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vivaldi's Introduction


This document contains a high-level description on the inner workings of the new data-mapping ORM / ODM codenamed Vivaldi.

Vivaldi is an extremely modularised persistence management mechanism. This document aims to serve as an overview by providing short introductions to the individual modules and placing them in the context of the purpose they are meant to fulfil.


Vivaldi isn't really an ORM. Well, it is, but it's not just an ORM. After all, ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapper, while Vivaldi is more of an Object-Anything Mapper.

Being an object-to-anything mapper for PHP projects (and, in particular, my PHP projects) Vivaldi makes no attempt to follow JPA.

Rather than a database mapper, Vivaldi is a persistence manager. Its main purpose is to convert domain models to- and from storage, without caring too much about which storage mechanism is used.


Although there are many ORM systems available for the PHP environment, all of them with one exception are based on the Active Record pattern. The Vivaldi project was born from a disagreement with the status quo.

Active Record Pattern

The author of this document is of the humble opinion that the Active Record pattern is, on itself, unsuitable to manage the persistence of proper domain models. Active Record implementations couple the models to the ORM, causing a vendor lock-in and a breach of the single responsibility principle, as well as making the system a lot harder to test.

To mitigate this problem, some developers build two models instead of one: they make their ORM-coupled models responsible for producing the domain models, and build repositories that initiate that process.

From the perspective of a repository, thit flow looks somewhat like this:

class UserRepository implements AllUsers
    public function withId(int $id): User
        return OrmUserModel::findById($id)->toDomainModel();

The OrmUserModel would extend from the ORM's classes, but add a method in the spirit of:

class OrmUserModel extends MyOrmVendor\Orm
    public function toDomainModel(): User
        return new User(
            new UserId($this->id),
            new UserName($this->first_name, $this->last_name), 
            new Address($this->street, $this->number, new PostalCode($this->code))

The advantage of this way working is that the domain model itself remains completely free of persistence-related responsibilities, and of any kind of ORM restrictions.

Disadvantages include a lot of "manual" work to map the objects. It introduces the need to maintain two representations of each domain concept.

Such setup also allows for little to no support of common persistence management features such as lazy loading, identity management or change tracking. Without such features, repositories end up maintaining their own caches, implementing save methods and multiple versions of toDomainModel-ish methods.

In order to completely handle the persistence of a proper domain model, only a data mapper can succeed.

Data Mapper Pattern

This is where the single exception comes into play. The one other ORM for PHP that's not Active Record is the Doctrine project.

Doctrine, though, leaves a lot to be desired. It has a reputation of, while being incredibly useful, also being slow, complex and inflexible.

In consequence, an interesting situation exists: the Doctrine project sucks - and yet it is (or was*) the best ORM for PHP. Being the only data mapper has been at the same time the recipe for Doctrine's success, and it's downfall. The lack of competition has assured its position as number one, but also removed the need for improvement.

Doctrine has had the monopoly on the market of data mapper ORM's for around eight years. The Vivaldi project is of the opinion that monopolies should not exist for such extended amount of time.

*The Vivaldi project is not quite ready yet for production, or even anything that looks like it, at the time of writing this document.

Opinions and assumptions

Like most software, Vivaldi is rather opinionated. It provides an abstraction layer for handling the persistence of domain models - focusing on the types of models it likes best.

Vivaldi prefers thin models, with decent value objects. The entities may or may not be mutable - Vivaldi aims to support both styles.

In order to effectively map a domain model to its data store(s), Vivaldi makes several assumptions about the model:

  • Entities only reference scalars, value objects and other entities (or collections of the aforementioned) - but never services, repositories or other things that don't belong in an entity
  • Objects in the domain model are userland classes (no stdClass objects and the like)
  • Properties in the model are properly declared; Vivaldi will not take dynamic properties into account when committing or rolling back units of work
  • Vivaldi knows about the classes that make up the domain model

In terms of its own internal source code, the Vivaldi project keeps to the following guidelines and design preferences:

  • Objects that don't have an urgent need for mutability, are kept immutable
  • Decisions that can be moved to deploy time are not performed at runtime
  • Knowledge about the actual data store remains at the very edges of the system

The Vivaldi organisational structure consists of several layers. On the most detailed level, source code is placed in methods. These methods are placed in classes, to be used by the individual objects. Those classes are organised in packages, forming a more coarse grained organisational layer.

Each of these elements (methods, classes and packages) has a single responsibility. A method will generally be responsible for a particular action, while a class is responsible for one specific type of operation. A package is responsible for a particular purpose. Consisting of several classes, which in turn consist of several methods, the package groups the operations into a collective structure aimed at providing one specific benefit.


The document recognises several particular stages in the persistence workflow:

Outside of this particular flow, but important nonetheless, the document contains a section on the Mapping Configuration.

The document concludes with a note on testability.

Notice that many of the mentioned modules do not exist yet. Urls to the project pages may result in a 404 status. The modules that are not yet created at the time of writing this document are marked with an asterisk.

Loading the entities

Entity access is provided by the repositories. The repository invokes a finder, which tries to fetch the entities. If the entities are not in the identity map, a loader fetches the data from the source and calls upon a deserializer to transform them into objects.


Repositories are the primary access point to access the previously stored entities of the domain.

Usually, repositories will implement the interfaces that are defined in the domain layer; as such they are often handcrafted to comply with that interface.

Other data mapping ORM implementations often let userland repository implementations interact with the data store through a custom query language like HQL or DQL.

Such object query languages are meant to form a bridge between object-thinking and sql-thinking.


There is currently no intention to build a query language for Vivaldi.

The Vivaldi project aims to be as agnostic as possible about the source of the data, and does not merely aim to provide a bridge between objects and sql, but rather to provide a persistence mechanism for any kind of data store.

Instead, userland repositories can communicate their wishes by passing a specification object to the base repository.

Specifications are used as a filter for the entities: only the entities that the specification is satisfied by, get retrieved from the base repository.

final class ArePremium extends Specification
    public static function customers(): self
        return new self();

    public function isSatisfiedBy($customer): bool
        return $customer instanceof Customer
            && $customer->spentAtLeast(Money::EUR('500.00'));

Such specifications are lightweight objects that can easily be passed around, produced by a factory or composed together:

$newAndPremium = $customers->that(ArePremium::customers()->and(AreNew::customers()));

The advantage of using specifications rather than a sql-inspired object query language is that they are first and foremost meant to filter objects in memory. This means that even if the particular data store is unable to accept a more effective querying mechanism, we can always fall back to loading more data than strictly required and applying the filters on the loaded entities.


Together with the specification, the base repository accepts an optional sorting definition.

The resulting entities are sorted using this definition.


A slice* is a simple value object that denotes the offset to start loading at, and the amount of entities in the slice.

If sorting is used to generate a sql sort by clause, the slices are used to produce the limits. Like most components of the Vivaldi project, these slices are also capable of slicing in-memory collections.


The base repository* can be adapted by userland repositories to match the interfaces from the domain.

Although the base repository is final (and can therefore not be inherited from) custom repository classes can use it by using the adapter pattern:

final class RegisteredCustomerRepository implements AllRegisteredCustomers
    private $customers;

    public function __construct(Repository $customers)
        $this->customers = $customers;

    public function thatArePremiumCustomers(): Customers
        return $this->customers->that(ArePremium::customers());

    public function whoRegisteredAfter(Date $date): Customers
        return $this->customers->that(RegisteredAfter::the($date), Sort::descendingBy('registrationDate'));

    public function register(Customer $newCustomer): void


Each base repository gets injected with a reference to the Unit of Work, and to a finder. Such finder holds a reference to a deserializer, which in turn references a hydrator.

Finders are linked together in a chain of responsibility. This allows the finding mechanism to probe the fastest data sources first, only connecting to slower data sources if the quicker ones don't have the data.

For example, when loading a User from a system with a sql database and a key-value cache, the following might happen:

Control first flows to the in-memory finder for the Users. If the User is not loaded into memory yet, control is passed to the finder that looks for User entries in the cache.

If the cache is hit, the finder calls upon a loader, which uses its deserializer to transform the cached data into a domain entity. The deserializer is preconfigured to perform that specific task: transforming the cached data into a User entity, with its properties, value objects, proxies and eager relationships.

In case the finder encountered a cache miss instead, control is given to the next finder. This one looks for the User in the database (or, more specifically, calls upon a Sql selector to query the user data) and gives that data to a table loader, which resolves joined tables and deserializes the input into an object with eagerly loaded relationships.

Notice that two separate deserializers are used in the example: the deserializer for loading a User from the cached data differs from the deserializer used in loading the same User from a sql source.

Having a different deserializer per loading operation allows for loading data from multiple differing formats, without having to apply heavy logic at runtime to find out how to map the data.

Benefits of using chained, preconfigured finders per entity type include:

  • No need for big decision trees in the loading process: the objects already know exactly what to do;
  • The ability to configure alternative data sources, such as a cache or an online API;
  • The ability to have different entities retrieved from different types of data sources (eg. loading one entity from sql and another from file)

A disadvantage could be a perceived inflexibility at runtime. Once a finder is configured to load a particular sql statement and deserialize it into an object with x eager relationships, it cannot be altered at runtime to eagerly load y relations instead.

Sometimes eager loading

Sometimes, eager loading is only required in some circumstances. If, for example, some of the customers from the repository our previous example sometimes need balance updates, and usage metrics tell us eager loading would be very useful in only that particular scenario, an alternative repository with a specific eager loading configuration can be used alongside the default.

final class RegisteredCustomerRepository implements AllRegisteredCustomers
    private $customers;
    private $customersWithTransactions;

    public function __construct(Repository $customers, Repository $customersWithTransactions)
        $this->customers = $customers;
        $this->customersWithTransactions = $customersWithTransactions;

    public function thatArePremium(): Customers
        return $this->customers->that(ArePremium::customers());

    public function whoNeedBalanceUpdates(): Customers
        return $this->customersWithTransactions->that(NeedBalanceUpdates::today());

Alternatively, separate repositories can be used for different use cases.

Repository methods

The base repository exposes methods to find existing entities, to add new entities and to remove old ones.

The repository also exposes an update method, but this should not be confused with save. Repositories don't have a save method, because persisting the changes caused by the work that was done is the responsibility of the Unit of Work, not of the repository.

Instead, the update method exists in order to accommodate for immutable entities. Entities can be immutable, but in order to recognise any changes, the repository must be notified when the entity changes object reference.

Base repositories themselves are mostly facades. Operations like add, update and remove are redirected to the Unit of Work, so that it can update its view on the current state. Operations that find entities are rerouted to a finder, which determines how to fetch the entity.


Finders* are responsible for figuring out the best way to fetch entities.

If an entity is already loaded into the identity map, the finder should get it from there. When the entity is not in memory yet, it is looked for in the next best place, or the next best after that.

This is an easy process when searching for entities by their identifiers, but it becomes somewhat more complex when entities are loaded based on a specification.

Unless the entity is fetched from memory, it needs to be loaded into memory in order to be useful.

Bulk Finder

A bulk finder* is also responsible for finding entities, but instead of finding by identifier like the regular finders, bulk finders load all entities that match a certain specification.

The bulk finder will generally convert the specification object into a sql select statement or other selection mechanism, depending on the data store.

However, once we can be reasonably sure that the entities that would be fetched are already in memory, involving the data store is more expensive than simply using the specification object as filter on the entities that have already been loaded.

Such scenario would happen if, for example:

  • All entities of this type are already in memory,
  • The same specification was already fetched,
  • The specification was fetched as part of a composed specification,


Sometimes called "second-level cache", the cache is a fast(er) way to retrieve an entity.

To Vivaldi, it's just a non-sql data store.

Data fetching

Like finders, data retrievers* come in two flavours: those that load single entities, and those that load by specification.

The packages listed below are some of the data fetching mechanisms that are planned.

Redis reader

The Redis Reader* uses a redis client to fetch the data of an entity.

Session reader

The Session Reader* loads entity data from the session.

Graph traverser

The graph traverser* transforms the specification into a Cypher query, and loads it using a neo4j client.

SOLR querier

The SOLR querier* transforms the specification into a SOLR query.

Sql selector

The sql selector* transforms the specification into a SQL select query.

Misc readers

Other fetchers might include:

  • A REST API reader, mapped to get requests
  • A mongodb reader
  • CSV?
  • Excel?
  • A/R orms?
  • Etc.


A loader* is an abstraction for several packages that load the data from a data store into memory, using the identity map to prevent double-loading any entities that are already in memory.

The end result, with fully deserialized entities and an updated identity map, is returned to the repository, which passes it on the Unit of Work to update the before-state.

Table Loader

The table loaders transform the result of a (potentially joined) select query into objects.


Deserialization transforms the fetched data into a domain entity.

In most cases, the deserializer objects will already know how to deserialize the data they receive. However, when inheritance is involved, the concrete class to instantiate depends on the data that is retrieved.

The deserialization process consists of two stages: instantiation and hydration.


An instantiator produces the empty object. Although of the right type, it's still a blank slate where data is concerned.


A hydrator fills the object with data. The hydrator can be mapped in order to transform the input data to fit the object model. This may involve transforming scalar input data into value objects or creating proxies for lazily loaded relationships.

Change management

To save the changes, the changes need to be detected first. There are two ways of doing so: either by intercepting changes to all properties whenever they change, or by tracing the old and new state and computing the differences between them on commit. Vivaldi implements the second mechanism, through its state management package.

Differentiating the extracted before- and after states has a slight disadvantage over intercepting modifications in terms of performance. This small performance drawback is acceptable due to the many benefits the mechanism has to offer. For starters, it's arguably cleaner, given that the alternative involves the alteration of production code at deploy time to secretly couple it to the persistence mechanism without anyone noticing. This also makes it easier to implement and understand. In terms of functionality, it allows for the special feature of immutable entities. Since the state of the model is based only on the data that was found while extracting, it has no direct relation to the object instance itself.

This means that an entity Foo with id 123 and a property named bar with value baz, might be replaced by a new instance of Foo, also with id 123 but now with the value qux in its property bar. If the new instance is given back to the repository with an update call, the Unit of Work will simply treat it as a state change to the entity.

Unit of Work

A Unit of Work* is an in-memory representation of a transaction. It manages the current unit of the work that the application is performing.

The unit of work can be committed to the database or rolled back in memory.

When committing a unit of work, the changes between the original state and the current state are saved to the data store. In case a unit of work is rolled back, the in-memory object model is reverted to the original state.

Due to the intricacies of lazy-loading, the Unit of Work is one of the few mutable objects of the ORM, due to the following circumstances:

  • The unit of work is responsible for keeping the original state of the entities, so that a state extractor can determine the changes that were made.
  • Entities may be loaded after changes have been made to the domain model.
  • The lazily loaded relationship already existed: it should not be considered "new", even though it was not in memory when the work started.

In order to accommodate these requirements, the Unit of Work must update its views on the original state of the domain model whenever an entity is lazily loaded.

State management

The entity state is a snapshot of the state of the domain model at a given time. A state extractor recursively inspects the entities and their value objects, capturing their state in a structure that is optimised for ease of comparison.

In extracting the state, the assumption is made that every property that points to an object that is not found in the identity map is a value object. Such objects are considered part of the state of the entity.

Identity management

Identity management is done by saving a reference to each entity in an immutable map of maps. The first level of indexation is done on a class level, the second based on identifier.

Saving the updates


A saviour* takes the list of changes and determines which saving mechanism to pass the individual entity changes to.

Multiple savers can be configured per entity, to update multiple data sources at the same time. This allows to, for example, write all the data to the database, some of it to the cache and some of it to a full text search engine.

The individual writers are preconfigured to respond to certain keys from the state changes. For instance, a sql updater might respond to the reduction of a count(array:cars) response key by generating the delete clause needed to remove the data from the unused value objects, or by removing the references from a "join table" - depending on whether the cars are entities or value objects in the domain model. Which strategy to follow is a decision that can in most cases be made at deploy time, although some runtime parsing may be required for more complex object structures.

Redis writer

The redis writer* uses a redis client to update the data of an entity.

Session writer

The session writer* loads entity data from the session.

Graph updater

The graph updater* updates the graph using a neo4j client.

SOLR updater

The SOLR updater* updates the SOLR data source.

Sql updater

The sql updater* translates the changes to entities into insert-, update- and delete statements.

Misc writers

Other writers might include:

  • A REST API writer, using post and put
  • A mongodb writer
  • CSV?
  • Excel?
  • A/R orms?
  • Etc.

Orphan removal

Orphaned value objects are killed off by default; for entities it is only rarely required.

When orphan removal is required for entities, it follows a slightly more complicated process than for value objects. As opposed to value objects, the entities are referenced by identifier.

Value object orphan removal

For value objects, we can simply copy the data when two objects reference the same value object. If, for example, two Order objects both hold a reference to the same Price value object, it should make no difference if we make them reference two separate value objects when we get the Order objects back from the data persistence mechanism, as long as they still have the correct values.

Due to the comparison-by-value, we can store the references to the value object as were they separate values altogether. Due to storing them as different values, we can remove the one value without removing the other value.

This inherent property of value object persistence makes it so that we can simply remove any value object that has been dereferenced by its owner.

Orphan removal for value objects is executed by the responsible saviour.

Entity orphan removal

Entities are a completely different matter. When removing an entity from the data store, we don't just remove the referenced copy, but the original entity data itself.

Simply removing each entity once it gets dereferenced could be sufficient for many applications, but can be insufficient in certain cases.

Consider the following example:

  • A Contact Person is modeled as entity that should be removed when nothing references it anymore.
  • An Support Team has a number of Contact Persons.
  • A Customer has one Contact Person.

If we would remove the Contact Person from the database once it gets disconnected from their last Account, it may lead the Customer in an invalid state: after all, we've just removed their Contact Person.

In order to prevent reaching invalid states due to a too eager removal of some not-actually-orphaned children, a refcount is maintained for entities that are mapped with orphan removal.

Reference sources can be white- or blacklisted, so that cyclical references can be excluded from the count.

The reference counter* supports the tracking of reference counts by providing decorators for the deserialization process and the saving process. It works by stripping the reference count from the input, keeping track of it privately. On the saving side, it combines the original count with the removals from the result. The decorated saviour receives an adapted result with the orphans removed and the updated reference count added.

Mapping the domain

Yeah, that will be the hardest part. Or, at least, the hardest part to automate, otherwise simply the most annoying part...

It follows from Vivaldi's design decisions that most of the "heavy lifting" will be done in this phase. Rather than passing a bunch of mapping objects around at runtime, each part of the persistence toolset is pre-configured when applying the mapping: during deploy.

Eventually, as much of the mapping will be automated as much as possible - but since the system as a whole could also work without, Vivaldi's initial version will require people to write their queries by hand - plus setting up a whole bunch of hydration mapping objects and possibly more such nasty manual labour.

Note on testability

The system will be able to provide many benefits in terms of testability.

Having a persistence layer that is decoupled from the data source already makes writing unit tests a lot easier, since an in-memory repository can be substituted in order to make testing fast.

A potential problem with this kind of testing is that the mapping itself is often not tested, or only at the very last moment or by hand.

One of the planned features is to auto-generate a set of integration tests for the entities, by creating n randomised entities and persisting them into a test environment of the data store(s). In a new unit of work, the entities are loaded from the database and compared against copies of the original entities. If they differ, a problem with the mapping is detected.

An additional set of auto-generatable integration tests applies to the mapping of the specifications. Since these specification objects are initially built to filter objects in memory, they can also serve as automated tests for the mapping configuration: we can automatically load all the entities of a class into memory, filtered in memory by the specification object, and compare that collection with the results of the mapped fetching strategy (read: sql select query). When the results are not exactly the same, there is an apparent problem with the mapping.

vivaldi's People


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