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open-source-programs's Introduction

TBD Open Source Programs

This repository is the welcoming point to TBD's open source efforts.

This repository is not a source forge, but a sync point for TBD projects. It's used for documentation, issues, and discussions that span our individual repositories.

Current Status

All projects in the TBD family are in early prototyping. New contributors should expect a pace of development consistent with nascent technology: larger commits, frequent refactoring, changing APIs, and incomplete feature-sets. We believe: open source is not a publishing medium. These projects are open from the start to welcome your interest, invite discussion, identify early issues, and advise on design. An early adopter mindset will work well until these projects mature further.

The Discussion forums and Issue trackers are likely the best way to get involved now. Our project leads may be able to guide your efforts and incorporate your feedback in ways that will be most meaningful to you and the project's goals.

In particular, we want to ensure the New Contributor Experience is as smooth as possible. You should be able to:

  • Understand each project's goals and scope
  • Install prerequisite dependencies
  • Clone and build the project
  • Run the tests
  • Join the conversation in Discussions and Issues


The tbDEX Protocol is the center of our work. It allows users to transact with financial institutions - without a central authority. Users can exchange fiat and crypto with providers who plug into the system.

Decentralized Web Node is the architecture which makes this possible. It provides the complex transport and identity systems necessary for parties to transact with one another. We are developing a TypeScript- and JavaScript-based reference implementation in the dwn-sdk-js repository.

Together, these systems open up a world of possibility for currency and information exchange. And they return ownership of data where we believe it belongs: with the user.


The tbDEX Protocol was first described in a whitepaper in November 2021. From its abstract:

tbDEX is a protocol for discovering liquidity and exchanging assets (such as bitcoin, fiat money, or real world goods) when the existence of social trust is an intractable element of managing transaction risk. The tbDEX protocol facilitates decentralized networks of exchange between assets by providing a framework for establishing social trust, utilizing decentralized identity (DID) and verifiable credentials (VCs) to establish the provenance of identity in the real world. The protocol has no opinion on anonymity as a feature or consequence of transactions. Instead, it allows willing counterparties to negotiate and establish the minimum information acceptable for the exchange. Moreover, it provides the infrastructure necessary to create a ubiquity of on-ramps and off-ramps directly between the fiat and crypto financial systems without the need for centralized intermediaries and trust brokers. This makes crypto assets and decentralized financial services more accessible to everyone.

The source for the tbDEX whitepaper is here.

The tbdex-protocol repository is where this work is housed. It describes the message formats/schemas used to transact. And it also contains a preliminary mock implementation a PFI (Primary Financial Institution) may implement when it plugs into the system.

Looking forward, the work done here may be split into separate repositories. For now it's faster to couple the message formats, libraries, and mock implementation together until the APIs harden.


The contribution guide welcomes contributors with resources to get involved.


Project Language Description
ssi-sdk Go Standards-based primitives for using Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials.
ssi-service Go An in-a-box service that handles the full Verifiable Credentials lifecycle, including issuance, verification, revocation, and more.
dwn-sdk-js TypeScript An implementation of the DIF's emerging decentralized personal datastore standard.
tbdex-protocol Java A playground as we iterate our way to a robust protocol. Mostly composed of tbDEX message schemas/formats and a mock PFI implemementaion.

Project Resources

Resource Description
CODEOWNERS Outlines the project lead(s) Expected behavior for project contributors, promoting a welcoming environment Developer guide to build, test, run, access CI, chat, discuss, file issues Project governance
LICENSE Apache License, Version 2.0

open-source-programs's People


alrubinger avatar decentralgabe avatar mistermoe avatar


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open-source-programs's Issues

License Inspection

We must check as part of the build process that our licenses are:

  1. Correct for our own source
  2. Using dependencies with compatible licenses for our intended use.

Define license policy for dependencies: @ALRubinger is handling this now alongside IP legal and Open Source Governance Committee. Guiding principle: ensure tbDEX and our other platforms are as friendly to consumers as possible - including not just the permissive Apache License 2.0 we’re applying to our own code, but also the dependencies we bring in so that they’re usable for commercial, non-open purposes.


[PROPOSAL] - Open Source Events Calendar

Events Calendar

Desired outcome
Simple way to add and view events. Open to contributors, or at least contributors with some level of trust. Best would be if there was one datastore for us to add/manage events in an open way, and we had tooling to surface these in a variety of mediums: Discord (like, "hey", event is starting at link in 5 minutes!), iCal/Google Calendar,

Current Gaps
Right now the only notion of "Events" we have is on, where the Markdown and images there are the single source of truth (datastore). This is probably fine for marquee events, but likely isn't the best place to keep routine meetings (for instance daily open source office hours on Discord voice channels, Twitter Spaces, ideas from core devs or the community, etc).

Implementation Suggestions
From gleb#9120 on Discord:

You can use the events feature that Discord has, this is a video showing how to easily set it up:

You can also use a bot to link a google calendar to your discord events the link for that is here:

Discord Discussion (optional)

Add architectural image of components in tbDEX and DWP to README

We've made a few architectural images over the past several weeks. Let's put one in the README which shows all the projects in the Projects table and shows how they interact with one another. From user to VC service, to hubs, to PFI, etc.

May delegate as necessary.


Should welcome new users to the TBD ecosystem of projects.



Tell us about you, your organization, and your mission! has a mature product, RIKI (Residual Income Knowledge Index). RIKI is a set of Ability to Pay (ATP) Indices that lenders can use to qualify borrowers for all sorts of loans (mortgage, auto, personal, etc.). Furthermore, RIKI also significantly targets the financially underserved. That is, consumers with FICO < 660 are left behind because lenders don't have the tools or time to qualify them. RIKI examines their ability to pay. The result is a likely population of 10.7 million people in the US who have low FICO, but would qualify for a mortgage. FormFree, Sophtron, and MX are instigating a tbDEX-like protocol called tbLEND. We want to serve the underserved, eliminate the circular and silly requirement to go into debt to qualify for debt, make debt based decision on ability to pay, and create an open competitive lending marketplace that has no rent-seekers.


Let's hear about your project; please describe your idea and its value to the TBD ecosystem.
The project is described in these recordings.!Aq2zjTdx7n0XzEz4zjFDGqbOtM6C?e=uukLxI

Existing repository


User Flow

Paste relevant images or screenshots here
See recordings link in the Proposals section.

Information Flow between Services

Paste relevant images or screenshots here
See recordings link in the Proposals section.

Contributor License Agreement


Create organization-level secret for Snyk

Touch base with FE and ask if there's an institutional account for Snyk we can add - right now we're doing an org-level secret in Actions for Synk and it's tied to ALR's Sknk Personal API Key

Getting started link is dead doesn't exist. It was renamed to in this commit 10197b3, but given the context of the sentence I'm not sure whether you want to update the link or sentence too.

Building tbDEX as a specification and message format is work that will follow the foundational projects under active development with the Decentralized Web Platform (DWP).

[PROPOSAL] - Community Wiki

Desired outcome
Comprehensive knowledge base for TBD projects and technolgies. Easily editable and grown in tandem with the community. Low barrier to docs contribution. More details around this in the linked forum proposal by ag4536 below.

Current Gaps
Documentation right now lives on, which is maintained by TBD employees. Opening this up for forms of documentation that can be surfaced on the site likely has benefit for evergreen, more "official" docs like tutorials or learning modules. Still there's the opportunity to really lower the bar for contribution in a Wiki-like platform which lets folks from the community contribute in a lighter manner.

Implementation Suggestions (optional)

  • Integrated with
  • Consider: user account unification? Forums, Discord, Wiki, etc - too much? Is there a TBD account that can bring things together?
  • Wiki platform analysis to be done as part of this work

Forum Discussion (optional)

[PROPOSAL] - Getting Started Application

Getting Started Experience

Desired outcome
Meet the needs of those curious about building Web5 Applications: get them going. 3 minutes to their first win. Scale as the point of entry for new applications for newcomers and experts alike. Create a robust experience for making Web5 applications: using software launchers (webapp and command-line), sample application, scaffolding for new applications, and playgrounds. A comprehensive, joyful experience which bridges software and services used to make new Web5 apps, supporting documentation, stores of examples and feature scaffolds, and playgrounds.

Tagline: "Your fully-working new Web5 Application, in 3 minutes."


  • User-first design
  • Invest 3 minutes, you get everything working out of the box.
  • All code given to users is documented and may link to additional references - the "polished" experience
  • Target demographic: Web5 Application Builders and Web5 Platform Contributors
  • "Design for 'wow'" - the experience should make clear the real-world importance of each feature
    • Must make clear the why each feature is important
    • ...but frame examples to clearly show what Web5 and Decentralization do that traditional web programming can't.

Current Gaps
Right now: contributors and builders alike, including those on our team, don't yet have a clear understanding how to create a new Web5 application.

  • What code scaffolding is needed?
  • What features are available - what intrinsic value can builders get?
    • We need a clear "wow" (Bobbilee) or "what's in it for me"
    • Bobbilee notes D's example: showing Alice and Bob getting an employment verification: so what?
  • What do users want to do with Web5?
  • Angie observation from folks: "Web5 sounds cool, how do I get started building my app? I don't need all this education and abstract materials on DIDs and DWNs, etc - show me the code."
  • Angie: "I'm the developer who wants to build my app - get me started"
  • Nick: "I don't want to look at docs; I want a running application so I'm dropped in, and I'll learn as I go"
    • "...and as I go along, I'll run into issues where I want docs, so point me there so I can make this work for me"

Implementation Suggestions
This section will need to be prioritized and scoped into Phases. Brainstorming only:

  • We could off with a generic starter repo for getting up and running with a Web5 project. Eventually we can have a create-web5-app command
  • A low-level option is to do this strictly in docs: creating tutorials oriented around "How to build a Web5 Application" and start up an Examples bank to support.
  • In a mature system, architectural pieces:
    • Repositories for:
      • Sample Applications
      • Feature Scaffolding
        • The pieces of code which enable a feature
        • Concretely from @csuwildcat: "You import a SCRIPT tag, call the Web5.connect(), and you're off to the races with the Web5 SDK."
        • PWA Scaffolding, from @csuwildcat example here
      • Playgrounds

User Input Suggestions
From brainstorming w/ @michaelneale @csuwildcat:

  • Choose your type of app:
    • Greenfield - New Web5 Application
      • Non-PWA Webapp
      • DWA - PWA example w/ SCRIPT tag and the most powerful example
    • Existing web site
      • Give them scaffolding instructions to "Web5-ize their existing apps", adding a SCRIPT tag, documenting the Web5 SDK calls to make, how they must have a wallet
      • And how to call upon that to do some test message sending or something
    • If you want to add DID Authentication to a website
      • Tutorial set for integrating ID with nonce of existing site

Architectural Design to Consider

  • Backend
    • Responsible for taking user inputs, assembling the codebase we'll give them, and returning it to them either as a compressed file or directly into GitHub.
      • If directly into GitHub we can also build/deploy the example for them using Actions.
  • Backing "store" repositories
    • Sample applications
    • Scaffolding code pieces
    • Playgrounds?
      • Or are these simply deployed and available, and we link to them from the developer site? Are they "launched" to the user in software?
  • Frontends
    • Web Application
    • Command-line Application (npm? Rust?)

General Remits
Defined as light guidance for slicing and parallelizing work

  • Open source engineering: Labs, proof of concepts, core software releases
  • Developer Relations: Example applications bank and tutorials
  • Programs: Webapp, command-line app, launching infrastructure, DRI of the collective experience

Types of Web5 applications

  • Samples
    • Fully-working, illustrative of solving a use case, and are "high polish": meaning, they're very documented at the code level as to what's going on and why, and additionally points to reference material explaining more either in tutorials or api-docs.
    • From an "app store" of examples we can build out over time
  • Playgrounds
    • An online service where you can write, compile, and run - and see the impact of those changes live.
  • Scaffold/skeleton new Applications from Features
    • User selects from a list of features they'd like to scaffold out
    • Are given the selected features alongside a console application which runs them

Example Web5 Application Ideas

  • Technical Areas to Highlight:
    • The power of DIDs
      • Access features from different sites based on DID
    • Visualizing VCs
    • Demo of Web5.connect(): web5-wallet-browser

Similar Approaches to Build Off

    • Web application which, based on user inputs, scaffolds out a new application and makes it available as a download.
  • create-react-app
    • Node module to scaffold a new application directly in the filesystem as a command-line utility
  • Ionic Framework
    • A meta framework for getting started with popular web frameworks (React, Vue, Angular)

Use Signed Git Commits and Releases

Using signed commits and releases is crucial for supply chain security because it provides verifiable assurance that the code or release originates from a trusted source and has not been tampered with during transit. This cryptographic validation prevents malicious actors from introducing unauthorized changes or counterfeit software into the supply chain. In essence, signing serves as a digital "seal of authenticity" for software components, bolstering trust and integrity throughout the development and distribution process.

This is achieved through settings on the GitHub repositories. Determine the effective set of settings, and implement them across projects.

Feature on Developer Site and align infra is a standalone site with source in the TBD private repo areweweb5yet. Let's feature it more prominently and do some housekeeping:

  • Make the source repo public under the TBD54566975 org
  • Feature on the Developer Site, likely on the Web5 Projects page and potentially elsewhere to give it prominence
  • Port the infra into Netlify for build/deploy/hosting
  • Set up monitoring if not done already w/ UptimeRobot
  • Transfer the domain into Block legal
  • (optional) look at branding/components and align w/ L&F of dev site, if not a heavy lift for this round. These are backed by different frameworks right now.

For @csuwildcat review, then Programs team can run from there if aligned

[PROPOSAL] - dual speed release tempo

Desired outcome

It is common for consumer and even enterprise software to have a choice of release tempos: a slower moving but "stable" and perhaps a more frequent or "nightly" release schedule.

Current Gaps

There aren't regular releases of all the components yet, so would be good to agree on what that might look like. Ideally they are released together (vs each project or component on its own, if possible).

Implementation Suggestions (optional)

Make main branch be the "nightly" - and a versioned strategy for stable releases (perhaps this can be flipped around? open to discussion)

[INCUBATION PROGRAM REQUEST] - New Project: Systems, methods and devices for a global cyber-physical afforestation technique(s) based on distributed ledger technology and derivative loT (Internet of things) enterprise communication network applications.


Green Blockchain as the proposed system is called is designed to oversee the planning, operation, and execution of profitable exchanges involving the sale of land, air, or sea-based transportation vehicles. This innovative system enables the monitoring of net transactions made by a sales dealership over a given time period, with each sale triggering a series of transactions that results in the planting of a specific number of trees. By leveraging the power of DLT and IoT, this system offers a unique approach to promote afforestation and achieve Net Zero emissions by 2030.


The object of the present invention is to offer systems and market programs that utilize distributed ledger technology (DLT) and internet of things (IoT) to support afforestation and reforestation efforts. The following description includes specific details aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the embodiments of the invention. However, it is important to note that some of these details may not be necessary for individuals skilled in the relevant field. To avoid obscuring the underlying principles of the invention, well-known structures and devices are represented in block diagram form.

One embodiment of the present invention involves the implementation of a digital distributed infrastructure that uses DLT over loT technology to oversee the planning, operating, and execution of profitable exchanges resulting from the sale of land, air, or sea-based transportation vehicles. This embodiment also monitors the net transactions made by a sales dealership over a given time period, with any sales triggering a distributed ledger system to initiate a series of transactions that will result in the planting of a specific number of trees.

Another method implemented in this embodiment involves carrying out a complete set of activities in the distributed ledger technology-based system, while maintaining information on the class of manufactured automobile, including global output and sales figures. The number of trees required to be planted can also be calculated according to the class of manufactured automobile, such as cars, small-medium cars, or heavy-duty vehicles.

In addition, the DLT system will measure every gallon of fuel consumed and every ton of greenhouse gases emitted. A supply chain is also established, with companies at each stage contributing a specific amount of capital into the system and utilizing afforestation methods. Furthermore, in another embodiment, a series of cap-and-trade policies are implemented at various stages to raise the necessary funds.

In addition, the DLT system will measure range of the refining industry processes crude oil into various petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, lubricants, and asphalt.. A supply chain is also established, with companies at each stage contributing a specific amount of capital into the system and utilizing afforestation methods. Furthermore, in another embodiment, a series of cap-and-trade policies are implemented at various stages to raise the necessary funds.

In addition, the DLT system will measure range of chemical products derived from petroleum or natural gas, and they are used in a variety of applications, such as plastics, synthetic fibers, rubber, detergents, and adhesives as commonly known as Petrochemical Industry. A supply chain is also established, with companies at each stage contributing a specific amount of capital into the system and utilizing afforestation methods. Furthermore, in another embodiment, a series of cap-and-trade policies are implemented at various stages to raise the necessary funds.

Following list is not exhaustive and there may be other industries that use crude oil as an input in their production processes. Furthermore, in another embodiment, a series of cap-and-trade policies are implemented at various stages to raise the necessary funds to tackle emissions from these industries.

  • Lubricant industry: The lubricant industry produces oils and greases that are used to reduce friction and wear between moving parts in engines, machinery, and other equipment.
  • Asphalt industry: The asphalt industry produces asphalt, which is used as a binder in road construction and maintenance.
  • Fertilizer industry: The fertilizer industry produces various types of fertilizers, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers, which are used to improve crop yields in agriculture.
  • Adhesive industry: The adhesive industry produces various types of adhesives, such as hot-melt adhesives, pressure-sensitive adhesives, and epoxy adhesives, which are used to bond materials together.
  • PVC industry: The PVC (polyvinyl chloride) industry produces PVC, which is a widely used synthetic plastic material that is used in various applications, such as pipes, window frames, flooring, and medical devices.

In one of the embodiments of the invention, a method to participate buyer as well as seller of automobile at the dealership in planting specific number of tree in their geographic region. In addition one method of enforcing afforestation measures by buyers as well as sellers of an automobile in a given region is given.

One of the embodiments includes a method to incentivize buyers and sellers of automobiles at dealerships to plant a specific number of trees in their geographic region. The system also allows for the tracking of sales at each dealership and allows for bidding on distributed ledger-based electronic exchanges by land owners, companies, and entrepreneurs supplying IoT devices. The network of trees and IoT devices attached to them can be used to configure a local area network and a city-wide 5G terrestrial internet communication network, and methods are provided for managing and selling bandwidth from this network. Additionally, financial instruments generated at the tree and IoT device level can be managed by a distributed ledger-based electronic exchange. Smart contracts resulting from the interconnected network of distributed ledger technology-based systems and IoT devices attached to the trees can be traded at public or private capital markets, or at cryptographic coin exchanges through an Initial Coin Offering. The passage also mentions the use of virtual currency (coins) offered by a distributed ledger technology-based blockchain to the general public or private companies, to be traded at various exchanges as assets or financial instruments.

An embodiment of a system that combines distributed ledger technology and internet of things devices to incentivize afforestation measures in a given region. The system allows for the tracking of sales at car dealerships in the region, which can be used as a basis for bidding in a distributed ledger-based electronic exchange by landowners, companies, and entrepreneurs supplying internet of things devices. The system also includes a network of trees with internet of things devices attached to them, as well as electrical systems to configure a local area network and citywide 5G terrestrial internet communication network.

The system allows for the operating, managing, and selling of bandwidth from the 5G terrestrial communication network. Additionally, the system includes methods for implementing application based on distributed ledger technology-based bandwidth at a regional level, as well as smart contracts resulting from an interconnected network of distributed ledger technology-based systems and internet of things devices attached to the trees.

The system also includes methods for transferring ownership of afforestation measures taken in a given region, as well as rules governing sets of parameters governing the afforestation stage, which can be exchanged with another value outside the geographic location as long as the state of the distributed ledger-based system is maintained. Finally, the system allows for the trading of virtual currency or coins generated by the distributed ledger-based blockchain at various exchanges, either publicly or privately.

The NEW INTERNET henceforth called is a network that is built on a digital distributed ledger system that is based on trees and adheres to local and international boundary rules. It provides a layer of distributed connection for various applications without intending to violate the rules of local and international financial management. For instance, a series of transactions taking place in region B of country A may lead to afforestation being shared by region C in country D.

One possible embodiment of the invention involves an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that can be utilized by suppliers or local entrepreneurs to create and develop new IoT devices and applications. This platform includes both hardware and software components, with a predefined networking protocol and an IoT hub that enables connection to the Distributed Ledger System. Another embodiment includes an IoT service that allows direct access and management of hubs and connected devices.

The IoT platform also features specifications and sensors that provide a wide range of information about the surroundings, such as the number and type of trees or saplings to which the devices are attached. This platform can provide unique IoT functionality to existing users, such as metered Wi-Fi internet connections using existing bandwidth.

Furthermore, one embodiment of the IoT devices involves powering them with electrical signals from solar cells, with the number and configuration of cells supplying electricity to one or multiple devices in an IoT hub based on the number of trees in the cluster. Another embodiment involves powering the IoT devices intrinsically with built-in battery power modules that generate sufficient power to last the device's lifespan or in combination with any other power source, such as utility or solar.

Green Blockchain provides a transparent and decentralized "I- Owe-Tree" Spirit marketplace that allows for the offsetting of car sales or gallon refined with afforestation. The marketplace will be open to all countries and entities that are looking to reduce carbon emissions in 4-5 years. In addition, Green Blockchain will allow for the development of terrestrial 5G network, land banks, supply demand and local silicon fabs that can be registered on the blockchain exchange.

Existing repository

User Flow


Information Flow between Services

Paste relevant images or screenshots here

Contributor License Agreement



...and define project leads for the "collaboration" project. These folks should have write access and be able to triage/assign issues.

Organize Discord to Better Engage Community

Desired outcome
Discord is an opportunity for our community to connect and discuss informally. At time of this writing, it has ~6k members. We desire a clear path for folks to know how to get involved, where discussions should take place, and a low barrier to getting them to productive ends.

Current Gaps
The existing Discord setup has grown to many channels and lacks clear guidance about where to go and what types of wins we can give them. There's a clear opportunity here to:

  • Slim the channels around discussions and actions that may be helpful to consumers and contributors to our tech
  • Ensure the descriptions set scope of the channel
  • Inspect pinned messages for relevance
  • Set content moderation standards and norms with TBD team and community (security issues handled separately)
  • Set up schedule to routinely revisit Discord structure as noted in bullets above, and keep fresh

Implementation Suggestions (optional)
To be proposed in Forum post and coordinated with TBD Open Source Engineering and the broader community

Forum Discussion (optional)

Discord Discussion (optional)

[PROPOSAL] Stand up Community Wiki

Desired outcome
Comprehensive knowledge base for TBD projects and technolgies. Easily editable and grown in tandem with the community. Low barrier to docs contribution. More details around this in the linked forum proposal by ag4536 below.

Current Gaps
Documentation right now lives on, which is maintained by TBD employees. Opening this up for forms of documentation that can be surfaced on the site likely has benefit for evergreen, more "official" docs like tutorials or learning modules. Still there's the opportunity to really lower the bar for contribution in a Wiki-like platform which lets folks from the community contribute in a lighter manner.

Implementation Suggestions (optional)

  • Integrated with
  • Consider: user account unification? Forums, Discord, Wiki, etc - too much? Is there a TBD account that can bring things together?
  • Wiki platform analysis to be done as part of this work

Forum Discussion (optional)

Dev Runtime & Arch WG

Set up a working group to enable consistency, standards, best practices, and get us on the same page around our runtime, deployment, architecture.

Activity Feed in Discord

Activity Feed in Discord

Desired outcome
A channel where automated updates are pushed from activity, showing what's going on in real-time. To start, enable for code changes/discussions/PRs/commits/etc from TBD54566975 repos.

Current Gaps
We don't have any real-time activity feeds right now.

Implementation Suggestions (optional)

  • This guide seems like a good starting point.
  • Channel name: #activity?
  • Start with a Private channel and run config changes by the TBD GitHub Admins group, because we'll be adding an org-wide webhook to the config. I don't see a security issue here; it's all public info we'd be broadcasting to Discord.

Discord Discussion (optional)
Stemmed from an discussion w/ @michaelneale thought was one we could easily hook up and give a shot.

Error in the about section

"Collaboration" - a word we made up which combines "Collaboration" and "Innovation".

This wasn't intended, right?

[PROPOSAL] - Add Awesome list or other "Featured Web5 Projects" to Developer Site

Desired outcome
Feature and promote Web5 applications and Platform support from external contributors

Current Gaps
We don't show these now.

Implementation Suggestions (optional)

  • Page on the Developer Site
  • Awesome List
  • Some combination of the 2, or tooling that makes it easy for contributors to propose a new effort to feature, and our tooling publishes it

Scope Internal Git Repository Mirroring

Backing up the Git repository ensures the preservation of the entire project's history, safeguarding against data loss from unforeseen disasters, human errors, or malicious attacks. Additionally, having backup copies guarantees that development can continue seamlessly even if the primary repository becomes compromised or corrupted. In essence, regular backups provide an essential safety net for the codebase and the collective work of contributors.

We must back up not only the software repository but also metadata associated with the project; this includes GitHub-specific features like Issues, PRs, etc. That informs a choice of GitHub-based backups, stored on servers we control.

[PROPOSAL] - Your Idea Here

  1. Select Campaign
    The GitHub Issue labels prefixed campaign- denote which area you'd like to improve; please select one that matches closest, or note here what this is about!

  2. Describe Your Proposal

Desired outcome
We design around desired outcomes. What benefit to the TBD community to you expect to see if this proposal is fulfilled?

Current Gaps
We can always improve. What needs aren't being met which this proposal looks to address?

Implementation Suggestions (optional)
Are there strategies you've found useful to employ? Ideas for us to vet first? Sometimes a more comprehensive analysis is helpful, and you can link to a Forum discussion on this below.

Forum Discussion (optional)
Some proposals benefit from community discussion before work digs in. If so, link that thread here!

Discord Discussion (optional)
Maybe your idea stemmed from a discussion on Discord - if so, link here!

[PROPOSAL] - Regular Comms on TBD Ecosystem Development & News

Desired outcome
A regular, published series on what's new and evolving in the TBD ecosystem. Ideally leads to increased visibility into our efforts, heightened awareness, project usage, and contribution.

Current Gaps
We're not currently posting news on a timeboxed schedule, and community responds to consistent messaging through predictable cadence and comms channels.

Implementation Suggestions (optional)
To be raised in Forum post and coordinated with Developer Relations, Open Source Engineering, and the community.

Forum Discussion (optional)

Discord Discussion (optional)

Look into Discord x Slack integration

Look into Discord x Slack integration to make it easier for Discord notifications to surface in a centralized channel on Slack, something like tbd-discord-notifications


As collaboration isn't a software project, let's make this about collaboration ideals and norms.

A rough first take for Milestone 1 will do. I've slated further topics for discussion in the F2F @ Miami.



Tell us about you, your organization, and your mission!



Let's hear about your project; please describe your idea and its value to the TBD ecosystem.

More stuff

Existing repository


User Flow


Information Flow between Services

Paste relevant images or screenshots here

Contributor License Agreement


Publish goals for Phase 2

Make this part of roadmap for the project and publish on GitHub. Similar stuff done by Programs weekly scoping and retros in the collaboration repo.

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    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.