmuorUIbpKFMLkt8q1uChX0aUUCLeV:CN0cs4IbsPPWS",
          "virt_address": "0x9b000",
          "raw_size": 254976,
          "virt_size": 254608
          "name": ".data",
          "entropy": 2.0772414,
          "md5": "76ed25a79149094d9290fd8060ded18e",
          "ssdeep": "24:c1Bf6uSkeKP6uSkeK8hBSqxSSSS4SwVVCVou:IBTk4TkPkiSSSSSHCVou",
          "virt_address": "0xda000",
          "raw_size": 3072,
          "virt_size": 8024
          "name": ".pdata",
          "entropy": 5.764084,
          "md5": "56119c060db9396f7dfa4f1b92895654",
          "ssdeep": "384:ko2UXFrDBr2gqjmD3t8bmbB9x9hvNoPMLKMwJ5EoRrLG/lYRnak02:VtDImxLbDnboPuKDJiivOlYRna5",
          "virt_address": "0xdc000",
          "raw_size": 16384,
          "virt_size": 16008
          "name": "_RDATA",
          "entropy": 3.3046613,
          "md5": "31ff6f2798d8f7c00aaf516b84718be2",
          "ssdeep": "6:P/hxYw51Uoit95idqOJMYwCTA4Fbb3zyveNA4XK13H:If6PCYo4FbKH",
          "virt_address": "0xe0000",
          "raw_size": 512,
          "virt_size": 348
          "name": ".reloc",
          "entropy": 5.332825,
          "md5": "e766cc951570837d276bb7ff2aca00e4",
          "ssdeep": "192:8Qn81cD1c+hvJeOV1LWgtQ0Mq9ucgssoEX:8Qn8KBBeOVhrtQPq9wssoE",
          "virt_address": "0xe1000",
          "raw_size": 6656,
          "virt_size": 6192
    "imports": {
      "hashes": {
        "md5": "ad3f2eabfdf67bac7ed8a69a4c402917",
        "md5_sorted": "5919e44bd5534590d79649bcc72515fc",
        "ssdeep": "48:pErXcdf/p9zWwTxrWA1stv4Bc+pRl7EcbfK:arXcV/pJWwTxrWA1stv4Bc+pRrS",
        "ssdeep_sorted": "48:mbfKW5W6yFQCg9/w3+nmPc1hnxQsGvXHcvB:UCW5W6YQCg5Rnm8hnxQsGvXHcvB"
      "lib_count": 3,
      "func_count": 105,
      "imports": [
          "lib": "KERNEL32.dll",
          "count": 101,
          "names": [
              "name": "CloseHandle",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCurrentProcess",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SetFilePointerEx",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetLastError",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FindFirstFileW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name."
              "name": "FindClose",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCommandLineW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SetLastError",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetModuleFileNameW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Retrieves the fully qualified path for the file that contains the specified module."
              "name": "AddVectoredExceptionHandler",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SetThreadStackGuarantee",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCurrentThread",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "HeapReAlloc",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FileTimeToSystemTime",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SystemTimeToFileTime",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetTimeZoneInformation",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "HeapAlloc",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetProcessHeap",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "Sleep",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetModuleHandleA",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Retrieves a module handle for the specified module."
              "name": "TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "ReleaseSRWLockExclusive",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetStdHandle",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetConsoleMode",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FreeLibrary",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "MultiByteToWideChar",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "WriteConsoleW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCurrentDirectoryW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "WaitForSingleObjectEx",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "LoadLibraryA",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process."
              "name": "CreateMutexA",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "ReleaseMutex",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "RtlLookupFunctionEntry",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetModuleHandleW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Retrieves a module handle for the specified module."
              "name": "FormatMessageW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "CreateFileW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetFileInformationByHandle",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetFileInformationByHandleEx",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetFullPathNameW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FindNextFileW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Continues a file search for a previous call to the 'findfirstfile/findfirstfileex/findfirstfiletransacted' function."
              "name": "AcquireSRWLockExclusive",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "ExitProcess",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "QueryPerformanceCounter",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "QueryPerformanceFrequency",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "RtlCaptureContext",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "AcquireSRWLockShared",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "ReleaseSRWLockShared",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetEnvironmentVariableW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetFinalPathNameByHandleW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetProcAddress",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "LoadLibraryExW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process."
              "name": "WaitForSingleObject",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "HeapFree",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCurrentProcessId",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCurrentThreadId",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "InitializeSListHead",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "RtlVirtualUnwind",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "IsDebuggerPresent",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "UnhandledExceptionFilter",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetStartupInfoW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Retrieves the contents of the STARTUPINFO structure that was specified when the calling process was created."
              "name": "IsProcessorFeaturePresent",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "RtlUnwindEx",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "EncodePointer",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "RaiseException",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "EnterCriticalSection",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "LeaveCriticalSection",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "DeleteCriticalSection",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "TlsAlloc",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "TlsGetValue",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "TlsSetValue",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "TlsFree",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "RtlPcToFileHeader",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "WriteFile",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "TerminateProcess",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetModuleHandleExW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Retrieves a module handle for the specified module and increments the module's reference count."
              "name": "GetCommandLineA",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FindFirstFileExW",
              "more_interesting": true,
              "info": "Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name."
              "name": "IsValidCodePage",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetACP",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetOEMCP",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetCPInfo",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "WideCharToMultiByte",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetEnvironmentStringsW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FreeEnvironmentStringsW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SetEnvironmentVariableW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SetStdHandle",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetFileType",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetStringTypeW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FlsAlloc",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FlsGetValue",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FlsSetValue",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FlsFree",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "CompareStringW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "LCMapStringW",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "HeapSize",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "FlushFileBuffers",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "GetConsoleOutputCP",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
          "lib": "ADVAPI32.dll",
          "count": 3,
          "names": [
              "name": "GetTokenInformation",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "OpenProcessToken",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
              "name": "SystemFunction036",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
          "lib": "bcrypt.dll",
          "count": 1,
          "names": [
              "name": "BCryptGenRandom",
              "more_interesting": false,
              "info": ""
    "exports": {
      "hashes": {
        "md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
        "ssdeep": "3::"
      "count": 0,
      "names": []
  "strings": []

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