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condenser's People


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condenser's Issues

Problems with the way parses tags and what it includes in the "links" field

It stops parsing the tag at a hyphen, so creating tags with hypens in them is currently not possible.

I also think there needs to be a way to include a hashtag without automatically adding it as a tag. Sometimes I just want to use a hashtag (without wrapping it in quotes or in a code span) without having treat it as anything special.

See details in this post:

RTL support is lucking RTL support. RTL languages are: Hebrew, Arabic, Persian and more and it represents tens of millions of internet users.

Feature Request: Allow anyone to see raw source text of post/comment

Currently only an author of the post/comment can see the raw text of the body field by clicking on Edit. I propose that everyone be able to see a read-only version of that if they choose to. This is useful when quoting a specific section of a parent comment that you are replying to.

Dropdown box for votes doesn't scale well to many votes

Take this post for example:

First of all, nice touch on extending the bottom of the page with enough whitespace to fit the largest vote dropdown. I'm glad that I didn't have to report that as a bug.

However, notice how much whitespace needs to be added for that post simply to fit the (currently) 51 votes of the root post. It would be even worse if the comment closest to the bottom of the page (for some given sort order presumably other than trending) had all those votes. And this problem will only get worse as the site gets bigger and popular posts end up having many many more votes.

I propose that the vote dropdown only shows at most the top N (choose a reasonable N) votes by abs_rshares. And then if there are more votes than that, it includes an item at the bottom that says "M more votes..." (except replace M with the actual number). Alternatively, if all the votes for the comment are displayed in the dropdown, it instead includes an item at the bottom that says "Show vote details...". If the user clicks on either of those bottom items, it takes them to another page which shows all of the ranked votes for that particular post/comment.This view could have a lot more detail about the votes such as the user-selected weight, the rshares value, time of voting, and current vote weight (the one that determines fraction of curation rewards earned). And this data can be in a table that allows sorting by any of the columns in ascending or descending order.

Unintended diff format while posting a reply

Here is a reply to my post, the text reads:

How about if they (we - not sure if I'd be classed as a 'large' SP holder) voted an hour after posting? That could act as an extra incentive for early voters.

I think the issue with getting authors to refrain from voting for themselves early, is that some will do it via a proxy/ shill account. Thereby getting the benefit without being perceived to be greedy.

If I reply to this comment with this text:

>How about if they (we - not sure if I'd be classed as a 'large' SP holder) voted an hour after posting? That could act as an extra incentive for early voters.

I support this.

>I think the issue with getting authors to refrain from voting for themselves early, is that some will do it via a proxy/ shill account. Thereby getting the benefit without being perceived to be greedy.

It's all about reputation. Technically it's unable to prevent anyone from voting for herself/himself early.

The result shows as:

@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
How abou
@@ -154,16 +154,34 @@
+I support this.%0A%0A%3E
I think
@@ -373,8 +373,117 @@
+%0A%0AIt's all about reputation. Technically it's unable to prevent anyone from voting for herself/himself early.

Link is here. Markdown rendering adds line breaks on every newline

I find this very frustrating. In Markdown, I can add a single line break in my source text without triggering a new paragraph or a line break in the rendered output.

If I actually want a line break (but not a new paragraph), I need to add at least two spaces at the end of my line.

See this post and compare it to how it should be done on

Still not possible to change posting key when logged in with active authority

My master password is set up to give me access to posting and memo only.

However, I tried logging in using my active private key. Doing so allows me to show my active private key on my Permissions tab. It also allows me to edit both my active and memo keys. But it does not allow me to edit my posting key.

Power Up of Vests is not requesting Proper Authority

anyone else having problem powering up their steem? I have 200+ steem listed that I want to power up but it says insufficient funds when i try.

The error is likely misleading, it is probably failing on authority check.

Cursor cannot be moved in write comment/article window on IPad/IPhone

Dear steemit maintainers,

When using an IPad or IPhone to edit or write a text in a multi-line text field on, then moving the cursor is not possible. Instead of the cursor being moved, the text box scrolls and the cursor will stay at its current position.

Used Browsers: 51.0.2704.104
OS: IOS 9.3.2


Mixed content bug (retrieving images from HTTP allowed)

This bug still exists.

For some reason, despite the fact that the image link to the Reddit alien image in that thread is supposed to be HTTPS, the browser downloads it via HTTP. This causes the web page to have mixed content and so the green lock icon disappears.

Ideally, it should not be possible to request images over HTTP. Apparently, replacing "http://" in all image links with "https://" or "//" is not enough to solve the problem.

RSS subscription

Good work with great concept!

Currently it seems it is not possible to subscribe to RSS feeds to read the latest steem updates. Is this correct?

Feature request: Edit history

Besides the creation time, if a post/comment was edited, it should have another time that says when the post was last edited (e.g. a link that says "(edited )").

Clicking on that link would flip the post/comment to reveal an edit history UI (for just that post/comment in the context of the larger discussion tree). The edit history UI would allow the user to see a timeline of all edits made to the post/comment, and to jump to any of the snapshot points in the timeline to see the state of the post/comment at that time.

Questions remain regarding whether the JSON metadata at each snapshot time should also be made available in some way, and also whether it should affect the display of the post/comment (for example if a post was marked NSFW and then later the NSFW mark was removed with an edit, should viewing its older version in the edit history replace the images in the post with a click-to-reveal placeholder?). Also, it would be really nice if the status of the votes for the post/comment could also be updated to reflect their state at each snapshot time.

This is a pretty major feature request because it not only requires a lot of new UI work, but it also requires writing new code in steemd to provide the data necessary to the client. I'm thinking steemd would need to be able to retrieve all comment operations of the post/comment and then replay that mini-blockchain (with appropriate content patching code) in order up to the generation requested by the caller before returning that snapshot state (of title, body, json_metadata, and other metadata like last_update) to the caller. Ideally, it would also retrieve all the vote operations related to that post and process them in order up to the last_update time of the requested generation of the post/comment and return the state of votes with the response to the caller.

Finally, back to the client UI level, I think it would be useful if the URL request for a post/comment accepted a generation field (e.g. ?generation=1). In that case would automatically flip the appropriate post/comment to the edit history view and show the requested generation of the post/comment on page load. This would allow people to link to a particular version of an edited post and know that they are linking people to content that they have read and know will not be later changed to something else by the author.

Feature Request: Spoiler tags

Categories on Steem like this one are really going to want spoiler tags rendered on Steemit.
The format would be something like this:

[Visible text warning readers of the scope of the spoiler goes here](#some-spoiler-tag "Actual spoiler content goes here")

And steemit would be responsible for identifying the correct spoiler tag through the fragment identifier on the link (#some-spoiler-tag in the example above). Technically each channel could have its own CSS (that's a whole other proposal though!) to identify and render different fragment identifiers in different ways like reddit does. But the simpler solution is to make #spoiler be the standard fragment identifier that the Steemit website recognizes and renders properly. To see an example of spoiler tags in action, click here.

Hiding NSFW images

I do not agree with using tags (such as #nsfw) to mark explicit content. I think that is mixing up their true functionality. I have outlined the solution that I prefer in this post (please read through it if you haven't already), although that proposal will probably require some slight modifications now that categories are being depreciated in favor of tags (they are right?).

That all said. I think there is a need for dealing with NSFW content sooner rather than later. So until a better solution is formalized and implemented, I think you should modify to not show post summaries of posts tagged #nsfw regardless of net_rshares and to mark such posts with a special NSFW label. Opening the posts would show the full content.

Feature Request: Clicking on the time of comment should give context-surrounded permalink to comment and other link sharing options

I would like to see the time of comments be a link just like root posts that provides a link to the comment in the context of the discussion tree. This would be the same link you get when you click to see the comment from the "Posts" or "Replies" tab of your account page.

I also think there should be an alternative way to get such a link. The share dropdown should provide a "Link" option. The share dropdown would be available to comments as well as root posts. For root posts, it would provide the same link as that of clicking the time of the root post. For comments, the "Link" share option would instead provide a directly link to the comment (not context-surrounded).

In this case, comment's viewed directly (as if they were roots of the discussion) should be rendered differently to indicate they are not the actual root post and to provide links to allow them to navigate to the greater discussion tree not shown. At a minimum this means a direct link to the parent of the comment. But it would ideally also have a link to show the comment in the context of the whole discussion tree that it exists within, not just the subtree currently shown. However, clicking on the time of a comment within the displayed subtree would link to that comment in the context of that subtree, not of all the whole discussion tree it actually exists within.

Embedded images occasionally attach a prefix to the src url

I've not been on Steemit long enough to notice whether this started happening recently or not, but I've personally only observed this occurring in the last 24 hours.

Occasionally an embedded image in a post / comment will appear with a prefix, as in <img src="">. Refreshing the page often fixes this.

total payout amount should be displayed

Personally I think the total payout amount should be displayed as well
a post's previous value is information that people want to see, at least I do

To add onto pfunk's suggestion, on hover should display total.
Or, vice versa. Total and on hover is pending.

Raw html does not embed videos correctly

When writing a post with the newest html editor, the content was auto converted to raw html. Whilts this is not a major issue, Youtube embedded videos are not parsed correctly in raw html, they are just ignored.

The workaround is to convert everything back to markdown ;)

Feature Request: Allow safe HTML in Markdown

Currently the Markdown rendering uses :escape-html to escape any HTML in the raw body text. I would like to see it eventually allow a subset of HTML that is safe, while filtering out everything else in a sane way. For example, if it doesn't understand some tag, it just ignores the tags and its associated attributes and renders the text within as Markdown like normal.

This would allow authors to optionally use allowed HTML to structure their content rather than only Markdown syntax. But more importantly it allows specifying certain attributes adding semantic meaning to content that is not possible with pure Markdown.

For example, in Markdown I can do a blockquote by prepending each line with a "> ". Not only is this more cumbersome than just putting wrapping the text in a blockquote tag, but it also prevents me from specifying a cite attribute on the blockquote tag. If the blockquote HTML tag was allowed rather than escaped, could even be smart about interpreting the cite attribute (or even other attributes) to render the blockquote in a special way if the citation was another comment internal to Steem.

There are many other possibilities that become open if we allow a broad yet safe subset of HTML through in the Markdown rendering. However, it is important to ensure it is safe. This means no potential for script injection attacks (or disallowed custom CSS styling). An earlier attempt to quickly enable this feature on allowed scripts in user-submitted posts to be processed in the browser for a short time before the behavior was reverted. So it is important to take your time and get it right on the test site before deploying.

IPad and new txt editor

I've got this MSG from the Facebook page of Steemit.

"Ever since the new post editor was introduced, I have been unable to post anything or reply to anyone. Unlike the old editor, which worked fine with iPad2, the new editor does not work at all. It will not let me enter or cut and paste any text.

As far as I am concerned Steemit is now almost completely useless (only thing it lets me do is up or downvote posts).

Still it is early days and maybe somebody will fix this and actually allow iPad users to join in once more?"

Internal market order disappeared from interface

After this last site update the market order that I placed on the internal market disappeared from the interface.
My wallet still shows 0 SD and 0 STEEM so the order was not canceled during the update. However, since the interface does not show it, I can't do it manually to recover my balance.

While its just a minor amount, still worrying that this kind of bug/upgrade issue can happen with ANY amount.

[Suggestion] Floating Editor For Submitting Post Instead of Fixed

Hi guys!

I am here to write up this suggestion for making some improvements to the GUI for post submission. I recently wrote an article under recipe section -- Recipe: My 30 min Salmon Ramen Hack. While I was writing this post, I've noticed how cumbersome it could be for someone who doesn't know how to write with Markdown or Html when the story is ridiculously long and we will have to scroll UP and DOWN all the time to make text edits or inserting a picture

Examples found here:

The Current UI for Post Submission :

But when your article is too long :

What if we do it this way :

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