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tinymcebundle's Introduction


📦 This bundle makes it very easy to add the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor to your Symfony2 project.


Choose the appropriate version

Bundle Version (X.Y) PHP Symfony Comment
3.0 >= 7.2 >= 5.0 Actual version
2.4 >= 7.1 >= 3.4 and 4.*
2.0 >= 5.4 >= 3.0
1.0 >= 5.4 >= 2.1 and <= 2.8

NOTE! To upgrade your configuration, please read

Add TinyMCE bundle as a dependency of your application via composer

$ php composer.phar require stfalcon/tinymce-bundle='X.Y'

Add StfalconTinymceBundle to your application kernel.

// app/AppKernel.php
    // ...
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Stfalcon\Bundle\TinymceBundle\StfalconTinymceBundle(),

The bundle needs to copy the resources necessary to the web folder. You can use the command below:

$ php app/console assets:install web/

Include in template

This bundle comes with an extension for Twig. This makes it very easy to include the TinyMCE Javascript into your pages. Add the tag below to the places where you want to use TinyMCE. It will output the complete Javascript, including <script> tags. Add it to the bottom of your page for optimized performance.

    {{ tinymce_init() }}

You can also override the default configuration by passing an option like this:

    {{ tinymce_init({'use_callback_tinymce_init': true, 'theme': {'simple': {'menubar': false}}}) }}


    {{ tinymce_init({
        theme: {'simple':{'language': app.request.locale, 'height': 500 }},
        toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image",
        autosave_ask_before_unload: false,
        asset_package_name: 'backend'})

NEW ! Added posibility to specify asset package doc to generate proper js links, see above, parameter: asset_package_name

Base configuration

By default, tinymce is enabled for all textareas on the page. If you want to customize it, do the following:

Add class "tinymce" to textarea field to initialize TinyMCE.

    <textarea class="tinymce"></textarea>

If you want to use jQuery version of the editor set the following parameters:

        include_jquery: true
        tinymce_jquery: true

The option include_jquery allows you to load external jQuery library from the Google CDN. Set it to true if you haven't included jQuery on your page.

If you are using FormBuilder, use an array to add the class, you can also use the theme option to change the used theme to something other than 'simple' (i.e. on of the other defined themes in your config - the example above defined 'bbcode'). e.g.:

    $builder->add('introtext', 'textarea', array(
        'attr' => array(
            'class' => 'tinymce',
            'data-theme' => 'bbcode' // Skip it if you want to use default theme


You can change the language of your TinyMCE editor by adding language selector into top level of configuration, something like:

    // app/config/config.yml
        include_jquery: true
        tinymce_jquery: true
        selector: ".tinymce"
        language: %locale%
                theme: "modern"

NOTE! As there is no way to set custom language for each instance of editor, this option set on language for all instances.

In the example we set default language from the parameters.ini. Of course you can set your default language passing the language code (ru or ru_RU, en or en_US)

If language parameter isn't set, the default language will be get from the session.

Multiply selector

You can specify one or many selectors for editor placement.

    // app/config/config.yml
        selector: ".tinymce"


    // app/config/config.yml
            - ".tinymce"
            - "#tinymce"


    // app/config/config.yml
        selector: [".tinymce", "#tinymce"]

Custom configurations

According to the TinyMCE documentation you can configure your editor as you wish. Below is an almost full list of available parameters that you can configure by yourself:

    // app/config/config.yml
        include_jquery: true
        tinymce_jquery: true
            - ".tinymce"
            - "#editor1"
            - "#editor2"
        base_url: "" # this parameter may be included if you need to override the assets_base_urls for your template engine (to override a CDN base url)
        # Get current language from the parameters.ini
        language: %locale%
        # Custom buttons
            stfalcon: # Id of the first button
                title: "Stfalcon"
                image: ""
            # Simple theme: same as default theme
            simple: ~
            # Advanced theme with almost all enabled plugins
                     - "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak"
                     - "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen"
                     - "insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality"
                     - "emoticons template paste textcolor"
                 toolbar1: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image"
                 toolbar2: "print preview media | forecolor backcolor emoticons | stfalcon | example"
                 image_advtab: true
                     - {title: 'Test template 1', content: 'Test 1'}
                     - {title: 'Test template 2', content: 'Test 2'}
            # BBCode tag compatible theme (see
                 plugins: ["bbcode, code, link, preview"]
                 menubar: false
                 toolbar1: "bold,italic,underline,undo,redo,link,unlink,removeformat,cleanup,code,preview"

External plugins support

If you want to load some external plugins which are situated in your bundle, you should configure it as in the example:

                url: "asset[bundles/acmedemo/js/tinymce-plugin/filemanager/editor_plugin.js]"
                url: "asset[bundles/acmedemo/js/tinymce-plugin/imagemanager/editor_plugin.js]"
                theme: "modern"

Custom buttons

You can add some custom buttons to editor's toolbar (See:,

First of all you should describe it in your config:

            stfalcon: # Id of the first button
                title: "Stfalcon"
                image: ""
            hello_world: # Id of the second button
                title: "Google"
                image: ""
                or for the local images
                image: "asset[bundles/somebundle/images/icon.ico]"

                 toolbar1: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image"
                 toolbar2: "print preview media | forecolor backcolor emoticons | stfalcon | hello_world"

And you should create a callback functions tinymce_button_ for your buttons, based on their button ID:

function tinymce_button_stfalcon(ed) {
    ed.selection.setContent("Hello from :)");

function tinymce_button_hello_world(ed) {
    ed.selection.setContent("Hello world!");

Custom CSS

This option enables you to specify a custom CSS file that extends the theme content CSS. This CSS file is the one used within the editor (the editable area). This option can also be a comma separated list of URLs.

If you specify a relative path, it is resolved in relation to the URL of the (HTML) file that includes TinyMCE, NOT relative to TinyMCE itself.

                content_css: "asset[bundles/mybundle/css/tinymce-content.css]"

NOTE! Read Official TinyMCE documentation for more details:

Init Event

As $(document).ready() in jQuery you can listen to the init event as well in Tinymce.

To do so you must edit your config and set use_callback_tinymce_init to true.


        use_callback_tinymce_init: true

And then create a javascript callback function named callback_tinymce_init as follow

function callback_tinymce_init(editor) {
    // execute your best script ever

How to init TinyMCE for dynamically loaded elements

To initialize TinyMCE for new loaded textareas you should just call initTinyMCE() function.

Example for Sonata Admin Bundle

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        $('form').on('sonata.add_element', function(){

tinymcebundle's People


ardianys avatar averichev avatar blackskyliner avatar chrisjohnson00 avatar d3uter avatar divi avatar elettronik avatar flack avatar fluxuator avatar franmomu avatar frathe avatar fre5h avatar gothshoot avatar huron avatar iamjochem avatar igorn avatar jzawadzki avatar lejeanbono avatar logansua avatar mgersten-caxy avatar misatotremor avatar monsieurv avatar rickpastoor avatar rjwaring avatar rubensayshi avatar spolischook avatar stefk avatar stfalcon avatar xmontana avatar zhil avatar


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tinymcebundle's Issues

Problem with empty tinyMCE-Editor and HTML5-Validation

tinyMCE doesn't work very well when combined with html5 input-validation.
The cause is in detailed described in this bugreport.

Summarized, the problem is this:

  • the original textarea is hidden by tinyMCE and has the HTML5-attribute required set
  • when the textarea is initially empty and the form is submitted, the HTML5-Validation wil prevent triggering the 'submit'-event which in turn prevents tinyMCE from updating the contents of the hidden textarea.

Since i need to have this working I'll send you a pull-request as soon as i found some sensible workaround.

Enable a single way of load HTML tags

... by adding into config:

extended_valid_elements: "comment,doctype,a,abbr,acronym,address,applet,area,article,aside,audio,b,base,basefont,bdi,bdo,big,blockquote,body,br,button,canvas,caption,center,cite,phrase_elements,col,colgroup,command,datalist,dd,del,details,phrase_elements,dir,div,dl,dt,phrase_elements,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,font,footer,form,frame,frameset,hn,head,header,hgroup,hr,html,i,iframe,img,input,ins,keygen,phrase_elements,label,legend,li,link,map,mark,menu,meta,meter,nav,noframes,noscript,object,ol,optgroup,option,output,p,param,pre,progress,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,phrase_elements,script,section,select,small,source,span,strike,phrase_elements,style,sup,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,textarea,tfoot,th,thead,time,title,tr,track,tt,u,ul,phrase_elements,video,wbr"

but in a more single way...

content_css should be asset[]-able

Like the Issue #50 external plugin support it would be nice to have the possibility to set the 'content_css' property inside the configuration via the asset[] function.

Incorrect github instructions in readme

It shoule be
git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Stfalcon/Bundle/TinymceBundle

instead of
git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Stfalcon/Bundle

Tiny MCE is Huge

This bundle is larger than the rest of my application, including the symfony core, my code, images and the FOSUserbundle put together. Its size was just shy of 10meg. It appears that the culprit is i18n, each plugin includes about 100 4k language files. Also some of these are included twice.

Is there a way to build this bundle with just the plugins and languages that I actually need?

Installation in composer

Please update the info about instalation in composer, e.g. add:

"require": {
    "stfalcon/tinymce-bundle": "*"

Change skin

How do I chose another skin for the editor ?

installation Sf 2.2 : dont copy assets


i try to install TinyMCEBundle in my application under SF 2.2. No problem at first, but when i run the commande 'php app/console assets:install web/' in console in the right folder, this command don't realise the copy of public folder ( i do a manual copy).
The console don't send back any error or other message?

I will notice that to your attention.
Best regards

Error when loading just one textarea, [object HTMLTextAreaElement]


When I have only one textarea in my template, the tinyMCE id is wrong, it doesn't take the parent id as it does when there are several textareas.
Instead of the parent id, I have "[object HTMLTextAreaElement]".

Is there a solution to solve that? Did I do something wrong?

Here a screenshot of the html:



Textearea whitout Toolbar


I'm using TinymceBundle and i've not toolbar with my textearea on display.
Have you already met this issue ?

Myform (.php)


->add('project', 'textarea', array(
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'tinymce',
'data-theme' =>'avanced',
'style' => 'width: 600px;),
'label' => 'Project'));



tinymceBundle with nested form


I can't use this bundle with texarea in nested form.

Sample :
I have a formA with textarea and a nested formB also with a textarea.
tinymce is ok for the texarea of formA but it is not ok for the texarea of formB.

Thanks for your help

Apply tinymce editor only to textarea signed with tinymce class

My problem is, that every textarea on my page has tinymce editor enabled. But I want it only to be enabled if textarea has tinymce class. Is that possbile? How?

It works for me when I change

$tinymceTargets = $('textarea'); to $tinymceTargets = $('textarea' + options.textarea_class);

in init.jquery,js but this is removed on the next update. So what is the solution?

Doesn't play well with asset_base_urls

I just added your bundle to one of my projects, and I am grateful for the bundle. I've noticed that when I use asset_base_urls (for CDNs etc) that some of the features do not work properly.
For example, here's my templating config:

templating: { engines: ['twig'], assets_base_urls:, assets_version: 20121110}

When I click on the link button the new window that appears has a url of

Do you happen to have a way, or know of a way to force your bundle htm files to not use assets_base_urls?

The resulting html ends up with the template placeholders in place rather than processed

TinyMce 4.0

Any plan to update the bundle to the last version ?

Changing width of tinymce


I'm using sonata admin with TinymceBundle, I would like change the sizes of window.

I had proved this configuration but not works.

    ->add('descripcio', 'textarea', array('attr' => array('class' => 'tinymce',
            'width'   => 600),'label' => 'Descripció'))

How I can change the window sizes?



Custom Emoticons

Is it possible to add custom emotions? I'm adding to app/Resources folder emotions.htm file changed, but it seems doesn't work. Is it possible or not?

not work....

if i put in my template only this

<textarea class="tinymce" data-theme="advanced"></textarea>

{{ tinymce_init() }}

not work

if i put in my formclass

$builder->add('introtext', 'textarea', array(
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'tinymce',
'data-theme' => 'medium' // simple, advanced, bbcode


Not work with Sonata Admin

I followed the instruction but it doesn't work

My configuration:

    include_jquery: true
    tinymce_jquery: true

My form builder

   protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
                    ->add('content', 'textarea', array(
                        'attr' => array(
                            'class' => 'tinymce',
                            'data-theme' => 'medium' // simple, advanced, bbcode

Nothing happen. Thanks!!!

PHP template engine support?

Is there a way to print tinymce code in PHP template? I am not using twig templates in my recent project.
I dont see any php template helper in source code.

path problem in non-jquery version

I found a loading problem of js files using non-jquery version in ajax calling.
I think it's due to the use of relative path.
It works well in jquery version.

why to me not work?

i have read the guide, and in my form with textarea i not see the tinymce.....
i have symfony 2.0.12

Configuration fails

            mode: "textareas"
            theme: "advanced"
            theme_advanced_buttons1: "styleselect,bold,italic,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,bullist,link,separator,code,separator,pagebreak"
            pagebreak_separator: "</p><!-- pagebreak --><p>"
            plugins: "pagebreak"
                    title: Paragraph
                    block: p
                    title: Header
                    block: h2
  Invalid type for path "stfalcon_tinymce.theme.content.style_formats". Expected scalar, but got array.

Multiple custom buttons don't work

If I define a custom button as described in your docs, it works fine.

However, if I define multiple custom buttons, only the last one defined is shown in the TinyMCE editor.

I've tested this by switching the order in the config, and all work individually, but only the last one shown is defined.

In config.yml I have:

        title: "Insert snippet A"
        image: "asset[bundles/mybundle/images/icons/A.png]"
        title: "Insert snippet B"                   
        image: "asset[bundles/mybundle/images/icons/B.png]"
        title: "Insert snippet C"
        image: "asset[bundles/mybundle/images/icons/C.png]" 

content_css should allow referencing a CSS file in the web/ folder

When I tried to use the parameter 'content_css', the URL generated by Symfony2 corresponded to the URL of the current page.

Having not found yet a way to set this URL with Symfony2 mechanism, can be integrated to bundle the mechanism to generate the correct URL and power as well as a CSS file for presentation in the TinyMCE editor, as in pages that will be produced with it.

(Béziers - LanguedocRoussillon - Franc e)

TinyMCE without jQuery dependancy


Is there a way or interest to use both versions of Tinymce in the same bundle - jquery one and the default Tinymce build (without jQuery dependancy)?

File tiny_mce.js is different in default Tinymce and jQuery build of Tinymce.

1.) One simple solution would be not to include Tinymce code in the bundle therefore user must install Tinymce js files seperately:

  • pros: (latest versions of Tinymce possible, no jquery possible, possible to use custom plugins in the same folder, simple installation of other languages)
  • cons: (extra work when installing the bundle)

2.) Add custom named file tiny_mce_default.js and tiny_mce_default_src.js for version without jquery. I think all other files are the same.

Can't configure custom setup function when using custom buttons

I found this out the hard way. I was wondering why my setup function in my theme's configuration wasn't being called, but it turns out the "init.jquery.js" file overrides the setup function when custom button(s) are defined. e.g:

            // Add custom buttons to current editor
            if (buttonData && buttonFunction) {
                themeOptions.setup = function (editor) {
                    editor.addButton(buttonId, $.extend({}, buttonData, {
                        onclick:function () {

The simple solution could be to check for the existence of a setup function in the themeOptions object, then assign it to a variable and call it from the new function if it exists. So long as the 'editor' variable is passed along I can't see a problem with this.

Add details about "content_css" parameter to readme

It would be handy to add details to the readme about using the content_css parameter to allow custom styling of the editing area content.

The setting I found to work in config.yml is:

            content_css: "/bundles/mybundle/css/tinymce-content.css"
            mode: "textareas"

I spent ages having this parameter in the top level of the config block and it was being ignored. As soon as I moved it in to the theme specific config block things started working properly.


How to remove <p> and <br/> tag?

I don't know how to explain. I want my page display exactly what i input, not html tag.

For example

Penatibus tenetur cillum. 

Accusantium semper molestias


<p>Penatibus tenetur cillum.</p><br /><p> Accusantium semper molestias<p>


Validation HTML5 on Chrome

Validation HTML5 failed on Chrome :
An invalid form control with name='form[message]' is not focusable.

Custom Buttons

What would be the best way to add custom buttons within the bundle?

Been looking at the best way of doing this: first thought was to add into the setup but I think the best way would be to extend the tinymce_init() function to tinymce_init($buttons) and loop through the result.

Has anyone else come across this or developed a solution?

change language depending on locale

Hi there. I'm thinking on use this Bundle, but first I need to be sure it's possible to change language on demanding, I mean depending on locale language.

I think it's not possible, since language config is on the config.yml file.
Am I wrong?


TinymceBundle not working with ajax

I have installed with sf2.1. It works perfectly except for pages loading with ajax.

I understand some javascritp need to call to tell the tinymce to render wysiwyg on my textarea. Can any one tell me how to do this with Ajax ?

Thanks in advance.

Missing BBCode tags

I'm trying to integrate TinyMCE in a private message bundle for my website.

For user convenience, I'm using the well-known BBCode syntax which is supported by TinyMCE.

I managed to parse the produced output with an other bundle which works great so far with images, bold, italic and underlined text. The problem appears with lists, olists and striked text that TinyMCE stores as plain xHTML instead of BBCode tags. The same occurs with alignment blocks (

blocks) and those don't even get closed.

Here's what my non-parsed message looks like :


[b]It works ![/b]

<p style="text-align: center;">!!

<p style="text-align: left;">[i]italique[/i]

<p style="text-align: left;">[i][/i][u]soulign&eacute;[/u]

<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">barr&eacute;</span>

So I guess that's two issues but I felt that they were close enough and allowed myself to make only one post.

My questions : is it possible to add BBCode replacements somewhere in the code ? If so, I'd be happy to propose a pull request. As for the alignment blocks, is it a known issue, is it just my config, and can I do something about it ?

Many thanks.

Compatibility problem ?

got this error in the console firebug:

JSON.parse: unexpected keyword
[Break On This Error]

return window.JSON.parse( data );

I got sf 2.0.9 and last tinymceBundle and jquery 1.7.1

thanks for your help

Problem with Query Builder


I have a problem with TinymceBundle when I use query builder. I followed the exemple for the configuration. Then I call tinyMCE on a textarea with :


$builder->add('message', 'textarea',array(
    'label' => ' ',
    'attr' => array(
        'class' => 'tinymce',
        'data-theme' => 'simple' // simple, advanced, bbcode
    'required' => true,

The problem :

For example, when i click for the first time on "bold" button the text is diplay in bold but in the code, no balise are added. If I click several times it works.

So i make a test with <textarea> and it seems to work.

I don't understand why ...

Thanks a lot!

Adding a plugin to TinymceBundle

Your documentation states no means of including other plugins in the TinymceBundle installation. I for instance want to include MCImageManager as a plugin. Is there another possibility besides forking your repo?

KFM file manager integration

Trying to integrate the KFM file manager into this bundle. Added the important items for kfm to the config.yml for tinymce and added the kfm_for_tiny_mce function as a user javascript in the twig file where I want the editor to appear.

Button for the KFM file manager appears, for example when clicking on the tinymce editor button to insert image. But when the kfm popup window opens, symfony2 throws the following exception in the popup:

No route found for "GET /bundles/stfalcontinymce/vendor/tiny_mce/kfm-1.4.7/index.php"

Tried changing paths and moving things around, but symfony either throws a similar exception regarding route or the kfm popup opens with:

error: "" could not be created

Would really be great to get KFM working and integrated with your bundle. Nice work so far!

image URL for custom_button in the config.yml

How can I set the URL of the asset icon for my custom buttons?
URLs generated by asset() Twig function are like "/site_root/web...."
The URL given in the example is a full link ''

I have tried to set the parameter in the container but the parameter bag seems frozen. One can not modify parameters on runtime.

Is there any solution to this?

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