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Companion Repo for The Complete React Native and Redux Course

This repo is organized by branches - each branch lines up with one video in the course. You can use the branch seletor (above, to the left side) to select the section you want to see. Alternatively, you can just look at the completed code, which is available on the master branch.

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reactnativereduxcasts's Issues


import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, Text, StyleSheet, ScrollView, Image, ImageBackground, TextInput, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'; import FontAwesome from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; import AntDesign from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign'; import SimpleLineIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/SimpleLineIcons'; export default class Home extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = {} } render() { const { navigation } = this.props return ( <Text style={{ color: '#41EFD7', fontSize: 30, fontWeight: '900', marginTop: -10, marginLeft: -8 }}>store <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/2414313/2018/3/13/11520926368526-HERENOW-Men-Red--Black-Regular-Fit-Checked-Casual-Shirt-8881520926368447-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 12 }}> Shirt <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 12 }}> Pant <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/11077774/2019/12/24/29bdd2c8-3e2f-43aa-8ce5-55f3a501a4fa1577166621272-Difference-of-Opinion-Men-Sea-Green-Solid-Round-Neck-T-shirt-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 12 }}> T shirt <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/15744424/2021/12/3/9f1a2b17-19b4-47e0-97bd-f98b6f32b28d1638531774728-HRX-by-Hrithik-Roshan-Men-Red-Solid-Sliders-5141638531774459-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 12 }}> Slides <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/11097166/2019/12/10/cb47b7dc-e28a-4559-8388-8b82762b27681575980908117-HIGHLANDER-Men-White-Sneakers-661575980906633-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 12 }}> Shoes <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/15069014/2021/11/8/fb8e7531-f166-4445-b571-9d60da49c3221636349992295-WROGN-ACTIVE-Men-Shorts-5511636349991704-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 10 }}> Shorts <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/13036796/2021/1/6/bb6d18c9-39c1-4632-bc4a-f452606965ef1609906124788-WROGN-Men-Silver-Toned-Analogue-Watch-WRG00048A-802160990612-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 5 }}> Watches <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/8366729/2019/4/9/80293745-687c-496b-8617-147d85f0190c1554787884728-Roadster-Unisex-Sunglasses-6061554787884436-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 10 }}> Glass <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 10 }}> Mobile <TouchableOpacity style={styles.round1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/10986394/2019/12/13/cfa102dd-0c6c-48ff-8f59-fbe58f7190771576235303709-HRX-By-Hrithik-Roshan-Women-Set-of-3-Above-Ankle-Socks-50315-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 62, height: 60, borderRadius: 40 }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 12 }}> Socks <TouchableOpacity style={styles.container3} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <ImageBackground source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/15410742/2021/10/19/7680a91b-0a9d-4a2f-9742-8f12320f137a1634619669509-Nautica-Men-Sweatshirts-8161634619669088-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 420, height: 350 }} > <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 20, fontWeight: '500', marginLeft: 10, marginTop: 280 }}>Starting at 499/- <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '500', marginLeft: 5 }}> Winter Wear <Text style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 20, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 10 }}> New Year Offers <TouchableOpacity style={styles.nn1} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/14791564/2021/8/10/82354f83-0ee9-4410-9faf-d85c899a9d601628573145332-ADIDAS-Originals-Men-Tshirts-1931628573144946-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 246, height: 150 }} imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 10, }} /> <Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{ width: 246, height: 35 }} imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 10, }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 5, }}> Winter Best Seller <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center' }}> 50-80% OFF <TouchableOpacity style={styles.nn2} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/14818904/2021/10/5/e81e1764-4ad0-44eb-a38f-65ee0a1c4bb01633431263600-Jack--Jones-Men-Sweatshirts-3441633431262914-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 246, height: 150 }} imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 10, }} /> <Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{ width: 246, height: 35 }} imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 10, }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 5, }}> T Shirt Best Seller <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center' }}> 40-60% OFF <TouchableOpacity style={styles.nn3} onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('List')}> <Image source={{ uri: ',q_90,w_1080/v1/assets/images/14528272/2021/9/6/14a05ea1-844c-4e6b-906a-c6c6c55224a01630912341216-KYRIE-LOW-4-EP-4081630912340774-1.jpg' }} style={{ width: 246, height: 150 }} imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 10, }} /> <Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{ width: 246, height: 35 }} imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 10, }} /> <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 5, }}> Winter Best Seller <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center' }}> 50-80% OFF ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'white', }, Header: { height: 60, width: '100%', flexDirection: 'row', }, container1: { height: 40, width: 40, marginTop: 5, marginLeft: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }, logo: { height: 40, width: 80, marginLeft: 10, flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: 'white', marginTop: 10, }, search: { height: 25, width: 25, marginTop: 15, marginLeft: 60, }, notify: { height: 25, width: 25, marginTop: 15, marginLeft: 20, }, wishlist: { height: 25, width: 25, marginTop: 15, marginLeft: 20, }, bag: { height: 25, width: 25, marginTop: 15, marginLeft: 20, }, container2: { height: 90, width: 360, }, round1: { height: 60, width: 60, marginLeft: 10, marginTop: 10, borderRadius: 40, }, container3: { height: 380, width: 400, marginTop: 15, }, slide1: { width: 380, height: 350, borderRadius: 10, backgroundColor: 'red' }, container4: { height: 380, width: 370, marginTop: 15, }, nn1: { width: 250, height: 250, marginLeft: 15, borderWidth: 2, backgroundColor: 'grey' }, innerlogo1: { height: 35, width: 250, }, nn2: { width: 250, height: 250, marginLeft: 15, borderWidth: 2, backgroundColor: 'grey' }, innerlogo2: { height: 35, width: 250, }, nn3: { width: 250, height: 250, marginLeft: 15, borderWidth: 2, backgroundColor: 'grey' }, innerlogo3: { height: 35, width: 250, }, })

Update ListView to FlatList

Hey man,

I've just finished your course and now I'm trying to get a FlatList working in the employeeList component:

there are more people with the same question. could you please give us a hand?


Please upgrade to the latest folder setup for react-native

Hi. I purchased your course on Udemy and it is becoming increasingly complicated to follow along as the folder structure has changed now. There is no longer any and and the whole structure has changed. as such Its becoming very tedious to follow along with your course now while the folder structure and all the references are now a bit changed. Its becoming hard to debug as well.

Please update the code to the newer format. Thanks.

readme notes branches per video - only seems to be one branch available

Hi Stephen,

Can you just doublecheck if you have the repo set up as you thought you had. The readme notes multiple branches mapped to videos - but I can only see one.

It might be good to give the clone command for cloning all branches locally too. Something I always have to google and figure out when I need it.


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