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swaggerhub-maven-plugin's Introduction

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A simple Maven plugin to access SwaggerHub hosting of OpenAPI/Swagger definitions within a Maven build process, using the SwaggerHub API.


  • Download/upload API and domain definitions from/to SwaggerHub.
  • Upload multiple API or domains at once.
  • Authenticate with an API key for restricted operations (for example, to download private definitions).
  • Automatically provision an SCM integration to update source control with changes made to definitions.
  • Supports YAML and JSON format for definitions.
  • Connects to SwaggerHub SaaS by default, with an optional configuration to point to a local SwaggerHub On-Premise instance.

SwaggerHub On-Premise users need v. 1.20.0 to provision SCM integrations via SwaggerHub Maven plugin.

Table of contents

Example use cases

The usage pattern depends on whether you use the code-first or design-first approach.


  1. Code your API implementation.
  2. Automatically generate the API definition from the source code, for example, using Swagger Core annotations and Swagger Maven plugin. See the Swagger Core wiki to learn more.
  3. Upload the generated API definition to SwaggerHub using the SwaggerHub Maven plugin.


  1. Write your API definition on SwaggerHub.
  2. Download the API definition using the SwaggerHub Maven plugin.
  3. Pass the API definition to another Swagger tool, for example:


Stable version

Maven Central



Snapshots are available from the Sonatype Nexus Snapshots repository. To use a snapshot version, add the following to the <repositories> section of your pom.xml:

	<name>Sonatype Snapshots</name>


SwaggerHub Maven plugin provides two goals, download and upload.


This goal downloads an API or domain definition from SwaggerHub to a local file as part of the default Maven build lifecycle.



Parameter Description Required? Default
api API or domain name (case-sensitive) yes -
owner Owner name (case-sensitive) yes -
version API or domain version (case-sensitive) yes -
outputFile The definition will be saved to this file yes -
token SwaggerHub API key, required to access private definitions no -
definitionType Definition type, API or domain no API
format File format to download, json or yaml no json
host SwaggerHub hostname. Use for SwaggerHub SaaS. no
protocol SwaggerHub server protocol, http or https no https
port SwaggerHub server port, typically 80 for http and 443 for https no 443
basepath Base path prefix for SwaggerHub Registry API calls. Leave blank for SwaggerHub SaaS, use v1 for SwaggerHub On-Premise. no -


This goal creates or updates one or more API or domain definitions on SwaggerHub. All definitions are saved in the owner account (organization or user), and the token owner must have permissions to create and update definitions in this account.

Additionally, there is the option of provisioning a SwaggerHub SCM integration which will allow changes made in SwaggerHub to be pushed back to source control.

There are two uploadType modes:

  • inputFile - Upload a single API or domain definition.
  • directory - Upload one or more definitions from the specified definitionDirectory, optionally filtered by a regular expression. All definitions must be of the same type - either all APIs or all domains.


Common parameters:

Parameter Description Required? Default
uploadType Possible values: inputFile - upload a single API or domain; directory - upload multiple definitions stored in a directory yes -
owner The account name (case-sensitive) to upload the definitions to yes -
token SwaggerHub API key. The API key owner must have permissions to create and update definitions in the owner account yes -
definitionType Definition type, API or domain no API
isPrivate Specifies whether the uploaded definitions will be made public (false) or private (true) no false
skipFailures Specifies whether a build should fail when errors are encountered no false
host SwaggerHub hostname. Use for SwaggerHub SaaS. no
protocol SwaggerHub server protocol, http or https no https
port SwaggerHub server port, typically 80 for http and 443 for https no 443
basepath Base path prefix for SwaggerHub Registry API calls. Leave blank for SwaggerHub SaaS, use v1 for SwaggerHub On-Premise. no -

Additional parameters for uploadType=inputFile:

Parameter Description Required? Default
api The name of the API or domain to create or update (case-sensitive) yes -
version Version to create or update (case-sensitive). If this version already exists, it must not be published. yes -
inputFile Local file containing the API or domain definition in the JSON or YAML format yes -
format Definition format, json or yaml no json

Additional parameters for uploadType=directory:

Parameter Description Required? Default
definitionDirectory Directory containing the definitions to be uploaded to SwaggerHub. Note that subdirectories are not included in the upload. yes -
definitionFileNameRegex Regular expression that specifies the files to be uploaded. This regex matches against file names without extensions. If not specified, all .json, .yaml and .yml files from the definitionDirectory will be uploaded. no -

Additional parameters for SCM integration provisioning:

Parameter Description Required? SCM Specific? Default
scmProvider SCM to create a SwaggerHub Integration for. yes - -
scmToken User generated API token to be used for SCM requests no GITHUB -
scmPersonalAccessToken Similar to the above no AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVICES -
scmUsername The account-name (case-sensitive) with which to authenticate no BITBUCKET -
scmPassword The password to be used in conjunction with the above scmUsername no BITBUCKET -
repository The repository to push SwaggerHub changes to yes - -
repositoryOwner The SCM account which owns the above repository no GITHUB. BITBUCKET -
scmProject Team Project which contains the target repository no AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVICES -
scmOrganization Specific to Azure DevOps Services, the organization with which to synchronize no AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVICES -
scmUrl Host URL of the SCM no AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVER -
scmHost Similar to the above no GITLAB -
scmProjectCollection Project collection which contains the target repositories project no AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVER DefaultCollection
enableScmIntegration Specifies whether to enable the SCM integration. If enabled, SwaggerHub changes will be pushed automatically on save no - true
branch The repository branch to push SwaggerHub changes to no - SWAGGERHUB

Multi-upload considerations

When using uploadType=directory, all definitions to be uploaded must be stored in the definitionDirectory (the directory itself, not subdirectories). The definitionType parameter specifies whether the files will be uploaded as APIs (default) or domains.

The plugin only processes files with the following extensions: .yaml, .yml, .json. Files with other extensions are ignored. The files must be valid JSON or YAML files.

By default, the plugin uploads all JSON and YAML files from the specified directory, but you can use definitionFileNameRegex to narrow down the files to be uploaded. The regular expression matches against file names without file extensions. The matching is partial unless the regex contains the ^ (beginning of line) and $ (end of line) anchors. To make the matching case-insensitive, include (?i) at the beginning, or (?iu) for Unicode-aware case-insensitive matching. Examples:

  • acme matches file names that contain "acme" in lower case.
  • ^acme matches file names that begin with "acme" in lower case.
  • ^(?i)acme matches file names that begin with "acme" in any letter case.

API/domain names and versions are generated by parsing the info section of the definitions. The info section must include non-empty title and version keys.

  • Names are generated based on the info.title, with characters other than A-Za-z0-9_ replaced with underscores. For example, a definition with title: Sample API will be saved under the name Sample_API on SwaggerHub.

  • Versions are extracted from the info.version key. If this version already exists in SwaggerHub, it will be updated with the new definition (unless the version is published - in this case the update will be rejected).

If an error occurs while uploading any definition, the build will fail and subsequent definitions will not be uploaded.

SCM integration provisioning considerations


  • SwaggerHub On-Premise supports this method of SCM integration provisioning since v. 1.20.0.

  • Care should be taken when specifying SCM parameters. Validation does not take place prior to making the request to SwaggerHub and issues can arise due to incorrectly configured integrations

  • Use only the parameters that are required for the SCM of your choice. For example BITBUCKET relies on scmUsername and scmPassword; if an scmToken is also included, the Bitbucket integration will attempt to authenticate with the token. This is not possible and will cause integration errors.

  • BITBUCKET can use app passwords to authenticate. App passwords are substitute passwords for a user account which you can use for scripts and integrating tools to avoid putting your real password into configuration files. App password permissions required are:

    • Account : Email, Read
    • Repositories : Read, Write

    Documentation on how to generate an app password can be found here.

  • AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVICES and AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVER use personal access tokens which will eventually expire. In the event of token expiring, the integration will need to be deleted and recreated (either manually or via the plugin).

    See Microsoft documentation here for details on creating a Personal Access Token. Please ensure that the token has at minimum the scope Code (read and write) for the organization you wish to access

  • A list of AZURE_DEVOPS_SERVICES organizations that you currently have access to can be found here. Also listed are the projects for each organization.

    Enter just the organization, without ‘’ at the beginning or ‘’ at the end. For example, if your organization is ‘’ or '’, enter just 'example-user’.

  • Due to GITLAB's nested group support, when specifying repository it is required to specify the full path. For example <repository>root-level-group/sub-level-group/repo</repository>

  • scmHost will default to for GITLAB

Further documentation of SwaggerHub Integrations can be found here.


Upload a single API definition

This example uploads the specified API definition in JSON format as a public API in SwaggerHub.

Usage together with swagger-maven-plugin (code-first)

This example uses the Swagger Maven plugin to generate the API definition from source code, and then uploads this definition to SwaggerHub.

Upload multiple API definitions

This example uploads all JSON and YAML files from the ${project.basedir}/api-definitions directory to SwaggerHub.

Upload multiple API definitions filtered by a regex

This example uploads all JSON and YAML files from the specified directory whose names start with "definition".

Upload multiple API definitions via a specified directory and configure GitHub integrations for each definition

swaggerhub-maven-plugin's People


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swaggerhub-maven-plugin's Issues

Plugin upload appears to be successful when misconfigured

When specifying configuration to upload a definition to an on-prem SwaggerHub instance with an incorrect base path, the upload is logged as successful. When verifying in SwaggerHub, the API is unavailable and cannot be found.

Sample output for this issue:

[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.6:upload' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG]   (f) api = test-upload
[DEBUG]   (f) basepath = /bad-basepath
[DEBUG]   (f) branch = SWAGGERHUB
[DEBUG]   (f) enableScmIntegration = true
[DEBUG]   (f) format = json
[DEBUG]   (f) host =
[DEBUG]   (f) inputFile = target/swagger/swagger.json
[DEBUG]   (f) isPrivate = true
[DEBUG]   (f) owner = CC_Freestyle_Org
[DEBUG]   (f) port = 80
[DEBUG]   (f) protocol = http
[DEBUG]   (f) skipFailures = false
[DEBUG]   (f) token = e**********************************7
[DEBUG]   (f) uploadType = inputFile
[DEBUG]   (f) version =
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[INFO] Uploading to, basepath: /bad-basepath: api: test-upload, owner: swagger-owner, version:, inputFile: target/swagger/swagger.json, format: json, isPrivate: true, definitionDirectory: null, definitionFileNameRegex: null, uploadType: inputFile, skipFailures: false, token: e**********************************7
[DEBUG] Executing input file based upload...
[INFO] Uploading API name test-upload version
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

cannot download due to ssl handshake

mvn generate-resources and get the below...

Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

extension with syncDirectory and syncFile goal (and get goal)

We have wrapped swaggerhub-maven-plugin to provide the following goals for our organization:

  • syncFile
  • syncDirectory
  • get (similar to download)

This gives us 2 benefits for us;

  1. default values for a number of properties (host, protocol, basepath, owner) that are shared between development teams
  2. synchronization logic instead of simple upload

Point 1 is not interesting to contribute back, but is there any interest in a contribution of syncFile and syncDirectory?

Below is our for reference:


Customized version of the swaggerhub-maven-plugin.

Customizations include

  • ORGANISATION specific defaults to reduce the footprint of the plugin definition in the pom files
  • Custom upload functionality ensuring that existing formal API versions are not overwritten with an updated specification using the same version

Current version




The get goal can be used to retrieve an API specification from swaggerhub and store it locally for further processing.




Property Mandatory Default Purpose
api Y The name of the API in swaggerhub
version Y The semantic version of the API in swaggerhub
outputFile N ${}/openapi-spec.json The output file

See also global configuration


The syncDirectory goal allows you to synchronize a directory containing specification files with swaggerhub. You will use this sync implementation if you are working code first and generating your specifications. See sync logic for the overall sync logic.
By default this goal will run in the verify phase, so configuration is minimal.
This goal does rely on a number of conventions though, since potentially multiple specifications, both API and DOMAIN, are synchronised.

We expect a certain file format:


If you want your API or DOMAIN to be private on swaggerhub, you need to include the private. prefix; otherwise the specification will be public.
The owner should typically be ORGANISATION and is the swaggerhub owner of the specification. It is required.
The api is the name of the api or domain on swaggerhub. It is required.
You will need to use majorVersion if you simultaneously support more than 1 major version (otherwise the file names will be identical).
There is a choice between all supported formats and supported OAS version for SwaggerHub.

In contrast with thesyncFile goal, we also expect the semantic version of the API or DOMAIN to be present in the specification under $.info.version!




Property Mandatory Default Purpose
directory N ${}/definitionDirectory The directory where de definitions are found
skip N false Skips the execution

See also global configuration


The syncFile goal allows you to synchronize a single api specificatin file with swaggerhub. You will use this sync implementation if you are writing an openapi spec from scratch. See sync logic for the overall sync logic.




Property Mandatory Default Purpose
api Y The name of the API in swaggerhub
version N $.info.version defined in the file The semantic version of the API in swaggerhub
file N ${}/openapi.yaml The file to upload
private N false Indicates if the API is private or public
skip N false Skips the execution

See also global configuration

Sync logic

Snapshot versions

  • a version is considered to be a snapshot if the version contains a -
  • are always uploaded to swaggerhub

Release versions

  • a version is considered to be a release if the version does not contain a -
  • if a release version does not yet exists in swaggerhub the specification will be uploaded
  • if a release version already exists it will first be downloaded and compared with the new one that is going to be uploaded
    ** the build will fail if the 2 specification do not match
    ** nothing will be uploaded if both specifications are the same

API vs. Domain

The original swaggerhub-maven-plugin differentiates both concepts by explicitly specifing if you are uploading an API or a Domain specification.

The customize plugin applies the following rules:

  • no paths specified in the specication => Domain
  • paths specified in the specication => API

Configuration defaults


These are the global configuration properties that can be overridden for every goal

Property Default Purpose
host swaggerhub.ORGANISATION.XX The swaggerhub host name
port 80 The swaggerhub port
protocol http The swaggerhub protocol
basePath v1 The swaggerhub API base path
owner ORGANISATION The default API/Domain owner
skipFailures false Ignore errors when interacting with swaggerhub

Add support for updating default version

We now upload new spec automatically on master build, but it is of little use when we have to manually set it as the default version for it to effectively reach consumers.

Please add an option for bumping the default version on file upload

Update Upload/Download Tests to use JUnit4 runner

An issue was found during development that @test(expected = SomeException.class) isn't working as expected. The workaround currently being used is to catch the exception by the Upload/Download execute function and then asserting that a boolean is set to true in the catch block.

Similarly related; when executing Mojo goals within those test classes, params marked as required should cause tests to fail when they are not specified. We have seen on occasions during development and subsequent testing, that isn't the case.

JUnit4 is imported into the project but when the test runner isn't specified, an older version of JUnit is used to run tests. It's hoped that by specifying a runner, that we can solve both issues named above.

Not able to Upload


Am trying to do upload of my proxy to private api governance. But its not uploading. Below is the configuration in the pom.xml:


Add default lifecycle phases

Neither goal is mapped to a default lifecycle phase so one has to be explicitly defined in the configuration. Each goal should have a sensible default lifecycle phase.

Proxy support


as far as I have seen, currently the plugin does not support proxies (e.g. from Maven's settings.xml) ?
Is this planned somehow ?
Would you accept pull requests ?

Execution config is ignored

I've just tried this plugin, but I think there is some problems on configuring the execution:
This is the configuration:


Runnig Maven with mvn swaggerhub:download -X fails with the following output:

[DEBUG] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Goal: io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.2:download (default-cli)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Configuration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<format default-value="json">${download.format}</format>
<host default-value="">${}</host>
<port default-value="443">${download.port}</port>
<protocol default-value="https">${download.protocol}</protocol>
[DEBUG] =======================================================================
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.2:download' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG] (f) format = json
[DEBUG] (f) host =
[DEBUG] (f) port = 443
[DEBUG] (f) protocol = https
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.2:download (default-cli) on project member-module: The parameters 'owner', 'outputFile', 'api', 'version' for goal io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.2:download are missing or invalid -> [Help 1]

When the Maven variables: download.api, download.owner, download.token, download.version and download.outputFile are set in the <properties> section of the POM, than everything work exactley as expected.

Am I doing something wrong, or this is some bug?

Add support to upload apis/domains to a specific project

I seems that the plugin doesn't support uploading to a specific project. If the api/domain already exist, it is properly updated in its project but if it doesn't exist yet, there is now mean to specify in which project it has to be uploaded.

Add support for downloading resolved specs

My OAS3 spec references a domain - when downloading I would like to get that resolved in the same way as the "Export/Download API/JSON/YAML Resolved" menu actions in SwaggerHub

Can't upload openapi.yaml file to swaggerhub

Can't upload to swagger hub

my plugin configuration


mvn swaggerhub:upload -X


ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.8:upload (default-cli) on project rest-event-box: The parameters 'owner', 'uploadType', 'token' for goal io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.8:upload are missing or invalid -> [Help 1]

I notice it doesn't seem to pick up my configurations

[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'io.swagger:swaggerhub-maven-plugin:1.0.8:upload' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG] (f) branch = SWAGGERHUB
[DEBUG] (f) definitionType = API
[DEBUG] (f) enableScmIntegration = true
[DEBUG] (f) format = json
[DEBUG] (f) host =
[DEBUG] (f) isPrivate = false
[DEBUG] (f) port = 443
[DEBUG] (f) protocol = https
[DEBUG] (f) skipFailures = false
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --

When I add back the deploy phase I get a different error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on project rest-event-box: Deployment failed: repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter -> [Help 1]

I don't really want to configure repository to deploy artificats to since I have no need for that ?

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