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pg-sdk-php's Introduction


This is a PHP library/sdk for making merchant integration an easy process. A minimum of PHP 7.0 or later is required for using this client. For references on accessing the APIs directly, you may visit developer docs.



  1. PHP 7.0 or later
  2. Composer 2.6.2 or later

Mandatory Step

Go to your projects root directory where your composer.json and below repository details.

    "repositories": [
            "type": "package",
            "package": [
                    "dist": {
                        "type": "zip",
                        "url": ""
                    "name": "phonepe/phonepe-pg-php-sdk",
                    "version": "1.0.0",
                    "autoload": {
                        "classmap": ["/"]

Go to your projects root directory where your composer.json file is located and execute below command.

composer require --no-cache --prefer-source phonepe/phonepe-pg-php-sdk

Please note that you will have to require the vendor/autoloader.php in order to autoload all the required classes.


To get your keys, please visit Merchant Onboarding of PhonePe PG: Merchant Onboarding
You will need three things to get started:

$merchantId = "<merchantId>";  
$saltKey = "<saltKey>";  
$saltIndex = "<saltIndex>";  

Quick start:

Class Initialisation

To create an instance of the PhonePePaymentClient class, you need to provide the following parameters:

Example usage:

const MERCHANTID = "<sample-mid>";
const SALTKEY = "<sample-salt-key>";
const SALTINDEX = "<sample-salt-index>";
$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT,SHOULDPUBLISHEVENTS);

Initiate a transaction via Pay Page

To initiate payment we need to build the request using the PgPayRequestBuilder class. To initiate transaction with PayPage Instrument we use the static method buildPayPageInstrument from InstrumentBuilder class and pass it in the PgPayRequestBuilder. You can initiate the transaction using the pay function.

$merchantTransactionId = "<TestMerchantTransactionId>";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$PagPageUrl = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getRedirectInfo()->getUrl()

Initiate transaction using UPI Intent

To initiate payment we need to build the request using the PgPayRequestBuilder class. To initiate transaction with PayPage Instrument we use the static method getUpiIntentInstrumentBuilder from InstrumentBuilder class and pass it in the PgPayRequestBuilder. You can initiate the transaction using the pay function.

$merchantTransactionId = "<MerchantTransactionId>";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$intentUrl = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getIntentUrl();

You will get an intent url. It should be used to complete the transaction.

Checking the validity of the callback

Let's now verify the validity of the callback received from PhonePe on the merchant endpoint, passed as callbackUrl while initiating the payment. You need to pass two things to the verifyCallback function:

  1. The x_verify property in the headers of the callback response obtained from PhonePe.
  2. The response body received from PhonePe.
$xVerify = "a005532637c6a6e4a4b08ebc6f1144384353305a9cd253d995067964427cd0bb###1";
$response = '{

$isValid = $phonepeClient->verifyCallback($response, $xVerify);

If the callback signature is verified, the value of $isValid variable will be true.

Check Status of a transaction

Let see the details for the transaction after the payment is completed via UPI using the statusCheck function.

$checkStatus = $phonePePaymentsClient->statusCheck("<merchantTransactionId>");

Dealing with a failed transaction

If you want to check the status the transaction that failed.

$checkStatus = $phonePePaymentsClient->statusCheck("<merchantTransactionId>");


Refund of a transaction

You can refund a PhonePe transaction using the refund function. To initiate refund we need to build the request using the PgRefundRequestBuilder class.

$pgRefundRequest = PgRefundRequestBuilder::builder()
$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->refund($pgRefundRequest);


Class Initialisation

To create an instance of the PhonePePaymentClient class to interact with PG, you need to provide the following parameters.

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
MERCHANTID mixed Yes Unique merchant ID provided by PhonePe.
SALTKEY mixed Yes Salt key for secure communication with PhonePe.
SALTINDEX mixed Yes Salt index for secure communication with PhonePe.
env mixed Yes Environment for the PhonePeClient: Env.PROD (production), Env.UAT (testing).
SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS boolean No Flag to enable event publishing to PhonePe. Set to False to disable.

Example usage:

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);


This method is used to initiate a payment via the PhonePe PG. The various instruments that are supported are PaymentInstruments.


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
merchantId mixed Yes The unique identifier of the merchant Note: merchantId length will be less than 38 characters
merchantTransactionId mixed Yes Unique TransactionID generated by the merchant to track request to PhonePe.Note: merchantTransactionId length should be less than 36 characters.- No Special characters allowed except underscore "_" and hyphen "-"
merchantOrderId mixed No The unique identifier of the order
amount integer Yes The amount to be paid in paise [100 paise = 1 rupee].
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument Yes You can use the corresponding builder of the PaymentInstruments
merchantUserId mixed No The unique identifier of the merchant user. It is used to associate the payment with a specific user. Note: - merchantUserId length should be less than 36 characters, - No Special characters allowed except underscore "_" and hyphen "-"
cancelRedirectUrl mixed No The URL to which the user should be redirected if the payment is cancelled.
redirectUrl mixed No The URL to which the user should be redirected after the payment is completed.
redirectMode mixed No The mode of redirection after the payment is completed.
callbackUrl mixed No The URL where PhonePe will send callback notifications after the payment is completed.
callbackMode mixed No The operating system of the device used for the payment.
deviceOS PgDeviceContext No Represents which OS has been used by the User.

Example Initiating a pay request with UPI Intent Instrument.

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$merchantTransactionId = "<MerchantTransactionId>";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$intentUrl = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getIntentUrl();


PgPayResponse class

Property Type Description
merchantId mixed The ID of the merchant associated with the transaction.
merchantTransactionId mixed The unique identifier of the merchant transaction.
transactionId mixed The unique identifier of the transaction gerenated by PhonePe.
InstrumentResponse InstrumentResponse InstrumentResponse Object contains the instrument details used in initiating the request and other necessary transaction details.

Payment Instruments

Let's look at the various instruments offered by the PhonePe PG.

Following instruments are supported:
Instrument Type Builder Function
CARD CardPayRequestBuilder
TOKEN TokenPayRequestBuilder
UPI_QR UPIQRPayRequestBuilder
SAVED_CARD SavedCardPayRequestBuilder
NET_BANKING NetBankingPayRequestBuilder
PAY_PAGE PayPagePayRequestBuilder
UPI_INTENT UPIIntentPayRequestBuilder
UPI_COLLECT UPICollectPayRequestBuilder

Pay Page Payment Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with PayPage as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

buildPayPageInstrument method from class InstrumentBuilder This function directly returns the Instrument Object and no need to call build() method on it.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$merchantTransactionId = 'PHPSDK' . date("ymdHis") . "payPageTest";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);

UPI Collect Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with UPI Collect as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
vpa mixed Yes The Virtual Payment Address (VPA) to send pay request.
You can validate the VPA using the ValidateVPA function

before initiating the transaction with UPI Collect with vpa you need to validate the vpa using the validateVpa function.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

// validating vpa before initiating payment.
$vpa = "12345678@ybl";
$pgValidateVpaResponse = $phonePePaymentsClient->validateVpa($vpa);
echo json_encode($pgValidateVpaResponse);

//If validateVpa function does not throws PhonePeException with Invalid Vpa message go ahead with following request
$merchantTransactionId = ""<merchantTransactionId>"";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()
    ->callbackUrl(" ")

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);

UPI Intent Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with UPI Intent as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
targetApp mixed Yes The target app identifier for the UPI Intent flow.
For, net.one97.paytm

Example usage for IOS UPI INTENT

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$intentUrl = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getIntentUrl();

Example usage for Android

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$merchantTransactionId = 'PHPSDK' . date("ymdHis") . "upiIntentPayTest";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$intentUrl = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getIntentUrl();


For Intent instrument, you have to pass the deviceContext (ANDROID or IOS) in the request to get app specific intent urls.

UPI QR Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with UPI QR as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

buildUpiQrInstrument method from class InstrumentBuilder function directly returns the Instrument Object and no need to call build() method on it.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$merchantTransactionId = "merchantTransactinoId";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()
    ->callbackUrl(" ")

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$imageBase64Data = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getQrData();
$intentUrl = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getIntentUrl();

Card Payment Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with Card as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
authMode mixed Yes The authentication mode for the card payment. Generally 3DS is used [example 3DS, H2H]
saveCard boolean Yes Whether to save the card for future use.
encryptedCardNumber mixed Yes The encrypted card number. You can use the EncryptedData function to encrypt unencrypted card number.
encryptionKeyId integer Yes The ID of the encryption key used for the card.
cardHolderName mixed Yes The name of the cardholder.
expiryMonth mixed Yes The expiry month of the card.
expiryYear mixed Yes The expiry year of the card.
encryptedCvv mixed Yes The encrypted CVV of the card.
addressLine1 mixed No The address line 1 for billing.
addressLine2 mixed No The address line 2 for billing.
addressCity mixed No The city for billing.
addressState mixed No The state for billing.
addressZip mixed No The ZIP code for billing.
addressCountry mixed No The country for billing.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$authMode = "3DS";
$saveCard = true;
$encryptionKeyId = 20;

$encryptedCvv = $phonePePaymentsClient->encryptedData(PRODPUBLICKEY, "123");
$encryptedCardNumber = $phonePePaymentsClient->encryptedData(PRODPUBLICKEY, "5272559973463145");
$expiryMonth = "10";
$expiryYear = "2025";
$cardHolderName = "TEST USER";

$merchantTransactionId = "merchantTransactionId";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$url = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getRedirectInfo()->getUrl();

Token Payment Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with Token as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
authMode mixed Yes The authentication mode for the token payment. Generally 3DS, example 3DS, H2H.
encryptedCvv mixed Yes The encrypted CVV of the tokenized card. You can use the EncryptedData function to encrypt unencrypted cvv.
cryptogram mixed Yes The cryptogram associated with the tokenized card.
encryptedToken mixed Yes The encrypted token representing the card. You can use the EncryptedData function to encrypt unencrypted token.
encryptionKeyid integer Yes The ID of the encryption key used for the tokenized card. You can use the EncryptedData function to encrypt unencrypted encryption key id.
expiryMonth mixed Yes The expiry month of the tokenized card.
expiryYear mixed Yes The expiry year of the tokenized card.
panSuffix mixed Yes The last 4 digits of the tokenized card number.
cardHolderName mixed Yes The name of the cardholder associated with the tokenized card.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$tokenCvv = "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";
$encryptedToken = "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";
$cryptogram = "69696181054119923371";
$expiryYear = "2026";
$expiryMonth = "01";
$panSuffix = "8209";
$encryptionKeyid = 20;
$authMode = "3DS";

$merchantTransactionId = "merchantTransactionId";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$url = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getRedirectInfo()->getUrl();

NetBanking Payment Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with NetBanking as the payment instrument.

Instrument Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
bankId mixed Yes The ID of the bank for Net Banking payment. You can find the possible values in PaymentOptions response with includeNetBankingBanksList=True

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

// To get the bankList Id's and other payment options
$includeNetBankingBanksList = true;
$paymentOptionsResponse = $phonePePaymentsClient->paymentOptions($includeNetBankingBanksList);

$merchantTransactionId = "<merchantTRansactionId>";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()
    ->callbackUrl(" ")

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$url = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getRedirectInfo()->getUrl();

Saved Card Instrument

Builds PgPayRequest with Saved Card as the payment instrument.


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
authMode mixed Yes The authentication mode for the saved card. Generally 3DS is used, example 3DS. H2H
cardId mixed Yes The ID of the saved card. You can find this in the callback from the callback of Card instrument, when save_card=True
encryptedCvv mixed Yes The encrypted CVV of the saved card.
You can use the EncryptedData function to encrypt unencrypted cvv.
encryptionKeyid integer Yes The ID of the encryption key used for the saved card.
You can use the EncryptedData function to encrypt unencrypted encryptionKeyid.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$authMode = "3DS";
$encryptedCvv = $phonePePaymentsClient->encryptedData(PRODPUBLICKEY, "123");
$encryptionKeyId = 3;
$cardId = "cardId";

$merchantTransactionId = "merchantTransactionId";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()

$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
$url = $response->getInstrumentResponse()->getRedirectInfo()->getUrl();

Check status

This method is used to check the status of a transaction.


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
merchantTransactionId mixed Yes Merchant transaction Id for which status is to be fetched.

Example checking the status of a transaction completed via UPI.

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$checkStatus = $phonePePaymentsClient->statusCheck("merchantTransactionId");


The function returns a PgCheckStatusResponse object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
merchantId mixed The merchant ID.
merchantTransactionId mixed The merchant transaction ID.
transactionId mixed The transaction ID.
amount integer The transaction amount in paise [100 paise = 1 rupee].
responseCode mixed The response code.
state mixed The transaction state. Can be PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument The PhonePe payment instrument used to perform the transaction.

Let see the details for the transaction after the payment is completed via UPI using the checkStatus function.

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);
$checkStatus = $phonePePaymentsClient->statusCheck("merchantTransactionId");

$paymentInstrument = $checkStatus->getPaymentInstrument();
$utr = $paymentInstrument->getUtr();

Let see the details for the transaction after the payment is completed via Card using the checkStatus function.

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);
$checkStatus = $phonePePaymentsClient->statusCheck("merchantTransactionId");

$paymentInstrument = $checkStatus->getPaymentInstrument();
$pgTransactionId = $paymentInstrument->getPgTransactionId();
$pgAuthorizationCode = $paymentInstrument->getPgAuthorizationCode();
$bankId = $paymentInstrument->.getBankId();
$bankId = $paymentInstrument->.getArn();

Let see the details for the transaction after the payment is completed via NetBanking using the checkStatus function.

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);
$checkStatus = $phonePePaymentsClient->statusCheck("merchantTransactionId");

$paymentInstrument = $checkStatus->getPaymentInstrument();
$bankId = $paymentInstrument->getBankId();
$bankTransactionId = $paymentInstrument->getBankTransactionId();


Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
merchantId mixed Yes The ID of the merchant associated with the transaction.
merchantTransactionId mixed Yes Unique Refund Transaction ID generated by the merchant. This should be different from the transaction ID of the debit transaction.
originalTransactionId mixed Yes Merchant transaction ID of the forward transaction which needs to be reversed.
amount integer Yes Reversal amount in paise. Up to a maximum of the amount of the original payment transaction.
callbackUrl mixed No The URL where PhonePe will send callback notifications after the refund is completed.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$pgRefundRequest = PgRefundRequestBuilder::builder()
$response = $phonePePaymentsClient->refund($pgRefundRequest);
$responseCode = $response->getResponseCode();



PgRefundResponse properties
Property Type Description
merchantId mixed The ID of the merchant associated with the transaction.
merchantTransactionId mixed The unique identifier of the merchant transaction.
transactionId mixed The unique identifier of the refund transaction.
amount integer The refunded amount in paise [100 paise = 1 rupee].
state mixed The state of the refund transaction.
responseCode mixed The response code indicating the status of the refund.

Validate VPA

Used to check if the given vpa is valid or not


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
vpa mixed Yes The Virtual Payment Address (VPA) to validate.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

String vpa="abc@ybl";
try {
    $validateVpaResponse = $phonePePaymentsClient->validateVpa("abc@ybl");
    $name = $validateVpaResponse->getName();
catch (Excpetion $e) {
    // Handle PhonePeException thrown in case of invalid vpa.


The function returns a PgValidateVpaResponse object with the following properties if vpa is valid:

PgValidateVpaResponse Properties
Property Type Description
vpa mixed The VPA sent in the request.
name mixed The name linked to VPA.

Payment Options

This method is used to retrieve available payment options.


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
includeNetBankingBanksList boolean No If set to True, the response will include the list of Net Banking banks. Default: False

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

$paymentOptionsResponse = $phonePePaymentsClient->paymentOptions(true);


The function returns a PgPaymentsOptionsResponse object with the following properties:

PgPaymentsOptionsResponse Properties
Property Type Description
upiCollect PaymentOption UPI Collect options
intent PaymentOption Intent options
cards PaymentOption External cards options
netBanking PaymentOptionNetBanking Net Banking options

Callback verification

You need to pass two things to the verifyResponse function:


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
x_verify mixed Yes The x_verify property in the headers of the callback response obtained from PhonePe.
response mixed Yes The response body recieved in the callback from PhonePe.


true if the x_verify is valid for the given data.

Example usage

$xVerify = "a005532637c6a6e4a4b08ebc6f1144384353305a9cd253d995067964427cd0bb###1";
$response = '{

$isValid = $phonepeClient->verifyCallback($response, $xVerify );
echo $isValid;

If the callback signature is verified, that will result in the value to be true.


Encrypting data

You need to pass to two things to the encryptdata function and returns the encrypted data using the public key shared:


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
data mixed Yes The data to be encrypted.
publicKey mixed Yes The public key to be used for encryption, this will be shared by PhonePe.


Parameter Description
data The encrypted data

Example usage

const PLUBLICKEY = "<publickey>"
$data= "105";
$encryptedData = $phonePePaymentsClient->encryptedData(PRODPUBLICKEY, $data);

Exception Handling

Exception raised from PhonePe SDK.


Attribute Description
code The status code of the http response.
message The http error message.

Example usage

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

// If a already used transactionId is used  to initiated new transaction
$merchantTransactionId = "<merchantTransactionId>";
$request = PgPayRequestBuilder::builder()
    $response = $phonePePaymentsClient->pay($request);
catch(PhonePePgException $phonePeException){
    $phonePeCode = $phonePeException->getPhonePeResponse()->getCode();
    $phonePeMessage = $phonePeException->getPhonePeResponse()->getMessage();

Possible Exceptions thrown

PhonePeException: this exception is thrown after making request to PhonePe Server.

If a Duplicate TransactionId is passed

// PhonePeException
$code = 417;
$message = '417 Received HTTP response: {"success":false,"code":"INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID","message":"The transaction id you have entered seems to be invalid.","data":{}}';

if passed incorrect saltKey to PhonePeTransactionClient

// PhonePeException
$code = 401;
$message = "401: Unauthorised Please check you saltKey, SaltIndex and merchantId <response>";

if passed incorrect merchantId to PhonePeTransactionClient

// PhonePeException
$code = 404;
$message = "404 Not found <response>";

If 500 resppnse is received from PhonePe server

// PhonePeException
$code = 500;
$message = "500: Internal server error: Please retry after some Time <response>";

Validate vpa example usage and exceptions

const $MERCHANTID="<merchantId>";
const $SALTKEY="<saltKey>";
const $SALTINDEX="<saltIndex>";
const $env=Env::UAT;

$phonePePaymentsClient = new PhonePePaymentClient(MERCHANTID, SALTKEY, SALTINDEX, Env::UAT, SHOLDPUBLISHEVENTS);

    $vpa = "12345678@ybl";
    $pgValidateVpaResponse = $phonePePaymentsClient->validateVpa($vpa);
    echo json_encode($pgValidateVpaResponse);
catch(PhonePePgException $phonePeException){
    $phonePeCode = $phonePeException->getPhonePeResponse()->getCode();
    $phonePeMessage = $phonePeException->getPhonePeResponse()->getMessage();

If 417 response is received from PhonePe server

// PhonePeException
$code = 500;
$message = '417 Received HTTP response: {"success":false,"code":"INVALID_VPA","message":"Incorrect UPI details. Please check the UPI ID entered.","data":{}} ';

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