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tableau's Introduction


Modern Configuration Converter

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A modern configuration converter based on Protobuf (proto3).


  • Convert Excel/CSV/XML/YAML to JSON/Text/Bin.
  • Use Protobuf to define the structure of Excel/CSV/XML/YAML.
  • Use Golang to develop the conversion engine.
  • Support multiple programming languages, thanks to Protobuf (proto3).


  • Importer:
    • imports a Excel/CSV file to a in-memory book of Table sheets.
    • imports a XML/YAML file to a in-memory book of Document sheets.
  • Parsers:
    • protogen: converts Excel/CSV/XML/YAML files to Protoconf files.
    • confgen: converts Excel/CSV/XML/YAML with Protoconf files to JSON/Text/Bin files.
  • Exporter:
    • protogen: exports a tableau.Workbook to a proto file.
    • confgen: exports a protobuf message to a JSON/Text/Bin file.
  • Protoconf: a dialect of Protocol Buffers (proto3) extended with tableau options, aimed to define the structure of Excel/CSV/XML/YAML.


See official document: Design.




Goto Protocol Buffers v21.12, choose and download the correct platform of protoc, then install by README.


Install: go install[email protected]

tableau's People


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tableau's Issues

protogen: propose `union` type definition in a sheet

NOTE: this feature need issue #16 to be resolved ahead.

Define a message to parse this sheet in metabook.proto:

// UnionDescriptor represents union type definition in sheet.
message UnionDescriptor {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {
    namerow: 1
    datarow: 2

  repeated Value values = 1 [(tableau.field) = { layout: LAYOUT_VERTICAL }];
  message Value {
    optional int32 number = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Number" optional: true }];
    // This is message type name, and the corresponding enum value name
    // is generated as: "TYPE_" + strcase.ToScreamingSnake(name).
    string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Name" }];
    string alias = 3 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Alias" }];
    repeated string fields = 4 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Field" layout: LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL }];

A sheet named Foo (also the message type name) in workbook:

Name Alias Field1 Field2 Field3
PvpBattle PVP BattleId
PveBattle PVE Highlight
{int32 BattleId, int32 BossId, int64 Damage}Highlight
map<int32, int64>

See option Mode in issue #31,, metasheet @TABLEAU in workbook:

Sheet Mode


  • support incell struct field can be defined as enum type.
  • use predefined enum type in union type definition: 3-pass conversion

ecode: add `xerrors.Is` API to check ecode in error

  1. Implement custom xerrors package with advanced features, based on source code from
  2. Add APIs to xerrors/error.go :
// Is reports whether any error in err's tree matches code.
func Is(err error, code tableaupb.Code) bool {
	return Code(err) == code
// Code returns the top-level code wrapped in error in err's tree.
func Code(err error) tableaupb.Code {
	if err == nil {
		return tableaupb.Code_SUCCESS
	for err != nil {
		cause, ok := err.(xcauser)
		if !ok {
		if w, ok := err.(*withCode); ok {
			return w.Code()
		err = cause.Cause()
	return tableaupb.Code_ERR_UNKNOWN

Customizing error tests with Is and As methods

See The Go Blog: Working with Errors in Go 1.13

The errors.Is function examines each error in a chain for a match with a target value. By default, an error matches the target if the two are equal. In addition, an error in the chain may declare that it matches a target by implementing an Is method.

As an example, consider this error inspired by the Upspin error package which compares an error against a template, considering only fields which are non-zero in the template:

type Error struct {
    Path string
    User string

func (e *Error) Is(target error) bool {
    t, ok := target.(*Error)
    if !ok {
        return false
    return (e.Path == t.Path || t.Path == "") &&
           (e.User == t.User || t.User == "")

if errors.Is(err, &Error{User: "someuser"}) {
    // err's User field is "someuser".

The errors.As function similarly consults an As method when present.


XML: improve importer based on Document sheet


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Item Sheet="LiteConf" />
    <Item Sheet="LoaderConf" />
    <RulerLite CacheExpire="duration" MaxBatchNum="int32" />
    <GuildLite CacheExpire="duration" MaxBatchNum="int32" />
    <Server Name="map<string, Server>">
        <Conf Name="map<string, Conf>"/>
    <RulerLite CacheExpire="2h" MaxBatchNum="50" />
    <GuildLite CacheExpire="2h" MaxBatchNum="50" />
    <Server Name="gamesvr">
        <Conf Name="ItemConf" />
        <Conf Name="DropConf" />
    <Server Name="mailsvr">
        <Conf Name="ItemConf" />
        <Conf Name="NoticeConf" />

union: support horizontal/vertical union list

Predefined in proto

A union type should be predefined:

// Predefined union type.
message Target {
  option (tableau.union) = true;

  Type type = 9999 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Type" }];
  oneof value {
    option (tableau.oneof) = {
      field: "Field"
    Pvp pvp = 1;      // Bound to enum value 1: TYPE_PVP.
    Pve pve = 2;      // Bound to enum value 2: TYPE_PVP.
    Story story = 3;  // Bound to enum value 3: TYPE_STORY.
    Skill skill = 4;  // Bound to enum value 4: TYPE_SKILL.

  enum Type {
    TYPE_NIL = 0;
    TYPE_PVP = 1 [(tableau.evalue) = { name: "PVP" }];
    TYPE_PVE = 2 [(tableau.evalue) = { name: "PVE" }];
    TYPE_STORY = 3 [(tableau.evalue) = { name: "Story" }];
    TYPE_SKILL = 4 [(tableau.evalue) = { name: "Skill" }];
  message Pvp {
    int32 type = 1;                          // scalar
    int64 damage = 2;                        // scalar
    repeated protoconf.FruitType types = 3;  // incell enum list
  message Pve {
    Mission mission = 1;             // incell struct
    repeated int32 heros = 2;        // incell list
    map<int32, int64> dungeons = 3;  // incell map

    message Mission {
      int32 id = 1;
      uint32 level = 2;
      int64 damage = 3;
  message Story {
    protoconf.Item cost = 1;                     // incell predefined struct
    map<int32, protoconf.FruitType> fruits = 2;  // incell map with value as enum type
    map<int32, Flavor> flavors = 3;              // incell map with key as enum type
    message Flavor {
      protoconf.FruitFlavor key = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Key" }];
      int32 value = 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Value" }];
  message Skill {
    int32 id = 1;      // scalar
    int64 damage = 2;  // scalar
    // no field tag 3

Horizontal union list

ID Target1Type Target1Field1 Target1Field2 Target1Field3 Target2Type Target2Field1 Target2Field2 Target2Field3
map<int32, Task> [.Target]enum<.Target.Type> union union union enum<.Target.Type> union union union
ID Target1's type Target1's value field1 Target1's value field2 Target1's value field3 Target2's type Target2's value field1 Target2's value field2 Target2's value field3
1 PVP 1 10 100 PVE 1,100,999 1,2,3 1:10,2:20,3:30
2 PVE 1,100,999 1,2,3 1:10,2:20,3:30 PVP 1 10 100


  • support union custom variable name

confgen(merger/scatter): auto find the primary workbook if only input a secondary workbook


If only input a secondary workbook path (without metasheet @TABLEAU), tableauc will not generate conf.


tableauc should auto find the primary workbook path if only input a secondary workbook path , and generate conf.


  1. Scan all worksheet.merger and worksheet.scatter in the source proto files (which are already generated ahead), and build merger reverse index: primary/secondary workbook name -> primary workbook name.
  2. Based on merger reverse index, find corresponding primary workbook of each inputed workbook.
  3. Process the primary workbook.

bug: horizonal list of scalar type doesn't support refer check

I add refer check to a horizonal list of uint32

But this doesn't work, the generated message is as follows (no refer prop generated):

message RuneSuitRecommendConf {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {name:"Sheet1" namerow:1 typerow:2 noterow:3 datarow:5 nameline:1 typeline:2};

  map<uint32, Suit> suit_map = 1 [(tableau.field) = {key:"SuitID" layout:LAYOUT_VERTICAL}];
  message Suit {
    uint32 suit_id = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"SuitID"}];
    repeated uint32 red_rune_list = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"RedRune" layout:LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL prop:{fixed:true}}];
    repeated uint32 blue_rune_list = 3 [(tableau.field) = {name:"BlueRune" layout:LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL prop:{fixed:true}}];
    repeated uint32 green_rune_list = 4 [(tableau.field) = {name:"GreenRune" layout:LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL prop:{fixed:true}}];

confgen: export deterministic JSON/Text/Bin


Protobuf map type is a hashmap, so elements are not ordered and non-deterministic.

  • encoding/protojson#Marshal
    Marshal writes the given proto.Message in JSON format using default options. Do not depend on the output being stable. It may change over time across different versions of the program.
  • encoding/prototext#Marshal
    Marshal writes the given proto.Message in textproto format using default options. Do not depend on the output being stable. It may change over time across different versions of the program.
  • encoding/protowire#Marshal

Related issues


  • JSON: to gain some degree of output stability, we recommend running the output through a JSON formatter.
  • Text: To obtain some degree of stability, we recommend passing the output of prototext through the txtpbfmt program. The formatter can be directly invoked in Go using parser.Format.
  • Bin: set marshal option Deterministic as true. See MarshalOptions.

confgen: improve perf stats

Calculate the real consuming time (without locking and waiting time) for parsing each sheet.


  • field prop refer: lock and wait

protogen: propose `enum` type definition in a sheet

NOTE: this feature is related to issue #16.

Define a message to parse this sheet in metabook.proto:

// EnumDescriptor represents enum type definition in sheet.
message EnumDescriptor {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {
    namerow: 1
    datarow: 2

  repeated Value values = 1 [(tableau.field) = { layout: LAYOUT_VERTICAL }];
  message Value {
    optional int32 number = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Number" optional: true }];
    string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Name" }];
    string alias = 3 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Alias" }];

A sheet named ItemType (also the enum type name) in workbook:

Name Alias

Or with Number column which specify enum value explicitly:

Number Name Alias

See option Mode in issue #31, Metasheet @TABLEAU in workbook:

Sheet Mode


// Generated from sheet: ItemType.
enum ItemType {
  ITEM_TYPE_DIAMOND = 1 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Diamond"];
  ITEM_TYPE_EQUIP = 2 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Equip"];
  ITEM_TYPE_BOX = 3 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Box"];



  • extraction: search dirs recursively and extract all workbooks with metatsheet @TABLEAU, and cache them in memory.
  • preprocessor: support inside and cross file references, if metasheet's Mode option is MODE_ENUM_TYPE, then convert this enum type to xproto.TypeInfo for later use.

union(protogen): reuse same field type for different fields

The concept is like Custom named struct.

Syntax: just after struct type name, use parentheses () to specify struct variable name: VariableType(VariableName).


Name Alias Field1 Field2 Field3
Battle(PvpBattle) PVP BattleId
Battle(PveBattle) PVE BattleId
message ActivityTarget {
  option (tableau.union) = true;

  Type type = 9999 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Type" }];
  oneof value {
    option (tableau.oneof) = {field: "Field"};

    Battle pvp_battle = 1; // Bound to enum value: TYPE_PVP_BATTLE.
    Battle pve_battle = 2; // Bound to enum value: TYPE_PVE_BATTLE.
  enum Type {
    TYPE_PVP_BATTLE = 1 [(tableau.evalue).name = "PVP"];
    TYPE_PVE_BATTLE = 2 [(tableau.evalue).name = "PVE"];
  message Battle {
    // ...

feat: add support to generate UE DataTable: `ue-csv` and `ue-json`



Extend Metasheet in proto/tableau/protobuf/metabook.proto:

message Metasheet {
  Mode mode = 17 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Mode" optional: true }];

enum Mode {
  MODE_DEFAULT = 0; // Default mode.
  // UE DataTable references:
  //  -
  //  -
  MODE_UE_CSV = 1; // CSV format of UE DataTable.
  MODE_UE_JSON= 2; // JSON format of UE DataTable.
  MODE_ENUM_TYPE = 3; // Enum type definition in sheet.
  MODE_UNION_TYPE = 4; // Union type definition in sheet.

For example, metasheet @TABLEAU in workbook:

Sheet Mode

feat: support predefined-incell-struct



Predefined struct:

message Property {
  int32 id = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"ID"}];
  string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Name"}];
  string desc = 3 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Desc"}];


ID Prop
map<uint32, Item> {.Property}
Item’s ID Item’s property.
1 1,Orange,A good fruit.
2 2,Apple
3 3


message ItemConf {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {name:"PredefinedInCellStruct" namerow:1 typerow:2 noterow:3 datarow:4};

  map<uint32, Item> item_map = 1 [(tableau.field) = {key:"ID" layout:LAYOUT_VERTICAL}];
  message Item {
    uint32 id = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"ID"}];
    protoconf.Property prop = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Prop" span:SPAN_INNER_CELL}];

protoconf: add new type: `union`


In protoconf, union type means the tagged union: a data structure used to hold a value that could take on several different, but fixed, types. Only one of the types can be in use at any one time, and a tag field explicitly indicates which one is in use. More details can be learned from

Tagged union in different programming languages:


In protobuf, use message to bundle enum and oneof together to implement tagged union. By default, each enum value (>0) is bound to a field with the same tag number of oneof type.

Extend MessageOptions in proto/tableau/protobuf/tableau.proto:

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions{
  UnionOptions union= 50001;

message UnionOptions {
  string type = 1;   // Tagged field: auto bound to enum type field in message.
  string value = 2;  // Union value: auto bound to oneof type field in message.

extend google.protobuf.OneofOptions {
  optional OneofOptions oneof = 50000;

message OneofOptions {
  string name = 1; // Alias.

Predefined in proto

A union type should be predefined:

message Foo {
  option (tableau.union) = true;
  Type type = 9999 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Type" }];
  oneof value {
    option (tableau.oneof) = {field: "Field"};
    Pvp pvp = 1; // struct type bound to enum Type value: TYPE_PVP as their tag id are same to 1.
    Pve pve= 2; // struct type bound to enum Type value: TYPE_PVP as their tag ids are same to 2.

  enum Type {
    TYPE_NIL = 0;
    TYPE_PVP = 1 [(tableau.evalue) = {name:"PVP"}];
    TYPE_PVE = 2 [(tableau.evalue) = {name:"PVE"}];
  message Pvp {
    int32 battle_id = 1;
    uint32 kills = 2;
    int64 damage = 3;
  message Pve {
    Highlight highlight= 1; // incell struct
    repeated int32 heros = 2; // incell list
    map<int32, int64> dungeons = 3; // incell map
    message Highlight {
      int32 battle_id = 1;
      int32 boss_id = 2;
      int64 damage = 3;

Then worksheet configured as:

FooType FooField1 FooField2 FooField3
map<enum<.Foo.Type>, .Foo> union union union
Foo's type Foo's value field1 Foo's value field2 Foo's value field3
TYPE_PVP 1 10 100
TYPE_PVE 1,100,999 1,2,3 1:10,2:20,3:30
ID FooType FooField1 FooField2 FooField3
map<int32, Task> {.Foo}enum<.Foo.Type> union union union
ID Foo's type Foo's value field1 Foo's value field2 Foo's value field3
1 PVP 1 10 100
2 PVE 1,100,999 1,2,3 1:10,2:20,3:30

confgen: check field value limit by field type

case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sfixed32Kind:
if value == "" {
return DefaultInt32Value, false, nil
// val, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 32)
// Keep compatibility with excel number format.
// maybe:
// - decimal fraction: 1.0
// - scientific notation: 1.0000001e7
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
return pref.ValueOfInt32(int32(val)), true, xerrors.E2012("int32", value, err)

TODO: check value limit before type conversion.

confgen: check the column name is unique


ID ID Desc
Map<uint32, Chapter> uin32 string
Chapter's ID Section's ID Section's desc
1 11 desc1
2 21 desc2
3 32 desc3

An error should be reported if more than two column names are same.

XML: duplicated field from last node

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Item Sheet="ProcConf" Template="true"/>

    <World ID="uint32" Platform="[]<string>" />
    <Tconnd Addr="[]<string>" />
    <UDP Port="int32" />
        <Msg QueueType="[Msg]int32" CatType="int32" Open="bool" BufferedLen="int32" OutputPlayerLog="bool" OutputMain="bool" UseRealTime="bool">

    <World ID="1" Platform="AQQ,IQQ,AWX,IWX" />    
    <Tconnd Addr="" />
    <UDP Port="12869" />
            <!-- 0 按文件大小偏移, 1按小时偏移, 2按天偏移-->
        <!--QueueType  管道类型:0:主线程Ctrl, 1:Cfg线程,2:Handle -->
        <!--CatType    日志类型:0:主日志,   2,Player日志, 3,Room日志, 4: pb日志 5:Error日志-->
        <!--BufferedLen   需要使用buff时配置此值-->
        <Msg QueueType="0" CatType="0" Open="1" BufferedLen="8196" OutputPlayerLog="0">
        <Msg QueueType="0" CatType="4" Open="1" BufferedLen="8196" OutputPlayerLog="0" >
        <Msg QueueType="0" CatType="5" Open="1" BufferedLen="8196" OutputPlayerLog="0" OutputMain="1" >
                <!-- 0 按文件大小偏移-->
        <Msg QueueType="1" CatType="0" Open="1" BufferedLen="0">
        <Msg QueueType="0" CatType="2" Open="1"  BufferedLen="0">
            <!--相对路径:相对于$Home/log/appname.进程号 -->
                <!--目录名称 不配默认在$Home/log/Appname.进程号/ 路径下-->

Generated json is like this:

    "meshTcpListenPort":  18182,
    "meshPolarisUdpName":  "Test-MeshUdp",
    "meshPolarisTcpName":  "Test-MeshTcp",
    "meshPloarisNamespace":  "Test",
    "serverIp":  "",
    "gidInitSeq":  9,
    "dnsServerIp":  "",
    "dnsUdpPort":  18083,
    "cmdHttpListenPort":  28081,
    "tcpPort":  0,
    "world":  {
        "id":  1,
        "platformList":  [
    "tconnd":  {
        "addrList":  [
    "udp":  {
        "port":  12869
    "log":  {
        "outputType":  0,
        "baseLogPath":  "/data/home/user00/log/gamesvr_1.0.13.1",
        "baseLogPriorityList":  [
        "baseLogFileCfg":  {
            "shiftType":  1,
            "maxFileSize":  102400000,
            "maxFileNum":  168
        "msgList":  [
                "queueType":  0,
                "catType":  0,
                "open":  true,
                "bufferedLen":  8196,
                "outputPlayerLog":  false,
                "outputMain":  false,
                "useRealTime":  false,
                "logPriorityList":  [],
                "name":  {
                    "path":  "",
                    "baseName":  "svr"
                "logFileCfg":  null,
                "whitelist":  null
                "queueType":  0,
                "catType":  4,
                "open":  true,
                "bufferedLen":  8196,
                "outputPlayerLog":  false,
                "outputMain":  false,
                "useRealTime":  false,
                "logPriorityList":  [],
                "name":  {
                    "path":  "pb",
                    "baseName":  "pb"
                "logFileCfg":  null,
                "whitelist":  null
                "queueType":  1,
                "catType":  0,
                "open":  true,
                "bufferedLen":  0,
                "outputPlayerLog":  false,
                "outputMain":  false,
                "useRealTime":  false,
                "logPriorityList":  [
                "name":  {
                    "path":  "cfg",
                    "baseName":  "cfg"
                "logFileCfg":  null,
                "whitelist":  null
                "queueType":  0,
                "catType":  2,
                "open":  true,
                "bufferedLen":  0,
                "outputPlayerLog":  false,
                "outputMain":  false,
                "useRealTime":  false,
                "logPriorityList":  [
                "name":  {
                    "path":  "player",
                    "baseName":  "player"
                "logFileCfg":  null,
                "whitelist":  {
                    "idList":  [
                "queueType":  0,
                "catType":  5,
                "open":  true,
                "bufferedLen":  8196,
                "outputPlayerLog":  false,
                "outputMain":  true,
                "useRealTime":  false,
                "logPriorityList":  [
                "name":  {
                    "path":  "",
                    "baseName":  "svr_err"
                "logFileCfg":  {
                    "shiftType":  0,
                    "maxFileSize":  102400000,
                    "maxFileNum":  168
                "whitelist":  {
                    "idList":  [

FieldProp: add `join` option to combine sub-struct to main struct

The join concept is borrowed from SQL join:

A JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them.

Sheet Chapter

ID Name SectionID SectionDesc
map<uint32, Chapter> string map<uint32, Section>|{join:"Section.ID"} string
Chapter’s ID Chapter’s name Section’s ID Section’s Desc
1 Chapter1 101 SectionDesc1
1 Chapter1 102 SectionDesc2
1 Chapter1 103 SectionDesc3
2 Chapter2 201 SectionDesc4
2 Chapter2 202 SectionDesc5

Sheet Section

ID Name
map<uint32, Section> string
Section’s ID Section’s Name
101 Name1
102 Name2
103 Name3
201 Name4
202 Name5

YAML: support yaml

Syntax v1


"@metasheet": "@TABLEAU"
  OrderedMap: true
"@metasheet": LiteConf
  "@type": Lite
  Expire: duration
  Count: int32
  "@type": Lite
Ids: "[]int32"
  "@type": "[]Hero"
    ID: uint32
    Name: string
"@metasheet": LoaderConf
  "@type": "map<string, Server>"
    Name: string
      "@type": "map<string, Conf>"
        Async: bool
        Limit: int32
"@sheet": LiteConf
  Expire: 2h
  Count: 50
  Expire: 2h
  Count: 50
Ids: [1, 2, 3]
  - ID: 1
    Name: fish
  - ID: 2
    Name: dog
"@sheet": LoaderConf
    Name: gamesvr
        Async: true
        Async: true
    Name: mailsvr
        Async: true
        Async: true

Generated proto

message LiteConf {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {name:"LiteConf"};

  Lite role_lite= 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"RoleLite"}];
  message Lite {
    google.protobuf.Duration expire = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Expire"}];
    int32 count = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Count"}];
  LiteInfo guild_lite= 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"GuildLite"}];
  repeated int32 ids = 3 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Ids"}];
  repeated Hero heros = 4 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Ids"}];
  message Hero {
    uint32 id = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"ID"}];
    string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Name"}];

message LoaderConf {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {name:"LoaderConf"};

  map<string, Server> servers = 1 [(tableau.field) = {key:"Key"}];
  message Server {
    string key = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Key"}];
    string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Name"}];
    map<string, Conf> confs= 3 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Confs" key:"Key"}];
      message Conf {
        string key = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Key"}];
        bool async= 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Async"}];

confgen: implment field property: `refer`

Format: "SheetName(SheetAlias).ColumnName". Ensure this field is in another sheet column's (aka message’s field) value space.
E.g. ItemConf.ID.


  • Reading referred sheet column from Excel directly.
  • Use sync.RWMutex to cache KV SheetName(SheetAlias).ColumnName -> ValueSet only once.
  • Cover metasheet merger option: merging multiple sheets mechanism.
  • Report ERROR when sheet name not found, give suggestion: add (alias).

feat: add support for incell-map with key/value as enum type

Incell-map with key/value as enum type

For example, enum type FruitType in common.proto is defined as:

enum FruitType {
  FRUIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Unknown"];
  FRUIT_TYPE_APPLE   = 1 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Apple"];
  FRUIT_TYPE_ORANGE  = 2 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Orange"];
  FRUIT_TYPE_BANANA  = 3 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Banana"];

enum FruitFlavor {
  FRUIT_FLAVOR_UNKNOWN = 0 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Unknown"];
  FRUIT_FLAVOR_FRAGRANT = 1 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Fragrant"];
  FRUIT_FLAVOR_SOUR = 2 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Sour"];
  FRUIT_FLAVOR_SWEET = 3 [(tableau.evalue).name = "Sweet"];

A worksheet ItemConf in HelloWorld.xlsx:

Fruit Flavor Item
map<enum<.FruitType>, int64> map<int64, enum<.FruitFlavor>> map<enum<.FruitType>, enum<.FruitFlavor>>
Fruits Flavors Items
Apple:1,Orange:2 1:Fragrant,2:Sweet Apple:Fragrant,Orange:Sour


// --snip--
import "common.proto";
option (tableau.workbook) = {name:"HelloWorld.xlsx"};

message ItemConf {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {name:"ItemConf" namerow:1 typerow:2 noterow:3 datarow:4};

  map<int32, Fruit> fruit_map = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Fruit" key:"Key" layout:LAYOUT_INCELL}];
  message Fruit {
    protoconf.FruitType key = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Key"}];
    int64 value = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Value"}];
  map<int64, protoconf.FruitFlavor> flavor_map = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Flavor" layout:LAYOUT_INCELL}];
  map<int32, Item> item_map = 3 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Item" key:"Key" layout:LAYOUT_INCELL}];
  message Item {
    protoconf.FruitType key = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Key"}];
    protoconf.FruitFlavor value = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Value"}];


Need to support the generated proto.

    "fruitMap": {
        "1": {
            "key": "FRUIT_TYPE_APPLE",
            "value": "1"
        "3": {
            "key": "FRUIT_TYPE_ORANGE",
            "value": "2"
    "flavorMap": {
        "2": "FRUIT_FLAVOR_SWEET"
    "itemMap": {
        "1": {
            "key": "FRUIT_TYPE_APPLE",
            "value": "FRUIT_FLAVOR_FRAGRANT"
        "3": {
            "key": "FRUIT_TYPE_ORANGE",
            "value": "FRUIT_FLAVOR_SOUR"

metabook: add API to return all workbooks’ descriptors

Note: if this workbook has no metasheet @TABLEAU, then auto scan and find the main workbook (with Merger configured).

Tableau Descriptor

add new file descriptor.proto:

message BookDescriptorSet {
  map<string, BookDescriptor> books = 1;
// Describes a workbook file.
message BookDescriptor {
  string name = 1;
  WorkbookOptions book = 2;
  map<string, SheetDescriptor> sheets= 3;
// Describes a worksheet message.
message SheetDescriptor {
  string name = 1;
  WorksheetOptions sheet = 2;

tableauc(confgen): add `Scatter` option to generate different named workbooks by same schema

Suppose there are many workbooks (each with same structure, and Zone1.xlsx is the main workbook):

  • Zone1.xlsx
  • Zone2.xlsx
  • Zone3.xlsx
  • ...

and main worbook's sheet ZoneConf is:

ID Name Difficulty
map<uint32, Zone> string int32
Zone’s ID Zone’s name Zone’s difficulty
1 Infinity 100
2 Desert 200
3 Snowfield 300

add Scatter option to metasheet, and main workbook's metasheet @tableau is:

Sheet Scatter
ZoneConf Zone*.xlsx
// --snip--
option (tableau.workbook) = {name:"Zone1.xlsx"};

message ZoneConf {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {name:"ZoneConf " namerow:1 typerow:2 noterow:3 datarow:4 scatter: "Zone*.xlsx"};

  map<uint32, Zone> item_map = 1 [(tableau.field) = {key:"ID" layout:LAYOUT_VERTICAL}];
  message Zone {
    uint32 id = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"ID"}];
    string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Name"}];
    int32 difficulty = 3 [(tableau.field) = {name:"Difficulty"}];

It is supposed to generate different configurations (name pattern is : <BookName>_<SheetName>):

  • Zone1_ZoneConf.json
  • Zone2_ZoneConf.json
  • Zone3_ZoneConf.json
  • ...

protogen: support explicit struct variable name definition

Design Goal

Used for identifying name prefix of continuous cells in namerow, when the
protogen can't auto-recognize the variable name.


RewardItemID RewardItemNum
{Item}int32 int32
Item's ID Item's num
1 100

In this example, protogen can not recognize the struct variable name and scalar variable name in sub-scope.

Syntax Rule

Just after the variable type, use parentheses () to explicitly annotate variable name: VariableType(VariableName).

Implicit struct variable name definition

The struct variable name is same as struct variable type.

ItemID ItemNum
{Item}int32 int32
Item's ID Item's num
1 100

Explicit struct variable name definition

The struct variable name is defined after struct variable type as: (VariableName).

Three practical cases are illustrated as below:

Case 1: the struct type name and variable name are not the same

RewardItemID RewardItemNum
{Item(RewardItem)}int32 int32
Reward's ID Reward's num
1 100

Case 2: the predefined struct variable type and variable name are not the same

Predefined Item as:

message Item {
  int32 id = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "ID" }];
  int32 num= 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Num" }];

Used as:

RewardItemID RewardItemNum
{.Item(RewardItem)}int32 int32
Reward's ID Reward's num
1 100

NOTE: in this case, protogen may detect the predefined Item's first field name ID, and
then recognize the struct variable name.

Case 3: reuse the struct type in the same scope

RewardItemID RewardItemNum CostItemID CostItemNum
{Item(RewardItem)}int32 int32 {Item(CostItem)}int32 int32
Reward's ID Reward's num Cost's ID Cost's num
1 100 2 200

refactor: add `Document` as middle layer for hierarchical file format parsing

refer Pandas: tabular data

type Sheet struct {
Name string
MaxRow int
MaxCol int
Rows [][]string // 2D array of strings.
Meta *tableaupb.Metasheet

Support two kinds of descriptors:

  • 2D array: XLSX/CSV -> Table
  • tree document: XML/YAML -> Document

Define Table and Document

type Sheet struct {
	Name string
	Meta *tableaupb.Metasheet

        Table Table // flat table
	Document *Node // tree document

// Table represents a 2D array table.
type Table struct {
	MaxRow int
	MaxCol int
	Rows   [][]string // 2D array

// Node represents an element in the tree document hierarchy.
// References:
//   -
//   -
type Node struct {
	Kind     Kind
	Name     string
	Value    string
	Children []*Node

	// Line and Column hold the node position in the file.
	Line   int
	Column int


analysis: generate sheet relation diagram about Merger/Scatter

message Diagram {
    map<string, Book> books = 1; // book name -> Book
    message Book {
        string alias = 1; // alias
        map<string, Sheet> sheets = 2; // sheet name -> Sheet
    message Sheet {
        string alias = 1; // alias
        Primary primary = 2;
    message Primary {
        string book_name = 1;
        string sheet_name = 2;
        RelationType relation_type = 3; 
    enum RelationType {

protogen: support workbook alias in metasheet @TABLEAU

Currently, each worksheet in a workbook can be specified an alias, but not the workbook name.

Here, we propose the special sign # in Sheet column of metasheet @TABLEAU to represent this wokbook self:

Sheet Alias
# WorkbookAlias
Sheet1 Sheet1Alias

confgen: cannot parse well-known datetime field of incell struct in union



  message GainFreeAward {
    google.protobuf.Duration start_time = 1 [(tableau.field) = {name:"StartTime"}];
    google.protobuf.Duration end_time = 2 [(tableau.field) = {name:"EndTime"}];
2023-05-18T15:24:40.888+0800|ERROR|tableauc/main.go:133|main.logError|generate conf file failed: |Reason: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "11:00:00": invalid syntax
	/data/home/user00/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/errgroup/errgroup.go:57
|PBFieldType: incell struct
|PBFieldType: incell struct
|SheetName: SectionConf|DataCellPos: F234|DataCell: 11:00:00|ColumnName: ActivityTargetField1|PBFieldType: union value field
|PBFieldName: activity_target|PBFieldOpts: name:"ActivityTarget"  sep:","  subsep:":"
|cross-cell struct list: failed to parse struct
|PBFieldName: section_list|PBFieldOpts: layout:LAYOUT_VERTICAL  sep:","  subsep:":"
|SheetName: SectionConf|DataCellPos: A234|DataCell: 10004301|ColumnName: ChapterId|PBFieldType: vertical map
|PBFieldName: chapter_map|PBFieldOpts: key:"ChapterId"  layout:LAYOUT_VERTICAL  sep:","  subsep:":"
|SheetName: SectionConf|PBMessage: SectionConf
|Module: confgen|BookName: conf/client/Common/DB/excel/Activity/Activity.xlsx
	Module: confgen
	BookName: conf/client/Common/DB/excel/Activity/Activity.xlsx
	SheetName: SectionConf
	DataCellPos: F234
	DataCell: 11:00:00
	PBMessage: SectionConf
	PBFieldName: activity_target
	PBFieldType: incell struct
	PBFieldOpts: name:"ActivityTarget"  sep:","  subsep:":"
	ColumnName: ActivityTargetField1
	Reason: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "11:00:00": invalid syntax

工作簿: conf/client/Common/DB/excel/Activity/Activity.xlsx
表单名: SectionConf
单元格位置: F234
单元格的值: 11:00:00
错误原因: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "11:00:00": invalid syntax

protogen: propose `struct` type definition in a sheet

NOTE: this feature is related to issue #16.

Define a message to parse this sheet in metabook.proto:

// StructDescriptor represents struct type definition in sheet.
message StructDescriptor {
  option (tableau.worksheet) = {
    namerow: 1
    datarow: 2

  repeated Field fields = 1 [(tableau.field) = { layout: LAYOUT_VERTICAL }];
  message Field {
    string name = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Name" }];
    string type = 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Type" }];

A sheet named Reward (also the enum type name) in workbook:

Name Type
ID uint32
Num int32
FruitType enum<.FruitType>
Feature []int32
Prop map<int32, string>
Detail {enum<.FruitType> Type, string Name, string Desc}Detail

See option Mode in issue #31, Metasheet @TABLEAU in workbook:

Sheet Mode


message Reward {
  uint32 id = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "ID" }];
  int32 num = 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Num" }];
  FruitType fruit_type = 3 [(tableau.field) = { name: "FruitType" }];
  repeated int32 feature_list = 4 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Features"span:SPAN_INNER_CELL}];
  map<int32, string> prop_map = 5 [(tableau.field) ={ name: "Props" span:SPAN_INNER_CELL}];
  Detail detail = 6 [(tableau.field) ={ name: "Detail" span:SPAN_INNER_CELL}];
  message Detail {
    protoconf.FruitType type = 1 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Type" }];
    string name = 2 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Name" }];
    string desc = 3 [(tableau.field) = { name: "Desc" }];


all: improve error message

Such as enum value name not defined: xxx -> value:%v not found in enum.XXX?

  • scan all original error and rewrite the error message to make concise.
  • use template to implement i18n error messages.

tableauc: release the smallest `tableauc` executable

1. go build

In Go, it isn't typical to have a debug version or a release version.

By default, go build combines symbol and debug info with binary files. However, you can remove the symbol and debug info with go build -ldflags "-s -w".

It's not typical to strip symbols--if you get a report of a panic out in the wild, for example, it'd be great to have the symbols there for an informative stacktrace.


2. the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables


feat: support advanced incell message


At some situations, we want to configure any complex message in one cell, which is called advanced incell message. And tableau (confgen) should support two kinds of protobuf serialized formats: text format, and JSON format.

Add new field prop mode to tableau.proto:

message FieldProp {
  // Specify cell's data form for parsing.
  Form form = 8;

enum Form {
  FORM_DEFAULT = 0;  // Default form which confgen parser defines.
  FORM_TEXT = 1;     // Refer:
  FORM_JSON = 2;     // Refer:


Predefined message Transform:

message Transform {
  Vector3 position = 1;
  Vector3 rotation = 2;
  Vector3 scale = 3;

message Vector3 {
  float x = 1;
  float y = 2;
  float z = 3;

1. message text format


Box's transform
position:{x:1 y:2 z:3} rotation:{x:4 y:5 z:6} scale:{x:7 y:8 z:9}

2. message JSON format


Box's transform
{"position":{"x":1, "y":2, "z":3}, "rotation":{"x":4, "y":5, "z":6}, "scale":{"x":7, "y":8, "z":9}}

confgen: auto deduce whether the map key is unique

By default, map key is not treated unique, in order to aggregate sub-field
(map or list) with cardinality. The map field key should be deduced to be
unique if nesting hierarchy is:

  • map nesting map or list with different layout (vertical or horizontal).
  • map nesting no map or list.
  • map layout is incell.

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