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tars's Introduction

TARS - A Linux Foundation Project

What is TARS?

TARS is a Linux Foundation project. It is a high-performance RPC framework based on name service and Tars protocol, also integrated administration platform, and implemented hosting-service via flexible schedule.

Tars, aka TAF(Total Application Framework), has been used in Tencent since 2008. It supports C++, Java, Nodejs and PHP for now. This framework offers a set of solution for development, maintenance and testing, which making development, deployment and testing service efficiently. It integrated extensible protocol for encoding/decoding, high-performance RPC communication framework, name service, monitor, statistics and configuration. You can use it to develop your reliable distributed application based on microservice fast, and reach fully efficient service management.

Nowadays it's used by hundreds of bussiness in Tencent, services that developed base on TAF run on 16 thousands of machines.

See the detailed introduction

Supported platforms

For now it supports OS as below:

  • Linux
  • Mac(>=2.1.0 support)
  • Windows (>= Windows 7)

Supported languages

For now it supports following languages:

  • C++
  • Java
  • Nodejs
  • PHP
  • Go

Version Management

Tars is composed of many modules, scattered in many warehouses, and the basic framework version and language version can develop independently. In view of this, from version 2.1.0, the Framework version tag is printed on the tarsframework warehouse, no longer reflected in the tars warehouse

In addition, each component will have its own version. When there is a version dependency specification, each component will have its own version


  1. If you are new to Tars, please read documentation installation.
  2. First deploy, please read documentation source.
  3. Install by docker, detail information: docker


Directory Features
framework Source code implementation of C++ language framework basic service
cpp C++ language framework rpc source code implementation
java java language framework rpc source code implementation
go go language framework rpc source code implementation
nodejs nodejs language framework rpc source code implementation
php php language framework rpc source code implementation
tup source code implementation of tup group protocol in each language
web manage tars web source implementation

Developer's documentation

See docs.


The open-source protocol Tars used is BSD-3-Clause, see

Chinese Version

Read Chinese Version

tars's People


bartdong avatar bobzhangyong avatar change93 avatar copyrenzhe avatar dpp2009 avatar etzhangsx avatar fr1ck avatar franklee0817 avatar helloopenworld avatar jerrylucky avatar katharineozil avatar lanffy avatar lawlietlee avatar lawlietli avatar loveyacper avatar marklightning avatar medns avatar meijing0114 avatar meiping avatar qiuxin avatar ruanshudong avatar sandyskies avatar souldancer avatar spacebody avatar sy-records avatar tarscloudbot avatar tokisakikurumi avatar wjx82850707 avatar yuansx avatar zerolocusta avatar


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tars's Issues

脚本及Java 有关datatime 字段默认值兼容性问题

t_server_conf表 patch_time、posttime字段的默认值为:'0000-00-00 00:00:00',
同时com.qq.tars.entity.ServerConf Java类里面的patchTime和posttime字段默认值也为'0000-00-00 00:00:00'

建议将这两个datatime类型脚本及Java 类的默认值修改成:'1000-01-01 00:00:00',这样针对5.7版本MySQL默认值就不需要做任何自定义调整,同时兼容5.6、5.7,更具备通用性


HelloPrx prx;
comm.stringToProxy("TestApp.HelloServer.HelloObj@tcp -h -p 20001" , prx);



public interface TestServant {
public String request(String requestXml);

public class TestServantImpl implements TestServant {

private ServiceUtils serviceUtils;

private String test;
public String request(String requestXml) {
	if (serviceUtils == null) {
		return "serviceUtils is null";
	} else {
		try {
			return serviceUtils.doInvoke(requestXml);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return "exception";

public ServiceUtils getServiceUtils() {
	return serviceUtils;

public void setServiceUtils(ServiceUtils serviceUtils) {
	this.serviceUtils = serviceUtils;

public void init() {
	System.out.println("---------init servant----------");
		System.out.println("---------serviceUtils is null----------");
		System.out.println("---------serviceUtils is not null----------");

public String getTest() {
	return test;

public void setTest(String test) {
	this.test = test;


<bean name="serviceUtils" class="">
	<property name="genericService" ref="genericService"></property>
<bean name="testServantImpl" class="com.server.test.impl.TestServantImpl"  init-method="init">
	<property name="serviceUtils" ref="serviceUtils"></property>
	<property name="test" value="dddd"></property>

下面是spring初始化时的部分日志,这里说明spring已经实例化了serviceUtils,但接口调用的时候serviceUtils 就为空了:
[LOG] [SYSTEM] [目录[commonConf]无可用的commonParam配置文件]
---------init servant----------
---------serviceUtils is not null----------
四月 17, 2017 4:37:30 下午 org.apache.catalina.util.SessionIdGeneratorBase createSecureRandom

INFO tars-log | set tars-log default level=INFO
INFO tars-log | try to set tars-log.root from java system property (server.root)
INFO tars-log | set tars-log defaultRoot=\log
serviceUtils is null



  1. RegistryServer本身是无状态的吗,还是多个RegistryServer形成集群会通过paxos协议自动确定主从?
  2. 浏览代码看到其一些数据是存在DB中的,那么RegistryServer是否依赖DB集群实现读写的高可用(client会读RegistryServer、节点server会写RegistryServer)?
  3. 是否每一次client调用都会先去读RegistryServer获取可用ip列表,如果是的话RegistryServer服务的压力应该很大,直接读DB的压力如何缓解?


数据库库MYSQL5.7.13patch_time插入非法值导致的”0000:00:00 00:00:00”,请问要改JAVA哪里的代码?

{"attached":{"uri":"/pages/server/api/deploy_server","url":"","method":"POST","referer":""},"ret_code":500,"sub_code":"","err_msg":"\n### Error updating database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0000:00:00 00:00:00' for column 'patch_time' at row 1\n### The error may involve defaultParameterMap\n### The error occurred while setting parameters\n### SQL: INSERT INTO db_tars.t_server_conf ( application, server_name, node_group, node_name, base_path, exe_path, template_name, bak_flag, setting_state, present_state, process_id, patch_version, patch_time, patch_user, tars_version, posttime, lastuser, server_type, start_script_path, stop_script_path, monitor_script_path, enable_group, enable_set, set_name, set_area, set_group, ip_group_name, profile, config_center_port, async_thread_num, server_important_type, remote_log_reserve_time, remote_log_compress_time, remote_log_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )\n### Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0000:00:00 00:00:00' for column 'patch_time' at row 1\n; SQL []; Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0000:00:00 00:00:00' for column 'patch_time' at row 1; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0000:00:00 00:00:00' for column 'patch_time' at row 1"}

Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for qq-cloud-central:tars-maven-plugin:1.0.1

跟着教程走的到 mvn tars:tars2java 的时候出现这个错,无法继续,google 了一下,也没找到 qq-cloud-central:tars-maven-plugin 这个依赖,我感觉这个是不是腾讯云内部的 repository 里才有的,可否发布到 方便外部使用?

Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for qq-cloud-central:tars-maven-plugin:1.0.1: Plugin qq-cloud-central:tars-maven-plugin:1.0.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failure to find qq-cloud-central:tars-maven-plugin:jar:1.0.1


issues from QQ群579079160 友缘



issue from 友缘@qq

comm.setProperty("stat", "tars.tarsstat.StatObj");
StatReport * pReport = comm.getStatReport();
if (pReport)
statPrx = pReport->getStatPrx();

               std::vector<tars::StatSampleMsg> vecMsg;
                tars::StatSampleMsg msg;
                msg.interfaceName = "test_stat";
                iRet = statPrx->reportSampleMsg(vecMsg);
                cout << "stat|iRet[" << i << "]:" << iRet << endl;



据我所知, Tars在腾讯内部使用叫taf. 开源出来是出于各种原因的考虑.

那么现在问题来了, 如何做到tars的快速迭代新功能.

  • 有些issue, 可能已经在内部系统里解决了, 或都实现方式不一样.
  • 新功能社区发现了, 而内部系统未发现
  • 是否可参考众多开源软件, 内部是基于开源的tars. (如docker 分离出mobi)


/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist
2017-07-24 04:24:32 12342 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.


issues from QQ群579079160 生生

  comm.stringToProxy("TestApp.HelloServer.HelloObj@tcp -h 

   -p 20001" , prx);


What's the differences between Tars and MSEC?

Tencent MSEC:

It is a backend DEV &OPS engine, including RPC,name finding,load balance,monitoring,release and capacity management.

Tencent Tars:

Tars is a highly performance rpc framework based on naming service using tars protocol and provides a semi-automatic operation platform.

As I understand, the functionalities of Tars seem to be a subset of MSEC. Have I understood correctly?


我按照安装文档Install.md进行安装配置到4.1节时,在/cpp/build/目录下执行make framework-tar报错,报错信息是make: *** No rule to make target `framework-tar'. Stop.求指教是什么问题?小白求教

tarsquerystat and tarsqueryproperty can not start

when start the tarsquery* service , it report to me the error:

exit: [TARS]ServantHelperManager::addServant tars.tarsquerystat.NoTarsObj not find adapter.(maybe not conf in the web)

i try to find some problem, and check every config. but got nothing. i follow the doc to install doc.


出现:服务发布失败:tars.tarsregistry.QueryObj|connect failed to


TC_HttpRequest stHttpReq;
TC_HttpResponse stHttpRep;
int iRet = stHttpReq.doRequest(stHttpRep, 3000);
if(iRet != 0)
cout << iRet << endl;

string r = stHttpRep.encode();
cout << r << endl;
cout << "***********************************" << endl;

TC_File::save2file("tmp.html", stHttpRep.getContent());
cout << "***********************************" << endl;
cout << stHttpRep.getContent().length() << endl;

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: close
Content-Length: 275
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 11:09:34 GMT
Server: cloudflare-nginx

<title>400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port</title>

400 Bad Request

The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

web-运维管理-部署服务-部署申请 有bug


Error updating database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0000:00:00 00:00:00' for column 'patch_time' at row 1

The error may involve defaultParameterMap

The error occurred while setting parameters

SQL: INSERT INTO db_tars.t_server_conf ( application, server_name, node_group, node_name, base_path, exe_path, template_name, bak_flag, setting_state, present_state, process_id, patch_version, patch_time, patch_user, tars_version, posttime, lastuser, server_type, start_script_path, stop_script_path, monitor_script_path, enable_group, enable_set, set_name, set_area, set_group, ip_group_name, profile, config_center_port, async_thread_num, server_important_type, remote_log_reserve_time, remote_log_compress_time, remote_log_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0000:00:00 00:00:00' for column 'patch_time' at row 1








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