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ics-research's Introduction


This repository contains code and configuration notes for Intrusion Detection in Industrial Control Systems, in the context of the SWaT testbed maintained by the University of Singapore.

Created by Philipp Mieden and Rutger Beltman as part of their RP1 at the Security and Network Engineering programme at the University of Amsterdam.

Dataset download

Infos about the dataset and procedure to obtain access can be found here:

We used the drive tool to download the files:

go get -u
mkdir -p /mnt/storage/gdrive
drive init /mnt/storage/gdrive
cd /mnt/storage/gdrive
drive list

In order to be able to download the shared files, we first had to import them into our own drive, as described here:

Afterwards pull with:

cd /mnt/storage/gdrive
drive pull SWaT-Dataset

Setup scripts

The zeus build system is used to compile all the go tools and deploy them to the experiment server.

You will need to export two environment variables to indicate your user account name and the server host, in order to connect via SSH:

export ICS_RESEARCH_USER="..." 

Afterwards, compile the tools and deploy to your server:

$ zeus deploy-tools

To install the required python toolchain and tensorflow on a debian linux system, use:

$ zeus setup-server


The datasets are stored on a partition that needs to be mounted:

mount /dev/sdb1 /datasets/

Dataset exploration

Filter traffic for modbus proto

tcpdump -r packet_00173_20170622150408.pcap tcp port 502

Split into smaller pcap files:

editcap -F pcap -i 120 packet_00173_20170622150408.pcap 2min.pcap


  • MODBUS: TCP port 502
  • EtherNet/IP makes use of TCP port number 44818 for explicit messaging and UDP port number 2222 for implicit messaging
  • CIP is an application layer proto transported over etherip

Tensorflow setup


Install tensorflow on macOS:

brew install libtensorflow
pip3 install requests pandas keras numpy matplotlib
pip3 install tensorflow sklearn


Install tensorflow on linux:

apt install python3-pip
pip3 install requests pandas keras numpy matplotlib
pip3 install tensorflow sklearn


Find all netcap DNS log files, select the Questions field and print all unique values:

find . -name DNS* -exec net.dump -select Questions -r "{}" \; | uniq

Tensorflow build from source

If you are using a recent CPU on your experiment server, you can simply install the latest version of tensorflow from the standard package mirrors of your distribution.

Older CPUs do not support the AVX instruction that all recent TF releases are compiled to use. This results in an 'Invalid instruction' error when using TF. TF needs to be recompiled from source on the system.

Download bazel 0.29.1 installer and run it:

Grab TF source and build:

pip install future
apt-get install python-future
bazel build //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/tensorflow_pkg
pip install /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-version-tags.whl

Label 2015 Dataset

Physical Data

We did analyze and experiment with the physical data, but did not use it for our experiments and evaluation, since we scoped the research to the analysis of network events only.

During analysis, we noticed that there were some typos in the classification columns, and created a small tool to automate fixing them:

$ GOOS=linux go build -o bin/fix-swat-dataset cmd/fix-dataset/fix-swat-dataset.go
$ fix-swat-dataset SWaT_Dataset_Attack_v0.csv

Network Data

Convert Attack .xlsx Spreadsheet to CSV:

apt install -y gnumeric
cd '/mnt/storage/gdrive/SWaT-Dataset/SWaT.A1 & A2_Dec 2015'
ssconvert List_of_attacks_Final.xlsx List_of_attacks_Final.csv > /dev/null 2>&1

Next we need to prepare the list of attacks to be usable for labeling the network data. We convert the timestamps to Unix, calculate attack durations and add the information about the attack type to every row of the data. The attack types have been previously marked by colorization of a row, we have manually mapped each attack number to the corresponding attack type, the logic for this can be found in the cmd/prepare-labels tool. Finally, the IP addresses associated with the attacked devices are added to each column. The timeframe of an attack in combination with the affected device IPs will be used to label the provided network data later on.

We ignore all attacks that are listed as 'No Physical Impact', since there is no further information provided for those and we are only interested in attacks that caused changes to the physical environment.

Prepare label information for 2015 Network Data using the cmd/prepare-labels tool:

GOOS=linux go build -o bin/prepare-labels cmd/prepare-labels/prepare-labels.go
scp bin/prepare-labels [email protected]:/home/user
$ prepare-labels -input List_of_attacks_Final.csv
skipping attack number 5
skipping attack number 9
skipping attack number 12
skipping attack number 15
skipping attack number 18
36 attacks written to List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv
header: [AttackNumber AttackNumberOriginal StartTime EndTime AttackDuration AttackPoints Addresses AttackName AttackType Intent ActualChange Notes]

Now we can apply label information to the provided network data.

The first tool we created for this purpose can be found in cmd/label-dataset. During our experiments however, we found that in order to encode the chunked data properly, the normalization needs to be calculated based on the entire available data.

An additional tool for processing has been created, that can be found in cmd/analyze. It supports not only labeling the network events based on the previously generated attack information, but also handles encoding and normalization, based on standard deviation over the entire dataset.

Label 2015 dataset attack files

In order to encode and normalize the data, a summary for all values that appear in a column over the entire dataset needs to be created. Due to performance reasons, we ported this functionality from python ( to Go.

We named this summary structure column summaries, it is sometimes referred to as colsums in our documentation and code.

The file data/attack-files.txt contains the names of all files that contained attacks, the analyze tool offers a flag to filter the files selected for processing based on this list.

Build analyze tool:

GOOS=linux go build -o bin/analyze cmd/analyze/*.go

You can either:

  1. Generate column summaries only:
analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -file-filter attack-files.txt -analyze-only
  1. Generate column summaries and use them to generate labeled files with numeric value encoding and normalization:
$ screen -L analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -file-filter attack-files.txt -out SWaT2015-Attack-Files

To label using a specific column summary version, use the -colsums flag.

The analyze tool will search recursively in the current directory for files that end on '_sorted.csv', you can pass a specific location via -in.

All flags available for the analyze tool:

$ analyze -h
Usage of analyze:
    analyze only
  -attacks string
    attack list CSV
  -colsums string
    column summary JSON file for loading
    count attacks
    toggle debug mode
    encode the values to numeric format (default true)
    encode the categorical values to numeric format (default true)
  -file-filter string
    supply a text file with newline separated filenames to process
  -in string
    input directory (default is current directory) (default ".")
  -max int
    max number of processed files
    normalize the categorical values after encoding them to numeric format (default true)
  -offset int
    index offset from which file to start
  -out string
    output path (default ".")
    reuse CSV line buffer (default true)
    skip lines that contain empty values
  -suffix string
    suffix for all csv files to be parsed (default "_sorted.csv")
    print version
  -workers int
    number of parallel processed files (default 100)
    skip lines that contain empty values (default true)
    use zscore for normalization

TODO: Dump the tool configuration and a short summary into the output directory.

Label 2019 Dataset

We experimented also with the 2019 captures of the dataset, created tooling to analyze them using netcap and label the resulting audit records.

However, we had to stop this effort due to time constraints.

On server, test by moving into a directory that contains audit records:

screen -L net.label -custom ../SWaT2019-attacks.csv

To process all files, use the script:

screen -L


Remove labeled CSV files inside the current directory to free up storage space:

find . -iname *_labeled.csv -exec rm "{}" \;

Eval Datasets


Connect brussels

sudo su
cd /home/user/labeled-SWaT-2015-network
screen -L ../ics-research/ -read "*-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 19 -lstm true -lstmBatchSize 250000

Dimension Problems:

df.columns Index(['num', 'date', 'time', 'orig', 'type', 'i/f_name', 'i/f_dir', 'src',
       'dst', 'proto', 'appi_name', 'proxy_src_ip', 'Modbus_Function_Code',
       'Modbus_Function_Description', 'Modbus_Transaction_ID', 'SCADA_Tag',
       'Modbus_Value', 'service', 's_port', 'Tag', 'Normal/Attack'],
      dtype='object') 21
df.columns Index(['num', 'date', 'time', 'orig', 'type', 'i/f_name', 'i/f_dir', 'src',
     'dst', 'proto', 'appi_name', 'proxy_src_ip',
     'Modbus_Function_Description', 'Modbus_Transaction_ID', 'SCADA_Tag',
     'Modbus_Value', 's_port', 'Normal/Attack'],
    dtype='object') 18

Modbus_F_Code, service, Tag

Start experiments on Brussels:

user@brussels:/home/user/labeled-SWaT-2015-network# ../ics-research/ -read "*-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 19 -lstm true -lstmBatchSize 10000 -epochs 3

commit version: 8fd1f38e275303bca1ae861a21b91720e4856bd2

Command Log

Regular DNN on 2015 labeled dataset

run 1: 27/1


python3 -read "/mnt/terradrive/labeled-SW015-network/*.csv" -dimensionality 19 -epochs 10

commit version:

[email protected]:~/ics-research$ git rev-parse HEAD  

run 2: 28/1


python3 -read "/mnt/terradrive/labeled-SW015-network/*.csv" -dimensionality 19 -epochs 10

commit version:

[email protected]:~/ics-research$ git rev-parse HEAD

run 3: 28/1 14:55


screen -L python3 -read "/mnt/terradrive/labeled-SWaT-2015-network/2015-12-26_121116_89.log.part03_sorted-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 14 -epochs 10 -debug true -drop service,Modbus_Function_Code

commit version:

[email protected]:~/ics-research$ git rev-parse HEAD

run 4: 28/1 16:16


screen -L python3 -u -read "/mnt/terradrive/labeled-SWaT-2015-network/*csv" -dimensionality 14 -epochs 10 -debug true -drop service,Modbus_Function_Cod

commit version:

[email protected]:/home/user/ics-research# git rev-parse HEAD

run 5: 28/1 23:55


(reverse-i-search)`-L': screen -L python3 -u -read "/mnt/terradrive/labeled-SWaT-2015-network/*csv" -dimensionality 15 -epochs 10 -debug true -drop service,Modbus_Function_Cod

commit version:

[email protected]:/home/user/ics-research# git rev-parse HEAD

run 6: 29-1 16:40 - prepared, but not ran

screen -L python3 -u -read "/mnt/terradrive/labeled-SWaT-2015-network/*csv" -dimensionality 15 -epochs 10 -debug true -drop service,Modbus_Function_Code

Dataset analyzer

Tool is located in cmd/analyzer.


  • which files contain attacks
  • unique strings for each row
  • mean, stddev, min and max for numbers


  • drop columns that only contain a single value
  • fix typos: ip, log and loe, Responqe etc
  • merge num, date and time to UNIX timestamps


  • zscore numbers
  • encode strings to numbers


  • use attack types

Dataset split

  • dataset split: 50% train, 25% test, 25% validation, LSTM batch size: 125000

  • IMPORTANT: preserve order when using LSTM

  • add code to run evaluation and print results

  • DROP columns: Tag, date, num and time


  • add progress indicator
  • fix checkpoint naming for lstm: 'files' wrong

Generate colsums:

go run ../../analyze -analyze
# output: colSums-29Jan2020-170358.json


GOOS=linux go build -o bin/analyze ./analyze
scp bin/analyze [email protected]:/home/user

Start analysis and labeling on oslo:

cd "/datasets/SWaT/01_SWaT_Dataset_Dec 2015/Network"


cd Network
go run ../../analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -file-filter attack-files.txt -suffix "_sorted.csv" -colsums colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25


screen -L /home/user/analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix "_sorted.csv" -out /home/user/labeled-SWaT-2015-network -colsums /home/user/colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25


screen -L /home/user/analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix "_sorted.csv" -colsums /home/user/colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 392

Push dataset to all servers

scp -r -P 9876 data/Network [email protected]:/home/user
scp -r -P 9876 data/Network [email protected]:/home/user
scp -r data/Network [email protected]:/home/user

Push labeling tool:

GOOS=linux go build -o bin/analyze ./analyze
scp -P 9876 bin/analyze [email protected]:/home/user
scp -P 9876 bin/analyze [email protected]:/home/user
scp bin/analyze [email protected]:/home/user


cd Network

Brussels (1/4 Train)

../analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix _sorted.csv -colsums colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 0 -max 196 -out SWaT2015-Network-Labeled-Pt1

Oslo (2/4 Train)

../analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix _sorted.csv -colsums colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 196 -max 392 -out SWaT2015-Network-Labeled-Pt2

Mac (3/4 Test)

go run ../../analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix _sorted.csv -colsums colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 392 -max 588 -out SWaT2015-Network-Labeled-Pt3

screen -L /home/user/analyze -attacks /home/user/Network/List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix _sorted.csv -colsums /home/user/Network/colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 392 -max 588 -out /home/user/Network/SWaT2015-Network-Labeled

Bastia (4/4 Eval)

../analyze -attacks List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix _sorted.csv -colsums colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 588 -out SWaT2015-Network-Labeled-Pt4

screen -L /home/user/analyze -attacks /home/user/Network/List_of_attacks_Final-fixed.csv -suffix _sorted.csv -colsums /home/user/Network/colSums-29Jan2020-221001.json -workers 25 -offset 392 -max 588 -out /home/user/Network/SWaT2015-Network-Labeled

LSTM Evaluation

cd data/SwaT2015-Attack-Files-v0.2


python3 ../../ -read "*-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 16 -lstm true -optimizer sgd -drop modbus_value

python3 ../../ -read "*-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 17 -lstm true -optimizer sgd


python3 ../../ -read "*-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 17 -optimizer sgd -model checkpoints/lstm-epoch-1-files-0-2-batch-500000-510000 -drop modbus_value -lstm true -debug true

python3 ../../ -read "*-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 17 -optimizer sgd -model checkpoints/lstm-epoch-1-files-0-2-batch-500000-510000 -lstm true -debug true

2015-12-28_113021_98.log.part12_sorted-labeled.csv : 103513 [Single Stage Single Point]
2015-12-28_113021_98.log.part13_sorted-labeled.csv : 136049 [Single Stage Single Point]

python3 ../../ -read "2015-12-28_113021_98.log.part12_sorted-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 16 -lstm true -optimizer sgd -drop modbus_value
python3 ../../ -read "2015-12-28_113021_98.log.part13_sorted-labeled.csv" -dimensionality 16 -optimizer sgd -model checkpoints/lstm-epoch-1-files-0-2-batch-490000-500000 -drop modbus_value -lstm true -debug true

Physical Data Evaluation

Normal DNN

cd data
python3 ../ -read "SWaT_Dataset_Attack_v0-fixed-train-test.csv" -dimensionality 52 -optimizer sgd -result_column Normal/Attack

python3 ../ -read "SWaT_Dataset_Attack_v0-fixed-eval.csv" -dimensionality 52 -optimizer sgd -model checkpoints/dnn-epoch-1-files-0-1 -debug true -result_column Normal/Attack


With test_size = 0.25 set lstmBatchSize to (numRows) * 0.25

cd data
python3 ../ -read "SWaT_Dataset_Attack_v0-fixed-train-test.csv" -dimensionality 52 -optimizer sgd -result_column Normal/Attack -lstm true -lstmBatchSize 87484

python3 ../ -read "SWaT_Dataset_Attack_v0-fixed-eval.csv" -dimensionality 52 -optimizer sgd -model checkpoints/lstm-epoch-1-files-0-1-batch-262452-349936 -debug true -result_column Normal/Attack -lstm true -lstmBatchSize 87484


  • normalize values for strings and rerun experiments

  • zscore timestamps

  • amount of neurons / layers?

  • vary lstm batch size

  • sgd / non-sgd

  • lstm / normal

  • layer configuration !! single layers VS multiple

  • save and load entire model configuration:

Call to save the a model's architecture, weights, and training configuration in a single file/folder. This allows you to export a model so it can be used without access to the original Python code*. Since the optimizer-state is recovered, you can resume training from exactly where you left off.

  • fix eval of physical data

  • read multiple files and increase amount of samples passed to tensorflow

  • try smaller batchSizes

  • make leakyrelu alpha configurable and try different settings

  • make dropout rate configurable and try different settings

  • test with and without final Dense(1) layer

  • try leaky relu alpha of 0.2

  • SYNC new 0.4 version with servers

  • generate zscore versoin encoded data

  • update experiments: add runs with multi class VS binary classes and zscore VS minmax

  • bootstrap baseline experiments, run with increasing num of epochs, then replicate and update paths for zscore/minmax, replicate again and add flags for multi vs single class

  • define vXX experiment types in a document, and adjust experiments scripts

  • add flags to switch activation func to tfUtils

  • use smaller batch for training? with equal distribution of attack types?

  • one hot encoding


python3 \
    -read data/SWaT2015-Attack-Files-v0.4.3-minmax-text/train/*2015-12-28_113021_98.log.part12_sorted*-labeled.csv \
    -wrapLayerSize 8 \
    -dropoutLayer false \
    -relu true \
    -coreLayerSize 16 \
    -numCoreLayers 2 \
    -optimizer adam \
    -epoch 10 \
    -features 81 \
    -drop modbus_value

python3 \
    -read data/SWaT2015-Attack-Files-v0.4.3-minmax-text/train/2015-12-28_113021_98.log.part13_sorted-labeled.csv \
    -wrapLayerSize 8 \
    -dropoutLayer false \
    -relu true \
    -coreLayerSize 16 \
    -numCoreLayers 2 \
    -optimizer adam \
    -features 81 \
    -drop modbus_value


python3 \
    -read "data/SWaT2015-Attack-Files-v0.4.3-minmax-text/train/*-labeled.csv" \
    -wrapLayerSize 16 \
    -dropoutLayer true \
    -relu true \
    -coreLayerSize 32 \
    -numCoreLayers 2 \
    -optimizer adam \
    -epoch 3 \
    -lstm true \
    -features 107 \
    -binaryClasses true \
    -drop modbus_value

python3 \
    -read "data/SWaT2015-Attack-Files-v0.4.3-minmax-text/eval/*-labeled.csv" \
    -wrapLayerSize 16 \
    -dropoutLayer true \
    -relu true \
    -coreLayerSize 32 \
    -numCoreLayers 2 \
    -optimizer adam \
    -lstm true \
    -features 107 \
    -binaryClasses true \
    -drop modbus_value


$ grep attack logs/allstats-v0.4.3-binary.log | grep -v "set classes" | grep -v "zero"
attack                             0.579    1.000      0.733
attack                             0.579    1.000      0.733

$ grep Single logs/allstats-v0.4.3-multi-class.log | grep -v "zero"
Single Stage Single Point          0.579    1.000      0.733
Single Stage Single Point          0.111    0.009      0.016
Single Stage Single Point          0.060    0.583      0.108
Multi Stage Single Point           0.013    0.441      0.025
Single Stage Single Point          0.054    0.453      0.096
Single Stage Multi Point           0.004    0.071      0.007
Single Stage Single Point          0.047    0.355      0.083
Single Stage Single Point          0.079    0.404      0.132
Single Stage Single Point          0.080    1.000      0.148
Single Stage Single Point          0.122    0.003      0.005
Single Stage Single Point          0.092    0.191      0.124
Single Stage Single Point          0.077    0.000      0.000
Single Stage Single Point          0.036    0.267      0.063
Single Stage Single Point          0.578    0.995      0.731
Single Stage Single Point          0.080    1.000      0.148
Single Stage Single Point          0.579    1.000      0.733


$ grep Single logs/allstats.log | grep -v "zero"
Single Stage Multi Point           0.003    0.033      0.005
Single Stage Single Point          0.029    0.081      0.043
Single Stage Single Point          0.053    0.415      0.094
Single Stage Single Point          0.579    1.000      0.733
Single Stage Single Point          0.080    1.000      0.148
Single Stage Single Point          0.050    0.027      0.035
Single Stage Single Point          0.111    0.009      0.016
Single Stage Single Point          0.060    0.583      0.108
Multi Stage Single Point           0.013    0.441      0.025
Single Stage Single Point          0.579    1.000      0.733
Single Stage Single Point          0.054    0.453      0.096
Single Stage Multi Point           0.004    0.071      0.007
Single Stage Single Point          0.047    0.355      0.083
Single Stage Single Point          0.079    0.404      0.132
Single Stage Single Point          0.080    1.000      0.148
Single Stage Single Point          0.122    0.003      0.005
Single Stage Single Point          0.092    0.191      0.124
Single Stage Single Point          0.077    0.000      0.000
Single Stage Single Point          0.036    0.267      0.063
Single Stage Single Point          0.578    0.995      0.731
Single Stage Single Point          0.080    1.000      0.148
Multi Stage Single Point           0.006    1.000      0.011
Single Stage Single Point          0.579    1.000      0.733
Single Stage Single Point          0.143    0.334      0.200
Single Stage Single Point          0.130    0.136      0.133
Single Stage Single Point          0.087    0.646      0.153

=> 0.7 f1 score for ?-file multi class: dnn-v6 => 0.7 f1 score for single-file zscore binary: dnn-v4, v6

=> 0.1 f1 score for multi class: lstm-v9

dnn v4:

-wrapLayerSize 8 \
-dropoutLayer true \
-relu false \
-coreLayerSize 32 \
-numCoreLayers 1 \
-optimizer adam \
-epoch 3 \
-drop modbus_value

dnn v6:

-wrapLayerSize 16 \
-dropoutLayer false \
-relu true \
-coreLayerSize 64 \
-numCoreLayers 1 \
-optimizer adam \
-epoch 3 \
-drop modbus_value

lstm v9:

-wrapLayerSize 8 \
-dropoutLayer true \
-relu true \
-coreLayerSize 32 \
-numCoreLayers 3 \
-optimizer sgd \
-epoch 10 \
-drop modbus_value


system stats

lshw -C system,memory,processor -short
uname -a
python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' 


# lshw -C system,memory,processor -short
H/W path            Device     Class          Description
                            system         PowerEdge R240 (SKU=NotProvided;ModelName=PowerEdge R240)
/0/0                           memory         64KiB BIOS
/0/400                         processor      Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2124 CPU @ 3.30GHz
/0/400/700                     memory         256KiB L1 cache
/0/400/701                     memory         1MiB L2 cache
/0/400/702                     memory         8MiB L3 cache
/0/1000                        memory         16GiB System Memory
/0/1000/0                      memory         8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered) 2666 MHz (0.4 ns)
/0/1000/1                      memory         8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered) 2666 MHz (0.4 ns)
/0/1000/2                      memory         [empty]
/0/1000/3                      memory         [empty]
/0/100/14.2                    memory         RAM memory
user@brussels:/home/user# uname -a
Linux brussels 4.15.0-74-generic #84-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 19 08:06:28 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
user@brussels:/home/user# python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)'
2020-02-09 21:57:08.780537: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2020-02-09 21:57:08.780594: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2020-02-09 21:57:08.780615: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] Cannot dlopen some TensorRT libraries. If you would like to use Nvidia GPU with TensorRT, please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly.


# lshw -C system,memory,processor -short
H/W path             Device     Class          Description
                                system         PowerEdge R230 (SKU=NotProvided;ModelName=PowerEdge R230)
/0/0                            memory         64KiB BIOS
/0/400                          processor      Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240L v5 @ 2.10GHz
/0/400/700                      memory         256KiB L1 cache
/0/400/701                      memory         1MiB L2 cache
/0/400/702                      memory         8MiB L3 cache
/0/1000                         memory         16GiB System Memory
/0/1000/0                       memory         [empty]
/0/1000/1                       memory         8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 2133 MHz (0.5 ns)
/0/1000/2                       memory         [empty]
/0/1000/3                       memory         8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 2133 MHz (0.5 ns)
/0/100/1f.2                     memory         Memory controller
[email protected]:/home/user# uname -a
Linux bastia 4.15.0-66-generic #75-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 1 05:24:09 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[email protected]:/home/user#     python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)'
2020-02-09 21:58:02.454559: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2020-02-09 21:58:02.454784: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2020-02-09 21:58:02.454820: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] Cannot dlopen some TensorRT libraries. If you would like to use Nvidia GPU with TensorRT, please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly.

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