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android-ocr's Issues

Additional dataset for LCDs

HI guys,

Thanks for your work here! A friend and I have a project to record some LCDs. Unfortunately, it does not work with the display we have.

We thought to use your project to make use of per-existing training data0 to allow to OCR it via the phone. But, we can't add any custom training's data to your app. I might wonder if it would be possible to extend your list of languages to host also that LCD trainings data, OR have the ability to add custom URLs to fetch given data.

Best regards,

Loading equation data fails

When I select “equation“ as language and confirm the download of the missing training data, after a short time showing the spinner, I get the message that the training data for equation is missing and the option to download it.

No other error message is shown.

Switching between fast/best/standard data type does not fix that.

Crashes when having two languages selected


  1. Open app, configure.
  2. Choose to allow multiple languages in the settings.
  3. Select German and English.

what happens

At the next start/going to main screen the app crashes.

Process: io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr, PID: 25329
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr/io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity}: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=130; index=-1
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=130; index=-1
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity.y(Unknown Source:8)
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity.x(Unknown Source:31)
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity.z(:15)
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity.onCreate(:4)
	... 12 more

what should happen

No crash.


Device: Pixel 4 (flame)
OS: Android 12, CalyxOS 3.6.0
source: F-Droid
version: v3.2
Build-ID: SQ3A.220605.009.A1.22306002

F-Droid build failed Could you please take a look?

Execution failed for task ':app:checkReleaseDuplicateClasses'.
> A failure occurred while executing
   > Duplicate class found in modules jetified-tesseract4android-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android:4.1.0) and jetified-tesseract4android-openmp-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android-openmp:4.1.0)
     Duplicate class found in modules jetified-tesseract4android-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android:4.1.0) and jetified-tesseract4android-openmp-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android-openmp:4.1.0)
     Duplicate class found in modules jetified-tesseract4android-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android:4.1.0) and jetified-tesseract4android-openmp-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android-openmp:4.1.0)
     Duplicate class found in modules jetified-tesseract4android-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android:4.1.0) and jetified-tesseract4android-openmp-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android-openmp:4.1.0)
     Duplicate class found in modules jetified-tesseract4android-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android:4.1.0) and jetified-tesseract4android-openmp-4.1.0-runtime (cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android-openmp:4.1.0)
     Duplicate class found in mod


BUG: Freezed app after the try to install 3rd language & no possibility to switch languages

Hello, i allowed multiple languages setting as i wanted to intsall several languages (about 10). I installed and downloaded learning data for 1st and then for 2nd language. When i tried to install 3rd language (i choosed the third language and i clicked "back"), then the OCR app freezed and since this time I am not able open it. The only solution is to reinstalled it.

So it seems that only two languages are functional with OCR. I thought that i can download multiple learning language data and then i can switch between them. But this is not obviously possible. Even i have two languages downloaded there is no way to switch from one to each other. Why? The only way to choose desired language is to go to the settings and select new languages... This is too cumbersome!

Can you fix it, please? I think that it will be great to have downloaded several languages and then to switch in between them.

Thank you.

LineageOS 16.0 (Android 9) / OCR 4.0

Why Its accuracy level is that much low ?

I run it successfully. But its not extracting text even after selection of "Best" data set from setting. Its not even proper working with the english ?
So kindly guide me how can i improve it ??

[FIXED] Help needed side loading trained data?

Hi, internet access doesn't work on my device. So I can't directly download the trained data. But I can side load data.

I've read #29 and I can the see data goes in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr/files/best

As an example, I've downloaded the "Fast" english data from here

And I copied that eng.traineddata to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr/files/fast
But the app still doesn't see it!

Am I doing it correctly?
I noticed another directory called .../fast/tesstata
Should I put something in there too?

Any help on side loading would be much appreciated.

Not usable running Android 12

I just heard about this app, installation and initial start was successful. After downloading the training data, app crashed. Now I was not able to open the app anymore.

Device: Google Pixel 4a
Android version 12 (build SQ1A.211205.008)

Change "save data" setting titile to more appropriate Title

as it is now the app remembers the last recognized text. even after closing and restarting app . even after delete cache of app. even after reboot of android. this is bad if last recognized text is sensitive data.

please add feature to forget last recognized text.

perhaps easiest implementation is to forget text after closing app. maybe also an option to forget or to remember on close.

workaround for now is to recognize any other text which is not sensitive data.

German recognition of word breaks at the end of lines not treated correctly when concatenating lines

In German word breaks at the end of some line are represented by a "-" directly after the last character of the word.

The Android App "OCR" concatenates lines appending a space after the line-break character.
Otherwise OCR does a superb job!

The issue could easily be fixed with the following procedure when concatenating lines:

If a line contains a "-" at the end, check the first word of the next line:

if the word is "und" or "oder" keep the "-" and insert a space when concatenating the lines (current procedure)
with other first word: when the word starts with a lower case character drop the "-" when concatenating the lines, otherwise keep the "-"; do NOT insert an additional space when concatenating the lines.

2021-06-13 08_Tesseract-German-Recognition

Migration of cropper

This app is using this library for image cropping which is not maintained and causing so many issues for newer android version.

Issues #37 , #39 and #40 will be fixed if migration to another copper library take place:

Some promising alternative to current library:

Requirement: minimum sdk support, oss license,

Fastlane error

Just a minor thing: I noticed you've "misnamed" full_description.txt (you've named it full_discription.txt, so it won't be found). A simple git mv full_discription.txt full_description.txt should fix that 😉

Can't import images from any source

Pressing the "gallery" icon in the bottom right shows the following:

From #37, I understand that this should at least show my camera app? I have no issues with the camera in any other app.

Device: Pixel 4a
Android: 12

Add preserve_interword_spaces=1 argument

Hi, when I OCR Japanese text, it comes out with random spaces.

This can be easily fixed by adding "-c preserve_interword_spaces=1" as an argument when executing tesseract.

I tried it on my PC with the same result. Adding that argument fixes the issue.

For what I've been reading, it's the same for Chinese and Korean, (though I haven't tried with those) so maybe there should be an option to enable / disable that specific argument, as these languages don't have any interword spaces whatsoever.


As i understand now app works only in text recognition mode, it will be useful to add setting to translate recognized text to language X and output this translation instead of recognized text.

What do you think?

Vertical text not detect in image to text

I am trying to detect text from images in horizontal orientation is working perfectly but Vertical orientation text is not detected.
Anyone has a solution for this or another way to achieve this functionality

not downloading data

when i run the project and the downloading data it will be held for more than 8h or long time then i dont see any result

2020-12-05 00:50:29.093 28784-28786/? A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x70 in tid 28786 (Binder:28784_1), pid 28784 (cmd)
and this error shows when the data was downloading

Import pictures from gallery

Pressing the gallery button shows only camera to choose, please add an option to choose pics from gallery also

Activity memory leak caused by anonymous threads

Possible Memory Leak

An anonymous inner class will hold a reference to the this pointer of the outer class and will not be released until the thread ends.
It will hold the Activity and prevent its timely release. Please check the links below.


Possible Solution

If it is necessary, it can be changed to static class + weak reference to eliminate the reference to the activity, which may cause memory leaks.
Further discussion is welcome.

Add Floating support, crop issue

Can you make this a floating app? As it will greately be functional because you do not neead to download the image before being process.

Can we not crop the image? I mean i dont want to crop the image that i want to ocr. I just want the image as is coz i dont want to edit the image and make it larger so that it needs to be cropped.

Sorry english is not my first language.

Language selection menu

When selecting languages, they appear to be sorted alphabetically in English.
So if the phone is configured with another locale, the ordering is wrong.

For instance "anglais" (= English) appears sorted between "grec" (Greek) and "estonien" (Estonian) on my device, even though it starts with an "a".

training data missing!

For proper functioning of TesseractocR additional training data needs tobe downloaded to your device.
Do you want to download selectedlanguage(English) data?

May I ask, that is, my mobile phone has a network, but I can't download the data all the time?

updated app icon

I have redesigned the app icon. Maybe you want to replace it? What do you think?


app gets crashed every time

A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 19541 (AsyncTask #1), pid 19432 (subhamtyagi.ocr).

Please help what i am doing wrong

Add to Play Store

Adding it to the Play Store would offer users a convenient and secure way to access the app.

Add Akkadian language

Hello everybody,

I would like to ask you to add support for Akkadian language. Recently, a model for it was added to the tesseract-ocr/tessdata_contrib repository.

These are the links to model files:

To use these models, the source URLs here have to be converted to arrays, as well as the code using it.

This addition also allows the app to use additional languages, for example Santali, like Text Fairy app does here.

app crashes when selecting multiple languages

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to settings
  2. Enable the multiple languages toggle
  3. Select 2 or more languages.

As soon as I confirm the languages, the app crash and refuse to open. Log:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr/io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity}: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=130; index=-1
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=130; index=-1
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity.t(Unknown Source:8)
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.MainActivity.onResume(Unknown Source:7)
	... 13 more

Recognize simple handwriting

I've been looking for a tool that could work similarly to a QR code scanner but without the need printing labels, both for the ease of marking but also for the possibility easily to put marks on ie metal or or something that won't fit through a printer.

My thought was to be able to set up a 5-10 character code series that you could have a conversion table for, maybe a website that could redirect to anywhere.
As it's only random characters I guess the language settings are for no use, maybe even messes things up while trying to find sentences, could this be a problem?

Made some test with gImageReader on Linux with tesseract 4.1.1 that worked well and made me think recognizing handwriting is possible, but didn't manage to replicate this with OCR app.

gImageReader (you see the recognized text at the top left, very small but correct )
Screenshot from 2021-04-11 10-07-11

OCR app, no success:


Are there any settings that could be adjusted to improve this, did have a look around the settings menu but didn't find any obvious, or is there a major difference that makes this hard/impossible with OCR app?

Translations into other languages with

Thanks for your great app!

Can you please use to further facilitate translations into other languages.
Weblate is really great, easy to use for translation and gratis/free for free software projects.

Picture source

setImage(byte[] imagedata, int width, int height, int bpp, int bpl)

What do the last two arguments of this method mean

Crash on Optionsmenu


if I try to open the setting the app v3.0 crashes. v2.1 works though.

Android 11
LineageOS 18.1

java.lang.ClassCastException: androidx.preference.ListPreference cannot be cast to androidx.preference.SwitchPreference
	at io.github.subhamtyagi.ocr.SettingsActivity$a.A0(Unknown Source:17)
	at lh.O(:3)
	at ye.e(:1)
	at ye.k(:8)
	at se.E(:8)
	at se.Y(Unknown Source:84)
	at se.C(:4)
	at se.w(:3)
	at fe.onStart(:4)
	at d0.onStart(Unknown Source:0)
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

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