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swiftvalidator's Issues

pods tvOS support

[!] The platform of the target Pods (tvOS 9.0) is not compatible with SwiftValidator (3.0.1), which does not support tvos.

Swift 2.0

Hi, any current efforts on updating SwiftValidator to 2.0?

Getting Duplicate interface definition for class 'AppDelegate' AND Property has a previous declaration errors when adding swiftvalidator delegate method to my uiviewcontroller

im getting odd errors with one of the swiftvalidator delegate methods
i added swift validator to my podfile
podfile looks as follows

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'
pod 'SwiftValidator', '2.1.1'

i imported swiftvalidator to my LoginViewController (which is a subclass of UIViewController) by declaring import SwiftValidator

my class is declared as
class LoginViewController: UIViewController, UIAlertViewDelegate, UITextFieldDelegate, ValidationDelegate {

I initialised let validator = Validator() at the top level of the class

i added validator.registerField(emailField, errorLabel: emailErrorLabel, rules: [RequiredRule(), EmailRule()]) to viewdidload

i added skeleton of validationSuccessful delegate method as follows

func validationSuccessful() {
// submit the form
println("validation success")

but when i add other delegate method ie validationFailed as follows

func validationFailed(errors: [UITextField : ValidationError]){

i get the following build errors ...

Getting Duplicate interface definition for class 'AppDelegate' and
Property has a previous declaration
in the apps swift header file ie komunety-Swift.h

if i change the errors parameter in this delegate function ie to func validationFailed(errors: [UITextField : String] the error goes away ... ie it seems to be related to the ValidationError type itself

any ideas on how to fix

PhoneNumberRule not public


PhoneNumberRule Rule class is not public so is not possible to use it when installing the lib via Cocoapods, and I think the pod version needs to be updated as well.

Best regards!

Error: filename "AppDelegate.swift" used twice

Hi, I am trying to use the Swift Validator but I keep getting an error saying that the AppDelegate.swift is declared twice. What i did was I added the Validator folder and the Validator.xcodeproj to the top level of my application. I would imagine because the compiler sees two declarations of AppDelegate.swift in my project, the compiler cannot see the difference between the two files. As a result, I tried to only include the Validator.xcodeproj into my project and removed the Validator folder from my project but the 'Validator' class is not being recognized. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Float rule allows letters in input

If I create a float rule like this:

validator.registerField(textField, rules: [FloatRule()])

And then enter "sdfklnslfd", validation fails. But if I add "64565", so the resulting string in textfield is "sdfklnslfd64565" validation completes with success.

Optional Validation Parameters to be supported

Transition to setting values through the constructor instead of through Validation.validate(value:String)

Length(#minLength:Int, #maxLength:Int)

Looking for Collaborators

I have not been doing as much Swift and feel like I am neglecting this library. If you are interested in becoming a contributor please comment on this issue. Thanks!

Make validationSuccess() optional

Often only the errors are required, so you do not need validationSuccess() at all. But still, I am required to implement an empty function.

Support for other input fields

It can be common to put an "age gate" on a signup form. I'm currently using a switch element for this. It would be useful to be able to add a validation rule that checks switch.on == true. I'm going to check that in the validationSuccessful delegate method before I submit the form but that doesn't give me the ability to have the validationFailed delegate method handle the error case for me.

If I can find the time, I may try to do this myself and will send a pull request if I do but wanted to register this in case others have a similar need or the time to implement.

Thanks for sharing this framework!

Border Not Reverting After Successful Validation

I have a textbox with a minimum length rule of 2. When I add 1 character and validate I get a red border as expected. When I add another character and validate, the border does not revert to black.

Also, is it possible to use UITextViewDelegate to validate the textbox when a user moves to the next textbox? I have tried to use textFieldDidEndEditing and textFieldShouldEndEditing and calling validate(self), but to no avail - the textboxes do not revert their border style when the rule is met.

PhoneNumberValidator not public

Hello, I'm currently using this cool librairy but found something which seems strange to me.

There is a working PhoneNumber-Validator, but it's not usable rightnow because the class is not marked as public. I changed it locally, but maybe this should be fixed on your side, otherwhise the next release will overwrite my changes.


Add support to others ui components

Hi, here in my work, we started using this library, and then, we added support for some inputs beyond than just UITextField, like: UITextView, UISegmentedControl and UIStepper:

public var textFieldErrors:[UITextField:ValidationError] = [:]
public var textViewErrors:[UITextView:ValidationError] = [:]
public var segmentedControlErrors:[UISegmentedControl:ValidationError] = [:]
public var stepperErrors:[UIStepper:ValidationError] = [:]

public var textFieldValidations:[UITextField:ValidationRule] = [:]
public var textViewValidations:[UITextView:ValidationRule] = [:]
public var segmentedControlValidations:[UISegmentedControl:ValidationRule] = [:]
public var stepperValidations:[UIStepper:ValidationRule] = [:]

Now we are moving to iOS 9 and would like to get the latest SwiftValidator and merge what we have done so far.

My question is: a PR with these changes would be welcome?


No such module 'SwiftValidator'

I am using SwiftValidator for so long. Today suddenly Xcode is throwing build failed and showing error : "No such module 'SwiftValidator'"

I am using Xcode 6.4 (Swift 1.2). I installed Swift Validator using pod
pod 'SwiftValidator', '2.1.1'

Please help

Field without RequiredRule should not go through other rules

Let's take the case of an optional email address:

validator.registerField(emailTextField, rules: [EmailRule()]) // Note that there is no RequiredRule()

There should be no error when the email textfield is empty.

Maybe RequiredRule() should be treated as a special case where, if not in the list of rules, all other rules are skipped? Or maybe have an OptionalRule?

Use of unresolved identifier 'MinLengthRule'

For some reason other rules work, but this one doesn't.

validator.registerField(emailField, rules: [RequiredRule(), EmailRule()])
validator.registerField(passwordField, rules: [RequiredRule(), MinLengthRule(length: 6)])

Carthage Fix #66 still missing a tag

#66 and #56 are fixed in master, but Carthage does not see the fix, because last tag in master branch is 3.0.1 which does not include the fix

Can you add a new Tag that contains #66


Add ExactLength rule

I had to make a custom rule that combines MinLength and MaxLength, but I feel like it's a common case that should be supported by default.


Great library and tool.

Small issue inside MinLengthRule.swift:

func validate(value: String) -> Bool {
if countElements(value) <= DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH {
return false
return true

should be:

func validate(value: String) -> Bool {
if countElements(value) < DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH {
return false
return true

New Validator Design

  1. Run validator.validate()
  2. Run a method that might check any preconditions by calling validationWillRun() - #34
  3. Validate fields
    • Run Sanitizers - mentioned in #64
    • Validate each field
  4. Call validator.validationSuccessful() or validator.validationFailed() but make them optional - #44
  5. Run a method that checks any postconditions by calling validationDidRun()

Quick Question About Customization

Hello all, I am new to swift development and I'd like to start off by saying thank you for your pod. My question is this; Is there an easy way to add a parameter for field icon? I.E. I'd like to have an icon next to the textfield that changes colors if invalid or valid

could not find an overload for init that accepts the supplied arguments

I searched a lot for this. No solution :(

When I try to create a custom validator I get this error:
could not find an overload for init that accepts the supplied arguments

in DOBRule.swift

import SwiftValidator
class DOBRule: RegexRule {    
    static let regex = "^[0-3]?[0-9].[0-3]?[0-9].(?:[0-9]{2})?[0-9]{2}$"
    convenience init(message : String = "Not a valid SSN"){
        self.init(regex: DOBRule.regex, message : message)

screen shot 2015-09-12 at 1 11 25 am


Podspec update

The .podspec needs to be updated to a release that includes the most recent pull requests (e.g. custom error message additions).

Error order

Hi great lib :)

There is an issue with the order returned by the func validationFailed

func validationFailed(errors:[UITextField:ValidationError]) {
// turn the fields to red
for (field, error) in validator.errors {
field.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
field.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
error.errorLabel?.text = error.errorMessage // works if you added labels
error.errorLabel?.hidden = false

For example if a register this fields:

I expect the order of the errors in the same way, but it does not return in the same order, so the first error could be Email, and after FirstName, etc..

Is there any quick fix for this?

Use of unresolved identifier 'Validator'

Since I updated my xcode to 6.3.1, I got this error message

/Users/MNurdin/Documents/iOS/xxxxx/Controllers/LoginViewController.swift:20:21: Use of unresolved identifier 'Validator'

Please advice. Is there any updated library for swift 1.2?

Why use delegate or callbacks for validation?

I was wondering about the reason to pass a delegate or callback for the validation. Maybe the reason is to be able to return either success or error.

Instead you could just return an optional error dictionary, so validation result can be easily handled using if let:

if let errors = validator.validate() {
    // do sth with errors
} else {
    // success

This is much more convenient than having to implement a delegate. A callback is similar, but this is better as I don't see any legitimate reason to use callbacks.

Then it's also possible to remove "errors" instance variable from Validator, don't see any advantage of this except maybe storing last possible error but the implementation has to be adjusted a bit for that.

For the result I also thought about using an Either enum, in Swift 2, but an optional is more convenient as it's possible to use if let directly on the result and the success state doesn't have any payload. Either may be more accurate signalising the possible results but it's less convenient, and the meaning of the optional should be obvious IMO.

Would it make sense to do this change? Or is there anything I'm missing?

If the change is welcome I can submit a PR (child of Swift 2 commit).

You can see the changes here ivnsch@5e9e922 (all tests passing)

Make .validate(callback) synchronous

Right now, validating with a callback looks like this:

validator.validate { errors in

Is there any reason to have the validation block based and not just declarative? Like this:

let errors = validator.validate()

Allow validation depending on other fields

Here's the case I'm thinking about:
Two text fields: "driving license state", "driving license number". Validating a driving license number depends on the value of the driving license state, and there's no way to specify that at the moment.

I'm not too sure what the interface should be for such a case. Maybe something like this:

validator.addField(stateField, rules: [RequiredRule()])
validator.addField(licenseNumberField, rules: [RequiredRule(), DynamicRule({ value -> Bool in
    guard let state = stateField.text else {
        return false
    return validateLicenseNumber(value, state: state)

Update Readme

  • Add Documentation for Callbacks
  • Add Documentation for Transforms

No such module SwiftValidator

I've followed the directions in the README to install SwiftValidator, and it seems like SwiftValidator was successfully installed. However, when I try to import SwiftValidator at the top of a view controller, a diagnostic appears that says No such module 'SwiftValidator'. Is this an issue with the library? I've also tried import Validator.

I'm using Xcode 7 beta 4 and Swift 2. So maybe the module name isn't recognized because Validator.swift, etc won't compile with the Swift 2 compiler.

MinLength is not really minimum

    func validate(value: String) -> Bool {
        return countElements(value) > DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH

So if the minimum is 6, and I have 6 characters, it should be valid, but isn't. Only 7 is valid in this example.

The correct should be to use >=.

Parallel: the minimum wage is $7.25, so the least you can legally pay someone is $7.25, not $7.26.

Bound value in a conditional binding must be of Optional type in Xcode 6.3

As per subject, I got this error message on this line of code

import Foundation

class PhoneNumberValidation: Validation {
    let PHONE_REGEX = "^\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}$"

    func validate(value: String) -> (Bool, ValidationErrorType) {
        if let phoneTest = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", PHONE_REGEX) { //error here
            if phoneTest.evaluateWithObject(value) {
                return (true, .NoError)
            return (false, .PhoneNumber)
        return (false, .PhoneNumber)


Please advice. Thank you.

Error ordering?

Hello, is there any option to order the errors in the Delegate dictionary the same way as the text fields were registered into the validator?

Style Transform callback restructure

For autocomplete to work on the validationError and validationRule passed back to the transform functions SwiftValidator had to be imported into the callback's file. If the text field, error label, and error message were passed back instead to error and text field, error label passed back to success then that file wouldn't need to import the framework. The autocomplete on Validator().asdfasdf works without the import.


The example of the phone number don't use the rule phoneNumber

validator.registerField(phoneNumberTextField, errorLabel: phoneNumberErrorLabel, rules: [RequiredRule(), MinLengthRule(length: 9)])

Do you have any example using phoneNumberRule? Because i am having some difficulties

Real Time Validation

Would be cool to see real time validation where the boxes turn green when the field has valid data.

Looks great! Nice job Jeff


I'd like to use it in my project but the validation classes appear to be mixed with a sample project. I already have a project and am going to have to go through and extract the files that I need so it may be better to put the library in it's own folder and the sample project referencing in another folder so that people can just dump this in their projects.

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